View Full Version : Gotwoot's New FAQ
Thu, 01-12-2006, 08:44 PM
Well fellow gotwooters, I have just received the go-ahead (finally! I was beginning to think I'd be ignored forever i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif ) from the admins (well, from Terra more specifically) to implement this. So, if you check the FAQ on the forums here, it's pretty sparse. Not really much of a FAQ at all. The idea is that we, as the members who regularly visit the boards, know all the questions that get asked over and over again, that we're tired of hearing. So this is our chance to contribute and compile a list of all those questions complete with answers. Once we have a pretty comprehensive list, hopefully one of the admins can format it nicely and put it up in the FAQ section. Just as a disclaimer, you Q&A might be edited for spelling, grammer, readability, or it may not be used at all, so try not to be offended if that happens (but hopefully it won't because you're all such excellent posters) and I'll see if I can arrange for credit to be given at the end for those who have contributed. Feel free to keep adding to this as questions occur to you. You don't even need to have an answer, you can just post a questions and someone else can write a corresponding answer, or you can augment an answer that someone else wrote if you feel it should be more comprehensive. We have so much collected knowledge here that I know we can write a kick-ass FAQ.
I'll start this off with the questions that seem to have finally managed to give this topic enough momentum to be created:
Question: Is Gotwoot AonE's site?
Answer: No, Gotwoot is merely a distribution site for AonE's releases.
Question: Can I contact AonE from this site?
Answer: No. There are no members of AonE who visit the forums and if you post a topic addressed to AonE, you will only get sarcastic answers from other forum members.
Thu, 01-12-2006, 11:02 PM
Question: Does anyone one know when the next episode will be released?
Answer: Fuck off.
Thu, 01-12-2006, 11:17 PM
Question: Can anyone help me with playback issues?
Answer: Download the CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) (
Fri, 01-13-2006, 12:35 AM
Question: Does anyone know a site that I can get torrent links from?
Answer: Check Here ( d=y) for links to different sites that show released torrents.
Fri, 01-13-2006, 10:03 PM
Hmm. Nice. You could try putting together a basic FAQ about bit torrent, where to get different torrent clients and such. Also some information on the GW team. The location of where to contact AonE and probably a mini FAQ about mIRC.
Two questions that are popular:
Has AonE stopped subbing Naruto/when will they catch up?
Will AonE be completeing the FILLER arc?
The second one has not been asnwered yet.
Fri, 01-13-2006, 10:14 PM
DragonOutlaw's Irc FAQ ( d=y)
kAi's BitTorrent FAQ ( d=y)
kAi's BT FAQ could be updated a bit, in case their are new clients around (like that UTorrent client for instance).
Contact Aone at: #animeone @
GotWoot is made up of the administrators (obviously) and moderators. However, the moderators on GW are "ninja mods", meaning nobody knows who they are. But if you need to know why your thread was locked or why you were warned, you can pm the GotWootModerator account as that is the purpose of the account. GotWoot Moderator account ( d=y)
And both your questions about Aone have been answered. As KitKat stated, GotWoot is Aone's distro only, we have nothing to do with their staff/releases. And Budweineken's question/answer would pretty much sum up the answer to the ones you proposed anyway. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but its just that we are ONLY their distro and nothing more. Wilik (one of the admins on the site) told me that members of Aone are able to upload torrents to our torrent page anytime so we wouldn't know when their anime are released. So any information on what is currently in their on-going projects or whats been dropped by them is information that the Aone staff would know, not us.
Sat, 01-14-2006, 02:13 PM
Question: whats a filler?
Answer: when the anime series gets too close to the manga series fillers will be aired instead of stories coming from the manga usually sucking, but allowing the manga to go on ahead.
Sat, 01-14-2006, 02:26 PM
Question: I need help with something unrelated to the forums, bittorent, the IRC channel, anime files/playing/downloading!
Answer: The "Help Me!" Thread ( d=y)
Question: I'm new here and I made this topic because I have a question abo-
Sat, 01-14-2006, 02:41 PM
Question: "I can't get my awesome custom avatar to work, are I stupid or something?"
Answer: You might be stupid but most probably you just made a mistake. The image has to be: 60x60 pixels or smaller, not bigger than 100kb, in .gif format and you have to upload it directly from your computer, "online" avatars won't work. Also animated avatars are not allowed.
Sat, 01-14-2006, 08:22 PM
Q: What is Bleach About?
A: Please see the following link Bleach Info (
This can be done with all animes(I.E What is Naruto about?)
Q:Who or what is Terra?
A: Your guess is as good as ours
Sat, 01-14-2006, 11:46 PM
Question that needs answering:
Why do we have mystery or so called 'ninja' mods? It creates a dictotrial atmosphere, and lack of accoountability.
Sun, 01-15-2006, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Question that needs answering:
Why do we have mystery or so called 'ninja' mods? It creates a dictotrial atmosphere, and lack of accoountability.
Answer: Send all queries regarding mod action to the Gotwoot Moderator account. He/she/it is accountable for anything and everyhting. And for the record, GW is a dictatorship.
Sun, 01-15-2006, 08:12 PM
Q: Will you be banned for doing incredibly annoying and stupid things at the same time(like spamming the forums with crap)?
A: Probably
Wed, 01-18-2006, 10:50 PM
Q: What IS terra's sexuality?
A: unless you've slept with ....him/her/it, you'll never know
Q: is swearing allowed on GotWoot?
Tue, 01-24-2006, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
Question: Can anyone help me with playback issues?
Answer: Download the CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) ( d=y
You could also put this thread there.
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
kAi's BT FAQ could be updated a bit, in case their are new clients around (like that UTorrent client for instance).
Well, I don't use any other client, why don't people who use a different client put up a guide for it, I think that would be the best way about it. Then it can be quite a big guide.
Fri, 01-27-2006, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by: kAi
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
Question: Can anyone help me with playback issues?
Answer: Download the CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) ( d=y
You could also put this thread there.
Well, the CCCP consists of a minimum amount of codecs (plus Media Player Classic or ZoomPlayer, whichever you prefer) to get the best possible playback. So far, almost all playback problems can be solved with a clean install of the CCCP. But then again, I suppose their might be people who want to just download individial codecs because they tend to not like codec packs so yeah, you should put that thread in the GW FAQ also Kat.
Originally posted by: kAi
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
kAi's BT FAQ could be updated a bit, in case their are new clients around (like that UTorrent client for instance).
Well, I don't use any other client, why don't people who use a different client put up a guide for it, I think that would be the best way about it. Then it can be quite a big guide.
Agreed. We should make a separate thread (probably GD since thats the most active right now) for everyone to input their thoughts/how to's on the client that they use. Then we can integrate that thread into the GW FAQ. I can start it if you want.
Originally posted by: Deadfire
Q: What is Bleach About?
A: Please see the following link Bleach Info (
This can be done with all animes(I.E What is Naruto about?)
Imo, this would seem way too broad, since theres like a million animes out there. This would probably be better:
Q: Where can I find information about a current on-going anime or older series?
A: Either check the General Anime section or go here: AnimeNewsNetwork (
or here: Animenfo (
Sun, 02-05-2006, 11:18 PM
well if no one has anything else to add, perhaps its time the new faq went up?
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