View Full Version : How does fansubbers work?
Mon, 03-20-2006, 11:46 AM
Hey Guys, can you guys help me out a bit. I'm currently doing a research on Processers and Organizational Behaviors of Fansubbers, and the processors into how it's being done. It's for my college assignment, so I need your help. So for those of you guys who are fansubbers (not just leechers, like me :p), please help ya?
I've never been involved, so enlighten me ya.
1) How's it done?
2) How bigs the crew usually?
3) What are the roles of the people involved? What what do they do?
Raw maker (?), Translator?, Timer? Editor? Typesettor? Encoder? Script Finishers? What else?
4) Where do you normally meet, and discuss?
Mirc? Private Forums?
5) Do you guys have a leader?
6) What if there's a disagreement with the fansubbing/translating?
ps. I think I might be in the wrong thread, possibly, sorreh.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 12:41 PM
I may not be the best source to answer this as I have little fansubbing experience, so i'll answer some of your questions:
Question 1:
Comp will probably give you a better answer and if you search this forum you'll see that he has answered it quite a few times.
Question 2:
This really varies, the teams I have been involved with have been usually small... But a good release usually has at least the following:
1 Translator, 1 Translator Checker, 1 or 2 Editors, 1 or 2 timers (Usually just one that can do both the rough timing and fine timing), 1 or 2 Typesetters (Usually now teams have their ssa and afx experts for different needs), 1 or 2 Karaoke people, 1 Encoder, 2 or 3 QC'ers, 2 or 3 RAW providers.
Keep in mind im talking about a single episode release, as members keep changing throught the episodes, it's hard to keep the same exact team throughout the whole project, but it's doable. Also keep in mind, that in many projects one member is capable of many of those tasks.
Question 3 - Read my answer to question 2.
Question 4:
I would say most fansubbers, really about 95% of them meet in IRC. I know Central-Anime doesn't use IRC, they e-mail each and instant message each other with msn, aim, or whatever other means there are.
Question 5:
There are usually two leaders. The group leader who is usually the founder, and the project leader.
Question 6:
That's what the leader is there for, to solve those problems. If someone is causing trouble withing the group, they get the boot.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 04:08 PM
Hey Guys, can you guys help me out a bit. I'm currently doing a research on Processers and Organizational Behaviors of Fansubbers, and the processors into how it's being done. It's for my college assignment, so I need your help. So for those of you guys who are fansubbers (not just leechers, like me :p), please help ya?
I've never been involved, so enlighten me ya.
1) How's it done?
2) How bigs the crew usually?
1-14+ people. I've seen one-man fansub projects (bakasan, project-kyo). I've seen projects with two translators, two trans checkers, three editors, a typesetter, a timer, an encoder, three or four dedicated qc people, and if you want to count them, three raw hunters.
4) Where do you normally meet, and discuss?
Mirc? Private Forums?
As bud said, nearly everyone works over irc, usually in private, keyed channels.
5) Do you guys have a leader?
There's a lot of variance here. Some groups have virtually no distinguishable leader, just a team of amicable people who like doign the same sort of shows. Others have very rigid leadership structures. Generally as a group gets bigger, the need for a leadership structure emerges to manage projects and keep people motivated and communicating.
In very large groups (like animeone at its peak, which had in the neighborhood of 40 people in the group), you'll often have the two-tiered leadership structure that Bud described: project leaders, and a group leader. There's also a somewhat informal decision making process ... basically consensus-building.
6) What if there's a disagreement with the fansubbing/translating?
Depends on the disagreement. I've seen teams fragment over how to translate a single frequently-used sentence. Most of the time, disagreements result in discussion between the people involved, maybe bringing in outside people or consulting other resources. Most people are pretty reasonable, and can come to a consensus over how something should be.
I would say more common causes of trouble come from people who get tired of a particular series partway through. There's always a group pressure to keep working on the show, and if you find that you've grown a strong distaste for a show you're working on, especially in a smaller group that doesn't have a standby ready to jump in and take over for you, it can cause real problems. Lots of times, that results in peer pressure to keep working on the series, and creates group tension and generally bad feelings all around, not to mention degrades the quality of the work.
Tue, 03-21-2006, 10:55 AM
Hey guys.. thanks for the info. You've been alot of help.. You guys get a 'rep' point. hahaha. thats the best I can give you guys. :D
Lol, you guys sounds pretty professional about it. But thats fantastic. If you have a passion for doing something, might as well do it well. *Respect*
Tue, 02-13-2007, 10:51 AM
is there anyone that is interested in teaching someone how to fan-sub because i am certainly interested and i will do my upmost to learn everything that there is to learn. PLEASE I AM BEGGING FOR ANY AND ALL HELP MY EMAIL IS
man i might even be willing to pay for help i just want to help because i know that anime can be a great pastime but i want to help the people who have allowed me to watch my favorite shows and help them because i think that is the only way that i can repay them for all the time and effort they go through for us the fans :)
Don't double post. Use the edit botton.
Tue, 02-13-2007, 02:00 PM
wow ...
go read.
That is all.
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