View Full Version : not sure where to post this

Wed, 12-21-2005, 01:40 PM
I read the rules and did not see where to post this so, oh well. I'm trying to download the torrent of "RO: the animation" and there aren't any seeds for the download. it says it will take about 107 days to download at 0kb/s. can someone seed this download for me, the files I had got corrupted when I was moving them.

Wed, 12-21-2005, 09:07 PM
according to my cursory investigation, it would appear that there's about 23 seeds and 288 peers on that swarm. On initial connect, my test transfer took a couple minutes to get moving (at <1K/sec).

I suspect that you're experiencing the same thing. However, until you get several pieces downloaded and can get some upload going to get more attention on the tracker, you're probably going to have that problem. I'd suspect it'll take several hours before you hit a consistent speed, but that'd just be a rough ballpark guess. Patience is the key.

I'd suggest putting the corrupted files into the download directory and forcing a recheck, seeing if bittorrent can patch them to non-corrupt versions without re-downloading the whole things ... if nothing else, it might get you a couple percent of the way done and make it so you actually have blocks to share and can get some bandwidth in return.

Fri, 12-23-2005, 12:07 AM
thanks, i've recently started to get faster download on the torrent and the ETA is 2 days. never had a torrent act like that before. thanks again