View Full Version : things you hate
Fri, 10-28-2005, 07:12 PM
things you hate... i'll start it off with a few of mine
1. when i get superglue onto my fingers and it feels like i'm shedding
2. when my toilet gets clogged with crap, and i'm the one who has to fix it
3. when the bed's frame crashes in the middle of the night and you literally start rolling off
4. when my stupid cat meows for eternity, wanting attention. and then you come to pet it and it runs off
5. when my friends break my stuff
6. when something really stupid and annoying happens and nobody seems to have done it
7. just when you have a bad day i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Fri, 10-28-2005, 07:36 PM
1. public bathrooms
2. bad days
3. fat snotty bitches
4. school
5. when i get blamed
Fri, 10-28-2005, 08:51 PM
would it be inappropriate if i said i hate black people?
Fri, 10-28-2005, 08:58 PM
I hate this person ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^
I also hate flashback episodes, JAPs, cold sores, heights, clowns, hardcore Conservatives, downloaded music full of errors, "romantic comedy" movies, mathmetics, spinach, broccoli, cat poop, racists, arrogant people, traffic, people who drive really slow, seeds in my baggies and mooches.
Fri, 10-28-2005, 09:52 PM
- Ideals of society
- Contacts (everybody gets places because of people they know)
- Society in general (the swedish one to be correct), and it's law systems... I wish I could change it
- People who don't know when to shut up
- People who intrude on others' private matters, I think nosy is the correct word for that
- Racists and other closeminded people who hates others for their beliefs (I guess that's a bit ironic since I just said I hate racists, but you get the point)
- A lot of other things which I can't remember right now because you never can when you are actually asked about things like these i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Fri, 10-28-2005, 10:28 PM
Everything but bad bitches.
The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 10-28-2005, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by: mage
would it be inappropriate if i said i hate black people?
Most! You have to say most, or you're racist!
Anyway what I'm hating most in life are my sack of shit friends who always try to exploit me.
dark maginn
Fri, 10-28-2005, 11:06 PM
when my friend try to get me int touble >.<
Fri, 10-28-2005, 11:12 PM
When this dumb broad tried to say I was ashamed of my race. Now you guys know that shit aint true.
Fri, 10-28-2005, 11:49 PM
i hate when my friends say im doning the wrong thing, but later the results i was doing was correct
Sat, 10-29-2005, 01:12 AM
- People who don't think and reply on others.
- Racists, terrorists
- Doing anything that is eventually pointless
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 10-29-2005, 01:29 AM
-Stupidity: i.e people who run their mouthes about things they know nothing about, stubborn people who hold on to a wrong idea when shown it is wrong, people that don't know how to conduct an argument, yet continue to argue
-Arrogance: i.e. Peoplewho, although may not be stupid, are characterized by a superiority complex.
-Cruelty: basically, cruelty for the sake of cruelty. In many cases, I don't mind cruelty if its for vengence/justice.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by: Psyke
- Doing anything that is eventually pointless
I also have a strong dislike for (hate is too strong of a word sometimes, ne?) those who second-guess the earnest endeavors of unfortunate failures (or disappointments) which were attempted in sincerity, honesty, and for all the best of intentions and pride.
It is funny that I hate regret, but also equally hate those that do not know when/how to feel it...
I also hate condoms. in the words of the Old Dirty Bastard, "Oooo baby I like it raw, oo baby i like it Raaaaaaw!"
EDIT: Added quote. Who says that when we're all dead and forgotten that the 'point' of our actions and words are also similarly departed from this realm? Everything has a point, otherwise (as mathmatics has proved) it would not exist anywhere in space. Therefore, anything that exists must have a point.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 02:29 AM
I hate
1) People that makes a statement and does not back it up. They go on and on about what they see but when asks why they see it like that they stare at you as though you're an idiot because you can't understand and that you're retarded and when you point out that they are wrong they say you're twisting their words and they'll twist their own words.
2) Thought zombies that just repeat what others say as long as its the popular view in fear of being unpopular.
3) Racists and reverse discrimination racists, doesnt matter if you're white or black.
4) Stereotyping. Unless it is true it is a form of hating and racism or just plain wrong. Get your facts straight before you stereotype someone or something. There are a hundred and one ways i can find that makes the stereotype not so unique anymore to just about any stereotype.
5) Rap music that talks about sex (especially prostitution and pimps), drugs, gangs and money or any combination of those just to sell the CDs. If you want to tackle those subjects at least make it lively, down to earth, and dealing with real life. Real people shouldn't have to put up with your corny and limited world view of police hatin, gangbanging, pimping, drug dealing, degradating young girls, and pistol whipping. That is ghetto street stuff that you want to live in but it won't teach your kids anything positive and their future will turn out worst knowing only negativity. I like any kind of music and im not dissing rap but just the fad that the genre has become. R. Kelly is different. His rap has a story that flows with the music and is one of the raps that actually make sense. His music is diverse and even when they touch on sensitive issues such as the ones listed above he takes a humour stance.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 03:09 AM
People that "displease" me:
1. Stupid and/or annoying women/girls
2. angsty teenagers
3. Stupid teenagers
4. People who act gangsta because they honestly think it makes them look cool (people who act gangsta to be funny are coo')
5. People who do stuff just to piss people off (when it's not just a friendly back and forth)
Stuff I hate:
Stupid generalizations
How people treat sex and relationships like crap
Bathrooms with a mirror in front of the toilet so you have the pleasure of seeing yourself shit. (don't hate, but I've never understood it...)
When the wind blows from behind me and pushes my hair in my eyes so I can't see a damn fucking thing.
There's some more I can think of but I'm tired...blah
Sat, 10-29-2005, 04:28 AM
Things I despise
1.People who tote there religion like a fashion statement.
2.People who user the reliogion as a shield fro mthe worold around them adn become extreamly stupid and arrogent.
3.Anoby thats stupid enoug hto ask the question when was the war of 1812(I shit you not i knew some that dumb in high school and hated ther guts.)
4.Woman who want a Super hot manly man but has no body hair what so ever, dress's in "really cute cloths", and that will buy them anything and everything. Thats not a boyfreind, thats your gay father who still in his thirties and dating.
5.Guys who are assholes, have no personality, treat women like shit, throw their money around like they're are god, and still get all the women.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 05:58 AM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Originally posted by: Psyke
- Doing anything that is eventually pointless
I also have a strong dislike for (hate is too strong of a word sometimes, ne?) those who second-guess the earnest endeavors of unfortunate failures (or disappointments) which were attempted in sincerity, honesty, and for all the best of intentions and pride.
It is funny that I hate regret, but also equally hate those that do not know when/how to feel it...
I also hate condoms. in the words of the Old Dirty Bastard, "Oooo baby I like it raw, oo baby i like it Raaaaaaw!"
EDIT: Added quote. Who says that when we're all dead and forgotten that the 'point' of our actions and words are also similarly departed from this realm? Everything has a point, otherwise (as mathmatics has proved) it would not exist anywhere in space. Therefore, anything that exists must have a point.
Example of what I mean by pointless. In my job, it is necessary to churn out a whole stack of paper work whenever an event happens. It is very tedious and takes hours to complete. In the end, no one ever reads it and is eventually filed/thrown away. It's the feeling I hate when I'm burning my time away typing these "important" reports.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 10-29-2005, 08:58 AM
You guys have reminded me about a lot more things I hate. Wow, I'm filled with hate...go figure.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:13 AM
I hate hangovers....
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:15 AM
i hate traitors...
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by: kenren
i hate traitors...
you traitor, i will kill you ^_^
Strike Freedom
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:35 AM
I HATE u ALL, EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. SCUM of THE EARTH. *hate continues to build within as I stay quiet*WHY????!!!!!!!! Actually, I love you all. Let's sing:
"I love you, you love me. We're a happy family....." "lalalalala"
Sat, 10-29-2005, 10:16 AM
- Racists.
- How some people need to put everyone in a folder or be in a folder. No, I'm not a goth because I wear black. And no, I don't wear glasses to appear EMO, I wear them so I can actually see shit.
- Obvious idiocy.
- People who can't spell because they don't even bother. Appearing like an idiot is NOT cool.
- People who talk too much. Especially so when they have nothing to say.
- Being touched. Yes, I hate being touched.
- People who constantly bother me with their problems, even when I'm obviously uninterested.
- Feminists.
- The obsession with normality.
- Pills.
- People who constantly quotes themselves.
- Sports.
- ... Actually, make that any physical activity. Guh.
- Kira Yamato.
- Lacus Clyne.
- X-Box fanboys.
- Animal cruelty.
- Hippos.
- Cute things.
- Outdated education systems.
- Hackers.
- Young people in general. Which is odd, seeing how I'm not that old myself.
- Rap.
- Shrimps. Because they look like fucking brain larvas.
- Eggs.
I'd go on and on, but this is more than enough for now I think.
The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 10-29-2005, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by: Lefty
3.Anoby thats stupid enoug hto ask the question when was the war of 1812(I shit you not i knew some that dumb in high school and hated ther guts.)
lol, at my high school too.
In a society I control, that's grounds for mandatory execution.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 12:01 PM
No special order, hate them all the same I guess.
-Stupid people that don't know how stupid they are, and think that they are smart.
-People that try to push their opinions and belifs on others.
-People that suck-up, that's like prostitution of the soul. God that makes my blood boil.
-People that just won't shut the fuck up, that have to fill every second of silence with inane bullshit. I hate them also because they are the same people that think you are shy just 'cause you don't talk every second you have air in your lungs.
-Special treatment, against girls for example.
-Fake people.
-People that get abortions just because they didn't have any condoms at home.
-People that ask questions they already know the answer to just to show what they know.
-Everything related to military.
-People that can't take care of their children.
-The fact that alcohol and nicotine (ciggarettes) are such accepted forms of suicide.
-That people in todays society can't have fun without being drunk and if for some reason you don't feel like getting drunk you are concidered a pussy or a freak.
-That there isn't an intelligence requirement to be able to vote (for government and such).
-People that don't get my jokes (these mostly fit in with the stupid people as well).
-People that think they are "feminists" and actual feminists as well (if such a thing excists).
-Unnecessary things. For example the military.
-People that hate others just because they have to. For example racists.
Theres alot more, but I just can't muster enough power to go one. So much hate so little time.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 01:22 PM
I hate it when people put up a dedication for their dead friend / family member in their xanga, aim profiles, or website. It's like they're using them as a source of symphathy and to get attention so that people feel sorry for them.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 01:23 PM
Let's see hmm...
-Extreme feminists
-Vegans who preach about animal rights and shit like cows also have feelings.
-Racists, this one is obvious. Everyone should hate them.
-Hypocritical bastards
-People who label others because of their interests or the way they dress.
-Ronny, a guy in my class. I really hate his guts.
-Snow and rain.
-People touching my hair, fuck my hair is important and beautiful i don't need idiots to ruin it with their dirty hands.
-Kissing ass is one thing i really hate.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by: PSJ
-People touching my hair, fuck my hair is important and beautiful i don't need idiots to ruin it with their dirty hands.
Quoted for emphasis. PSJ, I feel your pain.
I also wanna add to my list:
- When people die (I really don't take that kind of news well at all...)
- "That people in todays society can't have fun without being drunk and if for some reason you don't feel like getting drunk you are concidered a pussy or a freak. " (Taken from el_boss)
- People who complain about everything.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 02:13 PM
I was filled with hate, when I realised the "Kiki's Delivery Service" DVD I had just bought only had "English for the hearing impaired" subtitle option, and not normal English subtitles at all. Damn, I really wanted to break something... Like the bones of the idiot who had designed that release. (The DVD of course had English dub, but if I wanted English animation, I would go and buy Pocahontas or something.)
So, I suppose I gotta quote Nai, and say I hate obvious idiocy.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by: XanBcoo
Originally posted by: PSJ
-People touching my hair, fuck my hair is important and beautiful i don't need idiots to ruin it with their dirty hands.
Quoted for emphasis. PSJ, I feel your pain.
I'm glad someone understands, people just doesn't seem to get it. They call me vain becuase they can't mess up my hair.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 09:41 PM
Thats cause there assholes, plain and simple.
*People touching my hair without permision
*People who mis-spell my name (in life and here)
*Cheating girlfriends
*Pompous idiots
*People who have bumper stickers
Thats about it.
Sat, 10-29-2005, 10:02 PM
Sat, 10-29-2005, 11:51 PM
i hate my spanish teacher
Mon, 10-31-2005, 08:13 AM
Oh wow so many fricking options to choose. Well I don't have time to fully articulate everything I hate (that would take a few pages) I will give some off the top of my head.
I hate Atheists: why because atheists are assholes. I don't hate someone who says they don't believe in god or gods but anthiests give themselves a label which entitles them to things as a group, as opposed to being an individual. Suddenly atheism is not a personal commitment but a classification. Atheists can meet up with other atheists and unite together. Atheists can force their belief of nonbeleifs onto other people intrinsically forming their own dogma that and system of values which was the exact reason why they become Atheists in the first place.
I hate dogma in all it's forms.
I hate fricking politcally correct people who are so anally retentive that they can't take a fucking joke and feel it is their self imposed right to force their morality upon everyone around them to fight for equality in the most frivolous ways.
I do not hate homosexual individuals but I do hate gay culture. There really aren't many redeeming aspects to it. It's a culture that emphasizes the importance of consumption and narcissism. I really don't see anything postive about it. Yet it's considered to be such high culture since homosexuals are so fricking oppressed that even the shallow base values of their culture are seen as something much higher bearing more artistic merit then other contemporary cultures.
Mon, 10-31-2005, 12:03 PM
i forgot to add that i hate kira yamato... BOOO !!
Wed, 11-02-2005, 07:43 PM
i think mine would be..
-people who think all asians look alike..i can't walk around anywhere without someone saying i'm chinese..
-people who think they are better than you in every way..
-friends who forcefully want the impossible of me..
-game release date being pushed way back..then some more..
Wed, 11-02-2005, 08:31 PM
i hate the rain also, dont feel like going anywhere
Wed, 11-02-2005, 09:17 PM
I have to add this, although it is a direct flame at another member. Its just gotten to that point.
I FUCKING HATE MAGE! I FUCKING HATE HIM! No-good piece of trash always posting useless one-line comments having nothing to do with the topic or discussion. Its not funny so stop doing it! You reading this you little sack of shit? You better! You see this? I hope you can because I am doing it as hard as I can!
. ....... . .
I also hate academics writers who know they're getting paid more if they write longer books so they drone on and on and add so much crap that is unneccessary and confusing when it really adds nothing to their argument. I also hate the ones who feel they have to coin a phrase in order to gain recognition and then you end up with problems of semantics because so many people are using the same words and phrases to mean very d ifferent things!
Wed, 11-02-2005, 09:59 PM
I hate people who dress up as in a sports jersey and consider it a Halloween costume.
Strike Freedom
Wed, 11-02-2005, 10:11 PM
Well, to be serious, i hate nothing. It is too harsh to hate, I consider that the most extreme feeling of ill will. However, I do have dislikes, a lesser degree of ill will
Sun, 11-06-2005, 11:58 AM
2:Some people
3:My boring school
4:The ugly girls in it
5:When i think for my self
Mon, 11-07-2005, 01:29 AM
Cocky cunts whos full of talk
Mon, 11-07-2005, 02:38 AM
I have a new one. I hate people who get pissed off when you say that you hate any given anime/manga/downloaded thing, and motivates it with "it's free damnit".
The hypocrisy comes from the fact that the given people don't care if you call the product good, but if it's bad then you're apparently just ungrateful. lol
Mon, 11-07-2005, 11:30 AM
I really hate it when you have a debate with someone and they know they're wrong. They start pulling BS facts out from their "sources", like some professor they know or from some article they read somewhere.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I have a new one. I hate people who get pissed off when you say that you hate any given anime/manga/downloaded thing, and motivates it with "it's free damnit".
The hypocrisy comes from the fact that the given people don't care if you call the product good, but if it's bad then you're apparently just ungrateful. lol
true but i would go berserk more if i would buy a vga card for 150 eury's and if that one would suck.
hate list of TS:
The things jews do ageanst palastina.
people who discuss stupid stuff.
people who say muslims are bad while they are TEH 1337.
gay people..srry just can't like them..
people who think that this world is fucking bad while they have everything. (goths)
spoiled people.
spoiling people i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif ..
and i can go on for ages so i'll just stop here.
Mite Gai
Mon, 11-07-2005, 10:58 PM
Hmmm......lets see:
-i hate closeminded people.
-I hate people who flame me without good reason.
-I hate most kids in online games that are too old for them.
-I hate racists.
-I hate bitches (in America this means basically hot girls that act nice, but are really are mean).
-I hate people who try to talk ebonics when they are not black (not meant to be racist, just only black people look cool doing it).
-I hate druggies who try to drag others into their hole.
-I hate people who drive while under the influence (encountered one before and almost got killed).
-I hate people who do not take relationships seriously and just do it because the other person is "hot" or they want sex.
-I hate people who have the need to feel superior to others when that need makes them inferior.
Yeaaahhhh... I am gonna stop here so I do not get too negative.
Mon, 11-07-2005, 11:27 PM
You know what I hate?
I hate compilers projects. I hate the fact that I don't understand how to do them. I hate the fact that I'm entirely reliant on my partner for the majority of this coding work.
I hate computer science classes that are heavy on programming and light on theory (which puts me in the vast minority of CS students).
I hate humanities classes that are stacked against people who have a sense of literary flow and development. I hate trick questions on exams, too.
I hate the impatient, irritable and ignorant users that I have to deal with on a daily basis these days. I also hate the fact that I'm going to have to put those selfsame users on a samba domain just so they can use sharepoint. Hate that I'm stuck getting them a sharepoint server at all, when they're not using the test server I set up.
I hate being alone, and I hate having to dumb myself down to deal with pretty much everyone I know.
I hate that there are basically no women in the sciences these days, except for chemistry and biology.
Oh, lastly, I hate watching things I enjoy and/or care about deteriorate.
Wed, 11-09-2005, 09:02 PM
new list
snotty bums
smart asses
people who talk way too loud
grades ( only low )
happy people with too much joy
people who only talk about sex i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif
people who only talk about material wishes
this stupid black kid in my class (not races just hate him)
anime (too expensive i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif )
psp too expensive
science projects!
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