View Full Version : The Funny Videos Thread!
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Mon, 09-18-2006, 12:55 AM
In response to DragonRage, that song is from a broadway musical called Avenue Q ( It was started by a bunch of guys who got fired from Sesame Street. They decided to start a stage show wherein Muppets sing songs about Pornography and Racism. Beutifully Twisted.
Here's a link ( to the actual performance of "The Internet is for Porn". Here's ( "If You Were Gay". Here's ( "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist." I am very sorry, but these are only in dreaded Real Media format. Real Alternative ( will let you play those files without having to install that damn Real Player on your computer.
Sorry to say this, but most of those were already posted in <spoilers>this (</spoilers> thread. I think number five might not have been.
Edit: Revised spelling and composition.
Mon, 09-18-2006, 03:44 AM
Thanks for the information. It is a bit ironic when you think about it. I use to watch sesame street growing up and found it to be interesting. To think the same people that do the voices are doing these type of things as well is really funny. Muppets FTW?
Mon, 09-18-2006, 05:12 PM
Dance Dance Dance Dance! (
Mon, 09-18-2006, 05:29 PM
I found this ( Japanese TV spot rather amusing. The game is awesome too!
Mon, 09-18-2006, 07:13 PM
lmao awesome commercial. I've heard and read about that game before. It looks pretty amusing, I'll probably try and get a copy.
Thu, 09-21-2006, 08:09 PM
Bro-rape, serious business (
You know Bros. Those guys on your college campus that pop their collars, wear sandals everywhere, tilt their caps to the side, and say "dude" "chill" and "hella" all the goddamn time. Bro-rape is on the rise. Newsline investigates.
Thu, 09-21-2006, 08:57 PM
Bro-rape, serious business (
You know Bros. Those guys on your college campus that pop their collars, wear sandals everywhere, tilt their caps to the side, and say "dude" "chill" and "hella" all the goddamn time. Bro-rape is on the rise. Newsline investigates.
Think I'll start referring to Bro rapists as "Cho Aniki."
Fri, 09-22-2006, 12:48 PM
Another Cyril Takayama ( magic trick. It's in Japanese, but you won't need to understand what they're saying to enjoy the clip.
Fri, 09-22-2006, 12:56 PM
Another Cyril Takayama ( magic trick. It's in Japanese, but you won't need to understand what they're saying to enjoy the clip.
I saw that yesterday! His best card-thru-glass trick ever! Craziness!
I've been going thru all the search results on youtube and watching nearly every clip of his haha :p
Tue, 09-26-2006, 10:21 PM
Basshunter - Boten Anna (
Basshunter - Dota (
Basshunter is a swedish singer and both of these songs I linked are about mIRC and a warcraft 3 mod, respectively, lol. I'm going to admit that these songs are REALLY catchy even though their about an internet program and video game. Just watch it for yourself (I dunno if they can be considered "funny" but I thought the Boten Anna one was kinda funny. Both of them have subtitles so see it for yourself).
Wed, 09-27-2006, 12:11 AM
That magician had to have been raised in America. His New England accent is too natural otherwise.
Anyway, here's a great video from the band Genesis called "Jesus He Knows Me". It's about TV evangelists and scandals. You can't beat Phil Collins acting like an unstable godboy.
Wed, 09-27-2006, 10:40 AM
Basshunter - Boten Anna (
Basshunter - Dota (
Basshunter is a swedish singer and both of these songs I linked are about mIRC and a warcraft 3 mod, respectively, lol. I'm going to admit that these songs are REALLY catchy even though their about an internet program and video game. Just watch it for yourself (I dunno if they can be considered "funny" but I thought the Boten Anna one was kinda funny. Both of them have subtitles so see it for yourself).
Dear god no!!! This shit has spread outside of sweden?
I fucking hate this shit. They play at least two times every night I've been out to a club in the last 6 months or so.
Wed, 09-27-2006, 02:01 PM
Best thing i've seen from Weird Al in years. Starts a little slow, but some damn funny lines and he's actually pretty fast sometimes. His rap parodies are the best.
White 'n Nerdy - music video (
"I wanna bowl with the gangstas"
Wed, 09-27-2006, 02:43 PM
you only think its funny because youre able to identify with it so well
Wed, 09-27-2006, 05:17 PM
Cyril takayama, pretty cool magic trick, very interesting nice guy as well or so it seems. I don't think he will ever go hungry. I mean taking soda out pictures and food off, of displays boards. Alteast food doesn't cut into his spending budget.
Thanks Psyke and Honoko for providing me links to his tricks. Thanks alot.
Masa I don't really like that song in the first place nor do I like weird Al, he is just weird :p . But it wasn't a waste of time.
NarutoMaster those were some very interesting video, it gave me alot to think about, very interesting indeed.
Wed, 09-27-2006, 06:18 PM
Next person who posts a link to anything related to Basshunter gets a permanent ban. FUCK HIM. You people do not know the torment of us swedes. You do not know the pain that is seeing this fucktard and hearing his goddamn songs constantly, you do not know the sheer terror that is people who don't know shit about computers or WC3 talking about how catchy his songs are, you KNOW NOTHING SO SAVE YOURSELVES WHILE YOU CAN! FORGET YOU EVER HEARD OF HIM!!!
Wed, 09-27-2006, 06:23 PM
For final fantasy fans - Learning about random battles in ff7 - *wink*
Thu, 09-28-2006, 12:22 PM
Basshunter sucks, then again the people who made him come this far suck even harder. I think he will die just die like those o-zone fags. 3 songs max.
Sat, 09-30-2006, 08:52 PM
German Naruto Opening (
Posted in the Naruto dub thread by Necromas. I laughed so hard at this.
"Sa SOO kay is really cool...SA koo rah, the byootifool"
Sat, 09-30-2006, 11:27 PM
That video is so bad, I never wanna hear it again.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 03:39 AM
This clip is from one of my Favorite Brit coms "the mighty boosh"
Sun, 10-01-2006, 11:32 AM
German Naruto Opening (
Posted in the Naruto dub thread by Necromas. I laughed so hard at this.
"Sa SOO kay is really cool...SA koo rah, the byootifool"
Leave it to the germans to set the new standards for dubbed openings!
That was horrible..
Sun, 10-01-2006, 03:32 PM
German Naruto Opening (
Posted in the Naruto dub thread by Necromas. I laughed so hard at this.
"Sa SOO kay is really cool...SA koo rah, the byootifool"
That was the worst thing I've heard done to an anime to date. Are most non english dubs as bad as this?
Sun, 10-01-2006, 04:03 PM
Funny video about macs (
Sun, 10-01-2006, 05:35 PM
I found this one by chance. This is not funny as to what it shows but whats in shot. Just look for it then all shall be clear.
Sun, 10-01-2006, 05:43 PM
@xDM hahahahaha....PCs rule
@Lefty hahaha LOTION! XD
Wed, 10-04-2006, 04:54 AM
Street Fighter: The Later Years (
Probably been posted at some point, but it's too great not to share. Need more episodes!
Wed, 10-04-2006, 02:28 PM
Street Fighter: The Later Years (
Probably been posted at some point, but it's too great not to share. Need more episodes!
Holy shit that was great. I can't wait 'til they make more.
Wed, 10-04-2006, 04:21 PM
I love that video. CollegeHumor has gotten a lot better recently.
Some of you might have noticed that I'm a bit of a Tim Burton fan. He made an animated series in flash about characters from his poetry book, The Melancholy Death of Oyester Boy. Stainboy is about a young superhero with only one power: to make oily stains wherever he goes.
Episode 1 (
Episode 2 (
Episode 3 (
Episode 4 (
Episode 5 (
Episode 6 (
The only voices in the series are played by Glen Shadix (Otho in BeetleJuice).
Wed, 10-04-2006, 09:30 PM
Street Fighter: The Later Years (
Probably been posted at some point, but it's too great not to share. Need more episodes!
that was awesome and all, but you know if they're making more? i didn't picture dhalsim to be anything like that at all.
Fri, 10-06-2006, 08:27 PM
This guy decided to may a bunch of videos about nothing while he talks about nothing. His name is Sas-K. They're pretty funny.
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 1 (
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 2 (
Naruto-fan-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show epidose 3 (
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 4 (
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 5 (
Fri, 10-06-2006, 10:22 PM
Wow. That was painfully pathetic to watch. That guy obviously doesn't speak English as a first language, and the fact that there were spelling and grammar errors all over the place just made it even less funny than it already was.
Sat, 10-07-2006, 01:03 AM
anyone know the opening song from naruto fun pack?
Sat, 10-07-2006, 04:43 PM
This is a great thread. :D
Sat, 10-07-2006, 05:21 PM
This guy decided to may a bunch of videos about nothing while he talks about nothing. His name is Sas-K. They're pretty funny.
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 1 (
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 2 (
Naruto-fan-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show epidose 3 (
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 4 (
Naruto-fun-pack: Sas-K's CRAZY show episode 5 (
That would be quite funny if I was drunk.
Sat, 10-07-2006, 07:14 PM
It has to be particlary hard for americans to pronounce. They can't do... you know, the u-sound.
Her name is Anzooo. Or Anzu. But... In english she's somehow translated to... 'Tea! Like the thing you drink! Ok, Tristan is ok, Joey is quite ok, but... 'TEA???!!! How did THAT happen??! Did the translators fall asleep or something like that?? I don't think so! I think they're quite ashamed of the u-sound. Say after me every American watching this: ANZU!!
LMAO! I thought this was especially funny because my school has recently formed an Anime club. I was in the library the other day doing my homework, and about 40 kids were across the library watching digimon. DIGIMON. And at the end I heard one of them say, hey next time somebody bring in Yugioh! And someone else screamed, NO NO! lets watch NaROOto! and everyone started cheering YAY! naROOtow! naROOtow! And someone else said Let's compare ourselves to the characters! I would DEFINATELY be shikaMArooow! The ironic thing is, is that he was an idiot who was failing half his classes..
Sat, 10-07-2006, 10:10 PM
LMAO! I thought this was especially funny because my school has recently formed an Anime club. I was in the library the other day doing my homework, and about 40 kids were across the library watching digimon. DIGIMON. And at the end I heard one of them say, hey next time somebody bring in Yugioh! And someone else screamed, NO NO! lets watch NaROOto! and everyone started cheering YAY! naROOtow! naROOtow! And someone else said Let's compare ourselves to the characters! I would DEFINATELY be shikaMArooow! The ironic thing is, is that he was an idiot who was failing half his classes..
That's not irony. Irony is when it's unexpected. Like, it would be ironic if these guys were geniouses passing all of their classes, yet still had trouble pronouncing things.
What's actually ironic is that Sas-K himself can't even pronounce any of the Naruto characters' names correctly. "Sassss kay" :confused:.
Sat, 10-07-2006, 10:45 PM
That's not irony.
An idiot comparing himself to "shikaMAroow" is ironic.
Sun, 10-08-2006, 12:59 AM
An idiot comparing himself to "shikaMAroow" is ironic.
Touche. I misinterpreted what you were trying to say.
On a side note, I also say shika-MA-ru. It's just a habit I've never been able to drop.
Sun, 10-08-2006, 09:25 AM
Bollywood's version of Michael Jackson's Thriller (
The word "copyright" comes to mind, and some how I appreciate what Michael Jackson once gave the world.....
Sun, 10-08-2006, 10:28 PM
The guy who played Biff for the movie Back to the Future sings a song about things people ask him all the time. It must be a weird kind of life being "that guy from that movie". I'm sure it gets annoying, but you could be set for life if you just embrace it. I mean, think of the royalties...
Sun, 10-08-2006, 10:39 PM
This is awesome. And funny.
Sun, 10-08-2006, 11:26 PM
The guy who played Biff for the movie Back to the Future sings a song about things people ask him all the time. It must be a weird kind of life being "that guy from that movie". I'm sure it gets annoying, but you could be set for life if you just embrace it. I mean, think of the royalties...
Oh man, that was great. Back to the Future is one of my favorite movies ever,
*Added to favorites*
Mon, 10-09-2006, 01:28 PM
a "omg" video
Mon, 10-09-2006, 01:31 PM
This is awesome. And funny.
"How do you kill someone who has no life?"
South Park still rules.
Mon, 10-09-2006, 01:54 PM
You loved Fun with Akatsuki as an animated gif, now enjoy it with a VA! (I think they're all the same person :p)
Episode one (
Work down to Episode 9 and then watch the episode 10 and new season trailer.
Fri, 10-13-2006, 10:56 PM
Words fail me, I don't know if I should laugh or feel sorry for this guy's future eternal solitude.
lmao @ the anime stuff and the glasses being cool
Sat, 10-14-2006, 02:36 AM
That video led me to this (, which is absolute pretentious crap.
Sun, 10-15-2006, 03:56 AM
Street Trick Going Wrong (
When Elmo Falls (
Sun, 10-15-2006, 11:33 PM
FormThe Sexual Consent (
Death Star destruction plan (
Mon, 10-16-2006, 12:00 AM
When Elmo Falls (
lol, you beat me to it. I saw this yesterday and was gonna post it, but I just saw you already had. :)
Christ. That thing is demonic. I love the way it groaned after it fell. I also love the video where it's put on this ledge by a little girl. It starts laughing, looks over the edge...then stops.
Seriously creepy.
Mon, 10-16-2006, 12:13 AM
Colbert Demands Royalties From YouTube/Google Merger
Mon, 10-16-2006, 01:48 PM
We're going to Candy Mountain!!! (
Wed, 10-18-2006, 02:44 AM
Dammit Knives, I was just about to post that! :mad:
*goes searching for another video instead*
Fri, 10-20-2006, 02:28 PM
D&D ( Always amusing.
Fri, 10-20-2006, 04:18 PM
This is old but just incase somebody didn't see it yet.
Naruto Live Action Movie Trailer (Casting)
Fri, 10-20-2006, 04:31 PM
This is old but just incase somebody didn't see it yet.
Hahaha, Jake Gyllenhaal as Rock Lee and Count Olaf as the 3rd.
Sun, 10-22-2006, 11:46 PM
I don't think this has been posted here yet. Here's ( the geratest bunch of martial artists I've ever seen.
Mon, 10-23-2006, 05:25 AM
D&D ( Always amusing.
LMAO @ "Shit, that has to hurt, It should wake me up."
That video led me to this (, which is absolute pretentious crap. OMG! This is the mos stupid shit ever. I can't believe people get payed for shit like this.
Mon, 10-23-2006, 03:32 PM
actual UK dub of DBZ (
Big Green wtf
oh and that D&D video ruled
insane comedy review of friday the 13th for the NES (
Mon, 10-23-2006, 05:28 PM
actual UK dub of DBZ (
Big Green wtf
Oh my God that was hilarious. I didn't think there could be a worse voice actor for Goku than the Ocean Group's dub. And Tien sounds like a crazy homeless guy.
And I swear that's William Shatner doing Turles' voice.
I found this similar video linked to that one:
It's a comparison of all of Goku's English voice actors. Sean Schemmel is clearly the best (he's the only one that can emote without sounding like a fag), but watch out for the Malaysian dub at the end.
Goku: "I have only one weeey, tobeat DIS ting...
Vegeta: "Euuuh? Wassdat?"
Goku: "Combine our body..."
Vegeta: "...combine ow bawdy?"
Mon, 10-23-2006, 05:29 PM
insane comedy review of friday the 13th for the NES (
You should also check out his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Review ( It's so freaking funny.
Oh, and that Dungeons and Dragons video was hilarious.
"Shit, that has to hurt, It should wake me up."
"Hum...indeed. Roll the dice."
"Nope, you don't wake up."
Mon, 10-23-2006, 10:03 PM
Not so much a funny video, but imo this guy's skills are awesome. A very good watch.
Sand Art (
Mon, 10-23-2006, 10:25 PM
Not so much a funny video, but imo this guy's skills are awesome. A very good watch.
Sand Art (
That was amazing. Great find!
Wed, 10-25-2006, 07:03 AM
This is how you handle a woman
Wed, 10-25-2006, 11:03 AM
This how you handle a woman
That was......interesting (and strangely funny.)
Wed, 10-25-2006, 11:16 AM
I love the way he puts his entire body into the punch.
Wed, 10-25-2006, 06:25 PM
Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta:
Wed, 10-25-2006, 07:22 PM
Halloween costume outlet commercial (
Wed, 10-25-2006, 08:41 PM
Halloween costume outlet commercial (
I have a feeling Sexy Jesus will be a top seller.
Wed, 10-25-2006, 09:39 PM
Halloween costume outlet commercial (
I've never seen a commercial filled with so many profanities.....:confused:
Fri, 10-27-2006, 12:05 PM
This one has three parts to it and lol this is hilarious. This is on youtube so you can watch right away although this is an old episode I never saw it until now but just found out it had been discussed on South Park thread too. Incase no one saw it yet or never watch South Park or anything this is one you should watch lol.
South Park : World of Warcraft parody lol! (
Fri, 10-27-2006, 12:23 PM
This one has three parts but you will find it and lol this is hilarious.
South Park : World of Warcraft parody lol! (
That was a really good episode...! Nice post.
I don't mean to detract from your post but for anyone who cares, the full episode can be found here (
Fri, 10-27-2006, 02:44 PM
That was a really good episode...! Nice post.
I don't mean to detract from your post but for anyone who cares, the full episode can be found here (
Good find, Youtube removed the one I posted due to copyright infringement (effin Google.) :mad:
Sun, 10-29-2006, 11:49 AM
lol, this is so stupid but its pretty funny. It has Nappa asking what Goku's power level is and Vegeta keeps screaming out NINE THOUSAAAAND! Just watch it.
Sun, 10-29-2006, 01:39 PM
Borat on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross
Sun, 10-29-2006, 06:25 PM
MC Chris on Kingdom Hearts II. (
So hilarious, yet so true.
Mon, 10-30-2006, 02:54 AM
Now I put this file on direct link becuase I founded on a website that also has porn
Rednecks ( 13.23MB
Fri, 11-03-2006, 07:24 AM
Millie Vanillie make a guest appearance on the Super Mario Brothers Super Show!
Part 1 ( and Part 2 (
Oh god, the horror!
Sat, 11-04-2006, 06:14 PM
Kanye at the MTV Euro VMAs.
Mon, 11-06-2006, 12:59 AM
MC Chris on Kingdom Hearts II. (
So hilarious, yet so true.
Even I have to admit the vast amount of truth here lol
Tue, 11-07-2006, 02:10 AM
Nazis march to Azumanga Daioh music (
...oddly fitting.
Tue, 11-07-2006, 06:23 AM
On election day even Clinton is cracking jokes. Regardless of your politics, you'll get a laugh out of this. WMV ( or QuickTime (
Tue, 11-07-2006, 11:55 AM
a clip from south park that i found priceless. poor kenny.
Fri, 11-10-2006, 12:27 AM
Video made by a guy from another forum I goto. Pretty funny.
Fri, 11-10-2006, 01:15 AM
Crash Different? (
Yes I'm aware of the age of this, however funny none the same
Fri, 11-10-2006, 02:12 PM
Some kid gets a mental breakdown after he discovers a special pokemon card!
Excited Pokemon Kid (
Fri, 11-10-2006, 09:48 PM
more from the angry nintendo nerd, this time nightmare on elm street
Sat, 11-11-2006, 04:06 PM
Banned Commercial (
Sat, 11-11-2006, 11:13 PM
hahahahaha that made my day
Sat, 11-11-2006, 11:28 PM
Balls of Steel - Urban Sprinting (
Fri, 11-17-2006, 10:58 AM
A new Lasse Gjertsen video. This guy uses stop motion and sound effects to make "music". Pretty funny, if not kinda cool: Amateur (
This is his first well known video, if you haven't seen it (and still my favorite): Hyperactive (
Fri, 11-17-2006, 02:59 PM
Not sure if you all know about this site but its really funny and cruel at the same time to those people. I saw some youtube links for these pranks like the toilet one have been posted before already but this is the site :
Check out the "Hilarious Japanese Massage House Pranks" and the "Hot Water - Girl Jiggle" :D
The Japanese Are Crazy (
24 Hour Endurance Hall lol (
Mon, 11-20-2006, 01:50 PM
best song and music video ever, period.
Heard it many years ago but stumbled over it again today so i thought i'd share it with those of you who havent seen this masterpiece
Mon, 11-20-2006, 05:14 PM
haha, I remember seeing this a few years ago too. Now that I see it again, this guy reminds me a lot of Borat.
Hilarious song.
"Inside tank-of-fuel eez not fuel, but love! Off blast!!"
Wed, 11-22-2006, 12:48 AM
Man, if this bitch did this to me, I'd pull her out of her car and beat the shit out of her.
Board of Command
Wed, 11-22-2006, 01:08 AM
best song and music video ever, period.
Heard it many years ago but stumbled over it again today so i thought i'd share it with those of you who havent seen this masterpiece
4,3,1, off blast!
:D :D
Sun, 11-26-2006, 01:04 PM
Tue, 11-28-2006, 02:26 AM
Street Fighter: The Later Years (
Probably been posted at some point, but it's too great not to share. Need more episodes!
Street Fighter: The Later Years - Part 2 (
Tue, 11-28-2006, 06:41 AM
Street Fighter: The Later Years - Part 2 (
ROTFLMAO @ Ryu selling video tapes on TV
Tue, 11-28-2006, 10:11 AM
Lol the "Tiger' was awesome. I wonder how they're doing the special effects, they look half decent.
Tue, 11-28-2006, 10:17 AM
haha, I'm pretty sure one of the names on that paper was "Honda" which will be awesome to see him all.......fat and stuff.
Edit: haha, I figured it out the names: E-Honda and Vega(although vega is spelled upside down)
Thu, 11-30-2006, 09:45 AM
Mustache (
This guy is my hero.
Super Sloppy Thanksgiving (
The follow-up of a losing family on Family Double Dare at Thanksgiving.
Thu, 11-30-2006, 10:08 PM
Very eighties, very odd 5 episode series about an actor that confuses himself with the character he plays on Saved by the Bell.
28 Day Slater:
Tue, 12-05-2006, 03:21 AM
Sat, 12-16-2006, 10:31 PM
Here's some unintentional hilarity at its finest:
Warning to parents: You child may be using a very complicated and dangerous language called "LEET ("
"It's a very dangerous and cryptic language," says the reporter. Be careful if your teenager uses a number three in place of the letter "e" he'll be immediately raped by an online predator. Or worse, his n00b @$$ will be pwn3d by 1337 h4x0rz.
Sun, 12-17-2006, 12:27 AM
Unintentionally hilarity, indeed. I LOL'D.
Note to parents: That's leetspeak for "laughed out loud". The more you know~.
God, I love how they present leet as a "secret code" developed by teenagers as a way to "keep parents out of the know". Everything's a fucking crisis now. I can imagine some poor kid talking on msn, with his mom looking over his shoulder saying "You're not using leetspeak are you?!?"
I'm laughing, but on the inside I'm just stunned. Just wait 'til leet becomes part of everyday slang...I dare to imagine.
Mon, 12-18-2006, 07:01 PM
Brawl during the Knicks-Nuggests fight in Madison Square Garden a couple nights ago.
new clip. ESPN's coverage of it.
I lol'd at the guy who chased Anthony, that and when the huge Nuggets player jumps off the bench and the two smaller Knicks stop dead in their tracks.
A combined totaly of 47 games, 7 players suspended. Carmelo Anthony got the biggest suspension, 15, for his cheap shot (you can hear it).
The Knicks still suck, even at fighting. Reminds me of that pathetic time Jeff van Gundy jumped onto the court during a fight and ended up hanging onto Alonzo Mourning's leg for dear life...
Mon, 12-18-2006, 07:25 PM
The Cribbage Match (
George Washington (
Mon, 12-18-2006, 08:11 PM
Did they miss that "leetspeak" is actually for saving time while typing. Those MFs can SMFK and DIH while I FTMWAHFHC. Ohhhhh how cryptic of me. Do I need to see a priest now so he can purify my tainted soul?
That George Washington thing kicked ass.
Tue, 12-19-2006, 12:08 AM
First, George Washington...... Wow....
Second, The Cribbage Match, Who is that? I love it!
Tue, 12-19-2006, 06:43 PM
First, George Washington...... Wow....
Second, The Cribbage Match, Who is that? I love it!
Brad Neely made the Harry Potter thing, he also made the George Washington video.
He has dubbed over the whole movie, and his CD is available for download. However, you have to synch it up when you play the DVD.
Tue, 12-19-2006, 07:24 PM
Brawl during the Knicks-Nuggests fight in Madison Square Garden a couple nights ago.
I lol'd at the guy who chased Anthony, that and when the huge Nuggets player jumps off the bench and the two smaller Knicks stop dead in their tracks.
The Knicks still suck, even at fighting. Reminds me of that pathetic time Jeff van Gundy jumped onto the court during a fight and ended up hanging onto Alonzo Mourning's leg for dear life...
Dude Nate was a beast aight? Everyone's like a foot taller and he tackled JR Smith. Also, Melo was just a pussy.
Wed, 12-20-2006, 04:33 AM
Damn, the NBA had that video removed from Youtube.
Here's ( an animated video demonstrating an amazing product that allows women to pee while standing.
I know that I hear women complaining everyday that they want to pee while standing. Just yesterday I was trying to have a conversation with a woman about the geopolitical implications of the Iraq war, and she wouldn't stop bitching about how much she wanted to pee while standing. The point is, this is clearly the most useful invention of all time.
Wed, 12-20-2006, 07:26 AM
Damn, the NBA had that video removed from Youtube.
Here's ( an animated video demonstrating an amazing product that allows women to pee while standing.
I know that I hear women complaining everyday that they want to pee while standing. Just yesterday I was trying to have a conversation with a woman about the geopolitical implications of the Iraq war, and she wouldn't stop bitching about how much she wanted to pee while standing. The point is, this is clearly the most useful invention of all time.
More unintentional hilarity (which, might I add, is often the best kind of hilarity). I'm spreading this to as many of my friends as possible before I lose interest.
Wed, 12-20-2006, 08:54 AM
Here's ( an animated video demonstrating an amazing product that allows women to pee while standing.Isn't this one of the signs of the apocalypse? :D
Wed, 12-20-2006, 10:40 AM
replaced link to a working one of the fight.
Damn Youtube and their trying to be respectable... That kowtowing to the networks is exactly the kind of horseshit that comes out of a takeover like that. Soon all that'll be left will be fans shitt, homemade coverage and shots taken with their horrible cell phone cameras...
Wed, 12-20-2006, 03:14 PM
The Cribbage Match (
Hahaha, I found the full audio of that guy doing this movie and I'm gonna play it with the movie, it'll be great.
Wed, 12-20-2006, 07:06 PM
lolz sony
Fri, 12-22-2006, 08:04 PM
Oh My Dear GodZ. Hilarious! WATCH THIS!
Or just go kill yourself now!
Fri, 12-22-2006, 09:06 PM
stop motion video story.....pretty impressive
Sun, 12-24-2006, 04:01 PM
Street Fighter: The Later Years - Part 3 (
"Freaking electrical Oompa Loompa."
Sun, 12-24-2006, 07:58 PM
Haha i laughed at this commercial
Mon, 12-25-2006, 12:47 AM
Haha i laughed at this commercial
... umm, what the hell... I am all for protecting the little guys... but wow....
Tue, 12-26-2006, 03:37 AM
The Japanese never fail to amaze me. I don't know how even to describe this video, but it made me laugh at the corny phrases.
Aerobic English (
Tue, 12-26-2006, 07:26 AM
The Japanese never fail to amaze me. I don't know how even to describe this video, but it made me laugh at the corny phrases.
Aerobic English (
Why do they have german accents :confused:
Thu, 12-28-2006, 12:23 PM
I saw this and laughed through the whole thing.
Derailed (
Mon, 01-01-2007, 07:14 PM
The Sexpert (
Mon, 01-01-2007, 09:07 PM
Craig Ferguson monologue. The Australian part is hilarious.
Sun, 01-07-2007, 01:07 PM
Spiders on Drugs (
I like the marijuana spider, "The spider didn't build a web, it built a hammock."
Dumb Criminal (
I'm not sure if his entrance or his attempt to escape was better, but it was hilarious nonetheless. You can also watch it with a commentary here ( if you want.
Sun, 01-07-2007, 10:18 PM
Spiders on Drugs (
I like the marijuana spider, "The spider didn't build a web, it built a hammock."
LOL, yeah but it became the crack spider's bitch. The alcohol one was funny, went to fuck another spider and had 100 offspring, then the other spider got a restraining order.
Dumb Criminal (
I'm not sure if his entrance or his attempt to escape was better, but it was hilarious nonetheless. You can also watch it with a commentary here ( if you want.
Lol I've seen that one before but it was still hilarious
Mon, 01-08-2007, 11:33 PM
i don't know if anyone's posted this before, and i don't really want to check all 39 pages of this thread at the moment, so if people have already seen this, i'm sorry.
Daahh tuuu in a luleelurah! (
Tue, 01-09-2007, 09:40 AM
lol great stuff. I actually liked the song... seriously though does the singer have a speech impediment?
Wed, 01-10-2007, 01:55 AM
LMAO @ the spider one. Never gets old. Spiders driving cars XD
Wed, 01-17-2007, 02:30 PM
Demetri Martin - Person (
Wed, 01-17-2007, 07:05 PM
lol Demitri kicks ass
Wed, 01-17-2007, 10:10 PM
Korean Anti-American propaganda film (
I have to admit, the song really rocks.
Sat, 02-10-2007, 07:19 PM
There's not many better ways to spend your time than listening to this song for 14 minutes.
And this one is a classic.
Fri, 02-16-2007, 09:47 PM
Catherine Tate - Translator:
Wed, 02-21-2007, 03:16 AM
dbz vs naruto!!
i thought the last part was funny
Wed, 02-21-2007, 03:42 AM
Lol SuperSayian Sakura was awesome.
Fri, 03-02-2007, 12:05 AM
"Major Pumping Required"
The Oozinator - Super Soaker (
Mon, 03-05-2007, 02:25 AM
Man, that kicks ass.
Mon, 03-05-2007, 05:17 PM
Man, that kicks ass.
Haha weird... at the same time i pressed your link i thought that i should post the exact same video (saw it a couple of months ago).
Here's another video he has made the same way:
This is some nice baking
Am i the only one that loved this video (yeah thought so)... oh the randomness
Tue, 03-06-2007, 02:47 AM
Unemployed Ninja (
Apparently this came on G4, I guess i'll have to reevaluate that channel.
Sat, 03-10-2007, 01:56 PM
24: ATHF bomb scare (
Sat, 03-10-2007, 06:31 PM
dbz vs naruto!!
i thought the last part was funny
Omg, that was so messed up and hilarious. xD:D
"That old man, what an amature" xD
Thu, 03-15-2007, 08:34 AM
This gave me a good laugh today. :D
Thu, 03-15-2007, 07:54 PM
This made my day.:)
Fri, 03-16-2007, 12:29 AM
I thought this one was disturbing and funny at the same time so here you go!
Sun, 03-25-2007, 03:49 PM
Crazy Japanese Madness (
Woot 1000th post!!!!
Sun, 03-25-2007, 04:38 PM
Nice video, n00b.
Mon, 03-26-2007, 08:05 AM
Theese guy came up with the idea of creating a song by just singing the name of their instruments.
Sun, 04-01-2007, 06:24 PM
Alex DePue.... Holy cow... Watch the video on the home page.
Mon, 04-02-2007, 01:01 AM
Alex DePue.... Holy cow... Watch the video on the home page.
I love it! The video of him playing "Owner of a Lonely Heart" and "Smooth Criminal" is amazing. I love people who can really rock contemporary or "popular" music on stuff that people would usually consider geeky, like the violin/fiddle.
Great find!
Mon, 04-02-2007, 05:38 PM!
Thu, 04-05-2007, 04:04 PM
Probably the funniest spoof I've seen in two week:
This is delicious (
Thu, 04-05-2007, 04:14 PM
300 Trailer - PG Version (
ninja edit: Seriously though, that's the 3rd time I've seen that video posted on this forum.
Thu, 04-05-2007, 04:59 PM
How in the hell did we manage to post that video without knowing the other had done it...?
Thu, 04-05-2007, 09:47 PM
How in the hell did we manage to post that video without knowing the other had done it...?
In case you missed the sarcasm, my post was mocking yours. You posted the exact same video that Assertn had posted 3 days ago...1 post up.
Fri, 04-06-2007, 12:06 AM
Lols....that would be the funniest post in the funniest videos thread xD
Fri, 04-06-2007, 02:38 AM
it was posted in the movie 300 thread too
Sun, 04-15-2007, 03:16 PM
Not so much a funny video, but it still made me laugh.
Freddie Mercury's voice reborn in Mika Penniman (
He sounds so much like him it's just baffling. Also, the little girl in the beginning creeps me right the fuck out.
Wed, 04-18-2007, 04:16 AM
Hilarious for anyone who's played Resident Evil 4. (
Wed, 04-18-2007, 06:53 PM
Not really funny, but damn is it cool. Haloid ( I think I need a change of underwear.
Wed, 04-18-2007, 10:01 PM
Not really funny, but damn is it cool. Haloid ( I think I need a change of underwear.
That was pretty amazing. The dancing thing at the end was unexpected, but still bloody awesome.
Great find. I've got some Halo-fanatic friends I need to show this to.
Thu, 04-19-2007, 01:49 PM
Duh of course they'd make out at the end.
Thu, 04-19-2007, 04:53 PM
x-play is awesome
Emperor Palpatine gets a job (
Sexy beach 2 (or what comp likes to say more faces mean more power) (
A gaming moment you wish you never had to play though (
Games you should never buy (
life of a Mii (
Sat, 04-21-2007, 06:11 PM
Hilarious for anyone who's played Resident Evil 4. (
Found some more from mega64 they're hilarious
Katamari (
Hitman (
Dead rising (
new super mario bros (
Ico (
There's even more of them out there!
Sat, 04-21-2007, 06:59 PM
Found some more from mega64 they're hilarious
Katamari (
Hitman (
Dead rising (
new super mario bros (
Ico (
There's even more of them out there!
These guys are amazing!
Sun, 04-22-2007, 03:57 PM
Star wars videos:
Gangsta rap, live action (
The real gangsta rap (
Mon, 04-23-2007, 11:30 PM
The Spoon Game:
Spoons!!! (
Tue, 05-01-2007, 12:36 AM
Another video that was shown to me on the IRC channel I couldn't resist sharing with the rest of Gotwoot.
P.S. If you liked this video, I think you might like the Gotwoot IRC channel. Come by sometime and have some fun., #gotwoot.
Tue, 05-01-2007, 02:45 PM
Waterboys dancing to Hare Hare Yukai (The melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi) (
Tue, 05-01-2007, 04:41 PM
Waterboys dancing to Hare Hare Yukai (The melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi) (
There went the last of my innocence...
Mary Poppins recut to look like a Horror Movie trailer (
Sat, 05-05-2007, 03:27 AM
Another Haruhi sequence, but busted by Policemen on patrol in Akihabara ( :D
Mon, 05-07-2007, 01:49 AM
lol were they blocking the road or something haha
also i was browsing around youtube and found this. i thought it was pretty cool
Mon, 05-07-2007, 03:22 PM
Not really funny, but damn is it cool. Haloid ( I think I need a change of underwear.
This movie short was pure badassness. It was awsome, the ending kinda ruin the action but it was badass in it's own way.
Sherry aka Spiegel.... the spoon vid was funny i laughed my ass off, thanks Sherry
Mon, 05-07-2007, 03:50 PM
I thought it was great. I guess having played wow is a plus though.
Mon, 05-07-2007, 04:13 PM
Mon, 05-07-2007, 04:57 PM
Black people's answer to William Hung.
Mon, 05-07-2007, 05:52 PM
Great Star Trek Parody (
The link leads you to the homepage which has a trailer of the film. The film itself is 541MB, but the good thing is the servers are fast.
Mon, 05-07-2007, 06:44 PM
Special Report: 70% of all praise sarcastic (
Tue, 05-08-2007, 08:01 PM
Black people's answer to William Hung.
This reminds me of Leroy Wells:
Thu, 05-10-2007, 03:35 PM
Found another video I liked, so here you go. Just watch the first one on the page.
Submarine!! (
Also another one about Friggin Retards... you know who you are.
Friggin Retards (
Fri, 05-11-2007, 12:36 AM
Best hare hare yukai dancers. The main dude is friggin awesome.
Just dawned on me...WTF IS HARE HARE YUKAI?! I saw the anime version but where is it from? Why is it so damn popular? Why are Japanese people allowed to use city streets to just dance on and go from town to town? More importantly why am i not there right now?!
The Haloid thing was pretty damn cool. The fighting was awesome but it definitely got my approval from its ending. Anything lesbian is cool by me. :)
Fri, 05-11-2007, 01:36 AM
Best hare hare yukai dancers. The main dude is friggin awesome.
Just dawned on me...WTF IS HARE HARE YUKAI?! I saw the anime version but where is it from? Why is it so damn popular? Why are Japanese people allowed to use city streets to just dance on and go from town to town? More importantly why am i not there right now?!
The Haloid thing was pretty damn cool. The fighting was awesome but it definitely got my approval from its ending. Anything lesbian is cool by me. :)
The "anime version" is the ending credits to the anime series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It's popularity became viral after the first episode aired, for whatever reasons.
It's a pretty good anime, but it's mostly likely that song and dance that made it so popular so fast.
Fri, 05-11-2007, 10:51 AM
Yeah the waterboys video I posted a while back started my search for the dancing videos on youtube, and before long I downloaded the entire series and I'm watching episode 4 now. Pretty funny series. Though, I think the best dancers are the Akihabara ones, with the black maid with a mask. :p
Sat, 05-12-2007, 10:26 PM
Evil Swearing Parrot (
That made me laugh so hard the first 3 times I watched it.
I want that bird.
Mon, 05-14-2007, 06:16 PM
Oh Snap.... BALLOONS!?!?!?
Run... The Balloons attack. (
Not the Peaches!
Peaches Attack! (
No, No, NO Not Pickles!!
Pickles! (
Thu, 05-17-2007, 04:16 PM
Dancer vs Baby (Street Fighter 2 Style) (
Mon, 05-21-2007, 02:45 AM
Well, They are not exactly funny once again, But this is another Awesome musician named Andy McKee. The way he plays, and the instrument he plays in one video, is just absolutely awesome. Without further delay, here you go!
Video 1 (
Video 2 (
Video 3 (
Mon, 05-21-2007, 12:22 PM
Dancer vs Baby (Street Fighter 2 Style) (
Was the baby hurt during the shoot of this film??
Mon, 05-21-2007, 02:46 PM
Was the baby hurt during the shoot of this film?? havent heard about that?
It was an actual incident that occurred over in Times Square...
Thu, 05-24-2007, 02:29 PM
This ( is a example of to much time on your hands
It's the Lucky Star OP done with Gundam models
I don't know if I should feel sorry for this dude or claim him as my new idol
Thu, 05-24-2007, 02:58 PM
This ( is a example of to much time on your hands
It's the Lucky Star OP done with Gundam models
I don't know if I should feel sorry for this dude or claim him as my new idol
I think KyoAni realized the viral marketing potential by having a ridiculous song and dance in their animes after Haruhi. Let's hope this isn't a trend that they'll keep up.
Edit: Oh God, this one's even worse: Her movements remind me of The Grudge.
Thu, 05-24-2007, 03:04 PM
Oh God, this one's even worse: Her movements remind me of The Grudge.
Way too much time on her hands...
Fri, 05-25-2007, 05:18 PM
It's the final countdown! (
Fri, 05-25-2007, 05:55 PM
Fri, 05-25-2007, 10:33 PM
It's the final countdown! (
That was amazing. As if the original song wasn't silly enough. Pure win.
The bit where the lovely guitar solo ends and the synth came back in had me falling out of my chair.
Sun, 05-27-2007, 12:01 PM
Lil Hitler (
Man...can't stop watching this
Sun, 05-27-2007, 03:38 PM
It's the final countdown! ( like how there's no one watching the act :P
Sun, 05-27-2007, 09:38 PM
An informational film on Swedish Trade and Industry
Mon, 05-28-2007, 12:02 PM
haha. That's my sweden alright.
Tue, 05-29-2007, 07:53 PM
Imagining the Tenth Dimension.... Intriguing
The Tenth Dimension! (
Tue, 05-29-2007, 09:12 PM
Quite possibly the best song ever:
My boobs are ok (
Wed, 05-30-2007, 05:36 AM
Imagining the Tenth Dimension.... Intriguing
The Tenth Dimension! ( was quite interesting.
Wed, 05-30-2007, 07:02 AM
Hopefully this hasn't been posted yet since it's kind of old, but i didn't find it when a searched the thread so here you go.
Home Base (
It's about 10 min long, but totally worth watching through to the end.
Wed, 05-30-2007, 01:39 PM
The BBC mistakes a cab driver for an IT professional...hilarity ensues
Sat, 06-02-2007, 08:33 AM
Why Is My Girlfriend Mad? (
Sat, 06-02-2007, 09:22 PM
Naruto the Abridged Series - 13 (
I'm not sure if it's because of the long time since the last one but this ep just seemed more funny than a lot of the older ones.
Tue, 06-05-2007, 03:52 AM
Goatse makes BBC London!
Wed, 06-06-2007, 08:54 AM
Just when i thought i had seen all versions of the Haruhi dance....
Pika Pika (
Wed, 06-06-2007, 08:59 AM
Goatse makes BBC London!
Oh man, that stupid logo has been all over the news this week. Apparently it's given people seizures.
Wed, 06-06-2007, 09:03 AM
Yeah.... there's waaaaaay too many Haruhi spoofs ( :D
Wed, 06-06-2007, 01:04 PM
Yeah.... there's waaaaaay too many Haruhi spoofs ( :D
Thank you for giving me a laugh during my lunch break, today is going too slow. I love those damn spoofs, but that song has started to get annoying.
Wed, 06-06-2007, 07:44 PM
These are fucking funny. Man I love voice overs.
John Petrucci Phycho Execises
Thu, 06-07-2007, 06:50 AM
Kira catches Shinn watching "Lucky Star" (
Now we know why he's so upset with Kira. :D
Thu, 06-07-2007, 10:40 AM
this made me rofl, big time:
Thu, 06-07-2007, 11:51 AM
Hahaha! That's awesome!
"Taste poooooooooooooooooooooooooorn"!
More Death note (
Thu, 06-07-2007, 03:25 PM
Pretty funny Advent children movie, using clips from other movies:
And some weird DN thing I found called the notebook files:
Ep. 1 (
Thu, 06-07-2007, 04:44 PM
Death note OP2 with strange karaoke
Thu, 06-07-2007, 04:54 PM
Death note OP2 with strange karaoke
Dude, did you even bother clicking my link?:confused:
psyke that thing was awesome, haha, and damn that karina girl was really pretty.
Death note files was nice too
Thu, 06-07-2007, 04:58 PM
Seems I jumped page 47 of this thread.
Fri, 06-08-2007, 01:18 PM
Goatse makes BBC London!
This needs more love
Mon, 06-11-2007, 10:16 AM
This almost made me tear up. :D
Indian Thriller with English Lyrics!
Wed, 06-13-2007, 06:26 PM
Straight from some of the greatest researchers in Japan:
Thu, 06-14-2007, 08:52 AM
Thu, 06-14-2007, 12:40 PM
Another one from the great minds in Japan!
Japanese Treadmill Challenge! (
Thu, 06-14-2007, 07:05 PM
Here's a little something for you working folks.
Thu, 06-14-2007, 10:54 PM
Powerthrist (
You'll be uncomfortably energetic.
Thu, 06-14-2007, 11:32 PM
Here's another. I wouldn't recommend watching if your easily offended :p
Fri, 06-15-2007, 08:09 AM
Powerthrist (
You'll be uncomfortably energetic.
hahaha, that definitely belongs in the Energy Drinks thread. Good stuff.
Fri, 06-15-2007, 05:18 PM
Here's another. I wouldn't recommend watching if your easily offended :p
When they started pulling in the hand gestures, and had the black guy show up and be like "wait, what?" ... that was hilarious.
Sat, 06-16-2007, 08:08 PM
Oh man, just had a massive nostalgia rush with this video:
It's not so much the video though, it's that song. I haven't heard it since I was about 9. It used to be a real treat for me whenever I heard this song on the radio on my way to school. It's a great song and story, with some pretty funny lines (my favorites being the "bad cow pun" and "Cow Tse Tung" parts, which I've only just now understood).
The animation that goes along with it is ok I guess?
Sun, 06-17-2007, 01:42 PM
Sun, 06-17-2007, 05:40 PM
Another reason why the Japanese are so awesome:
Game Show - Library Fun (
Sun, 06-17-2007, 08:16 PM
Powerthrist (
You'll be uncomfortably energetic.
Heh... that is all I have to say. That is an interesting video. "Give it to your baby and he will be good at SPORTS!"
Tue, 06-19-2007, 12:42 AM
Kung Fu Baby (
Tue, 06-19-2007, 10:16 AM
More Death note & Haruhi madness ( :)
Tue, 06-19-2007, 12:30 PM
Kung Fu Baby (
That is just too funny, I love kids. My niece is about 9 months old now and It is fun.
Wed, 06-20-2007, 10:09 AM
But why of course, a singing tesla coil
Thu, 06-21-2007, 03:17 PM
Worst movies ever:
In six categories (
Fri, 06-22-2007, 06:16 PM
Worst movies ever:
In six categories ( the horse was teh awesome. :D
Tue, 06-26-2007, 08:50 AM
two for ya today.
Tue, 06-26-2007, 10:03 PM
Have you been to the funny pics thread lately? You know, just wonderin.
Tue, 06-26-2007, 10:26 PM
nope, but i'm gonna bet there must be a picture of a dramatic chipmunk there otherwise you wouldn't have asked.
Wed, 06-27-2007, 12:50 AM
yeah .... one or two ...
or twenty
Wed, 06-27-2007, 07:32 AM
That specific video comes from the Carson Daily show - or however you spell that guy's name.
He basically had his writers look for funny stuff on the internet so he could palm it off as humor on his unwatched talk show. He also "Rickroll'd" the audience. Badly.
Wed, 06-27-2007, 12:52 PM
Don't Ride a Skateboard in Arkansas ( ess%2F%3Fp%3D1874)
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