View Full Version : Bleach 88 Discussion

Tue, 07-11-2006, 11:37 PM
Sub is out from DB (here be the link (http://yhbt.mine.nu/t/b88.torrent))

I must say I'm getting excited about bleach again...or that could just be my head messing with me...

Wed, 07-12-2006, 03:52 AM
Hmm Could be that your head is messing with you, as well as the DB tracker.. It's having some issues and the DNS just got updated sometime around July 11th, so around the 12th or 13th it should be "resolved". But then agian people suspect a packeter.

Great ep although. There are several alternative links to the download if it does not work, check the #db chan topic.

Wed, 07-12-2006, 04:11 AM
If you're having problems and the db staffs take no shit atitude (meanness) makes you afraid to ask in the irc channel then you can always go here (http://teknews.net/~guspaz/dbdownload/) for a direct dl.

Wed, 07-12-2006, 04:25 AM
All things considered this was a fairly decent episode. Overall nothing really important took place but still it went by quickly and advanced the plot smoothly which is all I can really ask from these.

Wed, 07-12-2006, 03:42 PM
Atleast this doll is cool. The others were kinda lame. Shadows for attacks? Cool if you ask me.

Wed, 07-12-2006, 08:37 PM
im not likin the new doll. How exactly does it work? Also a little cowardish to hide in a room while your doll fights dont you think? But then again, it wont work unless hes in a room. So what if hes walkin down the street and gets mugged? he doesnt have the time to go to a room and set up the whole candles thing. But strong doll nonetheless. I think they should send captains to fight the bounto that are equal to them in personality. For example, ken-chan vs the big farm guy. yoruichi or that butterfly girl vs the girl with talking weapons. 12 squad taicho vs the new bounto. and kuchiki-kun vs kariya.