View Full Version : Naruto 176 Discussion

Wed, 03-15-2006, 10:44 PM
Let the discussion begin, DB has released a sub.:cool:

Wed, 03-15-2006, 11:37 PM
i hope they are kidding about what they say in intro...since i can't seem to be able to take a screenshot.. here what they say:

Hope you didn't get your hopes up because
There are 26 more weeks of filler

if its true... please kill me...

Wed, 03-15-2006, 11:55 PM
reply @ bioalien

please be joking... i am currently downloading the episode and if I see it to be true its going to make me want to kill the world not just you. I can't tell you how much I was expecting the return of the anime...

P.S :( :( :(

P.S.S :( :( :( I hope this is a joke , and if it is...it's cruel

Thu, 03-16-2006, 12:01 AM
sadly its not a joke... atleast with this episode this small arc is over, next episode is...
yay Jiraya is back!!! but no training... :(

Thu, 03-16-2006, 12:16 AM

Another filler season, wee!

(Nope, I don't even have the energy to get pissed off at it)

Watch as Naruto becomes Kenshin #2 !

Thu, 03-16-2006, 12:20 AM
Response to Alien---^

Oh 'noes'!!!!!

I know AOL talk and stuff is frowned upon but ... OMFG!!!WTF!!!POS!!!

Edit. Im going to be in college bby the time they start the anime. "sigh"

Should have there been enough time for the manga to go far enough away from the anime? Did the producers not have time to make the anime show?I think the fillers should have done their job already.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 01:10 AM
I'll only really be pissed at this if the series ends up cancelled before they can start back up again.

Basically, with the 3 year skip here, this is the best place for any and all fillers. The more they put here, the longer there is without fillers that might have to be put in the middle of important storylines.

As long as the fillers remain all together, and completely separate from the main storyline, it's no different than if the show had gone on hiatus. At least, not as far as my DVD collection is going to be concerned.

But on to the episode. I enjoyed it. This arc reminded me of the Curry arc, in that, it started off serious, and then just exploded into being comedic. In fact, for a two episode arc, this was a damn good arc. It wasn't awsome, but at least it was entertaining. I liked that the badguys had this one cool power, but were completely useless in a fight.

Also, anyone else notice that Hinatas new move was animated 10 times better this time than it was the last time they showed it? It actually looked cool this time instead of like a laser-light show.

The only thing that bothered me, was when everyone was chewing on Hinatas ropes, I kept thinking an orgy was about to break out.

Okay, maybe that didn't actually bother me.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 02:06 AM
Love the fact that DB have been releasing Naruto early for the last few weeks^^ but I'm ready for it 2 get back 2 the action all ready >.>

Thu, 03-16-2006, 02:11 AM
Hmm...so this whole arc was a big American Express Identity Theft commercial. Oh well.

This is great, I was expecting a fresh new start to the Naruto series, and to my surprise, I'm being spoon-fed quality crap. Yay!
I'm thinking that the producers have totally abandoned hope in Japanese viewers, and are placing their bets that the American viewers will digest this crap more easily.

Seeing Hinata blush at herself reminded me of that age old question (if you did it with yourself, would it count as...well you get it). Either she's really superficial, or a big lesibian, either is fine.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 02:51 AM
there cant be another filler season.. jiraya is back in next episode! they should start the training!

The only thing that bothered me, was when everyone was chewing on Hinatas ropes, I kept thinking an orgy was about to break out.
i was thinking the same thing...

Thu, 03-16-2006, 02:54 AM
i agree with drathender this arc wasn't that bad but it was kinda obvious that it was a test since last episode,,,,, the animation of hinata move was definately better that it was in the bicochu arc.... although it did looked like surgecial cut and at the end when she formed a shield with the technique that was hot. but the ending kinda sucked if i was naruto i would want my money back atleast i mean really..... it was an alright filler...

i think its a sick jokes about there being another 26 filler arc i mean serious it has to be there has been about 41 filler episodes( starting from 135... naruto/saske battle) another 11 weeks and that a year of filler.... i mean seriously isn't that enough space between the anime and the manga.

well i'll just have to wait and see i'll give it another 10 episode after that i think i'll be taking a vacation from naruto (maybe a permanent one).... god that ramen episode sucked ass and a few more of those would seriously be torture....


Thu, 03-16-2006, 03:04 AM
what i found stupid in this episode is that Naruto use the Kyubi power to do Tajyuu Kage Bunshin No Jutsu! ... such a wate of good chakra... :p, and the way he say it... does not sound right..

Thu, 03-16-2006, 03:22 AM
I found this show to be funny.

But it was a cartoonish funny, I didn't see the whole tajuu kage bunshin to be anime quality work, and the chase between naruto and the fake made this show look more cartoonish.
Naruto. "maybe ill rasengan something and..." i laughed since every one is always saying rasengan is being overused, and this is the perfect example....Beter than rasengan noodles. :)

I dont think this is a joke by DB as it seems they were unhappy with the extra fillers since they put NARUTO=DEAD right after the quote stating more fillers are coming our way

Vokalyzd Harmony
Thu, 03-16-2006, 03:35 AM
wow where does it say another season of fillers?!

Thu, 03-16-2006, 03:52 AM
i hope they are kidding about what they say in intro...since i can't seem to be able to take a screenshot.. here what they say:

if its true... please kill me...

Holy shit if that is true I am going to have to give up on the anime and read the manga. I have been waiting for a whole year for this fucking show to come back on and now we'll have to wait another? Can anybody else confirm this with a link or quote?

Thu, 03-16-2006, 04:04 AM
For fuck's sake I hope they're kidding, after all DB is a bit notorious to set up cruel jokes..And also come on....Jiraiya's back next filler....I mean, that must count something..right?


Thu, 03-16-2006, 04:24 AM
Wow, I actually thought this are might be okay, ofr a filler arc. But what kind of terrible test was this? Ohhhh you have to act like a team to beat up some regular people. Stupid!

Just read the manga, this is beyond crazy now, the tone of the show seems to have gone completely to slapstick antics. It seems they might have even stopped trying to make fillers that are similar to the actual show. Which could possibly work...if they were good.

The Kenshin comment above sounds very reasonable, I very recently found out why Kenshin got so weird after the Juppongatana Arc ended (If you've never seen Rurouni Kenshin, stop watching after this, for your own sake), and the exact same thing seems to be happening here. So everyone should just read the manga and pretend this show is/was not associated with the manga in the first place. Trust not to hope, for it has forsaken these fans!

Edit: Me Spell Bad!

Thu, 03-16-2006, 05:00 AM
Apparently, a terrible fate happened to the Kenshin series after the Juppon gatana arc. Due to massive fillers, public viewing dropped and so did the series making them unable to finish the last and what would have completed the series which would have been the Jinchu Arc. IMO would have been better than the juppon one.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 05:19 AM
Yes, that unanimated Kenshin arc would have owned.

Anyway, about the episode. Kiba rules. "I hate drama like this" - *Hinata faints*. So wonderful. I had some laughs this time actually, but also the occasional irritation. And Hinata's filler jutsu remains dumb and unnecessary.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 05:41 AM
Grief. One reason why the filler season was tolerable to an extent was the (somewhat) exact date when the show would go back to the manga source. It was kind of nice to be thinking these last weeks that it would only be a few more episodes, then perhaps KG, and then we would be back in business. But this is like telling an inmate, who was expecting to get free after a couple of weeks, that his sentence has been suddenly extended by another half a year.

I can't really decide whether to believe or not this news. DarthEnder might have a point, but it's a slim comfort, really. Well, such is life. There isn't much we could do about it, no matter how it turns out.

Anyway, this episode was decent enough in my opinion. It was the kind of stuff you forget after two hours, but it wasn't boring or outrageous, so I suppose it was good as far as fillers can ever be. There were even a couple of good jokes, the one I remember best was Kiba first telling Hinata to stay behind, and then Naruto stupidly repeating the exact same thing as if it hadn't been already said.

But god knows I wouldn't want to watch 26 more weeks fillers like this.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 06:08 AM
I hope DB is just trying to get a rise out of us.. For the love of all that is good and holy please no more filler.

This episode was alright. In the event that they do end up doing filler I wish they would take the focus off of Naruto and direct it towards the other groups for the entire season. Let them go on some missions WITHOUT Naruto. That'd at least be interesting and different as long as they can manage to create a decent story to back it up. But we all know thats not going to happen, we'll end up having to watch 26 more weeks of Noodle Rasengan and blatant stupidity on Naruto's behalf. How depressing... I don't even know if I could handle the pain of another season of Naruto filler.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 08:28 AM
Well, to be fair, the previous episode count we were going by was from what that studio guy said in that one interview. And he said the skip was gonna be in the spring. He didn't actually say it was gonna be right at the start of the spring season. So, while I think DB is joking about the 26 more episodes thing(don't know where they would get that information from, they don't know anything anyone else that trolls the internet would), the fillers could actually be ending anywhere in the next couple months.

Hehe, going Kyuubi over his ramen. That tickled me just so.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 08:49 AM
Seriously guys where the hell is DB getting their information from? If there was some sort of credible source of news to pack up their information then maybe I'd believe it but unless I hear some sort of announcement I'm going to keep my hopes up until this april.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 10:39 AM
Hell no, I'm dropping Naruto if it doesn't return to the manga in April, this is total bullsh*t...........

Thu, 03-16-2006, 11:11 AM
Haha. I don't know really what I'll do, belive it or not, so right now I'm just laughing. Damn.
Well, about this episode: I thought this mission was a little bit serious. This episode proved that I was wrong. About this "test", "work as a team" - Bleach anyone?
But there were some funny parts. That fake Naruto just rocked. If I were Naruto, I'd rasenganed the fake with all of my clones. >)

Thu, 03-16-2006, 03:47 PM
From what I have seen throughout other naruto forums is that DB has pulled many pranks like this before. They are famous for YHBT You Have Been Trolled jokes, I think its a joke becuase as LobsterMagnet said earlier, if their was more fillers there has to be some source its coming from and it would be posted all over the internet. Still that little bit of fear that they are not joking around lingers..... Im 99.999 percent sure this is a joke

Thu, 03-16-2006, 04:57 PM
Thank Kris Kringle that Kiba was on this mission. He MADE this episode.

"I hate drama." Girl faints.
The wrath of the ramen chef.
Hinata fainting from landing on Naruto's shoulder.
Stolen ramen induced Kyuubi.

I certainly can agree that when there's a fine line between silliness and seriousness, and this filler walked it pretty well. That being said it still doesn't hold a candle to the awesomness of the serious episodes. I'm praying DB was joking about that 26 more filler episodes to come thing.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 05:17 PM
Why the hell does it take 2 high strength ninjas and 1 super strong ninja dog to try and chew through some mundane ropes?

One of them could have easily grabbed a kunai with their mouth and cut the ropes...

At least they improved the animation of hinatas new technique.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 05:26 PM
Why the hell does it take 2 high strength ninjas and 1 super strong ninja dog to try and chew through some mundane ropes?

That question has been answered already: It made Hinata behave as if she was nearing an orgasm.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 05:31 PM
Well i guess that I will die old before I can se the real naruto animated at this rate. My only lament is that I dont have a nuke to throw over tokyotv or wherever they produce this CRAP. Looney toons are far better than this, I have a 12 year cousin wich I supply with naruto and said to me that this where cartoons for 8 years old kids. And I have to say that he is right, jokes are childiss and empty, it was a PG-13 show and they are turning it into a G. If that thing about 26 fillers more is true naruto is dead. RIP.

P.S: In my opinion kenshin fillers where better than naruto ones, so if kenshin went to oblivion....

Thu, 03-16-2006, 05:35 PM
That question has been answered already: It made Hinata behave as if she was nearing an orgasm.

Well it's probably the closest to a sexual experience she'll ever get :D

Edit: Did anyone ever stop to think about the fact that Tsunade looks severely fucked up in the opening?

Thu, 03-16-2006, 07:38 PM
If it's true that there is another filler season, then that will mean that by the time it's over there will have been 66 straight episodes of filler. And I thought 40-ish straight episodes of fillers was a lot. :eek:

Anyway, episodes 180+ don't exactly sound like fillers to me, so we can hope that they got their info wrong. Also, I would like to point out that some of the best seasons we had back in the day began with fillers, so it doesn't necessarily mean we have another full season of fillers coming at us.

Thu, 03-16-2006, 11:17 PM
I really believe this is a prank by DB. I have tried finding information on the extra fillers but nothing comes up anywhere on the net.

Next episodes the message will be YHBT you have been trolled....

Thu, 03-16-2006, 11:47 PM
I laughed aloud when Naruto went Kyuubi over his ramen. Seeing a really fucking huge kage bunshin was cool too. I think that was the biggest seen in the series so far. Decent enough episode.

Fri, 03-17-2006, 08:07 AM
I got a pretty good kick outta this episode, but I hope that it being a test was that obvious because must be getting dumb... Scary thought for me, but I guess the thing I like the most was the Cartoonish way this episode was played like. It had fairly good humor; I esspecially liked the end with the bill and all.

As for fillers I hope to see the manga related because I enjoyed the 3 or so episodes of manga I read after the jump. So it should be pretty good or atleast satisfying. I can't say that if it were true I wouldn't watch it because I have nothing better to do... Its probably true you value your time, but I don't think you call your time valuable either when you watch as much as I do. (thats an assumption, probably need to disclaim but its just a conjecture)

Anyways overall its was pretty good even as it was cartoony, much enjoyed indeed.

P.S. ... fuck fillers...

Fri, 03-17-2006, 02:17 PM
This ep was great, seeing Naruto go Kyuubi over his Raman stash was the highlight of the ep for me. That and seeing Hinatas jutsu again. And you guys don't actually believe that there is another 26weeks of filler do you? I didn't even know people paid attention to what DB wrote in the openings :/.

Fri, 03-17-2006, 10:08 PM
at the current rate of filler episodes the people who watch the series will lose intrest and it will get canceled before the fillers are over. That would suck alot. BTW if you are thinking about downloading this episode and reading this, don't. It was stupid.

Fri, 03-17-2006, 10:21 PM
Am I the only one here who remembered 26 episodes ago when they said there were 52 more filler weeks to go?

Sat, 03-18-2006, 04:55 PM
This ep was funny, especially Sakura and how Kiba defeated the fake Hinata with a taunt.

Sonsaku Hakufu
Sat, 03-18-2006, 07:10 PM

Sun, 03-19-2006, 08:41 AM
Indeed. What ARE we staring at?
Are we looking for a sunrise in the form of a season without fillers?


Sun, 03-19-2006, 08:56 AM
I'm getting fuckin sick of everyone's "Oh my god is there more fillers? Is DB lying to us?" This is EXACTLY what DB wanted, either by lying to us earlier about there being less fillers left or lying to us now by saying there's a whole season more to come. Either way they're getting a kick out of it.

And analyzing all of these episode titles doesn't seem to have given us any great insight into the future, so let's just put away the crystal balls and sit tight until we get something to go on.

Obviously I'm tired of the fillers too. I loved this show back when it kicked ass, and some of these fillers were just like smearing feces on a beautiful painting. I'd love to get back to the storyline, especially as I haven't even read the manga to fill the void these fillers can't even come close to filling. But goddamnit what's the use in speculating like this until we get some solid leads?

edit: sorry to blow up like this. It's just that there are like 5 threads here all basically discussing the same question without saying much at all. Just sit tight people!

Sun, 03-19-2006, 09:30 AM
Well, the sad truth is that (uselessly) speculating whether the fillers continue or not might just be more interesting than discussing the weak filler eps themselves. I mean, half a year ago everybody were still vehemently inventing new insults to cast upon Naruto fillers, but now people are a bit tired, and the filler discussion threads are filled with nothing but hollow emptiness if compared to what they used to be.

At least this brought some extra life here.

Sun, 03-19-2006, 09:59 AM
Indeed. What ARE we staring at?
Are we looking for a sunrise in the form of a season without fillers?


I stare at you and wonder... that guy want butt sex from Yzak?

I will cry and beat throw my neighbor kitten off a bridge if fillers cointune! I swear I'll do it!

This episode actually very funny tho. Kiba rule you! How come nobody notice Akamaru not with Kiba when fake return to village? That make it so obvious!

Sun, 03-19-2006, 02:44 PM
We've insulted the fillers so much, it has instinctively has created a hard armor that no witty insult can pierce.

Even so, this fucking sucks.

Mon, 03-20-2006, 10:46 AM
Plot wise for this episode, I thought it was pretty ridiculous. But as with some of the other filler episodes, it's meant to be light hearted and funny, while entertaining to the mass audience as well. I think it's served that purpose, while people who are looking forward to the time jump are going to get more frustrated. For me, I'd really hope DB are just kidding around with us, but even if there are going to be more fillers it's not the end of Naruto.

Mon, 03-20-2006, 11:03 AM
You would think that with those kind of abilities (perfect copies?), these "ninja" would be tougher. Great for espionage of assasination. Yet... they were cowards and weak. True, they wanted comic relief, but a potential "good ninja" (if they can be called that) were ruined by this.

Not that I liked them or anything, but like I said, that kind of ability on a world of shinobis would be useful, if properly trained.

Fri, 03-24-2006, 09:56 PM
I knew it!!!!! I knew those fakes were gonna be weak. Although, I never thought they would've been THIS weak.

Sun, 03-26-2006, 11:12 AM
the best part has to be when the fake Naruto was mooning Sakura. I had to burst out laughting there.:D