View Full Version : downloading anime torrent site

Sun, 07-30-2006, 10:12 PM
hey all i just registered right now :P...
okay dudes i have allot of anime sites that you can download the real episode anime from it:
anime torrent site name of creator
http://yhbt.mine.nu/ [Dattebayo] = [DB]
http://ayu-tracker.depthstrike.com/ [Ayu]
http://www.animeyuki.org/ [AnimeYuki]
http://anime-4ever.org/ [Anime-4ever]
http://www.arienai.com/ [arienai]
http://www.shinsen-subs.org/ [Shinsen-Subs]
http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=group&gid=596 [SD-Project]
http://anime-keep.org/ [Anime-Keep]
http://www.conclave-fansubs.com/ [Conclave]
http://ayu-anime.net/ [AYU]
http://www.anbudom.net/ [ANBU]
http://aonefans.blogspot.com/ [AonE]
http://www.anime-kraze.org/ [Ani-Kraze] = [anime-karaz]
http://www.majin2007.com/ [AHQ] = Anime-HQ
http://s88007003.onlinehome.us/ [A-G] = Anime-Galaxy
http://www.anime-hut.com/ [anime-hut]
http://tracker.mahou.org/ [Mahou]
http://oyasumi.leechanime.com/ [Oyasumi]
http://www.conclave-fansubs.com/ [Conclave]
http://www.lunaranime.org/ [Lunar]
http://a.scarywater.net/akeep/ [anime keep]
http://www.anime-legion.net [A-L] = Anime - Legion
http://www.kickassanime.org [KAA] = KickAssAnime
http://www.suteki-yume.net/ [SuYu] = Suteki-Yume
http://www.l33t-raws.org/ [l33t-raws]
i hope i helped you to finde your anime with the right torrent site ;)

Sun, 07-30-2006, 10:13 PM
Helpful, but it is a lot easier to just use animeDB and find the best sub group for the anime.

Sun, 07-30-2006, 10:41 PM
it seems you wasted your time
Y's Guide to Downloads (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php?t=9662)

Sat, 03-22-2008, 06:01 PM
xDarkMaster thats true but i need to search alot then click on them to go to the fan subbed group to visit their site and if i want to do for everyone on the list how much time it will take to finish them?
Zinobi: nop i dont think so this list will take fewer time to go to the fan subbed group right? oh and about that,"about the post" himmm i tihnk i should be kicked from her :(