View Full Version : ZEGAPAIN

Sat, 04-08-2006, 08:17 PM
First episode released by Megami:

"The story, which occurs in Chiba Prefecture and Maihama, follows a highschool boy who participates in extracurricular activities and is suddenly drawn into the center of combat in group of giant robots."


Sun, 04-09-2006, 02:05 AM
I just watched the first ep, it was pretty good. Not gonna get my hopes up on it since the last mech show that I liked after 1 ep turned into a disaster(can't even remember the name of the show) that I didn't even watch more then 6eps.

Sat, 04-15-2006, 03:52 PM
Start seemed good - began to like the main character...
Then the mech scene came ... I'm going to hold of decision till I watch some more, but don't have high hopes for this, main character seemed to get more annoying once mech stuff introduced, and the amount of english in this anime is irritating to say the least.
Mech action seems very cheesy (and not the good kind of cheese...), still it may redeem itself - I'll probably watch it out of boredom anyway, releases are slow at moment in general.

Tue, 04-18-2006, 01:24 AM
Watched the first episode, it wasn't that bad... I actually kind of liked it. I'll keep watching it for now.

Second episode:


Tue, 04-18-2006, 07:41 AM
So far I like this anime, the characters aren’t really annoying but they are a bit... boring, though I expect that to get better.
The thing at the start of the first episode, I first thought it was something that happened prior to the story, with the girl, Misaki and someone she piloted with before. Then I went back and noticed his name was Kyo. So I'm guessing he doesn't get to see the end of this anime. Though the whole thing seems like a 'Real life isn't real, but we will show you what is' kind of thing, they did mention a 'Tokyo Server' as well, so it could be possible that he doesn't actually die.
But as I said, so far I like it, I want to learn more about the background of the whole place, with the gunners and the wizards and what they are trying to do.

Tue, 04-18-2006, 11:30 AM
Just watched the first two episodes and not to shabby at all this show has promise but first a rant

Why in every single anime lately does there have to be a love interest? Why cant the guy and the girl just get along or be friends does there always have to be love. And one step further is the love triangle it drives me nuts man = (

Anyway I like the look of the show I cant really comment on the plot as there hasn’t been much reveled yet but I like the characters the main guy is not this self doubting punk that im used to seeing he’s really likeable and pretty energetic. I also like the robot designs even though the robots are computer generated they move very gracefully and the camera angels are very clear. Although I do expect to see a lot of the same animations recycled like the launch sequence. Can’t wait to get my hand on the ending theme

Also to reply to the post above i'm pretty sure that was a scean that happens prior he’s probably just like a reincarnation of some guy or something

Fri, 04-21-2006, 04:26 AM
ok, i am going to say that i really had no hopes for this show and just DLed the first two episodes on a whim, but I'm pretty impressed so far.

First, the OP: beautiful, good song, great pacing. The OP alone makes me think this show is going to be great, it's just so damn well done.

Second: the main character. I like the guy. He seems like your totally normal high schooler. His humor cracks me up, he's got a good sounding VA, and he pulls off the 'determined but not deathly serious' attitude very well. The other Zega pilot (Lucien), the girl who wants to become a director, the effeminine kid and the protagonist's estranged friend also get nods for good characters.

Third: Plot. Ok, granted it's only been two episodes, but this show looks to have a very interesting and well thought out plot. The shit with the clocks stopping, going backwards and people disappearing was freaky. I also get the feeling, especially after watching the OP again, that the 'real world' isn't real at all. But all the technology in the Zegapain 'world' smacks of being artificial and somehow not real as well... Also, the protagonist's past with his estranged friend looks damn interesting.

The mixed:
Animation: Beautiful stills, good character designs, detailed backgrounds. Battles aren't so great, crappy flow, recycled animation (and it's only episode 2!), ugly ass mechs! The Zegapain mechs are ugly as sin!

Music: Not much to speak on here. The OP and ED are great, but the rest of the tracks don't stand out too much, which is neither a good or bad thing.

The bad:
Mech Design: Good fucking god the Zegapains are UGLY mechs...
'You look just like my old dead romance': Seriously, the forms of these love stories are getting old...
Megami Fansubs: I hate this group. They don't translate the OP or ED, they have typos, they blew at Zoids Genesis (Zoids friggin Genesis guys) and I sincerely hope that a better group picks up this show pronto.

Overall: An approving nod. Feels like an action/mecha show that is going to rely on its plot and characters to drive it rather than action, which I'm totally fine with. I'm sticking with this one for the long haul.

Fri, 04-21-2006, 06:42 AM
I forgot to mention it on my first post, but I really hope some other group picks this up. Their translations are bad, and their editing is aweful. They have a lot of missing translations, and that's just the ones that I'm able to pick up, I'm sure they have a lot more than the ones I noticed.

Tue, 04-25-2006, 11:53 PM
ep 3


And it’s good!

A whole lot would have to go wrong for them to screw this show up its starting off strong as hell can’t wait for the next episode. Got to love Kyo's reaction’s when he asked Shizuno “why him” and she gave him some vague crap he was just like what ever. Also props to them for not recycling animation…yet

Wed, 04-26-2006, 08:38 AM
I was watching episode3 , not very impressed for awhile. I was thinking 'there was alot more cooler things in the first two'.

And then there was the note and the locker... And then after the battle...

damn there seems to be so many layers to the plot... Usually I can grasp some idea of where a show is headed, what characters are good and bad, what's real and what's a farce, but I'd be grasping at straws with theories as to what is really happening in this show...

And it still appears quite simple on the surface... but...

I love how water reoccurs again and again in this show and how it's Kyo's favorite place to be. The 'what is real?' theme is done quite well, sometimes seemingly blunt, sometimes very subtle.

Oh and the action was pretty good too. The videogame was pretty crappy looking, but the actual battle was cool. It was good to see them struggle a bit.

More on the estranged friend and his two buddies... They've got to be there for a reason... same with the film girl (another interesting symbol). I find all the 'real world' character to be excellently balanced between being unique and still coming off like normal people you'd know from your school.

Goddamn what is up with that locker?!
I anticipate new episodes of this more than any of the new series. But why, oh why for the love of all that's holy is Megami the only fansub group doing it? I feel like tearing my hair out! I need to know what the lyrics in the OP and ED mean damnit!

Wed, 04-26-2006, 08:49 PM
I anticipate new episodes of this more than any of the new series. But why, oh why for the love of all that's holy is Megami the only fansub group doing it? I feel like tearing my hair out! I need to know what the lyrics in the OP and ED mean damnit!

man...i agreed with u...megami can't do the job...but i think u just have to settle with them if u wanna continue watching the show...since nobody else will pick it up...hell-fansubs had announced plans,but i dun think they'll be any good too...hopefully someone will do it when the dvd version comes out some time later...

Sat, 04-29-2006, 05:40 AM
Can someone point me in the direction to what movie player plays mp4's? I've been dying to see episode 2 and 3 but right now I don't have anything to watch it on.

Sat, 04-29-2006, 06:04 AM
never have had a problem with
Media Player Classic (http://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Video/Video-Players/Media-Player-Classic-for-Win2kXP.shtml)
Not the coolest looking interface but can take screenshots and play almost everything i throw at it.

Sat, 04-29-2006, 07:11 PM
Thanks a lot.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 07:00 PM
episode 4 =)


Sat, 05-13-2006, 09:31 AM
...nobody watching this show still... such a shame.

They just keep teasing you with what is 'really going on' in this show, but I think I've figured it out.

Anyhow, episode 4 wasn't as good as the first three. (but since I thought the first three were awesome, I'm not really critiscizing this episode either...) The two new characters weren't introduced very thoroughly and the dialogue seemed to try to be too mysterious. This would have worked much better as a two part episode, with more time to spend on the sisters and some more scenes in 'the real world'.

I'm wondering what kind of budget Sunrise is working with on this show because I'm seeing more and more stock animation being reused... The battles aren't horrible, but they do suffer because you just keep seeing the same repeated segments.

The OP and ED to this show are absolutely phenomenal. I've never found a more interesting and beautifully done combo like this.

Why oh why is Megami the only group subbing this show?

Mon, 05-15-2006, 04:14 AM
looks like somebody, although I have no idea who, has answered my prayers.

Finally a second group is subbing Zegapain!
WTFansubs - Zegapain episode 1 -avi (http://a.scarywater.net/wtfansubs/%5BWTF%5D_ZegaPain_-_01_%5BF8EA1218%5D.avi.torrent)

DLing now. I will be pretty surprised and dismayed if it is worse than Megami's releases... perhaps they even translate the OP or ED? (gee, who woulda thought?)

Mon, 05-22-2006, 01:30 PM
I like this series a lot. The animation and music is good and it has an interesting plot. I can't wait to see eps. 5 =\. Q=(^.^Q)

Wed, 05-31-2006, 06:26 PM
Ep: 5


i almost forgot about this show =p

Sat, 06-03-2006, 09:18 PM


i come bearing gifts hommies =D

Fri, 06-09-2006, 08:53 AM
goddamn i can't believe more people aren't watching this show!

I was going to hold out for releases from others besides Megami, but nobody else seems to be doing it so I've broken down and gone back to them...

This show really does the "reality/illusion" theme very well. In ways it feels to me like Ghost in the Shell meets mecha, and I'm really enjoying it.

Fri, 06-09-2006, 04:46 PM
If it wasn't for the fact that I have to wait for the avi. releases, I would be further into the story. But so far, it's one of my top animes of this year.

Tue, 07-04-2006, 03:02 AM

so i've been pretty busy recently but tonight before going to bed I decided to watch an episode of Zegapain. It was episode 6.

It was awesome. I started watching this show on a random whim and liked what I saw. But episode 6 was a huge step forward for this show in a lot of respects. It cemented my initial feelings that this really is one of the best animes out of the new season, right up there with Melancholy of Haruhi Sazumiya.

Megami finally subbed the OP and ED which was sweet, and the show itself got slightly different animation for the opening and ending. Overall episode 6 was easily the best animated of them yet. Powerful character expressions and brutal illustration of the 'mind-fuck's that frequent this show.

This show is deep. It's use of imagery and powerful philisophical issues is really something to be appreciated, although it's way over the heads of most people.

Again, I recommend this show to everyone. In fact, once I have some time I think I'm going to scratch a new sig/avatar combo out to promote this one... That is, if episodes 7-9 are as good as I hope they'll be!

Fri, 07-07-2006, 10:12 AM
Zegapain - Episode 11 - Megami (http://a.scarywater.net/megami/%5BMegami%5D_Zegapain_-_11_%5B0F66F798%5D.torrent)

The mind fuck continues

Sun, 07-23-2006, 12:35 AM
Zegapain episode 12 - Megami (http://a.scarywater.net/megami/%5BMegami%5D_Zegapain_-_12_%5BB029B62E%5D.torrent)

Zegapain episode 13 - Megami (http://a.scarywater.net/megami/%5BMegami%5D_Zegapain_-_13_%5B0C16C7DE%5D.torrent)

and a new group starting on it
Episode one from Anime Future (http://www.point-blank.cc:16384/allowed/torrent.php/%5BA-Future%5D_Zegapain_-_01_%5BXVID%5D%5B768x432%5D%5B5DCD7F9D%5D.avi.torr ent)

jesus friggin H christ why isn't anyone watching this excellent show?:(

Thu, 08-10-2006, 12:12 AM
Zegapain from Megami (up to episode 17 subbed) (http://www.baka-updates.com/groups.php?title=Megami-Anime)

nobody seems to be watching or appreciating this show, but i still think it's one of the better ones out there... I hope more people give this show a look

Fri, 08-18-2006, 01:46 PM
Episode 18 is out.


Sat, 09-09-2006, 10:57 AM
Zegapain - episode 19 - megami (http://a.scarywater.net/megami/%5BMegami%5D_Zegapain_-_19_%5BF30A7473%5D.mp4.torrent)

Zegapain - episode 20 - megami (http://a.scarywater.net/megami/%5BMegami%5D_Zegapain_-_20_%5B18634FCF%5D.mp4.torrent)

Sun, 09-10-2006, 07:31 PM
Wow, it seems I'm one of the few that watches this anime. A shame if you ask me.

Fri, 09-22-2006, 01:06 AM
'cause this is the best new show out there and nobody is watching it: but for those who know where it's at, enjoy the latest:
ZEGAPAIN - episode 21 - megami (http://a.scarywater.net/megami/%5BMegami%5D_Zegapain_-_21_%5B71706A66%5D.mp4.torrent)