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Thu, 11-10-2011, 06:52 AM
Well... what are you trying to achieve? Build muscle, endurance, strength or simply losing weight?
I've been cutting since May, and I didn't have a lot of fat to burn so it wasn't easy. All up I've become pretty lean and I do have some muscle definition (broad shoulders, big-ish chest and arms, tiny waist). So I guess my goal, now that I've wiped the slate clean so to speak, is to build a bit more muscle. I don't want to become big as hell like a line backer or something, I guess I'm more after that ballet style of physique as dumb as it might sound, that chiseled, lean muscular look.
I'm on the way to a six-pack too inadvertently, but I know that'll be hard to maintain. Really gotta get the BF% low for that.

I've developed really good eating and supplement habits while cutting but I'm fairly sure I'll need to eat bigger portions in general if I want to build up a bit. On another note, a nutritionist told me I was eating wayyy too much protein daily. She said she has guys coming to her after 10+ years of high protein diets and their kidneys are starting to fail from all the hard work. *shrugs*

Thu, 11-10-2011, 07:02 AM
Enough of your bulshit Ani, just get some calipers and measure your bf%.

As much logic or fact as your side may have, it's still Ani's recount on what he saw and observed happenned to him. As "incorrect" or "making no sense" as it may be, I think "bullshit" is a bit harsh a word to use.

What's the consensus on "having some fat on you so you can burn it during workout"? I was wanting to burn off my fat as first priority before building mass. Lean mass, and not too much. I still want to fit into most of my current clothes.

Thu, 11-10-2011, 07:12 AM
What's the consensus on "having some fat on you so you can burn it during workout"? I was wanting to burn off my fat as first priority before building mass. Lean mass, and not too much. I still want to fit into most of my current clothes.
Burning fat quickly will be 95% diet related, IMO.

Thu, 11-10-2011, 07:39 AM
Burning fat quickly will be 95% diet related, IMO.

Yeah. I plan to do that. I've heard rumours that it's good to leave some fat on you so you can use it during your workouts, so I don't know if I want to be that extreme in the diet department or leave some padding for "energy". It sounds like a wive's tale to me, but perhaps there's some hidden reason that I'm not aware of.

Thu, 11-10-2011, 08:24 AM
I don't think you want to "leave fat on you" for workouts, because your body won't process that fat as quickly as it needs energy. You eat shortly before to have the energy to workout.

Thu, 11-10-2011, 09:27 AM
It's not possible to really gain a lot of muscle if you don't bulk up ( ie get fat) beforehand; your body simply will not have fat to burn and it will reach a peak on how much muscle it can gain.

Thu, 11-10-2011, 10:06 AM
There's a whole lot of ignorance going on in this thread. It's to be expected though, there are loads of myths on the subject of muscle gain and fat loss.

I've been cutting since May, and I didn't have a lot of fat to burn so it wasn't easy. All up I've become pretty lean and I do have some muscle definition (broad shoulders, big-ish chest and arms, tiny waist). So I guess my goal, now that I've wiped the slate clean so to speak, is to build a bit more muscle. I don't want to become big as hell like a line backer or something, I guess I'm more after that ballet style of physique as dumb as it might sound, that chiseled, lean muscular look.
I'm on the way to a six-pack too inadvertently, but I know that'll be hard to maintain. Really gotta get the BF% low for that.

I've developed really good eating and supplement habits while cutting but I'm fairly sure I'll need to eat bigger portions in general if I want to build up a bit. On another note, a nutritionist told me I was eating wayyy too much protein daily. She said she has guys coming to her after 10+ years of high protein diets and their kidneys are starting to fail from all the hard work. *shrugs*

You're looking for ottermode, google it. A 6 pack isn't really that hard to maintain assuming you'll still do maintenance workout and personally i find it extremely aesthetically pleasing. Swimming would also be a good alternative for maintenance.

What's the consensus on "having some fat on you so you can burn it during workout"? I was wanting to burn off my fat as first priority before building mass. Lean mass, and not too much. I still want to fit into most of my current clothes.

Well powerlifters keep a lot of fat as to keep spinal injuries less likely... but i'm guessing that what you mean is how beginners to lifting are able to both gain muscle and lose fat at the same time so the concept of bulking and cutting becomes less significant to them.

I don't think you want to "leave fat on you" for workouts, because your body won't process that fat as quickly as it needs energy. You eat shortly before to have the energy to workout.

Actually, there have been some interesting studies on the advantages of fasting before workout. I'll see if i can find the article when i get home.

It's not possible to really gain a lot of muscle if you don't bulk up ( ie get fat) beforehand; your body simply will not have fat to burn and it will reach a peak on how much muscle it can gain.

Read my answer to Bill's question.

Thu, 11-10-2011, 02:24 PM
It's not possible to really gain a lot of muscle if you don't bulk up ( ie get fat) beforehand; your body simply will not have fat to burn and it will reach a peak on how much muscle it can gain.I don't think that's how it works. Most people who start body building don't start as fat people, they're usually scrawny. To gain mass when you work out, drink protein shakes and eat more food, preferably lean meats and other sources of protein and carbs.

Mon, 11-14-2011, 04:33 PM
Yo psyke, i got 4km ( 3.9something) in my 20 min workout jog so that's 2km per 10min. Where does that leave me in your standard chart?

Tue, 11-15-2011, 06:54 AM
You get a pass. Which is a fail in most peoples' eyes since Silver is the minimum :)

Gold standard in the military physical tests here means 9 minutes 44 seconds for 2.4km.

Tue, 11-15-2011, 07:03 AM
...challenge fucking accepted >_>

Give me a couple of weeks

Tue, 11-15-2011, 07:09 AM
Haha good luck :) I'm taking a trial test tomorrow so hopefully I can reach my goal :p

For those who are curious, there are 5 stations in the test: 2.4km run, chin ups, sit-ups, shuttle run (4 x 10m), and standing broad jump.

Tue, 11-15-2011, 08:42 PM
Ok before I start my Long and arduous fitness post I will give a break down of what I am talking about, the first section will be 5 basic weight free workouts and then the second half will be the *"5 rules of a weight-free workout" that will allow you to make the exercises harder as you progress. NOTE: THIS POST IS REALLY .. REALLY LONG so if you're scared of reading avoid it. Oh and this is a male oriented workout, for the few ladies out there I have a toning workout in a PDF document I can send you if you wish.

Workout Routine Instructions: Perform the first two exercises as an alternating set, that means do a set of exercise 1, rest 60 seconds, then do a set of exercise 2 and rest for another 60 seconds: thats"s one alternating set. Do 3-4 sets of Each exercise. Next, do exercises 3 and 4 as an alternating set (3-4 sets again). For the last exercise do 4 sets and rest 60 seconds after each one.

1: Bulgarian Split Squat
Stand with your right foot on a bench or chair behind you (extended leg), and keep your arms at your sides. Keeping your torso upright, lower your body until your left thigh is at least parallel to the floor. Pause, then push yourself back up. Do 12-15 repetitions per leg for 1 set.

2: Inverted Shoulder Press
Assume a push up position, but place your feet on a sturdy object that's about two feet high (bench or chair) and push your hips up so your torso is nearly perpendicular to the floor. Bend your elbows to lower your head toward the floor. Pause then press yourself back up. Do 12-15 Reps for 1 set.

3: Single Leg Deadlift
Stand on your left foot with your right foot raised behind you, arms at your sides. Allow your torso to lean slightly forward as you lower your body straight down until your hands touch the floor. Pause, then push back up to the starting position. Complete 10-12 reps on each leg for 1 set.

4: T-Pushup
Lower your body as you would in a normal pushup, but as you push up, lift one hand toward the ceiling and rotate your torso and hips in the same direction until you are facing sideways. Return to the starting position and repeat with your other arm. Complete 15-20 reps on each side for 1 set.

Assume a push up position, but with your forearms against the floor (arms should look like a capital L). Focus the tension on your core and keep your body straight from head to toe for 60 seconds, that's one set.

*the next section is the above stated rules of weight free workouts to help you progress as you improve.

Rule 1: The longer your body the weaker you become

- By increasing the distance between the point of force (your target muscles) and the end of the object you're trying to lift (your body), you decrease your mechanical advantage. Think of it this way: An empty barbell is easy to lift off the floor if you grab it in the middle, but try moving a few inches in one direction and it instantly becomes heavier- even though it's weight hasn;t changed. The same idea also applies to your body: lengthen it and every exercise you do becomes harder.

Rule 2: The farther you move the more muscle you work

-In physics "mechanical work" is equal to force (or weight) times distance. Since your muscles and bones function together as simple machines (they form class 1,2, and 3 levers) the same formula applies to your body. It's the most basic of principles: do more work, build more muscle. Of course, in a weight-free workout you can't increase force (unless you gain weight), but you can boost your work output by moving a greater distance during each repetition.

Rule 3: As Elastic energy decreases, muscle involvement increases.

-When you lower your body as you perform any exercise, you build up "elastic energy" in your muscles. Just like in a coiled spring, that elasticity allows you to "bounce" back to the starting position, reducing the work your muscles have to do. Eliminate the bounce and you'll force your body to recruit more muscle fibers to get you moving again. How? Pause for 4 seconds in the down position of an exercise. That's the amount of time it takes to discharge all the elastic energy of a muscle.

Rule 4: Moving in two directions is better than moving in one.

-Human movements occur on three geometric planes: Sagittal (front to back and up to down), Frontal (side to side), Traverse (rotational). Most lifting exercises occur on the Sagittal (not sure if this is how its spelled,but bear with me) plane (such as bench press, squat, chin-up, or curl), most balance exercises are on the frontal plane (such as lateral lunges and side bends). This is relevant because it means most men rarely train their bodies on the traverse plane despite using constant rotation in everyday life. Case in point: walking. It's subtle,but your hips rotate with every step; in fact, watch a sprinter from behind and you'll see that his hips rotate almost 90 degrees. So by adding a rotational component to any exercise, you'll automatically work more muscle - since you'll fully engage your core as well as the original target muscles - and simultaneously build a better performing body.

Rule 5: The Less contact your body has with the floor, the more your muscles must compensate.

- The smaller the percentage of an object's surface area that's touching a solid base, the less stable that object is. Thankfully for human beings we have a built in stabilizer:muscles. And by forcing that stabilization system to kick in - by making your body less stable - you'll make any exercise harder, while activating more muscles. And for this very reason free-weight or weight free workouts garner far superior results compared to machines (in my opinion).

Ok .. I'm done hope this helps .. that is if you read this far :p

Wed, 11-16-2011, 07:25 AM
Bodyweight exercises are for pussies, i'm just sayin...

Wed, 11-16-2011, 11:51 AM
Bodyweight exercises are for pussies, i'm just sayin...

I agree, but the original post asked for a weight free routine, so I gave one for the sake of relevance. My personal routine involves weights, I do a 3 day rotation, 2 muscle groups per day, and on my rest day I do cardio and abs.

Day 1: Chest&Back (SS=a superset, doing 1 set of each exercise before taking a break)

a) SS: Dumbbell Chest Press, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6
Dumbbell Pec Flys, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

B) SS: Seated Rowing, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6
V-Handle Lat Pull-downs, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

C) Incline Barbell Press, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

D) Incline Cable Flys, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

E) SS: Chin-ups, 3 sets till exhaustion
Chest Dips, 3 sets till exhaustion

F) Dumbbell Shrugs, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

G) Decline Dumbbell Press, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

Day 2: Biceps&Triceps

A) SS: Dumbbell Curls, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6
Hammer Curls, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

B) SS: Close-grip bench press, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6
French Press, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

C) SS: EZ-bar preacher curls, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6
EZ-bar reverse curls, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

D) SS: Overhead Tricep extensions(cable), 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6
Cable Pull-down extensions, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

E) Overhead Cable Curls, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

F) Wrist Curls, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

Day 3: Shoulders&Legs

A) Hang-Clean and Press, 4 sets, reps: 6, 6, 5, 4

B) Deadlift, 4 sets, reps: 6, 6, 5, 4

C) Arnold Shoulder Press, 4 sets, reps: 6, 6, 5, 4

D) Squats, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

E) SS: Lateral Dumbbell Raises, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6
Front Dumbbell Raises, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

F) Thigh abductors, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

G) Upright Cable Rows, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

H) Dumbbell Calf Raises, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

I) Rocky Press, 4 sets, reps: 12, 10, 8, 6

Day 4 (rest-day): I do cardio and abs on this day but it can be used as an off day

A) 20-30 minutes of carido (cycling or jogging, ect.)

B) Captains chair knee lifts: 20, 15, 15, 10

C) Incline Sit ups: 20, 15, 15, 10

D) Incline Leg lifts: 15, 15, 10, 10

*C) Medicine Ball Oblique twists: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

* do with a partner where one person does ten twists and tosses the medicine ball to their partner while maintaining a v-sit up position, the partner then does 10 and passes it back, progress in this manner until you reach 1

It is not a perfect routine but it works for me

Wed, 11-16-2011, 06:01 PM
It's weird that days one and two are an odd mix of push-pull exercises, rather than just push and just pull.

Also the first post was made about 5 years ago. You can ignore everything before around 2010.

Wed, 11-16-2011, 06:38 PM
It's weird that days one and two are an odd mix of push-pull exercises, rather than just push and just pull.

Also the first post was made about 5 years ago. You can ignore everything before around 2010.

The reason the exercises seem so mixed up in terms of push and pull is that day two incorporates triceps which granted are used in a lot of chest exercises, but the main reason is I try to target every aspect of the muscle, by incorporating a variety of exercises you keep your body guessing so to speak that way you don't plateau as easily and can use the routine for a longer period of time. Ideally you should change your routine every 6 weeks, otherwise your body becomes acclimatized to the exercises and your gains will be stifled, thus by using a variety of push and pull compound exercises the muscle gets a more complete workout.

Another reason I chose a lot of these exercises is they are simplistic, I try and avoid anything too complex because then I spend more time worrying about my form and not hurting myself than getting a quality workout. A majority of the chest routine was taken from Gregg Plitt's regiment, he's the fitness model whose body they used for Dr.Manhattan in the movie Watchmen, where as most of the shoulders and back exercises I took from Arnold Schwarzenegger's documentary "Pumping Iron" the only difference is I modified the set/rep ratio for a lower weight and higher reps because I prefer to build lean muscle mass over size.

Mon, 11-21-2011, 04:23 AM
It might be a bit TL;DR, but I'm hoping you guys can critique this article for me, as this is pretty much my goal:


Parts that confuse me:
- Post-workout - "Fruit sugars (fructose) take much longer to be absorbed by the body and should be avoided." I thought fruit was very quick-release and thus is very good for post-workout. I'll need to re-asses what I'm doing, or get a specific post-workout shake.
- Morning cardio on an empty stomach - shouldn't all cardio be pre-fueled, regardless of body type and/or intensity?

Anyway, the exercises listed make sense to me, more reps at a faster pace with a lighter weight as opposed to heavier weight with less reps.

Mon, 11-21-2011, 07:23 AM
>Chest and Back in the same day

And just like that this workout plan is already retarded. It's funny though, when you talked about your goal i instantly thought of Brad Pitt in Fight club.

- Not really, what you want in your post workout meal is fast digesting carbs and proteins. Fruit has slow digesting carbs and it isn't that good a source for protein, not to mention it's usually pretty high on sugar. I usually have a whey milkshake, it's fairly cheap and much less of an hassle to carry around to the gym.

- Like i posted before there has been some interesting research regarding fasted training but honestly i wouldn't do it. The premise is that you'll activate your metabolism with some light cardio in the morning and then eat a high protein meal afterwards thus sustaining you till lunch with no calories left unburned but training in an empty stomach is fucking torture and takes too much time getting used to. Keep in mind this is simply my personal opinion though.

Whatever plan you do is pretty irrelevant Raven as long as it targets all the muscles in an intelligent order. Usually a 3 day split will be chest/triceps, back/biceps and shoulders/legs though Bis and Tris can be switched around. After that it's all about nutrition, with your goal in mind you should keep a high protein diet low on sugar, transfats and all that other shit you know is bad for you but eat anyway. Cardio around off days would probably also be a smart choice, either jogging or swimming.

Tue, 11-22-2011, 01:51 AM
Cheers dude. I'll sit down and reassess what I'm doing. I'll still need to cut a bit more I think.

I'm actually used to doing cardio on an empty stomach; it was only recently someone advised me that might be a bad idea. Hmm.

Tue, 11-22-2011, 02:57 AM
Oh and protip, drink lots of water.

Wed, 11-23-2011, 06:37 PM
Thinking about starting a new routine (I try and mix it up every 6 weeks) got the idea from the fitness model Greg Plitt, his body was used for Dr.Manhattan in Watchmen, and he suggests doing a 6 day routine with one target muscle grouping per day and then by the time your done the cycle your muscle-group from day 1 will have had enough time to heal that you could just start over, basically going seven days a week. Anyone tried anything like this before, I'm curious if it's worth pursuing, I need something new in my regime I'm starting to plateau on the weight I can lift.

Wed, 11-23-2011, 07:00 PM
I don't think there's any added value in a 5 or 6 day split for the beginner to intermediate lifter in comparison to a 3 day a week workout plan.

Wed, 11-23-2011, 07:05 PM
I suppose but, I've just been looking for a new approach to keep my workouts fresh, and having been working out for a dedicated 2 years the routines get old fast

I don't think there's any added value in a 5 or 6 day split for the beginner to intermediate lifter in comparison to a 3 day a week workout plan.

Wed, 11-23-2011, 07:08 PM
Well why not try a crossfit or a kettlebell oriented program just for fun? You could also try some swimming or resistance training to drop your bf%.

I'm just opposed to a 6 day program because i feel it would only lead to poor lean mass gains and possibly overtraining exhaustion.

Thu, 11-24-2011, 07:54 PM
I might try the kettlebells Andy Whitfield from Spartacus did a good article on mens health magazine on a few kettlebell routine I could try. I love the swimming idea, but I hate pools and being as I`m from Canada swimming weather is only around 2-3 months of the year :p

Anybody use supplements to go with their workouts?

I`m not that into them myself I prefer to go with the natural method (there is way too many negative aspects to things such as creatine ect.), but I found a pretty good one, called vegegreens its a few servings of vegetables in a powder, tastes like the sandman crapped in your cup, but it helped supplement my diet which pretty much consists of meat, dairy, fruit and nuts and not too many green veggies.

Thu, 11-24-2011, 09:15 PM
I hate swimming for the sole reason that it dries out my skin. Same reason I try to time my activities so I only need to shower once daily, though that can change with summer and myself starting to go to the gym again soon.

Anybody recommend a workout for beginners for just an overall weightloss + balanced building (until I feel like halting the growth anyway)?

The whole rotation thing seems... annoying. You guys seem to either be switching on a weekly, or 6-weekly basis.. Is there anything wrong with switching between certain programs?

(eg 6-weeks program#1, 6-weeks program#2, 6weeks program#3, 6-weeks program#1)

Thu, 11-24-2011, 09:53 PM
I think it's mostly to prevent boredom and to change things up for your muscles which supposedly helps them grow faster. This is the basis behind programs like P90X where the new moves and non-standard workout routines result in faster muscle gains.

Thu, 11-24-2011, 09:57 PM
I hate swimming for the sole reason that it dries out my skin. Same reason I try to time my activities so I only need to shower once daily, though that can change with summer and myself starting to go to the gym again soon.

Anybody recommend a workout for beginners for just an overall weightloss + balanced building (until I feel like halting the growth anyway)?

The whole rotation thing seems... annoying. You guys seem to either be switching on a weekly, or 6-weekly basis.. Is there anything wrong with switching between certain programs?

(eg 6-weeks program#1, 6-weeks program#2, 6weeks program#3, 6-weeks program#1)

a no matter how good a routine is your body gets used to it at about 6 weeks, so its important to switch the routine for the sake of progressing in strength, that being said it is important to stick to a routine for at least a few weeks, that way you can steadily progress in those exercises by targeting the same muscle and it makes it alot easier to track. As for a beginners workout either of the formats posted by me or archangel (see a few posts above) are acceptable the difference between a beginner and someone more experienced doing those exercises is purely the weights you are lifting, start with low weights, doing high repetitions (good for burning fat and staying lean), and pay close attention to your form, doing an exercise properly will get you better results than the guys you see at the gym trying to lift more than they should and not maintaining proper form. If you are not familiar with any of the exercises I posted check this site out http://www.bodybuilding.com/exercises/ it has an exercise directory with written as well as video instruction for form and safe lifting practices. Another thing I would recommend is something called compound exercises: workouts that utilize multiple muscle groups, not only will this make your workouts more efficient, it will also give your body a well rounded workout and this is essential to losing fat. Diet is important too, not in terms of counting calories so much as making sure you have the fuel your body needs to heal and grow lean muscle mass, make sure you get lots of protein in your diet, avoid salty foods, and drink lots of water. There are a few good ways to stay motivated as well consider writing a journal, tracking the weights you lifted, how many reps you did, and as the weeks go by you can track how much more you can lift its an easy way to see the progress you've made even if it isn't apparent on your body immediately.

as to the whole dry skin - one shower a day thing you could always workout in the morning, wake up an hour earlier eat breakfast hit the gym then get ready for work or school. another possibility is later in the evening that way at least your shower would be spaced out so your skin wouldn't dry out too much, though I'm sure moisturizing would be a quick fix for that.

Thu, 11-24-2011, 09:59 PM
Anybody recommend a workout for beginners for just an overall weightloss + balanced building (until I feel like halting the growth anyway)?
First: Your workout has nothing to do with your weightloss or mass gains. That's almost entirely up to your diet.

Second: Rippetoe's Starting Strength (http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Starting_Strength_Wiki)

It's mid-volume, high-intensity using several important compound lifts. Tried and true. Do it.

As for showering, I had the same issue. Solved it by shifting my entire day back a few hours. Wake up at 2:45 am, gym, shower, work, bed by 8:00pm. Early to bed, early to rise.

But I'm certainly not fucking wealthy.

Thu, 11-24-2011, 11:04 PM
First: Your workout has nothing to do with your weightloss or mass gains. That's almost entirely up to your diet.

I plan to focus there too. I didn't know exercise was almost completely irrelevant though. Thought at least some longer sessions of running/cardio would be beneficial in that regard..

though I'm sure moisturizing would be a quick fix for that.

Hoho, I moisturise daily already..

I'll have a look at those tips. Thanks guys.

edit: regarding Deadlift's and Ani's comment on changing routines - I'm asking whether it's fine to cycle the routines. There'll be a change every 6 weeks.. but does:

Ax6wks, Bx6wks, Cx6wks, Ax6wks... work? Or does every 6 weeks need to be different, AND not repeat any previously tried 6-week routine? That's what I was asking.

Thu, 11-24-2011, 11:59 PM
there`s no issue re-using a routine as long as you have one other in between, you could try doing one routine focused on fat burning and another on strength training for example and just alternate.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 07:06 AM
I`m not that into them myself I prefer to go with the natural method (there is way too many negative aspects to things such as creatine ect.), but I found a pretty good one, called vegegreens its a few servings of vegetables in a powder, tastes like the sandman crapped in your cup, but it helped supplement my diet which pretty much consists of meat, dairy, fruit and nuts and not too many green veggies.
...yeah, increased mental and physical aptitude along with increased muscle gains. It's the devil's nectar.

First: Your workout has nothing to do with your weightloss or mass gains. That's almost entirely up to your diet.

Second: Rippetoe's Starting Strength (http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Starting_Strength_Wiki)
It's 50/50 if you ask me, you can't tell me you'll build any significant muscle with a high rep ( 15+ ) and cardio routine even if you keep a high proteins and carb diet.

Oh and SS is overrated as fuck, but it's a solid muscle building program for beginners.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 09:22 AM
Oh and SS is overrated as fuck
What makes it "overrated" rather than "effective"?

Fri, 11-25-2011, 09:37 AM
I've no idea about all these calculations and theory stuff, and I tend to only run. But I need to build up some upper body strength so I've been doing just push ups and not going to a gym. Just curious, how many chin-ups can you guys do? As in the maximum number. Mine's around 12 I guess, but I'm hoping to do more after this regime.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 09:40 AM
What makes it "overrated" rather than "effective"?
Never said it wasn't, i'm just against the idea that it's the only effective plan available for a beginner.

If one knows what he's doing ( or is instructed by someone who does ) then the difference in results obtained by either a compound or isolation workout is pretty negligible.

I've no idea about all these calculations and theory stuff, and I tend to only run. But I need to build up some upper body strength so I've been doing just push ups and not going to a gym. Just curious, how many chin-ups can you guys do? As in the maximum number. Mine's around 12 I guess, but I'm hoping to do more after this regime.

There's a whole lot going on in your upper body Psyke, care to be more specific? Why do you need it for example.

I don't know about chin ups, i stopped doing them after i hit 10. I can do 12-15 pull ups at 75kg though.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 05:01 PM
What makes it "overrated" rather than "effective"?

there not over rated at all, for beginners they allow you to focus on form with high reps and isolating a particular muscle group very well, but for advanced people that many reps at a high weight really gets the muscles pumped and is an excellent way to start a workout.

that's just my opinion, however I did take the format from a fitness models workout and he's no beginner. In the end it all comes down to what works best for you individually, everyone has a different body, strengths, and weaknesses. when you first start working out it's all about trial and error if you aren't willing to try a routine or new way of doing things based on "beginner" stigmas then you're potentially missing out on what could have been your best work-out.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 06:36 PM
there not over rated at all, for beginners they allow you to focus on form with high reps and isolating a particular muscle group very well, but for advanced people that many reps at a high weight really gets the muscles pumped and is an excellent way to start a workout.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I was responding to Archangel's comment about the Starting Strength routine, which has almost no isolation exercises whatsoever.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 07:34 PM
ahh SS as in starting strength, I misunderstood SS as meaning Super Set, my bad

Fri, 11-25-2011, 07:35 PM
I've started the P90x routine recently....well i havent actually started the regiment yet since im no where near the shape needed to actually do it. But i've been doing the plyometrics one on and off, trying to increase the amount i get done each time. Once i can get through the entire video i think i'll start the full program.

Any of you guys have experience with P90x, or know someone who's done it? What are your thoughts on its effectiveness?

I've no idea about all these calculations and theory stuff, and I tend to only run. But I need to build up some upper body strength so I've been doing just push ups and not going to a gym. Just curious, how many chin-ups can you guys do? As in the maximum number. Mine's around 12 I guess, but I'm hoping to do more after this regime.

For upper body (particularly if you're not too worried about specific muscle groups and just want a general upper body workout) pushups is one of the best things to do. It's simply the best excersice for your pecs and it really works on your triceps as well. As for pullups i believe being able to do 15-20 is considered fairly decent, though you should always be pushing to do more ofcourse....that is, dont just get to the point where you can do 20 and then be like "welp, im set for life!" :p.

I dont know how many i can do right now, probably not more then 10 as i've let myself go quite a bit.

For a general upper body workout, here's what i recommend:

Push ups (pecs/triceps) - try to do 100 each night; either 50/50, or 40/40/20...whatever combination works. But your goal should be to do the 100 each night.

Pullups (biceps) - Set a target and try to beat it. A good variation is to hold position as you come down. Meaning, you go up all the way, hold for 10 seconds....come down slightly (elbows 90 degrees) and hold for 10 sec....come down a bit more (elbows at 130 degrees) and hold 10 sec. Also, you can spread your arms further apart (beyond your shoulders). These are harder to do, but they will bring out that V shape.

Abs - a combination of situps/crunches/leg lifts. Basically do as many different variations as you can, with as many reps as you can. For the leg lifts, bring up each leg seperately...that way you work both sides of your abdominal muscles.

Back Now this is tougher to do at home, especially since there's like 5 different muscles that make up your back. i dont know of any exercises off the top of my head that you can do wihtout weights, but if you have a pair of dumbells you can find a whole bunch of stuff on the intarwebz.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 08:38 PM
Pullups are primarily a back exercise...

Edit: Chin-ups focus more on biceps.
Edit: And if you're recommending doing 100 pushups, it becomes primarily a cardiovascular exercise, and I'd advocate doing that early in the morning before eating. There's a lot of controversy around when it's best to do cardio, but that's what I've found most beneficial for me.

But as far as strength building goes, pushups are awful. Basically what Archangel said is true.

It's 50/50 if you ask me, you can't tell me you'll build any significant muscle with a high rep ( 15+ ) and cardio routine even if you keep a high proteins and carb diet.
Once you get past a certain number of reps, you're not really tearing and building any muscle, just working out your lungs. You're not going to get any stronger doing a shit load of pushups. But perhaps that's your goal.

Fri, 11-25-2011, 11:48 PM
For push ups I thought this 'program' if you will, was pretty good. http://hundredpushups.com/week1.html

In relation to supplements, I wouldn't go near creatine, I just stick to protein and I'm pretty happy with it.

Anyone know of anything that's good for energy? Hate being in the gym and too tired or too lazy to do anything, need something to get me flying, natural or not (no weird shit ;) ).

Sat, 11-26-2011, 12:58 PM
Anyone know of anything that's good for energy? Hate being in the gym and too tired or too lazy to do anything, need something to get me flying, natural or not (no weird shit ;) ).

Sat, 11-26-2011, 01:25 PM
Creatine made my joints (knees) hurt, even before I read about it, so it's not psychosomatic.

I take protein, but only after my workout. Before a workout, I eat a protein and carb filled breakfast of waffles, eggs, and sausage, with a cup of coffee. I try to eat 3 hours before a workout so it's fully digested.

Sat, 11-26-2011, 03:12 PM

Wouldn't touch the stuff. Thanks anyway though.

Sat, 11-26-2011, 03:23 PM
Am i being trolled or are you guys genuinely this stupid?

Sat, 11-26-2011, 05:13 PM
Am i being trolled or are you guys genuinely this stupid?

creatine gives you acne and makes you gain water weight, are you that stupid?

Sat, 11-26-2011, 06:03 PM
Yeah, this is why I wouldn't touch it http://www.creatine-monohydrate.org/dangers-of-creatine.htm

Sat, 11-26-2011, 06:59 PM
creatine gives you acne and makes you gain water weight, are you that stupid?
No it doesn't and only if you don't cycle it properly/don't exercise while using it.

I've been using creatine for almost a year now ( cycled ) and have experienced no side effects whatsoever, which is what pretty much every creatine user will tell you as well.

Sat, 11-26-2011, 07:12 PM
I don't use any supplements, but judging from the available data, creatine is fairly safe, and simply has a really bad rep that is not really based on scientific studies.

Sat, 11-26-2011, 08:41 PM
i just prefer a natural method and don't see anything stupid about doing so, people were able to attain great gains long before supplements came around, i don't need a crutch

Sat, 11-26-2011, 09:19 PM
You want energy? Two words:

Vitamin. B.

Sat, 11-26-2011, 09:27 PM
That's the main ingredient of products like 5 Hour Energy and Worx. It works on me sometimes, but not always.

Tue, 11-29-2011, 12:46 PM
Here's a video on what not to do


Watch it, memorize it and then never repeat anything similar to this type of form in the gym ever again. Inb4 that guy's in a wheelchair.

Tue, 11-29-2011, 05:04 PM
Here's a video on what not to do


Watch it, memorize it and then never repeat anything similar to this type of form in the gym ever again. Inb4 that guy's in a wheelchair.

God, that made my back and shoulders hurt just watching it.

Just to be clear, no matter what exercise you are doing, no matter what routine, for the love of God make sure your form is correct.

Tue, 11-29-2011, 05:22 PM
i just prefer a natural method and don't see anything stupid about doing so, people were able to attain great gains long before supplements came around, i don't need a crutch

People also used to perform physical activities 8-10 hours a day.

Edit: That video also made my back hurt. My instructor would probably make me stop working out entirely if I kept lifting weights like that.

Thu, 12-01-2011, 06:37 PM
You honestly wouldn't believe how hard i'm laughing right now


If this was happening close to home i'd go there everyday with by buds and we'd bet on which bitch would break their spine first.

Thu, 12-01-2011, 07:50 PM
Are the women doing more weight than the men? I kept expecting one of them to drop the bar on her head.

Thu, 12-01-2011, 09:05 PM
Without even reading the description I knew they were from Crossfit.

Thu, 12-01-2011, 09:08 PM
What do you mean?

Thu, 12-01-2011, 09:14 PM
Fuck that shit, I'd definitely drop that shit and break my wrists in the process.

Fri, 12-02-2011, 04:23 AM
The last motion to get the weight above their heads is interesting. I've done thrusters with kettle bells, but never with a barbell. Though these guys seem to think the idea behind a thruster is to fall faster than the gravity of the barbell, allowing yourself to move underneath it, apparently?

It's so... graceful... like a swan with a neck brace.

Fri, 12-02-2011, 07:17 AM
What do you mean?
Probably because crossfit has a long history of shit form and injuries.

Fri, 12-02-2011, 08:37 PM
You honestly wouldn't believe how hard i'm laughing right now


If this was happening close to home i'd go there everyday with by buds and we'd bet on which bitch would break their spine first.

Holy crap are they all retards??? Surely one person in the room must know they're doing it wrong... If this happened in my gym I think I would die with laughter.

Fri, 12-02-2011, 11:34 PM
Usually a 3 day split will be chest/triceps, back/biceps and shoulders/legs though Bis and Tris can be switched around.

Is that a 3 day per week rotation, or just a 3-day rotation to be repeated as necessary?

Sat, 12-03-2011, 10:02 AM
Personally i prefer Monday, Wednesday and then Friday but you could space them however you want as long as there always at least 1 rest day in between.

Sat, 12-03-2011, 11:01 AM
Hmm.. k

By the way guys, how do you tell if you're having trouble completing an exercise because you're lacking energy vs muscular strength?

I'm still trying to work out what my target intake should be. 4000KJ, 5000KJ or 6000KJ.

It's only been day two.. but I'm surprisingly hungry. (Surprisingly because I thought the bulk would ease the hunger.. maybe I'll eat more veges instead..)

Sat, 12-03-2011, 11:16 AM
Ok first off... KJ? Seriously? Speak in calories or i ain't helping you.

In paper your bulking diet should look something like this

Calories: 16-18x bodyweight (in lbs)
Protein: 1+ grams per lb. bodyweight

I'll be the first to admit i don't count calories though, i just did my research on food that's high on carbs or protein and improvised around it. You should never be hungry though, if anything you should be nauseatingly full at first.

Protip, have a banana and a coffee 20-10 min before your workout and you'll have all the energy you could possibly want.

On another note

...challenge fucking accepted >_>

Give me a couple of weeks

Challenge fucking completed :D

Last day of my 1 month resistance training plan too, had to load up on carbs even though i was supposed to be cutting but i made those 2.4km at 9 min 45 seconds my bitches. I used a treadmill but i'm confident i could run it as well.

Sat, 12-03-2011, 11:41 AM
I got a negative value for your calorie calculation. And it's a weight loss diet before it's a bulking diet. I'm essentially eating tuna and vegetables.

Sat, 12-03-2011, 12:25 PM
Really? What's your bf%? You don't sound fat :O

Sat, 12-03-2011, 12:27 PM
Really? What's your bf%? You don't sound fat :O

No idea. How do I calculate that?

Sat, 12-03-2011, 12:31 PM
Oh you fucking tool... what are you doing cutting when you don't even know your bf%?

Give this a try and get back to me with the results


It will only serve as an approximation but it should do for now.

Sat, 12-03-2011, 12:46 PM
I've got a belly. That's more than enough reason to diet.

edit: 19.8% according to that formula.

Sat, 12-03-2011, 12:59 PM
Yeah... cutting time.

You don't have any muscle yet so cutting is pretty simple, just eat less. You don't have to worry about muscle maintenance so as long as you eat at a caloric deficit you'll lose fat.

If you manage that and some daily cardio you'll be ready for bulking in 2 months tops, assuming that's your goal.

Sat, 12-03-2011, 01:07 PM
Oh you fucking tool... what are you doing cutting when you don't even know your bf%?

Give this a try and get back to me with the results


It will only serve as an approximation but it should do for now.That website is a ridiculously imprecise method of determining body fat. I thought my bf% would be 15-20%, turned out a lot higher than that using a DEXA scan.

Sat, 12-03-2011, 10:31 PM
By the way guys, how do you tell if you're having trouble completing an exercise because you're lacking energy vs muscular strength?

When you're just starting out you shouldn't be doing enough weight to even understand what not having the strength to lift it feels like.

You're feeling a combination of unfamiliar muscle movements and lack of energy. Once your body adapts and you start lifting heavier you'll be find your "real" limits. Your body can lift a lot of weight right now, it just doesn't know how.

Wed, 12-07-2011, 01:01 PM
Yeah that BF% calculator wasn't very accurate :/

Wed, 12-07-2011, 06:52 PM
My new goal in life is to be this awesome


Wed, 12-07-2011, 08:11 PM
Does being that awesome also mean you'll turn into a tremendous douche?

'Cause I wanna be that awesome but I'm not really willing to pay for the package deal.

Edit: Man that is a really well executed deadlift at the 45 second and 1:52 mark.

Thu, 12-08-2011, 05:03 AM
Well. I was going to mention my new direction but now I feel horribly inadequate. ;)

I'm starting up a 12 week program of Metabolic Precision (http://www.metabolicprecision.com/). Make of that what you will. Can't wait to get started!

Sun, 12-11-2011, 08:20 PM
I've been stalling on my major lifts for as long as I can remember now. I'm sick of it and am about to start the 5/3/1 program, which I've heard nothing but good things about.


I'm going to have to take a week to figure out my 1 rep max for the 4 lifts, work out which assistance exercises I'll be doing, and adjust my ego to the fact that I'll be lifting a little less weight than I'm used to for a while in order to make good progress.

I'm excited.

Sun, 12-11-2011, 09:18 PM
Is there any guidelines on the number of rep/sets that one should aim for?

I've found it rather weird that when I exercise, very often it's the opposite muscles that hurt after my exercise, or at least limits how much I can do.

My triceps hurt after working on the Supported Row.
My biceps hurt after working on the the opposite version
My back/waste hurts from doing sit-ups

Mon, 12-12-2011, 06:27 AM
Well. I was going to mention my new direction but now I feel horribly inadequate. ;)

I'm starting up a 12 week program of Metabolic Precision (http://www.metabolicprecision.com/). Make of that what you will. Can't wait to get started!
Dude... those fad diets and programs are never worth the money. If you want to lose weight you eat less and train longer, if you want muscles you eat high on carbs and proteins and you train harder. There are no magic formulas.

I've been stalling on my major lifts for as long as I can remember now. I'm sick of it and am about to start the 5/3/1 program, which I've heard nothing but good things about.


I'm going to have to take a week to figure out my 1 rep max for the 4 lifts, work out which assistance exercises I'll be doing, and adjust my ego to the fact that I'll be lifting a little less weight than I'm used to for a while in order to make good progress.

I'm excited.

Bit of an aggressive program though, pretty advanced too. You sure you wouldn't want to try out MADCOW first?

Is there any guidelines on the number of rep/sets that one should aim for?

I've found it rather weird that when I exercise, very often it's the opposite muscles that hurt after my exercise, or at least limits how much I can do.

My triceps hurt after working on the Supported Row.
My biceps hurt after working on the the opposite version
My back/waste hurts from doing sit-ups

Have a PT check on your form and then confirm it using BB.com/exercises, if you're doing it right it's probably just some of your muscles lagging behind others.

Mon, 12-12-2011, 07:28 AM
I guess the thing about diets too..

The thing about eating more meals/day:

1) one reason was to increase metabolsim.

Is that really the case?


2)another reason is so you can be less hungry with eating less overall by constantly feeding yourself so you don't have troughs.

Does that mean as long as I don't get hungry (or can endure the hunger), eating 3 meals a day is fine too? I feel a lot better eating 3 larger meals than 6 small ones. With the 6 small ones, each time I finish, it's never quite enough and leaves me hanging. I don't really get hungry with 3 meals a day until it's time for the next meal anyway.

Mon, 12-12-2011, 07:49 AM
I don't know man, i've read studies both pro and against those ideas.

That's why i say, stick to the basics and just eat less overall. Whatever helpful tactics there may be they probably wouldn't do that much of a difference either way and you'd just be wrecking your head around all the possibilities for nothing.

One thing i hear really helps though is counting calories. Try one of those online calculators.

Mon, 12-12-2011, 08:56 AM
One thing i hear really helps though is counting calories. Try one of those online calculators.

Oh, counting calories I am! (well, kilojoules, but whatever)

Since you like KCals, my current diet fluctuates between 950Kcals and 1500Kcals. I try to aim for the lower end of it, since most of the food specs are calculated on "drained weight", but I will like to mix some of that oil/sauce into the veges. Frankly, microwaved/steamed veges get old fast.

Too bad the good tasting ones are more starchy (or perhaps that's WHY they taste better, haha).

Since I'm lazy, my diet now consists of:

-vegetables: frozen, 1KG bags of veges. One bag per day. KJ intake can vary from 870 to 2000+ per bag depending on its contents. Ingredients that increase it include corn, potato and peas.

-meat: canned sardines/tuna/salmon/oysters/mussels. Actually started off with roast chicken, but they vary too much in size to estimate the intake properly. Today I actually went for sausages instead. Meat generally contributes 2000-4000KJs.

Generally, if I'm eating meats that are heftier that day, I'll try to match it up with the lighter veges to balance it out...

As for the eating less/more thing, I guess one benefit of eating more frequently is to shrink my stomach so I won't be wanting to eat as high a volume of food when I finally resume a more balanced diet.

Mon, 12-12-2011, 09:38 AM
I guess the thing about diets too..

The thing about eating more meals/day:

1) one reason was to increase metabolsim.

Is that really the case?
2)another reason is so you can be less hungry with eating less overall by constantly feeding yourself so you don't have troughs.

Does that mean as long as I don't get hungry (or can endure the hunger), eating 3 meals a day is fine too? I feel a lot better eating 3 larger meals than 6 small ones. With the 6 small ones, each time I finish, it's never quite enough and leaves me hanging. I don't really get hungry with 3 meals a day until it's time for the next meal anyway.
It worked for me. I ate 4-5 meals a day, eating breakfast, light brunch, then often splitting a normal sized lunch into 2 meals and then eating a lighter dinner than I used to and I lost about 10-15 lbs of fat over 6 months to a year. Of course, I also stayed active after big breakfasts but then I had a job that would allow me to do that. Most people eat breakfast and then sit for hours at a desk.

Mon, 12-12-2011, 09:45 AM
It worked for me. I ate 4-5 meals a day, eating breakfast, light brunch, then often splitting a normal sized lunch into 2 meals and then eating a lighter dinner than I used to and I lost about 10-15 lbs of fat over 6 months to a year. Of course, I also stayed active after big breakfasts but then I had a job that would allow me to do that. Most people eat breakfast and then sit for hours at a desk.

When you say "worked", you mean you kept the same daily intake but broke it up into smaller pieces only?

Mon, 12-12-2011, 11:16 AM
Pretty much yes. They say you should only eat as much food as your stomach can hold (about the size of your fist) at a time, anything more is stored as fat or excreted in your poo. Depending on your goals (lose fat, gain muscle), you'll need to keep your daily caloric intake up.

Basically 3500 calories = 1 lb of muscle or fat. So cut 3500 cal and you lose a pound, or eat 3500 cal more while working out and you can gain a pound of muscle. Probably you'll go half and half so you gain 1/2 lb of muscle and lose half lb of fat and maintain your caloric intake (proper intake amount according to your basal metabolic rate).

Mon, 12-12-2011, 03:37 PM
It's not about eating "less" so to speak (unless the individual is an obese over-eater), but rather eating better at the right times.

Mon, 12-12-2011, 07:05 PM
All @Buff:

I don't know man, i've read studies both pro and against those ideas.

That's why i say, stick to the basics and just eat less overall. Whatever helpful tactics there may be they probably wouldn't do that much of a difference either way and you'd just be wrecking your head around all the possibilities for nothing.

One thing i hear really helps though is counting calories. Try one of those online calculators.
Yeah, this is all true. Even then don't go nuts counting calories. Spend a little more time in the beginning figuring out what to eat and how it affects you, and then just play it by feel afterwards. Do what works. Do whatever has a measurable effect.

I didn't start gaining weight until I ate 7 meals a day and keeping track of my weekly weight change. But that was me. It might not work the same way for you.

Is there any guidelines on the number of rep/sets that one should aim for?
Pick a reputable program and stick with it. Like I told you before.

Edit: MADCOW seems very similar to 5x5, which I did for over a year straight in the past. I like it but I'd rather be doing squats one day a week rather than every day.

Wed, 12-21-2011, 03:44 PM
Motherfucking MADCOW, making me do squats every day... it's the DOMS from hell i tells yah

Wed, 12-21-2011, 08:26 PM
Been trying to go lower than 65-66kgs for the past week.. no results so far...

Wed, 12-21-2011, 09:20 PM
As in weighing less than 66 kg? What the actual fuck? How tall are you?

Wed, 12-21-2011, 09:38 PM
As in weighing less than 66 kg? What the actual fuck? How tall are you?

176cm (5' 9")

Wed, 12-21-2011, 09:59 PM
Bill confirmed for anorexic.

Wed, 12-21-2011, 10:13 PM
And your site says I'm still 17.5% fat. Anorexic alright..

Wed, 12-21-2011, 10:15 PM
I just found that shit off google, if it's crap then get some calipers.

Wed, 12-21-2011, 10:19 PM
I just found that shit off google, if it's crap then get some calipers.

Don't have any of those around, but it's not wrong: I'm still fat.

Wed, 12-21-2011, 10:58 PM
Sure is 14 year old cheerleader in this thread

Thu, 12-22-2011, 01:22 AM
Speaking of BF%, I just got my test results back... I'm at 12.5%. Not too bad, but the goal now is to get into single digits. This MP program is easily the greatest thing I've ever seen, fitness-wise. And I've seen/read a lot.

Thu, 12-22-2011, 07:28 AM
Speaking of BF%, I just got my test results back... I'm at 12.5%. Not too bad, but the goal now is to get into single digits. This MP program is easily the greatest thing I've ever seen, fitness-wise. And I've seen/read a lot.
What testing method did you use? DEXA said my bf% is 27%, which is clearly incorrect.

Thu, 12-22-2011, 07:40 PM
What testing method did you use? DEXA said my bf% is 27%, which is clearly incorrect.

Calipers at my local gym, only plastic ones though. That's ok, it's an estimation at worst, accurate at best. I just wanted to see how far along I am.

Sat, 12-24-2011, 11:50 PM
Was working out at my friend's gym while i'm out on break, and had this annoying guy trying to give advice on everything. Wouldn't have been so bad, until I decided to finish up my workout with one of the kettlebells the gym had. The guy stops me and shows me how a kettlebell swing is "really done" by hunching his back all the way forward and then trying to throw his arms upwards as high as he can. Then he proceeds to tell me to be careful with the heavier weights because he hurt his back once doing this. No shit, dumbass. Luckily, I've had 2 years of training with a level 2 kettlebell instructor, so I chose not to take his suggestion.

Sun, 12-25-2011, 11:46 AM
I usually don't dish out advice at the gym unless someone asks me for it on their own, not only is it none of my business but the retards will probably ignore it and continue doing their own thing anyway... so fuck them >_>

Sun, 12-25-2011, 01:51 PM
I've tried to give advice when I see someone doing something horribly bad for their body or if they don't seem to be doing an exercise correctly. It usually just ends up making me self-conscious and they seem to ignore the advice anyway.

One time I asked a guy doing squats if he was going low enough to actually work his leg muscles. He was further into his workout and therefore tired, but he went ahead and tried to go lower... and then almost hurt himself. I felt bad then.

@Assertn: maybe the problem is that you need to be more assertive and tell the guy, "thanks, but no thanks."

Sun, 12-25-2011, 01:52 PM
Yeah except the thing with kettlebells is there's a lot of people that think they know what they're talking about, when really they have no clue. Kinda makes it awkward.

Sun, 01-22-2012, 07:42 PM
6 weeks later and I've gone from 12.5% BF to 6.4%. Happy with that, and further proof that resistance training alone is an effective fat burning tool. I haven't touched cardio in 6 weeks.

Sun, 01-22-2012, 07:49 PM
Wait, what? Holy shit. What did you do?

Sun, 01-22-2012, 08:01 PM
I'm pretty strict with my nutrition, close to 100% 7 days a week. I also tightened up the screws on my pre/post workout supplementation, which admittedly was not up to scratch before.
I also have a lot more structure in my workouts these days. I was floundering a bit in the past.

Sun, 01-22-2012, 11:44 PM
I'm still hovering around 64kgs atm...

Really have no idea what to do with my diet. I was running on 4000KJs per day for a while, then learned of something about not going lower than your metabolic need or else it grinds to a halt or something.. And then bumped up the v.low-carb diet to 7500KJs or so..

It really sucks how slow this progress is going.. if it is progress at all and not just water loss or some shit..

Mon, 01-23-2012, 12:07 AM
Consistency is pretty important, I find. I don't bother with daily calory counts and the like, way too much effort for minimal return. All I'm concerned with is making sure each of my meals is as correctly balanced as possible; I know exactly what each one will give me.

Are you able to give a basic list of a typical day for you food-wise, Bill?

Mon, 01-23-2012, 03:55 AM
Consistency is pretty important, I find. I don't bother with daily calory counts and the like, way too much effort for minimal return. All I'm concerned with is making sure each of my meals is as correctly balanced as possible; I know exactly what each one will give me.

Are you able to give a basic list of a typical day for you food-wise, Bill?

Daily intake:
-1KGs of vegetables (carrots, brocoli, cauliflower, peas, minimal corn, potatoes and punpkin)
-2 tins of sardines
-1 can salt-reduced spam

That amounts to 7400KJs or so. Salt content is probably a bit high, but still less than what your average person takes in anyway (typically people eat like 9x higher than the recommended dietary intake of sodium).

I ate that last wed, thur, fri, sat, and will be eating it today, tomorrow, wednesday and thursday. (I usually cook half a week's worth at once)

Yesterday I didn't have any vegetables, so ate 4 cans of baked beans and 3 eggs instead. Energy intake is about the same. That's typically one of those "naughty" days. Carbohydrates are largely absent in the diet.

I've been trying out the Low Carb High Fat diets. They're supposed to reduce insulin spikes and promote fat burning as an energy pathway.

Mon, 01-23-2012, 06:43 AM
Where's the grilled/baked beef, chicken and lamb? Do you have special dietary requirements?
I'd also find a way to fit a couple of pieces of fruit in per day.

I know you need to live your life, but it does sound like you need to be more consistent. It's hard to overlook a day where you're eating 4 cans of baked beans and 3 eggs with no veggies. Not trying to have a go at you, but both nutrition and exercise need to be structured well to see any real results.

Each meal make sure you have some lean protein, a plant-based carb (like veggies or fruit), and some omega-3. If you do that 6 times a day you're off to a great start.

Mon, 01-23-2012, 07:09 AM
Where's the grilled/baked beef, chicken and lamb? Do you have special dietary requirements?
I'd also find a way to fit a couple of pieces of fruit in per day.

Nothing special besides trying to keep within the calorie count and stay low on carbs. I just happen to find packaged foods easier to calculate (not saying calculation is the right route or anything...)

As for the beans/egg day.. I didn't have anything at home. I get what you're saying though.

As for the meal nutrition thing.. the foods aren't that spread out. I cooked each can of spam and halved them into a take-away container. Then each container fills just right with 500g of veges (since I buy 1KG frozen bags). One of them is my dinner and the other is my breakfast. I grab the two tins of sardines for lunch at uni.

What happens when a meal is unbalanced? Does your body decide to stop burning fat that day or something?

Mon, 01-23-2012, 11:40 AM
What happens when a meal is unbalanced? Does your body decide to stop burning fat that day or something?
You fuck with your body and he fucks with your metabolism. If your metabolism isn't burning calories then no matter how little you eat it will turn to fat.

Methinks you're overthinking this anyway, your diet sounds like something out teen vogue.

Mon, 01-23-2012, 08:28 PM
What you want to do Bill is focus on getting your metabolism firing as much as possible. This can take varied time for people depending on a number of factors. But in simple terms, a firing metabolism means you'll burn fat even while at rest.

What's the best way to improve it? Eat smaller meals, more often. Maybe just for a while try not to calculate anything, forget about the numbers, just focus on making each small meal balanced, with a good source of protein and a serve of vegetables/fruit. If each of your meals is correct, the rest takes care of itself.

Thu, 02-09-2012, 09:33 AM
I started yoga two days ago and it ain't no joke. More places are sore than have ever been sore from doing anything in my life. My entire stomach up to my ribcage feels sore, even. My shoulder blade muscles, too?! All this from doing relatively simple poses! It's amazing. I can't decide if I want to do it six days a week or every other day for maximum results. I greatly prefer yoga (or dance) to other exercises such as running, because it's much more graceful. I don't like the heavy "CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP" that comes from running or weight lifting, and it's boring. I already get a "longer and leaner" feeling from yoga.

So I was doing this relatively simple pose about 40 minutes in and my leg that I was lunging on started shaking like a motherfucker, so much that I could barely even keep my balance:


I did a little research but I hate simplistic explanations of biological processes. Apparently, if shaking happens during exercise it's because an uneven amount of muscles are fatigued and are not receiving the chemicals they need to lengthen and compress, causing the shaking? That sounds bad. Do I just keep exercising until they get "stronger," or do I need to change my (egregious) diet somehow?

Thu, 02-09-2012, 11:00 AM
Bitch please, the first time i did squats i was like "Lol no problem this shit is so easy".

The next day i bent down ever so slightly to pick up something and i fucking faceplanted on the floor from the searing pain.

Thu, 02-09-2012, 12:18 PM
No pain no gain. Being sore after I see it as a good thing. The more sore I am, the better workout I did :)

Thu, 02-09-2012, 12:50 PM
Yeah, great.

Anyone have any thoughts of shaking while working out/optimal frequency for workouts?

Thu, 02-09-2012, 06:43 PM
I shake whenever I have to use my core muscles, like when doing ab work. I don't have that problem with any other body part, but I've developed the muscles on those body parts. As I continued to work my core over the months, the shaking occurred less often and less violently. I think you just have to keep at it until you strengthen the muscles that are shaking.

At worst it's only embarrassing to shake because it shows you are weak but who cares. That's why you're there... to get stronger.

Thu, 02-09-2012, 07:24 PM
My sit-ups have always been limited by my back muscles. They give in before my abs do. Lately it could have been happening because I've focused on my back more so they were in "healing mode". I can try again later today.. if I feel like it.

The treadmill at the gym seems too low-tech to have automated HIIT training.

Thu, 02-09-2012, 07:40 PM
I had that problem, then i stopped being a bitch and started deadlifting.

I'm now popping 50x3 leg raises pretty easily, though i should probably tone down on the number and get some weight on my legs instead.

Thu, 02-09-2012, 08:16 PM
I had that problem, then i stopped being a bitch and started deadlifting.

Which problem are you addressing specifically?

Thu, 02-09-2012, 08:31 PM
A weak lower back.

I still kind of have it, relatively anyway. My deadlift is the same as my bench.

Thu, 02-09-2012, 09:31 PM
Aren't deadlifts just an example of poor form when lifting heavy objects? You should never lift with your back while keeping your legs straight. Bend at the knees, young grasshoppa.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 03:11 AM
Aren't deadlifts just an example of poor form when lifting heavy objects? You should never lift with your back while keeping your legs straight. Bend at the knees, young grasshoppa.

From what I've learned during a "workplace health and safety" tutorial, you should lift with a combination of the two. Instead of isolating the muscle groups and wearing either of them out, combine them to spread the work over your body.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 06:22 AM
Deadlifting is pretty much against what they always teach you about proper every-day heavy lifting, IMO anyway. But it's my personal favorite exercise, because my back feels so sensationally strong as a result. Having a strong lower back seems to help so much.

I can't decide if I want to do it six days a week or every other day for maximum results.

So I was doing this relatively simple pose about 40 minutes in and my leg that I was lunging on started shaking like a motherfucker, so much that I could barely even keep my balance:

Don't forget to allow sufficient days of rest. 6 days a week is too much I'd say.

The shaking will be from a general lack of strength for such isolation. Practice with some body weight squats here and there preferably on your rest days and you'll build up some basic strength. The shaking will stop in time.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 06:41 AM
Aren't deadlifts just an example of poor form when lifting heavy objects? You should never lift with your back while keeping your legs straight. Bend at the knees, young grasshoppa.
Do you honestly work out or are you just browsing this thread looking for a chance to troll? When it comes to fitness you're probably the most misguided person i've ever encountered.

Don't forget to allow sufficient days of rest. 6 days a week is too much I'd say.

The shaking will be from a general lack of strength for such isolation. Practice with some body weight squats here and there preferably on your rest days and you'll build up some basic strength. The shaking will stop in time.

I'd go with this, the sexiest chick at my gym squats and she has the most stupendous ass ever.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 08:59 AM
Do you honestly work out or are you just browsing this thread looking for a chance to troll? When it comes to fitness you're probably the most misguided person i've ever encountered.

A little from column A, a little from column B. I get the point of isolation exercises to work a particular part of the body, but I think and have read that whole body exercises develop overall strength and balance better than isolation exercises.

I'm going to start working on deadlifts but I've spent time doing back raises so my back is kind of strong. I do find it is the weak point in my squatting since I fear blowing out a disc so I take it easier on squats than I could.

Also, Sapphy, adequate rest the night after a workout is essential to helping your body recover and build muscle.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 09:18 AM
So working out 5 days a week would get faster results than 6 days which would have faster results than 7 days?

Fri, 02-10-2012, 11:15 AM
Faster results in that you won't get injured or tired from the grind so you'll keep at it. Also, your muscles need time to recover between workouts.

Also, what are your goals from working out? Getting in shape, getting stronger, getting sexy, getting losing fat, etc. Because your goals will determine your workout frequency and style.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 01:07 PM
Yoga again today.

I totally failed at:


My goals for working out are to derive every positive effect possible (countless) from working out in the most time-efficient manner (and eating healthy... eating healthy is harder D: ).

Fri, 02-10-2012, 03:45 PM
That looks (and feels) like an advanced move. It's easier if you don't extend your upper arm, leave it resting on your side instead, and don't look up, look straight ahead in-line with your body. We did this pose after running stairs and hills... it's hard to maintain.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 05:13 PM
Lol, that's no advanced move. It just takes oblique strength, which i'm sure Sapphi has none of.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 07:54 PM
Agreed with above comment about oblique strength! That, added to the fact that my arms were already tired as fuck. :(

But I shall persevere without making the pose easier for myself (Ani's suggestion). It's kind of fun to find something you can't do and then force yourself to be able to do it. And obliques are awesome, I feel terrible for neglecting them.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 07:56 PM
Like I said, you'll find it easier to do if you don't raise your arm into the air and don't look up. If you can do more of the basic move, you're working out the intended muscles, but also building confidence to do the more advanced moves like what you posted.

Start with this:
before moving to the side plank in your picture.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 08:11 PM
No thanks to making it easier/"confidence booster".



Yeah, I'll have to build up to that.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 08:16 PM
It's not like there isn't any truth in what Ani's saying. You've got to learn to walk before you learn to run.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 08:25 PM
Sure, but I'll decide my limits. And I'm pretty sure I can practice leaning on one arm without handicaps.

(Take a hint. -_-)

Uchiha Barles
Fri, 02-10-2012, 10:11 PM
On the issue of muscle soreness, my instructor told me to make sure I eat two bananas a day and a glass of skim milk to make sure I'm getting enough potassium in my diet. If you work out seriously, you have to eat right both to have the proper energy for the work outs, and to recover well from them.

Sure, but I'll decide my limits. And I'm pretty sure I can practice leaning on one arm without handicaps.

(Take a hint. -_-)

There's wisdom to what both of you are saying here though. If you're going to do a move, then yeah, you should try your damndest to do it right. But doing it right means keeping proper form and proper balance of muscle tension for whatever particular move you're doing. Often times I've had to do some workout routines I thought were pretty brutal, and when I couldn't keep proper form for some of the things I had to, my instructor showed me alternate moves of lower difficulty that would train the muscle groups the original move was designed to. It's a hell of a lot better than getting injured.

On the other hand, people often underestimate what their actual limits are, and wimp out way before they should. There's a lot to be said about learning to push yourself when your brain is begging you to stop. If you've just started working out, take a bit of time to ease yourself into a routine, either working out fewer days (3 days a week with the actual routine, stretching and maybe lighter workout on a 4th day) or lowering the intensity of the workout you do initially. But if what you're taking is called "Beginner's Yoga" or something similar, I recommend the first option, and to push yourself like hell on the days you do workout. If you're not out of shape to the point of being handicapped, and the program developer knows what she's doing, then the intensity level should be properly gauged. In which case, push yourself and use this time to learn what those limits actually are.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 11:31 PM
Like Buff and Uchiha said, there's wussing out and there's wading in.

The pose I posted is plenty tough, and will help you isolate what you need help developing. The pose you posted requires a lot of core/oblique/back/shoulder and arm strength that you probably don't have at this point. But I'll relent. Do what you feel comfortable with, just keep in mind that injury will set you back and possibly stop you completely. Of course, everything I've said depends on the image I have of your physical self in my mind, which may or may not be accurate.

Fri, 02-10-2012, 11:36 PM
Of course, everything I've said depends on the image I have of your physical self in my mind, which may or may not be accurate.

Right. Being hassled due to someone's mental image is nothing short of annoying. :/


That said, thanks for all the worries guys. Be assured, I have no desire to be retarded and rip my muscles and look like


But, of course, I have no interest in taking arbitrarily assigned short cuts just because yoga ain't daisies and easy sunshine. I like the challenge and it makes me hungry for more, not less confident. :p


What's this about potassium? I'm pretty sure I'm low on potassium but I HATE bananas.


Do you guys think working out while sore (but after 24-36 hours rest) is ideal? Or do the muscles have to "heal" fully (aka not sore anymore) for maximum efficiency? I'm assuming sore = still healing.

Uchiha Barles
Sat, 02-11-2012, 01:14 AM
Potassium is apparently instrumental in nerve impulse propagation, which regulates muscle contraction, and glucose transport to muscle cells, which helps in muscle recovery. My instructor told me that for some reason, getting sufficient amounts of potassium seems to be a problem for a lot of highly active people, so he made it a point to tell me to make sure that I ate bananas and drank milk to exceed the daily recommended intake of potassium.

Bananas are just an often mentioned source of potassium, and while good, it's not really even the best source. I happen to love bananas. Here's a list of other sources of potassium.


Sat, 02-11-2012, 02:07 AM
@Sapphire: well whatever you decide on, I hope you see gains and improvement and keep at it.

I've found that I need an incentive to workout more than just to "be in shape". When I first was able to lose weight and get fit, it was because of a wedding on the beach that I was attending. I had 4 months to get in shape for a wedding in Cancun, and I didn't want to be the only guy wearing a shirt or just feeling out of shape amongst all the young and fit wedding guests. That provided me with a goal and made it easier to stick with a program. Maybe that kind of goal could help you stick with a program too.

Sat, 02-11-2012, 08:47 AM
Instead of going to the gym for cardio, I think I'll just do some HIIT sprints on the road now. I tried it on the treadmills, but they don't go fast enough to reach my max sprint speed, and their speed-changing is also rather awkward when you want to do it on the fly (and when you're just flat out running). I've found some mp3 cues that should also help me out.. stuff trying to set counters on your watch when you just want to die.

The fact that it's only like 20 minutes or less (I doubt I can last more than 12 minutes right now anyway... if even) as well as being a roadwork drill means I'll hopefully be motivated to do it more often (say, when I come home from uni and before my afternoon/evening shower). Taking the time to drive off to the gym before made it a real chore. I would have ran to the gym instead (which gets the best of both worlds), but I also hate running encumbered. Entry to the gym requires a towel and a card, and you'd be stupid to not bring a water bottle.

Diet's also a problem. There's simply not enough bloody room in the freezer to put more than a few days of vegetables in there. My fridge broke early this month as well, so that threw things out of whack. Maybe I'll use the situation to my advantage and throw out any frozen food that's gone off. Some dumplings (sadly) went bad already.

Sat, 02-11-2012, 08:56 AM
Instead of going to the gym for cardio, I think I'll just do some HIIT sprints on the road now. I tried it on the treadmills, but they don't go fast enough to reach my max sprint speed, and they're speed-changing is also rather awkward when you want to do it on the fly (and when you're just flat out running).

Same. I naturally have the opportunity to run about 20-30 minutes a day just because of commuting to school/work, etc.


Maybe that kind of goal could help you stick with a program too.

My goals (http://forums.gotwoot.net/showthread.php/12760-Fitness-and-Exercise?p=507985&viewfull=1#post507985) for working out are to derive every positive long- and short-term effect possible (countless) from working out in the most time-efficient manner. Immediately noticed effects include increased stamina, less stress/more positive mood, increased strength, increased energy, easier ability to focus.


Thanks, Uchiha. I'm definitely paying attention to my K intake now.

Sat, 02-11-2012, 09:42 AM
Same. I naturally have the opportunity to run about 20-30 minutes a day just because of commuting to school/work, etc.

As much as I would like to use my commuting time to exercise, I will never do it because:

1) I will be encumbered, and
2) I will be sweaty, smelly and uncomfortable as hell.

Potassium is needed for recovering from action potentials... I didn't know it mattered that much in muscle recovery :S.

Just eat your dark, leafy vegetables.

Sat, 02-11-2012, 07:10 PM
I'm with Buff on this. I used to ride my bike to work and while it felt great on the ride, it sucked once I got to work. We didn't have showers available and I wouldn't have had the time anyway, but I'd bring a change of clothes. Luckily I worked alone on a night shift, so there was no one to worry about offending with my smell. But it was still uncomfortable and not ideal.

I hate working out my shoulders. I might have mentioned it, but it always results in tightness of the shoulders and neck the following day, which gives me terrible tension headaches.

Mon, 02-13-2012, 01:21 PM
Yoga again today.

I totally failed at:


My goals for working out are to derive every positive effect possible (countless) from working out in the most time-efficient manner (and eating healthy... eating healthy is harder D: ).

Kinda reminds me of the Turkish Get Up:


Although the get up is really about moving your body such that you minimize wasted energy. It feels a bit different than the yoga position, after having tried that just now. Also, the guy in the video was a little flawed in his execution.

Mon, 02-13-2012, 05:19 PM
"Derka derka" is racist slander against Arabs. You're racist for posting it, Assertn.

I've seen people doing this at the gym. Looks ridiculous, though I'm sure it works some muscles you don't normally work with your typical workout.

Tue, 02-14-2012, 02:09 AM
I've been trying to find new challenges for core strength lately and have tried variations of these types of exercises:


My task generally is to put my feet flat on the roof for two sets of 20 reps at least, but considering how long my legs are I guess it's cheating a bit. :cool:

Good fun. The same old decline sit-ups/Russian Twists gets a little boring after a while.

Tue, 02-14-2012, 08:48 AM
Do windshield wipers and dragon flags if you're looking for a challenge.

Mon, 05-28-2012, 05:51 AM
I'm in the last week of my current 12 weeks of properly structured exercise (I like to mix it up every 3 months or so), and I've managed to put on 5kg of lean mass which I'm pretty happy with. My pants size has stayed about the same so that's a good sign. Seeing some abs consistently, feeling strong, and all the hard work is paying off.

What it's come down to is eating greater quantities of food, including a lot more bananas and potatoes. I'll be getting a caliper test done next week and I'm looking forward to seeing my new BF%. Good times!

Mon, 05-28-2012, 06:35 AM
Med's taking its toll on me. Can't remember the last time I went to the gym.

Wed, 05-30-2012, 10:20 PM
Med's taking its toll on me. Can't remember the last time I went to the gym.

Fucking meds, when I went schizophrenic december of 2011 i was put on klonopin,cymbalta,latuda[atypical anti-psychotic] all I did
was fucking eat and play xbox360, I gained weight like crazy...about 30+ pounds in a matter of 3 months...I have been off the meds now for 2 months and just started exercising again and eating light; on my way to being lean again can't wait

Wed, 05-30-2012, 10:28 PM
Buff meant medical school, not medicine.

Wed, 05-30-2012, 10:31 PM
LMAO! oh, hah! thanks for clearing that up, love your set

Thu, 05-31-2012, 06:42 AM
Shit just went really creepy really fast.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 02:04 AM
I got a Tanita body fat scale for by b-day. Says I'm obese at 5ft 7.5in, 166lbs, and 22.5% body fat. You wouldn't think that I was obese if you looked at me.

I've been working out more but doing less (no) cardio. Need to start running again.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 02:23 AM
I got a Tanita body fat scale for by b-day. Says I'm obese at 5ft 7.5in, 166lbs, and 22.5% body fat. You wouldn't think that I was obese if you looked at me.

I've been working out more but doing less (no) cardio. Need to start running again.

Medically a BMI of 25-30 is classed as being overweight. Obese is when you're >30.

But now I want to get one of these as well.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 11:35 AM
Medically a BMI of 25-30 is classed as being overweight. Obese is when you're >30.

But now I want to get one of these as well.
I read a lot of reviews on the model I got (BC-533) and for the most part people applaud its reliability and validity, but some people did complain about inaccurate and unreliable readings. For one they say the readings randomly fluctuate too much. So far, I've found its readings are within a range for me that don't seem untrue.

Seeing that I'm overweight/obese, it has motivated me to want to get in better shape and start running again.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 12:22 PM
I am the same height as you and only 146 lbs. I am fit and relatively muscular, so yeah, 166 is probably overweight.

I am planning to lose about 3-4 lbs in the next 2 weeks before I go back to my country.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 12:53 PM
That's kind of arbitrary to say that since you are "fit and relatively muscular" that I am overweight because we are the same height. I could have a stockier build than you, or carry my weight in different parts of my body (bigger legs, bigger arms, larger head, etc.) or be more muscular than you. To look at me you would not say I was overweight.

I had a DEXA scan a year ago when I was in even better shape (I was running and working out at the time) and it showed I had 27% body fat, which seemed high. I definitely haven't lost weight or gotten in better shape since then, so the 22-23% body fat reading on this scale might be suspect. I've heard these home scales are best for establishing a baseline and consistent readings on which to base your workout/fitness goals, rather than for accuracy of your body fat%.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 01:58 PM
I was also taking into consideration the body fat percentage you provided. 22-23% is above normal.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 03:39 PM
27% is obese, fatty.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 05:43 PM
Medically a BMI of 25-30 is classed as being overweight. Obese is when you're >30.

But now I want to get one of these as well.
BMI is a useless form of measurement on its own. I remember i tested for "overweight" on my last physical along with 12% bf.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 08:25 PM
Indeed BMI is not the ideal way of measuring body composition, as well as the cut-offs being arbitary. The reason it's still used is because it's so easy and readily accessible.

I trust that you followed all the instructions about fluid restrictions and such before you went on those scales Ani?

Tue, 07-24-2012, 08:48 PM
I didn't see any in the user manual for this scale. There may be some generally accepted premeasure suggestions I'll have to check on to get more accurate readings.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 08:52 PM
I didn't see any in the user manual for this scale. There may be some generally accepted premeasure suggestions I'll have to check on to get more accurate readings.

There certainly are. The machine measures electrical impedence to calculate fat, so the body's water content really throws it off and must be standardised.

An example of such guidelines (not sure how much it varies between manufacturers, but if they have one specifically, follow that):

no food or drink within 4 hours of test,
no urinating within 30 minutes of test,
no exercise within 12 hours of test

Tue, 07-24-2012, 10:23 PM
So right when you wake up is probably the best time? That's when I've always heard you should weigh yourself (standard method) for the most accurate measurement. Except I usually take a long whizz right after getting up. Otherwise it will be tough to go 4 hours during the day without food or drink.

Tue, 07-24-2012, 11:08 PM
So right when you wake up is probably the best time? That's when I've always heard you should weigh yourself (standard method) for the most accurate measurement.

That's what I plan to do when I get my scale, yes.

Normally I urinate before weight myself as well in the morning, but for this fat% test I'll try without first.

Wed, 07-25-2012, 06:42 AM
So to change the topic of conversation somewhat (good to see this thread getting some love):


After a long search, finally picked up a pair of Nike Romaleos 2 - gotta say, worth every penny!

During squats and deadlifts it feels like you're standing in solid concrete. One of my biggest weaknesses in the past has been a shaky instability when I get down low in a heavy squat. Even after a couple of sessions, these shoes have gone a long way towards resolving that problem.

I foresee some nice new PBs in the immediate future. :D

Wed, 07-25-2012, 12:14 PM
I used the scale this morning after waking up without peeing first and the results were bizarre. It had me at 166lbs and 24.8% body fat. That's up from 22.5% just two days ago (and I had a good workout yesterday). After taking a whizz, it had me at 165lbs and 24.5% body fat.

Nice shoes Raven. I don't buy Nike anymore since they utilize sweatshop labor, but they offer some functional products. I keep hearing that using weight-lifting gloves will increase how much you can lift, so I might try that.

Wed, 07-25-2012, 12:26 PM
I think you're just fat Ani, and you're probably overestimating your efforts. Get a personal trainer if you can afford it, he won't put up with your bulshit.

Wed, 07-25-2012, 01:02 PM
I used the scale this morning after waking up without peeing first and the results were bizarre. It had me at 166lbs and 24.8% body fat. That's up from 22.5% just two days ago (and I had a good workout yesterday). After taking a whizz, it had me at 165lbs and 24.5% body fat.

Nice shoes Raven. I don't buy Nike anymore since they utilize sweatshop labor, but they offer some functional products. I keep hearing that using weight-lifting gloves will increase how much you can lift, so I might try that.

Heh, no idea.

I asked the colleague about where his sources were but he couldn't find them anymore (it's been a good few months).

Wed, 07-25-2012, 01:04 PM
Well this fat middle-aged man kept up with two 20-something kids at the police fitness test just last month. One was athletic and in great shape, the other less so but recently out of the army and in good shape. I surprised myself how well I did, but having the 2 others there to motivate me (competition).

I'm highly self-motivated and don't need a personal trainer to be in good shape, which is all I'm looking for. After leaving the PD, I slacked off a bit, then started lifting again but with no cardio work. I'll start doing cardio again and see what the scale says in a month.

Wed, 07-25-2012, 04:21 PM
If you're picking up cardio after a period of lifting only, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that HIIT-types of cardio will benefit you a lot more than steady-state.

Fri, 07-27-2012, 02:40 AM
@Raven: I gather it's good to feel like you're working out on concrete? My feet need protection, so the thought of working out on concrete scares me a little. Something soft with padding that cushions my feet would be nice, but I've never done any serious weight lifting so you can tell me what's a good shoe and what's not.

I used the scale this morning after waking up without peeing first and the results were bizarre. It had me at 166lbs and 24.8% body fat. That's up from 22.5% just two days ago (and I had a good workout yesterday). After taking a whizz, it had me at 165lbs and 24.5% body fat.

This morning after I woke up I used a set of normal bathroom scales to weigh myself before and after peeing just to see how much it actually affects it. It went from 65.0kg to 64.4kg. That's a pretty massive drop, haha.

It's in the evening now and I just walked to the post office and back to pick up my bioelectric scale. I programmed and weighed myself anyway even if it wasn't an ideal time just to check it out. It clocks me in at 12.5% body fat. That can't be right, I'm fatter than that.

I'm going to measure it again with/without-urination tomorrow morning.

Fri, 07-27-2012, 04:14 AM
@Raven: I gather it's good to feel like you're working out on concrete? My feet need protection, so the thought of working out on concrete scares me a little. Something soft with padding that cushions my feet would be nice, but I've never done any serious weight lifting so you can tell me what's a good shoe and what's not.

It's less about how solid/hard it feels and more about stability. My feet do feel padded/cushioned, yet at the same time stable as hell. Much better than your standard running shoe. It's a bit hard to explain it any more than that.

Also, the thing about scales is that they're never a good indication of anything. I usually recommend people jump on the scales every 6 week or so. The best indication of progress or lack there of is your clothes - how do they feel? Much more accurate. ;)

Normal scales have way too many uncertain factors to be worth worrying about, IMO. But it's fun to discuss how it can fluctuate.

Fri, 07-27-2012, 01:03 PM
This morning after I woke up I used a set of normal bathroom scales to weigh myself before and after peeing just to see how much it actually affects it. It went from 65.0kg to 64.4kg. That's a pretty massive drop, haha.

It's in the evening now and I just walked to the post office and back to pick up my bioelectric scale. I programmed and weighed myself anyway even if it wasn't an ideal time just to check it out. It clocks me in at 12.5% body fat. That can't be right, I'm fatter than that.

I'm going to measure it again with/without-urination tomorrow morning.

Was it a decently priced/reviewed model of scale? I'm finding the fluctuations on my Tanita scale to make it so I can't trust the readings, but still use them as a broad guideline for my fitness level. And yes, it's ridiculous how much weight you hold from urine and sh*t. I dropped a pound (half a kg) from a short piss.

Also, the thing about scales is that they're never a good indication of anything. I usually recommend people jump on the scales every 6 week or so. The best indication of progress or lack there of is your clothes - how do they feel? Much more accurate. ;)

Unfortunately the clothes test doesn't work for me. I wear size 32 (US) pants and they fit fine whether I'm feeling chunky or toned. The fat settles in parts of my body that don't affect how my clothes fit, ie my gut.

Fri, 07-27-2012, 07:24 PM
Was it a decently priced/reviewed model of scale? I'm finding the fluctuations on my Tanita scale to make it so I can't trust the readings, but still use them as a broad guideline for my fitness level. And yes, it's ridiculous how much weight you hold from urine and sh*t. I dropped a pound (half a kg) from a short piss.

Soehnle Body Balance Shape F4 63161 is the model I bought. I saw it for $100 while I was searching, so did a little lookup on the model to see what reviews it got. Choice magazine in 2009 (http://www.choice.com.au/reviews-and-tests/food-and-health/diet-and-exercise/weight-loss/body-fat-scales-review-and-compare/page/what%20to%20buy.aspx) seemed to like it as one of their top three, so that works for me.

I did the pee/not-pee test this morning when I woke. It might have changed my weight, but it didn't do terribly much to my fat% reading actually. Before-peeing was at 13.6%, and after peeing was at 13.1%.

The scale also has a "recommended action" rating after you finish weighing. Last evening it said I was good to go, while this morning it thinks I need to drink more water. I'm not going to pay too much attention to that, but it does support my idea that after you wake you're possibly a little dehydrated. (symptoms include thirst, dry mouth/lips, concentrated urine).

I also cross-weighed myself against my regular bathroom scales, and they're within 200g of each other, so that's good to know.

I also seem to gain the most fat in my gut. Well... gut, thighs and ass. It's annoying because some people who know me are telling me how thin I am already and worry that I'll develop anorexia noversa. I don't really feel like showing them my tummy, so it's a bit hard to convince them otherwise since I'm not flabby anywhere else.

I agree with Raven about scale reliability. Scales have a lot of intrapersonal variability (water levels being the biggest one), while calipers have a more interpersonal variability (fat distribution is different for different people, so the measurements don't necessarily translate to % all that accurately), but they're stable for just tracking whether you're losing fat or not.

I know a radiographer. Maybe I should get him to give me a free DEXA scan.

Thu, 08-02-2012, 12:46 AM
So right when you wake up is probably the best time? That's when I've always heard you should weigh yourself (standard method) for the most accurate measurement. Except I usually take a long whizz right after getting up. Otherwise it will be tough to go 4 hours during the day without food or drink.

It's the easiest way to be consistent since you have been asleep (considered fasting) for a set number of hours. Also, when you wake up is best time to do your cardio, since it helps your metabolism get started.

Mon, 08-06-2012, 09:19 PM
Speaking of fitness, the Olympics are on. The US and China are neck-and-neck in the medals race. But track and field events just started. Better luck in 150 years or so, China.

Sun, 08-19-2012, 06:30 PM
So i have a problem, i went to the gym once for like 2-3 months and got 0 result, did not even got a pound.

Lately i started doing some abs and pushout excercised from some app and i realized about a pattern problem. I can do a certain amount of excercises just fine the first day, but by my next attempt i do LESS than what i did the first time, i noticed that i can`t actually do as good as my first day and i never really improve, anyone has a clue on what`s going on?

Sun, 08-19-2012, 08:46 PM
I think adrenaline/excitement/motivation is the reason you can do so much the first time (which also leads to DOMS), then not so much subsequently because you're expecting too much too fast. If you stick with it, you will see gains, but slowly.

You also have to eat right and do the right kinds of exercises. Diet is the most important thing for gaining/losing weight. You should find out your BMR which will tell you how many calories you need to take in on a daily basis in order to gain/lose a lb/kg of weight.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 05:54 AM
90% kitchen, 10% gym, IMO.

Uchiha Barles
Mon, 08-20-2012, 06:57 AM
So i have a problem, i went to the gym once for like 2-3 months and got 0 result, did not even got a pound.

Lately i started doing some abs and pushout excercised from some app and i realized about a pattern problem. I can do a certain amount of excercises just fine the first day, but by my next attempt i do LESS than what i did the first time, i noticed that i can`t actually do as good as my first day and i never really improve, anyone has a clue on what`s going on?

If self motivation isn't something you can muster up, you're going to want to start looking into a program with a trainer, possibly a personal trainer if you can afford it. You have to learn to push yourself, but it's easier to do (for most people) when there's someone there to motivate you. But before that, get checked by a doctor to make sure that your condition is all mental and not a medical or nutritional.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 07:01 AM
90% kitchen, 10% gym, IMO.

You talking about Uchess's performance?

Mon, 08-20-2012, 07:32 AM
Everyone. But it certainly sounds accurate in his case. Not that I know much about his situation personally of course, but that's the impression I get. :)

Mon, 08-20-2012, 09:40 AM
100% effort IMO

If you're not getting results 9/10 times you're simply not trying hard enough. Educate yourself on proper nutrition and workout regimes, man up and get to the gym.

Uchess even gets to have sweaty big men all around him, i can't imagine how motivation would be a problem.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 11:08 AM
I guess i have to eat more and get some proteins then go to the gym, i`m currently 110 lbs.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 11:50 AM
That sounds like a dangerously anemic weight.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 12:54 PM
Damn, 110 lbs (~50kg)? That's pretty darn low :P

Mon, 08-20-2012, 02:13 PM
Holy shit Uchess, how tall are you? 1.50?

Mon, 08-20-2012, 03:30 PM
5'5" is my height

Mon, 08-20-2012, 03:56 PM
You're short but that's still way too low. Get dem protein shakes and load on carbs brah.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 07:09 PM
25 yrs old, 5'5" 110lbs? Better pack heat or a blade. J/K.

Definitely your diet will be the biggest thing to slow down that metabolism, give your body something to work with, and allow you to gain mass.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 08:40 PM
Am I the only one who envies Uchess? lol.

I'm 5'10", clocked in at 140.6lbs/63.9kgs today. Still trying to drive that down to 60kgs/132lbs.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 08:42 PM
You guys are way too light.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 08:54 PM
You guys are way too light.

I'm trying to lose as much fat as possible before starting weight training, since I'll have to eat more than my daily requirement then, and gaining some fat along with muscle is inevitable.

I do agree with you though. I don't consider my build ideal.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 09:14 PM
I'm 5'7.5" and 165lbs/75kg. I'd like to be about 170-175lbs, to achieve my ideal "light tank/baby gorilla" physique.

Buff: I don't know if you want to get really lean before trying to put on mass, because then you'll have to eat more to gain mass, instead of just letting your fat reserves fuel you. I'm not sure how that works exactly though.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 09:19 PM
I was under the impression that muscle growth only happened when you're in a anabolic state, while fat loss only really worked when you're in an catabolic state. I don't know too much about it neither, and this is mostly from internet sources rather than textbooks.

PS: if something says "3 Sets Of 15, 12, Then 8 Reps", that means I do 15, then 12, then 8 right?

Not 15x3, 12x3, 8x3..

Mon, 08-20-2012, 09:24 PM
I think you gain muscle from working out period (lifting weights is basically tearing muscle and then letting it repair itself). You will just have muscle under fat if you aren't a lean person. I guess if you're already lean, then you won't need to work on cardio as much. As far as gaining fat as well as muscle from increased food intake, that won't happen if you eat the right foods.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 09:49 PM
gaining some fat along with muscle is inevitable.
I can say from experience that it isn't.

I had fat to burn that I could have burnt off with pure cardio, but I lifted weights and avoided cardio altogether. BF% went down, and lean mass (muscle) went up.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 10:13 PM
I think you gain muscle from working out period (lifting weights is basically tearing muscle and then letting it repair itself). You will just have muscle under fat if you aren't a lean person. I guess if you're already lean, then you won't need to work on cardio as much. As far as gaining fat as well as muscle from increased food intake, that won't happen if you eat the right foods.

Protein gives you more muscle mass, excercise defines said muscle.

Mon, 08-20-2012, 10:23 PM
Protein gives you more muscle mass, excercise defines said muscle.

I think you need to read up a lot more before starting your workout routine if that's how you think it works. You can eat all the protein you want, your body won't do anything with it unless you give it something to do with it, like creating muscle tissue that is damaged by working out.

Tue, 08-21-2012, 06:31 AM
I know how it works, i tried to simplify it :P

Tue, 08-21-2012, 08:25 AM
Protein gives you more muscle mass, excercise defines said muscle.
...like i said, go educate yourself. Read some articles, visit forums, ask your doctor.

Tue, 08-21-2012, 12:54 PM
I know how it works, i tried to simplify it :P

That's cool, just it sounded like you had it all wrong. But it's a pretty basic formula, especially if you just want to "get bigger" and not necessarily be a body-builder or make a drastic change to your physique. Eat more (proteins and carbs) and workout on a set schedule at least 3 times a week. Just realize it takes months of this to see real gains, maybe get a workout partner, and learn to enjoy it as a lifestyle change instead of a chore.

Thu, 08-23-2012, 06:28 AM
I went for a DEXA scan today, and it clocked me in at 19.6% body fat.

My lean body mass is 52kgs.

Stupid scales... should have spent the hundred bucks on headphones instead.

Thu, 08-23-2012, 10:20 AM
Stupid scales... should have spent the hundred bucks on headphones instead.


I recently started doing my cardio that I've been delaying for the last several years or so due to laziness... I'm clocking in at 210 lbs right now, but I'm losing 600-700 calories an hour daily just through the elliptical. I'm hoping to lose a pound a week until I reach a target ~170 lbs and then start weightlifting.

The only problem is trying to weightlift on my own... has anyone had any problems or experiences with this? (I'm hoping I can dumbbell or use gym machines for the most part).

Thu, 08-23-2012, 10:45 AM
I've calculated that I can lose like... another 7kgs in practice. Nice to see that going for you Enkou. I had to stop running because of a foot injury, and was asked to get better shoes. I spent 180 dollars on this pair (after getting some instructions from a podiatrist), but they irritated and rubbed against the outside of my foot. I returned them during the 30-day period for this next pair. I used them for two days but got right knee pain soon afterwards (misalignment when I put my weight down?)

So right now I'm using my old shoes to see if I can alleviate the problem (knee pain apparently comes quickly, but subsides slowly), then try the new shoes again to see if I could reproduce it. Meanwhile, the window for returning the shoes keep counting down...

I also found this video online that was pretty informative. I'm a little confused about his thoughts on burning fat though. He seems to suggest that low intensity workouts are better than HIIT for weight loss.. (from what he said, he doesn't think ketogenic diets work either)

I thought HIIT was better for like... everything. Anyway, here's the link if you're interested. 30min in length total.


Thu, 08-23-2012, 11:53 AM
I went for a DEXA scan today, and it clocked me in at 19.6% body fat.

My lean body mass is 52kgs.

Stupid scales... should have spent the hundred bucks on headphones instead.As has been said, the home scales are best for establishing an approximate level and to gauge progress. The DEXA is far more accurate (valid?) but at the price it's not something you can check weekly. Besides the first reading you posted of 12.5%, what has the scale been reading the past couple of weeks?

The only problem is trying to weightlift on my own... has anyone had any problems or experiences with this? (I'm hoping I can dumbbell or use gym machines for the most part).
I workout on my own. Every workout partner I've ever had has dropped out, they just didn't have the motivation to keep the program going, even though they saw definite gains in the time we worked out together.

You can do everything using free weights, which has the benefit of working your other body parts for stabilization. It would be nice to have someone spot you and help talk you through those last few reps when you want to quit, but it's better to have the motivation within yourself.

Thu, 08-23-2012, 08:26 PM
It's still around there Ani, anywhere from 11.5 to even 14-15%. It's supposed to be a good way of tracking progress as you've said, but I have my doubts since it relies on hydration and puting you foot in the exact position each time. Choice mag supposedly thought mine was a pretty accurate model so I had expected it to be more precise than it is right now.

I also learned that the electricity only passes from one leg to the other since mine doesn't have handles (which are required to measure trunk resistance), so that one large part of fat that goes unmeasured (perhaps only projected from measuring my thighs and hip). Funnily enough, the closest result to the dexa scan was thigh/waist measurements (circumference, not calipers).

Thu, 08-23-2012, 09:23 PM

I recently started doing my cardio that I've been delaying for the last several years or so due to laziness... I'm clocking in at 210 lbs right now, but I'm losing 600-700 calories an hour daily just through the elliptical. I'm hoping to lose a pound a week until I reach a target ~170 lbs and then start weightlifting.

The only problem is trying to weightlift on my own... has anyone had any problems or experiences with this? (I'm hoping I can dumbbell or use gym machines for the most part).

I lost weight by just dieting until I hit 180, then went back to the gym. I'm currently at 168ish. I sometimes do 30 minutes of moderate cardio or 15 minutes of HIIT. And another hour or so of just lifting.

And yeah, I lift alone. There's no problem alone especially on machines. But ideally free weights are just better. And for the heavier weights if you're at a gym with friendly people they should have no problems if you go up to one of them and ask if they could spot you for a quick set.

Thu, 08-23-2012, 10:02 PM
My feeling is that if you can't lift it on your own, you're probably lifting too heavy. Of course, gym workouts are most about isolation exercises, do that kind of defeats my argument. But still, in general I think you should lift whatever you can safely lift on your own.

It's still around there Ani, anywhere from 11.5 to even 14-15%. It's supposed to be a good way of tracking progress as you've said, but I have my doubts since it relies on hydration and puting you foot in the exact position each time. Choice mag supposedly thought mine was a pretty accurate model so I had expected it to be more precise than it is right now.

I also learned that the electricity only passes from one leg to the other since mine doesn't have handles (which are required to measure trunk resistance), so that one large part of fat that goes unmeasured (perhaps only projected from measuring my thighs and hip). Funnily enough, the closest result to the dexa scan was thigh/waist measurements (circumference, not calipers).
My DEXA measurement (27%) was a bit higher than the home scale (22-24%) too, probably also owing to the lack of upper body measurement on the home scale. DEXA scans cost $75 at uni here, $40 for students, free if you're registered for a phys ed class (which costs around $1k per semester).

Tue, 08-28-2012, 04:01 PM
Would like to try these for fun ;)

Tue, 08-28-2012, 04:06 PM
Those will rape your core so badly.

Tue, 08-28-2012, 04:20 PM
Dude needs to work on his lower body.

Tue, 08-28-2012, 07:38 PM

I recently started doing my cardio that I've been delaying for the last several years or so due to laziness... I'm clocking in at 210 lbs right now, but I'm losing 600-700 calories an hour daily just through the elliptical. I'm hoping to lose a pound a week until I reach a target ~170 lbs and then start weightlifting.

The only problem is trying to weightlift on my own... has anyone had any problems or experiences with this? (I'm hoping I can dumbbell or use gym machines for the most part).

I'd start weightlifting while trying to reach your goal bro. I'm not talking about heavy lifting, however, but it's a good idea to start incorporating weightlifting into your daily workout for a few reasons:

1. You can start using light free weights now to help build your stabilizer muscles. This will allow you to put more strength into a better excercise as you shift for a primarily weightlifting workout.

2. The weightlifting promotes protein synthesis, and assuming you are also sticking to a diet that limits(not negates) your carb intake and keeps your glucose from going out of control, your body will be forced to burn fat to rebuild muscle.

3. You can start working light weight now and figure out a lifting routine that works for you.

4. You won't feel like death after the first day of heavy lifting if you ease into it.

Wed, 08-29-2012, 01:13 AM
I'd start weightlifting while trying to reach your goal bro. I'm not talking about heavy lifting, however, but it's a good idea to start incorporating weightlifting into your daily workout for a few reasons:

1. You can start using light free weights now to help build your stabilizer muscles. This will allow you to put more strength into a better excercise as you shift for a primarily weightlifting workout.

2. The weightlifting promotes protein synthesis, and assuming you are also sticking to a diet that limits(not negates) your carb intake and keeps your glucose from going out of control, your body will be forced to burn fat to rebuild muscle.

3. You can start working light weight now and figure out a lifting routine that works for you.

4. You won't feel like death after the first day of heavy lifting if you ease into it.

I'd really like to do that... I've looked around and I'm pretty sure that's the best way to go, but I'm just lacking a lot of time (especially when school starts), so I thought I'd concentrate on one goal first and work on the other after. Otherwise, I'll be in the gym longer than 1.5 hours...

Sun, 09-16-2012, 06:42 AM
Ordered this recently; http://ie.bodybuilding.com/store/beast/creature-powder.html

Hope it shows some good results :)

Sun, 09-16-2012, 07:44 AM
You'll have the same results if you had simply bought micronized creatine monohydrate at half the price.

Sun, 09-16-2012, 07:52 AM
You'll have the same results if you had simply bought micronized creatine monohydrate at half the price.

You can get that for €12-€13? With 60 or more servings?

Sun, 09-16-2012, 07:56 AM
Got mine for 9 euros with 90 servings.

Sun, 09-16-2012, 08:46 AM
Got mine for 9 euros with 90 servings.

Must remember that if I decide to get another creatine. Thanks for the info :)

Mon, 09-17-2012, 06:42 AM
Archy is correct, micronized creatine monohydrate is all you need. And I hope you know how to cycle it too.

Mon, 09-17-2012, 06:52 AM
Archy is correct, micronized creatine monohydrate is all you need. And I hope you know how to cycle it too.

Have an idea, but how would you recommend cycling it?

Mon, 09-17-2012, 08:29 AM
Oh don't cycle... it's such a huge bother and it's unclear there's actually any significant effect on the efficiency of the product.

Mon, 09-17-2012, 04:02 PM
Have an idea, but how would you recommend cycling it?
Personally I do 3 days on, 3 days off. But it can depend on a lot of factors such as how long you've been doing this for, your body type / lean mass, diet etc. Your body needs a break from it and yes you can OD on it if you stuff it up.

One thing I learned about creatine is it's best not to read about it on the internet and take a guess about whose advice is correct (yep, I'm aware of the irony in that statement ;)) - I'd recommend getting some professional advice about it, hopefully not from a bro-science guy.

@Archie: not belittling your opinion or anything, but for me nothing's a bother when it comes to my health.

Mon, 09-17-2012, 04:07 PM
Personally I do 3 days on, 3 days off. But it can depend on a lot of factors such as how long you've been doing this for, your body type / lean mass, diet etc. Your body needs a break from it and yes you can OD on it if you stuff it up.

One thing I learned about creatine is it's best not to read about it on the internet and take a guess about whose advice is correct (yep, I'm aware of the irony in that statement ;)) - I'd recommend getting some professional advice about it, hopefully not from a bro-science guy.

@Archie: not belittling your opinion or anything, but for me nothing's a bother when it comes to my health.

Well it's my first time taking creatine so I don't have to worry about OD'ing :P And it's not something I'm going to be taking for a long period of time. Thanks for the advice, will probably ask a Personal Trainer at the gym or just see how my own body reacts to it. :)

Mon, 09-17-2012, 05:08 PM
Not sure if this link will work for you (http://mp-body.com/_blog/Q_and_A/post/What_would_be_the_best_way_to_take_creatine_to_ens ure_that_it_works_for_me_/) but have a read, hopefully it's not TL;DR.

Mon, 09-17-2012, 06:17 PM
@Archie: not belittling your opinion or anything, but for me nothing's a bother when it comes to my health.
Not your health, just a guess. There's no concrete evidence that indicates that cycling or not cycling is more or less effective on your muscle growth. The loading phase at least as been completely disproved.

Mon, 09-17-2012, 09:34 PM
Was "bro-science" a typo for "bio-science"? I didn't think it was, but wasn't sure..

Mon, 09-17-2012, 11:56 PM
Nah, it's the shit you'll hear at the gym from the guys who think they know what they're talking about when it comes to weight lifting and nutrition. If you listen to enough of them, you'll get an idea of what works, but nothing scientific, just anecdotal.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 07:51 AM
So how're people doing regarding their health lately? Any new year's resolutions to "get fitter", "lose weight", etc?

In regards to my own situation: it's a year since I've properly started this regime and I'm still keeping up the lifestyle as I find it pretty effortless now; I'll do so into the foreseeable future. I do slack off a bit when I'm on leave from work, but I still give careful consideration to most of the things I eat. I have learned in time that I can eat the occasional pizza or sugary dessert and if anything it makes me leaner. Unfortunately I've recently been diagnosed with glandular fever which has sat me on my ass a bit regarding gym but I'm keen to get back to it. I don't feel like it's affected me that badly but without blowing my own trumpet I'm a pretty healthy guy and given myself every chance to ward these things off.

Body fat is sitting at around 6-7%, don't quite have the definition in the abs that I maybe had 6 months ago, but I largely put that down to the festive season and being on leave from work. Now that I'm back at work, I'll quickly rediscover routine and get into it guns blazing, my health allowing. About to start a new 12 week weights program. Motivation has never subsided and I feel passionate to continue to improve.

Anyone in need of motivation? Can we all help each other out somehow? ;)

Sat, 01-12-2013, 08:15 AM
I never stopped.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 08:59 AM
Holiday season managed not to put any significant weight on me (but I haven't lost any either). My foot injury's more or less healed now, but I still feel some uneasiness in it. We'll see how I go once I do some proper exercise.

I carried some heavy items around during the holidays and discovered that my forefeet would swell to become too large for my current joggers. I'll have to fix that before I resume running. My wrist is currently pain-free, but I am 100% sure that when I start lifting they would hurt again. I'm currently deciding on whether I should see my physio before I resume gymwork or after (so he can see the symptoms).

Sat, 01-12-2013, 09:04 AM
I'm still pretty lazy regarding exercise...but I've found that my diet and eating habits keep me quite healthy otherwise.

I eat breakfast twice (at 4am and at 7am) and snack throughout the morning (usually an item an hour). Then around 11am-12pm I have a decent lunch, then a snack around three hours later, and a light dinner sometime between 4pm and 6pm depending on how hungry I am. Finish dinner off with alcohol (trying to switch back to herbal teas instead) for a digestif. No other food after dinner. Basically, I front load my nutritional intake to keep my metabolism high at the times of the day it will be high.

My diet is varied, but I generally eat what I feel like. I don't shy away from anything, except for one (see below). Vegetables most days, but not others, carbohydrates some days, none on others. For a protein source, whatever I feel like, whatever was cheap at the store, or whatever is thawed or about to go bad. Chicken, fish, pork, beef now and again, just beans sometimes, etc. I eat a vegetarian dish at least once a week.

One major change in the past 6 months is that I cut out pretty much anything that has added sugar. I get the majority of sugar from fruits. I typically did not eat desserts, and now I barely ever do. For snacks, I've switched from a lot of the "center aisle" snacks (the kinds with lots of preservatives), to nuts and dried fruits, fresh berries, or white mushrooms. They nuts are fattier, but more filling with less and all of the fats are the good kind. Cutting out the "granola" bars that are a fewer grains and a lot more sweeteners has helped.

Portion control is a big thing for me. I keep a close eye on the quantity of food I eat. This is more of a byproduct of the fact that I eat incredibly fast thanks to habits from university. I generally eat a meal in 5-7 minutes. My stomach will catch up 10-20 minutes later and let me know I'm satisfied, but I've learned to just stop once I know I've had enough.

The biggest thing that helps me is I generally don't eat anything I haven't cooked myself. I know what goes in it, and nothing extra gets added. I skillet fry a lot because I haven't bought a grill yet. I usually use canola oil. Despite the frying, I've actually lost weight. About 7 pounds over four months. Plus, you can skillet fry damn near anything. I made beer-battered eggplant the other day.

If I'm too lazy to cook, I just make a salad with tuna or a leftover meat on it, or grab a can of sardines and some rice.

Proper diet is just as important, if not moreso, than exercise.

If I exercised, I'd probably be in really good shape. I doubt I would increase my intake, mostly out of habit.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 09:18 AM
On the other hand, I must pay close attention to my diet. If I just ate on instinct, I'd derail in no time.

Case in point: I pretty much have to force myself to eat breakfast. Traditionally my meals were eaten between noon and midnight. They were high in carbs too. I was a good kid when it came to learning rules, and I made sure I ate loads and loads of the foods on the bottom of the pyramid. Fucking pyramid.

I'm also not very good when it comes to snaking. I was brought up to eat 3 solid meals a day (meals = good, snacks = bad). I also eat fast. My problem with snacks is that they require a great deal of self-control. I'll eat it extremely quickly, then feel really hungry. Each time I snack, I'd want a full-course meal.

I can diet easier if I was just preparing food for myself because I can deal with boredom. Tuna + vegetables every meal for 3 months? No problem for me. Unpredictability is what throws me off my diet.

Alcohol's not a problem for me. No desire to drink it.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 09:24 AM
I should also point out that I do not take any vitamins or supplements.

I get everything from food, which also necessitates a varied diet.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 10:32 AM
Holidays pretty much ruined my workout schedule, which was a steady 3 days a week every other day, during which times I saw gains in size and a little in strength. Trying to get back into it now, but finding it hard to keep a routine. Soon school starts up and a new job as well, which will make getting to my gym a lot harder. I work out at the university gym which means I can only park on campus after hours, which with the new job I won't be free after hours. I might need to find a new gym but I still have 8 months on my membership and I really do prefer working out at the uni gym... lots of motivation of the young hot female kind.

I don't have a problem with supplements, you can only eat so much for economic and lifestyle reasons. I keep a 10am-3am schedule so I find myself eating at 12p, 5pm, 9pm and a snack at 12am most days, but not getting fat from it. I guess that means that I'm pretty fit, even though my body fat scale says I'm 23-24% body fat. When I drank a protein shake everyday, even on days I didn't work out, I was able to put on 10lbs in 6 months. Since I went back to only taking protein on workout days (3 days a week), I've had trouble getting past 165lbs. But the shits from all that protein plus the price of protein means I won't be going back to daily intake.

I'm finally addressing my back problems with supportive seating, a new tempur-pedic bed, and trying to correct my sitting posture. That will hopefully contribute to my overall health and well-being and make it easier to progress at the gym and stay active.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 11:23 AM
I guess that means that I'm pretty fit, even though my body fat scale says I'm 23-24% body fat. When I drank a protein shake everyday, even on days I didn't work out, I was able to put on 10lbs in 6 months. Since I went back to only taking protein on workout days (3 days a week), I've had trouble getting past 165lbs.
Wait a minute...how tall are you?

Or do you mean 165 lbs. bench, squat, or deadlift?

Regarding back problems: Do deadlifts properly if you already do them, or start doing them (with proper form) if you didn't. Your back supports everything else. It is imperative that you build up your back when doing other heavy weightlifting.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 11:26 AM
Wait a minute...how tall are you? Or do you mean 165 lbs. bench, squat, or deadlift?

5'8" ish.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 11:29 AM
So you weigh 165 Lbs at 5'8"? 24% body fat? Either your scale's readings are terrible or something is off here.

Also, start doing deadlifts, see the edit above.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 11:38 AM
Yeah we had a discussion about the validity of the readings from home body fat scales. Except I had a DEXA scan and it put me around 27%. You wouldn't believe i'm 1/4 fat to look at me, but who knows.

I have been doing deadlifts, though I'm not sure about proper form. I saw some youtube videos on proper form, but I see people doing them all sorts of different ways at the gym. Also, my back issues limit what I can squat and deadlift. I've been doing back exercises to remedy this but they only help so much.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 11:46 AM
If you do deadlifts properly (a lot of people don't), they help out a great deal. A coworker helped out a lot of people where I work, telling them how to do it right. Fewer reps closer to your max weight. Look up the 5-3-1 plan.

Ask a trainer who actually knows their shit to help you.

Sat, 01-12-2013, 12:05 PM
I'm pretty sure I'm not doing them 100% properly but I do see and feel results in my legs since I started doing them. I basically do this:


I go lower with my butt and have the station set up so the bar goes lower on the floor, but I think this is giving my back problems at heavier weights, which I will remedy.

I checked out the 5-3-1 plan and I have to say, in all the years I've been at it you see so many different plans for a "successful" workout and in the end I think if you just get to the gym and work out, you'll see results. If you're looking for serious gains and transforming your body, then a planned workout system makes sense, but for those just looking to get in shape and a little stronger, it's not necessary.