View Full Version : The Funny Videos Thread!
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Thu, 04-24-2008, 06:44 PM
That's not always good idea xan. The funniest videos come with the element of surprise :D But i see your point yeah
American Idol - 5 worst (
Thu, 04-24-2008, 08:00 PM
Mascot Terrifies Spring Breakers (
Banana Scare (
Man, what would I give to be able to scare people in a giant banana costume for my job.
Thu, 04-24-2008, 08:18 PM
That is some downright funny stuff. The guy's made more of them, too. Check out his profile to see them.
Hahaha!! I actually wanted to post that!!! I love quoting it.
Thu, 04-24-2008, 10:46 PM
Mascot Terrifies Spring Breakers (
Banana Scare (
Man, what would I give to be able to scare people in a giant banana costume for my job.
Holy crap, those were so funny.
Argument to Beethoven's 5th (
And an early prototype of This walking robot (
Thu, 04-24-2008, 11:10 PM
That is some downright funny stuff. The guy's made more of them, too. Check out his profile to see them.
Lol I posted this a long time ago but no one seemed interested in it :(
Oh well at least seeing it again gave me a good laugh. :D
Fri, 04-25-2008, 01:19 AM
I loved this..
Fri, 04-25-2008, 08:21 AM
Chibi Bleach opening (
Flash videos are ok to post too right?
Mon, 04-28-2008, 12:36 AM
Grumpy Oji-san chuckles at the brigade (
Some old guy reviews anime.
In the middle of the desert.
He's got quite a few videos, not all of them anime-related, however (
Mon, 04-28-2008, 01:46 PM
Robin Williams is my favorite stand up comedian ever
Not one of his best performances but still good
I somehow missed this post. I chalk it up to not caring what you say. For the point I'm making though:
Two words: George Carlin
George Carlin - Life is Worth Losing (part one) (
His humor is very well done. It's not just the type of stuff that you can say "OMG he's SO FUNNEH" to either. Some of his stuff is truly thought-provoking. I'd suggest looking at some of his older shows too. The one I linked to was around '05. I think it's the latest (or one of the latest, at the very least) HBO special he's done.
Mon, 04-28-2008, 05:36 PM
His humor is very well done. It's not just the type of stuff that you can say "OMG he's SO FUNNEH" to either. Some of his stuff is truly thought-provoking. I'd suggest looking at some of his older shows too. The one I linked to was around '05. I think it's the latest (or one of the latest, at the very least) HBO special he's done.
I've linked to George Carlin a couple of times in the past. He's honestly the gold standard of comedian for me, and of course my favorite.
My only problem is that any of his material within the last ten years has leaned more to the side of "depressing, crotchety old man" than "hilarious social commentary". Then again, even that is overshadowed by "The Modern Man". Jesus Christ, the guy's unreal.
Wed, 04-30-2008, 02:31 PM
lol wut?
Sun, 05-04-2008, 08:43 PM
"The 50 Greatest Comedy Sketches of All Time" (
I found this article of the top 50 comedy sketches while browsing some other forum, I don't agree with all their choices and I'm a bit surprised that there isn't any Chris Farley sketches on there, but I suppose on a list like this there would always be room for argument. Nonetheless there are some really funny videos on the list.
Test Your Awareness: Do The Test (
An awareness test, I found this one pretty amusing.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 08:45 PM
Test Your Awareness: Do The Test (
An awareness test, I found this one pretty amusing.
That was amazing. I loved it.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 08:53 PM
I've actually seen a video really similar to that before, but the execution was much better.
We watched it in my freshman Intro to Philosophy course as an example of how our senses can "lie" to us or something. After we watched it the first time, the professor spoke up with a smile on his face, "So...who saw the gorilla??" and about 50 people out of a room of 200 rose their hands. We watched it again and the rest of the class started laughing as they noticed the dude in the gorilla suit waving and dancing in the middle of the circle. I swear that son of a bitch wasn't there the first time. It's awesome.
Uchiha Barles
Sun, 05-04-2008, 09:21 PM
I wonder if there's a way to train yourself to be more aware of things like that. That was a pretty cool video.
Sun, 05-04-2008, 11:08 PM
Well, if they hadn't told you to specifically look for something else, I think the chances of seeing it would be higher.
Mon, 05-05-2008, 09:14 AM
I wonder if there's a way to train yourself to be more aware of things like that. That was a pretty cool video.
You don't have to.. but there is a way... like "fast reading" for example. (You know there are people who read a page of a book in like 5-10 seconds)
Or memory checks...
Get a piece of paper write numbers on it, letters or even names @ different places . Show it to one of your friends for like 1-2 seconds and he has to tell you what was written on it.
It will help you to concentrate on more than one thing, here's another funny example
eevn tohguh I'm msiseplilng evyerhtnig yuo can sitll raed tihs petrty fsat
as you can see here, the brain and your eyes concentrate only on the first and last letter of a word.. the order of the following letters are absolutely irrelevant as long as they are there. Just don't concentrate on a single thing if its not THAT complex (I know that there are things and times where you HAVE to concentrate) and everything is fine.
the awareness test wasn't that difficult because you have pretty much free time to look around whenever one catchs the ball... I have to admit that I alrdy knew about these kind of awarness tests (I saw a similiar one on TV in a science show, which was btw much easier than this one), thats why I started to look around but I got the right number and saw the moonwalking bear.. the passes were also made in a rhytm which you don't have to correct very often..but as I said, I had an advantage there ^^
Fri, 05-09-2008, 11:42 PM
The Juggernaut Bitch guys apparently made a lot of other videos, these are my favorite two:
Kill Vega Vol. 2 ( D)
Dennis Froggman ( 9)
Sat, 05-10-2008, 12:48 AM
Guy bails on skateboarding trick. (
Mon, 05-12-2008, 06:00 PM
ePotty (
Self Explanatory
Mon, 05-12-2008, 06:17 PM
ePotty (
Self Explanatory
I thought it was going to be an eHarmony parody.
Like this one (
Mon, 05-12-2008, 06:25 PM
All of you guys have probably seen this already, but it always cracks me up. Ken Lee:
And as always, Steve Ballmer always cracks me up:
Wed, 05-14-2008, 03:45 AM
ah btw that reminds me of this here
freestylooo (
I don't know why, but I like it so much! its cool! it has something...
*fut fut fut freestylooo, diri diri dam dugdu* same song with a nice beat :P
Wed, 05-14-2008, 04:24 AM
Found this pretty funny, be sure to check out some of his other videos he got a nice sense of humor and sweet editing skills
Thu, 05-15-2008, 04:55 AM
Xbox Live new member orientation ( :p
Thu, 05-15-2008, 02:32 PM
Bo! in the USA - 'LOST' clip (
haha wtf is this? I can't believe this thing's been around for a year and a half...
Fri, 05-16-2008, 01:33 AM
freestylooo (
I don't know why, but I like it so much! its cool! it has something...
*fut fut fut freestylooo, diri diri dam dugdu*
I don't know why the judges were trying to pretend that wasn't completely awesome. At least the one dude was getting into it with the fist pumps and all.
I've got that stuck in my head now.
Mon, 05-19-2008, 02:22 AM
Was going through some old Gundam clips when I chanced upon these anime parodies. The dragonball one definately got me laughing out loud.
Dragonball (
Deathnote (
Mon, 05-19-2008, 12:43 PM
Ahaha...that dragonball one was great
Mon, 05-19-2008, 07:18 PM
Prisoners like anime too!! (
... or do they?
Tue, 05-20-2008, 04:03 AM
For Metal Gear fans... (
...or anyone really. Helps if you've played the games though.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 05-21-2008, 08:22 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed this, and laughed maniacally...just a little maniacally...
Thu, 05-22-2008, 01:12 AM
nnnyyyyyrroooooom.... peniscopter interrupts important speech (
Thu, 05-22-2008, 10:45 AM
nnnyyyyyrroooooom.... peniscopter interrupts important speech (
That was pure genius. I wonder what the guy thought as he was jumping to swat down the chopper.
Edit: Raven... that seriously owned
Edit - the sequel!: This week on Zero Punctuation, Painkiller. (
Thu, 05-22-2008, 11:53 AM
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Lightsaber (
That Hard Gay guy (
Sun, 05-25-2008, 06:09 AM
Naruto vs Dragonball (
Sun, 05-25-2008, 09:45 AM
That was kind of cool psyke :) very well done
Sun, 05-25-2008, 11:19 AM
For Metal Gear fans... (
...or anyone really. Helps if you've played the games though.
haha that was great.
Was going through some old Gundam clips when I chanced upon these anime parodies. The dragonball one definately got me laughing out loud.
Dragonball (
Deathnote (
the dragonball one was pure win, farmer owning everyone haha.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 05:45 AM
I'm getting Burst Limit ( I have a PS3.
Sun, 06-01-2008, 06:05 AM
lol that's cool, and the music rocks!
*plays airguitar*
Board of Command
Sun, 06-01-2008, 09:34 PM
Rick Rolling the baby
Thu, 06-05-2008, 12:48 PM
Jeff Dunham - Achmed the Dead Terrorist
Found it at another site... made me laugh quite a bit
Fri, 06-06-2008, 10:28 AM
Star Trek...Rap? (
I didn't think it would work but...
Fri, 06-06-2008, 08:57 PM
Haha, that was pretty good.
Edit: Drifting: Europe vs Iraq. (
Sat, 06-07-2008, 06:10 AM
Haha, that was pretty good.
Edit: Drifting: Europe vs Iraq. (
hahahhaa! thats so cool... btw I like drifting in Iraq more xD thats somehow pretty awesome
Sat, 06-07-2008, 06:19 PM
Tue, 06-10-2008, 06:57 AM
Yahtzee Croshaw on Oblivion. ( He's a bit late, but hey, he's awesome.
Tue, 06-10-2008, 08:15 AM
Yahtzee Croshaw on Oblivion. ( He's a bit late, but hey, he's awesome.
He had his point, but it was a pretty good game when it came out nonetheless. I remember it ruining my study schedule during exam block this same time last year.
He's right about the immersiveness and the map size/traveling thing. I remember telling my brother that fast-traveling between places instead of riding to it on a horse defeats the point. Then I played it, and realised there is no point.
Tue, 06-10-2008, 09:42 AM
Some not very new TV CMs of Japanese video games:
Devil May Cry 1 (
Metal Gear Solid 2 (
Metal Gear Solid 3 (
Wed, 06-11-2008, 04:00 AM
Let's all play World of World of Warcraft (
haha this is so great ss_80614
the best thing are these messages on the bottom
Thu, 06-12-2008, 08:50 AM
Zero Punctuation: Console Rundown (repeat) (
Since Yahtzee and the rest of the Escapist staff are across the Hudson and in New York (Man, do I ever wish I could be there...), they have decided that it was probably best to give you a reason to either love them or hate them even more. Enjoy.
Mon, 06-16-2008, 01:09 AM
The Hawaii Chair ( - The most ridiculous Infomercial, even by infomercial standards.
Mon, 06-16-2008, 06:38 AM
The Hawaii Chair ( - The most ridiculous Infomercial, even by infomercial standards.
LOL... fake?
Mon, 06-16-2008, 12:23 PM
The related videos shows Ellen Degeneres buying one and using it on her show, along with a randomly selected audience member:
This one's even better.
Fri, 06-20-2008, 06:40 AM
This week on Zero Punctuation: Haze. (
Fri, 06-20-2008, 11:51 AM
This week on Zero Punctuation: Haze. (
That Evangelion reference kinda threw me. I wouldn't imagine Yahtzee to be the kind of person to watch anime.
Sat, 06-21-2008, 06:25 AM
Does anyone remember Matt from 2005? Well, I do and this is what he posted 2008
link (
This video might be more awesome than funny, yet it is also funny because it made me smile while beeing jealous and sad.. really took away my breath sometimes. Didn't know that the world has SO many things to see... so many *beautifull* things to see.
watch it in high-quality its worth it most of the times
Outtakes (
what I liked the most about it were the deserts and wastelands, because they look so beautiful even though i thought they are boring as hell, but than again I simply liked everything he filmed.... and with all his dancing its also very funny ^^
I've never been thatjealously in my life before... really, this man deserves the right to say "I have lived"
Sat, 06-21-2008, 02:00 PM
I've seen pictures of that place in Bolivia (in the second video) before. I really wanna go there someday.
I just watched the 2008 video last night. It's really impressive. I think it's the music that really brings it together and makes it so touching.
Board of Command
Sat, 06-21-2008, 10:26 PM
Some dude, unaware of how hot the bhut jokokia pepper is, eats the whole thing in one bite. He actually handles it pretty well. Most people would probably be on the floor in tears. This pepper has half the potency of pepper spray.
I think the hottest pepper I've eaten is the Thai pepper, and the bhut jolokia is 10 times higher in Scoville heat units.
Board of Command
Sun, 06-22-2008, 12:34 AM
Rick Roll meets Doom 2
Sun, 06-22-2008, 03:33 AM
10 year-old Iraqi Biggie Smalls (
Fat kid in Iraq rules his hood.
Sun, 06-22-2008, 06:18 AM
Some dude, unaware of how hot the bhut jokokia pepper is, eats the whole thing in one bite. He actually handles it pretty well. Most people would probably be on the floor in tears. This pepper has half the potency of pepper spray.
I think the hottest pepper I've eaten is the Thai pepper, and the bhut jolokia is 10 times higher in Scoville heat units.
*krrrrg* (
I like this one more hahaa, btw.. thats were Valve got their Zombie-modells (+ sounds) from, very interesting.
Fat kid in Iraq rules his hood
you'd better NOT steal his candy!
Board of Command
Sun, 06-22-2008, 12:05 PM
*krrrrg* (
Yeah I've seen that one too and it's pretty stupid. It's so obvious it's fake. He doesn't even try to look real.
Sun, 06-22-2008, 12:23 PM
haha, the slo-mo at the end just kills me xD
Sun, 06-22-2008, 01:10 PM
Speaking of slow-motion: Baby laughs in slow-mo (
Also that kid eating the pepper was retarded.
Sun, 06-22-2008, 02:42 PM
Yeah I've seen that one too and it's pretty stupid. It's so obvious it's fake. He doesn't even try to look real.
hes overreacting, not faking... noone can fake this facial expression (with his eyebrows etc)
Sun, 06-22-2008, 05:42 PM
It's fake. The Bhut Jolokia doesn't even look like that. Besides, you can't move your eyebrows or something, how does that prove that he's not faking it?
Mon, 06-23-2008, 05:25 AM
Dunno, I can't make my face go red and fake "crying" that way... at least not while still moving around and doing other things.
even if it's fake, the face still looks funny and reminded me of HL2
Thu, 06-26-2008, 02:13 PM
This week on Zero Punctuation: The one you've all been waiting for, Metal Gear Solid 4. (
Sat, 06-28-2008, 02:20 AM
24: The Unaired 1994 Pilot (
This has got to be one of my favorite videos on, what a nightmare dial-up was.
The Website Is Down: Sales Guy vs. Web Dude (
A mash up of stories from IT.
Sat, 06-28-2008, 04:23 PM
the website is down was some good stuff, nice.
Sun, 06-29-2008, 12:59 AM
How to make bread (
Out of fucking nowhere...
Mon, 06-30-2008, 07:43 PM
I'm not sure if this is funny, but it's cool so i'll post it
Found it while looking for anime vids, it looks like a budokai tournament but i've never seen any of the characters before.
Mon, 06-30-2008, 08:46 PM
they should really redo at least dragonball, that was pretty awesomely animated, almost like gurren lagann at times.
Mon, 06-30-2008, 08:51 PM
That would be awesome yeah, but just DB and DBZ, DBGT is pure crap.
Mon, 06-30-2008, 11:22 PM
they should really redo at least dragonball, that was pretty awesomely animated, almost like gurren lagann at times.
Which parts? The animation wasn't any better than the best parts of DBZ. It had a brighter color palette, but otherwise it was nothing special.
Wed, 07-02-2008, 09:13 AM
Oh, great! Now whenever I race on the course, i'll be hearing THIS in my head!
Wed, 07-02-2008, 11:09 AM
Sasuke wants to... (
... fucking brilliant!
Fri, 07-04-2008, 06:04 PM
Probably the funniest scene from any movie I've ever seen.
Sat, 07-05-2008, 01:05 AM
I love the way Ricky laughs. That makes me laugh more than any of the lines in that movie.
... fucking brilliant!
God, I didn't want to laugh at that but Naruto's last line cracked me up.
Sat, 07-05-2008, 02:54 PM
God, I didn't want to laugh at that but Naruto's last line cracked me up.
same here... really I can't believe someone went through the trouble in finding something like this and edit it this way...
I bet you can do things like that with every series or movie... but this was just perfect
especially with Sakura in the background who's getting nervous because naruto is going to take sasuke away xD
Sun, 07-06-2008, 01:19 AM
I bet you can do things like that with every series or movie.
Don't tell me you've never seen the Matrix farting videos (
Sun, 07-06-2008, 04:02 PM
Don't tell me you've never seen the Matrix farting videos (
Oh man I shouldn't be laughing about this because its so poorly made, but I simply CAN NOT RESIST.... its so funny... oh damn, I'm still a small kid :/
but who cares, I love it
btw: lol que? (
Sun, 07-06-2008, 05:52 PM
The last one was funny. Loved the guy with the pink Mohawk.
Mon, 07-07-2008, 12:35 PM
Is LittleKuriboh writing for Yu-Gi-Oh GX?? (
Demolishing the 4th wall.
Mon, 07-07-2008, 12:52 PM
300 remix (
Help! I can't stop listening to it!
New view on the 9000 (
Pain is fun (
Tue, 07-08-2008, 10:48 AM
Gitmo's opinion:
Go to 4:00 in the video (
Thu, 07-10-2008, 05:15 AM
Not really a video, ( but funny none the less.
Such douchebaggery... amazing.
Thu, 07-10-2008, 05:23 AM
I want to hear what the women think about this.
......this is how it's going to work -> ROLF
Thu, 07-10-2008, 07:29 AM
Best dancer in the world (
1:03 proves it imho!
Thu, 07-10-2008, 08:27 AM
From Macross Frontier (, this is now the ring tone on me and my wife's phone. Irritating.... but stuck in my head. :(
Thu, 07-10-2008, 01:37 PM
Okay, so I missed two weeks' worth of them, but are the Zero Punctuations that have escaped my attention:
July 2: How To Make a Gaming Webcomic (
July 9: Lego Indiana Jones ( <-- notice the new opening!
Thu, 07-10-2008, 02:54 PM
Best beatboxer ever?
Thu, 07-10-2008, 04:06 PM
July 2: How To Make a Gaming Webcomic (
Man, Yahtzee's hatred of Ctrl Alt Del knows no subtlety, though I agree it's a completely shit comic.
Thu, 07-10-2008, 07:45 PM
From Macross Frontier (, this is now the ring tone on me and my wife's phone. Irritating.... but stuck in my head. :(
Hehe, I can imagine that phone going off....:)
Thu, 07-10-2008, 11:53 PM
Umm.. Hrmm.. this seemed funny to me, or at least I enjoyed it. I'm also not sure if it's already been posted :o
Fri, 07-11-2008, 08:41 AM
what is "FOE"? "fuck off eels"?
Fri, 07-11-2008, 09:23 AM
Nuff with the eels!
Sat, 07-12-2008, 01:57 AM
They're beasties from Etrian Odyssey. So.. no eels <.<
Sat, 07-12-2008, 02:31 PM
Sherlockbot & The Case of the Purloined Piggybank (
Sun, 07-13-2008, 09:35 AM
Chainsaw Maid (
Sun, 07-13-2008, 06:57 PM
Classical Bloobers (
Sun, 07-13-2008, 11:56 PM
Chainsaw Maid (
Everyone should watch this.
Not before bed though :(.
Edit to below: hahaha, I love it.
Mon, 07-14-2008, 12:03 AM
Who's that pokemon? (
Dunno but i somehow rofled at that clip
Mon, 07-14-2008, 01:47 AM
Everyone should watch this.
Not before bed though :(.
Before bed if you dare.:p
I think the funniest thing there are the first two comments.
Mon, 07-14-2008, 02:42 AM
Before bed if you dare.:p
I think the funniest thing there are the first two comments.
I dared and did >.>
Mon, 07-14-2008, 03:47 AM
Before bed if you dare.:p
I think the funniest thing there are the first two comments.
I love how any video on Youtube can lead to a massive political or racial discussion/argument. Happens so often.
Mon, 07-14-2008, 03:50 AM
I won't even bother trying to find out how Obama made it into the comments.
*Mark as spam*
Mon, 07-14-2008, 01:18 PM
I won't even bother trying to find out how Obama made it into the comments.
*Mark as spam*
Isn't that obvious? Obama is a prime target for both political and racial discussion!
Mon, 07-14-2008, 02:14 PM
Thomas the Tank Engine vs. Biggie Smalls (
I want an mp3 of this so badly.
Wed, 07-16-2008, 10:09 PM
How to get a Girlfriend if You're a Hopeless Nerd (
I never knew that this site posted things on youtube till now! I should have known.
Mon, 07-21-2008, 04:43 AM
News Lip Slips (
Mon, 07-21-2008, 12:47 PM
News Lip Slips (
That was great.
More of the same: Funny TV Bloopers (
The part at 2:45 is my favorite.
Board of Command
Mon, 07-21-2008, 08:49 PM
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 07-21-2008, 10:09 PM
As bad as that was, I'd put up with it if you'd just stop rick rolling us! Fifth time for the love of god...
Board of Command
Mon, 07-21-2008, 10:37 PM
What?? That's not a Rick Roll...
Board of Command
Thu, 07-24-2008, 07:55 PM
Doom Roll
Thu, 07-24-2008, 10:22 PM
Doom Roll
that was already posted some time ago, still funny though
Thomas the Tank Engine vs. Biggie Smalls (
I want an mp3 of this so badly.
ask an ye shall receive ;)
my contributions:
in the face ROFL (
hahah, that takes "slammed" to a new level (
never trust your martial arts friend (
Board of Command
Thu, 07-24-2008, 10:49 PM
never trust your martial arts friend (
Haha what the hell...
Thu, 07-24-2008, 10:54 PM
-Slaps only?
-Slaps only.
-Yoshi.......Konoha Dai Senpu Reverse!!!!
Fri, 07-25-2008, 09:31 PM
Mr.T - Saving Private Ryan Snickers Remix (
Mon, 07-28-2008, 07:28 AM
Just watch.
More sesame street madness:
Tue, 07-29-2008, 10:08 AM
It's a shock to me and its a shock to you, your mother's got a beard, sandals and a penis too (
lol rockmanj, the gangster rap is awesome
Wed, 08-06-2008, 09:24 PM
Woman blames the Government for the rainbow effect her sprinklers create (
I want so badly to believe that this is a joke. Fucking lol.
Sat, 08-09-2008, 08:39 PM
Lol Xan. Sadly I don't think that's a joke.
Another stupid pageant contestant (
Sat, 08-09-2008, 10:09 PM
Only 17 eh? I guess she gets some leeway not being an English speaker.
What the hell is that judge saying at 51 seconds? bibibudibibibilipinas? What??
Board of Command
Sun, 08-10-2008, 03:16 PM
Obama Roll'd
Sun, 08-10-2008, 03:36 PM
Vocal takes for Bohemian Rhapsody (
Stumbled on this today while looking for acapella songs. Freddie Mercury doing several vocal takes for the song. Not funny, but pretty fucking brilliant.
Similarly - Marvin Gaye Grapevine vocal track (
Mon, 08-11-2008, 12:48 AM
I saw this on someone's computer at Uni, so no vid, but it was quite funny to watch.
Majority of the video was about upcoming PS3 titles, and the final 10 seconds featured a kid playing Wii Sports.
That kid must have had a brilliant mind to come up with this one, tying the remote to the end of a baseball bat and took up the batting position.
He had talent too. Little 10yr old could have hit a home run easy, judging from how the TV screen shattered.
Mon, 08-11-2008, 06:55 AM
Vocal takes for Bohemian Rhapsody (
Stumbled on this today while looking for acapella songs. Freddie Mercury doing several vocal takes for the song. Not funny, but pretty fucking brilliant.
Similarly - Marvin Gaye Grapevine vocal track (
I don't have a video of my own, but damn, that was some spine tingling stuff right there. That Grapevine rendition in particular was virtually flawless.
Mon, 08-11-2008, 08:09 PM
For those who play Guilty Gear
Wed, 08-13-2008, 03:42 AM
this is kinda cute and funny
Thu, 08-14-2008, 06:09 PM
rofl, damn the first one made laugh out loud.: KEN LEEEEE!! xD just damn rofl
Sat, 08-16-2008, 11:52 AM
The latest government conspiracy. (
Seriously guys, what is oozing out of our ground?
Mr Squiggles
Sat, 08-16-2008, 01:45 PM
The latest government conspiracy. (
Seriously guys, what is oozing out of our ground?
For the sake of humanity, I really hope that it's just a joke and that she's not being serious. I'm pretty sure we learned what makes rainbows back in grade school.
Sat, 08-16-2008, 04:39 PM
ya srsly, everyone knows that a small green goblin is creating this shiny colours with its kettle full of gold.
(btw this was posted just ~3-4 posts ago ^^)
Tue, 08-19-2008, 05:56 PM
I am the Eggman.
I am the Walrus.
Goo goo ka choo (
Featuring...Jim Carrey :confused:.
Tue, 08-19-2008, 09:54 PM
Delta Lloyd - Boomcar (
Delta Lloyd - Parade (
Awesome commercials.
It's Over 1000! (
A parody of the 'Over 9000!' video.
I am the Eggman.
I am the Walrus.
Goo goo ka choo (
Featuring...Jim Carrey :confused:.
Surprisingly he didn't sound near as bad as I was picturing.
Wed, 08-20-2008, 10:26 AM
It's Over 1000! (
A parody of the 'Over 9000!' video.
the music is cool... reminds me of a starcraft theme, but the techno version ^^
where is this video from btw?
Thu, 08-21-2008, 10:25 PM
Best DUI ever (
Thu, 08-21-2008, 11:21 PM
Best DUI ever (
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh, oh *gasps breath*......only a drunk can do that.........
"Are you a dancer?"
"No, I'm just drunk."
Death BOO Z
Sat, 08-23-2008, 06:36 PM
really old, but always funny.
Kevin smith (clerks, Dogma, J&silentBob) talks about superman script (
it's fuckin' hilarious
Sun, 08-24-2008, 12:49 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh, oh *gasps breath*......only a drunk can do that.........
"Are you a dancer?"
"No, I'm just drunk."
It's from Reno 911.
Which is too would've been funnier if it was real.
Wed, 08-27-2008, 07:58 PM
I am Very Experienced at Lovemaking (
Rivals the Spengbob video, in my opinion.
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 08-27-2008, 10:27 PM
I don't get it :-(. I mean, I'm completely and utterly creeped out, but I sure as hell didn't laugh. I didn't get spengbob either :-(. Why can't I see the joke?
Wed, 08-27-2008, 10:47 PM
I think it's the unsettling feeling I get when I watch videos like that that makes me love them.
Like, "What the hell did I just watch??"
Another more recent one, which might have already been posted in this thread: Old man loves to ride his tricycle (
Thu, 08-28-2008, 10:11 AM
Metal Gear Awesome (
Metal Gear Awesome2 (
and the best thing
Awesome Gaiden (
"oh my gawd... dwwUUUAhhhhhh"
Thu, 08-28-2008, 10:58 PM
Why do you want to kill me?! (
Dark Knight Interrogation Spoof
Sun, 08-31-2008, 11:47 PM
Sexual Subliminal Programming (
Holllllly shit, this guy is out of his fucking mind. This is even better than the lady who thought rainbows were a government conspiracy.
Mon, 09-01-2008, 12:54 AM
Sexual Subliminal Programming (
Holllllly shit, this guy is out of his fucking mind. This is even better than the lady who thought rainbows were a government conspiracy.
I couldn't get past 2 mins of it. That guys so retarded, it's beyond funny.
Mon, 09-01-2008, 01:48 AM
I couldn't get past 2 mins of it. That guys so retarded, it's beyond funny.
You really need to start opening your eyes...
I love the part where he finds the word "sex" multiple times in a bunch of rocks. He's got a screw loose.
Mon, 09-01-2008, 03:15 PM
but its cool with a lot of imagination I was able to see it too ^^
(at least some of them)
-> win!
Tue, 09-02-2008, 12:14 AM
In honor of Don LaFontaine:
5 Guys in a Limo (
See if you can recognize all their voices. The Disney guy makes me crack up every time.
Tue, 09-02-2008, 03:08 AM
See if you can recognize all their voices. The Disney guy makes me crack up every time.
When he got into the car, I just thought he was annoying. Then his "now" and everything else afterwards is hilarious. Credits were a chuckle.
btw, LOLWUT? (
Sat, 09-06-2008, 03:16 PM
Shoop da whoop! (
Mon, 09-08-2008, 12:46 PM
John McCain Gets BarackRoll'd
Pretty obvious it's fake but nice editing anyhow
Mon, 09-08-2008, 04:56 PM
John McCain Gets BarackRoll'd
Pretty obvious it's fake but nice editing anyhow
This is brilliant.
Tue, 09-09-2008, 03:35 AM
John McCain Gets BarackRoll'd
Pretty obvious it's fake but nice editing anyhow
Wow. That was hilarious and pretty good.
Tue, 09-09-2008, 08:29 AM
This is quite the slide ( for the kids.
Tue, 09-09-2008, 10:39 AM
This is quite the slide ( for the kids.
Haha, it's one where kids play and parents watch ;)
I liked how it climaxed with the music.
Tue, 09-09-2008, 12:00 PM
It's one where kids play and parents are reminded of the consequences of not using a condom.
Oh by the way...i forgot to post this:
I was viewer number 220,000. The 22nd person to land on a multiple of 10,000. One of the 22 people out of a group of 220,000.
I think it's quite an accomplishment, personally.
Wed, 09-10-2008, 03:44 PM
ya but there is only one viewer who made the vid with not so many views to a vid with OVER NEIN TAUSEND
everything after 9001 is not important!
edit: Nigger Moment (
lol is this a TV show or something? I heard it's called boondocks or something
Thu, 09-11-2008, 10:02 AM
Science is gonna kick our asses (
Thu, 09-11-2008, 11:40 AM
Okay, so I have definitely been slacking from my duties of informing you of new ZP episodes. So, in an attempt to correct this;
NEW ZP:Too Human. (
Thu, 09-11-2008, 06:02 PM
Dear Lord, "Baldur's Gait" caught me by surprise and I laughed so hard. The last line made me laugh too.
I like Yahtzee's videos, but I really wish he hadn't changed his music. Shit's too loud.
Death BOO Z
Thu, 09-11-2008, 07:55 PM
edit: Nigger Moment (
lol is this a TV show or something? I heard it's called boondocks or something
yes (
it's quite good, actually, I get only half the jokes, but it's still funny and very enjoyable.
"attention all whiteies, you white men are the devil"
Thu, 09-11-2008, 08:47 PM
"attention all whiteies, you white men are the devil"
This isn't the message of the show at all! Aaron McGruder deals with racism issues a lot (and Huey is a lot more reactionary towards whites in the comic than he is in the cartoon), but The Boondocks is largely a parody of African American culture.
Here's the Gotwoot thread ( which hasn't seen much activity since Season 2 aired
Thu, 09-11-2008, 11:27 PM
Windows Shutdown (
WTF? (
Sat, 09-13-2008, 04:58 PM
ok it's not really "funny" but look @ 0:19 (
it's Haruhi!!!!! btw that poster/picture looks cool I want it too ^^
you might think "oh who cares this was just a coincidence" but think again! if you film a commercial you got people who make sure the set looks good, so I bet someone from those people is a huge fan and wanted it to be showed in the comercial ^^
got it from /a/ btw
Sun, 09-14-2008, 07:27 PM
Pokemon fanboy gone wild (
Death BOO Z
Sun, 09-14-2008, 07:35 PM
I was never a fun of those 'mutated voice' edits, the video is mostly funny enough without it.
it's like (Seinfeld moment: sex and tv). what you have is already gold, putting in some ice-cream would usually ruin it.
Sun, 09-14-2008, 07:54 PM
That's not a mutated voice edit, that's the kid's actual voice slowed down. I agree with what you're saying, but slowing down that kid's yelling for joy is hilarious.
Here's another example of what slowing down someone's voice can do to a video:
Baby laughing in slow motion (
Holy crap, it's horrifying.
Mon, 09-15-2008, 01:50 AM
Pokemon fanboy gone wild (
I lolled pretty hard. I can't tell any more if it was at him or with him. Just imagine his face when he leaves his cards in the wash..;)
Wed, 09-17-2008, 09:41 PM
This week; Yahtzee reviews Spore. (
Fri, 09-19-2008, 10:08 AM
I know this isn't a video but i got it from your link Python and i just had to post it
Terrorists Might Plot Attack in World of Warcraft (
Sat, 09-20-2008, 03:48 AM
Don't know if this was posted but, "Elevators are too dangerous in a fire...EVERYONE: TO THE ROOF!"
Vol. 1 -
Vol. 2 -
Mike Bison, Boxer or Photoshop Wizard?
and a bonus, not really funny just dumb.
Sat, 09-20-2008, 05:18 AM
Hahaha, those were hilarious. The first one had some pretty awesome quotes in it, but I think the "Elevators are too dangerous in a fire! Everyone to the roof!" was my favorite. For the comparison one, I liked the Spin Kick and Sagat saying "You've scarred me for life!" in that monotone voice.
However I'm surprised I've never heard of that cartoon before, I'd think a Street Fighter cartoon would have psyched me up as a kid, maybe I was too young or it didn't air in Canada.... probably a good thing.
Sun, 09-21-2008, 01:59 PM
Ninja cat (
Sun, 09-21-2008, 02:18 PM
Don't know if this was posted.
****Warning Strong Language*****
Reporter turns ghetto in 3 secs -
The Parody -
Laptop Gangster vs Real Gangster -
Sun, 09-21-2008, 03:51 PM
Ninja cat (
awwwww... it's so cute!
(until it jumps and throws shurriken and daggers at you, killing you with "nin-gistics")
Death BOO Z
Sun, 09-21-2008, 04:09 PM
Ninja cat (
I think Hitchcoke's (sp?) cat is the better title for it.
Tue, 09-23-2008, 10:51 AM
Reporter turns ghetto in 3 secs -
I love stuff like this. Reminds me of these two:
News anchor can't stop laughing at a model falling on the catwalk (
Pretty much everywhere, it's gonna be hot (
Also Ninja Cat creeped me out.
Tue, 09-23-2008, 11:00 AM
As far as weathermen go, I've always been amused by this one (
Wed, 09-24-2008, 07:28 AM
conclusion: black news-reporter are funny
Cheetah shits on humanity (
Wed, 09-24-2008, 08:39 AM
conclusion: black news-reporter are funny
Here he is again, The dog won't stfu. -
LoL @ the end of this news segment -
"I was your boss once."
"Yea you were, and are no longer. How'd that happen?"
Wed, 09-24-2008, 10:34 AM
This isn't the message of the show at all! Aaron McGruder deals with racism issues a lot (and Huey is a lot more reactionary towards whites in the comic than he is in the cartoon), but The Boondocks is largely a parody of African American culture.
Here's the Gotwoot thread ( which hasn't seen much activity since Season 2 aired
Well, I mean it does definitely point out the absurdities in African American culture, but its actually bigger than just that. It satirizes American culture in many different ways, some very overt, some more subtle.
Wed, 09-24-2008, 11:36 AM
Okay, getting off of African American stereotyped humor, here's ( Yahtzee's review on the new batch of LIVE Arcade games. And old people.
Wed, 09-24-2008, 11:50 AM
My wife saw this couple days ago played during some show she had recorded on the dvr. She told me it was Kimbo Slice
I was like.... honey, thats Mr.T! According to youtube its almost a year old.. weird that they are running it now and i haven't seen it until now.
There is also a william shatner one and its good too.
Wed, 09-24-2008, 02:56 PM
Okay, getting off of African American stereotyped humor, here's ( Yahtzee's review on the new batch of LIVE Arcade games. And old people.
His review of Castle Crashers sucked. Something just makes me think that Yahtzee is fail at playing most games.
Wed, 09-24-2008, 03:20 PM
I don't think that's true at all. He just likes to nitpick, and he found that he wanted to nitpick about a few small things.
Fri, 09-26-2008, 06:03 PM
well it is a bit funny, but its even more amazing.... this guy is *really* awesome...
click (
you should check out the other songs too, he is really good in my opinion
and if I look at the "views counter" I think he's quite famous
Sat, 09-27-2008, 03:16 AM
Oh man, thanks so much for posting that. I watched a bunch of this guy's videos several months ago but couldn't remember his name and didn't have any decent keywords to search for.
"Hello Youtubes :D!!!"
He's so good.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 06:09 AM
Wow, that is some really impressive stuff, I'm surprised how much it actually sounded like a guitar playing.
I also checked out his other videos and they don't disappoint, I'd say I enjoyed "Throwing Fire" ( the most, the drop into beat he does at 22 seconds is awesome.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 09:24 AM
Woah. This guy is beyond awesome. I always thought those instrument sounds on keyboards were for fun only. That's some serious stuff. Thanks for posting guys.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 09:30 AM
He's really good, but he's so awkward lol.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 11:12 AM
He's a perfect example of the reason youtube exists. Hope he can get some kind of recognition for his work. If I had money, I'd establish a foundation to find and develop talents like his for mass distribution.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 11:36 AM
He's selling his music on iTunes ond has a album... I don't know how good they get selled though.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 11:44 AM
I just checked the video out, and he's pretty good! I have no idea how those keyboards work though, but its pretty amazing.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 11:45 AM
Jenkee's first album isn't as good as some of his new stuff. He was planning to release his second one this summer, but it hasn't come out yet.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 12:03 PM
Ya I heard that the first album is *alot* different from what he has posted on youtube recently... it's a lot slower and less "futuristic" (I don't know but that guitar song I posted and "Throwing Fire" for example remind me of sci-fi computer games like Freespace, Homeworld or Starcraft.... or even older once from the good old amiga or c64)
I like this kind of songs very much... they really get under your skin and I get goosebumps sometimes too ^^
btw what I also like when he's playing: He's smiling now and then, at least it looks like that and it makes me smile too :)
edit: @ 1:40 ( ^^
Sat, 09-27-2008, 12:50 PM
He really looks like he has fun when he's playing it, even though I'd guess he'd be playing and practicing the same song for hours before recording it for youtube.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 03:28 PM
You don't know what the word "improv" means, do you? Or are you being the guy who yells out "DIS IS FAKE" every time he sees something on the internet?
Clearly he has an idea of the chord progressions and structure of his songs and ideas of what he wants things to sound like, but the rest is improvisation.
Sat, 09-27-2008, 06:59 PM
You totally misunderstood my post.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 09-27-2008, 09:51 PM
That was actually really cool xD. The keyboard player from Dream Theater (all of them actually) have been doing things like that for years. I used to ask myself "where the hell are the keyboards in this song?!". Then I realized in many of the songs that had 2 or more guitars solos, one or more of those "guitars solos" were actually keyboard solos.
And yeah, no doubt that guy has had a lot of practice before hand. But you know, that's standard stuff for skillful musicians. Those who haven't had a lot practice...aren't skillful musicians.
Sun, 09-28-2008, 05:40 PM
Not quite funny as it is simply amazing, but here's ( what I found while Stumbling: the Hammer guy.
Mon, 09-29-2008, 10:28 PM
Not quite funny as it is simply amazing, but here's ( what I found while Stumbling: the Hammer guy.
That's nifty. I'm sort of wondering if that guy's a juggler rather than a tradesman IRL though.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 06:15 PM
It's most likely fake, so I guess he's better with computers and editing programms.
it's the same with this one (
Tue, 09-30-2008, 09:03 PM
It's most likely fake, so I guess he's better with computers and editing programms.
it's the same with this one (
Not sure about the first one, but yours looks quite fake. Those glasses are sticking like magnets.
Tue, 09-30-2008, 09:34 PM
Animation done on a public wall in Buenos Aires (
Good Lord, that must have taken so much paint. Pretty amazing.
Wed, 10-01-2008, 09:38 AM
Not sure about the first one, but yours looks quite fake. Those glasses are sticking like magnets.
well there is nothing wrong with the sunglasses
they just reversed the trick
the guy has always his glasses on and the other one just pulls at a string (which you can't see) and catches the sunglasses then.... they just reverse that and it looks like he's throwing the glasses
and to the first vid
they are talkin like they are doing an advertisment (and no I'm not saying that because they actually said "We'll show you a real "Obi" advertisment")... the guy holding the camera is screaming how awesome he is and how wonderfull this is... yet it sounds like he isn't even amazed which makes me think that he doesn't see what the other guy is doing and everything was cut in later.
and they don't show the guy juggling the hammers (as soon as the hammer hits the nail it should become nearly impossible to juggle them)
btw why I know it's fake? because both videos (the sunglasses video and the "hammer guy" video") were shown in a tv-series and they proved it if it was possible or not and later explained how they edited it ^^
Wed, 10-01-2008, 08:09 PM
well there is nothing wrong with the sunglasses
Yeah, the magnet thing was a simile. I knew they weren't magnets, but the way they "snapped" to the face with unerring accuracy was suspicious.
So these are all frauds huh? Pity.
Wed, 10-01-2008, 11:48 PM
Well this isn't a fraud: Yahtzee's review of Mercs 2. (
Thu, 10-02-2008, 01:01 AM
Wow, that's a spot-on review of Mercs 2. Here's hoping it's still worth playing for a little while at least, since I paid $60 for it.
Thu, 10-02-2008, 11:08 AM
I'll take a potato chip.... (
Thu, 10-02-2008, 12:20 PM
Thu, 10-02-2008, 12:59 PM
sry but I really had to laugh watching that, so I thought some others would find it amusing too
Thu, 10-02-2008, 02:04 PM
Oh, I laughed, but afterward, I was left wondering... what the hell?
Death BOO Z
Thu, 10-02-2008, 02:21 PM
it seemed kinda out-there in the manga, but that's just a little over the top...
Mr Squiggles
Thu, 10-02-2008, 02:56 PM
I wish I was that epic whenever I ate potato chips...
Thu, 10-02-2008, 08:37 PM
I checked out the Live Action ( version.
The vid spirals down into "wtf...faggot" pretty fast, but lolled quite a bit when he tried to find the right chip.
Thu, 10-02-2008, 08:45 PM
Freestyle Rap Battle: Translated (
Fri, 10-03-2008, 02:05 AM
Freestyle Rap Battle: Translated (
Holy crap this is the funniest thing I've seen all week. Thank you for that.
Just the tone of voice coupled with the exaggerated movements of the first guy, and the reference to Sigmund Freud in the "rebuttal". God help me, I lol'd so hard.
Mon, 10-06-2008, 07:29 PM
Zombie Kid proclaims his love for Turtles. (
Wed, 10-08-2008, 03:04 AM
Living with The Batman (
Kind of amusing!
Wed, 10-08-2008, 06:43 AM
He's really good, but he's so awkward lol.
All the best genius are a little awkward
Wed, 10-08-2008, 12:07 PM
This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee reviews Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (, and laments the Wii.
Thu, 10-09-2008, 08:25 PM
LOL @ this guy. Chrome garbage can, from Egypt.
If Your Fridge is Stocked, Toy Will Get The Women
Fri, 10-10-2008, 12:45 AM
This week on Zero Punctuation, Yahtzee reviews Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (, and laments the Wii.
This is one of his best ever. Nearly every line was the wittiest thing I've heard in ages.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 01:12 AM
Funny and informative. I still think I'll give this game a try on the X360.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 01:22 AM
My brother wants to get the game. The reviews are kinda mixed though, but since he's getting it I'm not going to complain. I want to see how his review style works out when he's trying to praise a game.
Fri, 10-10-2008, 01:49 AM
I want to see how his review style works out when he's trying to praise a game.
His retrospective of Prince of Persia ( is good, and he also really loved Portal (
Sat, 10-11-2008, 09:52 PM
His retrospective in PoP is supposed to be positive???
Sat, 10-11-2008, 10:36 PM
How could you possibly mistake that for being negative?! If you've seen any of his other stuff, you would know that he is usually much harsher. Besides, he was only critiquing what made PoP imperfect in his eyes.
Sun, 10-12-2008, 01:33 PM
Are you able to answer the questions in this footage?
they hav'em nukes, so beware...
Sun, 10-12-2008, 01:36 PM
The guys who keep silent and think are especially funny. I can't believe they got some of those wrong. Guess there are those type of people anywhere.
Sun, 10-12-2008, 02:18 PM
The guys who keep silent and think are especially funny. I can't believe they got some of those wrong. Guess there are those type of people anywhere.
Of course. But having so much of them packed in that video is fun.
Sun, 10-12-2008, 05:12 PM
I couldn't answer 2 of the questions myself
I've never heard of the "axis of evil" and the "Coalation of the willing" were new to me too, I thought it was a trick question but I was wrong... well maybe I know this term in other words in my own language, but I think I don't ^^
and all the "who is xxxx" questions... but I didn't understand the name, even after rehearing it ~5 times.
however I laughed a lot when he pulled out that world map.... so awesome.
Btw I think it's always better to say nothing but "I don't know, sorry" instead of saying something which is totally wrong... Yaa,yaa. Always acting like you know everything and if you don't know something, DON'T ADMIT IT! Keep acting like you know what you are talking about ^^
and I can't believe how easily those guys are "controlled"... "I don't know what that country is doing, but if Bush says they are a threat, he's right!"
Mon, 10-13-2008, 01:21 AM
Video Responses.
Mon, 10-13-2008, 02:09 AM
Are you able to answer the questions in this footage?
they hav'em nukes, so beware...
Heh, that's frightening. Then again, they would have received plenty of intelligent answers but just picked out the dumb ones.
I liked how on the global map they kept renaming Australia to be something else and they didn't even notice, lol. "I never knew North Korea was so much bigger than South Korea!"
I also liked "Which state is KFC from?", "I don't know", "Do you know what KFC stands for?", "Yeah, Kentucky Fried Chicken!".
Mon, 10-13-2008, 10:04 AM
Wow, those people are fucking stupid. You'd have to be retarded to not know the answer to every single question there besides maybe the Coalition of the Willing, which is something quite comtemporary and might not be found in older history books.
Mon, 10-13-2008, 11:01 AM
I just realised that the scene at 3:30-3:32 is one of the most cutest thing I've seen
Tue, 10-14-2008, 01:05 AM
Are you able to answer the questions in this footage?
they hav'em nukes, so beware...
Huh? I watched a condensed version, which didn't have the guy there as John Howard.
Oh, and I thought how they labeled Tasmania as S. Korea was frigg'n gold :)
One of my favourites:
"How many sides does a triangle have?"
"There are no sides........"
*host shakes head*
Tue, 10-14-2008, 09:17 AM
For MGO fans. (
Tue, 10-14-2008, 09:40 AM
For MGO fans. (
America....FUCK YEAH!!!
Awesome vid. a full 10 mins if it too. I can't even begin to figure which part I liked most.
Tue, 10-14-2008, 02:03 PM
thats really awesome
Tue, 10-14-2008, 02:48 PM
America's got idiots (
Baby gets owned (
Tue, 10-14-2008, 03:04 PM
America's got idiots (
I don't usually laugh at this kind of thing, but holy crap that was perfect.
Tue, 10-14-2008, 03:48 PM
I feel sorry for this guy
Clumsy best man (
Tue, 10-14-2008, 05:46 PM
I hate the blurb on that video. If the best man at my wedding ever knocked my future wife into a pool I'd probably laugh so hard about it. If not at that moment, then definitely later that day or possibly the rest of my life. I'd also never marry anyone who wouldn't be able to do the same.
Proposed theme song to upcoming Bond movie "Quantum of Solace" (
Or was it "Something of Boris??"
Tue, 10-14-2008, 06:05 PM
The Quantum of Solace, the Quantum of Solace. I don't know what that means, what does it mean?!
LittleBigPlanet Music/Dance Video (
Shit's pretty awesome.
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