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View Full Version : [AonE] Naruto 172

Mon, 07-31-2006, 06:14 PM
Hi guys, i was looking for a torrent that has Naruto 172 for [Aone], hope you guys cna help me out plz PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ, I have been looking for 6 days no and have not found that epsisode from [Aone]. if there is no torrent can someone plz UPLOAD the file,

is the best one to use, PLZ SOME ONE, I HAVE EVERY EPISODE FROM [AonE] except naruto 172, PLZ HELP ME OUT. If there is anyway, ill up load any anime to help you guys out, just as long as i get [AonE] Naruto 172, PLZ help me!

Thanks to the people who will help me!

First of all, you posted this in the wrong section. The section you should have posted it in is Anime Downloads. Second, if you had checked the Anime Downloads section, you would've seen that there was a thread already asking about AnimeOne's sub of Naruto 172 (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?t=13595). Your new here, so I won't give you a warning, but please do remember to view all parts of our forum and post in the appropriate one. And most importantly, PLEASE remember to search existing threads, there is a possibility that your question could have already been answered. And to add to Bonker's response, GotWoot's torrent page will be updated when 172 and the other episodes have been subbed by Aone. Moved to Anime Downloads and locked.


Mon, 07-31-2006, 06:31 PM
Hi guys, i was looking for a torrent that has Naruto 172 for [Aone], hope you guys cna help me out plz PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ, I have been looking for 6 days no and have not found that epsisode from [Aone]. if there is no torrent can someone plz UPLOAD the file,

is the best one to use, PLZ SOME ONE, I HAVE EVERY EPISODE FROM [AonE] except naruto 172, PLZ HELP ME OUT. If there is anyway, ill up load any anime to help you guys out, just as long as i get [AonE] Naruto 172, PLZ help me!

Thanks to the people who will help me!

soon! + it does not exist yet :)