View Full Version : Avatar Help

Sat, 02-18-2006, 10:08 AM
Can anyone help me with this prob I'm having? I can't seem to upload my new avatar to the forums, though I can select avatars from the standard list. Either I just get a standard errord page of message comes up saying something like 'Tempstruct' was not defined.

Any ideas on what is going on or how to solve this?

Sun, 02-19-2006, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Can anyone help me with this prob I'm having? I can't seem to upload my new avatar to the forums, though I can select avatars from the standard list. Either I just get a standard errord page of message comes up saying something like 'Tempstruct' was not defined.

Any ideas on what is going on or how to solve this?

Max dimensions for an avatar are 60x60. It also can't be animated or over 100 KB.

Otherwise I'd just try changing the file to a different format. 'Save as' . Gif files always work fine for me.

Mon, 02-20-2006, 05:48 PM
I made a FAQ for avatars and signatures.. its at the top of the page under FAQ, i think it will be helpful.

Mon, 02-20-2006, 07:35 PM
Its working now guys thanks for the help... and KRB I didn't get a chance to read the FAQ before the avatar thing started working. Thanks anyway.