View Full Version : Manga: Shin Angyo Onshi
Wed, 11-23-2005, 12:48 AM
Since the anime was released earlier this year, I've been pretty much in love with this series...
Just wondering if anyone here is also reading it?
I've just read up to volume 5 chapter 11...
Here's the thread on the anime if interested... ( ey=y&keyword1=shin)
In an ancient kingdom of the Far East called Jushin, there were royal secret agents called Angyo Onshi, or Amen Osa. With the power imbued inside their Mahais, they were able to summon armies of soldiers to their aid. These Amen Osa were sent by the King to all parts of the land to protect commoners from corrupt governors, dangerous outlaws, and monsters of the wild.
But Jushin has fallen into ruin. And now, one man, Munsu, still wanders the land as an Amen Osa in search of the man who destroyed everything he once knew and loved...
A Korean import to Japan that is published simultaneously in both countries. The themes become more mature as the plot develops. The manga is of the fantasy and action genre. The manga draws inspiration from ancient Korean government, Korean classical literature, and Korean folktales, and the author hopes you'll come to appreciate Korean culture while you're enjoying the art and the story.
Wed, 11-23-2005, 08:38 AM
I have the movie but havent watched yet. I adore the manga. Very good fantasy,the main guy rocks,its so good to see a main that doesnt have super powers in mangas like these.
I havent read since chap 9 though,forgot that there were some new chapters out.
Mon, 11-28-2005, 07:26 PM
Yeah it is awesome, you should watch the movie... great action...
But you should read the manga from the beginning afterwards anyways, since a couple of good chapters were skipped, some somewhat important to the story...
I wish more people would read this...
Mon, 11-28-2005, 07:46 PM
Its pretty famous in EG forums.
Have you read Island by the same manhwaga? Its great but sadly only 7 vols.
Of course i read the start of this mahwa.
I wish he had used the same dark art style as in Island for Shin Angyo.
Mon, 11-28-2005, 09:45 PM
nope i haven't read it...
got direct download for it by any chance?
Thu, 12-01-2005, 10:41 AM
If you have the chance it much faster downloading it from #lurk.
Fri, 01-27-2006, 05:31 PM
Part two of chapter 11 was just released, don't have a link at the moment, hope it is good since we were left on a cliffhanger last time...
Thu, 07-20-2006, 03:45 AM
Its pretty famous in EG forums.
Have you read Island by the same manhwaga? Its great but sadly only 7 vols.
Of course i read the start of this mahwa.
I wish he had used the same dark art style as in Island for Shin Angyo.
I just finished Island, it was pretty good... But it ended too soon. At the end of the final volume the writter said something that there may be more Island being done, and I think this was mentioned in 2001. So far I haven't heard anything of a sequel, have you?
Thu, 07-20-2006, 03:22 PM
I havent heard anything of Island iether which is sad. Cause its was great, artwise and storywise. I dig the serial killer pyscho who is the main.
Its sad they finished the manhwa cause a jap manga company wanted them to do a crappy short story. Apparently they coulndt say no so they had to end the thing that made them famous...
Mon, 08-14-2006, 01:14 AM
Well, at least I'm hopeful that once they finish up Shin Angyo Onshi, they would go ahead and do the sequel for Island. But Shin Angyo Onshi > everything they might do anyways, so I'm happy with it at the moment.
Anyways, up to where have you read? I've read up to chapter 12b, and it was a great chapter, though it was pretty much a cocktease. The upcoming chapters should be great though.
Mon, 08-21-2006, 09:41 PM
Well, I just gave this a shot based on your recommendation in another thread, and I just finished chapter 7. At first, I found the scans hard to read, so getting into it was a little hard, but then I read up through chapter 7 in a short matter of hours.
It's a really great manga. It ties into legendary/historical fact, and manages to avoid a lot of the cliches typical of a series with similar plot layouts. Munsu is not very trusting in his companions in the beginning, and rightly so. Who would really trust a person they just met that tried to rob them or nearly killed them? The strongest member of his team is his bodyguard, despite that he was once a very prominent fighter. Sando is also very interesting. The first mention of her plays her off as a 'princess' in need of rescuing, but she turns out to be quite aptly described as a Slayer.
I like the general formula of episodic chapters, unrelated often, with larger chapters moving the story along dramatically. It reminded me of the way Cowboy Bebop was laid out, and is a method I'm quite fond of.
I'm hooked.
Thu, 08-24-2006, 06:29 AM
Finally, after 9 months someone has seen the light. Damnit, took you long enough to start reading this awesome manga.
Thu, 08-24-2006, 11:42 PM
Well I decided not to be lazy and get on irc and try this out. Why didn't you say anything about this earlier Bud?;) In all seriousness if anyone is still waiting to take a look at this do so, it really is that good. So far I like the little author's notes at the end of each story and he does a good job at adding his own touches to them.
Tue, 08-29-2006, 11:53 AM
Well, after Bud annoying me for quite a long time, I decided to read it, and god damn!
This has been awesome so far, I just read through volume 5, still got some chapters to go.
Munsu and Sando are fucking awesome, winning combination, very well drawn out and made so far. Also, Aji Tae is a very cunning person indeed.
Wed, 08-30-2006, 10:23 AM
Dammit... even Kai is hooked now. Is it really that awesome? Somehow the manga covers are quite "provocative", with Sando being so scantily clad. Make me suspicious about the content inside.
But I've been resisting taking a trip down to the manga rental store for months ever since I watched the OVA and saw Bud's recommendation. Hmm. Maybe I will drop by some time soon and pick up Vol 1. ^^
Wed, 08-30-2006, 10:29 AM
Just go download it, those sweatshops aren't paying you enough for you to be wasting your money on manga.
Wed, 08-30-2006, 10:33 AM
Heh, that's quite true, they ain't paying me enough alright.
*stomps off to #lurk*
But that being said, if I do get hooked on this, I'll probably end up buying the manga. I just don't like reading manga off a computer screen. =| Especially an awesome manga.
Wed, 08-30-2006, 08:57 PM
Yes yallo it really is that awesome, even though the covers are quite provocative the content inside isn't really like that, but yeah most of the girls are lightly dressed. Go and download!
Chapter 12 Talk
Just read chapter 12abc, this is an interesting story with Ondal, fascinated by him from a young age and wanting to meet this person, and when she does he saves her, than the instant connection from being siblings. We get to see Munsu's sword, I hope he takes it back, he looked so badass before the fall of Junshin. I wonder what kind of Mahai he'll get, he has the 3 horse 'Phantom Soldiers', probably go up to a six horse (2 Mahai's), just taking that from Hwang.
Man, this is going to be annoying waiting for chapters to be released.
Mon, 09-04-2006, 10:59 PM
Finally read the 1st volume (3 chpts?). Enjoyed it. Will keep on reading.
I'm all caught up now. Can't wait for more releases.
Wed, 09-06-2006, 08:54 PM
Yeah, I've been following this manga too. It's been pretty good so far. yallo, you better start stitching those nike's at a higher rate so you can buy this.
Sat, 09-16-2006, 02:35 PM
Next chapter is out, don't have a link at the moment.
Shin Angyo Onshi v.6 c.12d etc
Sat, 09-16-2006, 11:09 PM
Man, just finished reading that episode and damn, what a time to stop. They just keep leaving you open for me.
Also, I uploaded it onto mangatraders.
Sun, 09-17-2006, 08:45 AM
Another great chapter, I didn't expect that at all, though the folk-tale roots of this series implied that maybe I should have seen it coming.
I haven't the slightest idea what's going to happen next, but I can't wait for the next chapter.
Sun, 09-17-2006, 08:16 PM
Yeah, awesome chapter... I like how all Shin Angyo Onshi chapters have a shitload of pages. I wonder what Munsu could've done if he had reached in time to help, cause I doubt it would've made a difference without his Mahai and without Sando against all those soldiers.
Sun, 09-17-2006, 11:05 PM
But, it was five years ago, so I'm left wondering what events really happened when. Was Pyeonggang raped years ago, or just recently? It makes the problem much harder for Munsu, since he has to figure out how to make her happy now. It also ties into how true a test Mito really gave him, sending Munsu on task that force cannot possibly fix.
I'm so confused right now.
Thu, 09-21-2006, 10:48 AM
But, it was five years ago, so I'm left wondering what events really happened when. Was Pyeonggang raped years ago, or just recently? It makes the problem much harder for Munsu, since he has to figure out how to make her happy now. It also ties into how true a test Mito really gave him, sending Munsu on task that force cannot possibly fix.
I'm so confused right now.
Just wondering, what makes you think that Pyeonggang was raped years ago?
Thu, 09-21-2006, 11:18 AM
After she was abused in 12c, In 12d Munsu asks her from the prison cell what happened in the meantime, because she's so calm after only one day. Which is fairly abnormal for just being raped. Pyeonggang then tells him that her "brother's" declaration that he was going to go and kill Ondal. The brother's words are "Even though I took your body, It's not enough..." (note past tense). She then begs Munsu to go and save Ondal. We see her brother kill Ondal in what we believe is the 'present', and then Bang Ja and Munsu find out Ondal has been dead for 5 years.
That one line asking her why she was so calm for it happening yesterday is why I think she was raped long ago. I'm still not sure whether I really believe it or not. The timeline of these events is very confusing. We can only trust what events are taking place in the present where we see Munsu. Either she was raped years ago, and is lying about when all these things occured, or she was lying about her brother's words and actually did get raped yesterday, but got over it really fast.
I think for now I'd rather believe in Munsu's intuition. He knew something was off.
As for why Munsu found her screaming in her room, I can only guess it was her nightmare recalling all these events.
Thu, 09-21-2006, 11:58 AM
Well, my interpretation from that is that the Ondal that was going to marry Pyeonggang was not the same Ondal that was burried, so the Ondal that was just killed was not really her brother as we were led to believe. Guess I should go and re-read the chapter and see if we can find any more clues.
At least the grave that was shown to Ban Ja was different than the one Munsu was looking at. But indeed it's very confusing, there are lots of contradictions. I'm begining to think that you may be right about all those scenes happening in the past, especially when Munsu has never seen Ondal.
Also, why would Pyeonggang just recently reveal that she and Ondal are about to get married to the old Mahai guy, unless she's sick in the head. And she just brought him the sword to get fixed up, the sword that is at the grave currently.
Edit: But what really has me thinking is the King saying that there are no such training grounds, and Mito keeps saying that Ondal and the brother are fake. So is everything just crap in the mind of Pyeonggang, all a make believe story?
Fri, 10-13-2006, 10:09 PM
12e is out for our reading pleasure with the revelation that we were looking for.
I'll admit, I didn't expect that at all. I very well should have, but the whole purpose of this story has been to confuse us. This story was very good, can't wait for the conclusion chapters.
I'll elaborate more after more of us have read it.
Fri, 10-13-2006, 10:45 PM
Uploaded to MangaTraders: here (
Fri, 11-17-2006, 06:43 PM
Chapter 12f is out, uploaded to MT.
Sat, 11-18-2006, 09:54 PM
I finally started reading this manga.
Uh kinda disappointed, coz it spoiled the cool heroic image I had of Munsu.
I mean, come on, an Angyo Onshi that has asthma attacks???
And he's practically defenseless (not to mention useless) without his phantom soldiers, who are in turn useless against real monsters.
Which means, he's relying totally on Sando for survival.
That is so totally uncool.
Sun, 11-19-2006, 11:21 PM
You're very mistaken yallo... I thought Munsu carried himself very well when he faught against Sando on their first meating. Munsu doesn't need the Phantom Soldiers to defend himself, usually... But there are times where he has no choice but to use them. He's far from being completely useless as you say.
Sun, 11-26-2006, 04:20 PM
There's a reason he has protectors, that is, there's a reason that "Sando" (easy to forget that is not her real name) exist.
The Angyo Onshi are more like a strategist, a general. In the chapter 12 series, the smith sends him on the mission completely defenseless. Angyo Onshi tear apart armies using the phantoms when they have to, but is is expected that Munsu be able to deal with situations without resorting to that power right away. He has the gun, but most importantly, he is expected to use his brain. During the tiger-brother chapters, the solution was found not using force at all.
Sando is a bodyguard, but he does not rely on her explicitly.
I think it gives a more realistic approach to series of this genre. Munsu is more of a strategist than an Guts/Berserk style hero. To a point, yallo is right. Force when he needs it, but in this latest arc we see him forced to use his brain.
Mon, 01-01-2007, 10:37 PM
A new speed group jumped on this story, Sleeping Forest, and released chapters 12g-13b. Torrent ( DDL (
Sun, 01-14-2007, 08:30 AM
Chapter 12 part 7 is out by #ETC.
Get it from
Fri, 01-19-2007, 08:24 PM
Chapter 12 part 8 is out by #ETC.
Get it from
Chapter 12 is done with this.
Sat, 02-10-2007, 09:44 AM
ETC has released up to volume 8 if anyone is interested. You should get it as soon as you can. Mangatraders has all volumes up for download at this moment.
Last chapter of volume 8 was awesome, Munsu is such a kickass character.
Wed, 02-14-2007, 09:38 PM
Munsu just stepped up another level and with it seems he's gone back to his 'General Munsu' type image and character.
Volume 9 has now been released by ETC.
Fri, 02-16-2007, 02:32 AM
Uploaded v09 to MT:
The volume is amazing, read it as soon as you can. Can't wait for v10.
Mon, 02-19-2007, 08:11 AM
2 Chapters from vol. 10:
Sat, 03-10-2007, 04:20 PM
Volume 10 Chapter 18a (
I really like this manhwa. Seeing Sando with Aji Tae makes me heart ache.
Sat, 03-17-2007, 10:37 AM
Chapter 18b is out now:
And can freaking Aji Tae get any stronger? I just can't see Munsu getting any more stronger or getting enough support to go against Aji Tae, especially with Sando now at Aji Tae's side... Who knows how deep the brain washing will go, probably to the point that she won't recognize Munsu when the time comes.
Sat, 03-17-2007, 11:32 AM
If they take the cliche route, I imagine Sando will be incredibly shocked when she sees Munsu again, enough to put her right back to normal. In this chapter especially, her eyes seems glazed over, not their usual self. They've been that way since Aji Tae told her Munsu died. It seems like word of Munsu's death is what put her into that state, rather than anything Aji Tae said to her.
If they are implying that the mandrake's poison is that powerful a hallucinogen, and Aji Tae really did send the other two on a wild goose chase, Munsu will be all on his own. If he's able to break out of that, I imagine that mentally, he'd be stronger than Aji Tae even will be. That could give him just the edge he needs. There has also been the implication from Won Sul and several others that Munsu is not the warrior he once was.
I've got a pretty good idea how Munsu will be able to break from the mandrake poison. His hallucination will undoubtedly involve his past in Jushin. He's been very realist about it's fall, unlike some of the idealists he's met, so that may be the key to him returning.
Alternatively, if Sando has truly sided with Aji Tae and his nihilist bunch of bastards, there is still Marlene, the blond Dutch(?) princess, to consider. She approached Mito, the Blacksmith and now apparently magician, after losing her attendant and sword to Sando. Also against Aji Tae, there are the two remaining members of Hwalbingdang, and Miss Hwang. Aji Tae's forces are strong, but Munsu's side still has a great number of strong characters.
Hmm, undead army against two phantom armies (Hwang's and Munsu's). The next couple volumes will be very interesting.
Sat, 03-17-2007, 11:42 AM
If they are implying that the mandrake's poison is that powerful a hallucinogen, and Aji Tae really did send the other two on a wild goose chase, Munsu will be all on his own. If he's able to break out of that, I imagine that mentally, he'd be stronger than Aji Tae even will be. That could give him just the edge he needs. There has also been the implication from Won Sul and several others that Munsu is not the warrior he once was.
Alternatively, if Sando has truly sided with Aji Tae and his nihilist bunch of bastards, there is still Marlene, the blond Dutch(?) princess, to consider. She approached Mito, the Blacksmith and now apparently magician, after losing her attendant and sword to Sando. Also against Aji Tae, there are the two remaining members of Hwalbingdang, and Miss Hwang. Aji Tae's forces are strong, but Munsu's side still has a great number of strong characters.
I don't remember well, who was the person that was very good in martial arts? Was it the attendant of the black smith himself, or did he say that Munsu was the best martial artist in Junshin? Anyways, after removing the curse, Munsu should've been pretty close to his old self I think.
Even with all these people you mention, they are no match to Aji Tae, I smell a huge level-up arc for all of them. At their current level, they won't even scratch a toe of Aji Tae, and probably none of his comrades.
Sat, 03-17-2007, 11:56 AM
The guy with the beanie hat, and inventor of all the crazy things Munsu has been using was supposedly the best Tae Kwon Do (or something like that) fighter in all of Jushin. I believe he was one of the ones who implied Munsu was an incredible warrior before the Fall of Jushin. The small-eyed sunglasses guy back in the valley of flowers arc also mentioned Munsu's weaker abilities. It may have had something to do with the curse, but I always viewed the cause as Munsu switching to guns. Perhaps the curse would have prevented him from using a physical weapon well.
Marlene seemed very close already. In her final fight with Sando, she blew Sando across the village and into several buildings with a single sword slash. When I was looking for the part where she met Mito, it does come off very similar to the abilities Sando just learned. If Mito or someone else makes her a very strong sword, she'd be a considerable force on her own. They implied that at least one of the remaining Hwalbingdang members will be taught magic from Mito, and Miss Hwang has run off in embarrassment at her own recent weaknesses. I think the level-up arcs have already started.
Sat, 03-17-2007, 01:01 PM
No I don't think it's brainwashing. I think since she lost Munsu, she just cracked. So she needs a new person to look towards and protect. And she got Aji Tae and she devoted herself to him.
Sat, 03-17-2007, 03:25 PM
Whether or not she's brainwashed isn't really the point though. Either way, Aji Tae orchestrated everything that's happened to Sando since she lost to Marlene. He placed her with the man who taught his techniques to the Hwalbingdang to make her stronger, leaving her there with the words "I want her always at my side." He's ensured that Munsu is out of the picture for some time, and told her as quickly as possible that he was dead.
Sando willingly stayed with the Master so she could fully succeed at her job of protecting Munsu. While trying to get stronger, she failed. That's what broke her. Aji Tae has probably planned it all since he aided her in defeating Won Sul.
Sun, 03-18-2007, 02:25 PM
Okay, I just started reading this as instructed (you know who you are..haha). I've only finished the first 2 volumes and this series is really good. Thanks a lot for the recommendation! :D
EDIT: I've just finished reading Vol. 6 and I'm downloading 7 & 8...this series is AWESOME
EDIT 2: I'm done Vol 9....but I think I need to stop reading for tonight as my eyes are going a little screwy from reading this on my monitor for most of the day
Mon, 03-19-2007, 04:47 AM
Keep reading.
Just read the latest chapter, might get to see some flash backs now, of the General, Jushin, etc.
Mon, 03-19-2007, 05:01 AM
Keep reading.
Just read the latest chapter, might get to see some flash backs now, of the General, Jushin, etc.
fahoumh, who forced you?
And yeah, I think that we might see Munsu's past and so from this dream sequence we're probably going to be subjected to. I hope we see how kickass he was, but not that much, just a peek. I want to have some surprises left for later, when he kick's Aji Tae's ass.
Mon, 03-19-2007, 07:55 PM
Keep reading.
Just read the latest chapter, might get to see some flash backs now, of the General, Jushin, etc.
LOL...I couldn't do it, I went to sleep shortly after my last edit. I'm going to read all the available parts of Volume 10 shortly, I just got home from school and I need to eat.
Munsu, nobody really forced me...someone just left a positive rep in another thread saying, "Go read Shin Angyo Onshi". I'm always open to reading new manga and watching new anime so I figured I would give it a shot. I'm glad it was suggested as I'm embarassed to say that I never heard of the series beforehand.
EDIT: well I just finished reading Ch. 18b and now I'm REALLY anxious to see what happens next. Aji Tae is a master manipulator and I'm also wondering what Sando will do..she is an awesome character, btw.
Tue, 03-20-2007, 07:56 PM
Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 11 Chapter 19a (
Starting of volume 11 a-go-go
Tue, 03-20-2007, 08:47 PM
Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 11 Chapter 19a (
Starting of volume 11 a-go-go
Ahhh....I'm done reading that now! I want more!
Wed, 03-21-2007, 08:20 AM
First of all, praise be to (former) Budweineken for changing his username. If not for that, then I would probably have never known to start reading this.
This series is quite something; here I was thinking that the only manga I'd consider "epic" would be Berserk, but all of a sudden, this comes and blindsides me. Fascinating.
Although, I do need to be cleared up a bit on what exactly Aji Tae's stated goal is; as far as I understand it, he wants to make the world into one big gray area, where nothing is universally defined. Is that about right, or am I off?
Wed, 03-21-2007, 09:13 AM
I always thought it was another "Humanity is garbage, this world is unfair, so I'm going to destroy everything, and start with a clean slate, building the perfect world from scratch." I could be wrong though, but most villains like Aji Tae seem to share that stereotypical goal.
I'm starting to wonder how Aji Tae got these powers of his. They alluded to him being quite ordinary when he and Munsu first met (I actually thought he was a woman before they formally introduced him, considering how young he used to look).
Munsu's hallucination so far was not at all what I expected.
Fri, 03-23-2007, 09:14 PM
Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 11 Chapter 19 part 2 (
Whole chapter is a flashback, though it's never been seen flashbacks. It's good to see the beginning of the Angyo Onshi and Sando relationship I guess.
Sat, 03-24-2007, 06:38 AM
So, a dream within a dream... By the end of the chapter he was called General Munsu, so now we might actually get to see something from his days in Jushin. I hope it gets explained why Phantom Soldiers can't kill monsters.
Edit: The files haven't been released yet, but once chapter 20 is out get it as soon as you can and read it, because I just did and I've to say that they were amazing chapters. Chapter 20 part 1 is around 110 pages long, so you can imagine the ammount of awesome content.
Fri, 03-30-2007, 07:09 PM
Alright people, go get part 1 of chapter 20:
It's an awesome chapter, I dare to say the best one yet... as I said above 100+ pages.
Fri, 03-30-2007, 07:57 PM
Mmmm, that was nice. Though it wasn't much content for 100+ pages. It would've been better if they progressed the story some more. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. Let's hope for Volume 12 goodness to be scanlated soon!
Sat, 03-31-2007, 07:54 PM
Mmmm, that was nice. Though it wasn't much content for 100+ pages. It would've been better if they progressed the story some more. But hey, beggars can't be choosers. Let's hope for Volume 12 goodness to be scanlated soon!
I'd have to disagree with that. For a hundred+ pages, this chapter was the pinnacle of content, especially with it being a flashback about the single, most significant battle for the story.
Sat, 03-31-2007, 09:34 PM
I'd have to disagree with that. For a hundred+ pages, this chapter was the pinnacle of content, especially with it being a flashback about the single, most significant battle for the story.
I felt the battle was dragged on. 100+ pages on just the war? There wasn't much fighting to begin with. Just a lot of mugshots of Won Sul, Munsu, Won Hyo, and Aji Tae mixed with a bunch of talk here and there.
Sun, 04-01-2007, 12:20 AM
This was an awesome chapter, it's not the fighting in this chapter that makes it good. It's the character development that makes it so good, we get to see Munsu, Aji Tae, Won Hyo, and Won Sul from before what they are now. This chapter added more depth to the characters.
Sun, 04-01-2007, 06:28 AM
It partially answered my question about Aji Tae. From his short talk with Munsu, we learned he's had that attitude to destroy the world for some time, and had the power to back it up for considerably longer than the time Junshin fell.
Fri, 04-06-2007, 05:40 PM
Shin Angyo Onshi Chapter 20b (
More stuff about Munsu's past. Quite interesting.
Fri, 04-06-2007, 07:36 PM
This series keeps getting stranger and stranger. I had assumed that Jushin had had no dealings with the West until they began invading recently, and now Munsu and Kye Wol Hyang are headed there. Is this all a legitmate flashback, or is it all part of the hallucination, and only parts are based off the true past?
I believe the things that happened with Aji Tae were true, and his close relationship with the king of Jushin has been mentioned before, but these last couple of pages I can only see as part of the dream. I vividly remember a panel where Munsu recalled Kye Wol Hyang's death. Munsu still had his sword and long hair as he ran her through. Her "twin" also related the tale that Kye Wol Hyang could never leave the palace due to her illness.
No other way to find out but to keep reading.
Fri, 04-06-2007, 11:11 PM
Good flashback chapter, rich in character content~
At least now there's a legitimate reason to why the Phantom Soldiers summoned by Munsu's mahai "don't work" against monsters and other non-human enemies.
Fri, 04-13-2007, 06:37 PM
Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 12 Chapter 20 Part 3 (
Gogogo, new chapter
I doubt, Munsu confessed, when the Queen asked Hart if he confessed, he was hesitant like, Oh.. yeah.. And then the queen was like "... Really..." So yeah..
Sun, 04-15-2007, 10:19 AM
I also don't think he confessed at that time, but I think he'll say it when he eases her pain.
Fri, 04-20-2007, 01:21 PM
This series keeps getting stranger and stranger. I had assumed that Jushin had had no dealings with the West until they began invading recently, and now Munsu and Kye Wol Hyang are headed there. Is this all a legitmate flashback, or is it all part of the hallucination, and only parts are based off the true past?
I believe the things that happened with Aji Tae were true, and his close relationship with the king of Jushin has been mentioned before, but these last couple of pages I can only see as part of the dream. I vividly remember a panel where Munsu recalled Kye Wol Hyang's death. Munsu still had his sword and long hair as he ran her through. Her "twin" also related the tale that Kye Wol Hyang could never leave the palace due to her illness.
No other way to find out but to keep reading.
I this is the true past, there's no reason to show us a fake dream... this is simply an interesting device to inform the readers of Munsu's past, I don't think there's an agenda to show us fake scenes. And when something seems fake, Munsu himself comments on it like what we saw in that chapter where he to get the king to say the word "liar" three times.
Sat, 04-21-2007, 03:59 PM
SAO Volume 12 Chapter 20D (
Sat, 04-21-2007, 04:59 PM
Looks like we know where Creepy Man in a Top Hat comes from now. There really wasn't much else to this chapter, aside from the love triangle between Munsu, Kye Wol Hyang and the Emperor.
Munsu's clothing in this chapter reminded me of something.
I am starting to wonder if Marlene met one them before. Back when she had a one-on-one with Sando in the rain, there are a series of short flashbacks from when she was younger. There's no way to tell if the person who told her to go to the east was Munsu or not, but the appearance did look very similar to him. They are in the west somewhere, and Jushin fell some time ago.
I believe she will become a very important character once Munsu starts assaulting Aji Tae's forces. She's been labeled in the beginning of the volumes too many times to not be. I don't think Marlene ever really looked a Munsu during the arc she was introduced. She was too occupied fighting Sando then as well. I'll leave my wild speculations at that.
Sun, 04-22-2007, 09:28 AM
Looks like we know where Creepy Man in a Top Hat comes from now. There really wasn't much else to this chapter, aside from the love triangle between Munsu, Kye Wol Hyang and the Emperor.
Munsu's clothing in this chapter reminded me of something.
I am starting to wonder if Marlene met one them before. Back when she had a one-on-one with Sando in the rain, there are a series of short flashbacks from when she was younger. There's no way to tell if the person who told her to go to the east was Munsu or not, but the appearance did look very similar to him. They are in the west somewhere, and Jushin fell some time ago.
I believe she will become a very important character once Munsu starts assaulting Aji Tae's forces. She's been labeled in the beginning of the volumes too many times to not be. I don't think Marlene ever really looked a Munsu during the arc she was introduced. She was too occupied fighting Sando then as well. I'll leave my wild speculations at that.
Yeah the creepy guy in the top hat seems to be Baron Lou Ells. He is addressed as "Lou" by Aji Tae in the top panel of Vol 10, Chapter 17, page 104. I wasn't sure if it was him or not because he did have the eyepatch but it looks like he's killed by Sir Gallimard on page 139.
And it certainly did look like Munsu in Marlene's flashbacks. Man, there are a lot of characters in this series...has anyone else forgotten some of the secondary characters' names? Or is it just my poor memory? Haha.
Sun, 04-22-2007, 11:47 AM
I was implying he was Sir Gallimard. Lou Ells declared that Gallimard would be corrupted slowly be the devil though his faith and weakest points, and we see him tempting that very fate before the perverted idols Lou created. It may be Lou serving Aji Tae, but the face and white hair are Gallimard's.
Sun, 04-22-2007, 01:37 PM
I read the new chapter...there's no need to repeat it. Lou has white hair on p.138 and 139.
Sun, 04-22-2007, 05:11 PM
I was implying he was Sir Gallimard. Lou Ells declared that Gallimard would be corrupted slowly be the devil though his faith and weakest points, and we see him tempting that very fate before the perverted idols Lou created. It may be Lou serving Aji Tae, but the face and white hair are Gallimard's.
Sorry if I misunderstood anything, but, isn't it the case that BOTH diabolic artist and crusader are, in the present timeline of the story, serving Aji Tae?
Heh, in that aspect, I like how Aji Tae is taking his "evil and good as one" belief literally by recruiting heroes and monsters.
Sun, 04-22-2007, 06:58 PM
That would actually be where all of my confusion stems from. I didn't realize that we were supposed to have seen Gallimard before. Just noticed him now in chapter 18 part 2.
My mistake.
Sun, 04-22-2007, 08:45 PM
Ah, so there he is....I thought I saw him before but I couldn't place where. Nice Find. :)
Fri, 04-27-2007, 07:06 PM
Shin Angyo Onshi Volume 12 Chapter 20E (
Man when I first saw page 161, I got pissed instantaneously, cause I thought she was having sex with the King or something. Thank god i was wrong.
Sat, 04-28-2007, 03:39 AM
A nice chapter, and you get to see more of Aji Tae's nature, and people seeing that side to him.
This part of the manga is crazy, we're getting to see things and still yet to witness some of the things that we've wanted answered for a while.
Fri, 05-04-2007, 09:28 PM
SAO v12 Chapter 20F (
Fri, 05-04-2007, 09:50 PM
Arrghh...this chapter was such a tease!
Fri, 05-11-2007, 07:26 PM
Volume 13 Chapter 20G (
Start of a new volume.
Tue, 05-22-2007, 08:47 AM
Volume 13 Chapter 20 Part 8 (
Volume 13 Chapter 20 Part 9 (
Tue, 05-22-2007, 09:41 AM
What an amazing chapter. Kae Wol Hyang and Munsu's relationship a very beautiful thing. He sacrificed so much for her and she's willing to let herself be fooled by him.
Finally some insight into what Aji Tae is. From what they said, it was my understanding that he is hybridized with some incredibly evil force. "The Devil" under his Aji Tae's definition of one. Is it that he wants to destroy the world so this evil force can know it's own name? That confused me a little.
Lastly, confirmation that Munsu trained Marlene. I thought it was kind of odd, so I looked back through the chapters she's appeared in. She has never seen Munsu's face in present day. There was line to Sando "I should like to see his face..." but I imagine her reactions would have been quite different had she known it was the old teacher she was apparently quite fond of. Also looking at the point where she fought Sando alone, after her attendant Hart was killed, Marlene's sword burst into what looked like flames and she batted Sando away with a shockwave. It seems very likely now that once she meets again with Munsu, Marlene will be the one to face off and hold off the now powered up Sando during the final confrontation with Aji Tae.
Sun, 06-03-2007, 01:50 PM
Volume 13 Chapter 20 Part 10 (
End of Volume 13
Mon, 06-04-2007, 01:16 PM
Why Sando whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! I loved you! XD
Mon, 06-04-2007, 01:41 PM
What Aji Tae has done to Sando (he even calls her Chun Hyang...) can never be forgiven. I'm confident Marlene can kick some sense back into her. The short comedy relief of Miss Hwang's own assassins narrowly missing her with a giant axe was funny though.
Luckily, Munsu seems to be closer to coming out of it. He's already returned to the state where he wonders about hallucinating like he did in the beginning. I bet the rage of seeing Aji Tae bring down Jushin or the grief of reliving his mercy-killing of Kae Wol Hyang will bring him out of it.
Thu, 06-14-2007, 01:00 AM
theres something i don't far munsu had previously made a few claims how his love was an illusion or that it was one sided.
From the looks of things so far, it really doesn't look like it was one sided at all? maybe theres something else that happens later on, but so far i can't really see what he's always been uneasy about whenever he mentions his love life.
Thu, 06-21-2007, 08:26 PM
Volume 14 Chapter 20 Part 11 (
Thu, 06-21-2007, 09:06 PM
Nice, I decided to catch up today... so I get an extra chapter to read for my efforts.
Thu, 06-21-2007, 09:45 PM
Wow, that chapter explained a lot in the last few pages. But leaves just as many questions. When did Aji Tae replace the king with himself? Why is Munsu the only one who sees it as it is? What is happening to Kae Wol Hyang?
For the last one anyway, I would guess that the reason Munsu isn't dead and the marks over Kae Wol Hyang's body indicate the curse that transferred her disease to Munsu didn't work properly. I'm guessing Aji Tae did it intentionally, no idea why, but it doesn't seem anything he does is unintentional.
At least it's also clear why Munsu punched Yeong Sil in the face when they met again in the present.
Good news is that it looks like we'll get a full account on the Fall of Jushin. Unfortunately, I've heard that this flashback continues into volume 16, bringing the total number of parts to this chapter over twenty. It'll be a long way off until we see the conclusion to this arc, and even longer to get back to the present.
Sat, 06-23-2007, 07:53 AM
Wow, I was hoping for background information when I first started reading, but I would have never guessed they'd go into this much detail. Am I the only one who's anxious to get back to the present?
Sat, 06-23-2007, 08:15 AM
I really want to get back to the present (and see what happens with Hwang, Marlene, and the rest of Munsu's future allies against Aji Tae), but at the same time, the length of this flashback shows how deep Munsu is trapped within the mandragora's hallucination. But, since it's not just random, and certainly not as happy as it is supposed to be, it shows that Munsu will be able to work his way out of it.
Sun, 06-24-2007, 10:56 PM
Yeah, I guess you're right....I'm interested to see exactly how he'll break out of it.
Wed, 07-18-2007, 10:18 PM
Volume 14 Chapter 20 Part 12 ([ETC].zip)
Might as well chalk this up as the "Golden Age" arc of SAO.
Mon, 10-08-2007, 09:41 PM
Well, we skipped discussion on Part 12, and Part 13, but here's the first release in some time. This closes volume 14, but don't worry, Chapter 20 continues long into volume 15!
Volume 14 Chapter 20 Parts 14-15 (
EDIT: Two truly beautiful chapters. I see why it took so long, the art is exquisite. Must have taken them forever to edit. There was a tremendous deal in these two chapters, so I'll wait before discussing them more.
Mon, 10-08-2007, 11:15 PM
Honestly, if Aji Tae never had any brainwashing on Sando, I would call the author a dumbass. To completely 360 a person's personality that much is silly if there is no outside influence directly controlling what she thinks.
Sat, 05-31-2008, 02:45 AM
After all this time, the final leg of the journey is here. This is the beginning of the final volume, where things start off with a bang, in which Munsu shoots mean looks at Cloud, and then Haohmaru jumps in!
Also, lots of people start dying off abruptly.
Volume 17 Chapter 21 Part 6 ([ETC].zip)
Tue, 06-10-2008, 01:28 AM
Well, the whole thing has now been done and we have our conclusion.
Munsu finishes up badass!
Will let everyone read! but you can get the rest of it at mangatraders.
Wed, 06-18-2008, 12:38 AM
I thought they could have tied things up a little better, but overall a very satifying manga. This would make an amazing anime, just recently I found out that there was a anime movie based on one of the first arcs. Has anyone watched it? I found a torrent at, if you search using the name "Blade of the Phantom Master" you can find it there.
Wed, 06-18-2008, 01:54 AM
The anime was pretty good in my opinion. It basically covered the beginning and the (first) mandrake arc, if memory serves. It certainly wouldn't hurt to see all of this in an anime form.
I thought the ending was somewhat abrupt but I suppose better an abrupt ending than no real ending or a poor ending. In any case the dude's life was running out so it's not like it could have gone on much longer. They could have only shown what happened to the other characters afterwards but this wasn't really that kind of a story.
Mon, 06-30-2008, 04:31 PM
I enjoyed its length. Reminds me a little bit of Beserk, only not as painfully slow.
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