View Full Version : In Cars

Mon, 05-01-2006, 01:59 AM
This past Saterday is was driving into seattle in pretty decently slow traffic about 8 miles an hour. When outta nowhere, bam. My head snapps like I'm in a bimper car. I pull over get out too see what the hell happened. Some dumb ass in a black nissan sports car wasn't paying attention and braked short. Well my car was perfectly fine, go Honda Element. I walk up to offending car and the guy in broken english says I have no insurence. Great. I go back to my car to get somthing to write down his name and lincense plate number when he sneaks his ass back into traffic. I was pissed, but the kicker was it took me ten minutes to get back inot traffic. I finanly just forced my way in and drove on my marry way.

Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:03 AM
That bitch taught you a lesson.

Mr Squiggles
Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:15 AM
The lesson being: "next time memorize the license plate before getting a pen to write it down", right? When you say your car is fine, do you mean it isn't even scratched?

Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:33 AM
The lesson being if i get hit by any body who says they have no insurence I make them get out of the car and demand thier name and contact information. But yeah you can't even tell it got hit by anything. But i definatly got a case of wiplash though.

Edit: yeah this could be considered a hit and run.

Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:56 AM
is this considered a hit and run?

Mon, 05-01-2006, 04:00 AM
I have been thinking a camera (or cell phone with a camera) is a very good thing to have with you just for situations like this, always when driving with a car.

Tue, 05-02-2006, 03:53 AM
If you haven't already done it, go to a doctor. Even if you don't feel anything now you should get it in your journal that it has happened. Alot of people that dont do this have gotten fucked when they got older and the injuries started acting up. They aren't able to get proper care because they have no proof of their condition.

Tue, 05-02-2006, 01:25 PM
The sad thing is I already have a herniated disk in my lower back. Also I'm already going to physical therapy. I definatly know I have a neck injury but it seems to be just slight stiffness of the neck. I've been streching and tiger balming it for the last three days and it seems to have gotten better. I think what saved me is might hight (6'5"). The head rest in my car comes up to about where my spine conects to my skull so when i got nailed it stopped my head from flying back. But I need to go to my doctor anyway for checkup for my back.