View Full Version : Free Web Hosting

Board of Command
Wed, 10-26-2005, 04:37 PM
Does anyone know of decent hosts that allow MP3s? I need about 25 mb and good bandwith, maybe 1.5gb. I've checked out a bunch and they all have gay limitations.


Use the help thread next time. Locked.

GotWoot Moderator

Wed, 10-26-2005, 04:47 PM
You can host a ftp server. Then you can have as much music as you want, abd there are no limitations except your own bandwidth.

Wed, 10-26-2005, 05:09 PM
http://www.xenogenesis.com/bro...puters/wr/tempstorage/ (http://www.xenogenesis.com/browse/computers/wr/tempstorage/) - temp space
http://www.xenogenesis.com/bro...uters/wr/freewebspace/ (http://www.xenogenesis.com/browse/computers/wr/freewebspace/) - free webhosts

Wed, 10-26-2005, 05:29 PM
I use MyFileHut (http://www.myfilehut.com/) to hotlink some mp3s and it has been a really great service so far. They have good bandwith and have 250 MB of storage to start with (they sometimes upgrade it for you for free). Hope I could help.

Board of Command
Wed, 10-26-2005, 08:10 PM
Thanks a lot stos. That host looks great! Uploading as I'm typing this message.

It would be awesome if they had FTP as well, but the web interface isn't bad.