View Full Version : !!!GotWoot Evaluation!!!
Sat, 10-29-2005, 03:51 PM
As of pretty recently, I have been promoted to adminstrator of this place. This means that I'll have a greater responsibility when it comes to improving this place and keeping it as awesome as it is now, as well as to attempt to attract more people. Since the other adminstrators are official, it has been decided that I'll go that way too. This means that you may all PM me when you want help with something, have suggestions, want to have hot steaming sex and so on and so forth.
I'll do my best to live up to the expectations of the community, and as a start, this topic has been created. This is basically where all of you get to share with us what you want to see here. Be it bigger avatars or new forums, this is where you tell us what YOU want to see, what YOU may want removed and what YOU want to change.
But for this to become some sort of reality, we need your support.
And let's together strive to improve the forums which we love.
Oh, and please take a moment to look at this topic ( =y) too.
// Terracosmo, adminstrator
Sat, 10-29-2005, 07:01 PM
1. Less links from topic to topic in every topic you make.
2. Political discussions should be allowed, though you would probably have to make sure the threads don't descend into a flaming war between opposing camps.
That's all I can think of right now.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 08:21 PM
What about allowing nudity? With proper labeling i don't see why nudity can't be allowed. If a person don't want to take part in such discussions and sharing of material he can just keep out from the thread. It works pretty well if someone doesn't want to post in a thread of political content for example, you just don't wander in topics you aren't interested in.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 08:44 PM
2. Political discussions are allowed already.
That is currently under discussion actually. For the record I agree with you.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:11 PM
Are you sure political discussions are allowed? That's one of the gripes Y had in his leaving post, that political/religious/philosophical discussion wasn't allowed.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:45 PM
Being able to get rid of your warning, eventually.
BTW, congrats Terra, you sexfiend
Sat, 10-29-2005, 10:05 PM
@DB_Hunter: As far as I'm concerned it should be allowed, I haven't seen anything about that in the discussions I've had with other mods. Sounds alien to me.
@Phoenix: My warning? And thanks.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 10:19 PM
Woops, phrased it wrong i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. I meant warnings that users get could go away after a while.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 10:31 PM
Of course if a "problematic" poster eventually stops being ignorant and instead turn into a "good" poster, warnings will go away.
Their primary purpose is to make it so posters won't keep up their demeanor and hopefully turn sexy.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
@DB_Hunter: As far as I'm concerned it should be allowed, I haven't seen anything about that in the discussions I've had with other mods. Sounds alien to me.
i've seen a few threads where a moderator either locked or warned whenever the subject inched toward the religious more than political. i'm not sure why either, but it has happened.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:00 PM
Then it might bave been because it was off-topic. I don't know :S
Though there is no rule forbidding religious/political discussions, the majority of them tend go south fast. For that reason, some mods prefer to put a stop to it before it even begins. However, as the rules are being reworked this may change soon. Once we reach a decision we will inform the members immediately.
Gotwoot Moderator
Sun, 10-30-2005, 01:03 AM
I may be the only one... but the fact that it happened in your last post brought it to my mind. I'm not a huge fan of the anonymity of the "Gotwoot Moderator." Not sure why they don't just sign their name instead, if all they're doing is enforcing the rules.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 01:11 AM
To be honest with you, I'm not in favor of that thing either, but it was decided to be that way by the other admins so I don't really have a saying in that.
Anyway let's put the whole politics thing aside for now, and get back to what you people want to see done in order to improve GW.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 10-30-2005, 03:39 AM
I really can't think of anything in the way of new features that I would like. I know you just said to put the politics aside just now, but in general, what I'm looking forward to is for you guys to come up with a way to efficiently moderate hot button topics. If it turns out that its just too much work, then so be it, but if you can find a creative way of dealing with flamers and fools who can't partake in these conversations without ruining it for all involve, that would be the single best thing I can think of for gotwoot (daunting, I know). Since idiots persist everywhere, those same methods could be applied to moderate even not so controversial topics, like anime discussion.
Huh, also, if you choose to allow such topics and discussion on them prevails enough, then maybe a new section could be built entitled hot-button, or something to indicate that the issues discussed in there are potentially offensive.
edit: Oooo...maybe this'll work. If you create the "hot-button topic" section or whatever, every user who clicks to go in for the very first time gets a pop up that displays that particular sections' rules. Just for their first visit to that section. Anyone who breaks those rules is banned from posting in that particular forum for a certain amount of time, and given a warning. The rules could also be set up as a sticky just in case anyone forgets. One particular rule that I think would help is any one who personally attacks another should just be removed from the topic. No questions asked. Its understandable that people's emotions may be aroused, but its also understandable that they need to be controlled if a proper conversation is going to be held. Also, if it is apparent after a few posts that certain users simply cannot partake in the conversation, then maybe they shouldn't be allowed to, as a measure to end "shitty no content posts". I'm not trying to sound elitist or anything, but a certain level of maturity and aptitude is require for a decent conversation on controversial topics.
Anyway, Terra, you've got some work ahead of you. Good luck buddy.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 08:30 AM
I would like to see really good moderating, mostly because some of the rules enforcing seems inconsistent.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 11:16 AM
I just want to see people more willing to help each other out, answering one anothers questions and less bashing (bashing anime is ok, other people can get a little ugly. i know i do it too, but goddamn sometimes people just push my buttons..)
On that note, would it be possible to create a sort of Karma system for the forums? Right now the only things people can really see about users are their # of posts and when they joined. I know there is that Vote on a user option in people's profiles, but nobody ever seems to use it.
A Karma system could give people good karma for providing news on shows/anime events, providing help with technical problems, creating sigs for new members, etc etc. The only question would be how to administer the Karma. The only options I can imagine are other users being able to add a point (one a day towards every user) at their discretion because making the mods regulate everyone's Karma would seem pretty daunting. Of course, Mods could also lower people's Karma for shit posting, breaking forum rules and just being jackasses in general...
Good luck with your newly acquired responsibility Terra! I trust you'll actually do a pretty good job, so don't prove me wrong...
Sun, 10-30-2005, 12:52 PM
I'd like to stop 1 up posts, like the wishing game etc.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 01:12 PM
I just wish there was more uniformity when a thread is created in the General Anime section and in the Series specific forums... And by that I mean correct labeling...
For example, when Bleach 55 is released, label it properly... you are creating a Discussion thread, not a "Bleach 55: Raw" thread... I've never understood why threads keep saying "Raw" when you are simply using that thread to discuss the episode... It just creates more confusion....
In the General Anime forum and in the One Piece forum I've used a certain scheme of naming the threads, and I've seen many people following those examples, which I think is a good idea and make the forums look cleaner and better...
So I'm basically saying that when a mod sees a thread that has an improper labeling scheme, that mod should rename it...
For example: <Has anyone seen "Beet the Vandel Buster" "> is really a discussion thread... So why add all that crap to the title of the thread? it should be simply called "Beet the Vandel Buster" and if I were a mod I would've rename it years ago...
Sun, 10-30-2005, 01:15 PM
@Barles: Good idea. It will be taken into consideration.
@masemune: I don't know how to create a karma system (that's outside of my power), but if I acquire that knowledge then I agree that it would be a nice system.
@Bud: Another good idea. I've done it myself a few times in the past actually.
Keep the ideas coming people.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by: SK
I'd like to stop 1 up posts, like the wishing game etc.
Those games are not that bad...
But they should have some rules, like one post per person in the whole thread... sometimes you go into those crappy threads and see the same two people going back and forth for 3 pages...
Sun, 10-30-2005, 02:51 PM
but the games are there for fun, and you cant just say 'you can only post once, and NEVER again'. Also, not everyone wants to play these games, so if you dont let the people who want to take part in the games, actually post there, then the thread will die pretty fast. Though i agree that seein the same 2 ppl over and over gets a bit annoying, i think there are other ways to solve that problem rather then just not allowing them to post anymore.
One thing that could be done is a courtesy system. If you've posted once, try not to post again until a few people have posted. And if no one except the same 2 people post anyhitng for like 7 days straight, then just let the topic die.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 03:26 PM
I think it's kindof redundant to have the Recent Announcements: Welcome to Gotwoot Evolution link at the top of the page if we have a whole announcements forum. As well, our FAQ is a bit out-of-date. Seeing as a lot of us have been around here for a while, we know the perpetual questions that people frequently ask. It would be cool to involve us by having members submit common questions and answers that they see, and then having someone compile it and format it nicely to go in our FAQ section. Even linking to threads such as kai's playback issues thread or things like that in our FAQ would be helpful for visitors and new members I think.
Edit: One more thing....what is that 'view forum polls' thing on the top right corner? Has it ever been used? What is it for? I clicked on it but got a little message telling me that there are currently no polls.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 06:22 PM
1st congrats and YAY terra for being promoted!
2nd bud, is right, SOME games really suck ass but the "3 word story" seemed to be going well...i dont know what happened to it... terra just wondering how about adding a "hokage" title? (rank)? just an idea that came into mind.....
Sun, 10-30-2005, 06:39 PM
Thanks i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Adding new titles is something we are currently working with actually. I feel like we have too little of those.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 06:51 PM
I don't think the naruto titles are that compelling anymore as that show has been going downhill and many of us doesn't hold it in such a high regard as we did before.
I'm thinking, maybe get some more custom titles out there. For example if an admin feels somebody should have a custom title related to something they have done or a title that sort of describes the user. As an example i'll use Kage who most of us know as the lead signature maker and such, giving him the title "Graphics Whore" (don't go on about the choice of title, it's just an example) would give a little spice to the forums.
Having monthly contests where you can win a custom title could also be fun to have. The contests shouldn't be limited to things around the forums, it could be a game someone found on the net and the person with the highest score gets a title. Now this is just a loose suggestion but i do think contests would make the forums a bit more lively.
Sun, 10-30-2005, 09:58 PM
i like that idea, how about a game where we acctually dont get banned if we lose?
Mon, 10-31-2005, 12:50 AM
Hentai Forum.
Mon, 10-31-2005, 11:14 AM
as much as I agree with a hentai forum, we dont really need it. Besides we can find it on our own(which really isnt that difficult) i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 10-31-2005, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Originally posted by: SK
I'd like to stop 1 up posts, like the wishing game etc.
Those games are not that bad...
But they should have some rules, like one post per person in the whole thread... sometimes you go into those crappy threads and see the same two people going back and forth for 3 pages...
I'll look into that one.
Mon, 10-31-2005, 07:26 PM
That sounds like a hard thing to do. Restricting it to one post per a person in the games, I mean.
I'm not a big fan of those games either, but if you restrict them, then it won't be a game anymore, will it?
Originally posted by: Phoenix20578
Woops, phrased it wrong . I meant warnings that users get could go away after a while.
I actaully thing the warning system Gotwoot has right now is fine.
And Congrats, Terra.
Mon, 10-31-2005, 08:02 PM
I'd really like to see a Hide function for spoilers. The "SPOILER AHEAD" followed by a whole bunch of returns and ultimately everyone sees it anyway trying to get to the next post.
I know some people want to discuss manga knowledge for instance in a series thread without its own forum section or translations before a sub/chapter is released using their language skills.
Animesuki has had spoiler tags since before I ever went to their forums and Lunar has adopted them as well. I think Gotwoot community would benefit tremendously from the addition of this.
Mon, 10-31-2005, 08:11 PM
Spolier tags would be good actually. A rule saying that Spoiler images has to be linked and not directly posted in the thread would probably benefit the forums greatly. This problems seem to be biggest in the Bleach forum where Manga and Anime are in one, the show is getting big enough so why not split the Bleach forum into one manga and one anime?
Mon, 10-31-2005, 09:04 PM
I for one totally agree with the anonymity of the gotwoot moderator.
It provides me with safety.
Tue, 11-01-2005, 01:46 AM
On the topic of spoiler tags: That's something I've personally wanted since forever, and it shouldn't be impossible to fix either. I hope.
Tue, 11-01-2005, 10:11 AM
I would say... Yes to spoiler tags. Yes to keeping mods anonymous (otherwise they would get too much crap and would have trouble participating in regular conversations). No to hentai/nudity (mainly because this board is used by younger kids too. if you absolutely must have it then I'd say make a separate section that's clearly labeled). I've said before that I don't think politics is far from the main purpose this board, but if people want to discuss it foir kicks, then whatever. But I think the mods are definately right to lock the threads when they descend into useless flaming, all the French must die, etc. And I would say yes to the new series topics for the new season, thank for asking Terra, and good luck.
Tue, 11-01-2005, 10:30 AM
I know why animated sigs and avatars are restricted and I can agree with that totally, but some times I really feel that a small, animated sig can't be that annoying...... I think.
On second thought it might not be such a smart choice after all. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Tue, 11-01-2005, 02:05 PM
Sorry, I missed the point of your post.
Tue, 11-01-2005, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by: SK
Sorry, I missed the point of your post.
I was going to suggest having animated avatars, but realised that may be a bad idea and edited my post almost immediately. My bad.
Tue, 11-01-2005, 08:01 PM
Psyke, your post made me laugh out loud. Those little dancing icons are cute in such an annoying way, lol. I agree though. When I see animated avatars, they're cool for like 10 seconds, and then just distracting. Nice new sig, btw!
Edit: Haha, I'm an ANBU! How ironic.....
Wed, 11-02-2005, 02:47 AM
Xan's Suggestions:
1. Religion topics - I've seen 2 go down for no good reason. I think these should be allowed. I don't see how it is any different than allowing politics topics, which can be just as controversial. If they go downhill, lock them. If they don't, then don't.
2. Separate forums for the Bleach anime and manga - what's annoying is not just the release threads, but any thread in the Bleach forum contains manga spoilers. The only thing for us anime watchers to do is go to the episode discussions or be spoiled. The series is also big/popular enough to deserve 2 threads for it.
3. Spoiler Tags - Do it
Other stuff:
I like the anonymous mods and have never had a problem with them. I also like the new titles (I still think "Mist Lord" is a bit odd...). Good job with those. I'm all for contests of various sorts, but not like the IK contest. Something like PSJ suggested. I dunno - you go figure it out.
Edit: Noob Survivor sounded like a fun idea. Perhaps something like that? I wasn't here for the first ones, so I don't know how they went.
Wed, 11-02-2005, 04:49 AM
1) Spoiler tags: OMG YES! I don't really like saying SPOILERS AHEAD then hitting return 40 times ... I do it but I'd rather be able to hide it to save room and everything.
2) Contests: Hrm, this could be cool. We could do a Chunin competition or something like in the show Naruto or just some funky stuff that could help people win a custom title or maybe be able to post a bigger sig (not that much bigger though)
3) Custom titles: kinda covered in #2 but I would like that idea if your post count got wayy too high or you win a competition.
4) Congrats and yeah .. isnt ABNU special Jounin? So wouldn't they be higher than jounin?? And hrm, how about chaning Naruto titles into Bleach ones =P.
Wed, 11-02-2005, 04:55 AM
Yeah, Spoiler tags gets my vote too.
Wed, 11-02-2005, 05:16 PM
Any chance you could change the symbol things? Like, why is "Send Private Message" a lock? Shouldn't it be a letter or something like that?
Also, the little folder things...If I open and read a thread, the blue folder should change to yellow, I'd think. It'd also be nice if threads I've posted in had something to signify that. And why a clock for sticky threads?
It's nothing important and doesn't have any real impact, but I's just been kinda bugging me.
Wed, 11-02-2005, 07:25 PM
i think you guys are doing great. and i'm definitely liking all this opportunity/open dialogue for feedback. makes GW a much cozier and welcome place ^^
Wed, 11-02-2005, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by: Honoko
i think you guys are doing great. and i'm definitely liking all this opportunity/open dialogue for feedback. makes GW a much cozier and welcome place ^^
That is the goal!
About changing icons: I really want to do that as well, so it's being looked into.
Wed, 11-02-2005, 08:27 PM
Terra is going to save GotWoot!
Wed, 11-02-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by: SK
Terra is going to save GotWoot!
Thu, 11-03-2005, 06:32 AM
Thu, 11-03-2005, 09:35 AM
SK, I've sent you on vacation so that when you come back you will hopefully stop angsting about not having a damn custom title. Or whatever else is causing your fucking annoying behavior.
Strike Freedom
Fri, 11-04-2005, 10:42 AM
BAAAAH! Congrats on the move up Terra, I've got some ideas, but currently I'm at work at can't talk...will submit later.
Fri, 11-04-2005, 12:45 PM
A very small thing Terra. Can you sticky the One Piece Manga discussion topic? Told you it was small but I just thought it should be stickied.
EDIT BELOW: Thanks.i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Fri, 11-04-2005, 12:52 PM
Done. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Mon, 11-07-2005, 08:14 AM
Yes, spoiler tags are a great idea.
Another thing that's been bugging me for the longest time --> There's no "Go to Last Post" tag for every thread. All there is is this "Go to Last Page" tag, but that's really annoying because you'll always have to scroll all the way down to see the newest post. Would be great if that can be implemented.
That's all from me for now. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Mon, 11-07-2005, 09:58 AM
congrats terra, oh btw , you didnt leave a link in that general anime thread you started
Mon, 11-07-2005, 11:06 AM
1) consistent enforcement of the rules
i) consistent for all members
ii) either a tight enforcement of racial slurs, personal insults, general sterotyping, or a very lack lustre one, allowing all to do it (reguardless of if you think one side is better/wrong/right/worse)
iii) removal of idiotic mods that seemed more concerned with pressing there power up against everyone as opposed to making the forum a better and happier place. i.e who cares if there was a "who is stronger kakshi or gai" thread last week, allow discussions to carry on, if people are bored of the discussion then they wont post, to simply close a valid thread (there is NOTHING wrong with repeated threads, especially when theres no definite answer)
2) give me my damn custom title
i) i won it fair and square
ii) i have seen others with them since
yeah although i post a lot less than i used to, now that mut has fucked off maybe i will start posting more again.
i also think its a good idea to remove the way mods hide behind the bold letters, make it publicly known.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 11:32 AM
Would it be possible to have a button at the top menu or a link in the navigation for the GW community?
Mon, 11-07-2005, 12:12 PM
Spoiler tags pretty please since I post alot of spoiler pics i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Mon, 11-07-2005, 12:20 PM
Ninja edit. I think that's an excellent system, so that if you immediately correct a typo or a broken tag, the suspicious "Edited" text won't always appear there.
Otherwise I haven't been here long enough to really say anything. Terracosmo was one of the people responsible for me getting here: To enjoy the bloodthirsty Naruto filler ep discussion threads. I'm sure you will keep up that good work even from your new position.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by: Kraco
To enjoy the bloodthirsty Naruto filler ep discussion threads. I'm sure you will keep up that good work even from your new position.
That's quite an honor, since I'm personally a big enemy of forums where every single negative thing you write about any given anime is counted as flaming and may not be posted. Hypocrisy at it's best. The feeling I have when posting here is that it's a place where rules are more of a guideline for increased pleasantry, rather than something you have to think about 24/7, ultimately just becoming a bore.
So yeah, I'll do my best to keep the bloodthirstiness alive i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Mon, 11-07-2005, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
iii) removal of idiotic mods that seemed more concerned with pressing there power up against everyone as opposed to making the forum a better and happier place. i.e who cares if there was a "who is stronger kakshi or gai" thread last week, allow discussions to carry on, if people are bored of the discussion then they wont post, to simply close a valid thread (there is NOTHING wrong with repeated threads, especially when theres no definite answer)
2) give me my damn custom title
i) i won it fair and square
ii) i have seen others with them since
1) Theres is something wrong with repeated threads....its that they're REPEATED. If a topic has been locked, its usually for a pretty good reason and thus that same topic doesnt need to be created again. However, alot of threads jsut die off after a while, and thats why the admins have included a search feature. The whole point is that we members do a quick search and use the existing threads rather then creating repeat ones. Not only is it annoying to see 5 different 'sasuke vs naji' threads, it also clutters the forums and i believe it uses up more bandwidth (though you'd have to ask ciber/wilik about that).
2) The custom titles you see are not custom titles at all, but new ranks that terra implemented. The only people i know of that have custom titles are admins, or some old irc people.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 02:39 PM
well i have to disagree, 2 threads about sakura vs konohamaru could have completley different endings and conversation lines. also its hard to restart a thread sometimes as people wont visit it as much when they think they have already been there. many people on the otherhand will visit a new thread just to flame for a repeat topic, but then mat contribute to the topic when they see the op looks at things differently than they had previously thought. all in all, FAR Too many threads on these forums are locked for little to no reason, somthing that a forum thats trying to become thriving once more cannot afford to do. dont stifle discussion, encourage it.
and also i know that the titles have been revamped, i still see many people posting with custom titles (or have done in the past.). i was promised a long time ago.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 06:47 PM
There isn't that many people with custom titles.
and repeated topics are stupid, why not have ALL the discussion in one thread than in a few threads.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 07:05 PM
because unfortunatley life doesnt work that way. topics die and when people want to discuss them again its much harder to get new blood on a thread with 50+ posts than abrand new one.
Tue, 11-08-2005, 06:04 PM
hey way to go terra! i just saw the bleach manga section!
Tue, 11-08-2005, 10:42 PM
Originally posted by: chambers
because unfortunatley life doesnt work that way. topics die and when people want to discuss them again its much harder to get new blood on a thread with 50+ posts than abrand new one.
That doesnt mean you should create another topic. People stop posting because they dont care anymore, and they wont comeback to a new thread about the same topic whether it has new points of view or not. And the few people that would come to the new topic, would also be willing to go to the old topic for these same points of view.
Wed, 11-09-2005, 09:03 AM
i beg to differ, many topics could be reposted on the naruto board now and have a large gathering on them when the original topic is dead.
Mon, 11-14-2005, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by: chambers
i beg to differ, many topics could be reposted on the naruto board now and have a large gathering on them when the original topic is dead.
This is not something we should really be discussing in a thread designed for us to assist Terra in making these forums better. I hate to be a neg but take it to your PMs as it seems you are the only person that feels the way you do about that topic
I for one like the spoiler tag idea I hate having to do the same as what has been typed before. I also have a idea (I think someone posted this before me but oh well), Redo the FAQs and rules. When I first came to these forums I didn't read them until i started posting. To me some of the rules didn't fit in what was happening or rules existed that wasn't there. Also A idea I have is that you should program an minium word limit when a user posts. This would help out the MODs cut back on the shitposting
That my two cents (CDN worth nothing in the US)
Mon, 11-14-2005, 08:25 AM
You are absolutely right about the rules/FAQ, and we plan to redo them soon.
Mon, 11-14-2005, 05:24 PM
...isnt the gotwoot faq just signature restrictions? thats all i see...O_o
Mon, 11-14-2005, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by: KitKat
I think it's kindof redundant to have the Recent Announcements: Welcome to Gotwoot Evolution link at the top of the page if we have a whole announcements forum. As well, our FAQ is a bit out-of-date. Seeing as a lot of us have been around here for a while, we know the perpetual questions that people frequently ask. It would be cool to involve us by having members submit common questions and answers that they see, and then having someone compile it and format it nicely to go in our FAQ section. Even linking to threads such as kai's playback issues thread or things like that in our FAQ would be helpful for visitors and new members I think.
Edit: One more thing....what is that 'view forum polls' thing on the top right corner? Has it ever been used? What is it for? I clicked on it but got a little message telling me that there are currently no polls.
I brought this up and gave a possible solution, but no one listened i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Wed, 11-16-2005, 01:59 PM
I've been wondering about the forum polls also. Is there a point to it, or is it just fusetalk?
Thu, 11-17-2005, 06:20 PM
small request, could you move the old war at home thread from General Discussion to "TV and Movies"??
Thu, 11-17-2005, 07:09 PM
Your wish has been granted.
Fri, 11-18-2005, 12:46 PM
hey terra aren't there tooo many forums now"??? it's nice to see that you bring some effort in it. but i don't think this will help.
Sat, 11-19-2005, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by: Turkish-S
hey terra aren't there tooo many forums now"??? it's nice to see that you bring some effort in it. but i don't think this will help.
Well we need to update the Anime category. We can't just leave it with the old shows only when there are new and interesting animes that we would like to discuss.
Sun, 11-27-2005, 05:32 PM
What about a general Music thread?
Sun, 11-27-2005, 06:55 PM
wtf what are we going to descuss in the General Discussion ?? food?? ow no let's make a general food forum >.<...
And if you are talking about a thread you shouldn't ask....
Mon, 11-28-2005, 06:41 AM
Originally posted by: Turkish-S
wtf what are we going to descuss in the General Discussion ?? food?? ow no let's make a general food forum >.<...
And if you are talking about a thread you shouldn't ask....
I wasn't aware that all the threads in the GD were about music. From what I can see not even 1/10 of the threads are about music there. It was just a sugesstion to make the forum a little more foreseeable.
Mon, 11-28-2005, 07:33 PM
There should be at least 10 topics of a common theme in General Discussion before it merits its own forum
Tue, 11-29-2005, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
There should be at least 10 topics of a common theme in General Discussion before it merits its own forum
Is that active topics or just overall. I found over 10 topics in the GD alone, I only checked the first few pages though so there should be more. But as I said, this is just a sugesstion. If no one else thinks it's a good idea there's no good having one.
Thu, 12-01-2005, 09:11 PM
suggestion, terra should make a post on the gotwoot page, im tired of jsut seeing a weird "K"
Thu, 12-01-2005, 10:17 PM
Instead you'd get a weird "T" i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 12-01-2005, 10:38 PM
Fri, 12-02-2005, 05:49 PM
hahhaa, well i dunno about that but terra, why cant u choose another letter?
Sat, 12-03-2005, 10:41 PM
because that wouldnt make sense?....
Mon, 12-05-2005, 01:33 AM
What's the status of the spoiler tags? We still gonna get those?
Mon, 12-05-2005, 01:41 AM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
Da heck? noooo
K's > T's
K even comes before T in the alphabet!
Mon, 12-19-2005, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
What's the status of the spoiler tags? We still gonna get those?
No idea. I wish I had the ability to do those things myself. ;S
Mon, 12-19-2005, 11:18 AM
Spoiler tags are not needed... anything that needs a spoiler tag to be said shouldn't be said at all...
Mon, 12-19-2005, 06:26 PM
Fri, 12-23-2005, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by: Budweineken
Spoiler tags are not needed... anything that needs a spoiler tag to be said shouldn't be said at all...
not true not true...
LOTS of things that constitute as spoilers are exchanged in this forum...
people just leave a huge blank space as a sort of 'warning'
which I feel is quite inadequate
since to read the next post, we will HAVE to scroll down regardless and risk glimpsing the spoilers
it would be good to have proper spoiler tags... really
just my 2 cents worth
Sat, 12-24-2005, 01:48 AM
What bud's trying to say is that there shouldn't be spoiler tags because there shouldn't be any spoilers at all
Tue, 01-17-2006, 02:59 PM
I agree with assertn. He has like 7000 posts and he's a RAIKAGE. I mean, he's like thunder shadow lord of god. Have you ever played Mortal Combat? Raiden was a Raikage type of dude, and he could even beat Johnny Kage.
...I rest my case.
Wed, 01-18-2006, 01:39 AM
I would like to reaffirm the peoples desire, need, and inalienable right if they are of age in their country, territory or communist republic (in soviet finland, porn downloads YOU!) for nudity! I think if proper warning is given this is appropriate, after all, pictures can't hurt anyone, make anyone pregnant, or give anyone a disease. So in fact, nudity would be a public service and on behalf of the constituents here on the US east coast (I am now president of East America!) I request some. (preferably from your stash in my PM box terra =p)
I love this place. Where else can I get fansub links and look at dirty pictures of bleach and one piece babes while I get paid with your tax dollars. Life is good in gotwoot land
** edit, half my post belongs in a thread created below this one, didnt see it till I clicked announcements. So Ill cut and paste it there.
Wed, 01-18-2006, 06:48 AM
Soviet Finland? Is that a new country? In America, geography and history learns YOU!.i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Well I don't really care that hentai isn't allowed here, since most of it sucks and/or is disgusting in general. If you have a hard time finding any porn on the internet, you really need to level up your porn finding skills. You know as well as everyone else on this forum, that no one cares if it says "warning nudity ages 18 and above" thats more of an invite.
Wed, 01-18-2006, 04:09 PM
if we're discussing about a hentai section I officially vote for one!
Wed, 01-18-2006, 04:14 PM
El_boss have you ever watched the TV show Family Guy? There is a car made in the Former USSR that says "In Soviet Russia Car Drives YOU" So at one of the larger porn sites on the net, Karasxxx, the owner thought the line "In soviet finland porn downloads YOU" would be good to paint across a couple of naked women in former USSR military uniforms.
(The above line may or may not admit that i spend time downloading porn at work out of pure boredom, hey thats why they put a door on my office right? Privacy)
God #2 I second that motion
Wed, 01-18-2006, 04:18 PM
A hentai section is sadly not going to happen. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Wed, 01-18-2006, 07:20 PM
@ImitationSanen: I don't want to drag this out but since you didn't get what I meant I have to. The phrase you are thinking of is "In Soviet Russia, noun verb YOU!".
Thu, 01-19-2006, 02:54 AM
"and the masses cried" at least we still have the ladies of bleach!
Mon, 01-23-2006, 02:27 AM
hey why dont we have more smilies
some naruto and bleach ones would be pretty cool
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