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View Full Version : is bleach the best anime you have ever seen?

Sat, 10-29-2005, 06:22 PM
i have to admit, this thing just never stops, straight from episode 1, every single episode has left me ready to kill some one so that i can find out what happens next (too lazy to read the manag thought! ^^). i love all the main characters, its funny, very violent, pretty gorey, has a nice way of progressing from arc to arc and i even enjoy the (what i presume are) fillers with the bwhahahaha guy in them.

this anime is the shit....

or am i just hallucinating because there hasnt been any real naruto for months?

Sat, 10-29-2005, 06:51 PM
Well, it's a very fine series, but not the best on my list. It might, however, be the best of the long running series. Time will tell.

However, with series in general, shorter stories can be more intensive, artistically stronger and bolder. While watching and even awaiting the next episode of Bleach certainly has the potential to make me excited, it isn't quite capable of making such a deep impression as shorter series like Berserk, for example, or Elfen Lied or Haibane Renmei, to name a few. Well, this is just my opinion. I do have some conservative tendencies, though, and thus long series have their own special place in my heart, but I don't think the number of episodes is of decisive importance (meaning the longer the better).

Ban Kai
Sat, 10-29-2005, 08:16 PM
i like it the best =P. i can't remember all the anime that i watched.

Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:03 PM
Nope. Trigun is the best

Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:04 PM
heh if you think bleach or naruto is the best anime ever i think you havent watched very many good animes i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

my favorite is FMA, though.

Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:22 PM
I wouldn't say the best, I can't say that about any anime. It's deffenitly up there as one of my top ranked animes.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:03 PM
I used to think so until I started watching the dub of BOBOBO.

Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:11 PM
i think its too early to say, i mean this anime keeps on going on and on. Until it ends, you cant really judge it

Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:47 PM
bleach is good but not the best one i saw

Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:53 PM
bleach is a VERY good anime and one of the best i've seen so far but it is definitely not as good as gundam seed and seed destiny(as in both of the series combined, not 2 different animes or something)

Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:57 PM
well... bleach is one of the best anime i watched..

Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:58 PM
as a long running series i'm watching now, yes, it's the best. but the first long running series i ever watched was kenshin and that'll always have a special place in my heart =] up until ep 65, anyways.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 12:35 AM
the first anime i watched was NGE and was extremely impressed. i'd say it's definately top 5.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 01:12 AM
Well it's the best one I'm watching right now, but the best one ever for me is a tie between Ranma 1/2 (nostalgia!), Gundam Seed and after that Trigun, Berserk and others.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 04:36 AM
It's the best "action" anime I've seen. Haven't watched that much anime yet tough.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 04:57 AM
I think its the best series running at the moment. But my favorite anime is FMA

Sun, 10-30-2005, 06:54 AM
With Full Metal Panic and Ghost in the Shell ... Bleach is one of the best anime known to man.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 07:47 AM
Well, to be honest I haven't watched any episode Bleach.

I kept saying to myself that it would smth like FMA and at episode 51-52 it would end.


I decided to read the manga and after 1 day I reached chapter 199.

The result.....?

I watched the whole f****** serie (until Bleach 54) in 3 days!i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

However, as mentioned before the are other series deserving better acknowledgement (NGE, Cowboy Beboy, G.I.S, Berserk..definitely). I hope the serie live up to our expectations and won't become tiresome. Of this means the TV serie will follow the pace from the manga.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 07:51 AM
FMA is definately up there for me.

My top three right now are:

2. RahXephon
3. FMA

Speaking of FMA, anyone know if the movie is out and subbed yet?

Sun, 10-30-2005, 08:57 AM
Originally posted by: EpyonNext
FMA is definately up there for me.

My top three right now are:

2. RahXephon
3. FMA

Speaking of FMA, anyone know if the movie is out and subbed yet?

its been out and subbed for a over a month now

Sun, 10-30-2005, 09:07 AM
doh, must find-get.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 11:07 AM
Not the best I've ever seen. Its also too early to say, need to see how it ends first.

I honestly think Evangelion was one of the best anime series I've ever seen, and the impact its left on the genre is quite impressive.
Also, one of the most underrated/unknown animes out there is Legend of Galactic Heroes. The animation and action can't compare but it is a very well written and beautifully executed anime so far. Over 120 episodes and just about half have been subbed...
Gundam Seed was damn good too...
I loved Kenshin until the whole filler crap starting going on, same with Naruto. Then again, I don't think Bleach filler is any better than those filler, there's just less of it so far in Bleach.

Which makes me wonder, should we consider the filler episodes when making a decision about best anime ever? I mean, especially for Kenshin, if we do consider the fillers then it severely degrades the quality of the series....

The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 10-30-2005, 11:11 AM
Are there any better quality ones? The one I tried was so bad I couldn't stand to watch more than 10 minutes.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 02:40 PM
The Christian Arc in Kenshin wasn't all that bad. I liked a lot of it, and it was really sad at the end...

In any case, no, Bleach is not the best. As everyone has said there are far more deserving anime out there for me, and even the ones that are arguably worse, I still like better for some reason. Bleach hasn't really affected me all that much, but it's still my favorite as of this very moment. It's damn cool.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Nope. Trigun is the best

trigun IS the very best. but the trigun manga is better. "sigh"

Sun, 10-30-2005, 10:28 PM
IMO trigun was too short, killed the whole series in 2 days lol, the ending was predictable and wasn't that great, but nicholas d wolfwood kicked ass

Sun, 10-30-2005, 10:32 PM
Bleach is pretty good, but you probably couldnt get me to watch it a second time if you forced me too(even though it's badass)

Cowboy Bebop on the other hand is still one of the only shows that I actually will watch over and over i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Sun, 10-30-2005, 10:33 PM
Then you guys will love the movie.

Trigun is a favorite, but I wouldn't call it the best. Especially since it had so much filler.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 11:10 PM
Bleach is a very entertaining anime, although I really don't think that it's a far cry from being the best. I really think that trigun is overated. I'm surprised that no one mentioned Evengelion but then again I guess mentioning that would be like beating a dead horse. Bleach definately has it's moments but overall there haven't been to many momoments that have really resignated with me as a viewer. There are many badass characters yet I don't find many of them to be too compelling.

Take for example the famous rock lee vs. garra episodes from naruto. I found that to be very moving, Rock Lee resignated with me deeply. It took the whole underdog theme and brought it to a new level. There are elements of this touched on but not really fully exploited in bleach. There have been some interesting flashbacks but none have really had a great impact. Although if there is one thing I have to admit that Bleach does rather well like other Shounen anime is that it gets you hyped up and excited for the various confrontations between the powerful characters like so many shounen anime have done before.

Also the so-bad-it's good-humor also helps define it's personality. Another problem I had with bleach initially was that I just didn't see the hollows as compelling villains. They seemed so generic, although I do admit that the manga addresses this problem latter on. But with naruto in the crapper looks like it's time for me to fully jump on the bleach badwagon, I can't help be feel afraid considering that the anime really isn't that far away from the manga. It'd be a shame to see Bleach fall under the naruto syndrome. And on another side note.

its been out and subbed for a over a month now

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING HOLY PLEASE GIVE ME A LINK! I've been dieing to see the movie since FMA is one my favorite all time animes. I thought I would have to wait until April when the movie would be released on DVD to get a subbed version but if it's out now I would GREATLY appriciate it if someone could guide me in the right direction to dl it.

Sun, 10-30-2005, 11:47 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet

its been out and subbed for a over a month now

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING HOLY PLEASE GIVE ME A LINK! I've been dieing to see the movie since FMA is one my favorite all time animes. I thought I would have to wait until April when the movie would be released on DVD to get a subbed version but if it's out now I would GREATLY appriciate it if someone could guide me in the right direction to dl it.

From what I seen, the only one available is the crappy one that is recorded with a webcam =P. Is there a fully subbed/ripped version?

Mon, 10-31-2005, 01:58 AM
Originally posted by: Kensee

Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet

its been out and subbed for a over a month now

FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND EVERYTHING HOLY PLEASE GIVE ME A LINK! I've been dieing to see the movie since FMA is one my favorite all time animes. I thought I would have to wait until April when the movie would be released on DVD to get a subbed version but if it's out now I would GREATLY appriciate it if someone could guide me in the right direction to dl it.

From what I seen, the only one available is the crappy one that is recorded with a webcam =P. Is there a fully subbed/ripped version?

thats the one I have, its good enough to watch if you cant wait. only the beginning is a bit annoying where he needs to position the camera right

linky for lobster (http://www.point-blank.cc:16384/allowed/torrent.php/%5BFork%5DFull_Metal_Alchemist_-_The_Conqueror_of_Shambala_(CAM).torrent)

Mon, 10-31-2005, 06:22 PM
1. Samurai Champloo
2. FMA
3. Cowboy Beebop
4. Berserk
5. Ghost in the shell (tv series actually dosent suck... most Movie to TV anime blows...LKike read or die the Tv series...or Ninja scroll the TV series... ugh vomit)
6. Basilisk
7. Naruto (yeah I know filler filler .. But the first Chunk of episodes.. not much beats it)
8. Bleach :

Decent story line, good fight scenes.... Everyone seems to get powerful at the same rate which is good and bad...... random stuff happens... The Girl with the super Fary hair braids who makes rejection sheilds.. that can heal and .. cut... and block....???, Chad (and dont get me wrong one of my favorite characters becuase he is just wierd) but his Fighter Jet arm of punchin is .. kinda well ... not to cool ...(more random stuff ...see manga for details).
Time to time bleach is actualy funny.., Rukia's Drawings......; Wish naruto went back to making fillers that were funny.. Kakashis real face as opposed to the curry of life.... Eh. Bleach filler when Bu ha ha ha guy used his super attack I spit my drink out I laughed so hard....The music was also great for it.. but they kept using it.. ... that terrible music (you wanna get some action.. or something like that... its like cheesy "bad ass" music from the 70's ... good for humorus scenes.. kinda almost ruins some fight scenes.....)

9. Voltron (OLD SCHOOL HORRIBLE.. But two thumbs up for a laugh ......so bad its good .....man you gotta love it)

Mon, 10-31-2005, 08:17 PM
For this genre, Bleach is definitely up there. But my favorite anime is Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien. It's a very emo anime and thus in a different genre. But I haven't seen anything that comes even remotely close to leaving that kind of impression. It's 100 times better than any other anime I've seen yet. It's plainly in a category of its own.

Back to Bleach, I just watched the whole series up to ep 55. Eps 16-30 were absolutely incredible. But then, the back stories started to take over for secondary characters. Basically, pulling a Naruto. I don't like this. Especially in the later eps. However, what I liked is that they start off with the premise that spiky is super powerful. So there's no inconsistencies here. And he trains to get better. At every step, someone trains him, even if it is for a short time. Even if some people call it 'unrealistic', at least they attempt to show how he obtains these skills. And let's not get into 'realism'. I mean, they're in Soul Society (for much too long). Realism is not usually why I watch anime or any kind of film medium.

Lately though, I'm fearing they're slowing down production. I just hope they don't pull a Naruto, but the last episodes definitely are starting to have that feeling. If they can continue on the main premise of the story, this has the makings of an all time classic.

Tue, 11-01-2005, 09:32 AM
since getting into anime, i've only seen gundam seed destiny and bleach. and we all know how crap GSD is (except for the 4th OP i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif), so yeah..bleach is the best anime i've seen.

Tue, 11-01-2005, 10:35 AM
man i have never seen an anime with that much breast u can keep looking and u will find nottin. it's the first of it's kind and i like. yes. as for it being the best i say yes. GSD sucked with all taht shinn crap i'm gonna kill u shit. FMA don't know why the hell they finished like that everything is in the air. we're not sure if all the villians are dead as we just see the elevator with a huge whole in it. they left they two brother hanging for each other. i haven't seen the movie yet but they better come up with something good to explain how they reach each other again if thats going to happen. cowboy beehop good anime not the best. Ghost in the shell i'll give it the best. Basilisk is the second bleach(breast) with naruto stuff in it, best. and naruto will i guess u'll know when u read my name.

Tue, 11-01-2005, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
man i have never seen an anime with that much breast u can keep looking and u will find nottin. it's the first of it's kind and i like. yes. as for it being the best i say yes. GSD sucked with all taht shinn crap i'm gonna kill u shit. FMA don't know why the hell they finished like that everything is in the air. we're not sure if all the villians are dead as we just see the elevator with a huge whole in it. they left they two brother hanging for each other. i haven't seen the movie yet but they better come up with something good to explain how they reach each other again if thats going to happen. cowboy beehop good anime not the best. Ghost in the shell i'll give it the best. Basilisk is the second bleach(breast) with naruto stuff in it, best. and naruto will i guess u'll know when u read my name.

That is What Made FMA good man.... Its annoying to not close it but if they had closed it... The ending .. no matter what .. would not hve done the show justice... IMHO I think leaving it open ended makes it better... but definatly annoying .becuase it makes you realize just how much you want them to make more episodes

Mister Pie
Wed, 11-02-2005, 03:58 PM
FMA is probably the best I've seen... Cowboy Bebop is up there as well and I really enjoyed Samurai Champloo towards the second half.

I think Bleach might be the most *entertaining* anime I've seen but I'm not sure if I'd call it the best.

I used to really enjoy Naruto but now it's starting to lag now (even ignoring the fillers and considering just the manga arc), but that's just my opinion.

Thu, 11-10-2005, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
man i have never seen an anime with that much breast u can keep looking and u will find nottin. it's the first of it's kind and i like. yes. as for it being the best i say yes. Basilisk is the second bleach(breast) with naruto stuff in it, best. .

Sure you like big onesi/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Anyways, Bleach includes all kinds of babes from Yachiru to Rangiku. (at least cover all tastes)

As for the serie, long series have the disadvantage of interruptions (fillers) and sometimes do nt follow the manga pace. E.g Hollow's side is not clearly mention in the anime...not a major fault though. Hope Bleach wouldn't have many fillers for the next 10 episodes. It clearly disrupt the whole plot.

As I have mention before once you overcome the first 15-20 episodes YOU'RE STUCKED WITH IT!

Fri, 11-11-2005, 04:21 PM

Not even close.

Sat, 11-12-2005, 03:34 AM
Not the best, but it is in my top 5 of all time.
Top 5 DeathScytheHC
1.- Saint Seiya (TV, Movies, and OVA)
2.- Evangelion
3.- Bleach
4.- Naruto
5.- FMA

But like masamuneehs said it is still to early to say its the best or the worst.

Sat, 11-12-2005, 04:02 AM
well im pretty new to anime ( or downloading it anyways ) so iv only seen db,dbz,inuyasha,naruto,bleach,FMA as of yet so il just put em in order i guess

1. FMA
2. Naruto ( well right now sucks of course cause of fillers, but before that no anime gave me that insane craving to see the next espisode lol. { mostly just semi craving for most animes though super craving for naruto b4 XD } ).
3. Bleach pretty good anime never Really wow'ed me but still good
4. DBZ -.-"
5. Inuyasha t(-.-t) ( ONLY on my list cause nothing else to put on lol )
6. Dragon Ball (.... same reason as inuyasha -.- )
7. Dragon Ball GT.... ( ok maybe not prehaps pokemon was better then this lol.)

next to see is in order

One Piece
Full Metal Panic
FMP : 2nd raid
tehn black cat, blood + all teh new ones n stuff XD

So after all those bleach might not even be in top 5 XD though still a very good anime i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 11-12-2005, 10:50 AM
What do you guys think One Piece is so good for anyway? I think it's pretty horrible.

Sat, 11-12-2005, 01:59 PM
the one piece manga is pretty good but the anime sucks

Sat, 11-12-2005, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
What do you guys think One Piece is so good for anyway? I think it's pretty horrible.

I'd like to know that too. So far I've taken everyone's word for it who says it's an awesome series, but I just can't see what's so great about it.

Sun, 11-13-2005, 01:27 PM
I watched some german dubbed episodes with an amazing cut...they just cut everything out, which looks red. And actually i hated it, but then i saw an original episode and now i going to download them all, because this episode was quite cool.

Sun, 11-13-2005, 02:24 PM
One piece is amusing.....but it doesn't get really good until they reach the grand line. My first impression of the first 30 episodes was "wow...this is a very rinse/repeat series," but it gets insane once they introduce a ton more characters.

Sun, 11-13-2005, 08:03 PM
Bleach for me started off like any other wannabe anime. The starting to Bleach was boring and slow, when they reached soul society however, thats when I got back into it and then all the twists come one after the other, thats when I started to love bleach. Naruto started strong but it's getting weak right now (anime wise, not manga wise).

I like them both equally but right now Bleach has the lead in coolness. Bleach isn't my fave as many as said, it's damn good but it's definatly in the top 5.

Mon, 11-14-2005, 03:26 AM
1. Gundam Seed
2. Bleach
3. Gundam Seed Destiny
4. Naruto
5. FMA

Mon, 11-21-2005, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
What do you guys think One Piece is so good for anyway? I think it's pretty horrible.

Finish up to after the Alabasta Arc. Then give an opionion. As for me, " is bleach the best anime ever?" Long answer short, Yes.

My top animes:

1.) Bleach
2.)Gundam Seed (not destiny)/ Onepiece/ Naruto
3.) FMA/ Rurouni Kenshin
4.)YuYu Hakusho
5.) Something
6.) Something
7.) Inuyasha

Thu, 11-24-2005, 09:49 AM
bleach is the best anime to come around with all the disappointments of other animes and all..

2.gundam seed
3.cowboy bebop
4.samurai x(the very first one with the birth of batousai and all.)
5.rockman.exe(when i have nothing to watch, i really have nothing to watch.)

Thu, 11-24-2005, 08:02 PM
Bleach is a very good shonen i definitly like it more at this stage than i like Naruto at ep 58 for example. But my two fav shonen animes are FMA and HXH those no shonens come near.

Top 5 anime:

1.Hajime No Ippo
3.Hunter X Hunter
6.Slam Dunk
7.Ghost in The Shell
8.Cowboy Bebop
9.School Rumble

Thu, 11-24-2005, 11:23 PM
man, I'm surprised that no one has mentioned Monster!! Maybe noone has been watching it, or maybe it is just not as mainstream as I though, but I feel like it is an amazing show. I have never been bored of a single eps. (although, waiting for releases weeks at a time is kinda annoying).

Anyway, Bleach is pretty cool. I kinda got into it at first, but got bored. After that, I started to watch it hearing so many good things about it, and I has really gotten to be one of the best.

But it is not at the top, my list here:

1.FMA- I still watch it every now and then. I can relate to the love these two brothers have for eachother like the one I have for my own. Also, some of the best intros and outros ever.
2.Naruto- Yea it is slow now, but i have not been so exited about an anime before, and the manga just lets me know that it will continue to be one of the best.
3.Cowboy Bebop- one word: BADASS
4.Monster- Man, this is one of the best detective animes(well the only detective anime) I have ever seen. It is very compelling.
5.Samurai Champloo- Man, hated that this had to end, I love these characters, and the art style and fighting is awsome.
6.Trigun- VERY funny, prob. the funniest animes i have seen.
7.Now and Then, Here and There- very depressing anime. although short, it has some of the best character, some that you get to love so much, it's a real tragedy that they end up dying.
8.Bleach-Started out slow, but it is getting very good now. Still cant get over that ichi looks WAY older than 15.
9.DBZ- where it all started for me, it will always be in my heart, but maybe a little further down the list i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
10.Beserk- one of the first anime's i have seen, and it is still one of the best.

Now I dont think that any one of these series is better than the other, they all have something that the others do not, somthing that sticks out in my head. I know most of them are new, but I am new to anime, so i really cant comment on things I have not seen. Bleach does have potintial to move up. I am hoping to see how this series changes again(urge to read the manga is growing)

Fri, 11-25-2005, 09:28 AM
I like Monster but i read only the manga.

Sat, 12-03-2005, 02:03 PM
1. Flame of Recca
2. Bleach
3. TenjhoTenge
4. Naruto (before all the fill up stories)

Sat, 12-03-2005, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by: mage
heh if you think bleach or naruto is the best anime ever i think you havent watched very many good animes

my favorite is FMA, though.

Ive watched plenty of animes, including FMA, and I still say bleach.(Dont get me wrong, FMA is still an amazing anime)

Sat, 12-03-2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
What do you guys think One Piece is so good for anyway? I think it's pretty horrible.

Originally posted by: XanBcoo
I'd like to know that too. So far I've taken everyone's word for it who says it's an awesome series, but I just can't see what's so great about it.

Having seen all 246 episodes of one piece over and over again I still wait for the next episode to come out.

I cant really say the same thing about any other anime. Can you?

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 12-03-2005, 06:16 PM
Well.. I certainly can't say that for One Piece.

The characters are so... annoying looking. Especially the one with the really long nose.

Sat, 12-03-2005, 06:28 PM
One piece manga is heaps better, watching the anime is fucking shit.

1: FMA
2: Kenshin
3: Bleach
4: Gundam Seed
5: Cowboy Bepop

Sat, 12-03-2005, 07:41 PM
@ The Heretic Azazel : You have a small mind which has a little understanding of creative work.

Originally posted by: Zhan
One piece manga is heaps better, watching the anime is fucking shit.

I could say the same thing about FMA and Kenshin.

Sat, 12-03-2005, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
I cant really say the same thing about any other anime. Can you?

I can say the same for quite a few other series even if they aren't nearly 300 episodes. I just don't like One Peice all that much.

Welcome back btw.

Sat, 12-03-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
I can say the same for quite a few other series even if they aren't nearly 300 episodes. I just don't like One Peice all that much.

Welcome back btw.

Thats the thing. Lets see if bleach gets to 300 episodes and still watchable. I hope so.

Sat, 12-03-2005, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Well.. I certainly can't say that for One Piece.

The characters are so... annoying looking. Especially the one with the really long nose.

Your annoying lookingi/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif

Sun, 12-04-2005, 10:49 PM
About One Piece not being as good as the OP manga. Thats because the music isnt good and their voices are not so good. Thats two things that would have made the anime alot better.

Sun, 12-04-2005, 11:10 PM
Now I feel like a sheep following the crowd.

Bleach the best? No, but it's up there. I have about 5 anime's vying for top spot and though Bleach isn't one of them, it comes close second.

1. FMA, Gundam SEED, Tekkaman, Ah! My Goddess, Sailor Moon (YES, I acctually enjoy wathcing this - please, no jokes)
2. Bleach
3. Patlabor 1 2 AND 3
4. Dragonball/Z (Till about the end of hte Android Saga, but I kept wathcing for posperity's sake)
5. Evangellion
6. some other samurai stuff that I can't remember half the plot for. (about a dozen of these)
7. Something about Noah's Ark... can't remember the name of it.

EDIT: OMG, how could I forget Digimon (series 1, 2 and 5 only) Probably sitting equal third.

Mon, 12-05-2005, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by: Kovash
Now I feel like a sheep following the crowd.

Bleach the best? No, but it's up there. I have about 5 anime's vying for top spot and though Bleach isn't one of them, it comes close second.

1. ...Sailor Moon (YES, I acctually enjoy wathcing this - please, no jokes)
EDIT: OMG, how could I forget Digimon (series 1, 2 and 5 only) Probably sitting equal third.

Hey, my girlfriend and her little sister like Sailor moon .... =P
Haha naw I'm just messing with you, I've acutally watched a few episodes, still escapses me how she is saved from a demonic creature by a guy with a rose .. but hey, if Zorro can do it, anyone can!

>_> digimon's first season rox ... I saw 2nd and it was coo how they tied it in .. 3rd was pushing it .. 4th ... uhh there was a 5th? I was under the impression the ones where the kids activated armor onto themselves was number 4 ... but ah well .. i got lost after season 2.

GOod old Full Metal Alchy ... Yenno Greed was my favorite homoculous ... was the most honest and funniest homoco, followed by gluttony (hes cute when hes kinda hungry). And Huges! Huges rocked it, I was hella sad when that thing happend to him =|


Bleach is pretty good, a lot of my buddies diss it and dont like it, but hey it keeps me in it and acutally has its cool and funny parts.

Mon, 12-05-2005, 12:52 AM
Digimon 1 = Digimon (Original)
Digimon 2 = Followup Season (Armour Digivole and DNA digivolve)
Digimon 3 = Digimon Tamers (the one with the cards)
Digimon 4 = Digimon X Evolution (a VERY short series followed by a VERY crap CGI movie)
Digimon 5 = Digimon Frointer (Spirit Digivolve and personally my favourite season)

As for Sailor moon, in the same way that the Sailor Warriors had special energy attacks, the Rose was the center of Tuxedo Mask's power, either he thre roses or attacked them with his Cane like a sword.

Anyway, I enjoyed them because they make me cry.

FMA was like, Naruto but without thousands of useless characters. And acctually funny in parts.

But anyway, this is a little off topic.

Mon, 12-05-2005, 01:13 AM
The original season of Digimon was what got me into anime. Seriously good shit for a "kids show."

Mon, 12-05-2005, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
@ The Heretic Azazel : You have a small mind which has a little understanding of creative work.

Originally posted by: Zhan
One piece manga is heaps better, watching the anime is fucking shit.

I could say the same thing about FMA and Kenshin.

Well I've never read Kenshin and FMA manga so I can't compare, which makes it hell of a lot better.

Mon, 12-05-2005, 04:42 AM
Speaking of Kenshin ... which part of the anime was fillers? I didnt even know they had fillers till i read about it here ... o.o

Mon, 12-05-2005, 04:46 AM
Most, if not all, after the Shishio arc is anime original...

Not sure before then...

Mon, 12-05-2005, 05:40 AM
There is not alot of filler before the Shishio arc except that damn sumo wrestler. Like Bud said practically everything after that arc is all original and crap imo

Mon, 12-05-2005, 06:38 AM
The Christian arc? ALl that? So the manga stoped after Shishio ate Kenshin's dragon looking attack then burned out of his own body temperature and that ish?

Mon, 12-05-2005, 06:52 AM
No... the anime just deviated from the manga at the point...

Mon, 12-05-2005, 11:10 AM
The first anime that I loved...

dashed to pieces due to some idiot director's idea for "original" content.

I guess his only redeeming quality is that the OVAs exist. I guess I can forgive him because of that...

Fri, 12-09-2005, 10:56 PM
2.One Piece
5.YuYu Hakusho
6.Rurouni Kenshin

Sat, 12-10-2005, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Most, if not all, after the Shishio arc is anime original...

Not sure before then...

the shishio arc was genius. It was so awsome it made me cry. But the fillers after that werent so bad. I mean, they're nowhere near as bad as the Naruto fillers. Those make my eyes bleed .

Sun, 12-25-2005, 02:37 AM
Bleach is definitely on my Top 10 favorite Anime list. Not the best, but it's damn good, there is no denying that! ^_^

Also, I'd like to add that it is on my Top 3 favorite Romance + Action list. There are very few Animes that have touching relationships between the characters, along with great action to add variety, and for me, Bleach is one of them. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif

Sun, 12-25-2005, 04:17 PM
I'd say, it's one of my top 5 anime, along with Gungrave, Hellsing, Kurau, and Last exile.
But probably the last of the 5....

Wed, 12-28-2005, 02:59 AM
One Piece is my favorite running series, followed my Bleach. Bleach is another power-up, get stronger with new moves anime à-la DBZ. For me to rate a show to be the best, it has to have a begining, a content, and a conclusion to it. The ending is always the most important (And best) part to an anime. Because

Originally posted by: Hakeem_21
About One Piece not being as good as the OP manga. Thats because the music isnt good and their voices are not so good. Thats two things that would have made the anime alot better.

Umm... Excuse me? Their voices are not so good? You can be excused if you've only seen the 4kids dub, but the original voices in the anime are awesome. There aren't many shows that I can even think of that are comparable to the Japanese voices for the characters.

Anyway, here's my list:

1- Neon Genesis Evangelion
2- Elfen Lied
3- Saikano
4- Full Metal Alchemist
5- Full Metal Panic (Original, Fumoffu and TSR. Especially TSR, as it was one of best series I've seen in a while)
6- Rah Xephon
7- Mai Hime (Only reason it isn't higher is because of horrible, HORRIBLE ending)
8- Cowboy Bebop (Only reason it isn't lower is because of great, great ending)
9- Green Green
10- Last Exile

Fri, 12-30-2005, 01:56 AM
I really can't say that Bleach is the best anime that i've seen, but I do think it's good, and really enjoy it. Also glad to have a good anime like this to watch while Naruto is just in fillers.

Fri, 12-30-2005, 07:19 PM
ive whatched every single ep out. i have actually had dreams about bleach before i even heard about and before i saw sigs and pics. i saw Ichigo's bankai (at that time i didnt know it was bankai) before i saw the anime. for you guys to get an idea how long ive seen them its been 4 years that ive been seeing bleach in dreams. kinda weird it scared me at first but now i guess its ok. i dont have any proof so for everyine that doesnt believe me then dont i dont care.

well anyways i like bleach its fun to whatch and keeps you guessing, although its not my favorite.
1. Cowboy Bebop (even the english dub was good)
5. Golden Boy

Fri, 12-30-2005, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by: Zinobi
ive whatched every single ep out. i have actually had dreams about bleach before i even heard about and before i saw sigs and pics. i saw Ichigo's bankai (at that time i didnt know it was bankai) before i saw the anime. for you guys to get an idea how long ive seen them its been 4 years that ive been seeing bleach in dreams. kinda weird it scared me at first but now i guess its ok. i dont have any proof so for everyine that doesnt believe me then dont i dont care.
This is off topic, but damn it man, I believe you. I also "see into the future" sometimes, and it's fucking creepy. I'm not talking about deja vu, that's a totally different feeling.

Fri, 12-30-2005, 09:58 PM
zinobi WHAT THE FUCK?! to take terra's quote from the GD thread where the british women married a dolphin...

"she MUST be a virgin"

Sat, 12-31-2005, 07:20 AM
if you saying im a virgin then yes i am so what? its time will come as every thing else
secondly...it happens geez just because you couldnt "see into the future" doesnt mean you have to blame me for being different.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 12-31-2005, 01:40 PM
Get out there and grab you some tang boy!

Before they get old enough to talk about their fucking feelings with you for 3 hours afterward.

Sat, 12-31-2005, 03:52 PM
Bleach is good, only thing I kinda don't like is the gore. When they cut each other...holy shit they really cut each other. And I understand how they can focus their spirit force to close their wounds, but damn, Ichigo has bled himself dry at least 10 times over in the anime now. And they _always_ inflict the trademark shoulder chop wound that in reality would sever your arm and collapse your lungs but seems to have no effect on anyone. =P
I don't have a problem with gore if it's done well, but in Bleach it really cuts down the credibility of things IMO.

Sat, 12-31-2005, 03:59 PM
The gore in Bleach?! Are you joking?! Try checking out Rurouni Kenshin OVA, the Rurouni Kenshin TV Series, Basilisk, or Blood+, now that is true blood and gore in those Animes. I can understand what you mean by Ichigo taking so many death blows in his vital spots on his body, but I guess Death gods have an advantage with the spirit power and all, and Ichigo has an even greater advantage at surviving because of his will to live. ^_^

Sat, 12-31-2005, 04:18 PM
there really isn't much gore in bleach..

Sat, 12-31-2005, 04:22 PM
i like DBZ better than Bleach -_-

Sat, 12-31-2005, 04:33 PM
the fight scenes of Bleach is pale and boring

Sat, 12-31-2005, 10:56 PM
Originally posted by: aznimperialx
the fight scenes of Bleach is pale and boring
just like you

Vokalyzd Harmony
Thu, 01-05-2006, 05:49 AM
This is a toss up between FMA and Bleach..FMA was a bit more serious and deep..and had a moral story to tell..while Bleach is fucking awesome in its own rights. I am now a Bleach fan ..i think it's better than nonfiller Naruto