View Full Version : Death

Wed, 05-24-2006, 08:10 AM
so despite not having any energy and needing to do a million things today I just can't stick this in the 'Bitching Thread' because it really does warrant its own topic and a slightly more serious place for discussion...

but i'm running on empty so this is gonna be short. (edit- it wasn't short at all)

My grandma died yesterday and I got the call at about 1130PM while waiting for a train in Milan and looking for something to eat. (afterwards i chose the biggest, nastiest burger McDonalds had). She was 84 and her husband (grandfather on mom's side) died about five years ago. She had been in and out of hospitals for the past year and often said she'd prefer to live at home or not anywhere. All her kids and some of my cousins were up there when she passed and said she was lucid until the end and just went to sleep. I don't suppose you can really ask for anything more, right?

Well, yeah, I dunno. It's just one of those things and it came right on top of a long and tiring week and right before another long trip for me, so I am just drained and really just in the pits. Guess I'll be boozing tonight or something.

I'm going to be the only one of her grandkids not able to make the funeral. My parents and my uncles all said they understood, but it doesn't really make me feel that much better about it.

I hope other people can use this as a sort of outlet when they need it. It might sound trite, but when I'm halfway around the world from my family and most of my friends (the ones here are great in their own regard, but at times like this a little lacking, being met only recently) I think venting like this can really help.

Wed, 05-24-2006, 04:56 PM
Bummer. im really sorry to hear about your grandmother man. my condolences to you and your family. it definately sucks having someone you loved pass on, and you can't even be there with them. but atleast she died peacefully, surrounded by the people she cared about, and who cared about her.

Don't let it ruin your trip though man. death's a natural part of life, and i just hope i can live till im 84 years old.

Wed, 05-24-2006, 05:06 PM
I am really sorry to hear what happened. I know how it feels not to attend one of your grand-parents funeral. 2 years ago, me and my mom decided to go to Iran for the summertime to visit my grand-father (her father) because he was really sick (he had diabetes). This would be me first time going there and this would be for my mom her first time after 23 years that she left Iran. She and my grand-father planned everything that was going to happen. They would go visit their chalet, their old farm , going to see some old friends etc... But on his birthday (13th febuary), he died (he turned 68). My mom called him to wish him happy birhtday, but my mom's uncle picked up the phone and he didnt pass the phone to him (he was dead by that time) and my mom understood. We couldnt make it to the funerals, every one was like we understand. They said that anyways, you are going to visit his grave during the summer time. We did, but we felt ashamed that we didnt attend his funeral.

Also, my mom's aunt died at the end of March and beggining of April, but none of our family member told us. They said that bad news shouldnt come to us .:confused: Finally a friend of the family member called us to say sorry for what happened. We finally understood that she died. It was worst that they telling us. At least, your family called you to tell you that she died.

Dont forget, your grand-mother does not want her death to ruin your vacation.

Wed, 05-24-2006, 10:06 PM
My Grandmother and my Aunt also died very recently. I don't feel like posting about any of it, but I will say I do hate losing family members. I'm sorry you guys weren't able to make the funerals. They are a nice way of saying your last goodbye, in a way. I also find that funerals are happier than they might seem. Being reminded that that person lived a full life, filled with people who they cared about (and who in turn cared about them) is a great feeling. I've heard the term "Celebration of Life" used to refer to funerals, and I like to agree with that label. It's sad, but it's also a bit refreshing to realize that people will leave you but will always be remembered.

Sorry to hear about your losses.