View Full Version : It's Official Fillers until spring 2006
Fri, 10-21-2005, 01:14 PM
Since on one else has posted this yet I decided to make a thread.
Naruto Anime Filler Episodes to last until Spring 2006
Reported by: Tazmo on Friday, Oct. 21st, 2005 at 12:14PM
In a very recent speech ( by the producer and owner of Studio Pierrot (the studio that produces the Japanese Naruto anime in Japan) in Vienna he answered a lot of questions surrounding the series, perhaps surprised that so many people outside of Japan were so up to date with Naruto. When asked when the fillers would end he replied: "Naruto will grow in the series. This part... with grown-up Naruto will air Spring 2006 in Japan - there'll also be a new movie next summer. And we are currently working on a movie for Bleach". This means that when the seventh season of Naruto begins next week it will be solely dedicated to fillers, and at the beginning of season 8 (27 episodes from now) we should see the anime following in the mangas footsteps. With this news the earliest we will see this is April 2006, conveniently in time for Naruto's second movie to release on DVD. Thanks to everyone who sent the link for this.
Looks like we've got us very nice looooong wait for some real naruto. Damn is all i can say and for all of you who've been holding off from the manga now might be a good time to start to ensure that you don't lose all faith in naruto.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 01:51 PM
Holy freaking shit. Fuck that noise.
I'll see y'all next year.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 03:32 PM
What the freaking hell. Seriously. Fillers are a fucking plague to society and should be abolished. NOW. Not next year, NOW. Damn cockfosters.
Thank goodness I have Bleach. if I didn't have Bleach, I'd go insane.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 04:25 PM
i cryed when i readed this but this really made me LOL...
At first the producer was kinda confused (it's not like we should be able to see the actual japanese episodes *COUGHS COUGHS* but I am glad no one told him that we are kinda downloading episodes... I would've killed this person).
Fri, 10-21-2005, 04:36 PM
no... no... NOOO!!
all the way in fucking april. but anyway,, not a big suprise. it was coming anyway, sooner or later.
but 6 months?!
Fri, 10-21-2005, 04:40 PM
Deal with it.
I am actually glad they came out and told us when the fillers will end, rather than just let people speculate and speculate without end...
I just hope they'll decide to put some effort into the fillers. It'd be a great oppotunity for them to try out new animators, new writers by paying aspiring amateurs alot cheaper paychecks than what they have to dish out to the same fools who keep spamming Rasengan and drawing those fugly side characters.
Now that I have low expectations for Naruto for so long, I actually think I'll be able to begin enjoying the crappiness of the filler episodes. It's like watching bad horror films and just appreciating the shitiness of it all.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 04:50 PM
I guess since my post was censored, because i spoiled what everybody knows this thread has some spoilers too -_-
Fri, 10-21-2005, 05:09 PM
This is some seriously fucked up shit.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by: Nin10doman
What the freaking hell. Seriously. Fillers are a fucking plague to society and should be abolished. NOW. Not next year, NOW. Damn cockfosters.
Thank goodness I have Bleach. if I didn't have Bleach, I'd go insane.
And that too may fall to fillers as we are very close to the manga with that series
Fri, 10-21-2005, 05:46 PM
There is no god.
*Kills himself*
Fri, 10-21-2005, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by: Jadugar
*Kills himself*
*Jad' is forced to rewatch the Idate arc & Baka Bros. arc repeatedly without pause in Hell*
If Bleach falls to fillers, I'm done.
I'll return to gaming.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by: Strider
I'll return to gaming.
Are you talking about Naruto gamesi/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif or the real ones.
This news has just torn me apart. I was waiting patiently for Naruto to get back on the manga track but this has broken my threshold.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:14 PM
Video games.
I'll just watch Rock Lee's fights whenever I need a Naruto fix.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:20 PM
The fillers became a bit more entertaining when I found this forum some time ago and I could enjoy reading the discussion threads where people tore the filler eps apart. But I highly doubt even the most sharpest of minds here can keep up their witticisms for 26 more shitty episodes.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:21 PM
please, please, PLEASE tell me that your JOKING?!!!!!!!1 PLEASE!!! if your not, bleach better not start fillers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cry*
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:27 PM
Originally posted by: Kraco
The fillers became a bit more entertaining when I found this forum some time ago and I could enjoy reading the discussion threads where people tore the filler eps apart. But I highly doubt even the most sharpest of minds here can keep up their witticisms for 26 more shitty episodes.
Thats why to survive this Katrina of fillers I am borrowing George Bush's brain for a while.
Wait..........Does he have a brain?
Fri, 10-21-2005, 06:48 PM
I wish they posted that on april fools i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Fri, 10-21-2005, 07:35 PM
The way I figure it by the time the Bleach fillers start up maybe the naruto filler will finally have drawn to close. So either read the manga or hope on the bleach train less you risk your sanity. I'd like to think that the animators could draw up a half decent story but they've proven time and time again that the best thing they can do is simply rehash previous naruto storlines with a fresh coat of paint (cough cough tea country arc cough). It's really surprising especially when you look at fullmetal alchemist. They made an original storyline that actually wound up being better then the manga. Why is it so fricking hard to make a half decent filler with some new ninja or bloodline limit? If were luckymaybe towards the end of this shit the animation team will bring us kakshi gaiden around febuary or march before part 2 starts.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by: Deadfire
Originally posted by: Nin10doman
What the freaking hell. Seriously. Fillers are a fucking plague to society and should be abolished. NOW. Not next year, NOW. Damn cockfosters.
Thank goodness I have Bleach. if I didn't have Bleach, I'd go insane.
And that too may fall to fillers as we are very close to the manga with that series
No, oh please great animemaster who rules over Japanese tv, please no....I'd rather the show be put on hold for a while than have it ruined by this filler communism.
...Or they could just produce every other week...sovle all the problems of the world with that. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif Maybe I should write a letter or something. i/expressions/rolleye.gif
And LobsterMagnet, I wouldn't say the FMA anime was better than the manga. I like the manga a lot better in most respects. Both are good stories, though.
The Heretic Azazel
Fri, 10-21-2005, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
The way I figure it by the time the Bleach fillers start up maybe the naruto filler will finally have drawn to close. So either read the manga or hope on the bleach train less you risk your sanity. I'd like to think that the animators could draw up a half decent story but they've proven time and time again that the best thing they can do is simply rehash previous naruto storlines with a fresh coat of paint (cough cough tea country arc cough). It's really surprising especially when you look at fullmetal alchemist. They made an original storyline that actually wound up being better then the manga. Why is it so fricking hard to make a half decent filler with some new ninja or bloodline limit? If were luckymaybe towards the end of this shit the animation team will bring us kakshi gaiden around febuary or march before part 2 starts.
Wishful thinking, Bleach couldn't possibly have more than 8 weeks of episodes before it catches up to the manga, tops.
Fri, 10-21-2005, 09:12 PM
dont you think its a bit more than 8 episodes? but im not sure too
hm there are roughly 40 more chapters
Fri, 10-21-2005, 09:29 PM
hey this means we'll still be able to bitch about naruto all the way until Spring 2006!
Fri, 10-21-2005, 10:00 PM
not likely with bleach. the anime tends to add little things here and there very subtly but very well.
i'm sure that the anime creator knows that the anime is gettingn close to the manga so i'm guessing that the fights will be dragged on for a bit. i guess they'll do the past thinking sequences again.
and for naruto....yea our worst fears have come true. the anime is now doomed. my guess is that the current filler will end in a few episode, then they'll do that supposed konohamaru corp. filler arc (only a few episodes...probably some comedy thing), and then i guess they'll go into a extremely extended kakashi gaiden arc. the kakashi gaiden arc is considered filler, even by the manga's standards..
Fri, 10-21-2005, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by: Turkish-S
i cryed when i readed this but this really made me LOL...
I havent stopped yet....
Fri, 10-21-2005, 11:26 PM
Wow... april... that's a loooong time... : (
Well, luckily I have lots of more insults that I haven't used on the Naruto fillers yet i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 10-21-2005, 11:43 PM
I am actually glad they came out and told us when the fillers will end, rather than just let people speculate and speculate without end...
I'm thankful for this as well. No more "This has GOT to be the last filler arc..."
I'm going to stop watching. I figured I'd entertain the idea of a few filler arcs because I thought it wouldn't last that long. Now I know this, I've pretty much lost interest in Naruto. Come April, I'll be craving it again.
Sat, 10-22-2005, 03:25 AM
Ehh, they might be able to pull of something, but the only thing i see is that ... You are gonig to have 27 episode of fillers without them training .. so in fact they most likely will not learn any new moves, and be the same characters for a whole season.... ohhh sweet rasengen of x 5 times before apirl =D
Sat, 10-22-2005, 03:28 AM
That's funny.
Good thing I don't watch the anime anymore.
Sat, 10-22-2005, 08:25 AM
this is fucking bullshit
Sat, 10-22-2005, 08:36 PM
Gee, I'm bummed about that wait, but at least they announced a date.
Sun, 10-23-2005, 08:51 PM
I officially christen these episodes of naruto to be Naruto GT since they have nothing to do with the writings of Kishimoto. Now I present for your reading pleasure the Naruto GT theme song.
Witness the ultimate battle between the greatest of warriors in all the worlds-time is running out
Take the grand tour, grand tour
Take the grand tour, grand tour
Take the grand tour, grand tour
Step into the grand tour
Grand tour, grand tour
Step into the grand tour
Grand tour, grand tour
Step into the grand tour Naruto GT- one, two, three
For many a year naruto have always been there and now. Ritcheous, the innocent and just, must now depend on themselves to defend mother earth from the rebirth of the ultimate end.
Now that the tournament is over the closer the greed creeps for every good that's done the further the evil seeps. Inside the very spirit that makes the good complete. Get the just to prevail. The richeous can't fail
Step into the grand tour
Grand tour, grand tour
Step into the grand tour
Grand tour, grand tour
Step into the grand tour
Naruto GT-
Step into the grand tour, a brand new adventure begins, Another challenge for Naruto and his friends. Now he's a Kyubi strong.
Evil guys are turning, burning to the end the world and everything within the ultimate battle between good and evil who's gonna win. When the sand clock dictates the consequence will they both have the stregth to ge our last line of defene
Lets over ride te powers that seek to destroy-
Steal the innocence of our worldy joy with their evil schemes. Hungry for destruction that their evils brings. The power to provoke, the hope to lose sight of the greater good. Then allow the race to catch ablaze like sandalwood.
Step into the grand tour
Grand tour, grand tour
Step into the grand tour
Grand tour, grand tour
Step into the grand tour
Naruto GT
Sun, 10-23-2005, 08:58 PM
Then again, I hope you all realize what a fucking party it will be when the show gets back on track. I mean APRIL. Bloody APRIL. That's almost forever.
Sun, 10-23-2005, 09:23 PM
To celebrate we will shave ur head so the new ppl at Gotwoot can work out if yur a guys or a girl....
Sun, 10-23-2005, 10:33 PM
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
To celebrate we will shave ur head so the new ppl at Gotwoot can work out if yur a guys or a girl....
Ummmmm... first
No i mean this really does suck...I'm starting to just watch most eps with my mouse on the fast-forward button.. i just can't stand it, so most likely i won't be DL anymore unless you guys that are discussing it say i should, but because you guys (in your posts about the eps) take out the best parts and screen shot them I never have to watch a filler again
Mon, 10-24-2005, 03:05 AM
you know what would be shitty, If they decide to put kakashi gaiden in the middle of the filler arc. that way you can't ignore the whole thing. but not likely
Mon, 10-24-2005, 04:43 AM
it's always possible that in all this time, they will learn to make decent filler.
Mon, 10-24-2005, 08:39 AM
There is good thing and bad things about it this
Bad points
The fillers so far have really sucked major ass the only ones that were not as bad were the episodes with Hinata which is not say a lot.
If things keep going like this it might loose some fans
Good points
I personally rather wait this long for it to get back with the storyline than to have the show stop like what happend to Inuyasha
With six more months of manga means that it can get far enough to have a least some 52 episodes of actuall naruto with out counting the kakashi gaiden which gives more time for the manga to move ahead
Another thing, what would you guys have preferd this six more months of fillers or have the show take a break kind of like a dragonball thing
Mon, 10-24-2005, 09:00 AM
I think the anime should have become fortnightly when the fillers started or something. Less filler for the studio to make, less money to pay for broadcast time, BETTER fillers because they have to show less and I assume they'd choose (or at least TRY to choose) the best ones. Everybody wins.
If they were to take a break, I'd expect the upcoming episodes to be higher in quality, for example animation. Not to say the non-fillers have had bad animation in the past, but they could go from 1 out of 10 fight scenes looking fluid to 1 out of 5 for example.
Mon, 10-24-2005, 09:09 AM
Personally I think, after seeing all these fillers of such o' godly quality, that they should have instead made a few movies of high quality, and not air regular filler episodes at all. I don't know how good the new, second, movie is, but the first movie was at least of decent quality compared to these fillers now airing. I think a couple of movies would have kept the show in people's minds, also because movies generally have a higher level of hype than normal, individual tv episodes (well, I suppose I shouldn't type hype and a filler episode in the same sentence anyway...).
Mon, 10-24-2005, 10:01 AM
@LobsterMagnet: +P that songs made me laugh.
Ehh I'll always post up screenshots of some scenese when the disscussion threads come out. OoOo We can have a grand countdown, like "allright 25 episodes left" ... next week "woot 24!" and so on and so forth ... Mucho fun!
Mon, 10-24-2005, 10:41 AM
I would have preferred the series to simply go on some form of hiatus, as opposed to numerous fillers of no substance nor relevance to the actual story whatsoever.
I'm thankful for knowing the date as to when it will return to following the manga. But, I won't be watching the shit they're going to be putting out now. April? .. Damn it all. Just damn it all.
@ Kensee: I'm down for the countdown. "20 more episodes to go of this bullshit! And, +1!!" i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 10-24-2005, 12:45 PM
Maybe we can turn the filler into something fun. Like how about making a drinking game based off of the fillers?
For example take a shot every time naruto says "I'll never forgive you"
Take another shot when naruto defeats the villain with Ra-Sen-Gan
Mon, 10-24-2005, 12:53 PM
HA! My birthday is in April- talk about a good birthday present i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Mon, 10-24-2005, 01:10 PM
All right I am officially gonna stop downloading this crap. When the series starts up again then I'll watch it again.
Mon, 10-24-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Since on one else has posted this yet I decided to make a thread.
Naruto Anime Filler Episodes to last until Spring 2006
Reported by: Tazmo on Friday, Oct. 21st, 2005 at 12:14PM
In a very recent speech ( by the producer and owner of Studio Pierrot (the studio that produces the Japanese Naruto anime in Japan) in Vienna he answered a lot of questions surrounding the series, perhaps surprised that so many people outside of Japan were so up to date with Naruto. When asked when the fillers would end he replied: "Naruto will grow in the series. This part... with grown-up Naruto will air Spring 2006 in Japan - there'll also be a new movie next summer. And we are currently working on a movie for Bleach". This means that when the seventh season of Naruto begins next week it will be solely dedicated to fillers, and at the beginning of season 8 (27 episodes from now) we should see the anime following in the mangas footsteps. With this news the earliest we will see this is April 2006, conveniently in time for Naruto's second movie to release on DVD. Thanks to everyone who sent the link for this.
Looks like we've got us very nice looooong wait for some real naruto. Damn is all i can say and for all of you who've been holding off from the manga now might be a good time to start to ensure that you don't lose all faith in naruto.
well... i hope it means we will see everyone growing up in the series... maybe we will see the training he got from ero-sennin or something like that >.>
Tue, 10-25-2005, 01:28 AM
Originally posted by: nests
Another thing, what would you guys have preferd this six more months of fillers or have the show take a break kind of like a dragonball thing
The dragonball thing. I woulda much preferred they just ended the show after the Sasuke chase arc, then come back a year later and call the show Naruto Z.
If the series stops when its still good, people will want more of it even after an extended break. If the show doesn't take a break, but instead shows alot of really terrible filler episodes, then those episodes could kill all interest in the series, thus killing it permanently.
Tue, 10-25-2005, 02:41 AM
The dragonball thing. I woulda much preferred they just ended the show after the Sasuke chase arc, then come back a year later and call the show Naruto Z.
If the series stops when its still good, people will want more of it even after an extended break. If the show doesn't take a break, but instead shows alot of really terrible filler episodes, then those episodes could kill all interest in the series, thus killing it permanently.
i complety agree with you there do they have to put crap espisodes? why dont they like put the show on every other week or somthing then they wouldn't worry about catching to the manga and no crappy fillers or just take a break altogether... or if they HAVE to make fillers least get someone who tries lol
but on the other hand i think the filler espisodes are good, think how could you had have lived without the curry saga..... you'd never had known waht a bit** that old lady is who kills turtles lol... thats really the only plus side of the whole thing so far lol O.o,
also btw: how old is that brown haired kid (forget his name the "Life Saving Curry Guy) cause hes "Mother" looks 90 seriously how old was she when she had him? least that explains him being an idiot anyways lol.
Tue, 10-25-2005, 04:50 AM
Originally posted by: KoKo37
also btw: how old is that brown haired kid (forget his name the "Life Saving Curry Guy) cause hes "Mother" looks 90 seriously how old was she when she had him? least that explains him being an idiot anyways lol.
His mother has just had more time to eat her own poisonous curry. She's actually 38, but years of eating that stuff have robbed her of her youth.
Tue, 10-25-2005, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by: LobsterMagnet
Maybe we can turn the filler into something fun. Like how about making a drinking game based off of the fillers?
For example take a shot every time naruto says "I'll never forgive you"
Take another shot when naruto defeats the villain with Ra-Sen-Gan
Are you trying to get us all alcohol poisoned???
Tue, 10-25-2005, 06:04 AM
i think a long break of naruto would've been soo much better instead of all these filler stuff. then they could begin again a few months later with a little bit extended kakashi gaiden and then go straight to part 2, that way, the manga will still be ahead with no need for filler episodes anymore..
Tue, 11-29-2005, 01:18 AM
Naruto_fan... you may have a point. I think it would of been better for them to have cut the series on the episode where Naruto talked to Ero-Sennin after the big fight. Then, making us a little anxious, come back in April, Naruto a little more grown up, things a little different, new music, and perhaps a few flashbacks once in a while as to what happened during that gap in time. Then the story (manga) would then pick up again. What do you all think?
Wed, 11-30-2005, 07:59 PM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder
If the series stops when its still good, people will want more of it even after an extended break. If the show doesn't take a break, but instead shows alot of really terrible filler episodes, then those episodes could kill all interest in the series, thus killing it permanently.
Does anyone know what the ratings are for Naruto in Japan? Is it falling with these fillers? I'm seriously nervous that Naruto could in fact get cancelled due to lack of popularity of these incredibly bad fillers
Thu, 12-01-2005, 04:34 AM
I wonder how clear it has been made to the ordinary TV watchers in Japan that these are just temporary, subquality fillers, and the normal show will resume eventually. If the majority of audience over there thought this is what Naruto will be from now on... Now that would be bad.
Sat, 12-03-2005, 12:02 AM
NOOOOOOOOOO...... i mean the fillers arnt THAT bad but yea... i just cant wait to see the older naruto and his new moves when he gets back.... i mean yea fillers are good to give time to make the real stuff..... but why must it drag on.... and on,,,,,, ext......
Sat, 12-03-2005, 08:20 AM
Oh bordel de putain de merde de sa race de saloperie d'annonce a la con d'idiote debilitante desanuseuse de fan.
Can't believe they'll keep up ultra bad filler just for ... What are fillers good for ?
To have all fans go suicide ?
Or just to make money to make more and more fillers ?
Ra$enGain ! Give us a break
Sat, 12-03-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by: Inazuma
Oh bordel de putain de merde de sa race de saloperie d'annonce a la con d'idiote debilitante desanuseuse de fan.
Can't believe they'll keep up ultra bad filler just for ... What are fillers good for ?
To have all fans go suicide ?
Or just to make money to make more and more fillers ?
Ra$enGain ! Give us a break
Non mais, parle pas en francais si c'est juste pour dire des conneries comme sa!
and if you don't like filler, dont watch them!
Sun, 12-04-2005, 07:05 AM
OMG! But I hope they can do better with the fillers.
Looking forward to Bleach movie though.
Tue, 12-06-2005, 09:22 AM
well personally, i don't know what they're going to do. i mean they can't keep on showing naruto fillers. people, even the big time naruto anime fans, will eventually stop watching naruto all together if they continue to show boring filler arcs. i mean it's good that the filelr arcs aren't lasting as long as the baka-brothers or the curry of life one, but it's kinda bad that the fillers are still slow and boring...
and the new one about the haunted samurai guy is so lame...bird country?! anyway, hopefully the kakashi gaiden is included in these. at least that will bring the attention back to naruto.
and to the previous post on the bleach movie, i'm probably gonna watch it but not like it too much. i mean ova's and movies in shounen series are decent, but you don't really need to watch them because they're not really related to the plot....they're more of a 1hr and a half or so long one time filler (so to speak)..
Tue, 12-06-2005, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by: Naruto_Fan
and the new one about the haunted samurai guy is so lame...bird country?! anyway, hopefully the kakashi gaiden is included in these. at least that will bring the attention back to naruto.
Ha, yeah right. How much you want to bet that kakashi gaiden will be shown in April, when they said fillers would end? I hope I'm wrong, but I sincerely doubt it.
Tue, 12-06-2005, 11:13 AM
I think the last few or last episode of fillers will show naruto leaving with jiraiya saying bye to konoha and then it shows an episode of sakura just living a regular day in konoha and begins training with tsunade.
I think that would be a good way to end it. Then Kakashi Gaiden/Time-jump begins.
Tue, 12-06-2005, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by: Naruto_Fan
well personally, i don't know what they're going to do. i mean they can't keep on showing naruto fillers. people, even the big time naruto anime fans, will eventually stop watching naruto all together if they continue to show boring filler arcs. i mean it's good that the filelr arcs aren't lasting as long as the baka-brothers or the curry of life one, but it's kinda bad that the fillers are still slow and boring...
Idiots will still watch the fillers (heck, even just the really bored semi-smart ones will too!) and there are lots of idiots out there.
Any real fan of Naruto won't stop watching "all together", just take a break until they go back to the storyline.
I actually think the biggest problem with the filler arcs is that they don't try to present one longer, quality story. (Ok, some of the humor episodes are pretty fucking hilarious) I know it won't make any impact on the characters or anything at all, but an actually well written story is all I'm asking for. I feel like the 2-4 short stories are the ideal container for garbage filler. You can actually build up something good if you work at it long enough, well, maybe that's just my cracked-out opinion...
The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 12-06-2005, 02:23 PM
So because I still watch fillers, I'm an idiot?
Tue, 12-06-2005, 02:37 PM
No, maybe we're just the semi-smart ones that are bored? Ehh, I think it would be more accurate to say stupid people like these crap fillers (this excludes the funny as hell ones, like the Kakashi mask epi). Too bad they don't make fillers like that anymore. You know, fillers with an ounce of thought put into the script...
Tue, 12-13-2005, 07:02 AM
Ero-Fan + The Heretic Azazel....these are all opinions, not facts. so whatever you think/come to mind only contributes to the message boards. anyways, i'm still watching the fillers. i don't care. it's better than not having any naruto at all. the filler episodes, i have to admit, are not that great, but they're not totally boring. it's decent.
Spoiler removed.
Don't mention anything that hasn't been shown in the anime yet. Even if everybody knows about it, until its mentioned officially, its still a spoiler.
Gotwoot Moderator
Mon, 12-19-2005, 07:59 AM
if the fillers are good then all's good
but these fillers are so bad that they make naruto have a bad name. It might make fans stop watching altogether even if the story after this is good, because their image of naruto has been degraded.
Even if they start watching again, they won't enjoy it as much. I think if they're gonna make fillers this bad, it's better to have none at all.
hmm some people don't mind fillers, but i think it's better overall to have naruto not destroyed for some, rather than have some people satisfied that it hasn't stopped.
the kakashi mask one was in the manga, so it was a 'real' filler
Mon, 12-19-2005, 08:33 AM
yah pretty much. Personly i think once the fillers are over it will be great as it once was, however just showing these kind of fillers are going to make a scar on the show and i probally wont be able to enjoy it as much even if it is good -.-". but il try my best to forget about them i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. Also does ne1 know how many espisodes in the season are left? i lost count lol
The Heretic Azazel
Mon, 12-19-2005, 09:47 AM
Then don't watch fillers if you don't want to. Jeez. But to say it ruijns the reputation of the show, you know, I think most people, mainly the ones who watch the subs and people who have been familiar with it in Japan know the difference between fillers and the main story. These fillers aren't Naruto. I never claimed they were, the creator of the episodes you love has no part in it, so I, for one, don't expect a whole lot when it's an animation team with clearly not enough experience to be up to par with Kishimoto's storylines and such. The fillers are what they are, and they'll be a bad dream once the story hits again in April.
This isn't directed to the above couple of posters but I don't see how people can expect so much from these fillers every week, despite claiming they've been let down every week in the Naruto episode Discussion forum. They clearly expect a lot, being soooo overdramatic about how bad it is, as if it caused them physical and mental discomfort (excluding the one episode Konohamaru Corps filler, THAT was just bad) But you know, the fillers are what they are, and they're not going to get any better than this. Don't expect them to and you won't be let down so much or feel like it is impacting the story itself, because you know the difference between the story and the fillers, and that's all that really counts, right?
Mon, 12-19-2005, 10:11 AM
There's like 4 months left now, we can dooo iiiittt
Mon, 12-19-2005, 10:40 AM
4 months, huh? woot! I'll be out of co-op and back in college classes when Naruto filler is over. My own built-in filler timer i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Edit: @Assertn below: You poor bastard, that musta made getting up kinda rough, huh?
Mon, 12-19-2005, 11:39 AM
I had a dream that the next episode wasn't filler =(
Thu, 12-22-2005, 10:02 PM
I just made a countdown timer and set it for April 5th at 5 am Eastern time zone in the US. I think that puts it as 7pm in Tokyo on the 5th. I think thats when it airs. Anyways, at 10 pm where I live, we have 103 days and 7 hours left till a non-filler episode airs in Japan. That should make you all happy. I get to wake up to that timer, just to drive myself insane.
Thu, 12-22-2005, 10:11 PM
103 days and 7 hours, yeah, well, you're going to wake up everyday just to see that there's still a shitload of time left before fillers are done. just promise you won't commit suicide before then.i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Thu, 12-22-2005, 10:16 PM
If I do, I'll be in the news. If I'm going down, I'm takin as many people as I can with me. I'll start with certain relatives that need to die, then work on old friends I hate now, then move onto strangers when I run out of enemies to kill.
Isn't it sad that the government allows me to own a gun?
Edit: I really need to start dling bleach, that should hold me over. Also, Red vs Blue shit is always good every week..
Thu, 12-22-2005, 10:59 PM
as long as you don't come after me in the process, go ahead(not encouraging you to go kill people, then commit suicide!). anyways, bleach and playing games should help me kill time.
Thu, 12-22-2005, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
If I do, I'll be in the news. If I'm going down, I'm takin as many people as I can with me. I'll start with certain relatives that need to die, then work on old friends I hate now, then move onto strangers when I run out of enemies to kill.
Isn't it sad that the government allows me to own a gun?
Edit: I really need to start dling bleach, that should hold me over. Also, Red vs Blue shit is always good every week..
Someone crazy guy on somethingawful forums did that a few months ago. It was pretty hilarious. He was asking the gun community there where he can purchase guns.
Thu, 12-22-2005, 11:11 PM
Yeah, but I already got the firearm ( for protection reasons i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif). Yeah, bleach is hopefully going to dl fast soon, so I can start watching that. Also, I introduced Naruto to my g/f, so rewatching the non-filler epis with her and explaining shit passes the time. God, sometimes I wish I was off co-op, so I could sleep more... that would help pass the time.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 02:31 AM
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
Yeah, but I already got the firearm ( for protection reasons ). Yeah, bleach is hopefully going to dl fast soon, so I can start watching that. Also, I introduced Naruto to my g/f, so rewatching the non-filler epis with her and explaining shit passes the time. God, sometimes I wish I was off co-op, so I could sleep more... that would help pass the time.
I thought YOU were a girl lol
Fri, 12-23-2005, 07:25 AM
What made you think that?
Fri, 12-23-2005, 07:48 AM
well uh i kinda thought you were a girl at first also i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif, inno why just when i saw hinata on your avatar i thought u were a girl. Also you dont post like a girl, it was just your avatar the first time i saw you. but then couple days later i relized you were a guy i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif.
Neways back on topic, its so close to becoming only two digets of filler days left ^^.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 07:56 AM
Hehe, I do have females on my avatar and banner, but thats cause I like lookin at girls more than guys. Eh, it seems in forums its safer to assume everyone is a guy until you find out otherwise. Prob 80-90% of the people here are male. It'll be in double digits on Monday.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
Hehe, I do have females on my avatar and banner, but thats cause I like lookin at girls more than guys. Eh, it seems in forums its safer to assume everyone is a guy until you find out otherwise. Prob 80-90% of the people here are male. It'll be in double digits on Monday.
WHAT!?!? You need Kurenai in that sig. =\
Fri, 12-23-2005, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by: Ero-Fan
Hehe, I do have females on my avatar and banner, but thats cause I like lookin at girls more than guys. Eh, it seems in forums its safer to assume everyone is a guy until you find out otherwise. Prob 80-90% of the people here are male. It'll be in double digits on Monday.
I usually look at the avatar, then if the if the banner is girls doesnt matter
But i understand it, on world of warcraft my friends characters are all girls, when i ask him why he says"Are you gay? which would you rather look at all day, a boy or a girl?"
Fri, 12-23-2005, 04:53 PM
Yep, very common syndrome. If you gotta watch a characters ass run for hours at a time, most would rather watch a hot chicks.
Plus in mmorpgs, playing a chick will often get you free shit from lonely losers.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 05:41 PM
^ all the reasons I do that shit. I used to play mmorpg's, but I got sick of em. You got tons of free shit and the asses were sometimes well done on the females i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sat, 12-31-2005, 03:21 PM
I wonder what Kishimoto thinks about the fillers
Sat, 12-31-2005, 08:47 PM
I'm not really worried about the fillers at all, I still watch them, probably because... it's friggin' Naruto, lol. Getting to the point, the fillers don't bother me at all, not with all the other great Animes out there right now. For me, I am also watching Bleach, Black Cat, Blood+, Full Metal Alchemist (nope, haven't watched it yet ^^;i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif, and I might try getting into another Gundam series. I loved Gundam Wing, probably my favorite of the many Gundam series, and the best in my opinion. ^_^
I watched tried watching G Gundam, but found it so damn dull and cheesy, and just couldn't ever get into it, which is very ironic, considering I watched the entire series. XD
For the rest of you, I recommend the same thing, just look into some new Animes while we wait for the end of Spring of next year.... which is in 6 hours, btw (next year that is). i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Tue, 01-03-2006, 11:19 AM
well it's 2006 now. and yea, i'm also watching the naruto filler episodes because it is naruto and i might as well watch it and collect all the episodes...
i'm watching bleach, shuffle!, and naruto right now. i'm sorta getting tired of torrents, burning cd-r's, buying cd-r's, etc..i'm probably gonna just stay with naruto and bleach.
anyway, at least aone has episodes to catch up with naruto and akeep has alot to catch up with bleach. that gives me plenty of waiting time for new episodes as well as fansubs from my favorite fansubbers aone & animekeep...
anyway, the spring is almost over and filler episodes are almost over....(geez that was long enough...heh) so i guess we'll be seeing the kakashi gaiden and "part 2" pretty soon...
Tue, 01-03-2006, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by: Naruto_Fan
anyway, the spring is almost over and filler episodes are almost over....(geez that was long enough...heh) so i guess we'll be seeing the kakashi gaiden and "part 2" pretty soon...
So, April is pretty soon to you? 3 months will feel like a lifetime of waiting for me if I didn't just start watching Bleach..
Tue, 01-03-2006, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by: Naruto_Fan
i'm watching bleach, shuffle!, and naruto right now. i'm sorta getting tired of torrents, burning cd-r's, buying cd-r's, etc..i'm probably gonna just stay with naruto and bleach.
Anybody would get tired of burning CDRs. Burn DVDRs instead.
Originally posted by: Naruto_Fan
anyway, the spring is almost over and filler episodes are almost over....(geez that was long enough...heh) so i guess we'll be seeing the kakashi gaiden and "part 2" pretty soon...
I gotta agree with Ero-Fan; How can the spring be almost over, when it just started, eh? You know, the time before New Year can be called autumn, whereas this time of the year that just started a few days ago can be called spring. So, the spring of fillers just began...
Tue, 01-03-2006, 12:20 PM
Well, originally, I thought that since it said fillers until Spring '06, and since Japan and the US are in the northern hemisphere, and its still winter, spring doesn't start for us until April. Either way, someone figured it would resume non-filler episodes in April, so 92 days to go...
The Heretic Azazel
Tue, 01-03-2006, 02:21 PM
Naruto Fan is just trying to have a positive outlook on the end of the fillers, which is more than I can say for most of you who think fillers owe you something just because you go to alllll that effort to download it.
Tue, 01-03-2006, 03:10 PM
Bah. I began to read these forums because of the extremely funny feedback Naruto fillers got here. In reality it doesn't matter either way: Be critical or supportive; the fillers remain the same, because Studio Pierrot won't visit these forums (hopefully) to check for feedback. If being critical grants some extra amusement, all the better. And besides, the fact that people complain or comment week after week means they still care.
Tue, 01-03-2006, 03:19 PM
They don't owe me anything, but they do owe the fans who pay for this shit some type of storyline. I still dl and watch em, they're free. But still, it almost looks like they have slacked off on trying to make any storyline for these fillers. And besides, what else we supposed to talk about in the Naruto thread? How great these fillers are? Woooooo.
Tue, 01-03-2006, 06:52 PM
I don't really see how they could do anything majorly awesome to the fillers that won't end up changing the plot for the manga.. it sucks... but I still have faith in Naruto because Kishi (hopefully) had nothing to do with writing the fillers..
Even though they probably threw the fillers together in like two seconds, and they suck, I have the option to choose whether I want to watch them or not, so It's not like I can really get mad if I chose to watch it and didn't like it, even though I knew I wouldn't..
Tue, 01-03-2006, 08:21 PM
Well let's see... Naruto has pretty much grouped up with every tem so far except for Asuma's group which is Shikamaru, Chouji, and Ino. My guess is there will be a part where Shikamaru goes on a mission with other people since he's a Chuunin, and Naruto will get teamed up with Chouji and Ino for a mission..... That being done which is all the teams, hopefully the fillers conclude there.
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