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Tue, 05-02-2006, 06:40 PM
"Mom, I'm going to go upstairs and play with my Wii."

Just sounds... dirty.

Tue, 05-02-2006, 06:50 PM

I just heard about the, ah, "Wii" either yesterday or Sunday...I just kind of put my head on my hand and shook my head. I still wonder who decided that was a good idea. Honestly.......it just boggles the mind.

I think they're going to regret that decision later on...

Wed, 05-03-2006, 12:01 AM
No, people will get over it. I'm not an NES fanboy by any means (never liked N64), but I think Nintendo knows what it's doing.

Two years ago everyone was saying that a portable console with two screens was just plain stupid. Consider that.

Wed, 05-03-2006, 09:02 AM
People still say it's just plain stupid. So this decison will definatly end carears.

Wed, 05-03-2006, 10:33 AM
Maybe they could have gone with some format of "us" but I can't really think of a "cool, new agey" way to spell that and make it work in several languages. Not sure I like the remote design either...looks kind of awkward...I don't want to play my games with a VCR remote...

Wed, 05-03-2006, 12:43 PM
It seems some people never get tired of the same games over and over and over again

Wed, 05-03-2006, 10:53 PM
People are afraid of new things that are out of their comfort zone, obviously.

Thu, 05-04-2006, 03:47 AM
I have a feeling Wii will be a pretty good console even though the controller is wierd, i wanna try it to see if its good. Also the i's in Wii are suppose to represent the controllers or something lol

Mon, 05-08-2006, 01:17 AM
Ok, it seems we have two threads going that are very similar. I'm going to leave this one open due to the fact that it has more pages.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 02:39 AM
People still say it's just plain stupid. So this decison will definatly end carears.
No. It doesn't matter that people say it's stupid; the DS is currently the best-selling console worldwide. They can't keep production up with demand. Don't you think it's a little myopic to say that the name Wii will "definitely end careers"?

Mon, 05-08-2006, 12:37 PM
I agree with samsonlonghair - it won't end careers because usually people will buy a product they want regardless of the name or small things they don't like about it. Sure, the name Wii is going to get made fun of...a lot (especially since it already has), and the control is weird, but they're still going to sell. I'd bet plenty of money on this.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 12:46 PM
It will intimidate the more self-conscious gamers though.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 02:21 PM
It will intimidate the more self-conscious gamers though.
What? The name or the style of the console?

Mon, 05-08-2006, 02:59 PM
It's pretty much only an issue for english speaking countries. Of course there are countless interpolations of "wee" sounds that are...dirty. But in every other country that doesn't speak english, it's just a meaningless sound. No one is really happy with it, but it doesn't carry the same same conception it does in these countries. It's a bit of a kick in the face when you are forced to realized that the whole world doesn't speak English. I'm willing to bet in 6 months after its launch, after people are done with the urine and penis jokes, they'll just move on to another stupid decision.

I always hated the moniker "N64" so, like most people I know, adjusted it to "64" and people still knew what you were talking about. Here, we can always revert to "Nintendo" like I'll probably be using or Revolution if you still want to sound like a pretensious elitist, just like the people who still called the N64 the Ultra.

In the end, it still comes down to people understanding what you mean when you say, "Let's go play some Smash!"

I'm fine with the name, and in time, a lot of people will too. That $200 pricetag is gonna make a lot of difference.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 04:14 PM
Live from the SquareEnix conference:


2 more hours for the Sony Conference.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 04:55 PM
Very interesting stuff. I'm not sure which console I like the most, though the price does seem alot more reasonable on the Nintendo system.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 05:19 PM
I've heard that the ps3 will cost around $600, which is a pretty penny indeed. Xbox 360 has great graphics, but I haven't had a chance to actually play any games on it. I wonder how these new systems will compare to high end computers running Oblivion or other graphically intense games.

I always hated the moniker "N64" so, like most people I know, adjusted it to "64" and people still knew what you were talking about. Here, we can always revert to "Nintendo" like I'll probably be using or Revolution if you still want to sound like a pretensious elitist, just like the people who still called the N64 the Ultra.

In the end, it still comes down to people understanding what you mean when you say, "Let's go play some Smash!"

I still remember the 64 days. I had great times playing 4 player GoldenEye and Smash. Gamecube Smash Bros is great fun as well.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 05:51 PM
I've heard that the ps3 will cost around $600, which is a pretty penny indeed.

That would simply be retarded. Only rich snobby kids or elitest fanboys would spend more money on one console than the cost of the other two combined.

AlterEgo: The name

Mon, 05-08-2006, 05:58 PM
Thats just what I heard from my friend who is a hardcore console gamer. It could very well be wrong; when I heard it from him I said anyone willing to spend that much should just buy a computer. So, i'm definately skeptical about that information as it is only hearsay.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 06:15 PM
Even at $200 I'm just not inclined to buy the new gear anymore. $600 is just ridiculous. I mean honestly...

I think my console buying days are over. I'm just going to keep going old school with my Sega Genesis and N64 (if N64 is considered old school by this time...) I should get FF7 and play that too (yes, *gasp* Nicole has never played it!)

Mon, 05-08-2006, 06:18 PM
SONY Conference LIVE


Its in stream.... (damn it... can't watch at work... will have to wait until the news are published in text...)

SquareEnix is crazy. They announced Final Fantasy XIII and its sequel! -> Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Mon, 05-08-2006, 06:40 PM
yep i'm "watching it now". just stupid old scool music and only the playstation logo on the screen... It's 1:40 am over here and i want to go to bed.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 06:48 PM
PS1 logo... PS1 logo... yeaaah. Did they already finish this?

Those screens from FFXIII and FFXIII Versus look pretty cool, though. I surely hope the first one's protagonist isn't that girl, since she just looks like a yuna rip-off... and not badass at all.

Whoever is in the Versus screenshots looks totally awesome. I'd defienately buy that game, y0.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 06:51 PM

This also looks bit cloudish....


Mon, 05-08-2006, 06:54 PM
Crap it just started, I was actually enjoying the music. Hopefully they announce the price so I can stop hearing people come to the store saying its gonna cost 700.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 06:54 PM
From what I readed, the girl IS the protagonist of FFXIII.
Although I don't see a resemblance to Yuna...

And FF Versus XIII seems to be action based... and by the teams of Kingdom Hearts and Advent Children

Mon, 05-08-2006, 07:53 PM
Is it just my imagination or are they using standard controllers?

Mon, 05-08-2006, 08:01 PM
Is it just my imagination or are they using standard controllers?

Yea the boomerang was a joke.. btw what is going to be the price i missed that part.. nvm now i know...
damn that was neat... i want it and it want it BAD!!

Mon, 05-08-2006, 08:49 PM
I want one bad also, Oct FFXII and the Nov 17 PS3. I might not leave the house this winter. And the Wii controller doesn't seem so impressive anymore.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 09:05 PM
I heard from a friend who watched the Sony Conference that ps3 is using a controller with a motion senser now...just like the Wii. Looks like they realized the capabilities of the design, despite all the flack the "Wiimote" is getting. I wonder if perhaps they'll even do a better job of it.

I also heard the ps3 is going to be $500 for the 20GB version and $600 for the 60GB one. That's pretty insane.
Sony conference details (http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149470&cpage=0#comments).

I'm getting up early tomorrow to watch the Nintendo conference. Can't wait :D .

Mon, 05-08-2006, 09:05 PM
WOW, that press conference was amazing.

The controller was very impressive, and the motion sensor was very cool with Warhawk.(he would pull on the controller and the jet would slow down :D )

The i-toy was so great I was almost laughing at it's awesomeness. The card display was so cool, if you every watched Yugi-oh then you have a good idea of what it was like

Sony really did deliver this year, and I have no problem playing $641.98(this with the tax of the 599 price)(give or take...).

But still if you had to make me choose between the consoles then I would give up videogames for life.......probably

Mon, 05-08-2006, 09:23 PM
It didn't take long for the OMG Sony ripped off Nintendo pictures to show up. Best one I've seen http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/2555/sonythief8tv.jpg. And yea that Eye Toy game was pretty cool, I might actually pick it up since I'm a fan of Yugioh and that Duck card owned.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 09:38 PM
I guess I'm one of the detractors on this issue. With these announcements, I think Sony just lost the next console war.

The motion tracking controller they released has trigger elements of the old xbox controller (the L2 and R2 buttons), the LIVE button straight off the 360 controller, and a half-ass attempt to put motion control in. If you watch the video and listen to what he said, it only has 6 degrees of movement. That is not much better than our old friend the Powerglove. From the video, it also looked like he was having a difficult time getting it to do what he wanted with any type of smooth motion. The controller (http://www.gamersreports.com/grimages/940/1147134417/3/1/gr.image.jpg)

Compare this to the recent
TIME magazine article (http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1191861,00.html) where a reporter almost completely unfamiliar with gaming had a great time using the Wii controller in front of Miyamoto and Iwata.

It's also pretty good to note it only has 4 LED lights to indicate which controller is which. That's quite a different story from the 7 that were promised.

I think with the price tacked on, even if it doubles as a media center and Blu-Ray player, the price will turn off a HUGE number of parents buying consoles for their children. If I was one, I sure as hell wouldn't buy my kid a $500 gaming console. Even the SNES in today's dollars is only $300 or so.

I think Sony single handedly lost themselves a console war, as well as an HD format war.

Consider one more PS3 available for the rest of you to buy. You can take FFXIII too, I'll happily play the next Dragon Quest on the Wii.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 09:40 PM
Holy crap, I can't fricking believe it! First sony killed sega now there going for Nintendo as well. Yesh I really feel sorry for the big N since no matter how hard they try it seems as if Sony isn't going to let them have a break. I can only imagine the sony engineers working their asses off these past few months to get the damn thing working. All I can say is that if most PS3 titles utilize the motion sensor then nintendo has effectively lost their major advantage. Then again, they did say that they had one final secrete about the Wii which they haven't reveiled yet so hopefully they haven't put all of there cards on the taple yet.

As for the price, it seems resonable, I myself plan on buying three or four then selling them on ebay where there value will easily double or even triple, because you know that there is no fricking way Sony is going to produce enough systems to meet demand. Well here's hoping Nintendo has been keeping itself quite for a a damn good reason and has some kickass software to show off tomorrow.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 09:58 PM
I agree with Ryllharu. Even though Sony may not have directly ripped off Nintendo's motion sensor idea for the controller, it looks like they did a bad incorporating it anyway (compared to the Wii, that is).

The only way I see the ps3 "winning the console war" is because of its inherent popularity. Hardcare gamers are gonna buy a Playstation, no matter how much it costs.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 10:48 PM
I heard from a friend who watched the Sony Conference that ps3 is using a controller with a motion senser now...just like the Wii. Looks like they realized the capabilities of the design, despite all the flack the "Wiimote" is getting. I wonder if perhaps they'll even do a better job of it.

I also heard the ps3 is going to be $500 for the 20GB version and $600 for the 60GB one. That's pretty insane.
Sony conference details (http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149470&cpage=0#comments).

I'm getting up early tomorrow to watch the Nintendo conference. Can't wait :D .
"Wiimote?" Haha, I'm sorry, I just had to say how that cracked me up. I agree though, those prices are pretty insane. Guess they want to squeeze people for every penny eh?

Mon, 05-08-2006, 11:30 PM
I have to say that I'm very disappointed with Sony. I already hated all the rootkit nonsense they were putting on the Blu-Ray format. Some of this is just sad. After Months of talking about how 1080p was going to be the only "true" HD resolution What happens? Unreal Tournament and Virtua Fighter 5 reveal they will be running at the same 720p xbox 360 games do.

Another Problem is that the 500 dollar version doesn't just have a smaller hard drive. According to the Official Spec Sheet (http://www.scei.co.jp/corporate/release/pdf/060509ae.pdf) the 500 dollar verion has no wifi, no memory card reader, and no HDMI.

Mon, 05-08-2006, 11:54 PM
I'll definitely get the 60gb version.
I can spare part of my salary for this jewel :D

well... we can't expect first generation games of a new console to run at the top specs of a console? can we?

Tue, 05-09-2006, 11:30 AM

Tue, 05-09-2006, 11:39 AM

Tue, 05-09-2006, 12:47 PM
Soooo....did anyone catch the price of the Wii at the press conference?

B/c I sure as hell didn't....

Tue, 05-09-2006, 01:00 PM
That Nintendo conference was pretty awesome. I came. Twice. Seeing the Wii controller in action was really something. Not a lot of specific information was revealed, but we do now know that the Wii will be out 4th Quarter 2006, along with the new Zelda game - which will also be released on the Gamecube. They gave a demonstration of it using the Wii controller, and it looked great. Like using the Nunchuck (which also has a motion sensor) to sheild and attack while Z-Targetting, and using the right-hand controller to aim with the bow and arrows. They also showed demos of Red Steel, Mario Galaxy (new Mario!), and Metroid.

It seems the final secret about the remote is the built in speaker: IGN article here (http://revolution.ign.com/articles/706/706147p1.html).

I also thought it was funny how Nintendo was able to take a jab at itself: "About the name: We want to thank all the people that wrote good things about it the first time they heard it...both of you." I lol'd. Seeing Miyamoto play Tennis was also hilarious. He's the goofiest fucking guy.

Soooo....did anyone catch the price of the Wii at the press conference?

B/c I sure as hell didn't....
I'm willing to bet it won't be $500. They were sparse on details, but they did seem to stress how it would be cheaper than its competitors.

Tue, 05-09-2006, 01:02 PM
Can't see the video =/

And any shred of respect I had for Sony is now lost

Tue, 05-09-2006, 01:14 PM
You can't see the video for the Nintendo conference b/c it's over :p (you'll have to wait to dl it at gamespot)

You'll have to wait for the Microsoft conference, which I may end up missing -_-

Tue, 05-09-2006, 01:30 PM

Tue, 05-09-2006, 01:32 PM
I'm waiting for the conference to be available for download...

I'm assuming the price will be somewhere around $199. As its been said a couple hundred times, every Nintendo console has been launched at that. Maybe due to the technology in it, it will be $199 +/- 50.

I have to admit, I was expecting a little more out of it. The transcript didn't really give off anything, I'll just have to wait until I can see it in action.

Tue, 05-09-2006, 02:00 PM

The nintendo press conference sucked..


EDIT: nope not yet like Knives122 mentionet...

Tue, 05-09-2006, 02:20 PM
Because they used 6-7 years old technology?

*cough* http://www.neoseeker.com/Articles/Hardware/Roundups/tiltpad/ *cough*

Well, depending on the price, I might get a Wii. I'm definetely not getting a PS3 (I've never bought a PS, why change a winning concept?), a bit curious of the 360, for pirating reasons and some of the games.

The existence of the technology is irrelevent. It's the execution of the technology that counts. Virtual reality's another technology that's been created in the past as well, but without a successful execution, it's worthless. If the PS3's marketing campaign was centered on a strong VR foundation and Nintendo surprise-announced a half-assed VR attachment for their console, then I'd say the same thing about that as well.

An example of execution vs existence: 4 player console support. The concept was around since the NES, probably even earlier, but until the N64 came out, it was nothing more than a gimmick attachment.


Tue, 05-09-2006, 02:28 PM
I'll have my hamburger well done thank you.

Anywho, GSpot hasn't put up the link for the press conference yet, which means we'll all have to dl it later today........great. -_-

Tue, 05-09-2006, 07:36 PM
lol on gamespot, they now have a thumbnail for a wii page.

Anyway, video game news!

Wii controller hands on (http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149724&pid=930752)

Article over Zelda Twilight Princess on Wii (http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/thelegendofzelda/news.html?page=1&sid=6149675)

Article over Metroid Prime 3: Corruption on Wii (http://www.gamespot.com/wii/action/metroidprime3/news.html?page=1&sid=6149677)

Article over Halo 3 (http://www.gamespot.com/e3/e3story.html?sid=6149725&pid=926632)

all articles have videos


just watched the zelda video... amazing... simply amazing...

Wed, 05-10-2006, 01:33 AM
About the Zelda:

1. The fairy concept - my initial reaction is that might either be really handy or really annoying. Hopefully handy.

2. ...The remote and then...the nunchuck? Is that what he's calling it? Riiiiight.

3. "You'll feel like you're actually aiming a bow." Ok, sorry, I have to disagree with this. More like aiming a laser pointer, thank you. When you give me an actual bow or virtual bow, then I'll feel like I'm aiming a bow.

Not to knock on Zelda or anything at all - goodness know I love Zelda games, and that's my only sad factor with all the new stuff. New games want new consoles, and vice versa. Poor people like me get left in the dust. How sad. And I've been waiting for a new Zelda game for so long...

Wed, 05-10-2006, 03:32 AM
About the Zelda:

Not to knock on Zelda or anything at all - goodness know I love Zelda games, and that's my only sad factor with all the new stuff. New games want new consoles, and vice versa. Poor people like me get left in the dust. How sad. And I've been waiting for a new Zelda game for so long...

?? zelda is also comming on the gamecube..


Wed, 05-10-2006, 03:54 AM
I like how they're using the speaker in the controller. That's some great stuff. I hope they keep it up.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 08:47 AM
Nintendo's really presenting some great stuff imo. Man I hope they can pull it off. They're sort of at the make-or-break stage. Come on...

Wed, 05-10-2006, 08:54 AM
The Wii controller is a great concept, and I hope Nintendo can pull it nicely.

But somehow I feal we're having a lot of kids with broken controllers buying replacements....

I mean, when I was a kid, playing NES, the control sometimes fell from my hands with almost no movement. Now that the control has to be swinged like a racket, sword or others....

Good strategy to sell more controlers :D (just kidding :p )

changed where to we're.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 11:10 AM
This new information on the Zelda game has me pretty excited. Of course, I was excited about Windwaker too, and that turned out to be a huge letdown compared to Ocarina of Time.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 02:04 PM
Som add-ons to the wiimote: (got these from Omnicient from Gametrailers)

"Old School Mother Fucker!!!" :


FPS might actually be good for nintendo now:


Dibs on the Blue controller:


Wed, 05-10-2006, 03:08 PM

That is several kinds of awesome. The "old school" controller is also good for those people complaining that Nintendo should be using a more conventional controller setup. Seriously, the only thing left for people to complain about now is the Wiimote's weight. Apparently it's kind of heavy (as heavy as a DS) due to the speaker on it and the AA batteries used to power it.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 03:31 PM
@Turkish-S: Ah, yeah that's right, I forgot about the Gamecube Zelda...when on earth is that supposed to come out anyway? I remember hearing about that maybe a year or two ago.

@Xan: Aww, it takes batteries? I'd hate to think how many batteries that would consume over time. And I'd really hate to think of how I'd be in the middle of a boss battle or something and all of a sudden the thing goes dead on me... Boy would that ever be annoying.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 04:44 PM
@Turkish-S: Ah, yeah that's right, I forgot about the Gamecube Zelda...when on earth is that supposed to come out anyway? I remember hearing about that maybe a year or two ago.
Both the Gamecube and Wii versions of Twighlight Princess will be released on the Wii's laungh date, which is still only "4th Quarter 2006", meaning later on this year. I wonder why they haven't picked an actual date yet :confused:. They've been hazy on both the release date and the price. I smell a conspiracy. >_>

@Xan: Aww, it takes batteries? I'd hate to think how many batteries that would consume over time. And I'd really hate to think of how I'd be in the middle of a boss battle or something and all of a sudden the thing goes dead on me... Boy would that ever be annoying.
Well, that is true, except that all wireless controllers take batteries. The problem isn't unique to the Wii. Plus, I've been using the same batteries on my Wavebird for over a year and a half now. Battery life isn't THAT big of a problem. Hopefully they'll start using rechargeable batteries, 'cause yeah, that'd suck if it blanked out in the middle of a fight or you had to buy new batteries constantly.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 04:48 PM
I agree with Ryouga. Remember when you were a little kid and you thought that by turning the controller sideways while playing would turn the car even more? Well now it can...so those kids are going to go wacko with Wii controllers.

Wed, 05-10-2006, 04:54 PM
Well if they think smart and use Microsoft's idea, then we won't have a problem with battery life

Wed, 05-10-2006, 05:01 PM
Both the Gamecube and Wii versions of Twighlight Princess will be released on the Wii's laungh date, which is still only "4th Quarter 2006", meaning later on this year. I wonder why they haven't picked an actual date yet :confused:. They've been hazy on both the release date and the price. I smell a conspiracy. >_>

Well, that is true, except that all wireless controllers take batteries. The problem isn't unique to the Wii. Plus, I've been using the same batteries on my Wavebird for over a year and a half now. Battery life isn't THAT big of a problem. Hopefully they'll start using rechargeable batteries, 'cause yeah, that'd suck if it blanked out in the middle of a fight or you had to buy new batteries constantly.
Ah, I hadn't looked too close to the remote - the thing was I simply saw wires and as a controller, assumed it was hooked up the console. I figured it was just being called a remote because that's typical remote shape (guess that makes me remote biased? XD)

And I agree...conspiracy...

Wed, 05-10-2006, 10:58 PM
According to the-magicbox.com (http://the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm)

- Microsoft announced the HD-DVD peripherial for Xbox 360, tentatively named Xbox 360 Player, will be sold for US$199.


Xbox360 with 20gb HDD = 400
HD-DVD peripheral = 200
600 dlls

PS3 with 60GB HDD + Integrated Blu-ray reader = 600.

The only difference is that the xbox gives you the "choice" of not watching hd-movies.

Thu, 05-11-2006, 08:33 AM
I have no idea where that article gets the pricetag from this article (http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entertainment/xbox-360-hddvd-player-100-and-hdmi-169071.php) says it has no idea where the figure comes from (look at the update). I cannot find any confirmed price for the drive anywhere (spent 20 minutes looking). That number is made up.

The cheaper PS3 has no memory card slot, no HDMI (which destroys its advantage over the 360 and as a HD movie player), and the smaller HDD.

The Core Xbox 360 is upgradable to an equivalent of the better version for about $150.

If I was going to buy either one, I'd be buying a fully loaded one, but not everyone can afford that.

Thu, 05-11-2006, 09:01 AM
you forgot it also has no WiFI

Thu, 05-11-2006, 01:01 PM

yikes, what a rush of teasers!1e2sdflkj
This game is gonna be too good


Thu, 05-11-2006, 01:26 PM
Already saw the trailer yesterday :p

But there are alot of rumors going around: like, 65 playable characters, Sonic, FF characters!

And the best thing is that it'll be online, which will be the best treat of all.....if they can get it to work(in othe words assertn, you're going to get a beatdown :p )

Thu, 05-11-2006, 05:22 PM

Thu, 05-11-2006, 05:40 PM

yikes, what a rush of teasers!1e2sdflkj
This game is gonna be too good


that the same movie posted in the E3 discusion...

Click here (http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=10606&type=mov&pl=game) for a better quality movie

Thu, 05-11-2006, 06:42 PM
Flaming Fishsticks! That trailer was awesome. Metaknight is kickass! I wonder what new Pokemon will be added...

And the best thing is that it'll be online, which will be the best treat of all.....if they can get it to work(in othe words assertn, you're going to get a beatdown )

After me. I had dibs on him first.

Thu, 05-11-2006, 07:08 PM
Fuck yeah that is one awesome trailer, that game is so going to be mine.

I loved how they introduced Snake. :D

Thu, 05-11-2006, 07:11 PM
PS3 looks like it's gonna rock. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_4InHXPHvs&search=ps3%20freeze)

Thu, 05-11-2006, 07:46 PM
PS3 looks like it's gonna rock. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_4InHXPHvs&search=ps3%20freeze)

ahaha.. another crap made by sony.. i wonder what will people think after the ps3 froze like that on day 1

if they add more pokemon in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. i would like to see "Deoxys" as playable character and "Rayquaza" coming out of a pokeball lol

Thu, 05-11-2006, 08:13 PM
will you not jump the gun like that, that game is not to be release for a great while still, its a BETA, a demo/beta is bound to have glitches and bugs, its not so much about the hardware, more about the coding, test drive unlimited demo is freezing up lots of x360 consoles aswell, cause the devs made a booboo >_>.

bitching about stuff freezing at e3 is kinda stupid, since most of it are dev previews

Thu, 05-11-2006, 08:30 PM
bitching about stuff freezing at e3 is kinda stupid, since most of it are dev previews

I wasn't bitching; just posting what I found.

Truth be told, I'm probably going to end up buying a PS3. They have the most games that interest me.

And anyway, freezing shouldn't be that surprising. With graphics like that things are bound to freeze. Hell, even my friend's XBOX360 freezes occasionally when he plays Oblivion.

Thu, 05-11-2006, 09:29 PM
i wonder if there was a game on the Wii that froze like that

Thu, 05-11-2006, 09:51 PM
And the best thing is that it'll be online, which will be the best treat of all.....if they can get it to work(in othe words assertn, you're going to get a beatdown :p )
Seriously, if by next year we can have Gotwoot Smash Bros. Tournaments, that would be so awesome.

I have no clue what other characters they plan on throwing in there, but there's been a lot of talk about Sonic being playable. That'd be fun.

Thu, 05-11-2006, 10:11 PM
Seriously, if by next year we can have Gotwoot Smash Bros. Tournaments, that would be so awesome.

I have no clue what other characters they plan on throwing in there, but there's been a lot of talk about Sonic being playable. That'd be fun.

lol, if the online play is free, i will be there lol

edit : i just read something(on a noname website..) that said Nintendo Wi Fi connection will be free for Wii (like the DS), is it true?

Mon, 05-15-2006, 05:13 PM

Mon, 05-15-2006, 07:48 PM
well after the lie sweeper cleaned the back of it up all it looks like now is a redesigned ps2 back.

it gets less impressive everytime I see it -_-

Mon, 05-15-2006, 08:28 PM
just to note the black ps3 pictured there is the 20gb version, the 60gb version does have a hdmi port, even though its only 1! (bastard lies!)

Tue, 05-16-2006, 05:54 AM
haha, look at this realy nice drawing from Little Gamers ♥ Hot swedish love(webcomic):
from: http://www.little-gamers.com/

Tue, 05-16-2006, 08:43 AM
lol, "dont lie brother", funny comic

Tue, 05-16-2006, 02:04 PM
sony didn't steal anything from Wii, NIntendo stole the motion sensor concept from MS and some other company. The story begins in 1999 when MS and other copany made a controller for PC which had motion sensor, but in that time it was no use so that concept was abandoned. Now Nintendo and Sony are planning to use it in their new consoles. So in the end it was Nintendo who stole the concept from MS.

Tue, 05-16-2006, 02:58 PM
we know..

alos nintendo didnt steal anything, they improved it greatly

Tue, 05-16-2006, 06:39 PM
sony didn't steal anything from Wii, NIntendo stole the motion sensor concept from MS and some other company. The story begins in 1999 when MS and other copany made a controller for PC which had motion sensor, but in that time it was no use so that concept was abandoned. Now Nintendo and Sony are planning to use it in their new consoles. So in the end it was Nintendo who stole the concept from MS.

The nintendo powerglove was out before 1999. Here's the old commercial for it.


Wed, 05-17-2006, 02:49 AM
The nintendo powerglove was out before 1999. Here's the old commercial for it.


yup that true

Name : Power Glove

Manufacturer : Nintendo/ Mattel (US)/PAX (Japan)

Release Date : 1989

Rarity : Scarce

System : Nintendo Entertainment System

Category : Controller

Nintendo have that technology for 17 years now, so shit about sony made it first is all WRONG!

Fri, 05-26-2006, 11:54 AM
Demonstration of PS3 controller (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpthPKpyMGQ)

I'm not sure if you guys have seen this before, but this is going to bring about a whole new world of gaming possibilities. :)

Fri, 05-26-2006, 12:43 PM
But probably not on too many third-party games, since it's fairly awkward. It's great for flight sims and flying intensive games, as were the Mircosoft gampads from the mid-late 90's, which the PS3 controller basically is.

I'd much rather have vibration than "6 degrees of freedom." But since Sony lost the patent lawsuit with Immersion, they cobbled together this thing. In ten days before E3, if you take the words of some of the Warhawk developers. Sony can claim "incompatible hardware" all they want, since it isn't anything more than a gyro stuck in the controller. It's not like the controller vibrates all over the place when you hold it (as it does on a table), since your hands absorb most of the vibration.

That vibration lawsuit loss and subsequent removal of the dual shock (which Sony could have just paid Immersion instead, gave them credit, and kept it in) pissed off a lot of developers.

I don't even realize when my controllers vibrate anymore, that's how much it has become integrated into gaming. I don't think the change will open many possibilites, rather, I think the switch will probably dampen the whole experience.

But that's just me.

Fri, 05-26-2006, 01:46 PM
Demonstration of PS3 controller (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpthPKpyMGQ)

I'm not sure if you guys have seen this before, but this is going to bring about a whole new world of gaming possibilities. :)

That's going to cause a lot of problems if you have 2, or worse 4 (idk if they finally added 4 ports yet) big guys playing a joint flight sim in an enclosed space.

Fri, 05-26-2006, 03:10 PM
That's going to cause a lot of problems if you have 2, or worse 4 (idk if they finally added 4 ports yet) big guys playing a joint flight sim in an enclosed space.

Are you saying it'll be a problem on the TV screen or that the big guys will collide into each other...?

I happen to think this is a rather good idea, not just for flight similators, but it can be encorperated into many other games too.

Fri, 05-26-2006, 03:17 PM
That's going to cause a lot of problems if you have 2, or worse 4 (idk if they finally added 4 ports yet) big guys playing a joint flight sim in an enclosed space.

Likewise for 4 big guys playing Tennis on a GameCu... Wii:rolleyes:

Fri, 05-26-2006, 03:58 PM
A friend of mine mentioned a good point, that having all the motion degrees on one device limits simultaneous functionality, like the ability to spin while pulling up or down, etc. I can't see this being used much more than for driving and flight sims, just as what happened when they added analog to the 4 main buttons on their ps2 controller.

they added some character pages in the smash bros site

Fri, 05-26-2006, 05:33 PM
hum... maybe there will be another new character, since there is a blank spot on the right side of the Wario icon, but who might it be... sonic? lol

as for the ps3 controller... what else then simulating games can that be good for? turning with a car? maybe like the Wii controller, be able to point at the enemi with the controller...

Sat, 05-27-2006, 01:07 AM
hum... maybe there will be another new character, since there is a blank spot on the right side of the Wario icon, but who might it be... sonic? lol

as for the ps3 controller... what else then simulating games can that be good for? turning with a car? maybe like the Wii controller, be able to point at the enemi with the controller...

I would guess solid snake.

I'm under the impression the controller operates like a gyro, and therefore has no pointing capability.

Sat, 05-27-2006, 10:21 AM
ps3 controller = rotational (tilt)
Wii controller = directional+rotational (simulating depth)

Sun, 05-28-2006, 10:51 AM
I knew that moving the 360 while gaming would scratch a disc but I never seen it happen till now. If my PS3 made that sound I'd cry.


Sun, 05-28-2006, 07:08 PM
xbox360 suck even more then what i thought it did at first...

ps3 controller = rotational (tilt)
Wii controller = directional+rotational (simulating depth)

so the Wii controller is better right?

Sun, 05-28-2006, 07:17 PM
yes it its ^_^

Sun, 05-28-2006, 08:41 PM
I knew that moving the 360 while gaming would scratch a disc but I never seen it happen till now. If my PS3 made that sound I'd cry.



That's why I'm happy I didn't waste any money on a 360.

Sun, 05-28-2006, 09:56 PM
xbox360 suck even more then what i thought it did at first...

so the Wii controller is better right?

You are free to smash your tv rem.... wii controller on your rivals head and feign innocence... stating you were trying to hit the tennis ball :D


WTF? damn xbugs service pack 359.9 sucks even more with that video :S

Sun, 05-28-2006, 10:19 PM
You are free to smash your tv rem.... wii controller on your rivals head and feign innocence... stating you were trying to hit the tennis ball :D


WTF? damn xbugs service pack 359.9 sucks even more with that video :S

we can't smash each other if we both use something like that (http://www.braultmartineau.com/Catalogue/Images/001/711/11/00157111_ImageDetail.jpg)

lol xbugs...

Sun, 05-28-2006, 10:49 PM
Thats just stupid, ok so the drive has a problem, but every booklet says NOT TO MOVE THE DAMN THING, it even says so in the dreamcast booklet ( and in the ps2 and in the gc etc.. ). its stupid to move something while its on, when its not meant to move...WHILE ITS ON, try moving/tilting your pc when burning a dics, bam instant failure.

so the drive has a defect, its not like they dont warn you not to move it, if you do, its your problem, not ms's.

if you plan on constantly moving your console, get a psp or something.

Mon, 05-29-2006, 09:54 AM
uh.. xbox360 scratch your CD when you move the console, not the Gamecube... many time i have moved my gamecube while playing (my mom wanted to "clean" the dust... lol) and all my CD are still "Like-New" .

and while burning a CD on my PC i sometime move it too, and never freaking happen to me having a stupid disk failed to burn or something that just happen when you try to copy a big files at a too high speed

Mon, 05-29-2006, 10:42 AM
uh.. xbox360 scratch your CD when you move the console, not the Gamecube... many time i have moved my gamecube while playing (my mom wanted to "clean" the dust... lol) and all my CD are still "Like-New" .

and while burning a CD on my PC i sometime move it too, and never freaking happen to me having a stupid disk failed to burn or something that just happen when you try to copy a big files at a too high speed

Never happened with my PS2 either.

Mon, 05-29-2006, 10:46 AM
so what he said was total bullshit, because even if they say not to move it, a good console is not suppose to scratch all your CD by just moving it a little and it is inevitable that someday, your console will be moved while you(or someone else) play on it, by yourself, a friends or someone in your familly.

Mon, 05-29-2006, 11:44 AM
A friend of mine has a fuked-up PS2. The only way it reads games is to turn it upside down.
And thus he inserts the disc, leaves the PS2 on (he's lazy and won't turn off and then on again), turns the PS2 upside down, and then plays.
He's never gotten a scratched disc this way.

Mon, 05-29-2006, 12:46 PM
and that prove the Xbox360 suck big time, until microsoft correct those bug i am so not buying one of those

Mon, 05-29-2006, 01:39 PM
what i say is bullshit? where did i say the ps2 or gc scratch the disc? i said THEY WARN YOU NOT TO MOVE IT, if you ignore the warning and something happens its your own damn fault, and if the burning/copying doesnt fail, it will stall for the time that it moves, IT WILL, the stall can range from 1 sec to a full minute.

again if you didnt understand me, i said, the booklets WARN not the move it when its on, if you do you suck and deserve to have some problem, its like clicking a stupid "you win" banner, getting spyware afterwards and then complain, the warning is there dont deny it, and btw there are ps2's that do scratch discs, if yours doesnt, you simply have a drive that doesnt ( there ARE multiple drives you know... )

edit: for the person who gave me neg rep on this one, you are obviously retarded.

Mon, 05-29-2006, 04:17 PM
First of all, my old CD player used to do this too. That's why you didn't rotate them 90 degrees when they were running. It's caused by the rotational inertia of the disk and some obstruction that wasn't accounted for during rotating a console while it was on in the initial design. There's absolutely NO reason that a design engineer should have to take that into account. Common sense alone tells you that it shouldn't be done. It's like a fork in a toaster. It says all over the toaster not to do it, but people do it anyway. Is it really the fault of the toaster maker?

The new version of the 360 will feature a cooler running chipset and the drive scratch effect will be repaired, so you can stop complaining about it when those come out. MS said this months ago when the problem was first revealed, but either way, as darkshadow says, they do warn you about it, so really, you can only blame yourself. They'll never announce when they put them out though.

There are always problems with the first production set of any major electronics like this, and if you don't think other systems don't have these, think again. Gamecube used to run a little hot (not that it ultimately affected anything, but it was mentioned), the PS2's gunked up with dust and died and the dvd didn't always work after that (I've taken apart and cleaned mine 5 times). Coca-Cola used to have a liberal dosage of cocaine, 2nd generation iMacs had a poor cd drive design (in my opinion anyway), Service packs for Windows, etc. Things have flaws, no design is perfect.

And the first Death Star had ventilation ports you could shoot a pair of proton torpedoes down, just like the PS3's got.

Tue, 05-30-2006, 05:19 PM
I'm getting myself a Wii for christmas and a PS3 next christmas (hopefully the prices would have lowered by then) :p

Tue, 05-30-2006, 07:27 PM
I'm getting myself a Wii for christmas and a PS3 next christmas (hopefully the prices would have lowered by then) :p

ya me too (the wii part)
but no PS3, at least not until i get my self a job, and then buy it..

Tue, 05-30-2006, 10:32 PM
The Nintendo fan boy in me which I thought had died when the PS2 came out is forcing me to consider buying a Wii... even though I don't really know what games I would like playing on it. Everyone keep harping on about Zelda: Ocarina of Time on the N64 and how good it was, but I didn't feel blown away by it. It actually seemed a bit depressing at times. FFIX was more enjoyable in my opinion. Anyway that's all for this random rant.

Tue, 05-30-2006, 10:56 PM
In about a yr or two I think I'll pick up a Wii as a secondary system like I did this gen with an XBox. Only reason why I'm leaning towards a Wii instead of an 360 is cause I love playing Mario Soccer/Kart/Tennis and Smash Brothers, I'll need to wait till all 4 of those are out.

Tue, 05-30-2006, 11:01 PM
From the-magicbox.com

Capcom also revealed the planned titles for each platform in the 2006 financial year:

PlayStation 2 - 33 titles / 3.4 million units
PlayStation 3 - 3 titles / 150,000 units
PSP - 21 titles / 2.5 million units
Xbox - 1 title / 100,000 units
Xbox 360 - 6 titles / 1.85 million units
GameCube - 0 title
GameBoy Advance - 2 titles / 300,000 units
Nintendo DS - 10 titles / 1.6 million units

Notice the absence of Wii.
I find disturbing a giant like Capcom doesn't have plans for the Wii.

Tue, 05-30-2006, 11:48 PM
i just realised something.. the Wii controller have Rumble in it.. (unlike the fake half completed PS3 controller) i didn't even know that, heh i learn new stuff everyday :)

Wed, 05-31-2006, 08:56 AM
From the-magicbox.com

Notice the absence of Wii.
I find disturbing a giant like Capcom doesn't have plans for the Wii.

they do have plans ( resident evil is one of them), just not for 2006

Wed, 05-31-2006, 10:46 AM
dont 4got the megaman games as stated in an interveiw from some capcom guy :/

im a definate for the ps3 :) (ff13, not missing tht!)

Wed, 05-31-2006, 11:55 AM
if only Square Enix (or whatever they name is now) release a New good FF on the Wii too.. not just some fucking crap chronicle that suck balls

Thu, 06-01-2006, 01:42 PM
Looks like snake will be using explosives instead of guns.

Thu, 06-01-2006, 01:55 PM
Something looks weird about Snake. I can't place it though. Maybe he's got too much stubble or something, or maybe it's just me.

Otherwise, looking at those screenshots, he seems to fit well into the game's feel.

Thu, 06-01-2006, 02:16 PM
When this was first announced to the media, it was greeted with shouts of joy that resembled screams.

so true...
did they realy needed to say that...:
Snake? Snake! SNAAAAAAAKE!

he will use explosive uh.. he will blow him self up, i wonder if his B attack will be a Gun (like Fox/Falco, or Samus, if we consider her cannon like a gun), all i want from Snake in the game is the his box lol

link is sooo dead :p

Thu, 06-01-2006, 05:04 PM
I'm guessing, if the box is incorporated, it will either be his B-down or his Block/Roll. I also have no idea what they have against him using guns. Both Fox and Falco use guns (well..."blasters" but they're essentially guns). Thinking about him using explosives makes me wonder if he might be a slower character.

Thu, 06-01-2006, 11:30 PM
well... since sneaking is supose to be made slow, and solid snake mostly do sneaking to avoid enemi, then yes, he will probably be slow... but, i wish not..

Fri, 06-02-2006, 12:47 AM
Unfortunately, the screenshot gets my hopes up that, somehow, sneaking will be incorporated into Snake's gameplay. Knowing that to be an impossibility looking at the mechanics and pace of Melee (not to mention that the players see everything going on on-screen), I just hope that means he'll be either ridiculously fast, or turns invisible while moving.

Oh, and Link's going to get interrogated and have his throat slit in glorious fashion in that pic.

Thu, 09-14-2006, 08:02 AM
not sure where (if anywhere) there are topics on the Ps3 and Wii, I know the PS3 has its own thread, but since I was originally more interested in posting Wii info (which looks like it might not have a thread of its own), I'm putting both here.

news came out a couple days ago...

400K PS3s for Nov. 17 US Launch (http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6157152.html)
That's 4 times more PS3s for North America than for Japan!
"1.2 million by Christmas"

November 19th - Wii to cost $250 (http://uk.gamespot.com/news/6157572.html)


25 games on launch (anyone know which ones they are?)
$250 version includes the "Sports Package" for tennis, baseball and other games.
NES - SNES - N64 games to cost between $5 -$10 each
Gadgets include: Internet browsing, DVD player and news/weather channel

oh, and Twilight Princess might not be on the launch as planned, but come a month or so later...

Thu, 09-14-2006, 12:29 PM
Gadgets include: Internet browsing, DVD player and news/weather channel
Out of all that information, this is by far the most shocking and confusing. It just seems like such a random thing for a game consol to have.

I also heard the Wii will use Opera as a web browser. Don't know what to make of that.

Thu, 09-14-2006, 02:02 PM
Out of all that information, this is by far the most shocking and confusing. It just seems like such a random thing for a game consol to have.

I also heard the Wii will use Opera as a web browser. Don't know what to make of that.

opera is a great browser, it will also be on the DS

and cool, Wii sport will be included in the bundle! and now it have 5 games! (tennis, gold, baseball, bowling and boxe)

Fri, 09-15-2006, 12:51 AM
Wii sports is a good pack-in. I don't think that many people would buy it standalone, but it shows off the capabilities of the wii very well. What's going to be great is Warioware for the Wii; imagine all the cool mini games they'll come up with for that.

Tue, 10-03-2006, 02:17 AM
Demonstration of the Mii channel on the Wii: http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=13169&type=wmv&pl=game. Basically you can create a customized 3-d avatar to use in games like Wii sports. Demo complete with Samuel L. Jackson awesomeness.

The dude makes a pretty shitty Sam though. That aside, I love the concept. I'm gonna spend hours when I first get the Wii just making different Mii's.

Here's an online flash thing where you can test it out: http://www.joystiq.com/media/2006/10/mii.swf.

Tue, 10-03-2006, 07:12 AM
Here's an online flash thing where you can test it out: http://www.joystiq.com/media/2006/10/mii.swf.

haha, that thing is nice, i hope there will be more option in the real version

i made this crap...

Tue, 10-03-2006, 12:59 PM
i made this crap...
Heh, I tried to make one of myself:

Also, a black Charlie Brown with Down Syndrome:

Tue, 10-03-2006, 01:47 PM
lol your black Charlie Brown...

Tue, 10-03-2006, 03:00 PM
This is fun ;D


Tue, 10-03-2006, 03:22 PM
heh tried my hand at myself as well.

Tue, 10-03-2006, 04:01 PM
Mii is ridiculously gay. They should let you create your own shit from scratch, not with pre-designed body parts.

Tue, 10-03-2006, 05:47 PM
Mii is ridiculously gay. They should let you create your own shit from scratch, not with pre-designed body parts.

Did I hear someone say gaaaaay (http://img395.imageshack.us/img395/4323/gaygrapezd5.png)?

But, seriously, it's not bad after some time and creativity investment, like this lil' bugger (http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1832/mostbestmiitf1.png).

Tue, 10-03-2006, 05:53 PM


Fri, 11-03-2006, 11:11 PM
New Super Smash Bros Brawl trailer (http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=88493)

Sat, 11-04-2006, 12:03 AM
Oh......it appears fox will be in the game........

Sat, 11-04-2006, 04:05 AM
Oh......it appears fox will be in the game........
Not only that, they gave him huge, green anime eyes.

I guess it was a little naive of me to think we'd actually see anything interesting in that trailer?

Sat, 11-04-2006, 12:16 PM
Engadget just posted pics and videos unpacking (http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/03/unpacking-our-playstation-3-with-video/) their new PS3. Damn, that thing is as huge as I thought.

Winged Dancer
Sat, 11-04-2006, 02:19 PM
Yeah, it's pretty big.... I attended the Electronic Game Show (the only videogame con at Mexico) last week and they had it on display, I was surprised at the size. I dunno, maybe it's only big in comparison to the Wii (smaaaaaall) but it really looked bulky...

...well, that's the power it has, too. Of the videos I saw "Lair" looked the best, now that's a game I can't wait to play.

For the moment, however, I'll watch the new Twilinght Princess trailer again...

Sat, 11-04-2006, 04:06 PM
Engadget just posted pics and videos unpacking (http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/03/unpacking-our-playstation-3-with-video/) their new PS3. Damn, that thing is as huge as I thought.

I just came in my jeans.

Sat, 11-04-2006, 11:44 PM
Err... so... why do you guys say the PS3 is big?
Isn't it the same size of the PS2?

Sun, 11-05-2006, 05:23 AM
The playstation 3 isnt that big in comparison to the xbox 360

Remember that xbox's power supply is external while ps3's is internal

Winged Dancer
Sun, 11-05-2006, 12:40 PM
I think the PS3 is a little bigger than the PS2, or at least bulkier towards the top since it's curved and the PS2 is plain. It's still a pretty neat design, of course.

And I'm not sure how it compared to the X360 in terms of size... since I don't have one of those...

Sun, 11-05-2006, 08:31 PM
Sandldan's pic was just what I needed for answer :D

I already have half the money for a ps3... using the remnants of my salary... (about 5% thorugh several months)... and since I won't buy it until half through 2007... it will be enough :D

Mon, 11-06-2006, 03:30 AM
Oh......it appears fox will be in the game........

Consider this: isn't that better than more pokeymans?

Mon, 11-06-2006, 03:36 AM
From the specs I read, PS3 is bigger than the original XBox.
As far as internal power supply goes, I'm thinking that's on its way out. With ever-increasing processor speed, comes ever-hotter power supplies. The logical place for the power supply to be is outside of the box.

That's just my two cents.

Mon, 11-06-2006, 07:23 AM
From the specs I read, PS3 is bigger than the original XBox.

That's just my two cents.

If you look at the picture with the controller in it you can see that the console can't be bigger than the original xbox.. maybe heavyer but i don't think bigger.


Mon, 11-06-2006, 07:48 AM
Does it even matter how big it is?

Mon, 11-06-2006, 11:32 AM
Size matters to a certain degree...


Mon, 11-06-2006, 12:28 PM
Size matters to a certain degree...


haha, that big.

Winged Dancer
Mon, 11-06-2006, 02:37 PM
lol, that's a nice picture XD

Anyway, I'll probably get a PS3 around Christmas next year or January 2008 (man that sounds so far away) when they're cheaper and have a good, solid library. Since I have a younger brother, I wouldn't complain much about the price - he always pays half of it - but the PS3's price has been bumped up to 750-800 dollars here. That's just too much! I could get two Wii for that price, and those are 360 dollars here.

Mon, 11-06-2006, 05:02 PM
Err... isn't gameplanet pre-selling the Wii at around 500 dlls (5000 pesos if we had the dll at 10 pesos that is...)

Winged Dancer
Mon, 11-06-2006, 09:06 PM
Yeah, but I'm not gonna buy it at Gameplanet when a little makeup and some smiles can get me a discount at GamesWorld, which is usually cheaper anyway... seriously, while GamePlanet was selling the DS Lite at 2600 pesos, GamesWorld had it at 2500 with a free game included.

(and no, I didn't buy the DS Lite. My mother did and now she plays Brain Age and Nintendogs all day long. Then she feels guilty with our real life dog and plays with her.)

Anyway Ryouga, you live so close to the US, couldn't you just go and buy one there? Everybody here at the DF wants to do that, but if you add the plane ticked then it's just stupid, heh.

Mon, 11-06-2006, 11:10 PM
Yeah. That is what Im doing next year. Currently I care more about getting games as FFXII, .hack//GU 1 to 3, Ar Tonelico and Rogue Galaxy.

Next year I'll definitely travel to Laredo or McAllen and get one.

The only thing I've bought from GamePlanet was an Atomix magazine that included the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Trailer.

Tue, 11-07-2006, 11:19 AM
time to come back to reality:
the 360 is overal BIGGER then a normal xbox ( i have both ), the sleek design is just an optical illusion.
also the ps3 might have a build in psu BUT, it gets WAAAAY hotter then a 360 ( i dont feel like looking it up were it said that), and the psu thing is just stupid, mine isnt even close to my 360.

Tue, 11-07-2006, 11:35 AM
No sources, no reliable info :D

PS: you forgot the Xbox360 cooler to compare the final size :D

Love to exploit this posts

Tue, 11-07-2006, 12:17 PM
Indeed, along with the fact that the 360 battery thing is the one that gets hot, not the case. And then there was that whole STARTING FIRES thing. Also, nice use of foreshortening in that pic there.

Tue, 11-07-2006, 05:00 PM
foreshortening? are you retarded? i already said the whole psu thing is stupid, cause mine isnt even close to my 360, MEANING the place i put my 360 will remain COOL, the ps3 itselfs gets very hot, it will prolly need a lot more room then a 360 aswell ( not because of size, but because of heat ).

We arent talking about the psu here, just about the console itself ( like im gonna say for the 3rd time now, my psu isnt even close to it ), the 360 is cooler and smaller, prolly MUCH lighter aswell ( the 360+psu weighs A lot, much more then an xbox ), seeing how it doesnt have the psu build in.

Tue, 11-07-2006, 05:07 PM

Tue, 11-07-2006, 06:09 PM
For the son of a bitch that neg repped me, with such a dumbass comment for my previous post, if you cant even discuss things maturely, i guess i should treat your bitchass in the same way, go back sucking cock for 1$ instead of being an bitch( prolly is the same thing anyway).

anyway, i just left on my 360 for an hour, and the psu is warm, but only a small part of it, the rest is cool, ppl who have hot psu's or "starting fires" are just idiots, who crammed it in some non ventilated location.

Winged Dancer
Tue, 11-07-2006, 06:17 PM
Hgnnnnnhgghhhhhhhhh WIIIIIIII


Just 12 more days too!

And 10 for the PS3. Anyone here getting one come next-next Friday?

And on the PS3 heating up, there's a story down at the Avatar ( http://www.evilavatar.com for those who don't know it) that basically refutes those rumours. PS3s heating so much they melt is a story as unbelievable as the Wii being un-playable in the sun...

Edit: Found the story I was talking about.

I'm not completely sure of how true this all is - being so close to launch certain sites will claim something while some others will claim something different... I'm optimistic, however, so until someone here or someone I know tells me otherwise I'll believe the PS3 doesn't oveheat much.

Tue, 11-07-2006, 06:27 PM
hot enough to melt is indeed stupid, but it does heat up:
"Since the folks at IGN have a PS3 debug kit, they had a small Q&A regarding the PS3. We thought that you guys wouldn't really want to read about other people's befuddlement regarding the much-awaited PS2 successor so we'll just drop the Q's and give you the A's. Here be the details:
The system is quiet. However it heats up. You can definitely feel the system spew hot air from the vents on the side. The back of the system gets particularly hot. The sides just get mildly warm."

its only logical for a system that is passively cooled WITH a build in psu to get hot, seeing how its the back ( and even the sides a bit ) the ps3 will need a lot more ventilating space then a 360, i wont be suprised if we get the same "system crash/lockup" things as we had with the 360 ( even though only idiots got them )

Oh and above was from QJ.net

Tue, 11-07-2006, 06:42 PM
wow, after reading a ton of things online, sony isn't gonna meet there goal of 1.8 million units for the US, currently only having 650k unites for US distrobutions...appearantly they ran out of the components to make blue ray disks and the units being released won't even have a working version of linux when you buy it. *ill try to have the article i was reading online about all the current problems sony america is having*

long live the Wii, if sony goofs this up then microsoft just might actually get a footing in japan ..making wii and microsoft the dominating systems in japan.

also, microsoft will be releasing somethign with xbox from what i have read it will make Xbox games more versatile and easier to port them to PC . so really what this could also mean for sony is that they will have alot more game companies going to a universal platform because of the difficulties they are having coding games for the ps3..

Tue, 11-07-2006, 06:46 PM
"400k for US, and 80k for JPN" those are the amounts of units for launch date.

Tue, 11-07-2006, 06:52 PM
its only logical for a system that is passively cooled WITH a build in psu to get hot, seeing how its the back ( and even the sides a bit ) the ps3 will need a lot more ventilating space then a 360, i wont be suprised if we get the same "system crash/lockup" things as we had with the 360 ( even though only idiots got them )

Since PS3 was developed in Japan, you would think they could have easily averted that woefully famous idiot factor: They could have just borrowed a few of the Naruto filler script writers as testers, and every possible problem arising from idiocy among customers would have been revealead...

(Sorry about spamming this thread, but I'm not really any gamer, and won't be buying any of the next gen consoles.)

Fri, 11-10-2006, 08:16 PM
Awww not fair!
they get the Wii before everyone else!

also, a new video of Zelda twilight princess

Sat, 11-11-2006, 07:46 PM
After the PS3 launch in Japan today the PS3 is starting to look more and more promising.

A couple of examples

It seems that you'll be able to install any OS you'd like, atleast that's how i understood this o_O

And the firmware of the PS3 is supporting Homebrew.

The PS3 will also recognize a whole lot of HD's, though it has to be 3,5" model to fit inside it. The 20gb version seems all the more compelling now

The PS3 also supports unlimited and unrestricted video viewing at HD quality.

And much more will surely come in due time, it havent really been out for a long time so ;p

Sat, 11-11-2006, 09:22 PM
I think I'll get a Wii and wait on the PS3.

Sun, 11-12-2006, 01:12 AM
There's supposed to be some big Nintendo-sponsored event over in Universal city next Saturday at Midnight (or is midnight the beginning of Sunday? meh...)

I'm thinkin of headin up there and try to snag myself a wii while i'm at it.

Thu, 11-16-2006, 05:35 PM
The people camping out at my store started yesterday morning. One of my friends is camping out and told me some people did a drive by with water balloons:D. Was also funny when I got to work this morning at 7 and jumped on his and his friends tent to wake up:D.

Winged Dancer
Thu, 11-16-2006, 06:37 PM
Wow, Mexico sure has it pretty!! At least here in the city, we'll be getting the Wii - but not the games. Har har, what a nice joke.

Oh wait, I think we DO get the Sponge Bob game!

Zelda, however, will be out three or four days after the system hits the stores. Classy, ain't it? Well, I guess that gives me three more days to work on my final essays...

Fri, 11-17-2006, 05:01 AM
PS3's out where I live but it costs way too much now, so most probably I'll only get one when MSG4 gets released together with perfect scores to tempt me into parting with hard earned money. Nintendo doesn't get much attention here, but there's still a strong crowd following. Can't say the same for the Xbox 360 though.

Fri, 11-17-2006, 06:16 AM
i wish i could see the face of those who were waiting outside the store, and then the employee tell them there is no more ps3 left.

Fri, 11-17-2006, 10:09 AM
i have decided to get the Wii after reading some articles on how inexpensive it will be for developers to make games for it. That and I won't be able to get a ps3 for some time and it's too expensive.

besides, i'm so intrigued about the new interface that I don't care if it does flop. i'm pretty confident it wont

Fri, 11-17-2006, 10:18 AM
This guy will obviously won't get paid:

http://cgi.ebay.com/SONY-PLAYSTATION-3-CONSOLE-60GB-PS3-PREMIUM-FREE-S-H_W0QQitemZ230049396649QQihZ013QQcategoryZ62054QQr dZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Winged Dancer
Fri, 11-17-2006, 12:01 PM
A lot of PS3 online auctions will be boicotted by bitter gamers with no PlayStation.

Not that I blame them. It's just frustrating to see the PS3 just there, while there are some people who would actually want to play it. I kinda hope they'll continue pushing the prices like that.

Seriously, anyone seen the news posted lately at http://www.evilavatar.com? Now it seems two teens tried to rob a PS3 and actually shot the vendor. If that actually happened and isn't just some made up story by sony haters, the hype is getting out of hand.

Fri, 11-17-2006, 12:34 PM
Just finished gears of war.. good game bit short though.. the multiplayer is just brutal...

Fri, 11-17-2006, 03:20 PM
A lot of PS3 online auctions will be boicotted by bitter gamers with no PlayStation.

Not that I blame them. It's just frustrating to see the PS3 just there, while there are some people who would actually want to play it. I kinda hope they'll continue pushing the prices like that.

Seriously, anyone seen the news posted lately at http://www.evilavatar.com? Now it seems two teens tried to rob a PS3 and actually shot the vendor. If that actually happened and isn't just some made up story by sony haters, the hype is getting out of hand.

It was not made up. I saw that news on CNN.com

They also a video of a human "avalanche" when a WalMart announced they had 10 free spots (I think).

Like you said, the hype is out of hand. I want one, but not now, nor through the next year. Until a big RPG comes out I won't get one.

Fri, 11-17-2006, 05:44 PM
Like you said, the hype is out of hand. I want one, but not now, nor through the next year. Until a big RPG comes out I won't get one.

Or until all major hardware failures have been smoothed out.

Fri, 11-17-2006, 06:25 PM
I fnally got to hookup and play the demo unit in my store. Was cool but the darn thing locked up and went back to the main menu when I reached the 4th quarter of NBA 07:mad:. The demo units are playing the demo's from the hard drive so they seem to have problems running them:mad:. People playing the unit for hrs today didn't seem to care though.

This guy will obviously won't get paid:

http://cgi.ebay.com/SONY-PLAYSTATION-3-CONSOLE-60GB-PS3-PREMIUM-FREE-S-H_W0QQitemZ230049396649QQihZ013QQcategoryZ62054QQr dZ1QQcmdZViewItem

The auction was cancelled but I'm guessing it was about 8k??? That was the highest I saw. I told my friend to wait before he put his up since I knew this was gonna happen. Plus with the like 1900 systems up there his it's easy to miss his till it reaches like the last hr.

Fri, 11-17-2006, 07:04 PM
The auction was cancelled but I'm guessing it was about 8k??? That was the highest I saw. I told my friend to wait before he put his up since I knew this was gonna happen. Plus with the like 1900 systems up there his it's easy to miss his till it reaches like the last hr.
it was something more like 80 million.
I saw ones that were up for 90k. Doesn't mean anyone will buy them though.

Fri, 11-17-2006, 07:35 PM
I saw one with a red cross pic for some reason around 45k.

Oh and I couldn't resist laughing at this comic about camping out on PS3s.


Fri, 11-17-2006, 07:59 PM
it was something more like 80 million.
I saw ones that were up for 90k. Doesn't mean anyone will buy them though.

89,000,100.00 USD exactly.

Damn... I should had taken a screenshot....

Fri, 11-17-2006, 11:57 PM

i'll just agree with what most people already said. it's fucked up and getting out of hand.

Manchester, CT - Five men surround a new Playstation 3 owner as he exits a store with his purchase, beat him, and drive off with his console. As they escape they push one of their own out of the car, a 17 year-old male now being charged with multiple crimes.

i believe this one took the cake.


something for laughs?

Sat, 11-18-2006, 01:16 AM

i'll just agree with what most people already said. it's fucked up and getting out of hand.


something for laughs?

Hmm I found the 1st link more entertaining than the 2nd except the fact that people actually bidded on it and the price reached 99,999,999.00 unless it's himself or his friends bidding for the hell of it.

Sat, 11-18-2006, 04:48 AM

Sat, 11-18-2006, 06:04 AM
so many idiot in this world who don't have anything to do with their money but to bid on highly overpriced console
http://search.ebay.com/playstation-3_W0QQcatrefZC6QQcoactionZcompareQQcoentrypageZsea rchQQcopagenumZ1QQfposZQ5AIPQ2fPostalQQfromZR10QQf sooZ2QQfsopZ3QQftrtZ1QQftrvZ1QQsacatZQ2d1QQsadisZ2 00QQsargnZQ2d1QQsaslcZ2QQsbrftogZ1QQsofocusZbs

why can't they just wait a few weeks, until the stores get more console?

Sat, 11-18-2006, 02:07 PM
You realize nobody has bid on those consoles right?

Sat, 11-18-2006, 03:11 PM
i believe this one took the cake.


The understocked PS3 has become the Paris Hilton of the gaming world. Demand is so fever-pitched that several opening day sales have resulted in violence and political defamation.
I don't understand the Paris Hilton reference. Nobody likes Paris Hilton...

Also, 2 of my friends waited in line for 36 hours to get the PS3. Once they, and several others, got to the front, the store had run out of the 60 gig hard drives, and they were forced to buy the smaller ones. I don't know whether to sympathize with them, or just laugh.

Sat, 11-18-2006, 04:06 PM
Lauging should suffice.

My friend and I looked at bids Friday night for PS3 on ebay. The highest one went up to $6000. Supposedly someone had on auto-bid, so a guy kept on bumping it up so the auto-bidder's account would keep placing. It ended at $6000, but I want to know what his limit was.

Sat, 11-18-2006, 05:54 PM
You realize nobody has bid on those consoles right?

look at the first one, probably a joke but...
http://cgi.ebay.com/PS3-PLAYSTATION-3-60GB-IN-HAND-SEALED_W0QQitemZ230053458366QQihZ013QQcategoryZ620 54QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Sat, 11-18-2006, 06:08 PM
so many idiot in this world who don't have anything to do with their money but to bid on highly overpriced console
http://search.ebay.com/playstation-3_W0QQcatrefZC6QQcoactionZcompareQQcoentrypageZsea rchQQcopagenumZ1QQfposZQ5AIPQ2fPostalQQfromZR10QQf sooZ2QQfsopZ3QQftrtZ1QQftrvZ1QQsacatZQ2d1QQsadisZ2 00QQsargnZQ2d1QQsaslcZ2QQsbrftogZ1QQsofocusZbs

why can't they just wait a few weeks, until the stores get more console?

Like Winged Dancer said a few pages back...

Those are pure kids that are envious and are boicoting (sp?) or posting fake auctions.

Nboys of Xboys :p

Whatever. One should be stupid to fall for one of those frauds.

Sat, 11-18-2006, 06:23 PM
look at the first one, probably a joke but...
http://cgi.ebay.com/PS3-PLAYSTATION-3-60GB-IN-HAND-SEALED_W0QQitemZ230053458366QQihZ013QQcategoryZ620 54QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

Nobody bid that...

Sat, 11-18-2006, 06:53 PM
idiot dressed as the Wiimote, talking about Wii in the PS3 line

Sat, 11-18-2006, 07:45 PM
idiot dressed as the Wiimote, talking about Wii in the PS3 line

:D that was pretty funny.

Sat, 11-18-2006, 11:50 PM
waiting in line at the universal citywalk for the big nintendo event. just got a wristband securing myelf a wii...so.....a few more hours to go for me. :)

Sun, 11-19-2006, 12:16 AM
waiting in line at the universal citywalk for the big nintendo event. just got a wristband securing myelf a wii...so.....a few more hours to go for me. :)

wow, you are actually waiting in line for the wii
wii event live coverage from gamespot:


Sun, 11-19-2006, 01:47 AM
The Wii is out here in two weeks and 3 days, I've pre-ordered mine. Can't wait.

Sun, 11-19-2006, 03:47 PM
Ugh......took a little longer than I expected.

They started handing out wiis at midnight.....but it took until 5 am to give them all (i think 1000) out since they only had like 4 registers.

Winged Dancer
Sun, 11-19-2006, 08:12 PM
The Wii is sweeeeeeeet!

Funny story, too...
We almost got arrested in our way to the store! I was carrying about 500 dollars for the Wii and the games, my brother was driving and he got a little too excited... and pushed about 100 Mph just as a police car was entering the highway.
They told us to stop, my brother tried to run, we were finally forced to stop (just in front of the store...) and I didn't want to use the money to bribe the cops to leave us alone (sad, sad thing is, that's normal in this city), so we argued for a while....

Policeman: Any reason for speeding like that, young man?
Brother: Ah-hah-hah... I just need to go buy some things, officer!
Policeman: Medicines? Anyone sick?
Brother: I don't have to tell you.
Me: WTF??!!
Policeman: (looks at the car) ....that your lady friend?
Brother: My sister.
Me: Eh... tee-heeh! Sooorry about that! ......eh, yeah.

Once my brother decided to stop being an idiot they just fined us. Or maybe the policemen liked my skirt. Whichever works.

Then we got the Wii, and a pair of Legend of Zelda t-shirts that will be my new pajamas as soon as it warms up.

Regarding the Wii, it's sweet. My brother, a friend and I played Wii sports until our arms hurt, then Excite Truck (too fast for me, I suck) and then Zelda. Which is good, though (as some reviews have pointed out) a little slow at the beginning - not that I care.

And not that I have played much. My brother and his friends just took over the TV room, so it'll be until tomorrow...

Sun, 11-19-2006, 08:51 PM
did you try connecting to the internet yet? I keep getting an error that, according to the site, implies that I should wait until after launch day and try again o.O

We gotta set up wii networks so our mii characters can mingle!

Winged Dancer
Sun, 11-19-2006, 08:59 PM
Yeah, I tried connecting it and it failed, but I assumed it was because of my SUCKY internet connection, since I can't connect my DS either... which is a shame, since I really wanted to go vandalize someone's Animal Crossing towns.

Well, let's hope they update their site soon...

Sun, 11-19-2006, 09:52 PM
How interesting, through Wii can you guys say play Wii sports against each other? That would be awesome wouldn't it.

Sun, 11-19-2006, 10:56 PM
so before i rush to the store in 2 weeks for the wii, can someone tell me if the Wii can acces internet by the USB wifi connector (for DS) or do i really need a wireless router (i don't really want one since i only got 1 computer)
that is, if you are able to even acces the internet with the Wii oO

Sun, 11-19-2006, 11:59 PM
well......from what I understand the usb dongle acts as a wireless access point, which means it SHOULD be able to communicate with any wireless device. Also, there's a dongle for the wii for just the same situation that you have....are both dongles the same and just labeled different? Can't really say....

Supposedly there's a way to allow your wii to be connected on a wired network (as opposed to wireless) as well, but I'm sure that's another accessory.

Mon, 11-20-2006, 12:29 AM
My friend just got his Wii, we're gonna be playing all night, fuck class.

Mon, 11-20-2006, 12:38 AM
dunno if these two videos have been posted, but here goes..


the guy waits 24 hours, gets his wii, then smashes it. who wants to call this guy a crazy mofo, then punch him in the face?


fight to the death, microsoft vs sony vs nintendo.

Mon, 11-20-2006, 01:16 AM

dunno if this has been posted, but here goes..

the guy waits 24 hours, gets his wii, then smashes it. who wants to call this guy a crazy mofo, then punch him in the face?
He also did the same thing with a Play Station 3. http://www.planetboredom.net/video.php?id=2944

Even though he got more money from donations than it cost him to buy the machines, and he is wearing a hat with a feather on it, I still want to punch him and his friend for breaking perfectly good gaming consoles, same goes with any of the crowd that applauded them.

Mon, 11-20-2006, 09:16 AM
Alot of emulations for the PS3 have already been made

Fedora 5 being installed on the PS3, this video doesnt show that much interesting the boot between ps3's os and then to the fedora os with some voice comments.

Windows has also been emulated, but currently you cant do that much in it due to the amount of memory windows xp needs and the memory it needs to emulate it

And what we've all been waiting for NES ON THE PS3!!!

Mon, 11-20-2006, 10:28 AM

fight to the death, microsoft vs sony vs nintendo.

Haha awesome video.... loved Bill Gate's scream. By the way who's along Snake in Sony's corner?

Mon, 11-20-2006, 11:18 AM
Kratos from "God of War". I'm pretty sure that came from G4 when they were hyping all that shit.

Mon, 11-20-2006, 05:34 PM
Yea that video is quite amusing.

I'm going to gameplay 06 in Holland this friday and i hope i can play with the wii and the ps3. Stupid Europe always getting it waaay later than Amerika and Japan :(

Mon, 11-20-2006, 08:01 PM

Winged Dancer
Mon, 11-20-2006, 08:37 PM
HAH, the Sony vs. Microsoft vs. Sony video is way too good. I just love the Wii LightSaber and the X-Box morning star/mace. And the calling of mascots, though I wouldn't call neither Kratos nor Solid Snake Sony's mascots....

And the PS3 video is just... well, wow. I had heard about it but I never imagined things like that. Just that... wow. Has Sony said anything about the obvious, blatant shortage?

Anyway, second day of the Wii and already I have argued with my brother (over who gets to use the machiine/who gets to play Zelda) and with my father (over who gets to use the TV). Only mom didn't argue because she was too busy playing WiiSports Boxing.I think that pretty much says the Wii is a success in my family =P

Mon, 11-20-2006, 09:11 PM
HAH, the Sony vs. Microsoft vs. Sony

Oh wow, you forgot about the poor Wii which you cherish.

That video was indeed awesome, and I loved the part where the guy just comes out of the huge battle ship saying "...it's just me"

Also, why was Link a girl? :rolleyes:

Mon, 11-20-2006, 09:49 PM
Also, why was Link a girl? :rolleyes:
because the guy claims that bill gates was supposed to play link, but couldn't due to his current role, but think of it this way, it could be worse.

Anyway, second day of the Wii and already I have argued with my brother (over who gets to use the machiine/who gets to play Zelda) and with my father (over who gets to use the TV). Only mom didn't argue because she was too busy playing WiiSports Boxing.I think that pretty much says the Wii is a success in my family =P
it's all part of your mom's plan. as soon as all of you get at each others throats, nothing will stand in her way to enjoy the quality gaming of the wii.

the things people will do for the overrated system..

Mon, 11-20-2006, 10:44 PM
Also, why was Link a girl? :rolleyes:
Link's too pretty to be played by a guy anyway...

I'm gonna see about getting a Wii tomorrow morning. I didn't make it in time for its opening day before they were sold out. Hopefully they will have restocked by either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Winged Dancer
Mon, 11-20-2006, 11:53 PM
Oh wow, you forgot about the poor Wii which you cherish.

Ye Gods, I did! NOES, Nintendo, forgive meeeeeeee!

And yeah, Link is too pretty to be played by any man. Even Leonardo DiCaprio and Orlando Bloom are too manly! Even Johnny Depp is too manly! Not that I would mind any of those three playing Link.

YE GODS, I hope Link doesn't become girlier and girlier with each incarnation, like Final Fantasy heroes do.... I mean, seriously? Vaan?? He's prettier than me! His eyelashes are longer, his lips are all pouty, his hair all combed and girly.... the heroine is more masculine than him. She even wears more clothes.

Please, Nintendo, don't make Link a second Vaan.

Tue, 11-21-2006, 01:34 AM

Tue, 11-21-2006, 02:00 AM
Wii ytmnd's eh? Heres a few more good ones.

Epic Wii Maneuver (http://epicwiimanuever.ytmnd.com/)

Riker Plays the Wii (http://rikerwii.ytmnd.com/)

Playing with the Wii (http://wiibellringer.ytmnsfw.com/)

Gamespot guys enjoying the Wii (http://gamespotguysenjoyingawii.ytmnd.com/)

Tue, 11-21-2006, 06:25 AM
Wii ytmnd's eh? Heres a few more good ones.

Epic Wii Maneuver (http://epicwiimanuever.ytmnd.com/)

Riker Plays the Wii (http://rikerwii.ytmnd.com/)

Playing with the Wii (http://wiibellringer.ytmnsfw.com/)

Gamespot guys enjoying the Wii (http://gamespotguysenjoyingawii.ytmnd.com/)

only the first one work for me, the rest only got the ytmnd logo in the middle.

Tue, 11-21-2006, 07:23 AM
only the first one work for me, the rest only got the ytmnd logo in the middle.
That logo should be the 'Flash Preloader' which is used to make ytmnd's synchronize better instead of having to refresh the pages, so just let it load.

If it doesn't work after waiting awhile, then I don't really know what the problem is.

Tue, 11-21-2006, 08:13 AM
YE GODS, I hope Link doesn't become girlier and girlier with each incarnation, like Final Fantasy heroes do.... I mean, seriously? Vaan?? He's prettier than me! His eyelashes are longer, his lips are all pouty, his hair all combed and girly.... the heroine is more masculine than him. She even wears more clothes.

Seems to be a common malady, these days, what with those crazy Japanese trends and that animu bullshit...

The age of manliness has already passed (see Fist of the North Star or anything circa 80's+). Now is the time of effeminate men, crossdressing men, Hard Gay, etc... One can only imagine what the future holds... (furry???)

Tue, 11-21-2006, 02:08 PM
OMG this is a great video on the zelda timeline:

Tue, 11-21-2006, 03:49 PM
Currently playing Final Fantasy III :D

Tue, 11-21-2006, 09:12 PM
OMG this is a great video on the zelda timeline:

Woah, I watched all that and I must say it makes sense except that the new ones could totally shatter the idea. :p

Tue, 11-21-2006, 10:30 PM
That part 6 of the retropective Gametrailers been doing (last part too)

You guys should watch the other parts too.






Probably one of the best Retrospective ever made (if not the only one lol)

Winged Dancer
Tue, 11-21-2006, 11:00 PM
Seems to be a common malady, these days, what with those crazy Japanese trends and that animu bullshit...

The age of manliness has already passed (see Fist of the North Star or anything circa 80's+). Now is the time of effeminate men, crossdressing men, Hard Gay, etc... One can only imagine what the future holds... (furry???)

It'll be the return to exaggerated manliness.

Such as your avatar. All pokemon will be scary dudes.

Or this site.

Click any link to be scared. Be aware the second link may contain spoilers for some manga...

I'm watching the Zelda retrospective videos now. Very good!

Tue, 11-21-2006, 11:11 PM
Currently watching the Review GT made about Zelda TP

Wed, 11-22-2006, 02:44 AM
OMG this is a great video on the zelda timeline:
Huh...I never even considered the split time line theory.

I had always wondered what had happened to the "Hero of Time" in Windwaker. Makes sense now.

And that review has me really hyped to buy Twilight Princess.

Wed, 11-22-2006, 09:21 AM
And that review has me really hyped to buy Twilight Princess

My sentiments exactly.

Though, I must say that when the footage showed the "darkness" pursuing Zelda for messing up the timeline, my mind wandered back to a certain Prince of Persia...

Also, would the two CD-i games fall into each timeline branch separately, as parallels to each other (in terms of shittiness among other things)? And, pardon my language, but I think that most would agree when I say, seeing as how Link was an utter fag in those, I think its safe to say that Winged Dancer's comments prove that the series has gone full circle :D

Wed, 11-22-2006, 09:40 AM
I hope you guys aren't like these guys:

Strap Yourself Into Disaster
Sweaty hands are no excuse for stupid mistakes.
by Micah Seff
November 21, 2006 - People everywhere are caught up in a Wii-induced fever, and televisions across North America are feeling the resulting pain. Nintendo has gone to great lengths to inform gamers of the benefits of using the Wiimote's wrist strap -- mainly keeping your Wiimote from hurtling towards solid objects and shattering -- but gamers seem to be trying equally hard to prove that even this preventative measure is not enough.

Reports have been popping up on message boards and blogs of several Wiimote-related accidents, many of which have resulted in damage to expensive pieces of electronics. It seems that gamers' sweat-drenched hands are causing some slippery mishaps to occur when they wildly flail the Wiimote around like crazed maniacs. Apparently, Nintendo should have included a warning advising gamers to not let go of the Wiimote when they swing it, because people seem be to having almost as much trouble grasping this simple fact as they are the Wiimote itself.

One thing that people can do to avoid a hilariously costly mistake is to thread their wrist strap through the plastic loop on the Nunchuck's connection plug. This can help distribute some of the force a little more evenly and can make a potential disaster into something far more fun (although arguably less funny).

My prediction came true.
How can people be so stupid? Its obvious that if you are going to swing the Wii controler, you NEED to secure it to your wrist, if you don't want to risk breaking anything else....

On another mather... any of you have info on this?

W i i

- UNCONFIRMED: Numerous Wii owners reported that their Wii console broken down after downloading a system update from the WiiConnect24 service. After the update, the systems would only display the error code "110213" on screen. This problem can only be fixed by sending the consoles back to Nintendo for repair.


On PS3 matters:

On this link (http://www.us.playstation.com/Support/CompatibleStatus) you can find if your games have no problem playing or if they have glitches on PS3.

For now, I've seen there are several minor glitches on FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX and Valkyrie Profile 2. Later I'll check my other games. (No glitches on Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Star Ocean 2, Star Ocean 3 and the main Resident Evil games)

Wed, 11-22-2006, 04:43 PM
Strap Yourself Into Disaster
Sweaty hands are no excuse for stupid mistakes.
by Micah Seff
November 21, 2006 - People everywhere are caught up in a Wii-induced fever, and televisions across North America are feeling the resulting pain. Nintendo has gone to great lengths to inform gamers of the benefits of using the Wiimote's wrist strap -- mainly keeping your Wiimote from hurtling towards solid objects and shattering -- but gamers seem to be trying equally hard to prove that even this preventative measure is not enough.

Reports have been popping up on message boards and blogs of several Wiimote-related accidents, many of which have resulted in damage to expensive pieces of electronics. It seems that gamers' sweat-drenched hands are causing some slippery mishaps to occur when they wildly flail the Wiimote around like crazed maniacs. Apparently, Nintendo should have included a warning advising gamers to not let go of the Wiimote when they swing it, because people seem be to having almost as much trouble grasping this simple fact as they are the Wiimote itself.

One thing that people can do to avoid a hilariously costly mistake is to thread their wrist strap through the plastic loop on the Nunchuck's connection plug. This can help distribute some of the force a little more evenly and can make a potential disaster into something far more fun (although arguably less funny).

that probably the fake story in picture from an idiot who suposedly swinged his wiimote too hard toward a crt tv, resulting it being cracked (so obvious it is fake, how can a little wiimote make that kind of dmg, on a CRT tv! )

Wed, 11-22-2006, 04:55 PM
Yeah. Because IGN likes to publish fake info :rolleyes:

why do you think there are wrist straps? just because they are cool? Shit can happen to people who are not careful. Obviously it wont happen to consious (sp?) players

Winged Dancer
Wed, 11-22-2006, 05:27 PM
IGN previously reported that when they got a bunch of never-played-before girls that work at the merchandise section (or something) one of them forgot about the wrist strap and the controller did in fact stamp against a wall. Nothing of the sort has happened to me - not only because I use the wrist strap, but also because I don't put that much strengh into my swings...

And Wii controllers are almost 80 dollars (for both remote & nunchuck) here, so I'm not risking them.

Wed, 11-22-2006, 05:37 PM
Exactly. You are a concious (sp???) player. You know how much it is worth, and what could happen if not handled correctly.

Non-hardcore or passive players will take the controller because it looks "cool" to play, use to much force, wont use the wrist strap, and end throwing the controller to far and beyond.

PS: I do want to play the Wii :p but I'll wait until a co-worker gets one.

Wed, 11-22-2006, 06:20 PM
Well looks like the Wii can run emulators like the PS3 can.


Wed, 11-22-2006, 08:52 PM
i'll get the wii when super smash bros brawl comes out, then i'll get that and zelda when i do.

also, can anyone confirm the rumors of sonic being in brawl and any other new characters that i may not be aware of?

Wed, 11-22-2006, 09:08 PM
i'll get the wii when super smash bros brawl comes out, then i'll get that and zelda when i do.

also, can anyone confirm the rumors of sonic being in brawl and any other new characters that i may not be aware of?

check www.smashboards.com for brawl characters.

The only new ones introduced I think are: metaknight, snake, wario, pit, and zerosuit samus.

Winged Dancer
Wed, 11-22-2006, 10:03 PM
I can now confirm that Wii Remotes can indeed go splat against your TV/wall if you're not careful. My brother had a friend over today and they were playing WiiSports Tennis when his friend's hand got too sweaty and the controller flew against the wall. Luckily he wasn't putting much strength in the swing...

And so far Sonic isn't confirmed, but if Solid Snake is in, why not Sonic? Super SMash Brothers might just open a new era of cross-plataform fighting.... on the Nintendo consoles.

Wed, 11-22-2006, 10:17 PM
And so far Sonic isn't confirmed, but if Solid Snake is in, why not Sonic? Super SMash Brothers might just open a new era of cross-plataform fighting.... on the Nintendo consoles.
hell, why not just get one trademark character from each company(capcom, square-enix, so fourth)? konami is getting a piece of it, so why not? seriously, that'd be awesome.

lately, it seems like sonic is a whore to everyone, so it'd seem somewhat logical for him to make an appearence.

such teasers.. photoshop?

Wed, 11-22-2006, 10:20 PM
Is the wall... errr... the Wiimote okay WD?

and BioAlien said it was a fake note :rolleyes:

Wed, 11-22-2006, 10:27 PM
And so far Sonic isn't confirmed, but if Solid Snake is in, why not Sonic? Super SMash Brothers might just open a new era of cross-plataform fighting.... on the Nintendo consoles.

If I'm not mistaken Solid Snake isn't trademarked by any company, however Sega holds the copyrights to Sonic The Hedgehog, so Nintendo couldn't put him in without their permission. But they are on pretty good terms with each other, so it's not out of the question.

Personally I would like to see Goemon from Mystical Ninja, or Geno from Super Mario RPG in SSBB, that would be awesome.

Edit : Wait, actually I think Konami has the copyrights to Solid Snake, so they probably had to get their permission to put him into SSBB, but regardless, they would have to get Sega's permission for Sonic.

Winged Dancer
Wed, 11-22-2006, 11:42 PM
Is the wall... errr... the Wiimote okay WD?

Yep! It has suffered worse. Like the time we set it on fire. Eh, the wall, not the Wiimote. That's the last thing I want to set on fire. But that's another story.

And on Smash Brothers - if I remember correctly, Sakurai (the game producer) mentioned in some interview that Snake is in because the creator of the Metal Gear series (Hideo Kojima, was it?) called him and asked him to please insert Snake in the new Smash Brothers.

So it seems now that Smash Brothers is the Woody Allen of videogames... being in won't bring money but a lot of fame. Now, if only Sega did the same as Konami...

And lol@ Sonic being a whore. It's a little sad, but it's also true.

Thu, 11-23-2006, 12:23 AM
ugh getting irritated.......

who else is playing twilight princess? For some reason I'm stuck in the first freakin room of the second dungeon xd

FUCK....man.....figured out what i needed to do. The most obvious thing and yet took me like 2 hours.........