View Full Version : What forum warrior are you?

Wed, 07-26-2006, 06:17 AM
Most of you have probably seen this at one point or another, bu whatever.


I'd say I'm a mix of Target, Evil Clown, and Troll.

Wed, 07-26-2006, 07:00 AM
Though this isn't my only forum, I'm more...

Android, Big Cat, Capitalista, Eagle Scout, Ent, sometimes Lurker, Rottweiler Puppy,

Wed, 07-26-2006, 07:17 AM
Here, I'm "admin" of course. Other places I'm generally somewhere between "big dog" and "philosopher."

Wed, 07-26-2006, 07:23 AM
I'd say I'm a mix of Target, Evil Clown, and Troll.
That could be said to be quite accurate...

. . .

Hmm... This isn't terribly easy. I suppose I'm a Big Cat with some Philosopher (and enough Crybaby to have posted into the reputation thread more than I should have...).

Wed, 07-26-2006, 08:46 AM
Here, I'm more of a Big Cat and a bit of a Lurker. After getting down rep'd on months-old posts 4 times, I've been posting even less frequently.

In another forum, I've got one of the oldest join dates and am still active, so I tend more towards Big Dog than Big Cat and a lot of Philosopher, typically, I hold a Kung-Fu Master attitude, but my Xenophobe tendencies shift me into the Big Dog personality. Makes me look like a Jekyll and Hyde.

Wed, 07-26-2006, 09:26 AM
I'm somewhere between Philosopher and Profoundus Maximus.
I usually know what I'm talking about, but when I don't I pretend I do.

Mage, I think that Grunter fits you better, but I might be wrong.

Wed, 07-26-2006, 09:29 AM
Grunter? I very rarely make a 1 word post.

The only person that came to mind from this forum while reading this was bxgreatone87 when I read Loopy's and Garble's descriptions


Wed, 07-26-2006, 10:29 AM
I can't believe somebody took the time to make that site.

Wed, 07-26-2006, 11:18 AM
I try to be a Philosopher/Issue, but hope it doesn't deviate into Profundus Maximus, for sure... although I like to think I try to back up my arguments with facts/references... Also certainly an Eagle Scout, as I was trying to regulate even before becoming a mod... In that regard also an Nanny, although I doubt I'm that patient.

However I believe the one that sums me up best is Tireless Rebutter

Wed, 07-26-2006, 03:24 PM
Now, I'm curious; what exactly DOES happen when a Godzilla rolls through a forum?

Wed, 07-26-2006, 04:07 PM
A particularly vicious mix between impostor and philosopher.

Fear my million faces. All equally pretty.

Wed, 07-26-2006, 04:51 PM
I think I'm most like big cat, but I am probably also part lurker. >_>

Wed, 07-26-2006, 05:34 PM
I would jump on the bandwagon and say that I am a Big Cat and Philospher when it occurred to me that we will see what we want to see. To that end, if we really wanted to be accurate we should be characterized by what OTHER people think we are. Yes mage, you are an Evil Clown, Troll and Target (as well as maybe 1 or 2 others). This does make it hard without knowing or being familar with all the threads someone has posted in. Maybe the mods could judge/label us accurately.
When I was reading, I couldn't help but think of Carnage/God#2: Acne, Loopy, and Target...

Wed, 07-26-2006, 05:46 PM
I guess I'd be a tireless rebutter

Mr Squiggles
Wed, 07-26-2006, 11:41 PM
I'd say I'm a lurker, yuk-yuk, and a bit of loopy.

Thu, 07-27-2006, 12:28 AM
I'm a mix of.....Propeller Head, Evil Clown, Big Cat, Troller, and "GoD!"
And sometimes Xenophobic =P

I swear to god, I used to be Godzilla, Duelist, Necromancer, Junior Kung Fu master, Lurker, and a Enfant Provocateur. I killed one hell of a big forums.

www.x2source.com/forums and almost killed a few smaller others in the past.

Can someone label me? =P

@Bagandscapel. You throw one hell of a sensitive topic in, make someone with a high post count look like the bad guy, and There you have it, everyone makes seperate clans, has meetings on MSN.

Saves there conversions. Give all their info to the mods "they" trust. Hell even the mods fight among theirselves. Its quite fun to see nubs fight each other to death on the forums. Sooner or later, the "true" admin bans one or two people. And then less and less people visit the forums.

I've done this to about 5 forums. But Gotwoots too kool for that. =P And I don't think I could pull it off at this point in the game, with members like Terra ready to kill Godzillas, it would be pointless to try. I've effectivly killed one major forums, and a smaller forums. The rest came thhiiss close to death.:D

Thu, 07-27-2006, 02:32 AM
I'm a big cat. I just want to converse friendly like with all my otaku brethren.

Thu, 07-27-2006, 01:30 PM
found chaoskiddo

Thu, 07-27-2006, 01:38 PM
I can't really identify with any of them, not even lurker, 'cause I don't read shit when I'm not writing.

Mr Squiggles
Thu, 07-27-2006, 04:45 PM
I believe I found Jadugar ;)

Thu, 07-27-2006, 05:41 PM
^ No way, Jad is the personification of a 'Rebel Leader'!!! When I read it, I knew it was him and laughed!

Thu, 07-27-2006, 07:12 PM
From now on, I shall be a springy.

When the huge tiles inscribed with the information of god falls down then thou shallt understand.

Thu, 07-27-2006, 07:43 PM
found chaoskiddo

Thanks, you don't know what it means that my name was the first to pop into your head after reading that, and it saved me the trouble of finding my own, yet I decided to do it anyway soon after.

I'm a kung-fu master...woo.

Fri, 07-28-2006, 10:46 PM
I believe I found Jadugar ;)

As a forum participant Jekyll and Hyde always plays by the rules and is consistently cordial and helpful – a model netizen, until one day he comes completely uncorked and lashes out without warning. His unanticipated thunderbolts can temporarily rout even the sturdiest Warriors, and it often takes some time for his stunned opponents to mount a counter attack. Jekyll and Hyde’s sudden behavioral change may result from a psychotic episode, PMS, a downturn in the market, a surprise visit by the in-laws – or a session of hard drinking...

^ No way, Jad is the personification of a 'Rebel Leader'!!! When I read it, I knew it was him and laughed!

Rebel Leader has an uncanny ability to upset the settled order of a discussion forum. Other Warriors may be excellent in single combat, but Rebel Leader's charisma, political instincts and verbal skills enable him to rally collective assaults powerful enough to overthrow the Royals and silence Cyber Sisters. Rebel Leader may draw allies from almost any of the other Warrior classes, but he can usually count on Loopy in the early stages of the conflict, and Sycophant after the revolution is well underway. Once the revolution has succeeded, however, Rebel Leader quickly loses interest in the cause. As is the case with false King-Fu Masters, the bones of wannabe Rebel Leaders litter the battlefields. .



You both are right. ;)

Board of Command
Sat, 07-29-2006, 12:30 AM
I'm probably closest to Eagle Scout. I'm probably a bit of some others but haven't read through them all yet.

Sat, 07-29-2006, 12:49 AM
There needs to be a new one for nerds that claim their parents died in in the WTC whenever they're mentioned in an argument