View Full Version : uTorrent

Fri, 10-14-2005, 02:12 PM
This is a very small client with all the advanced shit you guys can expect from advanced clients...

Here's the link if someone wants to give it a try...


Tue, 11-08-2005, 04:47 AM
Tried it on Naruto, it throws an error

Tracker requires support for "key"field. please update or change your client

Mon, 03-27-2006, 11:17 AM
Any of you uTorrent users know if the program does an automatic hash check after a file finishes after downloading, just like Azureus...?

Mon, 03-27-2006, 02:18 PM
I use utorrent.
Have been since all my other clients weren't working on my ISP.

And I've never paied attention if it does the hash-check. Sorry.

Oh yeah... I can download Naruto just fine. Maybe you have something not configured darinjohnson435

Mon, 03-27-2006, 06:53 PM
a hash check... i think it do, i never realy pay attention to that...
you should ask that on Utorrent forum to have a real awnser

ore try looking at here

Sat, 04-01-2006, 04:11 PM
I thought it did the hash-check while it downloaded to make sure it didn't get anything crappy.


Sun, 04-16-2006, 12:35 AM
Yeah, it does it while it downloads... just wanted to know if you could do an automatic check after it finishes...

Anyways, another question...

You guys know if there's a way to decrease the time for the "Update Tracker" function to activate in each torrents? Some torrents update every hour, that's just unacceptable.