View Full Version : Future Arcs Released by Non K-F
Thu, 12-08-2005, 02:33 PM
There are many of us watching current water 7 arc which is subbed by Gerusama and there is no particular thread for it. I thought it would be better to make a single thread rather than individual ones for every single episode.
Water 7 arc begins at episode 229.
For those who havent seen it they can download it from here.
Gerusama (
BitTorrent Files for Gerusam (
IRC INFO : Server:, Channel :#gerusama
Recently another group has started subbing latest One Piece episodes. They are
Anime-Elites & ADC-Heaven Fansubs (
BitTorrent Files for ADC Heaven (
IRC INFO : Server:, Channel: #adc
They have started subbing One Piece from ep 253.
Great new characters have been introduced in this arc. The story is amazing. Also the action is one of the best I have seen so far. This is one of my favorite arc since Arabista arc.
If you are having any trouble watching any of the episodes then you might need to download latest codecs.
I would suggest downloading latest VLC media player because it doesnt install any new codecs and comes with its own codecs library.
VLC win32.exe (
So people start downloading and start discussing......
Thu, 12-08-2005, 04:09 PM
Mostly retreads of what I said in the other two threads. But this arc so far is mind blowingly awsome. I'm actually pissed that KF has been inactive so long I lost patients with them cause I really didn't want to skip.
As I've said, while I suspected Califa was a spy before they revealed it I really didn't see the other two being traitors. Just blew my mind.
That said, I don't like the fact that all the badguys have the same powers. Granted they all have devils fruits too, but most of their power comes from their 6 disciplines or whatever. They got speed, invulerability, flight, DBZ dodges, slash kicks, and finger bullets. I honestly don't see how the Straw Hats could possibly beat CP9 at this time. I can only guess that either the badguys are gonna get what they want and leave, leaving them to be fought later in the series, or Robin is gonna switch back teams again and knows some kind of weakness of theirs.
It also seems pretty obvious to me that Paulie is gonna be the new Strawhat carpenter. And I'm all for that, even though I don't really like his powers so far. But at least he looks cool. Some people are saying its gonna be Franky but I just don't see that. At least, I hope not, I can't look at that speedo every week man. Besides, Franky has his family. Paulie just lost all his nakama.
While we're on the subject, and since I had to skip, where do you manga readers get your translated scans from? I'd like to read from the end of K-F's to the beginning of Geru's. Also, if you can tell me what chapter numbers that is, that'd be great.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Mostly retreads of what I said in the other two threads. But this arc so far is mind blowingly awsome. I'm actually pissed that KF has been inactive so long I lost patients with them cause I really didn't want to skip.
As I've said, while I suspected Califa was a spy before they revealed it I really didn't see the other two being traitors. Just blew my mind.
That said, I don't like the fact that all the badguys have the same powers. Granted they all have devils fruits too, but most of their power comes from their 6 disciplines or whatever. They got speed, invulerability, flight, DBZ dodges, slash kicks, and finger bullets. I honestly don't see how the Straw Hats could possibly beat CP9 at this time. I can only guess that either the badguys are gonna get what they want and leave, leaving them to be fought later in the series, or Robin is gonna switch back teams again and knows some kind of weakness of theirs.
It also seems pretty obvious to me that Paulie is gonna be the new Strawhat carpenter. And I'm all for that, even though I don't really like his powers so far. But at least he looks cool. Some people are saying its gonna be Franky but I just don't see that. At least, I hope not, I can't look at that speedo every week man. Besides, Franky has his family. Paulie just lost all his nakama.
While we're on the subject, and since I had to skip, where do you manga readers get your translated scans from? I'd like to read from the end of K-F's to the beginning of Geru's. Also, if you can tell me what chapter numbers that is, that'd be great.
Be a man and watch the horrible subs. I did it, and I'm still alive. The good subs start at 206 and there are some random good subs in 16X-205.
I don't really think that it sucks that all the CP9 have the same abilities. I mean they trained at the same "dojo" or werever they learned the shit. It suck though that they are so insanely overpowered. Luffy and co will either need outside help or a guy on the inside, i.e. Robin.
The biggest reason that I don't think Paulie will join the mugiwaras is that I think that he will stay in water 7 and take over after Iceburg.
Theory about why Franky would join them: CP9 get the plans and Franky tags along to get them back.
What I said in the 247 thread about the "sad" ending I didn't mean that it would neccesarily correlate to the events in water 7. I meant that when such "dark" things are happening I think it's possible (maybe not probable) that OP could get a "bad" ending.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 05:30 PM
True, all the badguys are too much for Luffy and his crew. They all have the devil fruit ability but watch out there is a storm coming and water 7 is going under. I agree with you that at this point in time the CP9 can walk over anybody.
I am not sure about Paulie being the next Strawhat carpenter. Maybe we need to see more of his character and his abilities to love him as a new member of Luffy and Co. It could be Franky but is his personality and ego is bigger than Luffy and others. He is too loud. Only time will tell.
I wouldnt recomend watching the crappy subs to anyone. Just resist it. Be strong.
@ DarthEnder: I dont read OP manga so I dont know where to get it from. Deblas or Bud might be able to put you in the right direction.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 05:57 PM
I agree that Franky's personality is too strong (that's even what I said in some other topic). But he has had a tragic event in his life (being almost killed and becoming a cyborg) which would almost in itself qualify him for the mugiwaras. Maybe Pauly has had a tragic childhood which would bring him above Franky, we'll just have to wait and see after next episodes flashback.
Join the dark side. Watch the subs from Hell... and Xelo and some from Balf.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 06:08 PM
Personally I would prefer Franky to join the group. Paulie would just disappper in that strong individuals of Luffy's crew.
Hell, Xelo, Balf.........they can all go to hell.
The only reason I switched to Gerusama was that they are a decent sub group and watching water 7 right after Skypiea arc doesnt really spoil anything. I will stick to K-F untill they reach ep 218.
Also Gerusama is subbing backwards. They started out with subbing episode 220 and now they are on ep 247 but a week or so they subbed ep 219. I hope they continue to go backwards that way we will have K-F and Gerusam meeting half way through Skypiea arc. Wouldnt that be great.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 07:29 PM
That reminds me, has Gerusama been catching up to the show, or is it falling behind? I notice the show is up to 252, is Geru closer or further than when they started?
I also think it would be great if Geru keeps up the backwards subs, but they need to catch up to the show first.
Back to the discussion though, I still want to know wtf Franky spent 200million on. I'm hoping it wasn't just cyborg upgrades or something.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 08:12 PM
Ep252 is the latest raw available. Gerusama are a bit slow in their releases. They are not speed subbing but they are the best (after K-F) out there.
Back to the discussion. Franky spent all the money on speedos. They are very special you know.
Thu, 12-08-2005, 08:15 PM
@Darth: My guess is that Franky got upgrades or did something regarding the pluto. The show is up to 253 now, and since there is more then a week between the GS subs I don't think that they have caught up but nor have the fallen behind.
@Jadugar: KF would have to sub like one ep per month if they were to meet GS halfway through the Skypie arc. After the Skypiea arc there is a filler arc, then there is a very long normal arc and lastly there is an awesome filler arc. Eventhough it is filler it is one of my favourite One Piece arcs. Keep in mind that GS has only subbed 1 ep backwards, this was most likely a one time occurence because that ep hadn't been subbed at all.
Edit: Speedos and banana hammocs
Thu, 12-08-2005, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
While we're on the subject, and since I had to skip, where do you manga readers get your translated scans from? I'd like to read from the end of K-F's to the beginning of Geru's. Also, if you can tell me what chapter numbers that is, that'd be great.
There are a few places:
All of these go with Nulls scanlations since it's by far the best. There are some low Q. scanlations out there but I don't know where to get them except for the MSN groups which puts the low Q. scanlations until Null releases there.
<u>MSN Groups:</u>
V.1 Chapter 1-291 (
V.2 Chapter 292-390 (
V.3 Contains all vol. to latest chapters. But these scans are bigger. (
<u>Direct Downloading:</u>
Mangatraders (
Null Channel bots ( and The Lurker Channel bots (
<u>Latest Raw chapters with translation and all the info you need about One Piece:</u>
Arlong Park (
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Also, if you can tell me what chapter numbers that is, that'd be great.
That would be Chapter 253(with the 166 release) to Chapter 318
And what a sad episode. Farewell Merry.i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Tue, 12-20-2005, 07:49 PM
Episode 248 ( %5BCCA19670%5D.avi.torrent) by Gerusama
Tue, 12-20-2005, 10:36 PM
All backstory.
Still, I can sorta start to see Franky as possibly being the new crewman now. I still think its gonna be paulie, but they don't usually go in depth into the childhoods of people who AREN'T gonna become crew. So...maybe.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 09:12 AM
Oh my god! This was like the best episode ever. I can't really explain why, but I really liked it. It was so well made and the characters where awesome, especially Tom. Come to think about it, all One Piece flashbacks have been amazing. It's funny that the quality of One Piece's flashbacks are better than other shows actual story. I think it's almost sealed that Franky will join them now. I mean he has the tragic childhood and everything, and he has an ambition to build an ultimate "Franky Fighter". Maybe it was that he used the 200mil on.
Is Iceburg dead? They said that they had killed him, the might have lied though to mess with Franky.
Seems like there will be more flashback in the next episode and the apperance of Spandam.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 09:27 AM
Well, when we last saw Iceburg, he was inside the burning building. So until we see him get out somehow, he could very well be dead.
But then, that would mean, like, Paulie and Chopper are dead too, so that's not too likely.
As cool as Franky is, I'd seriously shit a brick if the new strawhat boat was called the "Franky Fighter".
Course, I was never fond of the name Going Merry, so...
Wed, 12-21-2005, 09:35 AM
I want the new boat to be Pluton
Wed, 12-21-2005, 09:42 AM
@Darth: Nami was in the house to, right? So one possibility could be that Chopper carried out Nami and Paulie but didn't make it back in time to save Iceburg.
Was the Pluto Gold Rogers ship, or was it just awesome in general?
Wed, 12-21-2005, 09:46 AM
Editing out all my comments
Wed, 12-21-2005, 09:56 AM
@Darth: Nami was in the house to, right? So one possibility could be that Chopper carried out Nami and Paulie but didn't make it back in time to save Iceburg.
Last I saw, Nami was laying out on the lawn. And Iceburg and Paulie are tied up together inside.
@Bud: From 248: "We consider the construction of recently executed Pirate King Gold Roger's ship, Oro Jackson, as a great international crime."
So it doesn't sound like Roger's ship was Pluton.
I always got the impression that Pluton was alot more ancient than Gold Roger's generation.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 10:06 AM
Now that you say it...
It wasn't Pluton as I thought...
Editing out my comments since I just figured out that what I'm talking about happens a bit after this episode...
Wed, 12-21-2005, 10:08 AM
I dunno, they way they talk about Pluton makes it sound like the One Piece equivalent of the nuclear bomb. Sounds far too serious to be Luffy's ship.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 10:38 AM
They make it seem like it was Tom that invented the pluto. But that would be wierd since it is written about it in the polygraphs or whatever they are called. Unless Tom has lived for a extremely long time.
You're probably right about the Pluto, Darth. The it's setteled, Franky Fighter it is. And you were right about Nami as well. Guess Chopper will save both Iceburg and Paulie then. But I think that Iceburg will die anyway and Paulie will become the new mayor of Water 7.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 11:02 AM
No body dies in One Piece.
The flashbacks confirm that Franky will be joining the SH.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
No body dies in One Piece.
I guess you're right the only that have died so far are: bad guys, people in flashbacks and innocent bystanders that have no personality.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 04:24 PM
Well, what I think now is that, 1. Franky will definatly be building the Strawhats new ship. And 2. Paulie is going to be the carpenter that actually joins the crew. The person who makes their ship doesn't have to be the person who joins the crew.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 04:34 PM
^You might be right but all the new flashbacks are pointing in Franky's direction.
Wed, 12-21-2005, 06:07 PM
I agree with Jadugar. Traumatic childhood flashback = automatic membership in the SH.
Thu, 12-22-2005, 12:14 PM
I hope it's Paulie that joins the Straw hats and not Franky. I would love to see a scene where Paulie tells Nami that she can't dress like that n a Pirate ship and have Sanji and him get into an arguement over the comment. Also Califa is officially the hottest One Piece girl.
Thu, 12-22-2005, 03:46 PM
I want Franky to join. And he does seems like the most likely of the two to join with his sad past and dream to build the best ship. Luffy has only the best in his crew, and who better a shipwright than the one who was taught by the one who built Gold Rogers ship?
Franky will also have some hilarious moments with Nami with his spending habits. And his fridge is just waiting to have some meat put in there. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Thu, 12-22-2005, 07:07 PM
I just can't look at that speedo day in and day out!
Fri, 12-23-2005, 05:17 AM
I hope they will do an episode where the entire crew is wearing speedos. Dear god that would be hilarious.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 09:46 AM
Or just plain gay
Fri, 12-23-2005, 11:54 AM
Yes, that would be the funny part of it.
Thu, 12-29-2005, 11:31 PM
Gerusama needs to hurry up. My patience is wearing thin.
Thu, 12-29-2005, 11:59 PM
So was mine, so I went out and found these guys. (
Subs are perfectly accurate, no frills of any type. Typical speed-subbers. But hey, they're up to date, which is 5 episodes ahead of Geru.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 12:09 AM
Holy shit. They are subbing One Piece from ep 248. They are on ep 253.
Seems like new fan subbing group. Currenly they are only subbing OP.
I havent seen any of it. Do you recomend it, is it worth it?
Fri, 12-30-2005, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
So was mine, so I went out and found these guys. (
Subs are perfectly accurate, no frills of any type. Typical speed-subbers. But hey, they're up to date, which is 5 episodes ahead of Geru.
Just when I was gonna give Eureka 7 a chance since I was bored you posted these guys. Gonna check them out.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Holy shit. They are subbing One Piece from ep 248. They are on ep 253.
Seems like new fan subbing group. Currenly they are only subbing OP.
I havent seen any of it. Do you recomend it, is it worth it?
Highly so. Glad I didn't have to wait 5+ more weeks. They don't have any fancy things like keroke during credits or those fancy texts when people do moves, but everything is translated well and is completely understandable.
I've decided to start Achieving Gerusama's subs, but these guys are my new speed sub guys.
It's a good 5 episodes too. I'm wondering if it'll be okay to discuss them here or if we have to wait for Geru before we can talk about them. I won't until others do or the thread starter(which is you) gives the okay.
But yeah, if you're watching Gerusama's I recommend watching these guys to get caught up.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 09:10 AM
Argh whats with this h264 crap, now I need another codec.
*Edit*Watched 249 but it skipped on certain parts for me maybe due to conflicting codecs or something. I'll just wait for Gerusama, now I wish I didn't download all the way to 253 over night. I saw avi and thought it'd play i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 11:21 AM
Shit. Stupid computer. triple post. =/
Fri, 12-30-2005, 11:21 AM
Almost there...go to the next page.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 11:21 AM
I saw one. It had a few grammatical errors and some parts are subtitled horribly but it's not bad for a speed sub. It's worth the download if you want your fix.
Gerusama sub:
ADC-Heaven sub:
Fri, 12-30-2005, 12:37 PM
Haha, yes, they do that in their first episode several times for some reason, but I don't remember seeing it after that.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 04:57 PM
@ Aeon :
If you are going to watch only one anime this year make it Eureka 7.
I hope you havent deleted all those files. Simplest thing to do is download latest VLC media player. It comes with its own codecs library. It will play all of K-F, Gerusama and ADC-Heaven episodes.
VLC win32.exe (
I have changed the title of this thread to :
<u>Water 7 Arc subbed by GeruSama & Anime-Elites+ADC-Heaven </u>
So we can post the latest torrent links or info from ADC and discuss the latest episodes.
BTW I am on episode 251.
Fri, 12-30-2005, 11:08 PM
Good, I'm going to start the discussion on 249 and 250(aka. The rest of Frankies flashbacks).
And I'm going to begin that discussion thusly...
Holy shit he got hit by the train!!
I'm definatly with the people who think Franky is the new crewmen now. With a backstory that fucking tragic he can't not be.
I notice though that Tom wasn't killed, only imprisoned. So he might still be at Enies Lobby even after all these years.
Also, he makes some pimped out battleships, but seems like Franky has sworn not to make anymore battleships...which would suck cause that means no awsome battleship for the Strawhats!
Sun, 01-01-2006, 12:40 AM
Franky is definately going to build an awesome ship for SHs. It might not be the legendary ship that Gold Roger sailed in.
Watched all the episode upto 253.
A question : ep 250 didnt have any subs in it. All the other episodes worked fine but ep 250 was just like RAW. It tried it in different media players but no joy.
Looking forwad to the new year special.
Sun, 01-01-2006, 06:43 AM
250 played fine for me.
I don't think they are going to do the special, otherwise they would have released it already(been out over a week). I think they are skipping it because its not part of the plot and its not one of the numbered episodes.
Anyway, 251-253...
Hmm...Sanji all alone against all of CP9. You know, I like Sanji, and he's been very awsome here in the last couple episodes, but I just don't see him winning that.
I was listening to the description of how the train is set up, and I noticed they skipped car 6. I'm thinking car 6 is the baggage car where Franky and Usopp are.
So, I figure, Sanji beats up car 7. Frees Franky and Usopp. The 3 of them fight up to the CP9 car, and then the rest of the Strawhats somehow get there just in time for that.
Some real funny shit too. With the train conductors thinking Nami dumped Paulie, and of course the letter Sanji left.
Sun, 01-01-2006, 07:44 PM
Sanji is just there for the foreplay until Zoro and Luffy get to the sea train. He could get Franky and Ussop's help though.
Oda keeps us glued to his artwork by keep on introducing these poweful enemies of Luffy one after the other. CP9 have unbelieveable powers and Lucchi is the man to beat.
Personally I am looking forward to one of Franky's fights. I love is jap VA.
Yes, the One piece humour is the best.
"Ussop you come home too."
The next episode is a regular release but they are also releasing a TV Special, end of the year special. They showed its preview at the end of ep 253. Unfortunately I have deleted the episodes ( only keeping K-F & Gerusama ) so I cant check it.
Sun, 01-01-2006, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
The next episode is a regular release but they are also releasing a TV Special, end of the year special. They showed its preview at the end of ep 253. Unfortunately I have deleted the episodes ( only keeping K-F & Gerusama ) so I cant check it.
Is that the alternate universe special where the One Piece gang are in the Edo period? I saw the raw. It's a good special though I didn't like the strawhats not knowing each other. You can rule out K-F and Gerusama subbing it anytime soon but I don't think ADC-Heaven is going to do it. It's been two or three weeks since that special came out and still no speed sub.
Mon, 01-02-2006, 05:25 AM
How about the frog? If he ever was to..
yeah it appears franky will be joining the crew.. Not for the sad flashback, but the only other option would be for him to be the new Mayor of the city and this seems unlucky with his record.. It also seems they're showing Paulie more and more ah... likely to be mayor if something happens to iceburg..
Mon, 01-02-2006, 05:32 AM
I don't think anything is gonna happen to Iceburg. I mean, he's allright now, and all the badguys have left, so I don't know what else would happen to him at this point.
But yeah, until I see some horrifically tragic multiepisode flashback from Paulie that shows why his dreams require him to travel around, I'm totally sticking with Franky now.
Mon, 01-02-2006, 05:44 AM
yeah, nothing will probably happen to iceburg.. I wouldn't mind either.. I'll go with Paulie for fun. He makes Luffy laugh.
Mon, 01-02-2006, 10:08 PM
The hard fact is that Franky is going to join the SHs and its going to be very exciting. For some reason I have an image of Zoro and Franky just sitting around on the deck of ship doing nothing.
Mon, 01-02-2006, 10:13 PM
Hmm...Sanji all alone against all of CP9. You know, I like Sanji, and he's been very awsome here in the last couple episodes, but I just don't see him winning that.
Somehow I see Sanji losing to the CP9 new recruit that's in one of the cart's. About the eps they were pretty bad ass from what I could see(new vlc worked wonders but sometimes pushed cpu to 100% causing it to skip). Robin choosing the strawhats over the world was badass, reminded me of a certain rpg I finished not too long ago. Also if Tom is still alive in that fortress I have a feeling he'll be skinny from starvation etc which will make Franky go apeshit on CP9.
Also hottest babe in One Piece needs to be updated with Califa, Nami used to be my favorite but Califa has tied her.
Mon, 01-02-2006, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by: Aeon
Also hottest babe in One Piece needs to be updated with Califa, Nami used to be my favorite but Califa has tied her.
My thoughts exactly.
Her figure and that black dress is a killer. On top of that those glasses are classic secretary look. It gives me aboner every time.
She has been introduced recently in the anime so to find her pictures is very hard but not to worry I am on the case.
Your wish has come true ( 7&enterthread=y)
Sun, 01-08-2006, 02:58 PM
Noway.Are you guys joking? Califa cant touch nami
Sun, 01-08-2006, 08:38 PM
Gerusama is finally releasing 249 tommorow. They've been pretty slow lately haven't they?
Sun, 01-08-2006, 08:44 PM
Well, its not like their, oh, 100 episodes behind i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. They also do real high quallity work, so I'm not complaining that much.
Sun, 01-08-2006, 09:13 PM
At least KF is back to 1 episode a week.
I just don't get spending more than 1 week subbing an episode....
Mon, 01-09-2006, 04:41 PM
249 has been released by Gerusama. Go and get it.
Mon, 01-09-2006, 10:17 PM
ZOMG I just remembered Franky is the funniest character ever. He'll be an excellent contribution to the SH.
Thu, 01-12-2006, 10:46 AM
Ugh, is this accurate?;eid=45355&nonav=1 (
Does the next episode really not air until the 22nd? That's one LONG ass break.
What the hell is going on in Japan, they didn't do any of thise break stuff last year.
Mon, 01-16-2006, 10:12 PM
This break is fucking huge. I need my doze of OP like my coffee and cigarettes. Also Gerusama needs a kick in the ass.
Tue, 01-17-2006, 05:23 AM
No shit huh. You'd think that with a 4 week skip they might catch up, like, I dunno...ONE episode!
Wed, 01-18-2006, 10:31 AM
Just finished watching the ADC-subs, been rationing them so it wouldn't end too soon. What can I say except that One Piece is painfully brilliant.
I think it's prety obvious now that Franky will join them. Unless he is going to die and they put in the flashback to make his death more powerful.
Like Aeon said "Also if Tom is still alive in that fortress I have a feeling he'll be skinny from starvation etc which will make Franky go apeshit on CP9". I had the exact same tought. I imagine something like when Gatsu found Griffith in the dungeon in Berserk.
Random notes:
-Alot of new villains will be introduced, which means that...
-There will be a shit-load of fights in the coming episodes.
-Lucchi's pimp coat was cool, the one on the pidgeon was a little silly though.
-Sanji's letter was hilarious. First a long ass love-letter then "P.S. I have followed Robin."
-It was stupid that both Luffy and Zoro got stuck. I mean they used the same thing to build tension earlier when Luffy got stuck on his way to the mansion.
Thu, 01-19-2006, 05:18 PM
One Piece 250-251 (GeruSama) (
Yes, I fell out of my chair. A double episode release from Gerusama.
Maybe someone has been listening to mine and DarthEnder's conversation.
Thu, 01-19-2006, 09:00 PM
Dear god! And 172 from KF on the same day!
What is this? Christmas x10?
Thu, 01-19-2006, 09:59 PM
Does everybody prefer the "Don" (Tom) and "Mwa" (Iceburg) phrases being translated as it is?
Thu, 01-19-2006, 10:32 PM
I honestly don't care how they decide to translate non-words.
Thu, 01-19-2006, 11:55 PM
Don't care too much for Ice Burg's Mwa's but I like Tom's do it with a Don statements.
Tue, 01-24-2006, 04:58 AM
254 out by ADCH. Redid their website too. (
Haha holy shit, Luffy ripped that building in half!
Oh, and I guess they don't do voice recordings very far ahead of time because you could tell Chopper had a different VA already cause what's her name is sick.
Nami was super hot in this episode too...
Other than that, not much happened, they just got everyone together finally. Time to go get a boat and catch that train!
Tue, 01-24-2006, 01:23 PM
ADC- Heaven are certainly very fast in subbing new OP. Their new look is not much different than the last one. Not much content has been added.
Another news from their website. This made me laugh.
Lazy Jenny is no longer part of the crew.
Maybe she was really lazy.
Their direct download was fast.
Yes, I noticed the Chopper's voice was different. Ikue Ohtani, who does the voice of Chopper is ill. Man this sucks.
Not much happend but the crew is finally united and ready to go.
Tue, 01-24-2006, 04:10 PM
I loved that part in the manga. Glad to see it finally animated.
The animation seemed to skip from good to horrible in the episode though.
The thing that has been really bothering me is how they've been drawing Nami lately. She sometimes looks like she's freakin 8 foot tall and anorexic. They reduced her waist to nothing. Sometimes, the only thing that doesn't look like a stick is her huge breasts and thighs. They're trying to hard to make her hot. I can't really say she looks good.
Tue, 01-24-2006, 09:54 PM
This ep wasn't mind blowing or anything but for some reason it was really good. Luffy proved he really is a monster destroying those two buildings like they were nothing.
Wed, 01-25-2006, 12:21 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
The thing that has been really bothering me is how they've been drawing Nami lately. She sometimes looks like she's freakin 8 foot tall and anorexic. They reduced her waist to nothing. Sometimes, the only thing that doesn't look like a stick is her huge breasts and thighs. They're trying to hard to make her hot. I can't really say she looks good.
It's wierd you say that because that's the way all the women in One Piece have always looked to me. They all have comically thin waists.
Wed, 01-25-2006, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Originally posted by: Deblas
The thing that has been really bothering me is how they've been drawing Nami lately. She sometimes looks like she's freakin 8 foot tall and anorexic. They reduced her waist to nothing. Sometimes, the only thing that doesn't look like a stick is her huge breasts and thighs. They're trying to hard to make her hot. I can't really say she looks good.
It's wierd you say that because that's the way all the women in One Piece have always looked to me. They all have comically thin waists.
Yeah, the woman always had a thin waist but now they're making it even thinner with humongous breasts. It's just ridiculous. And it looks horrible.
Wed, 01-25-2006, 08:29 PM
I agree with Deblas. If you look back ( Arlong arc), Nami is typical 5 foot 10 inch girl. During Water 7 acr she seems taller. Either that or they are making parts of her body out of proportion. It could be that camera focus on her is either too close and they want to show her larger than life during this emotional part of the story. She seems almost as tall as Robin in the last episode.
Wed, 01-25-2006, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
I agree with Deblas. If you look back ( Arlong arc), Nami is typical 5 foot 10 inch girl. During Water 7 acr she seems taller. Either that or they are making parts of her body out of proportion. It could be that camera focus on her is either too close and they want to show her larger than life during this emotional part of the story. She seems almost as tall as Robin in the last episode.
Ever since Water7 began, Oda has been drawing Nami with more leg. Add to that the long skinny waist she has and you have a giant.
And Nami isn't 5'10. A 5'10 is considered pretty tall for a woman actually. She's approximateldy 5'5 inches tall. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
These are the strawhats heights that Oda has confirmed:
Robin- 188 cm
Zoro-178 cm
Sanji- 177 cm
Usopp- 174cm
Luffy-172 cm
Nami- 169 cm
Approximately rounded up to the nearest half inch they would be(the conversion was done by someone in the Arlong Park forums):
Robin- 6'1"
Zoro- 5'8"
Sanji- 5'7"
Usopp- 5'6.5"
Luffy- 5'6"
Nami- 5'5"
Wed, 01-25-2006, 11:29 PM
You do know your OP, Deblas san.
So Robin is the tallest woman in OP. You are right about Nami being all legs.
Maybe she is growing. Whats the time scale between Arlong's arc and Water 7. How old was she when she meet Luffy and how much time has passed since then?
Thu, 01-26-2006, 12:01 AM
I don't think even a year has passed actually. They're still all the same ages as far as I'm concerned. Nami being 18 when she met Luffy. We won't know for sure how much time has passed until we actually have a time jump or maybe ask Oda in a SBS. But I'm pretty sure its just because of Oda giving Nami more leg to make her look hotter that makes her look taller. Not because she had a growth spurt since you sometimes see her towering over everyone else and sometimes you see her smaller than Luffy.
But if anyone in the crew needs growing is Luffy. The future Pirate King should not be just 5'6 inches tall.i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Thu, 01-26-2006, 01:08 AM
He's "compact".
Thu, 01-26-2006, 08:45 AM
Well considering his stretching powers, maybe one day he'll be able to stretch a bit of himself and leave it stretched, then he could make himself however tall he likes i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Thu, 01-26-2006, 07:42 PM
Well I guess he could do that. But Luffy and Usopp are just about to leave their teens so I bet we'll see them as tall as Zoro and Sanji or even taller if there is a time jump in the series(which I'm pretty sure there will be).
Ever wondered how Luffy would look like grown-up?
And yeah, Oda drew it.
Thu, 01-26-2006, 08:11 PM
He looks a bit like Shanks or Ace. Doesnt he?
Thu, 01-26-2006, 08:24 PM
I have to say, I'm liking the slight unshaven thing that pic has, makes him look cooler. I saw a picture of Luffy with an eyepatch once that looked really cool though I can't see that happening.
Looking at those heights though, some of them actually pretty tall when you consider the height of most anime characters. I think it's because Japanese people tend to be short. Serena from Sailor Moon was only about 4'10".
Originally posted by: Jadugar
He looks a bit like Shanks or Ace. Doesnt he?
Well, Luffy and Shanks DO look exactly the same, except for the scars and hair colour.
Thu, 01-26-2006, 08:46 PM
Yeah, even their clothes are practically the same.
If you're wondering. That manga panel is from one of Oda's Romance Dawn pilots. This one was the version of Shanks giving him the hat and a girl(who incredibly resembles Nami) named Silk. Another one i've seen is where Luffy's hat belonged to his grandfather and there was a girl named Annie(again, huge resemblance to Nami).
Fri, 01-27-2006, 03:39 AM
Just recently started watching the One Piece episodes (yeah I know I have a lot to catch up on ><i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif just have a few quick questions ..
1) K-F and GeruSama subs have a huge gap in between ... I'm guessing no one has released those episdoes yet right?
2) Sub quality wise ... K-F > GeruSama > the rest?
3) Anime-Elites & ADC-Heaven Fansubs website got hacked? (the link pulled up a hacked message)
Thanks for answering ahead of time.
edit: for question 1) any subs that are good ^_^ not those speed subbers or are those the only ones?
Fri, 01-27-2006, 12:51 PM
1. The only ones who have subbed the episodes between KF and Geru are those laughably bad hongkong subs.
2. Arguable. KF and Geru are both the very highest quality. Some would even argue Geru does an even better job. But that just devolves into fansubber fanboism. Which is like, twice as nerdy as normal fanboism.
3. Was a problem with their news page. They disabled it and had the site back up last I checked.
Really though, you don't even need to watch the episodes in between. So far, the only thing in Water 7 that was a spoiler for the Skypia arc was the impact dial, and the part explaining that in Skypia has been subbed since then, so even that's not a spoiler anymore.
I'm just gonna watch Skypia as it comes, and enjoy the new episodes every week now thanks to ADCH.
Sun, 01-29-2006, 07:23 PM
One Piece - 252 by GeruSama ( i.torrent)
Mon, 01-30-2006, 07:56 PM
sooo let me ask you guys something,...which one is better to download from, because i'm new and just back into OP and the i'm at the end of the Skypeia saga and need som feedback on which fansub to download from. I'd really appreciate it.
Mon, 01-30-2006, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by: dantheman62
sooo let me ask you guys something,...which one is better to download from, because i'm new and just back into OP and the i'm at the end of the Skypeia saga and need som feedback on which fansub to download from. I'd really appreciate it.
Well since your almost done with Skypeia I assume you download the horrible H-K subs right? Or maybe you read the manga. Anyway, once you get to episode 219 or read up until the start of Water7. Switch to Gerusama fansubs. They fansub the recent One Piece episodes and they do a great job.
Tue, 01-31-2006, 09:10 AM
Just watched 254. It was pretty good, not much to say. The wierdest thing was that Chopper's personality fealt totally different with the replacment voice. He didn't even look cute anymore. The animation was a little deformed at times when Nami was running, she actually looked like a man for a while.
I'm thinking that Paulie might join them temporarily to help them bust in to Enies Lobby. It's possible, no?
Tue, 01-31-2006, 11:22 AM
155 is SUPPOSEDLY out, but I can't get any of their links to work. Torrent link is broken, and direct links end after about 15 minutes, and the file doesn't play. (
Tue, 01-31-2006, 11:33 AM
Just rename the file extension from .avi to .torrent and it should start downloading.
Tue, 01-31-2006, 12:25 PM
I don't even get that far. When I click on the link for the torrent, a page of jibberish code comes up. And it already says its a torrent file.
Tue, 01-31-2006, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
I don't even get that far. When I click on the link for the torrent, a page of jibberish code comes up. And it already says its a torrent file.
Right-click and save target as on the torrent link. Then when you have the file on your comp rename it so it's .torrent instead of .avi, then just open the file with your torrent client.
Tue, 01-31-2006, 09:11 PM
They do have an irc channel. Its much easier and hassle free.
Server :
Channel : #adc
Command : /msg [ADC]Xeon xdcc send #7
Tue, 01-31-2006, 09:55 PM
hhhmmmmm........I dont really like teh dude with the parrot. He's good as a non-major villian. He sort of suave sometimes. But I really do hate that Jaguar form of his.
Tue, 01-31-2006, 10:06 PM
It's funny how there just so happened to be another Sea Train, I hope sh*t officially hits the fan in the next 3eps with both groups arraiving at the fortress.
Tue, 01-31-2006, 10:43 PM
That train was probably the first prototype.
Everything is set in motion. Sanji will need a hand or two to clean up that sea train.
I have changed the name of the thread to :
<u>Water 7 & Enies Lobby Arc subbed by GeruSama & ADC-Heaven</u>
I thought it might be better to carry on with the discussion in here rather than create another thread for Enies Lobby arc.
Wed, 02-01-2006, 12:31 AM
Shit, they really are going right after them huh. How the hell they are going to beat CP9 I still don't know. But I guess there'll be something.
Nice 2nd seatrain though. Huzzah for deus ex machina!
Wed, 02-01-2006, 04:17 AM
Originally posted by: el_boss
Just watched 254. It was pretty good, not much to say. The wierdest thing was that Chopper's personality fealt totally different with the replacment voice. He didn't even look cute anymore.
Tell me about it. Did you watch episode 255? I think he didnt even speak a word. All we heard from him were some weird noises. It just goes to show that how the voice behind a character is as much important.
Wed, 02-01-2006, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by: God#2
hhhmmmmm........I dont really like teh dude with the parrot. He's good as a non-major villian. He sort of suave sometimes. But I really do hate that Jaguar form of his.
Parrot? Did you mean pidgeon? Don't be talking shit about Lucchi. He is the man.
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Shit, they really are going right after them huh. How the hell they are going to beat CP9 I still don't know. But I guess there'll be something.
They are alot more people now at once, and they have knowledge about CP9's powers. I remember Zoro saying something like "I'll get him back several times over", which I interpret as him having some kind of plan to be able to injure them.
Wed, 02-01-2006, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by: el_boss
Just watched 254. It was pretty good, not much to say. The wierdest thing was that Chopper's personality fealt totally different with the replacment voice. He didn't even look cute anymore.
Of course he doesn't look cute, he's been in 4-legged reindeer form for the last two episodes.
Wed, 02-01-2006, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by: God#2
hhhmmmmm........I dont really like teh dude with the parrot. He's good as a non-major villian. He sort of suave sometimes. But I really do hate that Jaguar form of his.
It's a pigeon. And he turns into a leopard. Lucchi's cool. But the pigeon owns. Especially when he's wearing his pimp coat. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Wed, 02-01-2006, 05:53 PM
That pigeon is Lucchi's side kick and looks good in a coat.i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
How come that pigeon can speak. He hasnt ate one of the devil fruits, has he?
Wed, 02-01-2006, 06:02 PM
It can't speak. Lucchi is just a kickass ventriloquist.
Sun, 02-05-2006, 08:39 PM
253 by Gerusama- Torrent ( i.torrent)
Direct download ([]_One_Piece_253_[D4A1742B].avi)
Tue, 02-07-2006, 03:10 PM
256 by ADCH (
Best part:
"Just tell us, we already figured it out."
"It was Lucci, Kaku, Califa and Blueno."
Ugh, can't believe there's 3 weeks of no OP again...fucking Olympics.
Wed, 02-08-2006, 02:15 AM
I agree that was the best part, had me cracking up. I guess all the extra people are there to fight the legions of marines that must be docked at the station since none of them will be able to stand up to CP9.
Wed, 02-08-2006, 12:42 PM
Has Choppers voice actor died or something? It's been far too long already.
3 weeks!? Sports always have to come and ruin all the fun.
Wed, 02-08-2006, 06:56 PM
I know! First they're always preempting Family Guy, now One Piece!
Contests of althletic ability can bite my ass!
Wed, 02-08-2006, 07:19 PM
Real contests of athletic ability = someone hitting a ball quite far = boring.
Fake contests of athletic abilty = some guy cutting a huge ship in half with a 6' blade = WIN.
Sports suck, and should be put on their own channel. Although I do realise the hypocrisy. if you listen to the sorts of discussions sports fans have sometimes they become fighteningly simiar to the discussions us nerds have over anime. Or video games. Or comics.
Wed, 02-08-2006, 07:55 PM
Wow it's funny. The latest pennyarcade was about this exact subject.
Penny Arcade! - The Sporting Life (
I have to say I haven't really understood why people bother watching sports when there are so much other great forms of entertainment. Like staring at a blank wall or reading the phone-book.
Wed, 02-08-2006, 08:20 PM
To respect the wishes of those people that only watch the K-F subs, please remove the name of the arcs in the title of this thread... That can be considered a spoiler...
Wed, 02-08-2006, 09:03 PM
Well Jadugar is banned so one of the mods has to do it.
Wed, 02-08-2006, 09:17 PM
Lol, didn't know that Jadugar was banned
Thu, 02-09-2006, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
To respect the wishes of those people that only watch the K-F subs, please remove the name of the arcs in the title of this thread... That can be considered a spoiler...What else are we gonna call it then? Unless we go back to separate threads for each episode.
Which wouldn't bother me at all.
Thu, 02-09-2006, 03:05 AM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
To respect the wishes of those people that only watch the K-F subs, please remove the name of the arcs in the title of this thread... That can be considered a spoiler...
er, what else should I name it. Arcs after Skypiea.
If those people who are only watching Skypiea then the names, <u>water 7, Enies Lobby </u>, on their own isnt a poiler. The title does say <u>discuss episodes 220 onwards.</u>
Personally I havent seen the crappy subs of Skypiea arc. I have been only watching K-F subs as they come. I jumped to Water 7 arc because Gerusama are doing a really good job and even then you are not spoiled apart from two minor ones.
1. Impact dial that Ussop used againt Luffy in the fight
2. Who repaired the ship.
There are plenty of people here who are currently watching K-F Skypiea and havent watched other crappy subs.
Making threads for each episodes doesnt really appeal to me. Anyway we disscused the whole Water 7 arc in here so why not the next one, Enies Lobby. Why spoil a good thing?
Thanx for the concerns though.
Thu, 02-09-2006, 04:51 AM
Well, anyway I'm butting in, it's going to take me a long while to catch up to where K-F are, I only just started downloading it and am only upto the part where Sanji is introduced, but I do have upto episode 60.
Can't wait to catch up, this has made One Piece even better for me, as it's like a recap since I am upto the latest chapter in the manga.
Simply Awesome.
Thu, 02-09-2006, 07:38 AM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Originally posted by: Budweineken
To respect the wishes of those people that only watch the K-F subs, please remove the name of the arcs in the title of this thread... That can be considered a spoiler...
er, what else should I name it. Arcs after Skypiea.
If those people who are only watching Skypiea then the names, <u>water 7, Enies Lobby </u>, on their own isnt a poiler. The title does say <u>discuss episodes 220 onwards.</u>
Personally I havent seen the crappy subs of Skypiea arc. I have been only watching K-F subs as they come. I jumped to Water 7 arc because Gerusama are doing a really good job and even then you are not spoiled apart from two minor ones.
1. Impact dial that Ussop used againt Luffy in the fight
2. Who repaired the ship.
There are plenty of people here who are currently watching K-F Skypiea and havent watched other crappy subs.
Making threads for each episodes doesnt really appeal to me. Anyway we disscused the whole Water 7 arc in here so why not the next one, Enies Lobby. Why spoil a good thing?
Thanx for the concerns though.
Just call the thread, "Discussion for Gerusama & ADC-Heaven Releases"....
And it is indeed a spoiler because you are already telling them that the crew is going to reach Water 7 and Enies Lobby for that matter...
Thu, 02-09-2006, 12:48 PM
Anyone else who can't access ADC-Heavens webpage?
Thu, 02-09-2006, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by: Paithan
Anyone else who can't access ADC-Heavens webpage?
Works fine for me.
Maybe you gave a weird URL. Try this adc-heaven (
Thu, 02-09-2006, 10:01 PM
Originally posted by: Paithan
Anyone else who can't access ADC-Heavens webpage?
What is the problem exactly?
Thu, 02-09-2006, 10:38 PM
Whoa, an ADC person.
Thanks for the speedsubs guy.
Thu, 02-09-2006, 10:44 PM
Its him alright.
Head of Subbing::
Alias: Rhombus
Real Name: Bobby
Yeah, thanx for the subs
but this statement on your website
"#1 Fansubbing Group for One Piece"
is too much. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Fri, 02-10-2006, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
Its him alright.
Head of Subbing::
Alias: Rhombus
Real Name: Bobby
Yeah, thanx for the subs
but this statement on your website
"#1 Fansubbing Group for One Piece"
is too much.
Talk to Xeon, the encoder, he made the website. Also, my group was Anime-Elites and we joined ADC-Heaven to make ADC-Elites. I notice that pic on page 3 or 4 is from one soley done by ADC-Heaven, the one with wtf(I know I hated that too). Anywho, don't judge us on those episodes check out our later releases like 254-256 is when I say we got good.
P.S. The WINTER OLYMPICS SUCK! I want Sogeking and he should be about the next episode, unless they really drag this like 256(this episode covered less than 1 manga chapter[but Rhom they had a part from that older chapter(shut up who said you could speak{stop fighting you two(you stay out of this)})]).<- Extremely bored.
Fri, 02-10-2006, 08:39 PM
I am glad that someone is subbing One Piece. Gerusama was getting painstakingly slow.
I have seen the difference in the new episodes. You are definately improving.
Another thing, no mention of the characters that havent been introduced yet.i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
I hope the Enies Lobby arc is as good as the Water 7 arc.
Tue, 02-21-2006, 12:04 PM
i need to know where i can get all eps even up till the recent ones for torrents, please someone help me because all i can find is the man 200's and beyond, please i really would like to go past my friend in the series and pass him in eps. Let me know who has them
Tue, 02-21-2006, 01:05 PM
Your question has already been answered in the thread you created a couple of days ago... It was answered within the first six posts of the thread... (
I'm sure someone other than me would be nice enough to give you a specific torrent link, but your laziness doesn't let me be that guy for you.
Wed, 02-22-2006, 01:30 AM
Just caught up to 256 and I realized there's a plothole: who saved Tilestone? (He's the big Galley-La foreman who fights with strength and always shouts when he talks) -- since he was just outside of Iceberg's room when the fire occurred.
Wed, 02-22-2006, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by: Augury
since he was just outside of Iceberg's room when the fire occurred.
No he wasn't. He ran away with the pointy hair guy.
Wed, 02-22-2006, 05:01 PM
When? I only recall him getting his face pounded into the floor by Blueno. Lulu was outside & surrounded by many carpenters when he was stabbed - unless you're talking about when they show up on the sea train, which is the plothole I'm referring to in the first place.
Sun, 02-26-2006, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by: Augury
He runs away in episode 243, 10:30. But yeah you were right, he goes back in the episode after and gets his ass kicked by Blueno. Don't know what happens after that. Maybe he will say in the next episode who or what saved him.
Sun, 02-26-2006, 05:17 PM
One Piece - 254 by Gerusama ( i.torrent)
Tue, 02-28-2006, 12:12 PM
257 By ADC (
After 3weeks it finally aired.
Tue, 02-28-2006, 04:16 PM
I wonder who the mysterious Sageking is...
Tue, 02-28-2006, 07:18 PM
It so obvious!!!!
It is Smoker, he can't help out the Straw-hats with out a disguise.
Tue, 02-28-2006, 07:26 PM
You guys are jokin right? PLEASE tell me you are joking.
Tue, 02-28-2006, 11:03 PM
He doesn't even SOUND the same. I mean, he's doing like a completely different voice. It's fantastic!
Plus the Gomu Gomu no 300 Pound Cannon? Holy shit.
This episode totally fucking rocked!
Tue, 02-28-2006, 11:31 PM
Sogeking>Usopp, I hope he's able to fix ships since he would be a perfect addition to the crew. I'm still predicting Sanji will have his way till he reaches the room with the newest CP9 recruit.
Wed, 03-01-2006, 02:33 AM
damnit, i wonder whose sogeking. im thinking jango
Wed, 03-01-2006, 03:34 AM
Man, even his theme music was awsome.
Wed, 03-01-2006, 08:22 AM
I thought water 7 was awesome but the new arc, Enies Lobby, is going to rock.
Ussop is going through major changes. He is a changed man and hopefully a powerful one.
I love Franky's act of crying. I want him to join SHs NOW! Its becoming his trademark just like Choppers act : I dont need any gratitude, you bastard.
The three of them are going to do some damage before Luffy arrives.
Speaking of damage, Aqua Laguna took a major blow from Zoro and Luffy. Whats 2 X 108. Its 300. I loved that part.
@ Rhombusaurus :
I liked the new font that you used and the opening is done nicely too. I guess you guys are getting the hang of it.
Wed, 03-01-2006, 03:21 PM
I'm glad he's finally shown up. I knew that Usopp was gonna adopt the Sogeking persona thanks to spoiling asswads on some other forum, but it was still good, even not knowing the details.
I'll admit I geeked out quite a bit. Almost as much as when Gaara showed up in the Sasuke chase arc(which is still like my ultimate geek out moment).
You know what would be really awsome, if they make a new one of those clips for the commercial breaks with Sogeking and his new music.
Thu, 03-02-2006, 10:01 PM
Damn! Sogeking's introduction was the higlight of the whole episode for me. The music fitted perfectly and I like how he disguised his voice. It sounds more heroic now.
Thu, 03-02-2006, 10:32 PM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
I thought water 7 was awesome but the new arc, Enies Lobby, is going to rock.
I was under the impresion that this was all under the Nico Robin/ Shipwrite arc.... Whatever, it doesn't matter.
Sogeking is clearly the shit. His voice alone proves that. I'm really looking forward to the new episodes. The next one seems just as good, since Nami is breaking out, what lookls like for the preview, her new Clima Tact!
Fri, 03-03-2006, 04:16 AM
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
I was under the impresion that this was all under the Nico Robin/ Shipwrite arc.... Whatever, it doesn't matter.
I've never heard either arc referred to as that.
Fri, 03-03-2006, 02:03 PM
One Piece - 255 Gerusama ( i.torrent)
Sat, 03-04-2006, 04:55 AM
*sigh* I hate when a group doesn't keep it's own torrent page up to date.
Sat, 03-04-2006, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
*sigh* I hate when a group doesn't keep it's own torrent page up to date.
One Piece Gerusama subbed episodes tracker (
Sat, 03-04-2006, 08:17 AM
Ohh boy Nami fanservice in the next episode! I mean, look at them. They're shining!
And another thing. Judging from the angle, Luffy must have gotten a real good view....O.o
Sun, 03-05-2006, 02:56 PM
Judging from that angle they are also horribly misaligned.
Originally posted by: Jadugar
One Piece Gerusama subbed episodes tracker (, thats cool, though it's two pages in. The first torrent page you come too is
Sun, 03-05-2006, 05:07 PM
^^^^^^^^^^ hmmmm.
Anyway. I do like Ussop's new look but I am not sure about his new voice. Also whats going to happen to all that Ussop cowardly moments trying to avoid the danger. I am still recovering from Chopper's new VA.
Sun, 03-05-2006, 10:53 PM
You done smoked yersef retardad boy. Sogekings voice is the king of all cosmos!
Mon, 03-06-2006, 02:44 AM
I guess its a step up from Captin Ussop to Soge King. That might explain the humbleness in his voice. He sounded like a genuine king.
Mon, 03-06-2006, 02:56 AM
Actually, he sounds like a generic cool mysterious character from an anime. Which is of course awsome, cause it's the same VA, but he sounds totally different from his Usopp.
Mon, 03-06-2006, 03:04 AM
Maybe the VA has to stay sober to do the new voice but yes he did sounded like a generic hero on a journey. I dont think its going to last though. Ussop will finally show his true colors. Maybe he has finally become a man of the sea. If he is going to join Luffys crew again then he will have to do some heroic stuff to be accepted back in the gang. How far he has planned on this act is unknown and will certainly bring joy to us.
Hail new King.
Thu, 03-09-2006, 12:14 AM
258 by ADC (
Kick goddamn ass!
"100 shot! 100 hits! Lu lu la la lu!"
I love how they show the difference between what's going on in his head and what Sanji/Franky are seeing. That's just funny.
"Where's sniper island? It's in your heart!"
Fri, 03-10-2006, 11:29 AM
This was the funniest episode so far since the chase began.
SogeKing has his own theme. It was so fucking hilarious watching him sing that song and imagine him running up and down on those rocks on sharpshooter land. He must think he is Robin Hood. Also his VA is very talented. Who can sing that tune with a straight face, honestly?
Nami changing clothes in front of Paulie was funny. We shall call him shy boy. Thank god Kokoro san didnt bring her swim suit.
Nami has a new weapon? Clima tact. I hope Ussop told her how to use it and it wont turn out like the last time.
I though the funny moments were over and the end of the episode is going to be very serious but that Ramen guy turned up. "I was surprised as he was". Is this the first time he have seen Sanji miss his kicks?
Its just keep getting better and better and thats the way I like it.
Fri, 03-10-2006, 05:18 PM
Jad, do you not follow the manga?
Fri, 03-10-2006, 07:03 PM
I noticed ADC translated "Perfect Clima Tact" as "Nami's Perfect Weapon". That's not even close man.
Sat, 03-11-2006, 12:04 AM
Pauly reaction to Nami and the twins clothes was funny, I want him and Sogeking to join the crew ASAP. Speaking of Sogeking that themesong was halarious. Him getting ignored while telling them that sharpshooter island is in their hearts was funny.
Sun, 03-12-2006, 05:55 AM
256 is out by Gerusama btw.
Sun, 03-12-2006, 09:08 AM
I've missed around 3 episodes of Gerusama. Where are they now in 256?
Sun, 03-12-2006, 06:21 PM
One Piece 257 by Gerusama ( i.torrent)
Sat, 03-18-2006, 06:29 PM
Sorry about the double post
One piece 259 by ADC (
Sun, 03-19-2006, 03:38 AM
Fucking sweet!
Who knew Sanji was such an awsome slicer and dicer. What's next, Zoro kicking things?
I kinda like Nero. He'd be a pretty cool badguy without the whiskers.
I kinda hope they aren't gonna play the Sogeking song everytime he does ANYTHING. It already getting annoying and it's only the third time. It was kinda cool when he was outside Robins window. But it was stupid when they started playing the video again and all he was doing was standing around. I mean, if he had been singing it again then fine, but he wasn't.
Sun, 03-19-2006, 07:07 PM
I am in love with SogeKing’s voice. It has a tone of royalty in it and so much grace but you are right about the song being played while he was standing on Franky’s shoulder and doing nothing, it was annoying.
Sanji has curly eyebrowse. The part was funny. He does have girly looks.
Looking forward to Franky’s fight. We will get to see some of his moves and maybe some dirty tricks. That guy is strong.
Sun, 03-19-2006, 09:55 PM
They need to make another version of the song without words that they can use as his general theme song when things are happening.
Sun, 03-19-2006, 11:15 PM
Finally somebody mentioned Sanji's curly eyebrow, the random dizzyness that the chef got from it was funny. And I guess I'm the only one that enjoys the Sogeking theme.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 02:00 AM
I thought the episode was great. Yeah, the Ramen Kempo is a little weak but I got 2 pics that say it all:
Sanji with the knives was awesome! I hope he finishes off Ramen Kempo in the next episode. That way the Frank vs Nero battle takes center stage! Loved how they were checking each others moves out and then saying in unison:
I hope that episode 260 is subbed quickly (I guess they had some translation snafu for 259) 'cause I will be twitching all week waiting otherwise.
Tue, 03-21-2006, 11:56 AM
Sogeking's the bomb. I wonder who he is? I should make a thread where we can all discuss him. :p
Tue, 03-21-2006, 05:30 PM
260 ( by ADC
Wed, 03-22-2006, 03:10 AM
Lotsa stuff going on all at once. I love it, but there's too much jumping around. Trying to show 4 things at once. Couldn't they have finished Wanze before moving on?
They're really building up T-Bone to be a badass. I guess he is if he's trying to swim back.
That stuff with Sogeking hiding under Robin was priceless though.
Wed, 03-22-2006, 11:31 AM
Franky's ultimate defense>anything from Naruto except Kiatin. When he just dropped to the ground I was laughing throughout the next 2 scenes. Sogeking isn't as badass without the theme music playing.
Wed, 03-22-2006, 01:53 PM
That stuff with Sogeking hiding under Robin was priceless though.
That and Franky family doing Luffy and Zoro impression.
Gomu Gomu no 300 Pound....
Canon BOMM !
That was hilarious and then there was Zoro's new attack : Rashomon
That was awesome. They started doing that as well.
Looking forward to T-bone vs Zoro.
Luffy likes high places. Doesnt he?
Franky's ultimate defense made me laugh. Hurry up and join Luffy's gang. I cant wait for when he joins the crew and how much fun its going to be.
Thu, 03-23-2006, 12:39 PM
No One Piece next week
Sun, 03-26-2006, 02:02 PM
Okay, I'm late but what the hell.
Invicible franky and Centaur Franky are the best fucking moves! Franky is so joining.
Zoro was a complete badass here. I loved how they animated him cutting the train. And the build up for Zoro vs. T Bone was awesome. I can't wait till he takes him on.
Mon, 03-27-2006, 05:30 PM
You are never too late for On Piece and its episode reviews. What else you are going to do. Yes, that scene was awesome. Zoro totally rocks.
Damm. No OP next week.
Mon, 03-27-2006, 10:20 PM
When you say next week, do you mean yesterday? Or do you really mean next week, as in, two weeks with no OP?
Mon, 03-27-2006, 10:51 PM
From what I've heard there is no One Piece on April 2.
Mon, 03-27-2006, 11:50 PM
Picked this up from the admin in another forum (ADC):
Yea, well here's how the One Piece schedule looks for the next few weeks, and I'm warning you, it ain't too pretty:
26th March - No Episode
2nd April - Episode 261
9th April - No Episode (AGAIN!)
16th - Episode 262
Looks, like it'll be back on the 2nd (none this week) and then off on the 9th.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 12:30 AM
I wish the manga was already on the next arc, from what I hear it's going really slow atm so I'm guessing thats why we keep getting long breaks. Atleast these are weekly breaks and not 3week breaks.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 07:41 AM
Well, I guess it's hard to complain, since this is what alot of us have been wishing Naruto would do to avoid so many goddamn fillers.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 07:38 PM
Yeah, but would you rather have a filler or nothing at all?
Tue, 03-28-2006, 11:04 PM
I vote fillers, unlike some people that bash fillers yet continue to watch them. I'm able to stop watching a series(Bleach/Naruto) when the eps become too crappy. Plus you might get good filler like the Gate fortress arc.
Tue, 04-04-2006, 11:38 PM
Didn't see that anybody posted this episode yet. Episode 261 is out but not subbed yet (ADC-Heaven got hacked!!!). Apparently, Saiyaman missed the episode so they had to get it from l33t raws. Anyhow, before release...hacked! I hope it'll be out tomorrow or else we'll all be waiting for GeruSama.
GeruSama episode 258 ( rrent)
Wed, 04-05-2006, 08:17 AM
Ugh, that sucks. That's like the 3rd time someone has hacked their site.
I need my fix dammit! I already had to wait 2 weeks!
Tue, 04-11-2006, 12:49 PM
Fuck Yeah!! ADC-Heaven is back and they released episode 261. I've been anxiously waiting for this one.
261 Torrent (
261 Direct Download ([ADC-Elites]%20One%20Piece%20261.avi.html)
Tue, 04-11-2006, 08:12 PM
Sweet, thanks for the links Deb!
Tue, 04-11-2006, 10:55 PM
That episode just plain ruled. Three fights all ending in the same episode. I was a little dissapointed how fast Zoro's fight was, but Sanji smashing that guys face beautiful was great and the Ultimate Hammer rules!
Tue, 04-11-2006, 11:46 PM
I have 4 words for that episode:
Wed, 04-12-2006, 12:39 AM
@ DarthEnder :
I was expecting at least 5 min battle from the two but it didn’t last very long. I guess Zoro is on top of his game.
@ FrogKing :
Yes, the episode was simply great.
Franky is very slick and a very tricky customer and will do anything to defeat his opponent. I like his style. His methods are unusual but fit perfectly a future SH member.
Sanji stole most of the episode by smashing that ramen guy’s face. I found it very funny when he said, “You ruined my beautiful face”.
Was it my imagination or ADC have ditched the word “friend” for “nakama”, just like K-F and they also subbed the preview of the next episode.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 12:59 AM
Yeah, i noticed too. I am glad they adopted the KF version of 'nakama'. So, does anyone think Sanji and Franky stand a chance versus the CP9 top brass? I guess Sogeking has something up his sleeve. Can't wait till next week!
Wed, 04-12-2006, 03:27 AM
There's no way Sanji and Franky are gonna do anything but get their asses kicked with all 4 CP9 there at once.
I also at this point just prefer the word "nakama". I'm just so used to it at this point.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 10:25 AM
Of course they'll get owned, but somehow they are going to have to survive at least until Rocketman shows up. That is where I think Sogeking will come in. I think we'll get to see him 'wheel-and-deal' them out of an otherwise bad situation. If on the other hand the outcome is as devastating as the first encounter with CP9 then Sogeking and Sanji would be sitting out the rest of the arc just like in Skypiea which would be lame.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 10:44 AM
I expect the plan is to get away. There is no way that they'll be able to take on CP9 without Luffy and the others.
Wed, 04-12-2006, 11:04 AM
Even though it's been said before I never noticed Chopper's voice actor change till this ep. I was like who the heck was that then back tracked and noticed that was suppose to be Chopper talking. And Zoro was so awesome this ep, I guess what Nami said was true. I can't wait to see how much better Luffy will be.
Mon, 04-24-2006, 07:40 PM
At last it is here:
One Piece episode 262 ( )
Mon, 04-24-2006, 09:51 PM
Awsome, Sanji almost broke through the tekkai!
Man, Robin is really starting to piss me off.
Mon, 04-24-2006, 10:54 PM
I can't remember the last time an anime made me go oh sh*t, but the ending to this ep was truly an oh sh*t moment. I forgot he had a devil fruit ability. Was so focused on his other powers. And it seemed like Sanji had figured out a way to beat Bleuno before Robin stopped him.
Tue, 04-25-2006, 01:07 AM
Yeah, I was pretty stunned when Bleuno popped out behind them. But if his 'door-door' fruit could do that, then why didn't he just pop into Iceberg's room and take care of business. I didn't think he could teleport with it.
Loved how Sogeking came up with the sweet plan to escape "Sogeking smoke star!"
Can't wait till next week; looks like Enies Lobby is up ahead. I wonder when Rocketman is gonna catch up and then stop; maybe Yokuzuna will finally beat down the sea train...
edit: grammar
Tue, 04-25-2006, 12:51 PM
Looks like the prize of that contest is some t-shirts?
Pity for Sanji. Even after all that wind up he still couldn't break Blueno's tekkai. Wasn't that his best attack? This is the time when Robin really pisses me off. It's obvious that they're not gonna leave her to die so accept the damn help already!
Tue, 04-25-2006, 01:39 PM
Houston we have a problem...
Taka-san has left the team, and we are desperately in need for a new translator.
Unless this position is filled, we will most likely be unable to make any releases!
If you feel that you would be able to fulfill this job or know someone else who may be interested, please email me at,
and we will take you into consideration for the position.
If anybody knows of a translator please have them contact Wickio because if not we'll be out of OP! Gerusama is good, but damn they are slow. I hope this gets resolved before 263.
Tue, 04-25-2006, 02:24 PM
I saw that too and it SUCKS! I cant stop watching NOW!
I mentioned it over there already. If it comes to it, they should just use the manga translations for the lines that are used in the anime, and leave the rest blank. At least then we'd still know what was happening.
Tue, 04-25-2006, 02:27 PM
I saw that too and it SUCKS! I cant stop watching NOW!
I mentioned it over there already. If it comes to it, they should just use the manga translations for the lines that are used in the anime, and leave the rest blank. At least then we'd still know what was happening.
Isn't that a tad impolite? Unless the manga translator actually gives permission, leeching off someone else's effort seems like bad form.
Tue, 04-25-2006, 02:49 PM
I agree with you Honoko, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Hopefully, somebody will step up to the plate and help them out. Despite our efforts to help them, I think we are looking in the wrong place. After all, we all wait for them to sub the episodes so WE can understand what is going on. Hell, if I could understand Japanese I would waiting till Adc subbed them. I hope they are pursuing other translator sources (i.e. universities are good places to find multi lingual people).
<keeping fingers crossed>
Thu, 04-27-2006, 02:57 PM
ADC doesn’t have a translator.
For fuck sake. Just when I thought my weekly OP doze was fixed, this happened.
Why must we suffer like this? I hope ADC finds a new translator soon and a good one. Their subs were really getting good.
Beside me does any one think that Lucci is the coolest looking villain we had so far?
SogeKing was at his best. I don’t want him to go back to being Ussop again. I like the way he is now.
“Don’t take my resolve lightly”.
Ussop knows how to get out of hostile situations. He is the man if you are looking for an escape plan. “SogeKing smoke star” was really quick thinking on his feet.
Does anyone know who is doing his voice or have any info on him.
Sanji has been doing a lot in the last few episodes but looking at CP9 powers he and the rest don’t stand a chance. Luffy needs to hurry up and catch up. How far are they from Enies Lobby? The ending was a real good cliffhanger. Sanji looked scared. He has already tried all his kicks on Blueno.
Also it seems that the animation is getting smoother or is it just me.
What can I say? People say that I have a fetish for her. Maybe I do.
Damm those glasses and did you see those “thorn whips”.
Thoooooooorn whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiips………..
*Jadugar drools on the floor*
Thu, 04-27-2006, 05:06 PM
Er, while I'm certainly a member of the Califa-is-hot club, I think getting turned on by thorn whips is a sign of a mental instability.
Thu, 04-27-2006, 07:19 PM
Beside me does any one think that Lucci is the coolest looking villain we had so far?
Ao Kiji was pretty cool though. However at this point, i am not completely sure if he is a full fledged villain.
Lucci is definitely a cool and calm character and he looks like a much more serious villain than any we have seen in one piece so far. Most villains in one piece have some weird habit or feature that makes them look less intimidating though. Enel had his weird ears, crocodile had that annoying laugh, arlong had that freaky razor nose. Heck, even lucci has that pigeon of his. I couldnt help but crack up when i saw the pigeon wearing a mini version of lucci's coat. Though i wasnt a big fan of the pigeon's voice, i must say it adds to Lucci's cool factor now that it doesnt say anything anymore and only stays there perched on his shoulder with a serious face.
Thu, 04-27-2006, 07:40 PM
Ao Kiji doesn't seem like a villain to me. I mean, he kinda just reminds me of Smoker. Another Marine who's actually a marine to uphold law and order.
Thu, 04-27-2006, 10:24 PM
What's the deal with Lucchi's pigeon anyway? Can it actually talk or is Lucchi some kind of ventriloquist? And dunno why but when he threatened the Nero's life I thought the bird was gonna be the one to kill him.
Thu, 04-27-2006, 10:35 PM
i have seen that bird moving its beak in sync with lucci's voice when he is talking. I guess the bird is so used to having Lucci act as voice for it that it still moves its beak around, even when Lucci is talking normally and not really trying to act ike a ventriloquist.
Fri, 04-28-2006, 01:22 PM
@ DarthEnder :
Er, while I'm certainly a member of the Califa-is-hot club, I think getting turned on by thorn whips is a sign of a mental instability.
Most men when they look at a pretty girl they think with what’s between their legs and not with what’s between their ears.
Califa looks sexy in that skirt and those secretary glasses. The whips just add a little bit of that oomph of sexiness and don’t you just love those kicks.
You misunderstood me. I don’t want her to use any of those whips on me in any shape or form. I like a dominant and a strong type but I like to be in charge of the situations, well in most cases.
Does that make me mentally instable? Am I too kinky? Come on guys use the rest of your brain cells and use your imagination.
On a side note I think I think Ao Kiji is one of the good guys. He is one of the three strongest Admirals. Isn’t he? He is definitely on par with Smoker in term of coolness.
@ Aeon :
LOL. Why did you think that the pigeon was going to kill Nero? It would have been cool though. The pigeon might have some sort of powers, we don’t know. A fight between Lucci and Luffy is set so we might see that pigeon do some thing out of the ordinary.
@ Splash :
I thought I was imagining that pigeon lip syncing some of Lucci’s dialogues but its true. Lucci with that coat is definitely looks like a cool pimp.
Sat, 05-06-2006, 07:37 AM
Sat, 05-06-2006, 11:41 AM
Hurray for Episode 263. This must mean that they have found a new translator and will be able to meet everybody's OP needs. Still ,l i shouldn't count my eggs before they hatch, i havent even finished downloading it yet.
Their site hasnt been updated at all, despite the torrent showing up. Perhaps they are working on it right now. Well whatever the case, i am very glad that ADC is going to keep on subbing this :)
Sat, 05-06-2006, 06:06 PM
I watched it. It seemed good.
Sat, 05-06-2006, 11:02 PM
We're sooo close now to rocketman reaching Enies Lobby, the buildup in this arc has been incredible. I was bored waiting for them to reach the capital in Alabasta but since the CP9 are so cool, even catching up to them is cool. And I can't help but wonder how such a weakling became the head of CP9. You think they would have a bad ass leader if it isn't Lucchi.
LOL. Why did you think that the pigeon was going to kill Nero? It would have been cool though. The pigeon might have some sort of powers, we don’t know. A fight between Lucci and Luffy is set so we might see that pigeon do some thing out of the ordinary.
Think of how cool it would be if the bird spoke and said even I can use 5 of the 6 techniques since Nero could only use 4.
Sun, 05-07-2006, 03:24 AM
I'm afraid that would have rocked my face off completely. Better that it didn't turn out that way.
Episode was quite awsome. Blueno is pretty cool actually. I thought he was kinda stupid at first but he's pretty talkative actually.
Enies Lobby seems cool.
Sun, 05-07-2006, 05:12 PM
Seems like ADC still have no translator. ep 263 was supposed to be the last episode that their original translator was going to sub. It says so on their website.
Sun, 05-07-2006, 07:43 PM
They have a new translator. She did episode 263.
Mon, 05-08-2006, 09:56 PM
We are pleased to say that this position has now been filled, so please welcome Laeliel to the team as our new translator working on One Piece.
Thank God. We are saved. They have found someone.
Laeliel, you are our savior. I hope you keep up the good work where Taka-san left off.
That’s the good new, the bad news is no OP till 21st May but ADC will definitely sub it.
Mon, 05-08-2006, 10:26 PM
Yeah, great addition to the team, she is enthusiastic about subbing. Speed is that of Taka's but much more accurate(Taka got lazy some times). If he find a good raw provider...
WINK all may see Sunday releases.
Mon, 05-08-2006, 10:28 PM
Sweet! Nice to hear that!
Thu, 05-11-2006, 01:09 AM
Episodes go back weekly on the 21st.
Thu, 05-11-2006, 02:11 AM
Those crazy ADC people, what with all the posting on forums!
Mmm...Sunday releases...dare I dream.
Sun, 05-21-2006, 08:51 PM
The new opening and endings are up on Youtube, the quality isn't so good like most anime on there but it was still enjoyable. I enjoyed the parts showing the other pirate crews as well as who will fight who in CP9(It's like being spoiled for Robin all over again)
Sun, 05-21-2006, 09:08 PM
I really like the new opening. Its a nice foreshadowing of all the stuff that the new arc is gonna have. I also notice (or it might just be me being hopeful) a blank space in all the crew shots for a certain someone whos name starts with a F and ends in an anky :D
Sun, 05-21-2006, 09:19 PM
The new intro is awesome! I must find a HQ version now.
Mon, 05-22-2006, 09:50 PM
WOW. A new opening. It was expected because of the new arc, Enies Lobby.
I liked the last one better but maybe this new opening will grow on me just like the rest of them. There are a lot of new faces and fights shown in the new opening. I am certainly looking forward to those clashes.
It’s testing times for ADC. They have a new translator and he has lot in his plate with this new opening and ending. Expect a late release because ADC has to fine tune the karaoke.
Tue, 05-23-2006, 12:17 PM
ADC said to expect the release later today. All the translator's stuff is already done.
Tue, 05-23-2006, 06:20 PM
BT: ADC-Elites _One_Piece_264 ( )
Tue, 05-23-2006, 08:16 PM
Sorry, it took so long. I didn't get to finish timing it until 6:30am Monday morning because my family sucks and wouldn't give me the computer. I said I have it done by 2am(thats after the first delay) so Laeliel stayed up, and when it wasn't done she went to sleep and slept later(she didn't have school) and then Wickio has exam all week or it would have been out yesterday.
Tue, 05-23-2006, 08:31 PM
Thanks Rhombusaurus! The release is much earlier than it has been in recent weeks...Can't wait till 265 in two weeks!
Tue, 05-23-2006, 10:54 PM
One Piece 264 is here.
So many wonderful things…………….
New Opening
New Ending
New Arc
New Translator
Return of SogeKing
Chopper’s VA is back and
Luffy’s on a rampage.
GREAT. What more can you ask for?
They all fit like a ………like a …………err
like a jigsaw. Yeah.
So Luffy’s hunt for Robin begins. They are finally at Enies Lobby. Oda has let his imagination run wild doing the blue prints of Enies Lobby.
Three more characters were introduced : Jyabura, Fukurou and Kumadori.
After watching the clip of those three, I was reminded of the song that Luffy sang during Skypiea arc when he was lost.
That verse is :
~ And they were all idiots ~
Did my ears deceive me or was that really Chopper’s original VA. I am so relieved. Chopper and Luffy are so gullible. Chopper even asked for Ussop’s autograph.
Sanji looked worried because he has seen how powerful CP9 are. Luffy and his crew need some real man power to get through all the guards. Luffy and Zoro has been in top form recently so I am expecting some real good fights from those two.
What I am really looking forward to is this (
Yeah, I am a big Caliga fan. So what? :D
@ Rhombusaurus
Thank you for all your hard work. The new karaoke looked great. Tell Laeliel, we love her work.
Wed, 05-24-2006, 12:00 AM
Ahhh, so fucking awsome. The new opening kicks so much ass.
Seriously, the new CP9 members are freaks. The old ones are so calm and collected it really contrasts the 3 new retarded ones.
Luffy and Chopper meeting Sogeking, And of course Luffy is already kicking ass.
Wed, 05-24-2006, 12:07 AM
Ah, just finished the awesome episode! I loved the new characters and how Luffy is all charged up with some new techniques to try out. I agree, it sounded like Chopper's original VA is back (at least I hope she is). I wonder what is behind the Gates of Justice and who they'll find there (Tom?).
Can't wait till the CP9 fights get started. Looks like from the new intro we saw Luffy vs Blueno (sp?), Sanji vs Califa (ppprrrrrr), Zoro vs the other long nose (fogot his name), Franky vs Fukurou . That leaves Ussop (vs Lucci's bird?), Nami, Pauli, and Chopper (not counting Franky Family)...I wonder who they'll face off with; especially Chopper!
2 weeks...CRAP!
Wed, 05-24-2006, 11:41 AM
When I saw the word Sogeki take over the screen I was so happy they brought back the Sogeking themesong(Ru ru ra ra ru). I was not expecting the other 3 CP9 members to act like that. When the guy stabbed himself I couldn't stop laughing. I already want zipper mouth to go away. Luffy's new technique from the opening looked amazing, can't wait to see him use it.
Wed, 05-24-2006, 07:26 PM
Fukurou's voice is awful. Jab and my personal favorite CP9 Kumadori are awesome but I can't stand Fukurou's voice. Seriously not what I expected it to be.
Apart from that this eps. kicked ass. Lots of great stuff. I especially loved the new opening and ending and the return of Sogeking's theme song!
Thu, 05-25-2006, 06:14 PM
I agree with you there Deblas. I somehow imagined it to be different. It’s too child like. That’s my first impression. We will see how his voice and character develops.
All the three characters are a good addition to the CP9. I am looking forward to their fights and comedic situations.
Luffy’s new tricks? I am very excited about that. Although at this moment in time it looks impossible for Luffy to beat the invincible Luchi but we all know that Luffy is a tough cookie. He always pulls through especially when his nakama are in danger.
Anxiously waiting for Luffy’s rampage in Enies Lobby.
Go Luffy!
Thu, 05-25-2006, 11:26 PM
I agree with you there Deblas. I somehow imagined it to be different. It’s too child like. That’s my first impression. We will see how his voice and character develops.
All the three characters are a good addition to the CP9. I am looking forward to their fights and comedic situations.
Luffy’s new tricks? I am very excited about that. Although at this moment in time it looks impossible for Luffy to beat the invincible Luchi but we all know that Luffy is a tough cookie. He always pulls through especially when his nakama are in danger.
Anxiously waiting for Luffy’s rampage in Enies Lobby.
Go Luffy!Fuk's voice is so odd because little kids voice doesn't fit peach fuzz beard.
Also, is it me or does Luffy change color in the opening? What color is that?
Fri, 05-26-2006, 03:33 PM
You mean this?
It looks kinda like a pinkish to me, and it also looks like he goes through some sorta power up there, we saw something moving around his legs bursting out through his palms...
Umm...what the fuck is this?
So it seems like Franky's fighting fukoru, sanji fights califa, if you pause it right you see luffy performing that attack that blasts out of his palms on blueno, and zoro's fighting kaku. Doesn't that leave lucchi, and 2 of the dudes we saw this episode.
Fri, 05-26-2006, 03:59 PM
It looks like Luffy's training with King Kai has paid off as he has mastered the Kaiô-ken technique. Super Saiyan Luffy must not be far off.
Sat, 05-27-2006, 03:26 AM
Umm...what the fuck is this?
What do you mean "what is it?" It's Chopper....It's not even hard to tell. It's clearly Chopper, you can even see his little hat.
Sat, 05-27-2006, 11:15 PM
Yes but since when do chopper's eyes glow and he makes buildings crumble?
Sat, 05-27-2006, 11:24 PM
Since everyone seems to have new techniques and weapons maybe Chopper invented a stronger Rumble Ball that makes his eyes glow.
Sun, 05-28-2006, 12:01 AM
Since everyone seems to have new techniques and weapons maybe Chopper invented a stronger Rumble Ball that makes his eyes glow.
So he's cyclopes now? sorry, can't blame me I just saw X3
Sun, 05-28-2006, 01:07 AM
Yes but since when do chopper's eyes glow and he makes buildings crumble?
Old picture, chopper, busting through a wall, one glowing eye. None of it was anything special, just a collection of dramatic effects.
Nothing in that picture in the opening is anything we ain't seen already from him. Cept that the eye is blue this time.
Sun, 05-28-2006, 03:14 PM
Old picture, chopper, busting through a wall, one glowing eye. None of it was anything special, just a collection of dramatic effects.
Nothing in that picture in the opening is anything we ain't seen already from him. Cept that the eye is blue this time.
Can't see pic, not a member. :rolleyes:
Sun, 05-28-2006, 11:14 PM
Hmm, well if you've ever watched the AMV - Sail On, then you'll see the pic there.
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