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Sat, 03-15-2008, 01:34 PM
Desmond can't be one of the oceanic six....he was never on the plane to begin with!
I wasn't really thinking of michael as the spy...although I guess I should have. After that flashforward with Sayid and Ben, I thought maybe Sayid was going to become the spy Ben was talking about.
Sat, 03-15-2008, 02:47 PM
Desmond can't be one of the oceanic six....he was never on the plane to begin with!
I wasn't really thinking of michael as the spy...although I guess I should have. After that flashforward with Sayid and Ben, I thought maybe Sayid was going to become the spy Ben was talking about.
Desmond can assume the identity of someone that was in the plane, so he can very well become one of the Oceanic Six, and Ben surely has the resources to make the deceit happen.
Sat, 03-15-2008, 03:50 PM
As for his theory. It's freaking scary as heck. That means Ben could possibly do anything he wants, given resources (and yes he does have the resources, he faked the plane crash with like 300 dead bodies) and that Ben is pretty much the most powerful character in the series up to date, unless you count Jacob, and no one knows who or what he is.
I thought it was Mr.Widmore who faked the plane crash, not ben.
Fri, 03-21-2008, 12:43 PM
I'm pretty sure they are pointing fingers at each other at this point.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:12 PM
Y'know, even after explaining how Michael got to be on the boat, they haven't explained how Walt was able to talk to him on the computer. But that might coincide with how he can project his own image, so in that case the explanation will come later.
Sat, 03-22-2008, 07:40 PM
I'm sort of pissed that they wasted a whole episode on that flashback. I already pretty much assumed that's how it all went down. (Well, except for the Michael is now indestructible part)
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:28 AM
As for a Jacob theory of which I am not validating, just passing on...
Ryan Scott from GFW Radio postcast says when they showed the outline for Jacob in the hut that one time to Locke and Ben, that it was the outline of Jack's Father down to the white shoes.
I dont' know dont' remember the outline or seeing the shoes, nor gone to look it up.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:51 PM
Was the woman that treated Michael in the hospital Ana Lucia's mom? She looked like it, although I thought she was a police chief or something...
Sun, 03-23-2008, 02:53 PM
I don't remember what the woman looked like. Some hispanic woman maybe? Either way, I'm not sure it's relevant right now, the only thing that is happening off the island is Walt being depressed or something.
But that does bring us the the question of how Walt has been out of body contacting everyone, I have a feeling it is something that won't be mentioned for a long while
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:00 PM
Well it would just be yet another of those oh damn storyline parallels things like they did in a lot of the flashbacks. Also there's the impact of the mom taking care of the guy that killed her daughter.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 03:03 PM
Yeah, you're right
Sun, 03-23-2008, 06:45 PM
does it really have to be the real Walt doing the out of body contacts? The island has never explained seeing those other people who were dead. Jack's Father, the Black priest brother guy, were both seen on the island.
Wed, 03-26-2008, 03:38 PM
That was apparently the black smoke monster though. I think the people from the characters' past suddenly appearing on the island are different from Walt suddenly appearing. Don't know why/how.
Wed, 03-26-2008, 04:44 PM
All we know about the aberrations is that they are visions created by the island. There's no evidence that any individual or group of people that are directly controlling them. Its already been shown that the island is capable of controlling who lives and who dies, and there had to have been some intervention by it to prevent Locke from dying in the pit.
Because of this, I think the vision of Walt was actually controlled by Jacob, who previously asked Locke to "help him."
Sat, 03-29-2008, 11:08 PM
Hmm, no Lost?
Sat, 03-29-2008, 11:33 PM
They're taking a break for 6 weeks or something, aren't they?
Sun, 03-30-2008, 04:18 AM
yea, until April 24th i believe.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 05:43 AM
Consequences of the strike... we'll probably get about 5-7 more episodes this season.
Sun, 03-30-2008, 08:18 AM
WHAT THE FUCK. So if the writer's strike wasn't done we wouldn't get those eps at all?
Sun, 03-30-2008, 12:45 PM
WHAT THE FUCK. So if the writer's strike wasn't done we wouldn't get those eps at all?
They eps they showed I believe were recorded prior to the writer's strike. They're probably refilling their backlog now.
Fri, 04-25-2008, 03:57 PM
The last ep was pretty freaking awesome. Ben is badass as usual. I really thought Claire died. :/ Oh well.
Sat, 04-26-2008, 02:30 AM
Yeah, I liked the episode... Ben was quite the badass indeed. Do you also get the feeling that Ben killed Sayid's wife? I don't think he did, but I wouldn't put it past him. Him going after Penelope is a cool storyline in my opinion, I hope that Desmond made it out.
While we're at it, how cool was Ben calling forth the smoke?
Sat, 04-26-2008, 09:10 AM
I wouldn't go as far as to say that he killed Sayid's wife. He doesn't seem to loosely kill for manipulation purposes but remind me if I'm wrong. Every kill he did seemed personal or indirect. He even went as far as bothering to protect those people last ep. It's very likely that he went to Tunisia to run into Sayid, though. It would seem more that he would twist the situation to his advantage. I'm surprised they killed his daughter though. Holy crap.
I'm not surprised that Ben called the random smoke monster, though now we know it can be controlled/influenced somehow so that takes the fun out of it. I have no idea if Des made it out, he prolly did, but I doubt Penelope is going to die anytime soon. It just seems like I'd be one of those loose storylines that float along for a season or two. Or if he tries to kill Penelope, he dies or Des dies or someone else accidentally dies lol.
Sat, 04-26-2008, 03:43 PM
Ugh...I feel like an idiot....
All this time they were talking about Charles Whitmore being behind all this and I didn't realize he was Penny's dad until this episode.
Sat, 04-26-2008, 06:14 PM
Ugh...I feel like an idiot....
All this time they were talking about Charles Whitmore being behind all this and I didn't realize he was Penny's dad until this episode.
I can say this with a great degree of certainty: You're LOST.
Sat, 04-26-2008, 07:51 PM
Ugh...I feel like an idiot....
All this time they were talking about Charles Whitmore being behind all this and I didn't realize he was Penny's dad until this episode.
Dude, seriously. WTF. ;)
Ben's more of a badass I've been giving him credit for. The first scene of his flash-forward where he hijacked the horse was great, he never does stuff like that in the present.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did kill Sayid's wife, or at least arranged for it to happen. Maybe he hired Ishmael to kill her, in order to set Sayid up. That'd explain why Ishmael reacted to the sound of Ben's name. But on the other hand, we see Ben watching Sayid on the news previously (after the murder had taken place), so maybe he got the idea to track Sayid down then.
Manipulating the smoke was pretty cool, but I still don't think he has full control over it. He probably did something to bait it and it just killed everyone in sight except them because they were inside or something.
Kind of surprised they killed Alex. I think it's the first time we've ever seen Ben show true emotion. I almost expected her to wake up when he went to her side, it just seemed a little anticlimactic when she got shot.
Sooooo... when Ben was in Charles' room, he said he can't kill Charles, because "you and I both know I can't do that". I wonder why. What the hell's going on between them? And Charles used to own the island? What the...?
Sun, 04-27-2008, 08:37 AM
lol What? (
Sun, 04-27-2008, 10:43 PM
Im thinking Charles had something to do with the Dharma initiative...he was probably involved with the funding, or with the guy who funded the 2 hippie scientist who thought it all up.
As for the ben/sayid thing, i dont think he had anything to do with killing nadia...he didn't seem aware of sayid until he saw him on the news. he just manipulated him afterwards in tikrit to get him on board with his war.
what i really wanna know is how he ended up in tunisia? he was clearly disoriented and didn't know where/when he was (since he both looked surprised when the the hotel lady told him he was in tunisia, and he asked her for the date). The fact that he was wearing a winter coat is also very interesting....if you recall, that archeologist who's on the island now (the one that came with the physist and the asian guy) was shown on a dig before joining the island mission, and what they had dug up was a polar bear, and a the dharma insignia. so maybe theres some sort of portal in the arctic/antarctic (or even on some mountain on the island) with a monitoring station or something that he used to leave.....cuz i dont buy the whole "i used Desmonds boat and followed a bearing to fiji" excuse.
Sun, 04-27-2008, 11:10 PM
Of course he was lying about the boat thing...but the interesting thing is, when exactly did he go to Tikrit. Think about it..he seemed disoriented when he landed, and for some reason he had on a winter coat, and a strange cut on his arm. The way that episode was structured, its pretty ambiguous.
Also, what exactly did he do in that room with the glyphs on the door. I think most people assume it only had something to do with the smoke monster, but you can never be sure with Ben. Some people that I talked with postulated that Ben can use that door to travel through time and space at will, and that its possible that he visited Widmore right after Alex was killed using his 'contraption'. All these mysteries!!
Sun, 04-27-2008, 11:25 PM
Maybe he was transporting his consciousness like Desmond did a few episodes back.
Sun, 04-27-2008, 11:32 PM
I Think Ben may be able to physically transport himself, with a degree of error. Although he seemed disoriented, he still made preparations (I.E. the coat and billy club).
But another thing...Why can't Ben kill Widmore, and also, what did Widmore mean when he told Ben he knows "what he is". There is something really strange about those two...Something tells me Charles Widmore is no ordinary human.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 12:35 AM
It IS interesting that Ben asked the receptionist what day/year it was...
Mon, 04-28-2008, 12:48 AM
They can't kill each other...maybe due to the "rules" Ben was talking about. I wonder what these rules are and where they come from.
I hope Penny doesn't die!!
Mon, 04-28-2008, 09:44 AM
you think maybe ben is somhow part of the island...he does have a connection with jacob in the same way that locke does, and is usually spouting something or other about how the island is special, and has unique qualities.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 11:36 AM
I think Widmore may also have some strong connection to the island. And I also think that maybe Ben can't kill him for the same reason Michael couldn't die or somethinh.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 12:23 PM
If Widmore has a strong connection to the island, does that mean the island is purposely hiding itself from Widmore? Since apparently he can't find the island.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 12:53 PM
Maybe he did something to "piss the island off" or something, so that he cannot return.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 01:06 PM
You know....I never really thought it was a big deal that Ben could control the monster.
Didn't Rousseau say back in the first season that it's a guardian, or security system or something? Obviously, there's a mechanical side to it, based on the sounds it makes. I think Dharma created it.
This could also explain why it was trying to capture Locke back in the first season as well.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 01:30 PM
Hmm...has anyone on the forums seen the theory that the smoke monster is like a representation of real world objects, just like kind of inverted? Ill try to find the link to that and post it.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 04:57 PM
Being able to manipulate time based on exit bearing seems to be right. But Ben just sort of woke up going WUT~! So I have no idea..
Fri, 05-02-2008, 02:27 AM
Nice episode last night:
Jack getting sick on the Island is quite curious, and the old chick has a point on it's significance of their leader getting sick. Once again they made a point of who's supposed to raise Aaron. By the way, when was this first mentioned and by whom to who? We see what brought Jack's breakdown, or at least what started it, on the finale of season 3. Kate and Juliett looked very nice in this episode.
So, Sawyer looks like he survives till the end...since he chose to stay... unless he sacrificed himself. I was hoping to see Jack and his Dad have a good convo, but it never came to it. Sawyer and Claire getting together, anyone?
Oh, most importantly... that black smoke was a piece of shit. It should've massacred everyone, especially with a pissed off Ben. So, what's the deal?
Fri, 05-02-2008, 07:07 PM
ya i was thinking the same thing....i really hope they weren't able to fight it off...i'd rather have something like 'it can only attack for 15 mins because of some wierd island power'.
As for sawyer 'choosing' to stay behind, it seems to imply that the rest aren't dead, but just on the island. still, they could give you a twist even with that explanation. one thing thats really curious with the whole sawyer choosing to stay, is hurleys theory that they're all dead, and the 'real world' is some sort of purgatory. could it be true, and the ones on the island who chose to stay are alive, and the ones who chose to leave were killed or thrown in limbo by the island?
Once again they made a point of who's supposed to raise Aaron. By the way, when was this first mentioned and by whom to who? We see what brought Jack's breakdown, or at least what started it, on the finale of season 3. Kate and Juliett looked very nice in this episode.
The first one to mention it was that psychic that clare went to see before (and after) she got pregnant....he was also the one who convinced her to get on the flight, so she would be the only one to raise aaron.
You guys think that Aaron could be like another ben/locke/jacob. Since he's the only baby to be born on the island (or the only one to survive rather), maybe he'll have a much stronger connection then any of the others, and a greater understanding of how the island works......maybe thats why only claire can raise him, cuz others would just try to use him for thier own benifit. Maybe he's even the key to changing those critical numbers that predict when the world will end.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 12:01 AM
Remember back in the last season's finale - Jack with his full beard meeting up with Kate, Kate saying she "had to get back to him". After this episode we can probably assume she was talking about Sawyer. I wonder what the promise is that she made to him? It doesn't seem like she's cheating or anything, why would she?
Also, the finale was obviously set after this episode, further into Jack's alcoholic breakdown. Yes, I'm speaking the obvious, but I like when it all comes together and you remember old moments that now make sense.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 12:05 AM
Remember back in the last season's finale - Jack with his full beard meeting up with Kate, Kate saying she "had to get back to him". After this episode we can probably assume she was talking about Sawyer. I wonder what the promise is that she made to him? It doesn't seem like she's cheating or anything, why would she?
Also, the finale was obviously set after this episode, further into Jack's alcoholic breakdown. Yes, I'm speaking the obvious, but I like when it all comes together and you remember old moments that now make sense.
Na', it has to be Aaron. If I remember correctly, it was Jack who was all psychopatic wanting to return to the Island (where Sawyer is) and it was Kate who didn't want to hear any of it.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 02:03 AM
Remember back in the last season's finale - Jack with his full beard meeting up with Kate, Kate saying she "had to get back to him". After this episode we can probably assume she was talking about Sawyer. I wonder what the promise is that she made to him? It doesn't seem like she's cheating or anything, why would she?
Also, the finale was obviously set after this episode, further into Jack's alcoholic breakdown. Yes, I'm speaking the obvious, but I like when it all comes together and you remember old moments that now make sense.
It was already mentioned in this episode that Sawyer chose not to leave the island...
I didn't care too much for this didn't reveal anything too spectacular.
I do remember there being an "oh shi!" moment at one point, but I can't place where now.
The Hurley part might have been the biggest mystery of the episode (well, and Claire disappearing, but frankly I'm not too interested in that until they show us something a little less....vague...). The Hurley scene seemed to suggest what many people had suspected early in the series: that the survivors are actually dead afterall. I dunno, should be interesting nonetheless.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 08:06 AM
Fair point guys, Kate talking about Aaron makes more sense.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 08:57 AM
Hurley's theory would make sense if Ben and Sayid weren't in Tunisia.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 04:22 PM
true, the whole dead thing doesn't really work when ben and sayid are going around shooting people int eh face...then again, for all we know, they could be the only ones to truly survive, while the rest are actually dead/living in purgatory....i can't recall either of them making contact with any of the others as of yet.
I have a feeling though, the writers just threw in hurleys 'were all dead' theory to screw with the seems to me, that theory was/is a pretty popular one, and the writers undoubtedly read some of the forums where people post their very well thought out theories. Theres a good chance that they put that in thier as fan service, and to detract from the actual reason, whatever that may be.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 06:08 PM
I think the creators said a while ago, that the characters were definitely not in purgatory. But this whole dead people thing is screwing with me...
Tue, 05-06-2008, 03:23 AM
Does the whole "dead" theory involve just those on the island, or the Oceanic 6 as well? Because surely the 6 must be alive as they're back living in the real world, interacting with it.
Tue, 05-06-2008, 08:08 AM
Somewhere on the Lost wiki or something, the producers said that no one is dead at all in the island and there isn't any sort of purgatory. So I think that applies to them too. But -seeing- dead people? That messes with me too, though there must be some sort of explanation. As well as Locke seeing Walt.
Fri, 05-09-2008, 07:18 AM
So Locke's taken over as the main island spiritual leader, or something. Ben seems to have accepted the fact and has resigned himself to following Locke's guidance.
Interesting how Richard never ages, but he's been seen in distant flashbacks before so that's nothing too new. And the hospital orderly guy creeps me out in every scene we see him in. Locke as a teenager was cast really well, it looked a lot like him.
WTF is with Christian Shepherd, I can't even begin to work his whole angle out. And I wonder if Claire knows he's her father. I was hoping for some creepy Jacob scenes, maybe next time.
What do you think is the device on the merc's arm? And the biggest WTF at the end there, they have to move the island?!?!
So many questions, need the next ep now.
Fri, 05-09-2008, 03:04 PM
I think Claire knows that he's her dad. I'm pretty sure she called him "Dad" when he picked up baby Aaron.
The time difference thing really trips me out. Why is it like that...??
Fri, 05-09-2008, 04:02 PM
I knew there was something wrong with Claire... I remember her getting shot and then being all fine. I thought I had watched wrong and dismissed it, but clearly something happened with her on the raid. I think she's dead and that's why the ghost guy kept staring at her.
The Captain being "good" was a surprise to me, too mad he got himself killed because he could've become quite a cool character for a couple more episodes. I still don't know if Ben is no longer the leader... I have a feeling he still is, and is making Locke think he's actually making the decisions; kinda like what Locke did with Hurley. With Ben seemingly in control in the future, this leads me to believe that Ben and Jacob are using Locke for some reason at the moment... since Richard said he was mistaken when he was little, it's possibly because Locke is not Jacob's leader, but can still serve an unknown purpose.
I wonder if something will happen to Sayid and his boat, since the Island can have wierd effects on people depending on how they enter it. By the way, who was Horace Gospeed on season 3? Was he some random member of Dharma? Did he have some relation with Ben?I don't remember well.
Fri, 05-09-2008, 07:23 PM
Moving the island explains why Whitmore was asking Ben about it in the least we now know how that happens.
Maybe the reason Claire didn't die from the rocket blast is the same as why Michael can't get shot, or how Locke survived getting shot by Ben...the island doesn't want them to die yet.
The time lapse is definitely strange....the mercenaries left the island after Jack's group found the body...technically they could've taken the scientist's body back to the boat before the scientist was actually killed.
Horace was never mentioned prior to this episode. Remember, he's been dead 13 years.
Sat, 05-10-2008, 12:53 AM
Horace was in the first flashback that involved Ben, when he was a kid on the Dharma initiative. I just don't remember at what capacity.
Anyways, as for Claire, don't you think there's some truth at the ghost guy being interested in her? He suddenly couldn't stop staring at her as if he knew there was something strange going on. Her sudden realization and change in demeanor, not "caring" at the baby somwhat tells me that this is not merely she being like Locke or Michael... I really think she's dead.
Sat, 05-10-2008, 07:49 PM
its a definite possibility...would explain why shes appearing in a haunted shack with sheppards dad who we know to be dead.
Btw, anyone else think the black guy is actually jacob. he's the one who first tells locke to go on the walkabout, and he says that he'll thank him when they meet again. That Richard guy and the black dude are the only 'island people' we've seen so far, and richard has always appeared in an 'assistant' capacity, showing up on behalf of someone, or comming to check things out. Even with ben, he acted like his right hand man. The black guy however seems to call the shots....remember his conversation with the parachute chick?
Sat, 05-10-2008, 08:45 PM
Wasn't he asking Hugo the location of the Island? Maybe he works for Whitmore, and I'm quite sure that the scientist, etc. that came to the Island said that he was the one that put the team together or some shit.
Sun, 05-11-2008, 03:40 AM
In the mental hospital scene with Hurley, Abaddon asked Hurley if they were still alive and before that he was offering Hurley an upgrade in hospital. He's a creeper, for sure.
I believe Horace was previously mentioned...I think he was the one who brought kid Ben and Ben's dad to the island.
I'm super confused when it comes to Richard. He like never ages...he and his freakin eyeliner eyes.
Thu, 05-15-2008, 11:34 PM
ahh the scene with jack and that *ahem* lady at the end was the best "holy shit!" moment of this season. no wonder jack didn't want to be around aaron...
Fri, 05-16-2008, 02:29 AM
man im still confused about those numbers...they keep appearing everywhere, but they only seem to screw with hurley. i wonder what thier significance is. Do you guys think they really are the essential values to changing the outcome of humanity's inevitable demise?
Fri, 05-16-2008, 11:32 PM
Quite a cool episode in my opinion. Everyone has been placed in an odd position heading towards the finale.
No episode next week, but a two hour finale on the 25th. I want to see how this Island gets moved, the army getting their ass kicked, the boat blown up, and some sort of working relationship between Kate, Sayid, and The Others.
Sat, 05-17-2008, 01:12 AM
The whole "Claire being dead but nobody realizing it" thing seems kind of strange to me...
especially since other survivors got gunned down by the mercenaries too, yet they didn't stand up and start walking around...
That is pretty crazy that Jack found out about Claire being his sister...I was wondering if he would ever find out.
I want to see who the 6th member of the Oceanic 6 is. Lame that they tried so hard to hide it this episode. The fact that they are going through the extra effort to do so suggests that it's going to be something huge, though. Maybe it'll end up being someone we'd least Locke
Sat, 05-17-2008, 07:29 AM
Wait, they're still hiding an Oceanic 6 member? Seeing everyone together I thought that they were considering Aaron as a member of it. So you think there's still another one?
In the press conference, the lady introducing them said " The remaining six survivors, including Mrs. Austen's baby".
Sat, 05-17-2008, 08:35 AM
Pretty sure something happens to Desmond and Jin.
Sat, 05-17-2008, 03:07 PM
I think they'll die on the boat when it explodes...unless the whole "Sun at Jin's grave" thing was a fake, and only there to screw with us.
Sat, 05-17-2008, 03:46 PM
Wait, they're still hiding an Oceanic 6 member? Seeing everyone together I thought that they were considering Aaron as a member of it. So you think there's still another one?
In the press conference, the lady introducing them said " The remaining six survivors, including Mrs. Austen's baby".
I'm pretty sure her saying "including Mrs. Austen's baby" implied that she's introducing the baby in addition to the oceanic 6. I just know that there's been a lot of hype about who the 6th member could be, and when he/she will finally be revealed.
Sat, 05-17-2008, 05:03 PM
Yeah, that could be true... and hopefully it is, but still, why wasn't the 6th one with them or at the plane for that matter? Doesn't make sense to me at the moment, they better come up with a kickass explanation or at the very least reveal it in the finale... we can't keep this Oceanic Six tirade for more seasons.
I also wonder if Walt will make more appearances, especially in the future and be revealed as another survivor and ruin these people's plans.
Sat, 05-17-2008, 05:38 PM
I think there were 6 on the rescue plane, but through careful camera angles, they managed to hide whoever was between the two people on the left side.
Sat, 05-17-2008, 07:21 PM
I think there were 6 on the rescue plane, but through careful camera angles, they managed to hide whoever was between the two people on the left side.
I was looking at that as I was watching the episode, but it wasn't the case... there was no one between Hurley and Jack, at least I'm quite certain there was no one there. Still, if there was someone on the plane, and they "all" agreed to the press conference as Jack stated, he should've at the least been there.
Mon, 05-19-2008, 07:44 AM
I also just assumed Aaron was the 6th - I never really considered there being a 6th secret person. But now that you mention it, I kind of like the idea. Just seems a bit improbable.
Mon, 05-19-2008, 08:32 PM
No, Aaron is the 6th...they included him. If you remember a few weeks ago, they said you would know how all of them are (the producers), and Aaron is counted as one of them.
Thu, 05-22-2008, 08:45 PM
My issue of TV Guide also mentions Aaron as part of the Oceanic 6. But it is Lost, some crazy shit might happen.
I was trying to place this in the Lost timeline. So the time Kate was in court, is that before or after she and Jack lived together?
Thu, 05-22-2008, 09:02 PM
My issue of TV Guide also mentions Aaron as part of the Oceanic 6. But it is Lost, some crazy shit might happen.
I was trying to place this in the Lost timeline. So the time Kate was in court, is that before or after she and Jack lived together?
Pretty sure that was before. When we see Jack and Kate living together, I have a feeling it's right before we see Jack out of control at the end of season 3.
Thu, 05-22-2008, 10:41 PM
Yea, of course. Notice during the case, he was composed and calm, and then the deep slide into crazy Jack mode begins. And I don't know why you all keep questioning this...Aaron is part of the 6.
Wed, 05-28-2008, 12:43 PM
I just learned that both Locke's and Ben's mothers are called Emily... strange.
Two hour season finale tomorrow... hope it's violent.
Wed, 05-28-2008, 08:21 PM
I just learned that both Locke's and Ben's mothers are called Emily... strange.
Two hour season finale tomorrow... hope it's violent.
Also, the actress that plays Claire's real name is pronounced like "Emily"
Fri, 05-30-2008, 10:37 AM
Wow - freakin' amazing season finale - ZOMG. I have to sleep now, no time for typing, but woah.
Fri, 05-30-2008, 03:42 PM
My friend says Ben went to Tunisia when he moved the island. Awesome.
Fri, 05-30-2008, 07:57 PM
As far as I can remember this has been the best season finale so far for LOST. The big turning wheel hidden inside of the cave was a bit hoaky. I would have rather not seen how they moved the island to keep it more of a mystery. Other than that I thought it was perfect. Lots of new mysteries to be unravled after some have been solved. This show is the ultimate cock tease leaving always wanting more.
Fri, 05-30-2008, 08:19 PM
My friend says Ben went to Tunisia when he moved the island. Awesome.
Can anyone go back and recheck in Ben's centric episode of when he arrived? Did he time travel, or did he simply teleported?
Fri, 05-30-2008, 08:51 PM
So wait, who's still on the island now?
John, Juliette, Claire, Sawyer, the clairvoyant guy, and the other girl?
Did the scientist guy make it back?
Fri, 05-30-2008, 09:35 PM
If he got back before the island got moved, lol.
Sat, 05-31-2008, 03:22 PM
Walt season one, season two, and projected season six.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 12:40 AM
lol...awesome finale. regarding walt, why is he so old. according to the interview from last episode, they were stranded on the island for 8 months (less for Micheal and walt), and in this ep we learn that its been 3 years since the were old was walt on the island? wasn't he like 9 or 10?...this walt looks like he's 18. I dunno if thats just a case of choosing a bad actor. or if its related to the time travelling thing....cuz aaron is older then he should be as well.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 02:10 AM
I think the actor is 16 years old...
I think he was about 10 when the show started, so I think that'd make him about 13 or 14 years old at the moment.
I could care less, since this is puberty time, no one ever looks the age they're supposed to be anyways. And he could have a ton of changes on his physicallity at any given time, at any given year, and the changes are quite drastic.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 12:56 PM
Walt season one, season two, and projected season six.
The similarities are uncanny.
Tue, 06-03-2008, 02:20 AM
Please enlighten me as to where Saywer's shirt disappeared to from the copter to the island...
Tue, 06-03-2008, 12:08 PM
Please enlighten me to as to whether or not Hurley washed his hands between when he peed in the forest and when he offered Sawyer one of his crackers.
Tue, 06-03-2008, 08:27 PM
Where's he gonna wash his hands at? I doubt Sawyer cared about that...but apparently, the ocean stole his shirt so that he could come walking ridiculously slowly out of the water shirtless :\
Tue, 06-03-2008, 09:01 PM
Oh I'm sure The Orchid would have at least some sort of readily-accessible irrigation system.
Fri, 06-06-2008, 02:08 PM
maybe he just wanted to fuck with sawyer and give him pee covered crackers....he was/will be in a mental institution you know.
Mon, 11-10-2008, 07:59 AM
Premiere date for the next season is set for January 21:
It'll be on Wednesdays.
Sat, 11-15-2008, 08:31 PM
That's good news. For some reason I was thinking Feb/March.
Sun, 11-16-2008, 04:10 PM
Wow a three hour event!! I wish I can set my DVR to record this already!!
Wed, 01-21-2009, 07:36 AM
I'm pumped. Gonna go watch the most recent season finale again.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 07:52 AM
Yea, really looking forward to it.
Wed, 01-21-2009, 09:01 AM
I'm pumped. Gonna go watch the most recent season finale again.
I'm also pumped. I had forgotten that it started tonight, I was waiting for February. Thanks for bumping the thread. Today is going to be a good day.
Thu, 01-22-2009, 03:38 AM
Heh, only the torrent for episode 2, "The Lie", seems to be out. EZTV's site crashes, and the internet goes nuts!
Thu, 01-22-2009, 07:41 AM
I had that problem too. And some asshole told me the season started with 02 and 01 was a recap. I later found it. If you haven't yet, let me know, because it was a little confusing.
Thu, 01-22-2009, 08:10 AM
Yeah, found it in the end, thanks.
Time travel seems a bit... lame, maybe? I still enjoyed it. So many more questions now, if that were ever possible. But it suggests an explanation as to why characters such as Richard never age.
I wonder how the jewelry store woman fits into it all. She seems to be pretty high up in the scale of things, perhaps even higher than Ben.
Thu, 01-22-2009, 08:51 AM
I'm kind of liking how the time travel works. It seems the writers aren't all confused about it, like in certain other shows (*coughHeroescough). It seems that they laid down ground rules and conventions. And its pretty...well..hmm, not sure what to say about it, but the fact that Desmond is Daniel's constant, and also having special time altering abilities is...pretty cool actually. I mean, the fact that it was followed up this early in the season. I'm wondering who everyone else has as theirs? Possibly the O6? And what of Richard? The compass...isn't that one of the things he took to young Locke back in 1961? What were the other things? I mean, he got angry when Locke picked the knife...but he did have a compass, knife, and like lived on an brain is starting to cramp thinking about all this stuff.
And what was up with Chang's baby? That thing looked like a little white baby; not Asian at all. Maybe it was adopted, although at first, I was thinking it might have been Miles. Not so sure now.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 01:24 AM
Yeah, found it in the end, thanks.
Time travel seems a bit... lame, maybe? I still enjoyed it. So many more questions now, if that were ever possible. But it suggests an explanation as to why characters such as Richard never age.
I wonder how the jewelry store woman fits into it all. She seems to be pretty high up in the scale of things, perhaps even higher than Ben.
I don't think Richard is immune to the time shifts. It wouldn't make sense why he would be while Ethan wouldn't be. It sounded to me more like his exposure was the same as Desmond's - John probably talked to him in the past and told him where to go at that point in time.
Speaking of was kinda weird that Dennis (was the scientist guy's name Dennis?) was able to get in contact with Desmond, despite him insisting that the future cannot be manipulated. If he replied to Desmond's "Are you him?" question with "yes" then how much would the future have changed?
Fri, 01-23-2009, 07:10 AM
Not to say he's immune, but rather he's appeared at so many points of history in flashbacks and whatnot, and he never appears to get any older or younger. Perhaps these were just times when he's time traveled? Dunno.
Fri, 01-23-2009, 11:15 AM
I was thinking about what Dennis was saying regarding changing the past, and it makes a lot more sense now compared to Desmond's situation back in season 3. Remember, Desmond was stuck in a bit of a time paradox too, and it allowed him to see that Charlie was going to die...yet no matter what Desmond did, he could only prolong the inevitable.
Wed, 01-28-2009, 09:39 AM
I was thinking about what Dennis was saying regarding changing the past, and it makes a lot more sense now compared to Desmond's situation back in season 3. Remember, Desmond was stuck in a bit of a time paradox too, and it allowed him to see that Charlie was going to die...yet no matter what Desmond did, he could only prolong the inevitable.
You mean "DAN"?
And that does make sense. See that is the problem with show, I dont remember half of it. I am tempted to just wait until they are all out on dvd and watch them in a row again. Start to finish!
Thu, 01-29-2009, 12:35 PM
You mean "DAN"?
And that does make sense. See that is the problem with show, I dont remember half of it. I am tempted to just wait until they are all out on dvd and watch them in a row again. Start to finish!
I feel the same way about your posts
Thu, 01-29-2009, 07:43 PM
Lots of revelations...for one, Des and Penny were in the Phillipines when little Charlie was born, and apparently, Des also likes to dress up like a rock star. Daniel confesses his love for a dying Charlotte, who may not be dying of the same thing as the other 'unstuck' in time people (remember, they didn't start forgetting things; methinks she is being erased form history), and Charles Widmore was an other! Oh, and one other thing: remember when we first meet Daniel, and he's crying? Do you think it had anything to do with Charlotte's death?
And exactly how old is Richard? I'm guessing he's like...hmm, I'm not sure. It appears that he was the 'leader' at that point, but there didn't seem to be a clear number 2. And its been stated that the island leader/number 2 relaationship is like that that of the Dalai Llama and Panchen Llama (i.e, they choose each other); but Richard seems to have been there for at least 2 or 3 leader changes. Some of this stuff is getting difficult to wrap my head around.
Fri, 01-30-2009, 08:42 AM
He said they have a procedure where they start their leaders at a young age, obviously that's what happened to Ben. Maybe Richard just hangs around as an adviser to the new leader because he's so old and experienced.
Fri, 01-30-2009, 09:07 AM
The LOST writers are clearly on acid. Loved the bomb scene... the chick might've been Daniels mother, or maybe she's the Ms. Hawking (the old lady that appears in episode 2 and on Desmond's flashbacks). She might be one and the same too, considering she's in LA apparently. Widmore also said she likes her privacy, and she finds herself in some sort of monastery if not mistaken.
I'm having a hard time deciding on who are the good guys and who are the bad guys, or even if that's important.
Sat, 01-31-2009, 09:00 PM
Didn't Ben threaten to kill Penny last time he confronted Whitmore? I forget how Ben wronged Sayid...
Ehh hard to keep track
Sat, 01-31-2009, 09:22 PM
Didn't Ben threaten to kill Penny last time he confronted Whitmore? I forget how Ben wronged Sayid...
Ehh hard to keep track
I don't think it has been revealed how Ben wronged Sayid... we'll probably see in one of Sayid's centric episode. And yes, Ben did threaten to kill her.
Does Ben need Desmond to return to the Island? Or since he's not from the plane crash he doesn't matter? Just saying because if Ben wants to bring him to the Island, killing Penny might not be in his best interest, unless he kills her in a way that makes it look like someone else was responsible, etc.
Sun, 02-01-2009, 01:51 AM
Also, if Penny dies, does that mean Des dies too? Seeing as she is his constant, maybe he needs her around (although I'm sure little Charlie would fit that role, too).
Sun, 02-01-2009, 04:24 AM
I'm under the impression that the whole time-flicker thing for desmond was only a temporary issue.
Sun, 02-01-2009, 07:57 AM
Hmm...maybe, but we don't know what would happen if someone with that...disorder lost their constant. It might be possible he's cured for life (along with Daniel) .
Tue, 02-03-2009, 02:58 AM
Did Desmond and that other crazy guy suffer nosebleeds when they were jumping around in time alot? I remember bad stuff happening to Desmond, but I forgot what.
Fri, 02-06-2009, 12:45 AM
desmond wasn't actually jumping around in time...just his consciousness that was being transferred. It seems that in the context of the show, those are two separate phenomenon. If i recall, whenever desmond 'jumped', his body would be comatose.
Fri, 02-06-2009, 05:56 AM
I think everybody on the island was having those "time flickers". Maybe it's just bad acting, but every time they've shown a character immediately after the "flash" part of a flash back, they've looked confused for a few moments, kind of like they were feeling deja vu.
Desmond was the only one who came to realize it "spontaneously", when he tried to change his fate with Penny before going to the island. (Remember? it was a flashback, until Desmond flipped out in a London bar)
Sat, 02-07-2009, 06:19 PM
Sayid kicked some ass in this episode. And of course, Ben is up to his old tricks... I wonder why he wanted to take Aaron through a legal process, if once he got Kate to where he was he could've just taken it from her.
Sun, 02-08-2009, 11:04 AM
He probably wanted to scare Kate to going back to the island.
Sun, 02-08-2009, 12:30 PM
yeah I think its all just intimidation
Mon, 02-09-2009, 07:40 AM
yeah I think its all just intimidation
That makes sense... but I think that's just one of the reasons. I'm sure he wants the baby too.
Sun, 02-15-2009, 06:39 PM
well, way back when, that fortune teller told claire that only she could raise the baby, no one else.
Mon, 03-02-2009, 07:06 PM
Fri, 03-06-2009, 09:50 PM
Great episode this week, gotta love Sawyer. I don't know how/why Jack, Kate and Hurley have come back in the 70s, though.
Sat, 03-07-2009, 06:38 AM
Yeah it kinda sucks that the Island got stuck in the 70s, but it makes for a damn interesting plot. I cracked up when Sawyer called Richard eyeliner boy.
Sat, 03-07-2009, 03:02 PM
Haha....Sawyer always ends up getting the girls that Jack falls in love with. What an asshole. The biggest disappointment for me was that they never got to explore the ancient era of the island, when the temples and statues were apparently erected.
Mon, 03-09-2009, 06:55 PM
i know, i hated that too...hopefully they'll expand on that at a later point....we've obviously seen that time travel isn't an issue with the show.
Fri, 03-13-2009, 02:25 AM
I assume there was no episode this week?
Fri, 03-13-2009, 08:08 AM
Yeah, there wasn't. New episode next Wednesday. I hope they will show more of Locke soon.
Fri, 03-20-2009, 01:21 AM
So they said Faraday is gone - I can't remember, do we know how/why yet?
Fri, 03-20-2009, 01:50 AM
the only dharma scene i recall that involved Faraday was the scene a while back where he was working at the orchid during its construction
Thu, 03-26-2009, 12:10 AM
Epic. Sayid shot Kid Ben.
Sat, 03-28-2009, 10:50 PM
Now we see how the time travel rules work for this show. Does changing the past affect the future?
Sat, 03-28-2009, 11:03 PM
Maybe kid Ben is protected by Jacob like Loc was when he was shot by Ben.
Sun, 03-29-2009, 12:21 AM
Now we see how the time travel rules work for this show. Does changing the past affect the future?
According to Faraday, you can't change the past. Or the future.
Ben has been screwed with Sayid in the 2000s because Sayid shot Kid Ben in the 70s. Sayid shot Kid Ben in the 70s because he thought he could stop Ben from screwing with him in the 2000s.
In the first half of the episode, Ben said, "I thought you were a killer. Maybe I had the wrong idea about you" to Sayid. In the 70s, Sayid said to Kid Ben, "You were right about me. I am a killer." (Paraphrasing, but you get the idea)
We can see the beginnings of this idea when the Oceanic Six left -- Locke told them that the island "was not done with them". They still had to go back in time so that the events that lead up to them existing in the present would occur. So they had to go back to the island. It was their destiny.
This show is all back story, for itself.
Sun, 03-29-2009, 06:52 AM
According to Faraday, you can't change the past. Or the future.
Ben has been screwed with Sayid in the 2000s because Sayid shot Kid Ben in the 70s. Sayid shot Kid Ben in the 70s because he thought he could stop Ben from screwing with him in the 2000s.
In the first half of the episode, Ben said, "I thought you were a killer. Maybe I had the wrong idea about you" to Sayid. In the 70s, Sayid said to Kid Ben, "You were right about me. I am a killer." (Paraphrasing, but you get the idea)
We can see the beginnings of this idea when the Oceanic Six left -- Locke told them that the island "was not done with them". They still had to go back in time so that the events that lead up to them existing in the present would occur. So they had to go back to the island. It was their destiny.
This show is all back story, for itself.
Interesting then, that we have a picture of Sawyer, Jack, Kate, etc. from the past in the future. Interesting then that Richard remembers talking to Loc in the past, and that he remembers how Faraday told them to bury the bomb.
Faraday can be wrong you know. But we'll see... but you might be right that this happened in the past already, that there's some sort of loop. But when Faraday talked with Desmond in the past, it instantly communicated with Desmond of the future, so I don't think there are no consequences to their actions in the past in as it regards altering the timeline.
Mon, 03-30-2009, 10:15 AM
According to Faraday, you can't change the past. Or the future.
Ben has been screwed with Sayid in the 2000s because Sayid shot Kid Ben in the 70s. Sayid shot Kid Ben in the 70s because he thought he could stop Ben from screwing with him in the 2000s.
In the first half of the episode, Ben said, "I thought you were a killer. Maybe I had the wrong idea about you" to Sayid. In the 70s, Sayid said to Kid Ben, "You were right about me. I am a killer." (Paraphrasing, but you get the idea)
We can see the beginnings of this idea when the Oceanic Six left -- Locke told them that the island "was not done with them". They still had to go back in time so that the events that lead up to them existing in the present would occur. So they had to go back to the island. It was their destiny.
This show is all back story, for itself.
Then how are they in that picture from 1977?
Edit: If it doesnt change anything, then why did Desmond get a memory of Dan banging on the hatch door...?
(And haha, that sounds dirty.)
Mon, 03-30-2009, 11:30 AM
They were in the picture from 1977 because they were always there in 1977.
Mon, 03-30-2009, 01:02 PM
And its been stated that Desmond is "different by Faraday, and therefore the time rules don't apply the same to him.
Mon, 03-30-2009, 02:29 PM
They were in the picture from 1977 because they were always there in 1977.
That doesnt make any sense. Please elaborate.
Mon, 03-30-2009, 03:20 PM
It's basically a circular thing. In Lost, time is a 'record' rather than something that flows continuously. Everything that they are doing now, in the 'past' causes the future events to happen or make sense. In the past, The characters can do all they want, but whatever they do has to fit in the constraints of the past. For example, they can't blow the island up, because if the island wasn't there, how did they get there in the future? They can, however, interact with the Dharma initiative, because who knows? Maybe what they do then will effect their initial landing on on the island.. (like them saving the baby, or richard eerily knowing what do to with Locke, the picture that Sun sees are all directly affected by what they did in the past)
Desmond is an exception because the show made him one. He's a victim of consequence and fate IMO
Mon, 03-30-2009, 03:42 PM
So like a butterfly effect type plot?
Mon, 03-30-2009, 04:44 PM
I think the butterfly effect implies that the future would be vastly different, were the past to be changed.
In this show, the future is only as it is because they went into the past to cause those prior events.
Mon, 03-30-2009, 05:55 PM
So like a butterfly effect type plot?
Predestination Paradox:
Wed, 04-08-2009, 11:05 PM
I think Jacob is Sawyer. And Locke is the monster, like Mr. Ekko's dead brother was.
Sat, 04-11-2009, 07:39 PM
There have been theories out there that Jacob might actually be Jack, for too many reasons that I wont get into now (for one, Jack and Jacob are different forms of the same name). The guy I am more interested in is Alpert; he's a walking enigma, that one. BTW, interesting site here:,,1550612,00.html . There are usually some thought provoking posts the day of the show, and the following day.
Sun, 04-12-2009, 12:24 PM
Interesting stuff, although I'd question their prediction that Locke may have changed a bit after his resurrection, but that Ben is still in control of Locke .
First of all, Locke's smug assertiveness doesn't seem uncharacteristically different to me. He's the type of guy that likes to lead and make decisions, and he has no qualms with getting the island involved in personal affairs. This is no different than when he stubbornly blew up the hatch door and subsequently recruited a team to push the button every 108 minutes.
Second of all, I think Locke's resurrection marks a turning point between his relationship with Ben. He's at a point now where Ben is at a loss for answers, and this is where he will also lose his influence. Also, while it may have seemed to be an attempt at just messing with the audience, I think there was a little symbolism involved in Locke coming out of the bushes just after Ben said "what's about to come out is something I cannot control."
Keep in mind, Ben tried to kill Locke twice already. First he shot him and left him for dead in the Dharma grave, then the fake suicide. Both times the island was watching over him. My prediction is that Ben will grow frustrated at his powerlessness and will attempt to a third time, and that will be when the island will kill Ben.
Wed, 02-03-2010, 07:06 PM
Weeewt, the final season has started, what'd ya'll think about the first double-ep? ^_^
Thu, 02-04-2010, 12:50 AM
So Locke is the smoke monster, and he wants to go home? makes me wonder what home is in this case.
Now we also have alternate dimensions/time lines to worry about, but atleast the future/past story line has ended.
Fri, 02-12-2010, 01:54 PM
So the guys in the temple are apparently responsible for the whispers followed by crazy creepy walking/teleporting. Glad to see that didn't die out after the 2nd season. This must mean that there are two groups of "others," those that live in the temple and those that follow Richard. They must have some sort of connection to each other, as the ones following Richard went around with lists capturing people, while the captees then find themselves in the temple, and of course they all serve Jacob.
I'm also glad to see the return of "the sickness." This was something that kind of trailed off after Rousseaux's ominous warnings. Apparently those who become sick seem to retain their own consciousness... just become evil. Hence why Rousseaux's husband was able to talk her into lowering her weapon before trying to fire his disabled one. I'm sure there are other characters that, for the longest time, we thought were good guys but were in actuality sick.
What was up with the guy that was pissed off at Kate, btw? She hit him 3 years ago? Must have been while she was captured along with Sawyer and Jack.
Wed, 02-24-2010, 03:30 PM
Oh shit Claire has known about unLocke for three years.
They brought this up specifically: why was Christian's body missing? Smokey doesn't seem to need the bodies as a "medium" -- just the memory. So did Jack really see his dad (or a Jacob-style ghost)? If so, was this the same Christian that guided Locke and Claire? Or are there two of them around (one of which I assume is Smokey)?
Wed, 03-24-2010, 04:38 PM
ok, i got it....Its gonna be like BSG in a way. Jacob is God, and the other guy is the devil....or atleast some representation of the concepts of good and evil. And the island is sort of a purgatory. Or more precisely the front yard of purgatory. Jacob is the gatekeeper, and everyone who comes to the island (or is called to the island by jacob) are in a sort of semi-limbo. Its all a big game to see who is pure of heart...enough to keep the evil contained on the island and not let it infect the rest of the world.
Either that, or hurley took a shit load of shrooms which he bought from his winnings and this is all his hallucination, which is why he's speaking to dead people and is jacobs personal phone line.
Fri, 04-30-2010, 10:19 PM
Did anyone noticed they made a huge ass plot-hole by having ben alive in the alternate timeline? he should`ve died when the island exploded.
Fri, 04-30-2010, 11:50 PM
the island didn't explode, they just created an alternate timeline by blowing the nuke and canceling out the electromagnetic energy. In that timeline, ben and his father never go to the island with the dharma folks.
Sat, 05-01-2010, 02:57 AM
There sort of is a "plot hole", and its resolution will be the solution to the show.
Ben and his dad did go to the Island, even in the alternate time line. The differences between the "real" and alternate timelines start in the 1950's, but as far as Ben is concerned, they start in the 1970's: Sawyer, Juliet, Sayid never showed up in the 1970's to cause the drama that lead to Ben getting shot and becoming an Other. So Ben and his dad left the Island peacefully.
But then, the "plot hole" looms: if the 815 guys didn't travel back in time to cause these events, events "should" have unfolded like the story presented them in the first place: The Swan Station should have had its accident, which lead to the Dharma people installing the button, which Desmond didn't press one day, which caused Oceanic 815 to crash on the Island. So the "alternate" timeline "ought" to be the "real" timeline. Reconciling this is going to be the subject of the rest of the series.
My guess is that the "alternate" time line is the time line in which the man in black makes it off the Island. Notice that everybody got what they wanted: Nadia is still alive, Dogan's kid is still alive, Faraday got to study music, Desmond got Whidmore's respect, etc. Desmond is "special" because he can travel through time and space and even across dimensions. And now he's working to undo the alternate timeline, and is ultimately going to cause the events that lead to 815 crashing on the Island in the "real" time line. There's a figure eight in time and space going on.
Sat, 05-01-2010, 08:41 AM
The whole island exploded, you can see it underwater on episode 1 of season 6 i beleive, it exploded after the H bomb, by that time, ben and his dad were on the island (ben wasn`t even found), he shoul`ve died, the Hbomb changed everything after 1977, not before.
As for the "they should be dead" plot-hole, my best bet is simply that you can`t die in the past, instead you get taken back to your time.
Sat, 05-01-2010, 01:08 PM
The H-Bomb changed everything, everywhere, not just from the 1970s on. For example: Richard Alpert didn't meet John Locke, Sawyer, Faraday, etc. Sawyer didn't become LeFleur. Ben didn't get shot by Sayid. Why? Because they didn't go back in time in the alternate reality. The Island is underwater in the alternate reality, not "ours". The HBomb is the CAUSE of the alternate reality, as Daniel Faraday explained in the alternate reality.
The 815 people didn't go back in time to the 1950s, because they set off the bomb when they were in the 1970s.
Sat, 05-01-2010, 01:56 PM
The H-Bomb changed everything, everywhere, not just from the 1970s on. For example: Richard Alpert didn't meet John Locke, Sawyer, Faraday, etc. Sawyer didn't become LeFleur. Ben didn't get shot by Sayid. Why? Because they didn't go back in time in the alternate reality. The Island is underwater in the alternate reality, not "ours". The HBomb is the CAUSE of the alternate reality, as Daniel Faraday explained in the alternate reality.
The 815 people didn't go back in time to the 1950s, because they set off the bomb when they were in the 1970s.
I don`t think youre getting me... i accept everything changed past 1977, but things changing before it is imposible, therefore james and co. did went to the past, because again, everything before H-day had to happen just the same.
If you say Sayid didn`t shot Ben i can say the H-bomb got activated by no one and thus the alternate timeline just doesn`t exist at all, alas it`s there, so yes, ben did got shot, and julia did detonated the bomb and george did got to work on the island (confirmed by him).
Sun, 05-16-2010, 11:01 PM
Very interesting origin story for Jacob and MiB but it raises so many more questions that probably won't be answered.
On one hand I'm looking forward to the end (only 3 episodes to go! :eek:) because I can't wait to see how it all turns out. Desmond should have a large role and we might actually get some closure for random story-lines here and there.
On the other hand I'm terrified the finale will be disappointing. We know for a fact that there will be a lot never explained but I'm hoping they'll give us something at least.
Sun, 05-23-2010, 11:22 PM
Did anyone catch the finale?
Sun, 05-23-2010, 11:27 PM
Aw hell yeah, overall it was pretty good, some mysteries got unresolved, but i didn`t thought they were worth exploring anyway.
Mon, 05-24-2010, 11:47 AM
I really liked it, and yes, a few tears were shed, but that is nothing new.
Mon, 05-24-2010, 03:33 PM
Worst. Finale. Ever.
Mon, 05-24-2010, 09:00 PM
" Wait wat ? "
I'm completly ... Lost.
Tue, 05-25-2010, 12:26 AM
i liked it....i though it was a nice way to end the series. they wrapped everything up pretty well, and i particularly like how managed to resolve the "alternate timeline" situation.
It was also interesting because a lot of the theories in the early days were that they were dead and the island was a sort of limbo, so it was kool to see the truth was the other way around.
Im still wonder what/who the smoke monster was, and what the light was all about, and how jacob and his mother had powers.....but overall i think they ended it well.
Tue, 05-25-2010, 06:18 PM
The light = god, the force, the truth, the deus ex machina etc.
Put out the light and you destroy the earth, or make it descend into hell or some shit. Jacob thinks that his job was protect the island, and thus, the earth. I think the mom said the light is "heaven, rebirth, the beginning and the end" or some crap which pretty means that anything that was unexplained means the light did it.
This also explains why it was all bright and shit when the "souls" all met up in the purgatory. They had to realize their deaths and meet up to move on together because the island was of course the most important thing to ever happen to them or ever -will happen to them-.
(Which inadvertently means their lives were meaningless after that event, including the babies?! And Hugo/Ben, who could have lived for thousands of years after the event (so you can bet they were bored). Also annoyed Jack didn't bother doing an incantation, just made Hugo drink dirty water. I would have laughed so hard if the immortality didn't take. But of course cool rules in Lost will get broken for plot conveniences. :|
Also no one will apparently EVER find love better than from the island apparently, so you can bet Kate and Sawyer etc. didn't live out satisfying lives/find love again). Michael wasn't there because he was still roaming the island, heavy with guilt, Walt wasn't there because he's like 8 feet tall now and it would look weird.
This also explains why the Gyno said "it worked" at the end, moments before her death. She was seeing the world of the purgatory.
Yeah the finale is sentimental, but that doesn't mean I have to like it's implications.
Since the light = god.
So of course the "black" man represents the devil, and Ben is Judas. Jack was Jesus and had to be sacrificed (lol) and Hugo was the new Jacob and Ben his new Richard. All evil people who went into the light used the force for evil, evil!
Desmond turns the light off, which is electromagnetic in property, and basically makes everyones superpowers go byebye. This means the immortal people can now die, cue Black Man and Jack's epic battle to the finish.
Jack gets stabbed in the kidneys, but somehow makes it all the way to the special place to use his surgery skillz to preform the Heimlich on the Island. Jacob isn't there to keep people from leaving anymore so Kate and friends could escape on the plane.
But lol @ the purgatory, pretty much spitting in the faces of the people who thought the initial Lost island was a purgatory. I hated this whole season, mostly because there's nothing to really figure out like past seasons, where you had to use your brain cells and everything was interesting and twisted (in a good way). This season claimed to be "all answers" but it was really just one big deus ex machina! Might as well have been a dream. The character development is good but not enough to stand alone.
"What I learned from Lost? Don't go chasin' waterfalls, and all dogs don't necessarily go to heaven". - Jimmy Kimmel.
Wed, 05-26-2010, 03:02 AM
They still never directly correlated the alternate timeline to the atomic detonation. Hell, after the 1st ep of this season, they never even mentioned the bomb again. Is it now that this plot device they used to bring time back to the present responsible for "creating a world for everyone?" Sure the aim was to stop the existence of the swan bunker to stop Desmond from crashing the plane, but how did all this come about from that? Just as mentioned already, there are things that happened prior to the detonation that seems negated as well, such as Ben being on the island. Well whatever, I guess that's cool that the ultimate end of the series from this point has been set in stone since Juliet punching a nuke with a rock. Maybe the original timeline actually meant something if the alternate could only reach its conclusion when Jack defeated the man in black. Who knows?
Ben is one shady-ass bitch. How many times in these last 3 seasons has he had revelations to become a legitimately good guy? First when Lock becomes the leader, then when he decides he must move the island, then when Locke comes back to life, then when Alex confronts him, then when he realizes he was tricked into killing Jacob, then when he asks Illana for forgiveness, and now what? He saves Hurley from the tree and becomes number 2? The only reason he didn't remain a bad guy in the finale is because Locke admitted that he was going to destroy the island. Ben's character in the original timeline was pretty terrible as far as storytelling convention goes. The only good part about it was that Hurley half-assedly gave him the one thing he always wanted: respect from the leader of the island he cared for so much.
Edit: Ok so after milling it over a bit, I guess the alternate timeline (aka flash-sideways) is actually the purgatory that everyone presumed the island would be, and that its not part of any timeline, just some alternate time/space realm where all the characters could be reunited. Not bad, although the obnoxious thing about it is that its a rather blanketed ending that could really be applied to any story in which people have bonded through the voids in their own lives.
Oh, and here's a nice WTF:
Remember in the second season with the swan bunker, there was a "supply drop" of a 6-month supply of food rations? Where the hell did that come from??
Wed, 05-26-2010, 10:55 AM
I totally forgot about that!
Now I am even more annoyed.
Wed, 05-26-2010, 11:53 AM
Actually, I just thought of one possible explanation for the food rations.
It could be that the others still maintained the regular supply drop, since they did seem to have access to getting on and off the island easy enough. They knew Desmond was there, and knew that he had to operate the computer to keep regulating the output of electromagnetic buildup, so perhaps they kept up the Dharma charade in its place for the sake of that bunker.
Wed, 05-26-2010, 01:59 PM
That makes sense. They didn't really make a clue for that solution though. So I'm betting they just left a bunch of holes because they were lazy and figured "well the fanatics will figure something out".
Wed, 05-26-2010, 02:23 PM
Actually, I just thought of one possible explanation for the food rations.
It could be that the others still maintained the regular supply drop, since they did seem to have access to getting on and off the island easy enough. They knew Desmond was there, and knew that he had to operate the computer to keep regulating the output of electromagnetic buildup, so perhaps they kept up the Dharma charade in its place for the sake of that bunker.
They knew about the computer? care to remind me?
Thu, 05-27-2010, 01:41 AM
The others station was a observer station that watched over all the other stations wasn't it? That would mean that they knew everything that went on in all the other stations.
Thu, 05-27-2010, 02:51 AM
Plus Ben was originally from the Dharma initiative, and knew about all the bunkers.
Fri, 05-28-2010, 02:59 AM
I know there's a big list of things never explained and I've read all the possible explanations people have sat down and typed up.
One mystery nobody has seemingly brought up yet is the time when we first hear about the mysterious leader Jacob, and Ben takes Locke to meet him at the secret cabin. When they go inside, Ben starts talking to an empty chair as if there's someone there, and Locke goes to leave, thinking Ben is crazy. Then we hear a croaky voice saying "help me", Locke turns around and briefly sees a silhouette of a man. Ben is surprised and jealous that Locke could see/hear anything at all when he (Ben) apparently can't.
What the hell was this all about? Maybe MiB pretending to be Jacob to reach out to Locke? Never explained AFAIK.
While I loved the finale in general, one thing that left a sour taste in my mouth was Sayid's reunion with Shannon. They've focused on his love for Nadia a lot lately and this 5 minute reunion makes all that fresh development null and void. Suddenly he's forgotten Nadia completely even though part of his purgatory mission was to help her and tie up loose ends on that front, and he's got a massive boner for Shannon again. Didn't like that.
Fri, 05-28-2010, 03:14 AM
I think it's an example of how if anyone ever moved on from the events of the island after its events, it's all meaningless because the "light" thinks it is.
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