View Full Version : Naruto 188

Thu, 06-08-2006, 01:16 AM

Thu, 06-08-2006, 01:41 AM
Holy hell what's going on! A second good filler in a row?! That's a new record!

Once again, Naruto wasn't stupid at least while fighting(still stupid when talking though). And the NPC each have actual multidimentional personalities!

Even though the fight animation was crappy, I love the techniques in this. I loved naruto using tags on the water shell. And trapping someone in a ball of water, then summoning fucking pirhanas IN the bubble?! Holy shit that fucking rules! Genius even.

Whoever wrote this deserves a BJ!

Dark Shroud
Thu, 06-08-2006, 02:04 AM
Indeed this was a good episode. If it wasn't for those stupid ramen comments this would have been an all around great episode.

As for the next episode.

I'm wondering how Naruto's current situation will be resolved. I just hope it isn't a shadow clone.

Thu, 06-08-2006, 05:22 AM
I didn't actually mind the ramen comments. They were so stupid they were actually quite funny. And somehow I like the interaction between Naruto and Hinata during those scenes; like Hinata has a never ending patience for Naruto's lack of wits. They'd make such a good couple.

The only weakness in this episode was the ending battle. Though the technique wasn't bad, the scene before that was quite miserable; the three dudes basically just stood there, and then suddenly Naruto and the Nano ninja were punched a little, and they were down. Too bad they couldn't anime a decent, ferocious fight scene that would have ended with the piranha bubble.

Thu, 06-08-2006, 05:39 AM
well this was quite enjoyable, the fact that they used the elder as decoy was quite the asshole type that we all love :) , too bad that princess is too stupid to understand that the ninja from konoha was not hired to protect only her, but all the peddlers.

next episode look fine too, i wonder how Naruto will get out of that bubble... here 4 suposition on how Naruto will get free on the bubble
1-Naruto use rasengan to get out of it
2-Naruto use Tajiu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
3-He use Kyubi Chakra to get himself out of there
4-Someone help Naruto with somekind of technique

Thu, 06-08-2006, 05:59 AM
5-Chouji comes and gets the fishes to be used for grilled fish bbq later in the evening.

Thu, 06-08-2006, 06:02 AM
Well it looks like Chouji will get back in time to help next episode. For some weird reason I can imagine him eating all the pirahnas. I know it sounds stupid but aside from the typical Tajuu Kage Bunshin or Yujinwhoever breaking the bad guy's spell I see that as the most feasible alternative.

This episode was actually pretty good, except Shuu's "brilliant" plan.
So you have an unidentified number of enemies chasing you. Hiding amidst a group of peddlers is pretty wicked, but still a smart first move, see if you can slip under the radar and escape.

But once one of your trusted escorts hasn't reported back for a while, why come up with a plan that leaves YOUR group with one Konoha ninja? Shuu didn't seem to care about the peddlers, and it was pretty apparent at that point that their group was being followed. Once you here about the guy's death there's no point having the 'stragglers' as a shield at all.

But I do like Shuu and Youjwhateverhisnameis. The fight obviously could have been better but we'll see if they make up for it next time. Chouji was absolute fucking money in this episode.

edit - damnit Kraco you beat me to the prediction!

Thu, 06-08-2006, 06:08 AM
yup. pretty good epi i guess...

except what ruins it is how naruto will most likely get out of the bubble trap...

at least now we're 1 more epi closer to the end of fillers... =)

Thu, 06-08-2006, 06:39 AM
Wow I have to go against the majority on this one it seems to me this filler was horrible. Princess dressed as a guy has already been done to death and the fact the other ninja would bother attacking the slow moving group without his objective and two marked ninja's instead or going after the other group who really was virtually defenceless.

On top of that Hinata hasn't once used her bloodline to check the surrounding area she could have easily noticed the corpse without anybody running off and there is no reason for her to have not done so.

On top of that the preview for the next episode sports some of the worst animation in ANY of the fillers just look at poor chouji when his jutsu goes horribly wrong.

Given on the plus side atleast they are actually acting like ninja's for once in the fillers actually using tactics and not looking like complete morons. I just wish we had a less predictable plot.

Thu, 06-08-2006, 07:31 AM
But...pirhanas in a bubble man! That's fucking awsome! Like snakes on a plane awsome!

Thu, 06-08-2006, 03:20 PM
But...pirhanas in a bubble man! That's fucking awsome! Like snakes on a plane awsome!

Yea, that is pretty awesome. However, Naruto could have broken free instead of sitting there and saying "what jutsu is this?" "Is the one that killed the other dude?"

Thu, 06-08-2006, 04:40 PM
I hated this episode, too, and im shocked of how most of you liked this ep (and the one of last week as well)


Thu, 06-08-2006, 05:17 PM

Thu, 06-08-2006, 05:23 PM
I hate MFauli now for some reason!

Thu, 06-08-2006, 06:57 PM
OMG, thanks, Kraco ^^
Now all the Hinata-fanboy out there will hate me XD

Thu, 06-08-2006, 06:58 PM
MFauli has an avatar of Tom Cruise, which makes me ROFL.

Anyway... I thought it was good.

Thu, 06-08-2006, 07:39 PM
I hate MFauli now for some reason!

i'm starting to hate him too :p

Thu, 06-08-2006, 07:50 PM
There the Hinata-guards start coming XD


Fri, 06-09-2006, 02:19 AM
Aye. The power of the Hinata Guard is terrible!

Fri, 06-09-2006, 08:33 PM
lmao Hinata guards

what will they do, stutter us to death?

Fri, 06-09-2006, 11:45 PM
Pretty decent episode, I too liked the summon piranhas into the water sphere technique. It was viciously deliciously. Or perhaps deliciously vicious.

At any rate, I must say that I went "what the fuck?" when Naruto started running and jumping off the cliff all of the sudden like some fucking hyperactive idiot. Oh wait. The ramen part was just dumb and Naruto's child gangster gang scene made me clench my fist in rage. "YOU'RE REALLY PISSING ME OFF NOW!"

lmao Hinata guards

what will they do, stutter us to death?
I wouldn't be that quick to judge her. She has something creepy (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/Alceste/HinataKiller.jpg) under the nice and innocent surface that little bitch. I know it!

Sun, 06-11-2006, 09:55 PM
I wouldn't be that quick to judge her. She has something creepy (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v330/Alceste/HinataKiller.jpg) under the nice and innocent surface that little bitch. I know it!


About the episode, pretty good mostly.
I liked that the other guy actually died. No "your brother is incouncious!" bullshit!
By the way, it's pretty funny how small enemy groups always come in trios.
The leader, the fat guy and the somewhere-in-between guy.

And a couple of lol's:

- "Flower ninja genius" ... can you take that seriously?
- Naruto pepping the other guy up by saying "you can beat your brother by beating this guy!". Like YAY MY BROTHER JUST DIED AND NOW I CAN'T BEAT HIM IN A POINTLESS DUEL ANYMORE SOB :(
- The stupid split-up plan. At first I didn't get the damn point of it either, then when I did I was like "okay so essentially they are killing off the old people, cool". And everyone went along with it.
- I understand how the princess must change her name to conceal her identity.. but why pose as a guy? Must everyone who are undercover also be transvestites?

Naruto is still the worst main character ever.

Mon, 06-12-2006, 06:36 AM
I too thought this episode was decent. Having two decent episodes in a row, it seems as though the studios have lifted their standard at least by 3% (ok so I pulled that figure out of my butt. 47.89% of all statistics are made up anyway).

I wonder if they got a different person to write this arc. If they did, they should give them a pay rise so that they can write even better, although money doesn't solve anything apparently (see the spoilt rich kid episode).

Did anyone notice that Haruna-sama's voice sounds alot like Tsunade's voice? I wonder if they are using the same voice actor.

Tue, 06-13-2006, 07:28 PM
I'm sorry guys but overall I didn't like this episode at all. The animation for me ruined it. Don't get me wrong there were good things about it but nothing we haven't seen already. I can't wait for this to end. :(

No one really knows when this nightmare will end do they?