View Full Version : LImit increase for uploads in the gallery.
Sat, 05-27-2006, 10:02 PM
I think that the 5mb that you are allowed in the gallery is not enough. I just uploaded 2 pics and i am alomst at my limits. It is very constricting. Only mods and admins arre allow over this limit.
If there is no plausable way to do this due to space restriction, i think that the render thread should be unlocked and re- opened for business. As far as i can see there is no place to ask for a render, although i didn't look very hard. The only place that you might be able to do this is the thread that Deadfire created in the anime fanart section.
I think that the 5mb limit might also be decreasing the activity in the gallery Ciber.
Sat, 05-27-2006, 11:23 PM
My initial thought was that the only way you'd be almost at 5mb with two pics was if you had uploaded .bmp files, in which case I was going to suggest using a smaller file type. Then I jumped over to your section of the gallery and saw that you hadn't. You have two large desktop images in .jpg which add up to a little less than 850kb, which is hardly "at [your] limits."
The top three space users in the gallery are: Deadfire at around 7.5 MB in his storage with his 49 pics, masamuneehs at ~5.75MB with 31 pics and Knives122 at ~4.5MB with 19 pics. Like you've said, the two that have gone over the 5MB limit are mods. When you have filled up your allotment you probably could request for more space then, but you're not really close at all and neither are the majority of other users.
Sun, 05-28-2006, 12:33 AM
here is may arguement, i don't know what the others are like.
I guess that is because of the size of my pics or something but 2 more like those and i am full.
Edit; ic now, i think this 5 mb is for both your PMs and images... that sucks. i have no more space for my PMs its only at 59 and i am allowed 100. oh well. Or maybe i am just dumb and reading everything wrong which is quite possible or not. :p
Sun, 05-28-2006, 12:53 AM
No, I think PM inbox and image gallery sizes are seperate.
Edit: I'm sure because I have messages in my inbox, however I've used 0 bytes in my gallery.
Sun, 05-28-2006, 04:08 AM
I don't know. If the limit is 5 MB, it would make sense to behave like the limit is 5 MB, and not like there's no tomorrow, and think it will automatically be extended, should somebody encounter it. 5 MB is not much if you save large maximum quality jpegs or large pngs. You just have to behave accordingly: Use smaller images and higher compression. Obviously that's how the higher powers wanted the gallery to be used, because there is such a low limit. It's no problem if you keep that in mind.
Mon, 05-29-2006, 05:14 AM
I think it's counting all files, including resizes. So 768+700+469+376 = 2313KB, which is nearly half of 5 MB.
I don't want to loosen it up too much, but we've got some free disk space, and the gallery isn't taking up all that much right now, so I'll free it up to 10 MB. That's not all that much headroom, but if someone legitimately needs more than that (ie: isn't just posting random crap), it's fairly easy for me to give them more. Just drop me a pm when and if you run into the limit, and I'll see what we can do to accomodate you.
That said, yeah ... don't get too crazy with the cheez-whiz now. We really don't have a whole LOT of disk space free, and we'd like to keep the limit pretty low just to discourage massive images that break the page layout here, ya know?
Mon, 05-29-2006, 01:28 PM
thanks alot and i will remember what you said.
Tue, 07-18-2006, 03:15 AM
A bit of a stale topic now, but whatever :p.
Since we've freed up more disk space, I loosened the quota quite a bit more... it's now at 30 megs.
I've also increased the max filesize for jpegs and png files a bit, so the gallery should be a little bit more suitable for larger stuff (wallpapers) and more files. Not that there's a whole lot of demand for it, but hey, why not?
Thu, 07-20-2006, 09:29 PM
30 MEG ?
How is that an improvement on my unlimited space that I had before? :p
Its time to jump on the Fate Saty/Night bandwagon, upload my collection and share it with you people.
My tribute to Fate Stay/Night (
Fri, 07-21-2006, 02:08 AM
ruh ruh ruh. If you really need more space than the 30 megs, I'm willing to be flexible <_<.
That goes for anyone though, as long as they're not uploading like 5mpx superfine photos or something insane like that (like I do to my own gallery). Just you've got to demonstrate a good reason for it... like, a full gallery of good images.
Also, the gallery has no real user/quota admin interface as far as I have found, so I can only guess at how much any given user is using, or do the tedious addition of all of their filesizes, which doesn't sound fun. (I can also do a database query and sum up filesizes, but that doesn't include the quota hit that resizes take, so it's practically guaranteed to underreport the total if I take that approach). So yeah, my numbers are just guesses, but if you happen to crash into a quota, and aren't doing something particularly dumb to do so, let me know and I'll consider making an exception...
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