View Full Version : Gundam SEED 3rd series confirmed?
Fri, 12-23-2005, 08:21 PM
Moon Phase's miscellaneous notes site reports that Comic Gum's February issue says that Sunrise has greenlit a 3rd Gundam SEED work. No other solid details so far. The news has yet to be mentioned on their main site or their upcoming anime chart.
from Gunota
Fri, 12-23-2005, 08:35 PM
Gunota's adress for those who don't know:
Interesting news. Gunota is rarely wrong, and considering the never-ending popularity of Seed in Japan, well... don't be surprised if this turns out to be reality.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 08:37 PM
Hmmmm whats next Omega Freedom and Alpha justice ?
Fri, 12-23-2005, 08:38 PM
Hopefully neither, I want both Kira and Athrun to mysteriously disappear. Or get killed.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 08:42 PM
I want this show to be cancled. The first series was god-like. But after that, well you know.......i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
P.S. But I'm still going to watch it of course.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 09:11 PM
Yea Terra they could die even Tomino's beloved amuro had to die at one point.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 09:29 PM
Exactly. Which is why Seed needs a new director i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Fri, 12-23-2005, 10:45 PM
It'd be a great way to begin the series with Kira dying. I'd want a confirm kill too. I've learned in SEED... If you don't see the pilot actually get maimed someway, the pilot is still alive.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 11:54 PM
Seed 3 or not, I need a Gundam series! It's been pretty boring this time since Destiny ended, and although the eventual feel of the series was that it didn't meet the level Seed had set, there were still pretty memorable moments in Destiny. And of course I want more model kits!
Sat, 12-24-2005, 12:13 AM
I could care less who directs it i just want new animation scenes none of that recycled crap and hardcore brutal battles and mad fights non stop ones not that endless talking that destiny had.
Sat, 12-24-2005, 01:14 AM
Look how spoiled we all are! " I need a new Gundam series!" "I hope Kira dies!"
People it is not about what you want! Gundam series should only be brought about when there is a FRESH NEW IDEA to give life to the show! The continual waste that comes from efforts of selling model kits, video games and the rest is EXACTLY what created the travesty that is episodes 36-50 of Gundam SEED Destiny.
Great works are not simply produced overnight. They are not made to cater to the drawl demands of fans and other bakas. Proper creations take time, care, thought. Riding the gravy train of popularity will dig the Gundam franchise into a grave if this keeps up.
What I am waiting for is this: Gundams vs. Modern Warfare. That's right. I'm hoping that they will one day create a show about MS combat that doesn't appeal to flashy special effects, that doesn't simply try to sell merchandise, that tries to MAKE AN ORIGINAL POINT ABOUT WAR! The Gundam franchise is established on properly addressing the sins, saints, glory and horror that is warfare. The most recent creations have simply been attempts at selling half-baked philisophical bullshit to the masses via above-average animation and tons of action.
Repent all yee sinners, for the end draweth near!
Sat, 12-24-2005, 11:28 AM
sure, if kira and athrun mysteriously disappear, i'm sure they'll just replace them with kira's son who has something beyond seed mode. i just hope shinn disappears or gets killed off, though. also, hope they actually put more thoughts into the gundam designs and don't base it around "flashy".
Sat, 12-24-2005, 12:50 PM
The correct phrase is I couldn't care less. If you could care less you aren't properly showing your opinion. Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine.
What I really want is another series like 08th MS Team. That series really gave Gundam a realistic feel. The technical designs of the suits, strategic battles, how the suits moved and fought, and some REAL ace pilots. Shiro Armada defeated an improved space combat Zaku, with a red suit pilot, with a freaking ball. Kira couldn't do that at all. And this series had my favorite Universal Century mobile suit. The Gouf Custom. Essence of badass.
Unfortantely, you aren't going to get "realistic" with SEED. So
Sat, 12-24-2005, 02:22 PM
Im hoping this show wont be as bad as Destiny
But I've set my mind to expect for the worst =_=
Sat, 12-24-2005, 05:28 PM
God I hope this isn't true...
Sat, 12-24-2005, 06:53 PM
If this is true I expect no originality from the new suits they create. They may be cheap ripoffs like some other gundams we know that will remain nameless.
Mite Gai
Sun, 12-25-2005, 02:51 AM
Only way to fix this show is if it took place way after the events of DESTINY and if people who actually knew shit about the realities of war directed it and wrote the script, because i am currently sick of these crappy Gundam series. Its a shame to see how far such a great thing has fallen, to result to the mediocracy that is the SEED universe. Seriously, I wish they would just pack it up and move on, they have butchered this universe enough already. To sum it up, I have no hope for the third series.
Sun, 12-25-2005, 08:08 PM
Originally posted by: UltxDarkRedX1
sure, if kira and athrun mysteriously disappear, i'm sure they'll just replace them with kira's son who has something beyond seed mode. i just hope shinn disappears or gets killed off, though. also, hope they actually put more thoughts into the gundam designs and don't base it around "flashy".
well mayby shinn will be in the next seed serie to but then he's *shivers* normal??
and kira and athrun stopped fighting and scraped the suits lacsus made for them
who knows they may even be married *shivers agian* (god i hope not)
Sun, 12-25-2005, 08:31 PM
I'm looking forward to this, somewhat. Destiny had it's high points so if this show is done right it could become as good as SEED was.
Sun, 12-25-2005, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by: PSJ
I'm looking forward to this, somewhat. Destiny had it's high points so if this show is done right it could become as good as SEED was.
I agree, for me the first half of Seed was crap while the end was great, Destiny was the reverse, maybe they'll be able to make a series thats halfway decent all the way through now.
Wed, 12-28-2005, 03:28 PM
Oh dear lord I hope so. If they continue the Cosmic Era i'll die a happy death. I don't care how many people flame this series, it's the best Mecha out there. The world, the characters the story and hell the smexie Gundams. Personally, I feel there's room for character developments. People age and grow with time. Kira grew strong toward the end of GSD. So people who say he never changed, he did. Maybe not much, but he did. Would the Kira of 100 episodes ago dream of walking into a disintegrating area and holding a gun to the head of evil it's self? Hell no, he would have cried and wet his pants. He was the one making Shinn cry. Bwahaha
He also put that rowdy little mouth in his place too, even with a superior Gundam Kira still wooped his ass.
I defiantly don't think Kira and Athrun should die, to the point that people might get hurt if they do. They're strong characters, whom I find deeply endearing. If anyone should die it should be Shinn.
Infact I think Shinn should grow up as a malicious homicidal mad man. I'd love that so much.
All they need to do is find a goal. What makes Naruto so good (up to the fillers that is) It's because the characters striving to reach a goal. I mean, yeah Kira and co want peace, something rarely obtainable. They need something more. Maybe they should fade out the main characters now..though that would also make me cry. long as there are more Gundam kits for me to buy i'm happy. I just love the characters in these timeless series' so i don't want it to leave them behind yet. **tear** I'm still sad that by the cosmic era all the wing character are all dead and gone, and many from the countless other Gundam series'
I also disagree that there are too many Gundams in GSD, after all, is Mobile Suit Gundam, not Squicky the space man and friends. It's supposed to be about the Gundams. Which is what makes it so amazing.
As the ultimate gundam fangirl I say bring on more SEED, just don't destroy it, or I might also have to hurt people there. And don't even think about putting aliens in it, or it'll be like Robotech or something......Or like some scary anime Star Trek.
Viva Gundam SEED
Wed, 12-28-2005, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by: Terra
Oh dear lord I hope so. If they continue the Cosmic Era i'll die a happy death.
Viva Gundam SEED
This is a joke, right?
I mean, what I'm reading above is sarcasm, or a kind of mockery.... right?
Please tell me that's not real!
Originally posted by: Terra long as there are more Gundam kits for me to buy i'm happy. I just love the characters in these timeless series' so i don't want it to leave them behind yet. **tear** I'm still sad that by the cosmic era all the wing character are all dead and gone, and many from the countless other Gundam series'
Jonathan Swift, is that you? This is all a joke! Hahaha.... But, still, if somehow you are a poorly wired person let's focus on some of your points, as they make for good discussion of what the 3rd series of SEED would need to improve on.
Originally posted by: Terra
Would the Kira of 100 episodes ago dream of walking into a disintegrating area and holding a gun to the head of evil it's self? Hell no, he would have cried and wet his pants.
He also put that rowdy little mouth in his place too, even with a soupier Gundam Kira still wooped his ass.
The Kira of 100 episodes ago... that's like comparing me now to when I was a baby. Nobody will deny that Kira grew over the course of SEED. But very few will say that he had any kind of development in Destiny. The Kira of Episode 50 in SEED would have done the same exact thing as the Kira in Episode 50 of Destiny, and that is a sign of character stagnation.
Originally posted by: Terra
All they need to do is find a goal.
Will Shakes said it best: "Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." Macbeth Quote (Act V, Scene V).
Wed, 12-28-2005, 11:32 PM
"Originally posted by: Terra
Oh dear lord I hope so. If they continue the Cosmic Era i'll die a happy death.
Viva Gundam SEED"
I was SO sure that this post was actually mine, and that masamune had looked through some really old Seed topics just to quote me for some random reason.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 08:41 AM
I'll would bet that the 3rd series will own just like in the Matrix movies; the first matrix was pwnage, second was bad, third was nice
Strike Freedom
Fri, 12-30-2005, 09:39 PM
Third series, if it happens, will definitely be better. I believe that there will be many modifications and surprises. I expect a lot of surprises with three super pilots being teamed up together....
Wed, 01-04-2006, 12:15 AM
bwahahahahaah i return. see? i told you all there would be another series. october 2006 - look forward to it
Wed, 01-11-2006, 02:11 AM
Has anyone heard anything new other than that stuff i found on Gunota?
Sun, 01-15-2006, 09:27 PM
nice. I hope they air it in sat so I once again have something to download on monday. ever since destiny finished I only had to anime to look forward to. now it's back and I'm glad. I don't care if Kira is on it to be honest I hope he is or it wouldn't be seed no more. and this time they could give freedom wings like endless walts wing zero, hehehe, it could turn into 100 dragoons. now that would be something to look forward to. LOL. I'm sure if this one comes out it would be the end of seed. I have an idea for the next gundam series it goes something like this Gundam vs. DBZ. what u all think?
Sun, 01-15-2006, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"Originally posted by: Terra
Oh dear lord I hope so. If they continue the Cosmic Era i'll die a happy death.
Viva Gundam SEED"
I was SO sure that this post was actually mine, and that masamune had looked through some really old Seed topics just to quote me for some random reason.
terra, apparently you have a bigger fan than the rest of GW put together.
Thu, 01-26-2006, 11:35 PM
Lets talk more on what the story could possibly be about. I hope we learn more about the people on Mars ........
Thu, 02-09-2006, 08:03 PM
Thu, 02-09-2006, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
Does it acctually mention Fukuda is involved or are you just assuming the worst?
Also could someone please translate what it says (a complete image may be necessary for that I guess).
Thu, 02-09-2006, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
Take that Cagalli fanboys/girls
Edit: But seriously... "2006", "Coming Soon", "Seed Next Generation"
?? i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 02-09-2006, 11:31 PM
meyrin over cagalli anyday. after looking at that picture, just wow..
Thu, 02-09-2006, 11:35 PM
Whoa, talk about plot twist...
Fri, 02-10-2006, 12:07 AM
If that's official, then I'll be happy. Consider the possibilities! Seed 3 - Athrun's life as a family man.
And Kira is still a virgin!
Fri, 02-10-2006, 01:36 AM
That screenshot looks pretty official... I mean, why go to the trouble of putting in all the kanji, the cut off Sunrise symbol, the copyrighted Gundam Seed symbol?
This is the first GOOD thing I've seen from Fukuda in a long time. Then again, Athrun going through the process of "getting over Cagalli/ getting oriented with Meyrin" would have been far more interesting, IMO. I love Cagalli and Athrun as characters, but I never thought their couple was a very good match.
I wonder who/if Cagallis is paired up with in the next series...
anyone have a source for that image though?
Fri, 02-10-2006, 02:23 AM
When I first saw that, I thought that was Lacus i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Uh oh, 2 girls and another one coming! I wonder what the plot would be for this new series?
Fri, 02-10-2006, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
If that's official, then I'll be happy. Consider the possibilities! Seed 3 - Athrun's life as a family man.
And Kira is still a virgin!
He was penetrated once... by Shinn you know... i/expressions/rolleye.gif
Fri, 02-10-2006, 06:04 AM
Crap and I was hoping that it would be a little bit farther in the futur, like where they have to start over. This beter be good or so help me god i will personally go to japan and physicaly beat the life outa of the producer of this new series.
Fri, 02-10-2006, 07:08 AM
it takes place 5 years after GSD
Fri, 02-10-2006, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by: Marcis
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
If that's official, then I'll be happy. Consider the possibilities! Seed 3 - Athrun's life as a family man.
And Kira is still a virgin!
He was penetrated once... by Shinn you know...
Hahaha! Good point!
Fri, 02-10-2006, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by: LaZyKiD
When I first saw that, I thought that was Lacus
at first i thought it was fllay back from the dead. dunno, she just looks like fllay.
Fri, 02-10-2006, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
just noticed, what the hell is the up with the kids' hair colors? One is all light red, the other is all dark purple? Since they look the same age (twins?) wouldn't they both have the same hair color? I mean, some kind of blend between Athrun's and Meyrin's?
Fukuda you are ruining everything! You can't even get hair colors right you!
Fri, 02-10-2006, 01:59 PM
geez, haven't figured out that thing is fake yet?
Fri, 02-10-2006, 02:00 PM
Wooot! More SEED!
With children no less. That'll be interesting. And motivating.
Warfare is a lot less confusing when one side is threatening to drop a bomb on your kids.
Hopefully that'll mean less pointless moral quandaries for the main characters....
Here's hoping its as good as it could be.
Fri, 02-10-2006, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
just noticed, what the hell is the up with the kids' hair colors? One is all light red, the other is all dark purple? Since they look the same age (twins?) wouldn't they both have the same hair color? I mean, some kind of blend between Athrun's and Meyrin's?
Fukuda you are ruining everything! You can't even get hair colors right you!
Keep in mind they are probably Coordinators. Their haircolor could be chosen.
Fri, 02-10-2006, 07:07 PM
i wanna see the gundam seed symbol it might have the full name of the series in it but wow thats shocking.
If kira has kids it would be scary picture a lil lacus with kira over powering godness running around owning ppl speaking crap ........scary aint it?
Sat, 02-11-2006, 01:21 PM
Looks pretty interesting, that image gives me hope for SEED 3. I hope it's real, wouldn't be fun with any fakes. Besides it looks pretty real with all the kanji and shit. To much of a job to fake that just for a laugh.
Sat, 02-11-2006, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by: redemption2
geez, haven't figured out that thing is fake yet?
tch we still like doing this anyway...and i just noticed your custom title " is the legendary ahou bird"...what the fuck?
Mon, 02-13-2006, 11:12 AM
Could this be a new seed gundam? anyone who knows what its called please let me know.
Mon, 02-13-2006, 01:17 PM
This is gonna be one wierd ass series. Just to warn everybody, dont get your hopes up. Just dont.
Mon, 02-13-2006, 09:38 PM
that gundam looks like something out of Zeta, and if Fukuda is in charge again I think I'll kill someone(probably God#2)
edit: and who in the hell is this:
Mon, 02-13-2006, 09:50 PM
From the picture, his name is Jun Nara.
Mon, 02-13-2006, 10:23 PM
it's strike freedom zero, the pilot, the even more ultimate being than kira, his son. just a guess, but you never know.
Mon, 02-13-2006, 10:51 PM
i found out its the x301 brave gundam and ppl think its a freedom upgrade i doubt it cuz kira aint the pilot and its not in its colors and if anyone kira would pilot whatever new freedom there is for fan service that all fuduka cares about and model kits.
Mon, 02-13-2006, 11:02 PM
the designs for that suck and coloring needs a whole lot of work, but in defense and to support it, it's better than having a pink zaku that'd stick out in the battlefield. to tell you the truth, guess i'd have to see that in action before i start judging it.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by: UltxDarkRedX1
the designs for that suck and coloring needs a whole lot of work, but in defense and to support it, it's better than having a pink zaku that'd stick out in the battlefield. to tell you the truth, guess i'd have to see that in action before i start judging it.
To be fair the image isn't that high of quality. The colors probably will look better once a higher quality pic is available.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by: Meehlimo
i found out its the x301 brave gundam and ppl think its a freedom upgrade i doubt it cuz kira aint the pilot and its not in its colors and if anyone kira would pilot whatever new freedom there is for fan service that all fuduka cares about and model kits.
Meehlimo, where do you get your information from? You always seem to have the drop on most forum posters at Gotwoot when it comes to Gundam.
Knives the image doesn't appear anymore, at least not for me.
Kira's son? Well, all I can say is I hope ONE of them dies in the upcoming series. Or maybe Kira's son isn't a goody-two-shoes like his parents and actually has some personality. Either would be a refreshing change to the stale SEED air.
New model doesn't look horrible to me. But I put more stock into who the pilot is and what weapons systems are constantly employed. If that thing can reflect massive beam shots though I probably won't like it (gayest Gundam technology ever).
Oh and if you squint at the bottom of the Gundam model image you can make out a name ZOMF (OOA? 00A? this part I can't make out) Brave Gundam. Z-Zaft? O-Orb? MF - Multinational Force? Just my guess. Looks like a good guy's Gundam, also from the name and color scheme.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 07:33 AM
I remember hearing its name b4 from where i first found the gundam and also sumone on this site replied to my question in another discussion as for kira s son piloting it i know thats not true cuz the pilots name didnt have yamato as the last name im 98% sure. i get my info all over the net i look for stuff its not that i make it up and i dunno if u think i said it was horible i deff didnt its a cool gundam but i highly doubt its a freedom if im wrong im wrong but still i doubt it. And also i have a pic of the kid i found with the gundam to me he looks a little older than 5 years old aznimperialx said it takes place 5 years after destiny so i dunno u all decide
Tue, 02-14-2006, 07:55 AM
lol, meehlimo I wasn't asking you where you got your info from to attack ya. I'm just curious because I want to also get that news and know where to look for it. I'm pretty constrained on my anime news searching since I can't read/speak Japanese... any suggestions for where I could find info like that?
That kid is going to pilot a Gundam? Man they just keep getting younger and younger looking... I also sorta doubt he's Kira's kid, as he is way too old.
I think he's Talia Gladys' kid. I'm not sure why, I just get that impression.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 09:25 AM
Could the little boy be one of Kira and Lacus's "children"? I mean one of them adopted kids you kept seeing in the beginning of GSD. That would sort of make him Kira's child but still circumvent the age restrictions.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 10:57 AM
the pic says that his name is jun(june?) nara so shouldn't be one kira's kid
Tue, 02-14-2006, 12:46 PM
Whoa, I'm hoping that he is the missing son of Talia. That would make it so Destiny wasn't meaningless!
Tue, 02-14-2006, 02:00 PM
masamuneehs the places i get my info varies i have ALOT of sources and sites i check plus alot of ppl on aim who let me know things. I had pics of IJ and SF a week b4 anyone on here posted anyi just wasnt a member here then so i couldnt post them lol since then i just decided to share what i know and my findings. As for that gundam and all i like its designe i just really hope its not a freedom i like freedom not cuz its god in the metal i lie its cuz of them badass wings and color scheme the ones on this gundam just look like binders.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 02:09 PM
Are you guys seriously believeing these two pieces? Esepecially you Meehlimo, did you check the date on the posting those were up on?
Allow me to give you the bad news right now. Both the Gundam and the character are fanmade for the same FAKE 3rd season summary. It's been around since the first round of GSD, and has been mistaken for the real thing multiple times, but even so, it was posted far before they even decided to make a 3rd series. Don't be fooled by it. Basically wait for some news on ANN or something like that. I've seen like 3 or 4 different fakes already. One of the most famous is the Burst Freedom one.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
the pic says that his name is jun(june?) nara so shouldn't be one kira's kid
If this was in reply to "hitokiriender", he was refering to a bunch of orphans so their names could be anything. If it is just a general reply just ignore this.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 05:35 PM
First off redemption2 i never said it was real just simply sharing what i found fake or not its a rather good picture i seem to recall the first pics of strike freedom being so crappy u could barely make them out.
You'd do everyone a big favor by looking through your messages more before posting. This is a forum, not a chat room.
GotWoot Moderator
Tue, 02-14-2006, 09:46 PM
it was photoshopped from this original fanart made in japan
Tue, 02-14-2006, 10:04 PM
Damn thats a good fake 2 it even has a crese in the middle lol oh well so much for any leads in seed 3.
Tue, 02-14-2006, 11:16 PM
Is that Rey together with Athrun in the original fanart?
Tue, 02-14-2006, 11:17 PM
nope i don't think so i read that it was originally cagalli
Thu, 02-16-2006, 01:22 AM
people have too much time on thier hands. whats the point of making fakes
Thu, 02-16-2006, 04:16 AM
to get fan-boys' hopes up...
Anyway, is there actually anything official about the 3rd SEED or is it just people over-reacting to rumors?
Thu, 02-16-2006, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by: NomoZ
to get fan-boys' hopes up...
Anyway, is there actually anything official about the 3rd SEED or is it just people over-reacting to rumors?
Gunota announced that the 3rd seed is being made but so far there isn't any other information on it
Sun, 02-26-2006, 03:27 AM
Destiny Special Editions, SEED OVA confirmed UPDATED
Bandai Visual's site put up a listing for Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Special Edition: The Broken World, which goes on sale May 26th.
And returning once again to the rumor mill, a post on 2ch contained what appears to be a copy & paste of a sales solicitation for the Destiny Special Edition stating that the Destiny SE's will be 4-parts rather than the traditional 3 for Gundam compilations. Also mentioned is that the Special Edition will be broadcast on TV sometime this Spring. But the bigger potential news is the following detail: "The SEED boom heats up! OVA 'Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E. 73 Stargazer (tentative title)' currently being planned!"
Edit: The listing for the SE at Aishin Mail Order's Rakuten site confirms all the above information.
Got all that from Gunota so finally some new news.
Sun, 02-26-2006, 08:51 AM
I'm seriously praying that they aren't going to let Fukuda make an entire 3rd series. I'm also keeping my fingers crossed that this new OVA is a side-story (meaning its free of Kira Yamato and Lacus Clyne). The fact that its supposed to be set in the same year as Destiny really makes me want to barf. That really points to more Kira pwning everything in sight... as I can't imagine any serious enemy gaining enough power after both the EAF and ZAFT have been ass-wrecked (while ORB, especially their 3+ ship alliance in space, is still relatively unhurt)
Wed, 03-01-2006, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
just noticed, what the hell is the up with the kids' hair colors? One is all light red, the other is all dark purple? Since they look the same age (twins?) wouldn't they both have the same hair color? I mean, some kind of blend between Athrun's and Meyrin's?
Fukuda you are ruining everything! You can't even get hair colors right you!
Well, if you'd have studied something about twins you'd noticed that twins don't have to look more similar to each other compared to "common" siblings.... geesez....
Sat, 03-04-2006, 12:41 PM
If GS3 ever come out, I hope that Dearka and Yzak would talk more and less Kira and Athrun. I was really pissed in GSD that they just ignore those Dearka and Yzak and that Kira and Athrun are soo important. I mean geez, Shinn is suppose to be the main character even though hes an asshole. And hopefully GS3 would be good as GS, and Fukuda
Sat, 03-04-2006, 01:18 PM
yo gr3atfull, you gonna finish your sentence there? You were just about to say something about Fukuda, my favorite person ever i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif weren't you?
Another Yzak fan(boy? girl?)... either way, you're gonna have to compete with Terracosmo if you want to stay in what you call your 'City'. hehe.
I can only assume that Fukuda isn't interested in Yzak and Deakka anymore, and that he really just keeps them around for their fanbase. The fact that he featured them in the first GSD intro, and a couple scenes, but really gave them no quality scenes or attention (the scene at Nichol's grave being the exception). It really makes me think he doesn't have (or care to create) any plans for those two.
Welcome to the forums.
Sat, 03-04-2006, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
You were just about to say something about Fukuda, my favorite person ever weren't you?
1. lol nawww. i was going to say that i hope that Fukuda dies, but decided to take it off but forgot to delete it all.
2. my city <3 i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
3. worst part is in the ova. Dearka wasnt even with Lacus or Yzak in the end. He was left out. Shiho was there even though she didnt do anything or even say something!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Thanks i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Wed, 03-08-2006, 12:05 AM
From 4chan:
CLICK ME ( like the pic is from Newtype Magazine
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E.73 Stargazer
- Format: 3 episodes each 15 minutes long. Available through net streams and events. It will first appear at Shizuoka Hobby Show in May. The story takes place immediately after Break The World.
- Director: Susumu Nishizawa
- Script: Shigeru Morita
- Character Designer: Kenichi Ohnuki
- Mecha Design: Kunio Okawara, Beecraft
2 main characters:
- Sven Cal Bayan: 19 year old male natural. Strike Noir pilot. Phantom Pain 2nd Lt. A relentless and extreme fighting machine with an intense hatred of Coordinators.
- Selene McGriff: 28 year old female coordinator. One of the researcher of "GSX-401FW Stargazer Project"
Main unit:
- GAT-X105E Strike Noir - Based on Strike Gundam
Wed, 03-08-2006, 08:09 AM
excellent, if its right after Break the World than Kira is still sitting on his ass at the orphanage.
I also don't see Fukuda's name anywhere in the cast... will go and look for some quick info on the Director and etc...
edit: nothing promising came from this research.
SEED Stargazer cast
Director - Susumu Nishiwazu - past roles (Storyboard, Gundam SEED Destiny -uh oh...-), (Storyboard, Inuyasha -....-) Also was a storyboard and episode director for Fushigi Yuugi
My take: if he wrote the storyboard for GSD he can't be that good. That or he was an absolute bitch to Fukuda and his wife, which is equally distressing...
Script: Shigeru Morita- Ups, he did write the scripts for some of the better Blood+ episodes.
Maybes - Scenario for Gundam SEED ... doesn't really tell us what he did though...
Downs - Script for GSD.... now that is pretty scary, although I couldn't find what parts of the script he wrote for GSD (there were several script writers for GSD)
Character Design - one of the Character Animation Directors from GSD
Mech Design: Kunio Okawara - this guy has been doing Mecha Designs since Gundam first started.... cant really complain with that tho we dont know which mechs he designed
Wed, 03-08-2006, 11:40 AM
To add to what masamuneehs has said:
C.E.73 Stargazer & DESTINY SE info UPDATED
People with early release of Newtype magazine are reporting the following:
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED C.E.73 Stargazer
- Format: 3 episodes each 15 minutes long. Available through net streams and events. It will first appear at Shizuoka Hobby Show in May. The story takes place immediately after Break The World.
- Director: Susumu Nishizawa
- Script: Shigeru Morita
- Character Designer: Kenichi Ohnuki
- Mecha Design: Kunio Okawara, Beecraft
2 main characters:
- Sven Cal Bayan: 19 year old male natural. Strike Noir pilot. Phantom Pain 2nd Lt. A relentless and extreme fighting machine with an intense hatred of Coordinators.
- Selene McGriff: 28 year old female coordinator. One of the researcher of "GSX-401FW Stargazer Project"
Main unit:
- GAT-X105E Strike Noir - Based on Strike Gundam. (Gunpla version will come out)
All this comming from gunota itself for those of you who dont know its site its Gunota (
Also a decent pic of strike noir
Fri, 03-10-2006, 07:31 AM
dude it almost looks like the Deathscythe (shoulders, waist, some similarities in the chest and head) with (is that a Meteor pack on it?) Coloring isn't really too vivid on that shot... but its nice to know what is being planned.
official Stargazer website. Only has a shadowy pic of the mech and an announcement saying that the site will open April 10th
Fri, 03-10-2006, 03:32 PM
that gundam looks like shit, i really don't see any similarities with that and strike
Fri, 03-10-2006, 03:56 PM
1. strike noir, what an original name....
2. The new natural kid looks like a bit like Shani or Dilandau from Vision of Escaflowne.
3. hopefully there will be some Yzak and Dearka scenes.*prays*
Fri, 03-10-2006, 07:46 PM
gr3atfull that link doesn't work. I fucking hate Tripod...
Yeah, like I said, I think that Gundam looks more like a Deathscythe than a Strike... oh well...
as long as Fukuda and his woman are far away from this series I'll be happy. In fact, I'd really like it if it had NONE of the characters from any of Seed. That would be mighty refreshing and force them to at least attempt to make thorough character designs/personalities for the new ones...
Sat, 03-11-2006, 04:42 PM
sorry. this is a new one.
Sun, 03-12-2006, 03:40 AM
Did anyone notice that on the wings it looks like freedom old balena plasma cannons?
Mon, 03-13-2006, 01:00 PM
Oh and if you squint at the bottom of the Gundam model image you can make out a name ZOMF (OOA? 00A? this part I can't make out) Brave Gundam. Z-Zaft? O-Orb? MF - Multinational Force? Just my guess. Looks like a good guy's Gundam, also from the name and color scheme.
i think it's ZGMF-30A :)
i could be wrong tho.
Tue, 03-14-2006, 02:41 PM
More info on Stargazer
Ripped from Gunota Headlines
A promo sheet that can be seen at the Char Custom Blog indicates that the OVA will also be shown in stores, like the Gundam Evolve shorts and Astray/SEED MSV promo anime, and that the general release date will be in June. Expansion of related merchandise into the Gundam Collection and HCM-Pro lines is planned.
I'm slightly confused, does that mean it's going straight to DVD and will not air? If so, that means DVD quality releases for everyone! June is still pretty far off though.
Here's the poster mentioned
too fucking dark, but yeah the main dude kinda does remind me of Dilandau...
Tue, 03-14-2006, 04:05 PM
I heard they are only 15 mins long each thats a bit of a downer.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 07:25 AM
Since stargazer came out does that mean there will be no new 3rd series? I mean it sounds like this is the seed project they were talking about awhile back on im a bit dissapointed now.....
Mon, 03-20-2006, 07:52 AM
Since stargazer came out does that mean there will be no new 3rd series? I mean it sounds like this is the seed project they were talking about awhile back on im a bit dissapointed now.....
I'm not :cool:
The SEED series really had nowhere else to go. Any new villain would be contrived, any conflict would hold no tension, any threat to the main characters would be laughable.
Seriously, would Fukuda and his monstrous bride ever dare shake up the SEED universe enough to provoke more character development in the main characters? Cagalli and Athrun's relationship was really given short-shrift at the end of Destiny, and everyone knows how static the Lacus/Kira relationship is. Hell, they couldn't even have Murrue get over Mwu's death, they had to getthem back together again...
What kind of new mech/Gundam designs could possibly hold a candle to the godly Kira Yamato? (even Mwu has an invincible Gundam by the end of Destiny) Once suits are designed with not only the ability to block but REFLECT battleship class lasers, and standard armor stops bullets and most explosions, what's left? Hell, even melee weapons to the reactor and a massive self destruction that he couldn't possible escape can't even keep Kira sidelined for a month!
A new approach to the Coordinator/Natural conflict? They've used Blue Cosmos and 'We're superior' ZAFT leaders every single time...
Face it, SEED is in a corner. They'd be better off developing a brand new universe and not trying to rush things so fast. That'd give them more MS designs to sell kits with, rather than just jumping from Gundam --> Upgraded Gundam --> Invincible Gundam
Edit to below: Er... I know they can do that (they just did with Destiny), I was just trying to think along the lines of someone who might try to make a Gundam series that was slighty better than goat testicles.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 11:36 PM
Very true but they can easily make a new seed its so populur in japan u could throw a crap story with a crazy gundam together and BAM! new seed more models lol.
Tue, 03-21-2006, 11:49 PM
Or more on the people living on Mars......
Thu, 03-23-2006, 06:22 AM
A picture of the Strike Noir Gundam model. Plus, sketches of the modified Buster and Duel Gundams. :)
Thu, 03-23-2006, 03:54 PM
Just finished Destiny kinda of unsatisfing ending...but according to the posts above it is understandable. Hope they don't destroy the serie in the end.
Thu, 03-23-2006, 04:46 PM
NICEEEEEE those are sweeet psyke where u find em!! when does strike noir come out!!!
and whats wit the new duel and buster will we see a new aegis and blitz too?
It seems like they are just upgrading old units for this short ova.
And i also notice they already changed strike noirs shoulders back to the original strike in that pic, where as in the colored one we saw it had thrusters on it kind of like the original freedoms.
Either that or they just arent finished the model.
Thu, 03-23-2006, 10:20 PM
I got them from another forum which talks about tokusattsu and modelling. Will post more when I find them. :)
Fri, 03-24-2006, 12:44 AM
Well guys, heres a definate confirm:
I pray its good...
Fri, 03-24-2006, 04:23 PM
It will be good just think of the short astray ova's eveyone wants a series now people will mostly get the same feeling from these short eps as well. They will probably like then an want a series personaly im happy i want more seed mecha im a huge fan of the seed line of model kits.
Fri, 03-24-2006, 10:15 PM
Buster and Duel:eek: !?!? Does that mean the Dearka and Yzak are in it too?!?! I hope so!
Sun, 03-26-2006, 11:22 PM
So the wings house the swords. Looks cool.
Sun, 04-02-2006, 03:34 AM
Hey people. Don't download [A-Raws_G-Distro]_Gundam_SEED Eternity_PHASE-00_[DVD_DivX5]_[B103BDEC].avi
This is fake. :eek:
It contains SEED After Phase OVA actually.
Sun, 04-02-2006, 12:29 PM
Another Strike Noir lineart in Hi-res
Sun, 04-02-2006, 09:20 PM
Sweet deal on the strike noir stuff im gonna see if i can have my friend read some of it to see if it says anything about the VPS Armor maybe it has more striker packs.That and any other interesting info.
EDIT: Stargazer info:
Boasts more than six new mecha, two of which are affiliated with ZAFT, one from DSSD, and two from the Alliance's Phantom Pain (the Strike Noir itself is listed with Orb). The kit description says that the Noir Striker backpack can change into a flight form. The Strike Noir comes with beam swords, listed as its main armament, and a small rocket anchor.
Who is DSSD from pictures iv seen looks like a sepreate faction anyone know?
Thu, 04-06-2006, 10:49 PM
Gundam-Seed: Cockgazer. :-\
Fri, 04-07-2006, 07:37 AM
Well guys, heres a definate confirm:
I pray its good...
i pray it's not the same person who wrote up destiny.
Another Strike Noir lineart in Hi-res
is it just me or does that thing seriously resemble sand rock custom?
Fri, 04-07-2006, 10:12 AM
lol where do u see sandrockcustom in there?
Fri, 04-07-2006, 10:52 AM
i swear if you picture that gundam in purple, you'll see it as well..
the resemblence with those things that look like heat shotels and the machine gun on it's side, also the body design minus those wing like things on it's back and you have sand rock custom..
Fri, 04-07-2006, 10:59 AM are on crack
Sat, 04-08-2006, 01:19 PM
yea sorry i just dont see it.
Sat, 04-08-2006, 01:31 PM
i pray it's not the same person who wrote up destiny.
is it just me or does that thing seriously resemble sand rock custom?
already posted this, as far as the staff goes, but here it is again:
I also don't see Fukuda's name anywhere in the cast... will go and look for some quick info on the Director and etc...
SEED Stargazer cast
Director - Susumu Nishiwazu - past roles (Storyboard, Gundam SEED Destiny -uh oh...-), (Storyboard, Inuyasha -....-) Also was a storyboard and episode director for Fushigi Yuugi
My take: if he wrote the storyboard for GSD he can't be that good. That or he was an absolute bitch to Fukuda and his wife, which is equally distressing...
Script: Shigeru Morita- Ups, he did write the scripts for some of the better Blood+ episodes.
Maybes - Scenario for Gundam SEED ... doesn't really tell us what he did though...
Downs - Script for GSD.... now that is pretty scary, although I couldn't find what parts of the script he wrote for GSD (there were several script writers for GSD)
Character Design - one of the Character Animation Directors from GSD
Mech Design: Kunio Okawara - this guy has been doing Mecha Designs since Gundam first started.... cant really complain with that tho we dont know which mechs he designed
i don't really know much on Gundam designs, so I don't see many similarities except for slight color scheme from Deathscythe
Sat, 04-08-2006, 09:32 PM
Come to think of it, it does sorta resemble SandRock. The weapons, the mecha color and possibly even the whole design. The GSD people could've based Strike Noir on SandRock, just like they did with Freedom and the uhhh Gundam Evole one?
Sat, 04-08-2006, 10:20 PM
I can understand people complaining about GSD, but my main problem with it was that the main characters at the beginning of the anime were dull (ie: Shinn), and Athrun acted like a pansy throughout the whole series until the final few episodes.
I honestly have no idea how they could add more interesting content with a third series, but regardless of the content they do come up with, I hope they stick with a main character and don't switch half way through the series. If the fans in Japan want Kira and company, then give them Kira throughout the series; don't change the plot midway through.
Sat, 04-08-2006, 11:31 PM
Riiiiiiiiiight lol i still dont see sandrock and freedom was based off of double x.
Sun, 04-09-2006, 01:50 AM
I can understand people complaining about GSD, but my main problem with it was that the main characters at the beginning of the anime were dull (ie: Shinn), and Athrun acted like a pansy throughout the whole series until the final few episodes.
For me it was the opposite, in the beginning of the anime Shinn seemed like a great main character that would have alot of character development and he also had potential of being as "great" as Kira. Athrun was awesome in the beginning, he rejoined ZAFT and preached to Shinn about stuff, he was like a role model for Shinn. It would've been nice if Kira just continued sitting in his rocking chair doing nothing while Shinn and Athrun fought Dullindal or something, with maybe an appearance of Kira in Freedom fighting in the last episode. I didn't really like how Fukuda upgraded Justice and Freedom.
Mr Squiggles
Sun, 04-09-2006, 03:53 AM
I honestly have no idea how they could add more interesting content with a third series
Well, my friend, you are in luck. For I know exactly what they could do:
First off, the content involving gundams has all been dried out. I swear in the last series we've had like 100 brand new gundams with incredible new powers pop up, and it's like "how many secret gundam production labs can you have?" No, this time it'll be different, we wont get new mechas, it'll be something else. Oh, and in this it turns out that Neo isn't Mwu but just an idiot who thinks he remembers stuff but actually doesn't, so in this Mwu's awesome epic final sacrifice still stands.
The story begins with Kira descending into the basement to go fetch some old things for Lacus (because he is so whipped). But as he searches through the stuff, he comes across a strange black chest. It's covered in strange runes that seem to have been drawn with blood, and keeping it closed is an enormous lock. Even more alarming are the facts that the chest is shaking around as if something is inside it, a very quiet but terrifying moan is emanating from it, and that the very shadows around the box seem to be shifting.
Kira, despite his so called "superior intelligence", doesn't pause to think that there is probably something ominous in the box and that opening it probably wouldn't be a good idea. So with his vaunted superior coordinator strength he breaks open the lock in one pull.
That's when a dark shadow jumps out of the box and straight into Kira's chest. Kira, being such a weak-willpowered ninny, is easilly defeated in a battle of wills. What used to be Kira then grows enourmously, to be as Big as 3 Freedoms stacked on top of each-other, Huge gray feathered wings sprout from his back, he grows fangs and claws, his hair grows long and turns gray, his eyes start glowing a bright evil blue, and finally his shirt gets conveniently ripped off to show off his rippling abs. In a 1337 demonic voice he then exclaims: "Fools! I am the archdemon Zul'rok, Destroyer of Worlds! Prepare to die mortals!" And then proceeds to destroying everything in his path.
Meanwhile, Cagali and the other world leaders are like "WTF???", and send a huge army to defeat the monster. All the ships and mobile suits and tanks and gundams converge on the one spot and all unleash a deadly volley onto the enemy. Zul'rok is effectively blown to bits, and the Orb/EAF/Zaft forces all cheer. However, just when they think they won, The fiend's Body reforms Alucard style, and from his eyes shoot an insane amount of lazer beams. In just moments, the entire combined army is utterly annihilated. And Zul'rok starts cackling maniacly at the situation.
Desperate, Cagali now turns to the only person badass enough to defeat the former Kira, that's right, you guessed it: Yzak! Aware of the situation, Yzak hops into his trusty Duel, and charges towards the demon. The two lock in a deadly and epic duel that lasts 3 whole years, and finnally Yzak emerges victorious.
However, what Yzak didnt realize was that although he had destroyed Kira's transformed body, the archdemon's spirit was still free, and it charges into Yzak so that it may posess him. But it underestimated Yzak's awesomeness, and The dazzling young man utterly crushes the fiend's mind. When that happened though, the demon was still inside him, so Yzak kept his own mind but gained the monster's powers. Now Yzak is even more badass than before (believe it or not)
Yzak then proceeds to taking over the world, and makes Lacus, Lunamaria, Meyrin, Frey (he can also raise the dead), Murrue, and Cagali his sex slaves.
Sun, 04-09-2006, 08:59 AM
YAY!!!! great story!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yzak <3333:cool:
But one problem..... WHERE IS DEARKA!?!? Why does everyone forgets him?!?!?:mad:
Sun, 04-09-2006, 10:42 AM
In a 1337 demonic voice he then exclaims: "Fools! I am the archdemon Zul'rok, Destroyer of Worlds! Prepare to die mortals!" And then proceeds to destroying everything in his path.
On a more serious note, I don't really understand why so many people hate Kira so much. In my mind, the reason that Gundam SEED was so good is because the characters on both factions were well developed; Kira, Athrun, Lacus, Cagali, as well as Dearka and Yzak. (whereas, in alot of anime only the characters on the protaganist's side are developed well)
Call me a Kira-fanboy or whatever, but without Kira, Gundam SEED would have been just another Gundam anime. (only about 20 times better than Gundam Wing)
Mr Squiggles
Sun, 04-09-2006, 03:17 PM
Yes, Kira was great in Gundam Seed, but in Destiny he had no personality whatsoever.
Sun, 04-09-2006, 04:28 PM
Yes, Kira was great in Gundam Seed, but in Destiny he had no personality whatsoever.
I agree with you. To tell you the thruth i like even more Shinn than Kira. Kira was like a robot, he just destroys and doesnt show his emotion. When Meer died, he didnt even feel sorry. When you looked at his face, it was like your fault, you chosed the evil side.
However, Athrun was good in GSD, he showed his personality again.
Sun, 04-09-2006, 05:47 PM
Well in GSD i guess kira took the expression "actions speek louder than words" saying a bit to the extreme. And shin screaming like a lunatic yea that emotion for ya lol.
Also some new info i found :
Space nerd. DSSD is an organization whose primary goal is looking into development of Mars and beyond. It has a no affiliation with either the Earth Alliance or PLANT, therefore making it neutral. She doesn't pilot a mobile suit. She's also looking to leave footprints in the universe? (Can't think... at work...)
Pilot for Phantom Pain. Originally a cowardly person, a self-possessed mask (persona) was "planted" on him (?).is a Phantom pain pilot, but he is not drugged up like the ones in Destiny but is still faithful to LOGOS."
"Stargazer is a mobile suit built for space exploration."
About Episodes::
Part I and II are independent episodes.
Will there be any characters from the TV series?
"This one is complicated. It may be nice to have guest appearances and I thought about it. However those characters have a huge impression on fans from the previous series so it may divert too much attention from the main characters [of Stargazer].
I think it would be interesting if Stargazer's technology can be the prototype that would be eventually be used in Destiny or Strike Freedom. Also from seeing IGLOO episode 1 there was this one scene that struck me, where a certain Red Zaku makes an appearance. People who know it would immediately think "It's Char!". That's something I think I'd want to see in Stargazer as well."
Got all of that from animesuki forums
Sun, 04-09-2006, 06:24 PM
Will there be any characters from the TV series?
"This one is complicated. It may be nice to have guest appearances and I thought about it. However those characters have a huge impression on fans from the previous series so it may divert too much attention from the main characters [of Stargazer].
I think it would be interesting if Stargazer's technology can be the prototype that would be eventually be used in Destiny or Strike Freedom. Also from seeing IGLOO episode 1 there was this one scene that struck me, where a certain Red Zaku makes an appearance. People who know it would immediately think "It's Char!". That's something I think I'd want to see in Stargazer as well."
Got all of that from animesuki forums
It'd be cool if he had Heine's orange gouf make a special appearance.
Sun, 04-09-2006, 07:08 PM
Mr Squiggles WINS. Everyone else can go home. Best post ever.
QUICKLY someone draw Zul'rok fanart!
Mr Squiggles
Sun, 04-09-2006, 07:23 PM
QUICKLY someone draw Zul'rok fanart!
Well, I am currently working on a drawing of a fallen angel, which is pretty much what zul'rok would look like I guess. I could post it, but its not complete...
Mon, 04-10-2006, 03:41 AM
tons of new info on Stargazer from the official website!:
Deep Space Survey and Development Organization (DSSD) - A group founded to survey & develop regions beyond the orbit of Mars. The Earth Alliance, PLANT, and neutral powers cooperated in its establishment though it is neutral with regard to the Alliance & ZAFT and has special jurisdiction. The fundamental principle is "The advancement of frontiers": to transcend all countries, organizations, religions, and races, sending that doctrine from the human species out to the far-reaches of space.
Phantom Pain - A special military force that answers to Logos, Blue Cosmos' supreme governing organization. The unit is a private army organized by Blue Cosmos. Blue Cosmos, thus far not getting the depended on military power from the Earth Alliance, formed the group as a way of directly embodying their personal intentions. Phantom Pain's parent organization is comprised of Alliance personnel & equipment. Notices issued from the Earth Alliance's upper echelon, in situations where goods and personnel are requested by Phantom Pain, are informal but are to be responded to without delay. With that assistance, Phanton Pain can take in provisions and furnishings wherever they go. But only Logos and representatives of Logos possess command authority over them. Even within the Alliance, only a tiny few of its leaders are aware of the particulars regarding Phantom Pain. As a private army, they aren't bound by the armistice treaty entered into by the Alliance and ZAFT. The treaty prohibits both the Alliance and ZAFT from having N-Jammer Cancellers, nuclear weapons, Mirage Colloid, loading ships with Phase Shift armor, and possessing nuclear-powered mobile suits but Phantom Pain disregards that and executes operations using ships that carry such things. And since they are funded behind the scenes by Blue Cosmos, the equipment they get is radical but extravagant.
GSX-401FW Stargazer - Affilated with DSSD.
GAT-X105E Strike Noir - A mobile suit specializing in close-range combat deployed by the Earth Alliance's 81st Independent Mobile Battalion (aka Phantom Pain). It's based on the X105 Strike and piloted by lieutenant junior grade Sven Cal Bayan. Integrated performance improvement measures on the unit were conducted by Actaeon Industries.
Selene McGriff - 28-year-old female Coordinator. One of the engineering staff on the DSSD engineering development's GSX-401FW Stargazer Project. "Mankind must set out to space." Those words are Selene's guiding principle. As is the case with many DSSD staff, she was born and raised in space and her parents are also members. Bright but has a strong tendency to be somewhat egotistical. Once she decides what her goal is, she won't be happy until she achieves it and, that being the case, she won't choose a way of meeting her objectives without great effort. Strong-minded and unafraid of being criticized for her methods. Aggressive at times and, as a result, much of her nature is to disregard her partner's ideas though if someone tries that with her, she'll be reluctant and impassionate. Nevertheless, since the DSSD is an organization with a high ratio of eccentrics and freaks among the personnel, Selene hasn't especially changed.
Sven Cal Bayan - 19-year-old male Natural. A lieutenant junior grade in the Earth Alliance's 81st Independent Mobile Battalion (Phantom Pain). Pilot of the mobile suit GAT-X105E Strike Noir. Part of a special combat MS platoon with another 2-3 people. Orphaned due to an incident when he was very young. Afterwards, he became affiliated with Phantom Pain as an elite combat member for Coordinator extermination warfare. What's the reason for his intense hatred of Coordinators...and what is the past of this cruel fighting machine?
SEED Stargazer site (
DSSD being neutral? That doesn't make one lick of sense... if it's following the first war then they'd either have to be maintained by ZAFT at some point (being the ones close enough to supply them), struggling to maintain themselves (I see this as the clearest alternative. No nation would have continued funding this DSSD group amidst a gigantic war, especially when they don't know where the group stands on the war...) or just starting out after the last war ended... also hard to believe that all the nations would pool funds together for the DSSD (enough to give them a Gundam...) instead of focusing on rebuilding themselves after the war...
A coordinator, who works for Logos, who hates coordinators...? Orphaned by a 'cruel event' sob backstory imminent.
love interest between the DSSD girl and the Strike Noir pilot?
Mon, 04-10-2006, 06:26 AM
It all sounds interesting to me i just really wanna see this stargazer mobile suit and the other 2 zaft gundams they have yet to show.
Mon, 04-10-2006, 07:46 AM
With 15x3 minutes of new material, amounting to about 2 regular Seed/Destiny episodes, I can't really get pumped. There's just way too little time. I have serious doubts on how they are going to handle development and fighting here and all, maybe there even won't be any development (hell Destiny had 50 episodes and there was none there so)...
I wonder if a Auel cameo is too much to hope for...
Mon, 04-10-2006, 08:12 AM
yeah i was really wondering why it's going to be so short... seems to me that it's probably just another ploy to sell model kits with (hence the new Gundams) and that means they'll have to use a majority of the time to show off the Gundams in some kind of fight.
i'm still optimistic, but that's just cuz I love Gundam and can only hope they show some signs of improvement after Destiny.
Mon, 04-10-2006, 12:17 PM
What im hoping for is a decent fight or 2. Like a real fight not I come out shoot off your right arm and the battles over I mean I want these suits to be trashed when the fights over like Terra said there were like no fights in destiny.
And I reallllllly hope the characters aint terrible I have high hopes for this short bit.
P.S about the model kits I honestly cant complain I want more models I have all the good ones and since there are no new series out at the moment all they keep doing is remaking old ones adding ver.2 exc gets kinda boring.
Tue, 04-11-2006, 08:51 PM
Wow. It sure has been a while since I have been here. Thanks to my gaming period I am way behind on anime. I didn't even know about this. Well I'll check out all the datails in previous posts later. Good to hear that there will be more Gundam on the way. Though I don't know anything at the moment I am with meehlimo on this. There needs to be one serious fight. I am just recently getting my hands on the Zeta series and the fights that I have seen so far are awsome. Nothing like any of the Seed fights. If there were more of those in Seed and Destiny I think the series would have been a lot better.
Tue, 04-11-2006, 10:20 PM
heh yea them brutal zeta fights thats what made zeta so friggan great.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 06:28 AM
Well at least there's one new thing - it will happen arround Mars. No other Gundam series has gone there i believe'.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 01:19 PM
oh god sick thought new seed series could be the zaft and earth or some new organization fighting over mars lol.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 02:09 PM
I'm confused, does this new website that just went up on April 10th have information on the next Gundam SEED series, or is it just a 3 episode special?
Wed, 04-12-2006, 06:33 PM
cugginenter: The new website only has info on SEED Stargazer, the 3 episode deal that's mostly been talked about in this thread.
i for one haven't heard anything about an actual 3rd SEED series
edit to below: this is just a speculation topic. I think it got started when some false rumors started going around the internet about a new SEED series and once it was found that those rumors were indeed false it started turning into "I hope they do/don't do X Y Z in the 3rd series". Now that Stargazer has been confirmed it's basically turned into a speculation/teaser thread for that.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 11:42 PM
Oh, the thread title made me think there was a 3rd series in the works.
Thu, 04-13-2006, 11:25 AM
Its probably going to be a stupid little plot ( because of only 3 eps, 15mins x) So they could roll in some more new model kits and make a fortune. Then stores of japan will buy more than a million model kits, thinking its going to sell very well. 3WEEKS LATER, clearance sale....
Mon, 05-01-2006, 05:59 PM
Based on the lack of posting in the last 3 weeks I take it that no one has new information on this?
Tue, 05-02-2006, 12:21 AM
News has pretty much dried up on this issue for the most part but stick around things pop up every once in a while.
Wed, 05-03-2006, 01:54 PM
I take it back heres a bit of news on stargazer:
Starting June, a promo video of CE73 Stargazer will be available at Bandai Channel. While no specific date has been mentioned for the release, Bandai Channel will also carry the actual OVA in early Summer.
from Gunota
Stargazer staff update
The official site lists the following additional staff, among other miscellaneous crew members:
Mecha design - Kimitoshi Yamane, Kenki Fujioka
Design works - Thinkport
Music - Megumi Ohashi
Also from Gunota
Mon, 05-15-2006, 06:46 AM
More info about MS and such will be availible the 18th of may when they release more on the site and as for Noir it apparently has a some kind of whip not sure of its type tho.
Tue, 05-16-2006, 09:26 AM
Stargazer release schedule
ITmedia +D put up a small article on the upcoming SEED OVA, CE73 Stargazer. The article confirms that Bandai Channel will release ep1 in July with the DVD version coming out as well.
Release schecule:
Ep 1 - 15 minutes long, July
Ep 2 - 15 minutes long, Aug
Ep 3 - 15 minutes long, Sept
Edit: Bandai Namco's press release says the DVD will come in the Winter. The stated goal for Stargazer is to gain new fans by having this be the first Gundam to be initially offered over the Net. The cast so far...
Selene McGriff - Sayaka Ohara
Sven Cal Bayan - Daisuke Ono
Sol Ryuune L'ange - Jun Fukuyama
From Gunota
Hmmm wonder why they are releasing them so far apart model sales maybe?
Sun, 05-21-2006, 12:52 PM
I don't know if this has been posted,but
Gundam Seed Eternity
Well, I got some information interesting information that just came out and just to let you know i'm not sure it's true, but if it is it sound's rather interesting. Well, once I hear more i'll post it up, thanks.
GUNDAM SEED DESTINY ETERNITY (Estimated launch Oct 2006)
Director: Mitsuo FUKUDA
Script: Chiaki Morosawa
Character design: Hisashi Hirai
Kei Minato (the star); voice actor not confirmed
Asuran Zala; Akira Ishida
Aishia Selinu; voice actor not confirmed
Leon Vizunado; voice actor not confirmed
Cagari Yura Asuha; Naomi Shindoh
Mwu La Fllaga; Takehito Koyasu
Maryu Ramiasu; Kotono Mitsuishi
Izak Jule; Tomokazu Seki
[Deakka Elthman; Akira Sasanuma
[ Miriaria Hau; Megumi Toyoguchi
Lunamaria Hawk; Maaya Sakamoto
Meyrin Hawk; Fumiko Orikasa
Asutea Rainhato; Souichiro Hoshi
Geren Mageniasu; Kenichi Suzumura
Viru Ryumieru; voice actor not confirmed
Sakura Erusenu; voice actor not confirmed
Orin Girufato; voice actor not confirmed
C.E. 77. 4 years have past unknowingly after Kira Yamato and his companions defeated the ambitions of Gilbert Dullindal. Representative Athuran Zala of the international coalition, [ETERNITY]- an organisation bridging the Naturals and Coordinators and even to various countries in the world - busy fighting against rebel terrorists groups attempting to overthrow the new world order, together with his friend Kira, who four 13To counter this threat, Athrun sent Mwu, Yzak and Deakka to lead the army of Eternity. However, there is a traitor under the control of Asutea Rainhato - Geren Mageniasu, and his subordinates: Viru Ryumieru, Sakura Erusenu, and Orin Girufato. The battle came under control because of the 4 gundams piloted by them. Amidst these, the ace of Eternity, Kei Minato, piloting [SPLASHER GUNDAM], Aishia Selinu, piloting [GARNET GUNDAM], and Leon Vizunado, piloting [CELSIUS GUNDAM] obstructed his way. The new sword shall begin it's descent.
Also with regards to the Stargazer thing,i thought Phantom Pain was just the unit that Neo commanded.Now they change the script and say it's a private army?I've always wanted to see how Strike,Buster and Duel would perform as a team,as the original G Project intended.This could be cool,if only they'd toss in an updated Aegis and Blitz as well.All these updates to the old G Project units are expected.Afterall,a military who updates its existing units is far wiser than one who just discards the old ones and replace them with new slightly higher end models
Sun, 05-21-2006, 01:29 PM
i'm pretty sure the above was already featured in a thread some time back but there wasn't too much proof to back it up and some of the things (like the Gundam names) really seem to point towards the above being a fake.
Sun, 05-21-2006, 09:08 PM
if what Chris_Xion saying is true, that means Dearka and Yzak are also in it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Lets hope it is real and I hopefully it will be good even though Fukuda is the director.:(
Sun, 05-21-2006, 09:12 PM
Stargazer Shizuoka update
The promo video shown at the Shizuoka Hobby Show reveals the following info:
New character, Edmund du Clos - George Nakata
Theme song, "Stargazer ~Hoshi No Tobira~" ("Door Of The Stars") by apparent newcomer Satori Negishi
Mon, 05-22-2006, 03:28 PM
the above post regarding "eternity" has already been dismissed as a hoax.
the true future of the SEED continuity lies in Stargazer, followed by a new SEED motion picture. this is the first full-length Gundam motion picture since Gundam F91. this news was announced at a recent convention in japan, accompanied by a teaser trailer (featuring no new footage), featuring new voiceover by the japanese voice actors for Athrun, Kira, Shinn, Lacus and Cagalli. this motion picture, i would assume, is slotted for release either late this year or early '07... and we can hope for a sub shortly thereafter.
i think it's safe to assume that this upcoming SEED motion picture will cap off the series, just like Char's Counterattack did for Universal Century's Amuro Ray/Char Aznable rivalry. at this point, however, there is no further information in regards to this announcement. i'm sure we'll see more posted as it becomes available to us.
in the meantime, let's enjoy the short-lived entertainment of Stargazer... i'll keep watching Ergo Proxy and waiting for a sub of Zeta Movie III.
Tue, 05-23-2006, 04:12 AM
But it's a damn compilation movie!Not even comparable to Char's C-A
Tue, 05-23-2006, 01:29 PM
I never heard anything about the movie being a compilation.
Wed, 05-24-2006, 01:44 AM
I thought we're talking about the newly announced SEED movie which is the 4-part Special Edition currently in the works
Wed, 05-24-2006, 06:56 PM
Stargazer characters & mecha info UPDATED
From this month's hobby mags & Gundam Ace via 2ch:
GAT-X105E Strike Noir
Overall height: 17.72m
Weight: 90.5 tons
M2M5 Todesschrecken 12.5mm x 2
M8F-SB1 beam rifle Shorty (?)
MR-Q10 Flagalac 3 beam blades
MAU-M3E42 linked linear guns
GAT-X103AP Verde Buster Gundam
Overall height (antenna): 18.46m
Weight: 99.36 tons
Right shoulder: 350mm gunlauncher
Left shoulder: 94mm high energy beam cannon
6-tube missle launcher x 2 (220mm multipurpose missle 6-tube pods)
Beam rifle with bayonette x 2 (M9009B composite bayonette-equipped model beam rifle)
Shams Coza - 19-years-old. Male. Natural. Lieutenant Junior Grade affiliated with Phantom Pain. Pilot of the mobile suit GAT-X103AP. With his co-workers Sven and Mudie, the 3 form a special MS platoon.
GAT-X1022 Blu Duel Gundam
Overall height (antenna): 16.89m
Weight: 84.24 tons
M2M5 Todesschrecken 12.5mm x 2
Mk315 Stiletto rocket-propelled anti-armor penetrator
M443 Scorpion mobile railgun
ES05A beam saber x 2
M7G2 retractable beam gun
Mudie Holcroft - 18-years-old. Female. Natural. 2nd Lieutenant affiliated with Phantom Pain. Pilot of the mobile suit GAT-X1022. With her co-workers Sven and Mudie, the 3 form a special MS platoon.
Edmund du Clos - 37-year-old male Natural. DSSD Technology Development Center security submanager. Former Earth Alliance forces officer who served as a tank platoon commander. His married older sister, a DSSD engineer, was killed during the war. He became the guardian for the 14-year-old son she left behind, Sol Ryuune L'ange. Other than his nephew Sol, he has no relatives. Incidentally, Sol is a first-generation Coordinator.
Wed, 05-24-2006, 07:50 PM
It would rock if, in the movie, Shinn would start hating Kira again (even though Destiny's ending hinted at some kind of friendship). I don't even need an explanation to why, I just want them to fight, or rather, I just want Kira to die.
Wed, 05-24-2006, 08:31 PM
It would rock if, in the movie, Shinn would start hating Kira again (even though Destiny's ending hinted at some kind of friendship). I don't even need an explanation to why, I just want them to fight, or rather, I just want Kira to die.
Yes it's about time that happened however, i think a few rape scenes are in order.
Thu, 05-25-2006, 12:17 PM
Stargazer site update
Blu Duel
"A unit developed by Actaeon Industries based on the GAT-X102 Duel. Its back is equipped with large thrusters and is enhanced with exceptional mobility and armor. Excels in close-quarters combat with weapons concealed inside its shoulder armor, arms, and underside of its shield. Further, in contrast to the Assault Shroud on ZAFT's original Duel, the Blu Duel's reinforced armored entire body has PS armor."
Verde Buster
"A unit developed by Actaeon Industries based on the GAT-X103 Buster. The cannons that were on its hips were moved to the shoulders so the hips were equipped with newly developed beam cannons. With the increase in firepower, reinforced armor, and its bayonettes, it's close-combat ability has been upped considerably."
Edmund du Clos (in addition to previously posted info)
"Bachelor. Retired from the army when the war ended in C.E. 71 and was appointed security personnel in the DSSD's Technology Development Center on the outskirts of Fortaleza, South America. At the time he retired, he had been a lieutenant commander. Has a strong sense of responsibility and takes good care of others. Because of that, he is the kind of person who gets unnecessarily involved in things. And so when his sister's son was orphaned, he offered to raise the boy himself. As someone who was once a soldier, he naturally has much resentment towards his ZAFT battlefield rivals."
Tue, 05-30-2006, 02:51 AM
Upgrades on Duel and Buster eh? I can only imagine the excitement that Deakka and Yzak fanboys/girls might have... But I wonder if they will actually pilot these units?
The more I see about Stargazer the more I wish it will be more than the 45 minutes planned.... but why do I have the sinking feeling I'm going to regret those words?
Tue, 05-30-2006, 11:27 AM
As much as I would want em to pilot them masamuneehs they are piloted by 2 natruals from the phantom pain unit.
Tue, 05-30-2006, 05:52 PM
They look like a bunch of retards...
I dont like the way the artists are drawing, too different. Its not the "gundam style"....
Tue, 05-30-2006, 07:12 PM
They look like a bunch of retards...
I dont like the way the artists are drawing, too different. Its not the "gundam style"....
I somewhat wonder what exactly you mean by 'the Gundam style'... These character designs look perfectly fine to me and I'm actually glad to see less bishounen in there.
The entire 'pre-pubescent looking boys as the primary fighters in a war' is a concept that I never liked because it was almost always poorly developed (the best job IMO done in the original MSG) and has since become an almost un-addressed theme largely employed to cast bishounen in these important roles. It's getting old seeing 15 year old kids fighting wars like they were playing Halo.
I for one like the character designs here.
Tue, 05-30-2006, 08:53 PM
What really bothers me is the way they draw the eyes. Its not same. I find its not as good as it was in previous series.
Tue, 05-30-2006, 09:29 PM
Let's take a look at some of these main character designs
but then...
Bishounen (
More bishounen (
Too much bishounen? (
And a female version of Rey Za Burrel
Maybe I'm crazy but I just don't see any problem with these new characters. In general anime characters shouldn't all look alike. Eyes, hair, whatever, it's boring if you see the same kind of character design time and time again.
Besides (and this is a problem for anime in general) good animation and easy-on-the-eyes characters is nice and all, but plot, character personality and development are so much more important because even watching an anime with ugly old men in it can be entertaining if it's well written and has a good storyline.
Wed, 05-31-2006, 06:41 AM
These characters actually look good,but it's a shame the new Gundams weren't introduced before Destiny.It'd be good to see Cagalli piloting an updated Strike,likewise Yzak and Dearka.I hate seeing them being downgraded from Gundam pilots to grunt pilots.Judging by the faction affiliations in mechaHQ,Strike Noir ends up at Orb in the end.
Wed, 05-31-2006, 09:55 PM
What's up with the female in the left? Seems that EAF just picked her up from a featish club.
Thu, 06-01-2006, 03:51 AM
ylol yea, the girl is a space hooker!!!! and also the brown guy reminds me of ussop from one piece
Fri, 06-02-2006, 09:57 AM
From Bandai Visual's site, DVD containing all 3 episodes will come out on Nov 24 priced at 6000 yen.
Tue, 06-06-2006, 10:17 AM
HOw much is 6000 yen?
Tue, 06-06-2006, 03:45 PM
I dont know now, but 4 years ago it was six american dollar.
Tue, 06-06-2006, 05:02 PM
Tue, 06-06-2006, 07:46 PM
Oh you said 6 thousand.. I tought you said 6 hundred...
Tue, 06-06-2006, 07:56 PM
They look like a bunch of retards...
I dont like the way the artists are drawing, too different. Its not the "gundam style"....
everyone does look like a retard, except sven cal bayan(what kind of a name is that?!). this guy seems to look like he has some potential as a character.
mudie holcroft does look like someone you find in a whore bar.
Wed, 06-07-2006, 09:45 AM
Oh.That much huh?
Wed, 08-16-2006, 10:34 AM
I don't know, I kinda like the way the characters look in stargazer they look a bit more normal =/
but that's just me
Sat, 09-09-2006, 07:27 AM
Sat, 09-09-2006, 12:27 PM
If you're talking about Stargazer they've already released two of the three episodes.
Darth Zin
Mon, 11-27-2006, 09:27 PM
hmm a third series eh... im happy, and yet a little scared cause GS was amazing, GSD was also amazing cause of the intense scene's like seeing Freedom for the first time in GSD and Freedom pwn'ing everybody in ep 22 (i think thats the ep number) and ep 42 when we see ZGMF Freedom X20A which was very nice, just like ep 35 of GS when we see Freedom save the archangel. Only bad thing about GSD was Shin :)
Wed, 12-20-2006, 11:46 AM
You obviously like Fukuda's clip shows and non-inventiveness...
Tue, 01-09-2007, 06:08 AM
Only bad thing about GSD was Shin :)
LoL, opinions differ, I for one and my friends with me liked Shinn a lot more then Kira, Kira is a non existing charachter, he's gthe good that always prevails, and the show lost in intrest when Kira survived Shinns total pwange of him to return (in an nwe GUNDAM) to pwan Shinn in the very end.
He's so good and has no faults that it makes me hate him, we decied that Shinn had some likness to a know Starwars Charachter named Anakin!
Shinn was more natural, of course you'd get pissed of at everything when you have expirienced the unique dramas that Shinn and Kira went through, But Kira went I'm Santa Claus and Shinn became what a normal person would have become.
I hoped for Shinn since he was not mentally ill like Kira was, lol, nuff about this, I hope for a new Series in the Caliber of GS and GSD (and yes after epi 36 the series went downward until the very last episodes).
Fri, 01-19-2007, 09:42 PM
Well there weren't really many new character in destiny that one could like. Basically you had to choose which bowl of shit you liked more..
Shinji Ikari
Sun, 01-21-2007, 07:44 AM
LoL, opinions differ, I for one and my friends with me liked Shinn a lot more then Kira, Kira is a non existing charachter, he's gthe good that always prevails, and the show lost in intrest when Kira survived Shinns total pwange of him to return (in an nwe GUNDAM) to pwan Shinn in the very end.
He's so good and has no faults that it makes me hate him, we decied that Shinn had some likness to a know Starwars Charachter named Anakin!
Shinn was more natural, of course you'd get pissed of at everything when you have expirienced the unique dramas that Shinn and Kira went through, But Kira went I'm Santa Claus and Shinn became what a normal person would have become.
I hoped for Shinn since he was not mentally ill like Kira was, lol, nuff about this, I hope for a new Series in the Caliber of GS and GSD (and yes after epi 36 the series went downward until the very last episodes).
Are you stupid or don't you know anything about phsychology? Shinn didn't become what any normal person would become. He had a twisted sense of justice. Throughout the whole series he thinks he is some kind of messiah, talk about having a god complex. He doesn't realize that what he is doing is the same as what Kira did to his family and he fails to see common logic. He thinks that by revenge everything will be better. He is a childish brat who can't see the bigger picture.
He fell in love with a cyco because of his will to protect, and his will to protect comes out of his inabillity to protect those close to him. What more is there? Say anything about Shinn and I will show you why and how he is fucked up.
Kira got that way because of Frey. She forced him to struggle with his emotions by pushing him. And yes, that's the true thing you say. Kira is not a person, he is a symbol, he is the "what if". He does not respond like everyone else because he is an evolved being. But how would someone like that react to certain circumstances? That is how you have to think. And actually, if you think like this, Kira acts and reacts very logical.
Sun, 01-21-2007, 10:18 AM
@ Shinji Ikari
No I'm not stupid, it seems popular to draw the conclusion that people are stupid when opinions differ, you are not better then an racist.
Wed, 01-24-2007, 02:30 AM
kira's main functionality in destiny was to accent and offset shinn's internal conflict, much like any classic literary dramatic foil. he showed the error in shinn's manner of thinking. without that, shinn would have seemed frighteningly two-dimensional.
in many ways, it seemed that shinn was jealous of kira's rather zen-esque existence because he couldn't find a functional way to come to grips with his own personal emotional demons...
destiny wasn't about kira growing emotionally or ascending to a higher level of understanding... that's what seed was for...
shinn was a very human character in his inability to accept and move past his inner torments and regrets... he was the terminally flawed character that the average person could identify with... and in the end, he saw how kira had reached inner peace, hence their acceptance of one another in the end (in final plus, that is)
by comparison, was amuro any different from shinn early on? no, he thought that he was the only one who could solve the problems of the war... and he was quickly put in his place by bright, which led to his desertion (with the gundam in his possession)... but in the end, he realized it wasn't about his own ego, it was about his loyalty to what was right. i think, in much the same way, shinn learned that very lesson.
no one is a god. no one is perfect. part of being a whole and functional person is accepting the things in the past that you can't change and mourning them properly... in the end, shinn did that.
neither shinn or kira would have been worth a damn in destiny without the other character to play off of... shinn needed kira to compete against and try to excell beyond and kira needed shinn to remind him of what he learned in seed. simple as that.
Mon, 03-26-2007, 10:05 AM
seriously though.. i think destiny was a stretch enough.. it was cool to see one of my favorite charactors brought back to life from his certain death and all but it made the story a little lame..maybe for the third series kira will find flay wandering the galaxy with amnesia and prostetic limbs... yeah... sounds like a winner.
Mon, 12-03-2007, 04:38 AM
I dunno why but I loled at this:
Sry about the hotlink, dont go to it, it doesnt work.
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