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Thu, 11-03-2005, 01:15 AM
Let us discuss this epic new arc which will surely be remembered as one of the highlights of the series.

21 weeks to go!

Thu, 11-03-2005, 01:50 AM
I think this arc is over ... haha It was just one episode. New arc next week. Some ninja samarui (isnt that kinda conflicting?).

Still downloadeding the subs so I'll discuss more later.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 03:08 AM
Lol at the opening "Nothing worth seeing happens in this episode, we're sorry."

Thu, 11-03-2005, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by: Lucied
Lol at the opening "Nothing worth seeing happens in this episode, we're sorry."

Ehh some things were ok ...

EDIT: Photobucket.com Bandwidth Exceeded ... NOOOOOOOo
Will edit pictures later ...

Oh yeah, Naruto did the Ransengen he didnt use on Raiga and unleasehd it on a bolder =P. See he was going to do it! This entire episode was made just so he could do it.


Thu, 11-03-2005, 03:41 AM
I didn't mind it too much. But I have a feeling this is how all arcs will go. Nice idea, but flat in execution.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 05:20 AM
My god, My eyes they burn! These goggles, they do nothing. Seriously though, It was horrible and just when I said outloud at least it can't get worse than this, they busted out a rasengan. It was so bad that I enjoyed watching it. For a moment there, when the clouds ominously appeared, I thought Raiga was comin for em.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 07:10 AM
God I wish I wasn't at work so I could watch this when it finishes dling at home. So is this episode better than the death of Raiga? If its as stupidly funny as that one, I can't wait to get home.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:07 AM
This single episode arc was 300% better than the whole bloody Raiga arc. Well, that obviously doesn't still mean much, but since my expectations were so low, I actually enjoyed this. At least there wasn't anything that would have irritated me like the curry of life.

And like Kensee said, if somebody didn't see that rasengan coming, he/she should stop watching this show...

The best moment of the episode:

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:16 AM
It was a ok episode, nothing special tough. It was retareded that the kids could walk verticaly with no training, were it took Naruto and Sasuke several days. It was weitd tough that they didn't stretch this out over two eps, mayby they have gotten alot of critic for the fillers in japan as well.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 10:29 AM
It was ok like Kraco said I didnt really expected much so I enjoyed it a lot more than the Raiga arc I just didnt liked when he used rasengan a weopen for assasination on a freaking rock

Thu, 11-03-2005, 11:15 AM
The only good thing about this episode is that it's short. Just watching the trailer for the upcoming filler arc makes me wanna sleep. i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif

At least this scene was funny to me.


Thu, 11-03-2005, 11:25 AM
lol @ Udon being hypnotized

Don't know what to make of this. It's just stupid, occasionally in an annoying way, and occasionally in a funny way.
Naruto is still the most annoying main character ever. Lee's scenes were cool :S Lee-sensei~

It's funny how Naruto has never focused on the other genin as much as it does now. Really gives you a perspective on how underdeveloped some of the characters are.

Next week, Naruto, Hinata & Kiba goes west. I can't waaaaaiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttt.... bleh

Edit: Oh and the screenshot Kraco posted was indeed the best part of the episode

Thu, 11-03-2005, 12:59 PM
To be honest...i think this episode was better than the last few

Thu, 11-03-2005, 01:01 PM
That's really not saying a whole hell of a lot. I think just about anything beats the curry of life.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 01:21 PM
Stop fucking the naruto series. WORST EPISODE EVER!!!!11111

Thu, 11-03-2005, 01:54 PM
It was a ok episode to me, nothing special in it, But I definatly didn't hate it.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 02:08 PM
it was short so it was ok

Thu, 11-03-2005, 02:40 PM
One word can describe this episode, meh. It wasnt the worst filler, but it was still a filler.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 02:54 PM
its quite funny that Naruto even ends a episode with rasengan against a rock...

Thu, 11-03-2005, 02:56 PM
Well, yeah, of course Naruto fought a rock at the end. It was only a matter of time before he fought an enemy with the same intelligence level as his own.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 03:36 PM
i found this eps only funny

Thu, 11-03-2005, 04:14 PM
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
Well, yeah, of course Naruto fought a rock at the end. It was only a matter of time before he fought an enemy with the same intelligence level as his own.
Heh heh. Well said!

After some consideration I think I know why this episode didn't bother me nearly as much as many of the other fillers: This episode didn't even try to be something epic like the Raiga arc. With all the restrictions on the fillers, any story that even tries to be epic will ultimately fail without exception. However, if the story has no need to be epic, it just might work.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 05:04 PM
that was the most contrived boulder placement ive ever seen

and i kinda wanted to shoot myself after the para para jutsu bit

Thu, 11-03-2005, 05:08 PM
this episode was aight

Thu, 11-03-2005, 06:33 PM
I agree with Kraco, where if all the fillers are like one shot episodes, it gives them a chance to be halfway decent. The raiga and mizuki arcs are perfect examples of what can go wrong when they try to make these longer arcs. I think I might be able to tolerate just a bunch of useless one shot filler episodes. Oh, and woot! More Hinata coming!

Thu, 11-03-2005, 06:36 PM
That's what good filler is. Stuff that doesn't try to be "epic" (good word) and consequently screw up the storyline and characters.

Still not worth watching though.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 07:39 PM
This episode blew. Only good part was how all the other ninjas handled their squads (Lee, Neji, Chouji, etc) and showing how incompetent Naruto is at it. Otherwise it was totally boring and not funny at all. The only humorous part was that Naruto taught the kids versions of his Sexy no Jutsu.

I still think longer filler arcs are better than these one shot shitters. Although they'll all follow a formula, the one-shots are so cliche and formulaic that there isn't much room to play around. Longer arcs you at least can introduce new characters and situations that have a shot at being entertaining. Like Karashi in the Curry of Life arc.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:01 PM
So I guess I'm the only person that found the whole Less Sensai bit funny.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:09 PM
Nah, I found it funny as well. What shocked me was that Hinata was actually portrayed as a decent leader to those kids.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:48 PM
Does anyone have anyidea how they will slip these fillers into the current time frame?
We Know that Naruto has 3 yrs to rescue sasuke.
Is the filler time acting against the 3yr deadline that Naruto has to train before the shit hits the fan?

Thu, 11-03-2005, 08:49 PM
my friend was only watching the part when they transform into females over and over

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:14 PM
Your friend a catholic priest? 0_o Stop bashing Naruto.... >.< Every good aniem with lots of episodes gotta have fillers................

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:14 PM
thats the only part worth watching anyway

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:17 PM
monkey is right cause its like the only funny part and narut getting hit in the head

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:26 PM
Wait a minute! There was more than just one funny moment. I agree with the earlier post that lee giving the nice guy pose to his kids was hilarious. There were also some more funny parts, like Tsunade mocking the way Naruto speaks. About time someone mocked that crazy dattebayo stuff.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:45 PM
Tsunade's Naruto mockery had nothing on Arashi's hilarious impersonation he did back during the epic arc in which he appeared.

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:47 PM
Ah, yeah, that arc. That was a halfway decent arc, wasn't it? Or was I just sleep deprived when I watched it? Oh well, fond memories either way....

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:50 PM
oh man... can this show get any better? *thumbs up*

Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:55 PM
sure in about 20 weeks...

dark maginn
Thu, 11-03-2005, 10:29 PM
this eps was aright pretty funny

Thu, 11-03-2005, 11:52 PM
Yo my first post here just joined^^ cant stand being idle anymore, not being able to post ehere hehe^^

Anyway i say this episode was pretty ok and hilarious specially the rock-lee part with (yes lee sensei) hahahah i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif loved it

Thu, 11-03-2005, 11:59 PM
I would actually watch funny episodes rather than the serious ones. They seem to entertain me much more than those trying to be serious. I personally liked this episode because it showed something fresh. I want more like the Kakashi mask thingy to fill the void. Quite a few chukles isn't bad IMO i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif Too bad it seems there's a whole new "serious" thingy beginning next episode. i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif

Fri, 11-04-2005, 02:14 AM
the only good thing, as in nearly all the fillers, is just the humor. everything else wasn't that good

Fri, 11-04-2005, 02:18 AM
Jesus crist, Ero-fans only ever made 12 posts and I think all of them are in this thread.

Anyway, I'm gonna go with Masa here. I really disliked this episode and I usually try and pick out good parts of fillers. This episode was just terrible, and it was actually a good idea. Gennins need leadership training. Makes sense to me. To bad it was just mostly boring. The shit that was funny made up about 30 seconds of the episode. And everything that took place towards the end on top of the mountain was just stupid.

And I definatly don't agree with the sentiment that the one-shot fillers are somehow better than the mini-arcs. An entire season of one-shots would have me one-shotting myself in the head. Shit needs to be given MORE time to develope, not less.

And on that note, I actually thought the next arc looks kinda interesting. I'm sure it will suck once I start watching it, but I'm gonna pretend for a little bit that it might be cool. Although, I wonder what happened to Neji. If he's not in the arc though, that can only be a good thing, less chance to fuck his character up some more.

Fri, 11-04-2005, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by: Parkalash
Yo my first post here just joined^^ cant stand being idle anymore, not being able to post ehere hehe^^

Anyway i say this episode was pretty ok and hilarious specially the rock-lee part with (yes lee sensei) hahahah loved it

Welcome to the Gotwoot community. Watch out for anyone over Chunnin level, they bite you if you get too close!

Fri, 11-04-2005, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
What shocked me was that Hinata was actually portrayed as a decent leader to those kids.

She has no selfesteem when she's among other genins, nor does her personality seem very suitable for real combat purposes. Perhaps baby-sitting kids is indeed what she's best suited for. Yeah, she would be a great housewife for Naruto, when he's dattebayoing around the world.

Fri, 11-04-2005, 03:44 AM
That's all that women are good for in anime. Healing and baby-sitting. I want a strong female character dammit. Where's Temari? Where's the Sand team filler everyone was predicting??

Fri, 11-04-2005, 04:01 AM
A filler with Temari and Shikamaru in the same group, on the same mission might have nice potential, indeed...

Fri, 11-04-2005, 05:56 AM

Fri, 11-04-2005, 08:07 AM
I get the feeling sometime that Shikamaru is gay. He hates girls and he loves Chouji. Mayby he's just afraid of cooties tough, he is only 12 or something, right?

Fri, 11-04-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by: el_boss
I get the feeling sometime that Shikamaru is gay. He hates girls and he loves Chouji. Mayby he's just afraid of cooties tough, he is only 12 or something, right?

I don't believe he's gay at all. I think he's just afraid of losing his lazy thinker's way of life, like he views his dad did. He's not yet perhaps ready to admit any advantages of getting close to chixors, although in my wistful mind I like to think Temari is slowly breaking that hesitation. He would form such a jolly good pair with Temari...

Fri, 11-04-2005, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by: Kraco

Originally posted by: el_boss
I get the feeling sometime that Shikamaru is gay. He hates girls and he loves Chouji. Mayby he's just afraid of cooties tough, he is only 12 or something, right?

I don't believe he's gay at all. I think he's just afraid of losing his lazy thinker's way of life, like he views his dad did. He's not yet perhaps ready to admit any advantages of getting close to chixors, although in my wistful mind I like to think Temari is slowly breaking that hesitation. He would form such a jolly good pair with Temari...

At first I really also thought something extra was going on with Shikamaru and Chouji. Their level of comraderie was... well it really seemed like they only had eyes for each other. That and Shikamaru often mentioning how women are 'troublesome' and one time (after Chouji got out of the hospital) laughing after Ino said Chouji looked better skinny and should go on a diet (think Shikamaru said something to the effect that "I think a little cushion for the pushin is perfect, wink wink nudge nudge")

But it really does seem that they're trying to pair up Shikamaru and Temari. Remember, Shikamaru admitted defeat to her and respects her (and was saved by her...) Also, that one scene where they're both sitting in the hospital in the aftermath episode of the Chase Sasuke arc really had alot of flirtation and meaningful exchanges between them.

So I'm gonna throw down and say he'll shack up with Temari by the end, leaving poor Chouji all on his lonesome.

Fri, 11-04-2005, 12:01 PM
I've always wanted Shikamaru to get together with Temari. It's the only thing close to romance in this anime (Sakura doesn't count), and they keep hinting at it. I think it's gonna happen.

Kraco has it right about Shika though. He just doesn't wanna be whipped like his dad is. The only women he knows are all bossy and, well...troublesome. But we do know that he wants to get married. He says so when he's fighting those 8 footsoldiers from Sound, something like, "I wanted to get married to a girl who's neither pretty nor ugly, and spend the rest of my days playing Go." Dude's got his life planned.

Fri, 11-04-2005, 12:43 PM
I'm sure his dad was just like Shika when he was young, but then he said "When you get married then you'll understand why I put up with your mom" or something like that. Hahah, Choji is gonna hook up with Ino.

Originally posted by: DarthEnder


Fri, 11-04-2005, 03:18 PM
If only Chouji had stayed thin then Ino would havebeen all over him. I still think they'll get together though

Fri, 11-04-2005, 06:34 PM
Ino will become Choujis feeder. He will be like Cartman in that beefcake episode.

Ino + Chouji =


Fri, 11-04-2005, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by: el_boss
Ino will become Choujis feeder. He will be like Cartman in that beefcake episode.

Ino + Chouji =


It's the valley of the Go... hey wait a min, thats not... thats a ... OMG my eyes, they burn!

Fri, 11-04-2005, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
"I wanted to get married to a girl who's neither pretty nor ugly, and spend the rest of my days playing Go."

Heh heh. The dude said that and then will end up with the hottest girl of the show. Way to go!

Her sheer brilliance blinds him!

Fri, 11-04-2005, 07:17 PM
Yeah, its gonna be:

Kiba+a dog

Poor Neji, gonna die alone.

Fri, 11-04-2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Yeah, its gonna be:

Kiba+a dog

Poor Neji, gonna die alone.

Mayby Neji will get Hinata or her little sister Hanabi, some incest action to keep the ability within the family.

It doesn't seem like Sasuke likes Sakura all that much, remember he has already kissed Naruto once and they were holding hands very gayly in one of the flashbacks.

Lee+Gai (this one is too obvious, have you seen how they look at eachother?)
Orochimaru+Kabuto (they've got a little something going on)
Ebisu+Kakashi+Jiraya (threesome of perverts)
Shikamaru's team leader and Hinata's team leader (don't remember their names)

Fri, 11-04-2005, 11:08 PM
Resurrect the "Naruto Couples" thread if you wanna take this any further. It's kinda funny. Read some old theories on Naruto romance and add something new. This is getting too off topic.

Heh heh. The dude said that and then will end up with the hottest girl of the show. Way to go!
lol, that very thought struck me as I typed those words.

Board of Command
Sat, 11-05-2005, 01:28 AM
It really cheered me up when this became a one-episode filler. Didn't last long though, preview let me down.

Sat, 11-05-2005, 01:47 AM
Originally posted by: el_boss

Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Yeah, its gonna be:

Kiba+a dog

Poor Neji, gonna die alone.

Mayby Neji will get Hinata or her little sister Hanabi, some incest action to keep the ability within the family.

It doesn't seem like Sasuke likes Sakura all that much, remember he has already kissed Naruto once and they were holding hands very gayly in one of the flashbacks.

Lee+Gai (this one is too obvious, have you seen how they look at eachother?)
Orochimaru+Kabuto (they've got a little something going on)
Ebisu+Kakashi+Jiraya (threesome of perverts)
Shikamaru's team leader and Hinata's team leader (don't remember their names)

hey, that's a great post you got there

Sat, 11-05-2005, 02:15 AM
I think this is a better episode than the other fillers. I was suprised to see this filler arc ended with just one episode. Anyhow, I am still waiting for the main story to come.

Sat, 11-05-2005, 02:42 AM
Shikamaru's team leader and Hinata's team leader (don't remember their names)

Sat, 11-05-2005, 02:56 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

Originally posted by: el_boss

Originally posted by: DarthEnder
Yeah, its gonna be:

Kiba+a dog

Poor Neji, gonna die alone.

Mayby Neji will get Hinata or her little sister Hanabi, some incest action to keep the ability within the family.

It doesn't seem like Sasuke likes Sakura all that much, remember he has already kissed Naruto once and they were holding hands very gayly in one of the flashbacks.

Lee+Gai (this one is too obvious, have you seen how they look at eachother?)
Orochimaru+Kabuto (they've got a little something going on)
Ebisu+Kakashi+Jiraya (threesome of perverts)
Shikamaru's team leader and Hinata's team leader (don't remember their names)

hey, that's a great post you got there

Sasuke is going to die so he wont be with anyone in the end.

and in the end, wont everyone be happier that way?

Sat, 11-05-2005, 03:01 AM
Originally posted by: Kraco

Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
What shocked me was that Hinata was actually portrayed as a decent leader to those kids.

She has no selfesteem when she's among other genins, nor does her personality seem very suitable for real combat purposes. Perhaps baby-sitting kids is indeed what she's best suited for. Yeah, she would be a great housewife for Naruto, when he's dattebayoing around the world.

I liked ur reply i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
dattebayoing ...
haha i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sat, 11-05-2005, 04:23 AM

Sadly, this wasn't the worst of the filler.

Sat, 11-05-2005, 07:29 AM
Why would Lee end up with Tenten? She shows a lot more consideration for Neji, always has.

He'll get that wench.

Sat, 11-05-2005, 07:47 PM
This was a decent filler. IF you want to watch some real naruto Go watch naruto vs neji, sasuke vs garra, Naruto vs garra etc. Oh ya watch 113+ chouji fight rocked!!

Sat, 11-05-2005, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Why would Lee end up with Tenten? She shows a lot more consideration for Neji, always has.

He'll get that wench.

Tenten looked at Lee all googely-eyed once when they were training. I'm guessing that the statement is derived from this thing, I haven't read the manga though.

Sat, 11-05-2005, 08:56 PM
This episode and all the other fillers are an embarrassment to Naruto. This is not decent Naruto episodes. Look back and campare, this is just shit.

Sat, 11-05-2005, 10:56 PM
Tenten should end up with Neji, because few self-respecting females would put up with the atorcity that is Rock Lee's social skills... way too formal...way too much green ugly outfit... I know she looked at Rock all googly eyed when he was training (a very strong implication) but she must be a really dumb woman to go with him over Neji (then again, i wonder if Neji would even respect a weaker ninja like Ten-ten as a life-partner...) in that case, Rock would be better, cuz, lets face it, the guy is desparate!

Sun, 11-06-2005, 03:53 AM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
then again, i wonder if Neji would even respect a weaker ninja like Ten-ten as a life-partner...

Well, considering Neji evaluates himself the strongest ninja, he will have to settle for a weaker ninja as a partner, if he chooses to take a ninja at all to live with, and not a civilian. And since those are the choices, Ten-Ten would probably do well. And if he got Ten-Ten, he wouldn't have to spend any money on kitchen utensils, as Ten-Ten could summon 'em all...

Sun, 11-06-2005, 05:42 AM
I wouldn't call Rock Lee desparate. Well, only if you consider that he likes Sakura.

Sun, 11-06-2005, 06:04 AM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Tenten should end up with Neji, because few self-respecting females would put up with the atorcity that is Rock Lee's social skills... way too formal...way too much green ugly outfit... I know she looked at Rock all googly eyed when he was training (a very strong implication) but she must be a really dumb woman to go with him over Neji (then again, i wonder if Neji would even respect a weaker ninja like Ten-ten as a life-partner...) in that case, Rock would be better, cuz, lets face it, the guy is desparate!

I don't know if it's just the fillers, but it seems like Naji had become very humble and has lost the arrogance we learned to love way back when.

Sun, 11-06-2005, 06:06 PM
I just saw the new episode. Not good, but not bad either. Although i couldn't help but laugh out loud at the preview. Looks like naruto is going to the wild west. Can you say ninja samurai western? God whats next? Maybe in the next filler arc naruto will go into space.

The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 11-06-2005, 06:09 PM
He should Rasengan an asteroid intending to destroy Konoha.

I can see Naruto giving the asteroid one of his underdog speeches about how he won't back down.

Sun, 11-06-2005, 07:01 PM
Neji lost his arrogance after being beaten by Naruto. Can you blame him, though? I'd be more humble too if I was beaten by a trainable.

Sun, 11-06-2005, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by: DayoftheDante
Neji lost his arrogance after being beaten by Naruto. Can you blame him, though? I'd be more humble too if I was beaten by a trainable.

Defeat is the greatest humbling (is that even a word o.o) one can experience.
Personally I liked Neji a lot better during his fight with spider sound guy (horrible with name, and he is humble at this point) then when before he fought Naruto.

Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
He should Rasengan an asteroid intending to destroy Konoha.

I can see Naruto giving the asteroid one of his underdog speeches about how he won't back down.

O.o wha? Asteroid would kinda kill him from the heat ... or like crush him...

Sun, 11-06-2005, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by: Kensee

Originally posted by: DayoftheDante
Neji lost his arrogance after being beaten by Naruto. Can you blame him, though? I'd be more humble too if I was beaten by a trainable.

Defeat is the greatest humbling (is that even a word o.o) one can experience.
Personally I liked Neji a lot better during his fight with spider sound guy (horrible with name, and he is humble at this point) then when before he fought Naruto.

Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
He should Rasengan an asteroid intending to destroy Konoha.

I can see Naruto giving the asteroid one of his underdog speeches about how he won't back down.

O.o wha? Asteroid would kinda kill him from the heat ... or like crush him...

No, it wouldn't. You forget that he has the infinite health option on.

Sun, 11-06-2005, 11:44 PM
And all of Sasuke's fire attacks work SO good on Naruto.

Mon, 11-07-2005, 05:07 AM
Konohamaru + Tsunade Hey, you know it's gonna happen.

Naruto fighting a rock. And he had to use a Rasengan. Konohamaru should kick Naruto's ass. They can obviously use the sexy technique better than him. BTW, isn't one of the kids a girl?

Mon, 11-07-2005, 07:20 AM
Are you forgetting that Naruto indeed did "fight" a rock in this episode. So the asteroid will be attacking konoha because of that. There will be stones and boulders from all around the world attacking konoha and they summon the asteroid. And finally Naruto builds a giant tower of kage bunshins and climbs to the top and farts on the asteroid.

Mon, 11-07-2005, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by: el_boss
Are you forgetting that Naruto indeed did "fight" a rock in this episode. So the asteroid will be attacking konoha because of that. There will be stones and boulders from all around the world attacking konoha and they summon the asteroid. And finally Naruto builds a giant tower of kage bunshins and climbs to the top and farts on the asteroid.

Yet another awesome post!

Why are you guys still talking in this thread if you're just going to be all sarcastic and overdramatic?

Mon, 11-07-2005, 01:21 PM
Did you post something poignant or did you just come to bitch?

The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 11-07-2005, 02:31 PM
Okay, here's my input.

Throughout the fillers, I think I have defended Naruto against a lot of you guys. I tried to make you see the good points about the Baka Bros./Mizuki/Bikouchuu arcs. But this...

This episode was just a pile of rancid shit.

It went against all logic, I mean, how the hell did the children all of a sudden discover how to walk up the mountain?

The enemy was a mountain. A MOUNTAIN. I KNEW Naruto was going to fucking Rasengan a rock.

Mon, 11-07-2005, 04:02 PM
I don't have problems with occasional episodes without enemies. They could be used nicely to give more character to the various genins or other people, like this episode. No enemy is better than a bloody horrible enemy like we have seen a few times. I would rather watch 20 minutes of Jiraiya peeping at babes than another episode of some miserable old loser metamorphosing into a corn flakes tiger.

Mon, 11-07-2005, 05:24 PM
Thats my thoughts exactly. Although it would be kinda difficult for them to think of stuff that doesnt involve "villians".

I think that if we watch at least 5 straight "funny" fillers just b4 they start following the manga again, we will develop much more anticipation for the upcoming episodes. But thats my way of seeing it and Im sure many will disagree.

Anyways I "kinda" liked this episode because it didnt feel so stupid compared to the past fillers. By stupid I mean when they act all serious against a clownfish wannabe and with curry of life 4 all. Those kind of episodes seem out of place. They destroy the series little by little. IMO

Mon, 11-07-2005, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

Originally posted by: el_boss
Are you forgetting that Naruto indeed did "fight" a rock in this episode. So the asteroid will be attacking konoha because of that. There will be stones and boulders from all around the world attacking konoha and they summon the asteroid. And finally Naruto builds a giant tower of kage bunshins and climbs to the top and farts on the asteroid.

Yet another awesome post!

Why are you guys still talking in this thread if you're just going to be all sarcastic and overdramatic?

Yes indeed, it is awesome. Just as awesome as your's is. Why do you keep posting in this thread if your just going judge other peoples posts?

Mon, 11-07-2005, 08:48 PM
because they spark conversations i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Seriously though.......farting on asteroids?

Mite Gai
Mon, 11-07-2005, 09:39 PM
Wow, I am finding it extremely disparaging that I predicted this episode on a whim to insult the current stupidity of Naruto fillers.

Tue, 11-08-2005, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
because they spark conversations

Seriously though.......farting on asteroids?

Can you honestly say that farting on asteroids is a story point you could safely rule as outside the perview of the filler writers? Because I sure as fuck can't.

Tue, 11-08-2005, 12:35 PM
If so, then does that mean el_boss thinks at the same level as the filler writers?

Tue, 11-08-2005, 03:33 PM
What is with all the negative feeling going on in this thread?

Fucking christ, it's like a bunch of pre-schoolers... Not everyone's comments will suit your tastes, not everyone puts in the same amount of effort or thought into posts, but you're not making anything better by flaming/thoughtlessly reacting/just being sarcastic/demeaning...

Yes, it was a lame and disappointing episode (especially after the last Raiga episode, which IMO was the best filler ep yet) and it had lots of flaws and shortcomings. Let's be careful so as to not fall into the same ugly funk....

Tue, 11-08-2005, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
If so, then does that mean el_boss thinks at the same level as the filler writers?

It means that I can think at their level, but that doesn't mean that that is my limit. It's a basic human ability to put yourself in someone elses' situation and think accordingly. I don't know for sure, but you might lack this ability. It sure seems like by the way you are behaving. I don't know if you are a moderator or if it's because you are a veteran around here, but the way you are behaving would have rendered other people a warning.

Tue, 11-08-2005, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by: Kraco
I don't have problems with occasional episodes without enemies. They could be used nicely to give more character to the various genins or other people, like this episode. No enemy is better than a bloody horrible enemy like we have seen a few times. I would rather watch 20 minutes of Jiraiya peeping at babes than another episode of some miserable old loser metamorphosing into a corn flakes tiger.

Give more character? Are you kidding? well anyone would want to watch something else rather than a crappy villian, but naruto fought a rock here...

Tue, 11-08-2005, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by: darkmetal505
Give more character? Are you kidding? well anyone would want to watch something else rather than a crappy villian, but naruto fought a rock here...

Yes. But I don't think we have seen before so many of the new genins teaching academy students like that. And now we saw what kind of persons some of the genins were when placed at a teacher's position. There weren't really any surprises, but I doubt anybody even expected to see such.

And I don't consider a rock an enemy. It's true it played the role of an enemy in this episode if you insist in having a real enemy in each and every episode. But like I said, I don't personally have problems accepting episodes without enemies (like this ep). You can say he fought the rock, but in reality he just prevented it from crushing the Konohamaru gang.

Tue, 11-08-2005, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by: Kraco

Originally posted by: darkmetal505
Give more character? Are you kidding? well anyone would want to watch something else rather than a crappy villian, but naruto fought a rock here...

Yes. But I don't think we have seen before so many of the new genins teaching academy students like that. And now we saw what kind of persons some of the genins were when placed at a teacher's position. There weren't really any surprises, but I doubt anybody even expected to see such.

And I don't consider a rock an enemy. It's true it played the role of an enemy in this episode if you insist in having a real enemy in each and every episode. But like I said, I don't personally have problems accepting episodes without enemies (like this ep). You can say he fought the rock, but in reality he just prevented it from crushing the Konohamaru gang.

uh... actually genins arent supposed to have a team. Chunnins or above are. Genins are supposed to be in a team themselves; they totally blew that part.

Wed, 11-09-2005, 03:37 AM
Originally posted by: darkmetal505
uh... actually genins arent supposed to have a team. Chunnins or above are. Genins are supposed to be in a team themselves; they totally blew that part.

Heh heh. Unfortunately not everybody is a natural born leader. Quite a many people need leadership training in one form or another to ever become one. This episode wasn't, in that sense, so different compared to the bug valley arc, which gave Shino leadership training (succesful in that sense), or the curry of life arc that was supposed to give Neji the same sort of practice.

Well, I'm not saying any underlying facts like this would make the episodes any better, though.

Wed, 11-09-2005, 07:41 AM
Exactly right, Gennins don't have a team, but at some point, they have to learn to lead or else how can they become chuunin leaders in the first place?

That's why I said the idea for this episode was good. Especially the way Tsunade explained it to Naruto. Naruto should been all,

"Bitch, I don't need to learn leadership, the Hokage is the strongest ninja in the village! All I gotta do is beat the shit out of your ass and I get to go straight from Genin to Hokage! If I'm stronger than you, I gotta be the Hokage! Believe it!"

Fri, 11-11-2005, 02:26 AM
I think it is okay, as long as they don't do this kind of thing too often.Naruto used the "lovely ball of chakra" again, saw that coming when the second rock fell.
How lame is it that the kids actually ran up the mountain without being taught how to stick to surfaces?
Btw, anyone understood the wrist watch as a compass trick Neji taught his followers?

Fri, 11-11-2005, 03:38 AM
I think it was more using the watch like a sundial, which could tell you direction I suppose.

Fri, 11-11-2005, 05:24 AM
Originally posted by: AzureSky
Btw, anyone understood the wrist watch as a compass trick Neji taught his followers?

If you rely on subtitles alone (at least the DB version I watched), it won't make perfect sense. Not speaking Japanese, I can't say what Neji was actually telling, if compared to the subtitles. However, the images were right, although it's a matter of taste how you do the trick.

But anyway, the south lies halfway between the hour hand of a watch and the 12 position on the clock face, when the hour hand is pointing to the sun. Neji showed the students that they should take the halfway point between the hour hand and the 12 position, and face that halfway point to the sun, and south would be where the 12 position of the clock face is. That is of course in practice the exact same thing as facing the hour hand to the sun and then marking the halfway point to 12 as south.

But that's the trick. Neji is a smart fellow (does he even have a watch, himself? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif)