View Full Version : Bleach 84-85 discussion
Wed, 06-14-2006, 12:35 AM
Bleach 84-85 From DB (
It seems to be a double, I don't know if thats good or bad... oh well It can't get worse can it?
Starting download now as well as discussion..
Wed, 06-14-2006, 05:46 AM
Well, at least it was all story and didn't contain any weird extra material.
It was somewhat decent (especially with Rukia in her shinigami form, even if she was possessed), but I'm really starting to hate two things: How all the characters (except the bad guys) have lost half of their intelligence, and how they refuse to attack their enemies just because "they are also human". Well, and lets add some extra for making Ichigo so miserable. Considering how badass a character he used to be, the fall is all the more sorrowful.
How many people would just let the enemy walk away when you finally have the upper hand, after he has almost beaten you to death? I just can't imagine what manner of mushrooms the script writers have been eating, but I'd bet Deadfire's left hand those mushrooms were not only poisonous but rotten as well.
Wed, 06-14-2006, 02:20 PM
Absolutely painful. This was 2 episodes of essentially nothing where all the bad guys lose and yet none are finished off. I much like Kraco can't even Fathom what the writers are thinking when they make these episodes in the first place Everything that happened in the Orihime/Rukia battle could have taken place 20 minutes before that and I would have been fine. Plus the first episode was 50% flashbacks to the last nonepisode about Cain.
Just kill some of the bound already the fact that they are living on after showing off their abilities just means we will have more episodes of this crap.
Also as Kraco stated the only positive thing about this episode is it moved the story forward without another 20 minute long flashback like last week.
Wed, 06-14-2006, 05:03 PM
Yeah it was pretty lame. You would have thought that their would be atleast one Bounto death by now ( excluding that woman )
Wed, 06-14-2006, 05:31 PM
*shrug* I didn't dislike it.
Cloud 9
Wed, 06-14-2006, 05:56 PM
These fillers are getting more and more painful every week. On top of that, nothing really was accomplished other than the Bounto showing off their abilities and the story progressing a little bit. Both of the Bounto that were defeated weren't even killed either.. God, how long do they plan on pushing this filler arc? At least spice it up by sending Zaraki and Hitsugaya or something..
Wed, 06-14-2006, 07:56 PM
Shinigami Rukia was awesome to see after so many episodes. Wonder why she didn't pull that trick before though, when she wasn't possessed.
This filler is ok, compared to the naruto filler, this is lightyears ahead.
I like the bounto villains, they actually pose a threat. Yes the characters are fighting kinda dumb, but kill the doll, and you kill the bounto. If you attack the bounto, you're open to the doll's attack. Prlly what they were thinking. but i still like the fact that they pointed out you can attack the bounto.
This will prlly stretch out to ep 90-100...but oh well, doesn't look that bad...its better than that stupid 'game' episode this filler started with
Wed, 06-14-2006, 09:14 PM
Shinigami Rukia was awesome to see after so many episodes. Wonder why she didn't pull that trick before though, when she wasn't possessed.
Rukia is still in a Giga because she hasn't recovered her powers enough to fight as a Death God. Atleast thats the excuse they gave earlier for it. Likely the Doll made her more powerful and replentished her abilities or just pushed her straight to her limits.
Either way what was really so great about Rukia swinging her sword the same way over and over again into a shield. That whole battle went nowhere.
Wed, 06-14-2006, 10:39 PM
Sigh, more vague scraping at the main storyline, (nearly every major charachter in the show was seen in this episode so keep your 'spoiler' and 'manga prophet' comments to yourselves. No one who hasn't read the manga has the slightest idea of what I could be talking about so don't start.) if they do go back to animating the manga smart people who didn't read it are going to start noticing little things about these fillers that don't add up. I've decided that the show will never go back to the manga anyway so who cares.
Unfortunately shinigami Rukia was just as boring as she was in the first episode. This episode bored me quite a bit. I kept hoping something cool would happen but it prety much didn't. Inoue's power boost was nice, but I knew she would use the #2 shield from the beginning...too bad it took her 20 min to figure it out.
Thu, 06-15-2006, 10:32 AM
*shrug* I didn't dislike it.
I agree...
It's actually got a semi-decent storyline.. and ofcourse rukia can't do her full uberness things if she's controlled by something else...
For me, the episode made sense... and it would be too lame if all bound get slaughtered one by one just like that..
After all.. we're still back on earth.. where the bound have powers.. and the shingami don't have as much as they have in soul society...
Thu, 06-15-2006, 11:16 AM
For me, the episode made sense... and it would be too lame if all bound get slaughtered one by one just like that..
It might make sense if it had been made in a sensible way. The big dude with the metallic doll... He was practically defeated after Kira took care of the doll, and even Ichigo could have beaten him easily enough; if you have a man with a sword and the skills to use it and a man with no weapon, you better bet your money on the man with the sword - no matter how many kenpo movies you have watched with an unarmed man beating those with weapons.
But it was the stupid "he's human too" logic that stopped him. However, even that doesn't explain why Kira didn't take the extra step of sending the man to his grave; after all, the vice-captains had been sent to deal with them. And for crying out loud: They are death gods! What do they do if they can't even kill somebody...
Thu, 06-15-2006, 01:16 PM
What it basically comes down to is this...they are probably going to be doing Bleach fillers for a LONG time. It was in the same situation that Naruto was. So yeah, fillers suck, well they aren't going anywhere, suck it up. Two, this filler arc is WAY better than all the Naruto fillers combined. Three, if this arc ends, another one that isn't so good may start, or, even worse, a bunch of two to three episode arcs might start.
Conclusion, I'll be happy if this arc lasts until the fillers end, which is probably a long time from now, because there are ALOT worse things they could be doing with their filler than what their doing with this arc.
Sat, 06-17-2006, 03:37 PM
if cloud can copy ppl attributes, y not copy kariya's?
Y doesnt nova teleport the doll to a place far away to give enough time to cut the bounto's head off? Better yet, y not ask urahara to make a device that amplifies the modified soul's power so he can just send the bounto and the dolls altogether to mars? (dont flame me for the 2nd idea, if it doesnt work just use the first idea nova idea)
Whats the difference between a sword attached to a fan and a talking sword attached to a talking fan?
Will the big guy's doll always be extremely heavy? if not, y not just resummon it, make it go really high, and make it rain mass amounts of extremely small/fast metal balls at the shinigami, instead of big balls that can be easily hit by wabiske?
y cant bounto work as a team? i know they have different fighting styles, but so do shinigami. if the woman bounto and the big bounto faught together, the shinigami would be dancing up and down trying to dodge the big guy's bullets, which gives the woman bounto an opening to slice them.
Why is the technology captain a good guy? did he not explode his own squad members to catch the ryoka?
If you were born in soul society (SS), you age and grow old. What happens when u grow really old, and die, where do u go? If u die and go to SS, do u age? if not, if u make a baby, will he grow older than u? If you die of old age, do u still go to SS? I think (i might be wrong), kuchiki byakuya said that ichigo was like a thousand years behind in training to beat him, if he was alive 1000 years, does that mean rukia is that old too?
Why do the midified souls go into the forms of stuffed animals?
Mon, 06-19-2006, 04:47 PM
Omg don't try to think so hard about this stuff. The answer to everything is because you touch yourself at night. But since i'm bored i'll give you slightly better but still condecending answers to most of your questions
- Cloud hasn't touched Kariya.
- Nova is lazy and defense oriented.
- Urahara is also lazy, and devices aren't cheap
- Badassness
- Kira's ability doesn't make any sense, but most likely when he re seals his sword the effect will go away
- No it won't
- Conditional Jump = True
- That's how they roll, have you ever heard of vampires teaming up?
- Lack of morals doesn't make you evil just an asshole
- Back to the living world as a spirit
- Yes
- Conditional Jump = True
- Yes you do go even if u die of natural causes
- Byakuya likes to talk shit, but he is probobly hundreds of earth years old
- So they can interact with the world without attracting loads of attention.
Most your questions are unanswerable, part of following a plot is filling in the blanks left by the creators yourself, though some of your questions could be answered by reviewing the show from the begining and paying closer attention, or reading the manga. But obviously no author can fully create a world for you so you have to use some imagination.
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