View Full Version : Naruto 155 Discussion

Wed, 10-12-2005, 11:25 PM
i didnt even watch it yet still downloading -_-

Thu, 10-13-2005, 12:17 AM
its out?! they didn't update the torrent list..., downloading, i will edit when its done
edit1: download done now starting to watch now
edit2: for a filler it was good, even if the action was only at the begening with the Black Tornado, and naruto trying to do new move with kage bunshin, oh and Raiga is back because of thats traitor karashi!, is ranmaru realy dead?

Thu, 10-13-2005, 01:18 AM
I like the badguys in this. That Karashi, he just keeps on betraying them. It's great! Love how he seems to quick to reform then BAM, right back to helping the badguys!

Also, even though it didn't do jack, I think the Black Tornado is the coolest filler jutsu ever.

I really like this arc, just when you think its being completely cliche and you think its over it throws a little curve.

And Naruto had a new technique and he didn't even get to use it! Just let him do it! He needs new ones so badly! C'mon Clone Rotation!

Thu, 10-13-2005, 02:41 AM
I thought the new jutsu was the writers toying with the audience. They know how much we just love the rasengan. There is no new jutsu.

This filler was half ok and half really bad. Karashi having absolutely no backbone is hilarious. Whatever group he happens to be with, he'll follow.

I wanna smack that kid. But hey, he's loyal. (I thought he was a girl. Imagine my shock when the subtitles said BOY!!! OMG SEX CHANGE).

This is getting excrutiatingly painful to watch though. Since when are Neji and Naruto on 1st name basis (sans -kun or -san)? Did they bond that much when Naruto beat him eons ago? Also, Neji and Tenten eh? Wassup there? Looked like some odd sparx flying. ok, no... I'm just trying to make this ep more interesting than... well anything.

This show is somewhat like a fat man running naked down the street. It's not pretty, but kinda fascinating. Not much going on, yet can't stop watching.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 04:38 AM
I find a picture is worth a thousand words,
SO ELEVEN should be worth 11000 words buahaha =D. Btw if you havent seen the episode yet ... STOP READING AND WATCH IT. Now that you got that done ... proceede.

This is what me call a "Grunt +1" or "133t Grunt"
Why the special +1? Yes thats right, flashy blades and the knowledge of teamwork!
The power of Teamwork!
All that to summon .... that's right ... a pair of tonfas.
Strike a pose Mr Lee!
Do you feel that? The storm's comming!
Pwnage across the board (badly animated pwnage but pwnage nonetheless)
Naruto starts his own syncronized skydiving team ...
Can you say, "my biaytch"?
How x-rays were done in the past ...
If you look closely here and in the episode, he uses his feet to push off on 3 steps. This kid been taking us all for chumps and getting everyone to do the walking for him!

The episode was allright, I didn't like how they portrayed Negi's divine strikes, and Naruto was doing something haha. The +1 grunts were pretty intersting thouhgh and yeah, the episode was coo but is that ANOTHER kid sacrificing their life for a mist lord? I'm seeing a pattern here =P

Thu, 10-13-2005, 05:10 AM
´Haven't seen the ep yet, but this is definitely the best filler arc in Naruto so far. Lots of cliches of course, but for once they are sort of fun to watch (in between the stupidity of curry as a vital plotpoint and other annoying factors). 95% because Neji is in it, of course.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 05:21 AM
All that to summon .... that's right ... a pair of tonfas.

well i don't think she can carry all her weapon on herself so its ok for her to be able to "summoning" them

Thu, 10-13-2005, 05:23 AM
Originally posted by: BioAlien

well i don't think she can carry all her weapon on herself so its ok for her to be able to "summoning" them

Naw, I get your point. I just expected an animal summoning. Kinda had a let down there. Speaking of which, what animal would Tenten summon if she could summon one? Or do the weapons count as her summonings only?

Thu, 10-13-2005, 06:39 AM
I thought this episode was pretty good for filler, we got to see some nice fight scenes and Naruto DID NOT steal the spotlight i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Better yet, the main villain actually gets to do a decent fight now where Naruto hopefully wont just do rasengan right away and end it.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 07:11 AM
haha i bet 100 euro that he will end it with rasengan i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

Thu, 10-13-2005, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by: Dionysos
haha i bet 100 euro that he will end it with rasengan


The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 10-13-2005, 09:15 AM
This episode was pretty cool, of course as Terra said it's mainly because Neji is in it, but Lee too...... but mainly Neji, who, until he gets his chance to DESTROY Sasuke will have to settle for a lot less.

I'm really digging the design of these filler characters... the most hideous filler character I think I ever saw was that guy from the Arashi arc that was bald and carried some bag of shit on his back.

I like the tie-ins with the Seven Mist Shinobi and it was cool to see that they credited Raiga's power mainly to the little boy instead of trying to give him more credibility. The fight should be cool.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 09:26 AM
it was funny that Naruto tried to use a new technique the fight was over and yeah it was pretty stupid to summon the weapons

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 10-13-2005, 09:55 AM
Summoning weapons is all Tenten has, give her a break!

Thu, 10-13-2005, 10:33 AM
About this episode... seeing it from an action point of view it was pretty good since it was fanservice all the way, even gave us Neji's 64 hits thingy (though with lame animation).

But the plot is beyond all critique. Jesus, it's so fucking stupid that it had me laughing in a way that Naruto hasn't done since back when it was actually kind of funny.
Rock Lee's speech about Karashi's life saving curry was particularly hilarious, given that there was dramatic music playing and we were supposed to take it seriously.
God, it's so silly. Also, the reason for Ranmaru's fellow villagers to banish him was very funny too. "ZOMG he can see through walls! he spies on us! omfgggg he can watch us work on the fields that sick fiend! KILL HIM! DENY HIM ALL RIGHTS TO THE OUTSIDE WORLD!"

Piece of shit filler
Although still the best one yet

Thu, 10-13-2005, 12:38 PM
"Ah! Her snot is gonna drip in!" Than she pulls it up...

This is too silly. Though it made me laugh for a second

Lee: "Karashi-san is still weak. But he can make life-saving curry!"

This whole life-saving curry is just sooo dumbl

Thu, 10-13-2005, 12:40 PM
first time that the fillers had me laughing out loud,, the curry thing becoming is too stupid
"forgive Karashi, cuz he can make THE curry-of-life" and that scene with the snot almost dripping in the stuff... o, god...

but I feel so sorry for Ranmaru

Thu, 10-13-2005, 01:31 PM
karashi is an evil mastermind

Thu, 10-13-2005, 01:46 PM
Ranmaru feels so generic that I can't possibly feel anything for him. He's just a Haku rip-off that can't move.

And yes, Karashi is indeed an evil mastermind. I smell a new insider joke coming about. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Thu, 10-13-2005, 03:44 PM
It's Ronmaru's own fault. If he'd just eaten the curry of life his legs would have been healed!

I really don't blame Karashi at all man. If being a good guy was as hard as Lee makes it, I'd be constantly defecting to the bad guys too.

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 10-13-2005, 05:35 PM
What I hate about Ranmaru is that little paraplegic sack of shit can't figure out whether he's crippled or not, moving his limbs sometimes.

I thought it was funny as hell when Naruto stared at Ranmaru and asked why he wouldn't eat.


Thu, 10-13-2005, 06:35 PM
Now for another WTF moment...
Was Ranmaru detecting heat from Raiga (cause it seemed like it) if thats the case why couldnt Neji detect it considering Hinata had improved Byakygan when it was cold out... (Just a reason I hate fillers)

Kakrashi is the ultimate pansy / coward and joins whatever side has "power" while he himself has absolutly no skill. I'm glad hes sticking to the bad guy side so there really isnt the instant miracle change happening. I must admit the 300 spice curry punishment was pretty funny (and disdusting)

Also I'm having a hard hard time sympathizing with Ranmaru... hes just a f'ed up kid who appears to give up on life with out Raigia and his abilities arent anything great that we've seen. Haku on the other hand actually had fighting potential and performed a more physical sacrifice which actually made him a cool character.

The animation was also pretty bad, does filler instantly mean crap animation? There was alot of potential for some decent sequences in the beginning fight but that just went to hell

All said and done, this filler is crap but its not bad considering its a filler.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 07:40 PM
I really don't blame Karashi at all man. If being a good guy was as hard as Lee makes it, I'd be constantly defecting to the bad guys too.

Dunno why but after reading that I started to laugh. And this ep was great simply for the reasons of having Neji's 64hands and Tenten getting to own more people.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 07:45 PM
this filler arc was going good until they decided to fucking revive that fucker..... But they are making nenjis byakugan look like crap.... Also karashi just needs to fucking make up his mind.

-------------------------------- Possible spoiler------------------------------------------------------
Dunno if this is a spoiler but might as well warn people. They should just make filler eps with naruto training with jiraiya

Board of Command
Thu, 10-13-2005, 07:54 PM
This is gay. They're dragging this thing on and on. It's gonna turn out that Ranmaru is still alive and Raiga finally dies. Pointless.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 07:55 PM
probably or they could grow some balls and kill them both. Also killing the karashi fucker wouldnt be so bad.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 08:10 PM
So now we've established that Neji's byakuggan can't tell if a person's alive worth jack, and Naruto's Rasengan can't kill a guy worth jack...

Until that part at the end though, I liked the rest of the episode. It dealt with Karashi without getting overly mushy. Although Naruto, Neji, and Tenten sawing down wood at the end was a little too random for my taste.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 08:27 PM
seriously they pulled a storm out of their asses to kill some times. no chakra = dead so wtf....

Thu, 10-13-2005, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
This is gay. They're dragging this thing on and on. It's gonna turn out that Ranmaru is still alive and Raiga finally dies. Pointless.

and then ranmaru is gonna end up living with karashi and make the curry of life. its so obvious, its not even funny.

worst episode ever.

i think they shouldve let tenten kill the little bastard back when he was tied up.despite being a girl, she has more balls then the other 3 combined.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 10:29 PM
I took alot of Naruto Bullshits and never felt the need to complain about fillers.

But this episode crossed the line. I cannot believe they air such crap despite it being a filler.

The dialouges were cheesy, the animations were a joke, and the attacks done by Neji, Tenten, Lee, and Naruto are complete bullshit.

I love how they butchered Neji's Divine 64 Strikes by making him poke people. I love how Lee did some sissy punching. Don't even get me started with Tenten.

Karashi is teh nub. He needs to go suck an egg.

Raiga starts to look like a transexual to me. He is still teh nub.

They need to stop the whole "I'm alone when I was little and I met this guy so we became butt buddies" theme. It was good when Naruto first used it for the first 20 episodes. It's getting really old.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 11:13 PM
Dunno why but after reading that I started to laugh.

Because its comedy gold!

"Okay, now we're gonna take a break from all that running by doing 300 pushups. For great justice!"

"Okay, fuck this, I'm going back to the dead catfish guy."

I'm really looking forward to the next episode because Lee SWORE he would beat the shit out of Karashi with his own fists if he fucked up again and he just fucked up again!

Incoming eyepunch to Karashi!

Thu, 10-13-2005, 11:15 PM
Ranmaru has a cool ability. Why did they have to put him in a filler! He would've been good the the real storyline.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 11:21 PM
His ability is bullshit. You would think konoha would heard of this thing that can fuck up the byakugan.

Thu, 10-13-2005, 11:55 PM
I was hoping to see the turtle in the curry one last time =( or some turtle just moaping around.
But yeah, Rasengen + lighting bolt sword makes big explosion, the final move of this battle. -_-. yay

Fri, 10-14-2005, 12:29 AM
haha wtf noobs....your perfectly rounded boulders smashed henged kage bunshins
oh whats that bitch? your tornados slashed up MORE henged kage bunshins


this episode kinda made me wish i was dead

Fri, 10-14-2005, 01:31 AM
Lol wow the crew must of been blazing when they made this. also it takes a lot for me to start bagging on naruto. But cmon end the shit already. If they plan to make fillers until the next op change ima kill myself

Vokalyzd Harmony
Fri, 10-14-2005, 05:04 AM
the reason neji couldnt see Raiga being alive is because Raiga WAS dead..but the Ranmaru can detect his lightning? since dead people DO give off some electricity until they run out..and the whole storm thing was to revitalize Raiga..get it? on a different subject..UCLA WHOOPED THE SHIT OUT OF CAL!

Fri, 10-14-2005, 05:31 AM
Ok ..... someone needs to SMACK that little Crippled kid in the head with his advanced better then bakyguan red eyes technique...I guess instead of seeing better only when its cold he sees better all the time ..... Tenten summoning Tonfas was stupid... Carrying all her weapons being too much of a burden or not.. that was lame...Almost as lame as shinos BUG SUMMONING in the last Filler ARC.......

I am curious what clone rotation was........Becuase... it seemed like.. he made his clones rotate... And What good is a rotating clone.... ..... That is like me spinning in my coimputer chair and saying "ME SPINNIN AROUND IN MY CHAIR TECHNIQUE". Hell they should say that everything they do is a technique... "EATING CRAPPY LIFE SAVING CURRY TECHNIQUE" or.... they could have pre TEchniques which they announce for their techniques "POSING FOR MAKING THE SEALS FOR KAGI BUSHIN TECHNIQUE"

Before it was cool becuase everyone had tech.'s that were ... powerful but kinda balanced........ They also made sense..... at least in a way that made you want to suspend your disbelief long enough to enjoy the show... Last arc they have hinitas laser hands, shinos super bug cloud spinners, super sticky be honey fake be exploding bees which are decoys for posionous bees....and now stupid lightning shhoting lame sword wierd shnobi swordsmen guys and his gandg of wolverine wanna be's that can STACK to form LARGE Rock Breaking tornado cloud funnel thinigies..........HAS ANYONE notice how the arc looks like the SAME ANIMATION FROM THE TEA COUNTRY ARC... esp the lame "head evil ninja guy"... they both look like they coulda been brothers...they might as well be they both SUCK just as much.. except one had the 2nd Hokage's LIGHT SABER... and this one has Swords that dont cut anything.......

...and WHAT IN GODS NAME is with the curry.... I duno I mean I guess its a running joke.. that is just not funny at all? I mean if they wanted to make it more narutoish at least they coulda made it ramen.. and naruto coulda saved the ramen ladies shop.......maby japaneese peopel think CURRY is funny.......... I just think its confusing.. and lame.. very lame......I still dont get how eating curry while Rock lee was so key in saving his life... I never eat in my sleep and I am doing JUST FINE..........

I have a TERRIBLE FEELING........ What that terrible feeling is .. that .. Since There are 7 Shinobis... and they KEEP ON MENTIONING THIS FACT..... I am wondering if They already dealt with #1 zabuza (in a good arc) there is #2 fish dude... ( which naruto cannot meet up with.. but lord knows he will have flashbacks of this poop later..when he does).. And there is #3 stupid lightning bastard... 7 - 3 = 4.... ARE they going to have episodes like this one to find ALL 4 of those worthless swordsmen? I HOPE to god not.....

Although you might be thinking that this is gonna end with a rasengan like all the other episodes... I figure it will end with somethig worse... since it sucks and all............Like a new CLONE ROTATING RASENGAN technique.... where naruto spins with the rasengan with his clones.. to make it more spinnarific...........either that or naruto is just gonna fart on the bad guy till he pases out......

Fri, 10-14-2005, 06:30 AM
Ranmaru sucks balls. he cant do shit

Fri, 10-14-2005, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by: Vokalyzd Harmony
the reason neji couldnt see Raiga being alive is because Raiga WAS dead..but the Ranmaru can detect his lightning? since dead people DO give off some electricity until they run out..and the whole storm thing was to revitalize Raiga..get it? on a different subject..UCLA WHOOPED THE SHIT OUT OF CAL!


Fri, 10-14-2005, 07:11 AM
Umm... The noobie speaks? The filler honestly aren't that bad or you wouldn't watch them. I mean is all the complaining worth to think people care? I guess thats what a forum is for, but don't bash the anime you like. It just makes you look dumber for watching it. I mean if theres all these fillers it means there probably focused on something upcoming and its building up to something? The other thing seriously is whats the big deal if its not exactly the greatest plot. Its a fuckin CARTOON, its not a fuckin emmy award winning movie! Jesus Christ. Im working my way up to 155. I'm looking forward to a good laugh. Thank you, peace.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by: tali
Umm... The noobie speaks? The filler honestly aren't that bad or you wouldn't watch them. I mean is all the complaining worth to think people care? I guess thats what a forum is for, but don't bash the anime you like. It just makes you look dumber for watching it. I mean if theres all these fillers it means there probably focused on something upcoming and its building up to something? The other thing seriously is whats the big deal if its not exactly the greatest plot. Its a fuckin CARTOON, its not a fuckin emmy award winning movie! Jesus Christ. Im working my way up to 155. I'm looking forward to a good laugh. Thank you, peace.

Just... SHUT UP.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 08:43 AM
I don't understand why people still get surprised by hengens, I mean gawd it's like the first technique they learn, but everytime somebody gets fooled they shit their pants and say "omg how could you do such an awesome thing".

And I agree that Naruto is starting to suck hard. Kage-bunchin and rasengan were like cool the first 10 times, but he doesn't do anything else anymore. He should just start each fight in "fox-state" and do Kage-bunshin no Rasengan right away.

Why did they even need saws to cut down the trees? Why couldnt they like blow the trees down with their awesome lungpower. Another really retarded thing was that they left Karashi (a former bad guy) alone with Ranmaru (the leaders hump), and then they're all like "I'm a little worried about leaving them all alone in that abandoned house".

I have a theory as to how this filler will end: First the obvious things, Naruto gets the shit kicked out of him and becomes a "fox". Then Raiga's all like "Omg were did all that chakra come from". Fast forward and Naruto accidentally farts on Ranmarus face and Raiga's starts crying and giving mouth to mouth to Ranmaru. Fast forward past a 10 minute flashback (were Raiga and Ranamaru proclaim their love for each other) and they both die from Narutos poisonuos ass-gas. This is so good that I should start writing actuall scripts for Naruto.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by: el_boss
I have a theory as to how this filler will end: First the obvious things, Naruto gets the shit kicked out of him and becomes a "fox". Then Raiga's all like "Omg were did all that chakra come from". Fast forward and Naruto accidentally farts on Ranmarus face and Raiga's starts crying and giving mouth to mouth to Ranmaru. Fast forward past a 10 minute flashback (were Raiga and Ranamaru proclaim their love for each other) and they both die from Narutos poisonuos ass-gas. This is so good that I should start writing actuall scripts for Naruto.

You know I'm thinking that so in the realm of being possible, that it's isn't funny

Fri, 10-14-2005, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by: el_boss
I have a theory as to how this filler will end: First the obvious things, Naruto gets the shit kicked out of him and becomes a "fox". Then Raiga's all like "Omg were did all that chakra come from". Fast forward and Naruto accidentally farts on Ranmarus face and Raiga's starts crying and giving mouth to mouth to Ranmaru. Fast forward past a 10 minute flashback (were Raiga and Ranamaru proclaim their love for each other) and they both die from Narutos poisonuos ass-gas. This is so good that I should start writing actuall scripts for Naruto.

Holy shit.......that just reminded me of the dream i had last night.
I honestly dreamt that i was watching an episode of naruto where there was some alligator attack or something......and naruto beat the alligators with his patented fart move. I'm talking green smoke and awkward silence and everything.

No joke

Fri, 10-14-2005, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure

Originally posted by: el_boss
I have a theory as to how this filler will end: First the obvious things, Naruto gets the shit kicked out of him and becomes a "fox". Then Raiga's all like "Omg were did all that chakra come from". Fast forward and Naruto accidentally farts on Ranmarus face and Raiga's starts crying and giving mouth to mouth to Ranmaru. Fast forward past a 10 minute flashback (were Raiga and Ranamaru proclaim their love for each other) and they both die from Narutos poisonuos ass-gas. This is so good that I should start writing actuall scripts for Naruto.

Holy shit.......that just reminded me of the dream i had last night.
I honestly dreamt that i was watching an episode of naruto where there was some alligator attack or something......and naruto beat the alligators with his patented fart move. I'm talking green smoke and awkward silence and everything.

No joke

oooooookaaaaaaay........... someone watches too much Naruto

Fri, 10-14-2005, 12:35 PM
"oooooookaaaaaaay........... someone watches too much Naruto"

I'm so tired of that comment, there's not a single one of you that have never had a Naruto dream I can assure you.
Some of you might not remember them though since that's usually the case with dreams.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"oooooookaaaaaaay........... someone watches too much Naruto"

I'm so tired of that comment, there's not a single one of you that have never had a Naruto dream I can assure you.
Some of you might not remember them though since that's usually the case with dreams.

Most Likely i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

Fri, 10-14-2005, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"oooooookaaaaaaay........... someone watches too much Naruto"

I'm so tired of that comment, there's not a single one of you that have never had a Naruto dream I can assure you.
Some of you might not remember them though since that's usually the case with dreams.

Or some of us turn them in to filler eps

Fri, 10-14-2005, 01:18 PM
needless to say, i wanted to die in my dream after seeing that ep too

Fri, 10-14-2005, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"oooooookaaaaaaay........... someone watches too much Naruto"

I'm so tired of that comment, there's not a single one of you that have never had a Naruto dream I can assure you.
Some of you might not remember them though since that's usually the case with dreams.

Does it count as a Naruto dream if Naruto isn't in it? All my Naruto related dreams only contain hot babes like Temari, Anko and Ton-ton (uhhh forget that last one) and there's no fighting... ok there's a little fighting, but only when I have been a naughty boy... oooops did I say too much.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by: tali
Umm... The noobie speaks? The filler honestly aren't that bad or you wouldn't watch them. I mean is all the complaining worth to think people care? I guess thats what a forum is for, but don't bash the anime you like. It just makes you look dumber for watching it. I mean if theres all these fillers it means there probably focused on something upcoming and its building up to something? The other thing seriously is whats the big deal if its not exactly the greatest plot. Its a fuckin CARTOON, its not a fuckin emmy award winning movie! Jesus Christ. Im working my way up to 155. I'm looking forward to a good laugh. Thank you, peace.

Same logic can be used. You don't like the bashing, don't read them and comment about them. It just makes you look dumber by reading them. K thx.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by: el_boss

Originally posted by: Terracosmo
"oooooookaaaaaaay........... someone watches too much Naruto"

I'm so tired of that comment, there's not a single one of you that have never had a Naruto dream I can assure you.
Some of you might not remember them though since that's usually the case with dreams.

Does it count as a Naruto dream if Naruto isn't in it? All my Naruto related dreams only contain hot babes like Temari, Anko and Ton-ton (uhhh forget that last one) and there's no fighting... ok there's a little fighting, but only when I have been a naughty boy... oooops did I say too much.

Of course it counts!

I've dreamt about having sex with a female version of Yzak (from Gundam Seed) many times.

Okay, this is off-topic. Move on. Nothing to see here...!

Fri, 10-14-2005, 06:02 PM
I've dreamt about having sex with a female version of Yzak (from Gundam Seed) many times.
Okay, this is off-topic. Move on. Nothing to see here...!

nooooooo terracosmo your dignityyy!!! whyyy

lol...just kidding! i'm being theatrical.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 06:14 PM
Eh, just a filler, has its good points (heavily outweighted by its low points).

Anyhow ... i'm highly anticipating the next arc (story wise), but then I wonder why would they do a new intro and continue with fillers? Could it be a saga of fillers and then another NEW intro when they back to story?

If they are planning to make a filler with every team, they have to do one with maybe the 3 sand ninjas? I think they went into all the groups so far?

Fri, 10-14-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by: Kensee
Eh, just a filler, has its good points (heavily outweighted by its low points).

Anyhow ... i'm highly anticipating the next arc (story wise), but then I wonder why would they do a new intro and continue with fillers? Could it be a saga of fillers and then another NEW intro when they back to story?

If they are planning to make a filler with every team, they have to do one with maybe the 3 sand ninjas? I think they went into all the groups so far?

A filler with the Sand nin group would be really cool, although it will turn out just like all the other filler arcs,

I haven't been posting on this forum but I've been here in the past enough not to start another "I hate filler eps" rants so I'm not going to. although i will say that if they do make a sand nin arc they have to let the other two (other then Garaa, I'm very forgetful with their names) do some more uber shit

Also if they don't do a Sand Nin arc who would be next? a filler on Sasuke?

Fri, 10-14-2005, 09:19 PM
All I can say is filler is destroying Naruto anime....... total crap. Someone pls inform me when filler is over.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 10:27 PM
I don't know what happened to Terra man. He use to be cool but now all he does is whine. He sounds like Mutachi without the rock-your-face-off attitude.

Fri, 10-14-2005, 11:20 PM
i know what happened....its an advanced case of 'gay filleritus' with symptoms of 'too many noobs' disease

it happens to the best of us. now lets get back to discussing the stupid fillers since were all way off topic

Sat, 10-15-2005, 01:00 AM
I've survived fillers for a while now.. but even I get somewhat twitchy now...
Hope it'll end soon and we can see some cool stuff...

Sat, 10-15-2005, 05:13 AM
Omg I just realised what the next filler could be. We haven't seen much of Jiraya lately, so mayby their going to show when he uses his extreme peeping skills on Akatsuki. But that't mayby to close to the main story. I would also like to see some Jounin on Jounin action, that was a long time ago.

Also team "InoShikaChou" haven't had a filler yet, if I remember correctly. But they suck anyway. I mean, Ino with here useless ability "Mind-control-for-five-seconds-then-I-faint-no-jutsu" and Chouji "Make-my-hands-very-big-and-just-stand-there-no-jutsu" (wonder if he can make ALL his bodyparts bigger). The highlight of that would be seeing Shikamarau with his kickass "bitch-choking-no-jutsu" (man he could become an awesome serial killer/rapist).

The only thing I really wish they'd do if they have more fillers, is to put Naruto in a coma or something so we won't need see his stupid ass in yet another mission. The only thing that would make Naruto cool again is if he started summoning Kyuubi, that would be so awesome I would have to "relieve" myself.

Sat, 10-15-2005, 09:58 AM
the fillers are boring, why some people like it

Sat, 10-15-2005, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by: aznroyale
the fillers are boring, why some people like it

Because otherwise you get called a whiner, apparently i/expressions/rolleye.gif

Sat, 10-15-2005, 11:20 AM
....Gee, they're all wolverine fanboys.

Sat, 10-15-2005, 11:26 AM
When I saw that wolverine tornado jutsu, I instantly thought of one of the threads in the forum. If this jutsu was suggested in the "Fan made ninja powers" thread the person would have been laughed at for suggesting such a ridiculous jutsu............. That's how dumb that move is.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 10-15-2005, 11:48 AM
Not to mention how Lee somehow Konoha Senpuu'd that tornado of multiple spinning blades, like they weren't even there.

Sat, 10-15-2005, 01:59 PM
It has to do with that thing of spining, any1 that spins gains invulnerability to everything while they are spining. Tazmania monster is the doomsday of all the ninjas.

This is a joke...

Answer to below: the last one hitting was lee so if some1 stop the tornado, even believing this happened, should be him, there where 2 tornados so tenten stoped one and lee the other at the same time just after a ninja says something. I heard some kind of order: shui, sounded like dispell,disengage.

Sat, 10-15-2005, 02:00 PM
and how tenten could see where the guys were and hit them directly so the tornado would stop

Sat, 10-15-2005, 03:16 PM
After watching the first half of the episode, I was dumb enough to think that this would be the last or 2nd-to-last filler eps. How foolish I was :-/

Sat, 10-15-2005, 07:21 PM
Same here. Tired of those fillers. I thought this is the last episode of this filler arc.

Sat, 10-15-2005, 08:13 PM
lets just wish that it end in the next episode

Sun, 10-16-2005, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by: The Heretic Azazel
Not to mention how Lee somehow Konoha Senpuu'd that tornado of multiple spinning blades, like they weren't even there.

Lee is fast and skilled enough to kick at the PEOPLE and not the blades, big DUH there! There is like a huge gap between each "layer" of blades.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by: BioAlien

All that to summon .... that's right ... a pair of tonfas.

well i don't think she can carry all her weapon on herself so its ok for her to be able to "summoning" them

Except her three sectioned staff, I don't remember seeing her have to summon that. But do you see where she's carrying it?

Sun, 10-16-2005, 09:53 AM
How long has it been with the fillers now? All this summer was fillers...

Lee's team has been done.

Shino's team have been done.

Shika's team helped out with the baka brothers.

Jiraiya was involved in destroying Oro's mansion...

There is nothing else left!!!!!!

Unless they decide to do a Kakashi filler or filler involving some other Jounins... we should hopefully expect the anime to return to the manga now.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
Shika's team helped out with the baka brothers.

Altough they were involved in that, they have yet to recieve a mission of their own. Mayby there will be some bad-guy fillers/flashbacks, then there are infinite possibilities for fillers. For example they might want to show how Kabuto ended up with Orichimaru or some shit like that.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 10:26 AM
The sand team will probably get a filler too.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 10:27 AM
konohamaru? lol

Sun, 10-16-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
The sand team will probably get a filler too.

Wonder how they will incorporate Naruto into that one. Mayby Tsunade all of a sudden finds some paper on the top of her paper pile witch says something like, "bla bla bla ANCIENT LEGEND bla bla bla SAND bla bla bla SEND THE CHOSEN ONE bla bla bla", or some stupid lame ass shit.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 05:19 PM
Or maybe Shukaku and Kyubi can have one big ass fight while all the other ninja's chill.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 05:20 PM
Double post.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo

Originally posted by: aznroyale
the fillers are boring, why some people like it

Because otherwise you get called a whiner, apparently

Except that's its like listening to a broken record at this point. Yes, all fillers suck. Everyone knows this. What's hip with the kids these days is rating fillers "withing the context of other fillers".

I mean, on its own, this arcs blows. But when held up next to the tea country, oh baby! It's Shakespear!

And that's the way its done. Compare filler characters to other filler characters. Filler jutsu to other filler jutsu?

Compared to an electric lightsaber, the black tornado looks like fucking Omnislash!

Get with it man.

Sun, 10-16-2005, 09:31 PM
3 things to say. OMFG THAT SUCKED!! Though still better than the other ones, I'M PISSED AT THE ANIME STORYLINE WRITERS, WTF are they thinking?????????????

I'm having freaking spasms seeing that the next naruto will also be shitty filler.

Did you see karashi's face when he was eating that curry???? WTF???? i was about to puke seeing person who for some reason looks like a crying fat pig shoving food in his mouth.

WHY??? damn cliches, can't they just get on with the real story????
*stomps off*

Sun, 10-16-2005, 09:41 PM
In the end without so many words you say that shit(fillers) must be compared to shit, to see wich shit is less shit?

Is perfectly normal that ppl complains after each episode about fillers being way worse than "real" naruto, after all they wear the same title, so they are compared to naruto episodes. If they just want to make another league with fillers mark it somehow, narufill, naruto GT or something different so you can put em in the same contest of wich crap is the crapiest. Ppl complains when see things that they used to like turn into some crap, thats to be a fan is just natural dont mock them.

I hate these fillers too, but its funny to see what ppl say bout em. For me these fillers are some kind of naruto parody. I laugh a lot with every new crap show and shit jutsu they made. I have to say that even in my stupidest parody of naruto never tought about a saving life curry made with turtles! or hinatas jutsu. If I was serious about naruto these fillers would be my worst nightmare they're an aberration, for me just friggin' funny.

Mon, 10-17-2005, 05:38 AM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder

Originally posted by: Terracosmo

Originally posted by: aznroyale
the fillers are boring, why some people like it

Because otherwise you get called a whiner, apparently

Except that's its like listening to a broken record at this point. Yes, all fillers suck. Everyone knows this. What's hip with the kids these days is rating fillers "withing the context of other fillers".

I mean, on its own, this arcs blows. But when held up next to the tea country, oh baby! It's Shakespear!

And that's the way its done. Compare filler characters to other filler characters. Filler jutsu to other filler jutsu?

Compared to an electric lightsaber, the black tornado looks like fucking Omnislash!

Get with it man.

If I think the fillers are bad, I have all the rights in the world to state that they do. And it's not like I just write "damn this sucks" every week, I always write why I think so. Often also with the few good points of the episode in question. Or are you perhaps saying that if I thought they were good every week, I wouldn't sound like a broken record?

You don't have to respect my opinion, but I respect yours, always saying that the fillers aren't "that bad". I don't agree with you, but I don't complain either. So YOU get with it.

Mon, 10-17-2005, 06:09 AM
damn this sucks

Mon, 10-17-2005, 06:34 AM
Can't we have all the discussion about the actual episode in this thread, and have a another thread for all the bitches that want to whine about bitches that whine. It could be called "Naruto XXX Discussion Discussion" or something. If you're going to write something in this thread make sure it's about the latest episode or at least Naruto, but stop whining about that people are talking shit about lame ass retarded episodes.

Mon, 10-17-2005, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by: el_boss
have a another thread for all the bitches that want to whine about bitches that whine.

I think you should be the first one to post in it.

As for the episode its was shit. Thats why no one is talking about it.

Tue, 10-18-2005, 02:23 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo

If I think the fillers are bad, I have all the rights in the world to state that they do. And it's not like I just write "damn this sucks" every week, I always write why I think so. Often also with the few good points of the episode in question. Or are you perhaps saying that if I thought they were good every week, I wouldn't sound like a broken record?

You don't have to respect my opinion, but I respect yours, always saying that the fillers aren't "that bad". I don't agree with you, but I don't complain either. So YOU get with it.

I never said you couldn't express your opinion. I'm simply pointing out that by doing so in repeated bland contentless, and derivitive posts you are squandering the reputation of humor and cleverness that you did such a fine job cultivating.

But hey, it's none of my business if you want to fade back into the rest of the masses of narutards.

Tue, 10-18-2005, 04:13 AM
naruto fighting scenes arent interesting anymore....damn fillers.

Vokalyzd Harmony
Tue, 10-18-2005, 04:59 AM
fight fight fight! blah battle of the wits and everybody came unarmed..as much as you people bitch about Naruto..you still wait patiently for 7 days to download new episodes..this was a decent filler..although plot sucked..why the hell didn't karashi just stayed on one side..rasengan his ass and get it over with

Tue, 10-18-2005, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by: DarthEnder

Originally posted by: Terracosmo

If I think the fillers are bad, I have all the rights in the world to state that they do. And it's not like I just write "damn this sucks" every week, I always write why I think so. Often also with the few good points of the episode in question. Or are you perhaps saying that if I thought they were good every week, I wouldn't sound like a broken record?

You don't have to respect my opinion, but I respect yours, always saying that the fillers aren't "that bad". I don't agree with you, but I don't complain either. So YOU get with it.

I never said you couldn't express your opinion. I'm simply pointing out that by doing so in repeated bland contentless, and derivitive posts you are squandering the reputation of humor and cleverness that you did such a fine job cultivating.

But hey, it's none of my business if you want to fade back into the rest of the masses of narutards.

lmao, yeah, because I care so much about being labeled a narutard by you.

Tue, 10-18-2005, 04:55 PM
Thank you for your prompt invokement of my point sir.

Tue, 10-18-2005, 07:55 PM
My pleasure.

Tue, 10-18-2005, 08:09 PM
Do I detect sarcasm or genuine affection for one another here?

Tue, 10-18-2005, 11:10 PM
Its sarcasm alright but with a blend of genuine affection.

Tue, 10-18-2005, 11:32 PM
I love you guys as much as I love a hangnail, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. ^^
Just remember that it doesn't matter if you are right or wrong at the end of the day, just how good you look.

Wed, 10-19-2005, 12:20 AM
why cant they end!!!!!....i do mean the fillers..........but on subject i found it kinda funny on how they had a "cripple" adn naruto coming in late (bunshin kaiten) adn karashi being a dumass...and raiga will obviously probably get beat again. whats with the fillers anyways?

Wed, 10-19-2005, 02:51 AM
First and foremost, this is a forum! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and can express it however they will. That being said, do understand if you half-ass post (one-liners, stereotypical knee-jerk reactions etc) are ignored and laughed at.
(the problem comes with what to do with those who choose to express their opinion which condemns those who are simply expressing their respective opinions...)

I think this filler arc is both wonderful and horrible all at the same time!

Wonderful: Karashi. Been a long time since I've seen such a spineless wannabe gangster. Love his always pretending to reform (convinces me every time!) and always turning!
Horrible: The animation. Fights are mostly sloppy, no interesting camera angles, severe lack of facial expressions, side characters fugly as hell.

Wonderful: The lovely Haku-filled flashback in episode 154. That speech always got me...
Horrible: Raiga is a real POS excuse for a ninja. Mist nin with Electricity jutsu? Can't even dodge or utilize the fog or use genjutsu of any kind? Pathetic!

Wonderful: The concept of burying someone alive. Wicked evil. Raiga's only redeeming quality. His outlook on how we remember people at funerals is also intersting.
Horrible: How Dattebayo seems to be slacking off with some of the subbing. Naruto goes downhill, then the subbers go downhill too... (cant blame them tho)

Wonderful: Kanmaru's stone cold "Please just kill me already" act. Spooky little children that want to die give me the creeps. His ability is insane (and totally inexplicable)
Horrible: Neji has been overwhelmed by a parapalegic 7-year old!

Wonderful: The music. Mostly appropriatley timed and fitting the mood, I always like the Naruto music. No real new pieces tho, except for...
Horrible: The new opening. Craptastic. Now I know Naruto's gonna suck for dozens more episodes to come!

Wed, 10-19-2005, 01:55 PM
You know, I bet in the Mist village though Raiga is considered a real badass. In a place where everyone specializes in water attack, the guy with the lightning attacks must kick ass.

Wed, 10-19-2005, 10:04 PM
Just watched the episode...It was especially disappointing because I've just recently watched Bleach in its entirety, so it was basically going from "pwnmax" straight to "meh" in one fell swoop of sucks-in-comparison.

You know what's really ironic? This thread was more entertaining than the actual episode.

They should just eliminate fillers altogether. There's one new manga chapter a week, and an episode covers about 2 chapters, right? So just make Naruto every OTHER week and we're all set. But of course that'd never happen.