View Full Version : TV: Prison Break
Fri, 10-07-2005, 10:59 PM
Just wondering if anyone here watches it...
This is a great show... everyone needs to watch it now.
An engineer (Wentworth Miller) installs himself in a prison he helped design, in order to help his brother (Dominic Purcell), a death-row inmate who insists he did not commit the crime for which he has been sentenced to die and help him.
Fri, 10-07-2005, 11:06 PM
yeah, the riot eps were really cool
Sat, 10-08-2005, 01:52 AM
Yah I haven't seen it yet but the show seems really interesting. How a brother goes to jail and risks his life to save his bro which is the guy from Blade Trinity.
Sat, 10-08-2005, 10:32 AM
at first I thought this show was going to be a little too predictable, but i guess i was wrong.
Sat, 10-08-2005, 09:54 PM
the prison riot here rivals the one shown in 24... it was that good
Tue, 10-25-2005, 09:56 PM
Last night episode was awesome also... this series gets better by the episode...
I'm glad I stuck with it, first episodes were kinda dull...
Do not double post.
Gotwoot Moderator
Edit: Whomever was the Gotwoot Moderator to edit this, check out the dates of the posts before doing anything...
Tue, 10-25-2005, 11:10 PM
that gay guy in the show needs to die. i hate him so much
Wed, 10-26-2005, 01:44 AM
there's a gay guy?
Wed, 10-26-2005, 12:37 PM
He's not gay... he just likes to waltz around having some dudes grabbing his pocket
Wed, 10-26-2005, 03:40 PM
hey man, when u been in the pen that long, a hole is a hole is a hole... gotta get ur nuts off somehow
Wed, 10-26-2005, 06:02 PM
I have hear many good news about this show and one of my favs actors is in it, Peter Stormare.
A channel here is gonna show it so im waiting for this.
Wed, 11-02-2005, 11:56 PM
god damn it, i missed the new episode due to halloween. it sucks when two great things happen in one night.
Sat, 11-12-2005, 02:20 AM
gay, too many people are joining. they should kill the gay guy and black guy for forcing thier way in the operatioN!!!!
Sat, 11-12-2005, 05:49 AM
From the previews of the next episode, it seems like something like that might happen...
That new bad guy that just got introduced to check up on the secret service is awesome...
It seems that the lawyers and the kid are in trouble now...
Tue, 11-15-2005, 01:20 AM
noooooooooo! the cool guy from the secret service guy might die! also i wonder who will be kicked out from the break and how?!!!! o.o
Tue, 11-15-2005, 08:49 AM
I think it'll be the fag... We all know it, and he knows it...
But I think the series will surprise us and pick someone else.....
I just hope that the series is popular enough to do a second season after the prison break, of course that's assuming the succeed
Tue, 11-15-2005, 11:17 PM
shows on hiatus
i also heard that the show was on hold because of this
From EWnet forums
The producer of Fox TV's hit series Prison Break was found dead of an apparent drug overdose in his room at Chicago's Drake Hotel.
White powder, believed to be either heroin or cocaine, was found in the 6th floor room with Matthew Houbrick, 42, of Calabasas, Calif., Monday afternoon, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times.
A police source said a Hollywood producer had asked hotel staff to check on Houbrick after he had not been seen for a while. It was unknown how long he had been dead.
Houbrick was in Chicago for the filming of Prison Break, which is shot in the nearby Joliet Correctional Center.
He worked as supervising producer on the WB's Charmed as well as 7th Heaven, The Love Boat: The Next Wave and Pacific Palisades.
Tue, 11-15-2005, 11:58 PM
As far as I know Matthew Houbrick is not the producer of Prison Break...
Mon, 11-21-2005, 11:27 PM
OMG! that mafia dude is freaking stupid! if i were him i'd knew that gay guy was lieing and kill him on the spot. so many deaths in prison break
Tue, 11-22-2005, 11:04 AM
Yeah, this episode was messed up...
I liked how he could see Jesus's figure in his cell, but it wasn't real...
And next episode is going to be messed up also, with his brother getting in trouble and all...
Tue, 11-22-2005, 11:28 AM
I wanted the T-bag to die, Abruzzi was one of the few people I actually liked on that show. I wonder how they're still gonna get on that plane
Tue, 11-22-2005, 12:04 PM
Yeah I'm wondering the same thing, but before worrying about that... I'm still wondering if they're gonna be able to escape...
Thu, 11-24-2005, 12:58 AM
how will they have time to break his brother out of where ever they put him and still have enough time to get out in 18 minutes? at first it was because of too many people, but now since the italian is dead, that problem was solved, but now his brother was taken away and another problem comes along..
Mon, 11-28-2005, 09:59 PM
talk about the worst possible thing to happen at a worst possible time. that just sucks, their hard word down the drain. the security will probably find them before they attempt anything, just to put them back in their cells.
Mon, 11-28-2005, 10:28 PM
Yeah, this episode was fucked up and so good also...
They were so close, and they got fucked over...
I'm kinda sad for the fat dude Secret Service... The lawyer was so close also, and got fucked over...
But worst of all, next episode airs in fucking MARCH!!!!
I hope this means even more episodes, hopefully another season or so... But I want them to fucking break out already...
Mon, 11-28-2005, 10:36 PM
it's a lose-lose for all the good guys, scotfield has his brother on the line, the mexican got his girl on the line, the old guy got his daughter, shit, you're right, everyone got fucked over, as far as we know..
Mon, 11-28-2005, 11:06 PM
The previews showed someone getting the chair... I just hope it's a publicity stunt... or that it is someone else altogether..
Mon, 11-28-2005, 11:26 PM
god damn it, we have to wait til march to find out who's in that chair?! i'm going to guess that's him, and some miracle is going to happen and get him out of it, right before they pull the switch.
Tue, 11-29-2005, 12:13 AM
WTF was that? They ended the show in the same way they always did, which means that all of next season will be once again them breaking out of prison. It's a conspiracy I tell you.
Tue, 11-29-2005, 12:25 AM
i'm sure, only a small part of it will be about them breaking out, his brother only has 12 hours for crying out loud, if they turn 12 hours into 10 episodes, some heads are going to fly!
Tue, 11-29-2005, 01:28 AM
gayed up last episode. i found it pretty pointless. wont they just get out already? also next season might talk about what they do after the breakout, like trying to solve the case, just a guess.
Sat, 01-14-2006, 03:56 PM
Well thanks to Bud i've started to watch this show, and man is it awesome. I watched from episode one to current in 2 days. At fist i was like "Bud this is a gay show" (and i only watched like 5 min). But when i finally started to watch it, it was awesome. And on top of that Peter Stormare is playing Abruzzi. One of the best swedish actors IMO.
Sun, 01-15-2006, 11:32 PM
Yeah, this really turned out to be a kickass show...
Now to fucking wait till March.
Mon, 01-16-2006, 10:44 AM
everything good seems to be happening in march. strange, if you ask me.
Mon, 01-16-2006, 11:29 AM
i just crammed all of this show into a viewing marathon.
can't believe they pulled that shit at the end. I had even asked my friend that when the show was first advertised, "How can they make a show out of that? Won't it just end once they get out of prison?" and then i thought about it and said something along the lines of "if the network is smart and wants to make more of this show, they'll always have to keep them trapped in jail."
so while i should have seen the lameo ending coming I was just to hyped up and hopeful to really think about it properly. I feel a little cheated now...
Mon, 01-30-2006, 12:34 AM
i kinda felt the same...but i kinda saw that happening, what with the janitor noticing the hoe in the pipe. who would have guessed that they would fix it so quickly|??
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:07 PM
Prison Break returns tonight in one hour...
Don't miss it.
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:12 PM
i thought the new episode comes out next week ?
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:17 PM
yeah! it's about time it came back, my monday nights were boring as hell without it! i'm hoping for a great new season. time to see the what happens later.
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:20 PM
i thought the new episode comes out next week ?
That's what I was thinking too, until some friends told me it returns tonight, then I went to and saw that it was airing tonight.
Edit: Apparently the new episode might very well air on the 20th, don't know what is airing tonight then, but something Prison Break related is.
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:31 PM
but if prisonbreak comes on, what about 24??? is that still coming on tonite?
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:34 PM
yeah! it's about time it came back, my monday nights were boring as hell without it! i'm hoping for a great new season. time to see the what happens later.
you know there is a show call 24 right? :p
anyway, I just checked the ep tonight is the last ep they aired(when they all try to break out but meet a unexpected "wall" in the plan)
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:49 PM
Ah, that's too bad... Well next week will be awesome with the new episode, might be good to rewatch the last episode tonight, it shouldn't be that bad.
Prison Break airs in 10 minutes, and 24 airs after it rockmanj.
Mon, 03-13-2006, 07:53 PM
(sigh of relief)
Sun, 03-19-2006, 04:37 PM
I just watched episode 14, even if it airs tomorrow... It's great. The quality of the release I downloaded is not good, similar to those screeners you leech for movies. You'll see a text at all times that says "THIS IS FOR REVIEW PURPOSES ONLY. PROPERTY OF FOX."
I got it off a bot in #anirupt pretty sure there should be a torrent somewhere with the episode.
This is the filename of my file if it helps:
Sun, 03-19-2006, 10:13 PM
as tempting as that sounds i'm just going to wait for it and watch it tomorrow, otherwise it'd be one boring night, unless it's as good as you say, then i'd probably just watch it twice.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 06:46 AM
I would think it's best to wait, I would've waited if I had known better, but since I had already downloaded the episode I decided to watch it.
New episode airs tonight anyways, so there's not much waiting, plus a better version for downloading should be up after a couple of hours after it has aired.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 09:04 PM
like you said, that was one killer episode..
predictions for next week is, his brother is going to die, scotfield is going to find out everything about their goals and get revenge after escaping on his own with everyone else with plans changed and everything.
Mon, 03-20-2006, 10:23 PM
I don't believe he'll die, the show would be pointless if he was dead b/c the show is about Michael breaking his brother out of jail.
Tue, 03-21-2006, 02:39 AM
I dont really see anyway for his brother to not die, unless some miracle happens. I mean it would be great if he didnt die, but i dont see any plausible methods left.
Tue, 03-21-2006, 04:55 AM
I wish the torrented episodes would include the previews for the next episode, it pisses me off, since I feel asleep and I can't see the previews for 24 either.
Tue, 03-21-2006, 09:28 PM
I dont really see anyway for his brother to not die, unless some miracle happens. I mean it would be great if he didnt die, but i dont see any plausible methods left.
and if he does survive somehow, i hope it's not something as lame as a last minute phone call from a very important somebody. i hope he does survive as well, but not in a lame and predictable way, but if he survives by something(even if lame), least he survives and that's a plus.
Tue, 03-21-2006, 09:43 PM
his brother wont die, at least i hope not. im thinking that maybe something will happen to the chair, like a power failure right when he is about to die lol
Tue, 03-21-2006, 11:06 PM
you saying a dead rat in the power box problem, again?! anyways, the chair going out is also something i can't see happening again. i say the prison has a better chance of getting hit by a tornado, hey, they'd all die, but least his brother wouldn't die alone.
Wed, 03-22-2006, 12:51 AM
i don't know who else could possibly call on his behalf. The governor's outta the picture, and logically, the vice president definitley wont save him, and i doubt the president really cares.
Wed, 03-22-2006, 08:29 AM
If he doesn't die... I just hope we don't have to again go through what we went through in this episode, the final visitors and all that crap. One time is enough.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 09:48 AM
Awww...shit, looks like scoffield went and fucked himself over big time! HMMM...i wonder how' they'll escape now...
Tue, 03-28-2006, 03:44 PM
Yeah, he fucked up badly... I specifically liked the line when he said to the doctor. "Now, this is the part where I don't tell you anything" or something along those lines. His right shoulder is fucked up, and it has the essentials for the his plan.
I can just say now that their dad is going to be a kickass character. Next episode looks like they are going to show the past of everyone, and it seems that some are more connected than they thought... For example, the Puerto Rican and Scoffield's brother seem to have bumped each other. I always love when those little things happen.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 05:46 PM
damn it, you're all making me regret missing it last night. bad timing, some bullshit had to happen. anyways, i'll download it, but i can't tell which one is whch on the site..:(
Tue, 03-28-2006, 06:10 PM
Well, yesterday's was episode 15... Download that one.
Zidarri the Exile
Tue, 03-28-2006, 07:19 PM
I love this show. It's so kick-ass. I need to start watching it more often, though.
Wed, 03-29-2006, 08:00 PM
holy shit, that was one intense episode. it just keeps getting better and better. yeah, he did fuck up alot with that one part of the map, out of all the parts of the map, it had to be one of the most important part, it's amazing how much pain he had to bare, i was just about to scream just thinking about that burning pipe.
Mon, 04-03-2006, 08:05 PM
Prequel eps really are the best eps. around
The only person that did deserve what they got was T-Bag, everyone else was set up so to speak.
I also liked how Michael got the ideas for the tattoo
Mon, 04-03-2006, 08:15 PM
Yeah, today's episode was great... T-Bag is even more psycho than one would think...
Best moments of the episode:
Sara being a junkie and Fernando stealing 5 bucks only.
Mon, 04-03-2006, 08:31 PM
everyone wasn't that bad of a guy after all.. yeah, except for that psycho..
is it just me or did they forget to show the old geezer? anyways, great episode and next weeks episode looks pretty awesome.
Mon, 04-03-2006, 08:48 PM
Well, they might have forgotten...but we pretty much already know his past and it would've made it pretty hard to recreate someone with his crimes coming when he was much younger.
Man I miss John Abruzzi... he is what made the show for the first couple of episodes.
Tue, 04-04-2006, 09:13 AM
I think it was a good idea to show everyone's motivation, like i didn t expect the black guy to be a decent person. I guess prison and that whole military thing made him bitter. And yea, the Dr. being a dope fiend...i never saw that one coming.
Mon, 04-10-2006, 07:59 PM
Man this show just keeps getting better and better. And Schofield practically mutilating his hand just so he can get into the psych ward was brilliant.
The show's still got it.
Edit: Each episode they seem to keep getting into more and more shit.
Mon, 04-10-2006, 07:59 PM
tonight was one great episode and scotfield's plan was brilliant to go to the psycho for help, only problem seems to be he can't remember him or shit, so that was fucked up. that boy getting caught by the cops isn't helping much either.
and it seems on next weeks episode, it's just going to get even more harder, guessing that they're no longer going to have the pathway from the cell anymore, to make my guess sound worse, they find out where it leads.
Tue, 04-11-2006, 02:44 AM
Man this episode was freaking sweet... I had to turn away from the TV when Scoffield started punching the wall breaking his nuckles, he was completely insane. But as always, he has some ingenious plan. Best part of the episode was when Carlos was caught then he pulled the fag's panties and the police pig started to smell it... what a pig.
Mon, 04-17-2006, 08:12 PM
i must say that the episode today wasn't as great as the other ones, but it was decent. to prevent the guards from knowing about the pathway behind the toilet, they must win in poker, never saw that coming. after the stunt he tried to pull, i'm going to say lincoln's son is stupid. i'm going to predict at the end when that truck hit the van with lincoln, it was no accident, it was planned.
i'm going to guess that next weeks episode is going to take the cake, the mafia guy comes back for revenge probably.(budweineken: i know you're loving that fact) also, this probably changes everything again, there were 5, now there's 6, including the mafia guy. someone has to be cut off, yeah? also, lincoln's making a run for it?
Mon, 04-17-2006, 08:14 PM
Yeah, this was an OK episode...
But judging from next week's episode, it will be easily the best episode yet. Freaking awesome I can't wait for it.
Mon, 04-24-2006, 07:34 PM
Holy crap...
Avocado just got owned.
Tue, 04-25-2006, 08:03 AM
Another great episode. T-Bag is scared shitless, it's funny. I wouldn't have thought that Abruzzi would have something to do with the dude helping Veronica. And it also seems like he wants something with her, maybe use her to get Scoffield to tell him where to find the guy he's looking for is.
Next episode will be awesome, seems like the fuckers are finally going to escape. I wonder where the series will go from here because I certainly don't want it to end after just one season.
Tue, 04-25-2006, 10:11 AM
The things they need to do:
Clear Lincolns name
clear the sons name
expose the cover up
leave the country
kill maybe 2/3 of the bad guys
They can spread that to about 3 seasons, give or take.
Tue, 04-25-2006, 10:28 AM
Too bad i cant see the previews. They escpe next episode? Damn, ill be in the phillipines then...oh well. Anyway, pretty good ep, altho that shit about "the corporation" sounds pretty silly to me. And why would that guy snitch on them like that? It makes no sense. What a little bitch. And Severin looks like he's in with a whole bunch of people...
Tue, 04-25-2006, 11:38 AM
I think that's part of Scoffield's plan somehow. He didn't have a reason to snitch since he had pretty much taken care of his problem earlier.
Thu, 04-27-2006, 04:30 AM
I don't see how that can be good in any way. Because 1.) They wont be able to go back into PI, 2.) they might get thrown into the hole, and 3.) That guard's already pissin vinegar and blood. It looks like they are screwed, unless there is a secret hole somewhere that they convieniently forgot to mention. Also, how is scoffield gonna get into the doctor's office now that she's had the locks changed (although i think he knew what kind of lock it was).??
Fri, 04-28-2006, 07:30 PM
If they escape next Monday, and another season follows after that...
Wouldn't the name 'Prison Break'... uh... not... work?
Sat, 04-29-2006, 11:36 AM
No it will still work, because even after they escape they will still be considered inmates that "broke from prison" so the theme will still be there.
Sun, 04-30-2006, 07:50 AM
i may be a little late this week in watching the episode, but this episode was great.
lincoln's dad finally steps up to the plate, the vice president's brother is still alive, mafia guy comes makes a return, what more could anyone want?
anyways, i believe scotfield felt bad for tweeder, yet at the same time thought about another plan, so i believe it was part of his plan all along, if not, then for a college grad, he's pretty dumb, but i'm sure he's not, so i'm going to believe he has something planned. aw, isn't that just cute, scotfield made a move on sarah? also, it was priceless to see t-bag scared shitless and can anybody say ouch to avacado's loss? another thing, where the hell was the old geezer in this whole episode, besides the beginning?
i couldn't see the preview for the next episode either, so i can't make any huge assumptions, but i trust that it'll be just as great as this one.
Mon, 05-01-2006, 02:59 AM
for the whole episode i kept thinking lincoln's dad will die by a shot from the secret agent guy lol
Mon, 05-01-2006, 11:30 PM
I thought they were going to escape this episode.
What the...! :(
Tue, 05-02-2006, 03:27 AM
pretty much another episode full of nothing. from the previews of next episode they will dfeinitely break out for sure!!!!
Tue, 05-02-2006, 05:01 AM
Freaking previews, always deceiving me... Glad to know that next episode they'll break out for sure.
Tue, 05-02-2006, 07:23 AM
this episode wasn't a complete loss, though the preview seemed much better, bastards getting my hopes up.
this episode was still decent none the less, trunks got it badly, he got what he deserved. in the end, i believe that t-bag and mafia guy are not going to make it, since they'll probably try to get at eachothers throats when they try to escape. scotfield shouldn't have trusted that stupid kid, because of him everything has been changed. also, scotfield threatening the pope to get his brother out was a shocker, i guess their friendship is no more.
Tue, 05-02-2006, 11:10 AM
wow, so I guess the main question here is: Who's getting out?
The only people that I can see who deserves to get out are: Micheal, Lincoln, DB (but he's not going to unfortunately) Sarge., and Sucre.
Abruzi and T-Bag need to fall of a cliff for thier double crossing. But I think from how they were looking at a cliff they'll all fall off.....
Tue, 05-02-2006, 11:51 AM
Just to make it clear, he wasn't threatening the Pope. He was threatening Pope.
Tue, 05-02-2006, 04:57 PM
wow, so I guess the main question here is: Who's getting out?
The only people that I can see who deserves to get out are: Micheal, Lincoln, DB (but he's not going to unfortunately) Sarge., and Sucre.
Abruzi and T-Bag need to fall of a cliff for thier double crossing. But I think from how they were looking at a cliff they'll all fall off.....
well, from the phone call abruzi made with one of his men, we know that there's only going to be 3 seats on that plane, which means out of micheal, lincoln, db, sucre, sarge, abruzi, t-bag, tweeder, and sucre's brother, only 3 of them are going to make it out, 2 if you take away the guaranteed seat for abruzi, meaning more than half are not going to make it, assuming that's seriously the case.
Wed, 05-03-2006, 03:06 AM
wat if they realize the double crossing and kill abruzzi and the pilot becuase one of people in the party knows how to drive a plane tat then will make 4 people and maybe one or 2 can just someone how squeeze in without a seat.
Wed, 05-03-2006, 10:11 AM
Almost forgot the most important part of this episode: Belleck lives with his mother, hahahahahaha :p
Sat, 05-06-2006, 10:26 AM
Not only that, but he has to call her when he arrives at the prison to let her know he got there safely.
Sun, 05-07-2006, 12:00 PM
Thats terrible. No wonder he's such an angry man. But anyway, i didnt expect scoffield to pull out a shank. That's a bit uncalled for...i mean, he mulls the problem over for all those hours, and the best solution is to shank the warden?? Hmm
Mon, 05-08-2006, 07:58 PM
i believe this episode awesome, the suspence was killer.
this episode was great in every way, the way things were executed, everything. it's too bad the old geezer, nor the fat bastard made it. that fat bastard really had to rush things and make that thing break, now he's probably going to get 10 years added to his bid. good news is that they made it out with lincoln, bad news is they're far from freedom.
the preview for the next episode makes it even better. it's not looking good for the vice president next episode, from the looks of it she's going to die, also doesn't look good for scotfield and the others, will they get caught or will they make it out? warden never looked that pissed.
Tue, 05-09-2006, 12:06 AM
I only got to watch half of this episode, but it was still pretty intense.
Season finale next episode. W00t... should be good.
Tue, 05-09-2006, 03:04 AM
i missed it. -.- i fell asleep b4 i could watch it,
also whose fat bastard?
Tue, 05-09-2006, 06:51 AM
also whose fat bastard?
He was some fat guy that somehow got into the escaping group in that last episode. I missed how it happened, though, since I didn't see the whole thing.
Tue, 05-09-2006, 10:14 AM
sucre's cousin, the one who was promised that he can be in the group and escape with them if he helped lincoln get out of sight.
edit: fixed.
Tue, 05-09-2006, 10:17 AM
i thought he was his cousin, not his brother.
Fri, 05-12-2006, 07:58 AM
Can't wait for next Monday, about 3 more days...
When that mob dude killed the lawyer and his dad it was awesome. I feel bad for the guy, but the way it was done was quite good.
Mon, 05-15-2006, 10:59 PM
crazy episode. there is no way they're gonna escape without getting caught. and cant believe they guy on the bike isnt getting caught
Mon, 05-15-2006, 11:09 PM
Good episode...
I'm glad that T-Bag didn't get killed... he still has lots of crazy shit to do next season...
And man, the doctor better be well and alive starting next season, or I'm going to be pissed.
Tue, 05-16-2006, 12:04 AM
That was a good finale.
It's kind of ironic that the guys they ditched (haywire and that kid) are doing better than they are. I laughed when the haywire dude stole that little girl's bike and made sure he was wearing a football helmet before riding off. XD
And T-Bag... yikes. I can't wait for the next season.
Tue, 05-16-2006, 03:18 AM
yea next season will be awesome. and i still cant belive haywire isnt getting caught, especially that he's on the open road lol
Tue, 05-16-2006, 08:07 AM
I almost felt like I got shafted by yesterdays episode. They didn't get away from the cops, the plane left, Dr. Tencreti(sp) looks like she's dead, and now they're going to have to take down the Pres. of the United States(sound familiar 24 fans?)
Well at least when this is all over they'll have 5 million dollars to spend, thanks Westmorland
Tue, 05-16-2006, 11:58 AM
I see no way outta that situation, but then again, the writers have come up with crazier stuff before. And what would be like, totally awesome is T-Bag with a hook on his hand. That would rule.
Sun, 07-30-2006, 07:17 PM
anyone see the preview for the new season? it looks like pretty good stuff.
also, t-bag looks like he's doing well and everyone finally got out of those clothes, but how they got away from those cops at the last episode of the last season is beyond me. you telling me a whole field full of cops can't do anything?!
Thu, 08-10-2006, 07:19 PM
Yeah, I saw the promo... pretty good stuff. The lead FBI investigator is the lead from Invasion, which is sad since this probably gives that show no chance of being uncancelled. Seems like Sara might still be alive, but in bad shape, which is some good news. She was pretty much the only eye-candy the show had. Didn't see anything about Veronica, I wonder if something happened to her.
Thu, 08-10-2006, 07:39 PM
i thought that guy looked somewhat familiar. from the preview, he looked like a very huge threat, something about him makes him look like he'll shoot someone on sight without questioning him. but the thing that bothered me the most was that i didn't see sucre, abruzzi, or franklyn. also, i have a feeling veronica didn't get off the hook that easily when she entered that mansion.
Thu, 08-10-2006, 08:23 PM
Don't know if you watched that promo, but at least when the FBI dude talks about the 8 most wanted men in America, there's a picture of Abruzzi. Also, in that promo Sucre is seen.
Thu, 08-10-2006, 10:32 PM
i saw a different promo and it'd be the first time for me watching that one, also it seems that all of them split up or so it seems. guess if they walked around together it'd be like asking the feds to come and pick them up.
Fri, 08-11-2006, 02:49 PM
I hope they can execute this season correctly, by separating them they'll probably be juggling around with at least 5 different storylines. Hopefully all characters will get decent exposure.
Fri, 08-11-2006, 03:14 PM
They can use half of an ep. to show one character, then the other half to show others.
They can make it work(they do it with lost all the time)
Sat, 08-19-2006, 12:48 AM
Just thought I'd remind you guys that Prison Break's second season starts in 2 days, Monday, August 21... Don't miss it. Also Vanished starts on that day too, it might be worth watching, seems like it will be a good show, the main character was President Logan's assistant in 24, you know the dude who was full of shit.
Sun, 08-20-2006, 12:39 PM
1 day left before the start of something awesome!
also, it's not much, but i thought you'd all might want to see a small clip involving t-bag in the new season. i thought it was sorta cool seeing t-bag a bit earlier than usual, but eh?
Mon, 08-21-2006, 07:02 PM
And so it starts, it's been a while since I've been exited for a season premiere.
Mon, 08-21-2006, 07:09 PM
Haha that was awesome, Belleck got owned.
Mon, 08-21-2006, 08:14 PM
as expected of the new season and of this series, the start of this season was beyond great.
though, many things made me go "what the fuck?!" and "now it makes sense!". that new agent is as expected, very good and scary. the doctor lives, that's a plus. i never knew michael had more things drawn on his body other then the blue prints to the prison, though, at first, i thought michael was stupid for leaving a paper trail, but then realized most of it was to throw them off, but unlike belleck and the other cops, that agent saw right through most of it. i think he's awesome and can't wait to see how much his character progresses through out the season. now, to the main thing that i really can't forget, veronica's death. for me, it seemed it was too soon for her to die, but i guess it would've been too easy if the president's brother caved in.
next week, it seems tweeder is heading straight for the money and lincoln's son is being saved by none other than lincoln and michael. also, can't forget that one of the best will be there, that agent.
Mon, 08-21-2006, 08:15 PM
Spoilers for season premiere:
Freaking awesome episode... I didn't like Veronica very much, so I'm fine with her death, but the way it was executed was freaking awesome. I loved the premiere a lot, much better than what I expected. I just hope they stop showing shots of Michael running, he looks gay, kinda like Steven Seagal when he ran.
Mon, 08-28-2006, 08:20 PM
what do you know? another great episode. everyone splits up, pope and belleck lose their jobs, people racing to utah to get the money, lincoln's leg wounded as the cops close in, it doesn't get any better than that.
the preview for the next episode looks awesome, though i'm more curious to who's going to die.
Tue, 09-05-2006, 03:16 PM
Episode 3 was pretty good.
The return of Nika (Holly Valance), that's just enough to make it my favorite episode so far.
"Hi, my name is Lance, and I'm an addict." He really plays that character well.
Just saw the previews for the next episode:
Looks great, especially T-Bag meeting Danielle.
Wed, 09-06-2006, 05:45 PM
Guys, how good was season 2? it just started in my country >_>
Tue, 09-12-2006, 09:23 AM
poor john, he won't be forgotten. "i only kneel to god, but i don't see him here.." is a line that won't be forgotten. in the beginning i thought it would either be franklyn or apolskis, but guess i was horribly wrong. let's us not forget the eye candy nika, hopefully it won't be her last appearence, though it seems most likely that it is.
and then there were seven..
Fri, 09-15-2006, 03:58 PM
I've just watched all episode's in the last 4 days DAMN this serie is good..
I think that the fbi agent got the same "skill" as Michael Scofield..
And is the thing with the hand of T-bag even possible? after 24 hours?
Btw why don't the 2 brothers got the same surname?
Fri, 09-15-2006, 05:41 PM
If I remember correctly it had something to do with one of the brother's using his mother surname or some shit.
Mon, 09-18-2006, 08:49 PM
Another awesome episode tonight.
Looks like the whole gang is going to get together once again. I for some reason think that the convict that is always haunting the FBI agent was actually killed by him, for some reason I got that impression when he was staring at the bird water shit. That maybe the convict is buried under there.
Wed, 09-20-2006, 12:01 AM
it was an awesome episode. the reunion between the gang should be interesting, but you just know there's going to be more backstabbing in the end.
just out of curiousity, does anyone know if this series is going to end after a few episodes or is just going to be the end of this season? because i just feel like it's drawing near to the end with how things are going.
Wed, 09-20-2006, 12:25 AM
because i just feel like it's drawing near to the end with how things are going.
This has always been the trademark of Prison Break. They'll figure something out to make it longer.
Wed, 09-20-2006, 08:11 AM
Good ol'Prison Break, when they run out of ideas they add a plot device to make the series run longer :p
Thu, 09-21-2006, 06:36 PM
This has always been the trademark of Prison Break. They'll figure something out to make it longer.
as long as they don't do it half assed which i doubt they'll do, i won't complain.
Mon, 10-02-2006, 08:02 PM
Today's episode was awesome....
I for some reason think that the convict that is always haunting the FBI agent was actually killed by him, for some reason I got that impression when he was staring at the bird water shit.
Mon, 10-09-2006, 01:27 AM
Humm no one watched last weeks episode?
Anyways, just so you guys know there won't be any more episodes ''til Oct. 23.... blame MLB Playoffs.
Mon, 10-09-2006, 01:58 AM
that shit was crazy...fbi guy is a freaking psycho. i wonder how theyll get the money away, now tht sucret has flipped...
Mon, 10-09-2006, 02:22 AM
I think that this is all Scoffield's plan. I think they don't want any of the money to go to T-Bag, so when he was babysitting, they all made a plan.
Mon, 10-09-2006, 08:59 AM
Well from the preview they showed, it looked like C-note was nowhere near Schfield when he finally caught up to Sucre.
So me thinks we're about to lose another chracter after already being involved in almost the entirety of the show.
Mon, 10-09-2006, 01:25 PM
I don’t think Michael is behind all this but what is Sucre thinking.
Michael has been losing my respect since he came out of prison. Its not in his hands anymore. In prison he was always two steps ahead of everyone. He seemed in control of every situation but in the outside world there are too many variable to handle.
Mon, 10-23-2006, 03:37 AM
Well he went in to prison with a plan, a plan that didn't involve most of the variables he has had to deal with after he escaped. AJ in prison for one, so I won't be too hard on him. But yeah, it seems like he's not as in control as he used to. Hopefull in the next couple of episodes we'll see a change in that.
Anyways, Prison Break returns tonight. Don't miss it.
Mon, 10-23-2006, 11:57 PM
Just watched tonight's episode it was pretty good. Some good character development this episode like what happens with the money and that Michael and Sucre had it all planned out but outsmarted by T-Bag, Lincoln reunites with his son, Sarah runs for her life almost being killed, Sucre stuck under a log and Michael saving him their test of friendship, and finally a big revelation on Mahone to wrap up the episode.
Tue, 10-31-2006, 01:12 AM
Season 2 Episode 9 :
Anyone been watching this was another exciting and amazing episode really looking forward to next Monday. Yes really nice episode one my favourites so far of the second season. Michael talks to Mahone's ex-wife and finds out more about Mahone and his secret about Shales now we all know why he stared at the bird bath. Michael gives Mahone an unexpected call and tells him to back off and let his family go or he will spill the secret. C-Note gets help from his gang and reunites with his wife and daughter, T-Bag hides money then goes to his old girlfriend's house but house is for sale no one is there then Bellick and his friend comes and knocks him out asking where the money is, Sarah finally cracks the code and know where to meet Michael, and finally Lincoln and LJ being caught!
Can't believe Lincoln and LJ got caught! wow I wonder whats gonna happen will Michael have to come and save them again? I think Michael will find a way somehow again to get them loose. Prison Break is just great getting better and better exciting.
Tue, 10-31-2006, 03:31 AM
this was another intense episode.
you've basically said all the good things about this episode. also, it'd be fucked up if michael has to break lincoln out again. talk about going back to square one.
Tue, 10-31-2006, 04:04 AM
Yeah I agree will be fucked up if he had to go break him out again but I doubt that will happen there is no way I think he can break him out again if he goes back to prison and I think they might use Lincoln as bait to lure Michael out or they might just kill Lincoln. Michael could somehow find a way to save him because thats the whole purpose for him maybe Michael will threaten Mahone and tell him to free them or something or possibly Lincoln finds a way to escape with his son.
Tue, 10-31-2006, 06:16 PM
I liked this episode a lot. So far the best episode of season 2. Also, Michael planning to get something out of Mahone’s wife was brilliant. I like it when he schemes and plan things. You could see the little cogs turning inside his head through his eyes when he was looking at the suit in the store.
I wasn’t expecting such a big rescue operation from C-Note.
T-bag and Licoln were caught. Wtf. So many twists.
Also, I am worried about Sarah man. Will she make it?
Tue, 10-31-2006, 09:14 PM
Hmmz Lincoln caught again... are we going at season 3 ???
Fri, 11-03-2006, 06:30 PM
The second season isn't even near over. There's still like 20 more weeks. :D I liked how they both got arrested again. That was a shocker. The doctor worries me. I'm going to be MAD if she dies. Lately it's been like a death per episode or so. Maybe The Crack Head (can you tell I forgot everyone's name? XD) will pull some strings to let those guys out of jail again.
Fri, 11-03-2006, 06:40 PM
Or maybe his father comes back and save's the day... who knows?..
Fri, 11-03-2006, 06:59 PM
Lately it's been like a death per episode or so.
The plan is to kill everyone. Remember the agent telling Mahone that he has to kill everyone. Now the race is to save your ass, get the hell out, and go to Mexico, Michael still has to clear his brother’s name. So we are looking at another season definitely.
Fri, 11-03-2006, 10:33 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if there was one. But all of that can really happen in like 10 episodes.
They aren't going to do this, but if I was that FBI guy, I would just save myself some time by shooting Lincoln in the face and running away as soon as I had the chance. (Like um now since he's already been caught...).Hey, I work for the government, they could cover for me.
Am I the only one who found LJ and Lincolns talk awkward? I know it was too lighten the mood.. but... grody.
Sat, 11-04-2006, 01:05 AM
Prison Break Monday, November 27, 8:00 p.m.
Prison Break cuts its sophomore season in two when it airs a "fall finale" on November 27. The season will resume in early 2007.
Sat, 11-04-2006, 07:45 AM
Wowwww! Fall seasons. I didn't know they did those! o_O!! Why? Is it because they ran out of plot or something?
Mon, 11-06-2006, 09:02 PM
it's a shame that sarah is still blinded by the truth. perhaps, sarah and michael were never meant to be, and her getting caught just makes it even more fucked up. t-bag deserves to be killed, but i guess we'll have to settle for getting caught. lincoln's dad coming to help? it's about time he made his appearence once again.
the preview seemed awesome. i guess it's time for them to finish this season up with a bang! "sarah is the key to all this..," what the hell does this mean?!
Thu, 11-09-2006, 09:46 AM
Or maybe his father comes back and save's the day... who knows?..
How did you know?
Yeah, Aldo Burrows is a big anomaly and a plot device.
Sarah is not wanted. Is she?
So Sucre is going to Mexico and everybody else is heading up there. Whats going to happen to the money.
What now?
Thu, 11-09-2006, 10:11 AM
Sarah is suspected for killing her father(which we all know she isn't).
And now we get to the big part where the bad guys start to die...or is it the other way around?
Fri, 11-10-2006, 07:50 AM
How did you know?
I've got super ultra whicked omega mega pwrZ..
Thu, 11-16-2006, 08:02 PM
I think the Agent has a thing for Sarah. Who is going to save her?
The Chinese guy looked upset when Lincoln told him that he is going to coke him with his bare hands.
Are they going to fly out without the money?
Thu, 11-16-2006, 08:08 PM
I think the Agent has a thing for Sarah. Who is going to save her?
The Chinese guy looked upset when Lincoln told him that he is going to coke him with his bare hands.
Are they going to fly out without the money?
From the previews, it seems like someone knocks on the door wondering about a problem with the pipes or something. Don't know how that will save Sarah though.
As for the Chinese guy, yeah that was awesome... "Yeah? Well you don't know who I am." And then quickly hangs up scared shitless.
Tue, 11-21-2006, 04:33 PM
What a cliffhanger. I know Michael will think of something.
Sucre is going to be killed.
What happened to that mental guy? Wasn’t he going to Holland or something?
Wed, 11-22-2006, 01:16 AM
this episode was pretty intense and felt the death of the dad was too soon and a bit depressing.
michael will think of something? the dad, nika, and sucre are no longer around to help them out of the jam, so who's going to come and save the day?
if there's anything that i learned from prison break, it's to not get too attached to the characters, because everyone is a potential death target. doubt sucre will go down that easily, though.
i'm sure that mental guy will show up again either next episode or the next season, though i question the value of his character for it to even matter.
one episode left before the season ends? god damn it..
Wed, 11-22-2006, 03:21 AM
Some good news I read yesterday:
Fox announced it will bring Prison Break back from a scheduled hiatus earlier than expected. The show, which airs a midseason "finale" next week, was originally slated to return in March, as it did last year. Now, the network says it will bring the show back on January 29.
Fox will air the remaining nine episodes of Prison Break without repeats, and then slide a new show into the time slot in April, according to Variety. This will give Fox a powerful kickoff to 2007, with Break, 24, and American Idol all returning in the month.
Wed, 11-22-2006, 03:35 AM
only 9 episodes left? it felt like it was only yesterday when prison break just started. guess they have to draw the line somewhere, but you just wonder how the time flew by so fast.
Wed, 11-22-2006, 12:46 PM
michael will think of something? the dad, nika, and sucre are no longer around to help them out of the jam, so who's going to come and save the day?
I think he will do (or has already done) something with the phone. It will blow up or something.
Mon, 11-27-2006, 09:16 PM
Just watched tonight's midseason finale and it was great. T-Bag is just sick as usual killing the postal woman and then meeting back with his old girlfriend. We got to see Sucre still alive and heh Bellick getting put in the same cell as that Big guy lol. I thought Sarah was going to kill herself or something when it showed the scene with her in the washroom and wow Michael and Lincoln being saved by Kellerman nice twist.
Can't wait till January again!
Tue, 11-28-2006, 12:03 AM
kellermen as an ally? does anyone else see something wrong with this picture?
it's about time, belleck got what he deserved, but wonder if he still serves a purpose? he's in prison, shouldn't that be the end for him? mahone, dead or just injured?
anyways, season was awesome as expected. round 3 starts janurary as bud said, so i guess this thread is going into a temporary coma until then.
Sat, 01-20-2007, 12:43 AM
Along with Heroes, Prison Break will be back on Monday so don't forget!
Sun, 01-21-2007, 03:25 PM
Wow... That was a short season break.
Tue, 01-23-2007, 06:19 PM
Whow i forgot how great prison break was. The guy in prison is FUCKED. I like that. What i didn't really like was that the guy commited suicide :S. Don't really know where this is going to though. The only guess i can take is that mahome allies with the brothers.
(damn i suck with names >.<)
Tue, 01-23-2007, 07:10 PM
This was a cool episode indeed, and once again Scoffield has been shown to be useless and a pussy. I hope that by the end of the season we see him regain his former genius self, or we see him hit rock bottom while in season 3 we see a great comeback. In any instance, he needs to become badass once again one way or the other.
Wed, 01-24-2007, 02:35 AM
I'm glad we are seeing more of the prison and Bellick is finally getting his comeuppance.
Tue, 01-30-2007, 05:00 PM
That was by far the most lamest escape i have ever seen.. :S 'The rest was ok though. I also think kellerman won't do what the president sais he is too smart for that...
Tue, 01-30-2007, 05:07 PM
you forget the fact that kellerman probably has a soft side, when it comes down with the president. i feel like he's going to betray them for that reason. kellerman and the president go way back, remember that.
i agree, that the escape was poorly executed, but i still have faith that they'll get back on their feet. it's good to see sucre again, one of the characters that i don't want to see dead.
Tue, 01-30-2007, 05:40 PM
And yet you know one way or another he'll probably die; This show has a knack for killing off characters that are actually good(Veronica) and leaving the really stupid ones alive(Haywire).
Kellerman to me seems that kind of guy that once he gets betrayed he gets payback one way or another. He'll probably set up a plan to bring the too in but betray everyone and shoot the president.
Tue, 02-06-2007, 01:11 AM
About tonight's episode:
well, haywire just died
Tue, 02-06-2007, 07:53 AM
Well last week's episode was awesome. Scoffield seemed to be back on his game which is nice, and I really liked how they tried to fool everyone with through the news video.
This week's episode was OK, nice to see Sara and Kellerman meet once again.
Wed, 02-07-2007, 09:58 PM
i really didn't see how haywire was a threat, though i'm glad that they killed him off. bill kim probably didn't factor in the fact that he's retarded.
Wed, 02-07-2007, 10:37 PM
Anyone who's had contact with Scoffield and his brother are potential threats, they've got no need to find out if they can simply eliminate them.
Fri, 02-09-2007, 12:50 AM
Ah, I love it when a group of people come to help one person. I practically cried just now. It was awesome in Spiderman too.
Fri, 02-09-2007, 10:52 PM
what part are you talking about?
Thu, 02-22-2007, 09:08 AM
You know what I found really stupid in episode 17.
Why the hell didn't Kellerman shoot Kim!?
I would've taken out that guy straight away.
They kill people in this show without second thought, but not Kim!?
Thu, 02-22-2007, 06:54 PM
that'd be too easy to kill off one of the main villians from the show. besides, kellerman probably thought that spending one more second at the scene would be another second for the cops to get closer and catch him.
Sun, 02-25-2007, 09:32 PM
Kellerman knows he's going to die, he said so himself with his talk with Lincoln, but Kim would be one of the guys I must kill from Kellerman's perspective, well if I was in his situation.
Tue, 02-27-2007, 12:46 PM
Man, yesterday's episode was freaking awesome... and it ended in a cliffhanger.
So Kellerman is about to kill the only person that can save Burrows, can't wait to see the next episode.
Kinda sad of how Franklin ended up, he was a cool character. T-Bag is insane as always, and now with the pig in the same airplane, I wonder what will happen.
Tue, 02-27-2007, 08:41 PM
as much as i'm hoping the people of this show to let franklin live, it's probably not going to happen. even though, the show is known to suprise the audience. with not that many episodes left, there's probably no point in letting him live and dragging his story any further.
belleck doesn't know t-bag has the money, nor the fact that he framed him, but doesn't mean he won't try to catch him for the reward money. i have a feeling t-bag isn't going to see the money again.
Tue, 02-27-2007, 08:44 PM
I'm pretty sure he knows T-Bag has the money, especially when the guy that double-crossed him and stole the money was killed by T-Bag, I'm pretty sure he knows that much.
Tue, 02-27-2007, 10:46 PM
With all the prisoners dying, i wonder what they will have left for season 3?? And it kinda sucks that C-note is probably going to die for no reason. His life just sucked...I mean, he was framed and kicked out of the army, then arrested for driving a mysterious truck. Well, that is one thing i like about the show, that even if u try to do the right thing, sometimes u still get screwed over.
Wed, 02-28-2007, 04:44 AM
Nice episode, Mahone is right on them now.
I never really liked Franklin, I thought he was an idiot the entire series, I've been wondering when he's going to die. Just like Lincoln, he annoys me to no end "MICHAEL!!!!!" screaming out stupid shit all the time, he should just yell "HEY, I'M RIGHT HERE! COME GET ME!!!"
Yeah, I thought it very weird putting them on the same flight, but I wonder how it's going to go down, him not getting noticed would go down to easy, but who will notice who first.
Well, I think Lincoln will be one to go, well I hope so, Franklin should be dead by the next episode. At this point, I think the only ones that'll live are Michael and T-Bag (well hoping on the latter).
Tue, 03-06-2007, 03:42 AM
Well, that was certainly suprised also, that no one posted about the new ep. There are two things that trouble me though; one being that lady FBI agent. There's something about her that rubs me the wrong way. She's kind of a prick,...And 2, I thought that the president is allowed to make pardons once leaving office. Or is that only if they've completed their previous term successfully (and i can see how u might say she has no incentive, since shes not the president anymore; but thats still really embarasing...and yucky).
Tue, 03-06-2007, 10:47 AM
Just finished watching episode 19.
I didn't think the pardon would come so easily, but I was thinking something differently to what was going to happen, at first I thought Kellerman was going to be the one to stop her before she said anything, but he took off. I agree about the lady FBI agent also rockmanj, she could be up to something, but most of the time she does things that would make her not suspicious as well, like with the phone call from Franklin, giving it to the other FBI agent (although, if she didn't it would make her look like she's upto something to us which the makers don't want I suppose). Now, that FBI agent is talking to Franklin about Mahone, which seems he might be in some trouble with Internal Affairs, who were involved earlier with Mahone.
Things seem to be on the low for T-Bag at the time, it looks like my last reply on him being able to survive have taken a step for the worse, I was kind of hoping that he would escape for now (or ever) but nothing is that easy in this series.
Did you watch the preview? Some interesting things happen there.
3 episodes to go for this season, and next episode is aired March 19th. Dammit.
Tue, 03-06-2007, 11:10 AM
Well, that was certainly suprised also, that no one posted about the new ep. There are two things that trouble me though; one being that lady FBI agent. There's something about her that rubs me the wrong way. She's kind of a prick,...And 2, I thought that the president is allowed to make pardons once leaving office. Or is that only if they've completed their previous term successfully (and i can see how u might say she has no incentive, since shes not the president anymore; but thats still really embarasing...and yucky).
As far as I understand it, Presidents can only pardon while in office. Though, they usually mass pardon at the end of their term, and it seems like it's usually their last act while in office.
Tue, 03-06-2007, 11:31 AM
ahh, yea that's right; otherwise, gerald ford wouldnt have needed to pardon nixon
Thu, 03-15-2007, 11:32 AM
Anyone knows why there wasn't a Prison Break this week? I didn't know it wasn't going to air, and I was really looking forward to see T-Bag and Sucre go at it.
Thu, 03-15-2007, 12:36 PM
Probably to stretch out the rest of the season, because there are only like 5 episodes left.
Tue, 03-20-2007, 11:20 AM
Did anyone catch episode 20? Looks like the big showdown between Mahone and Scoffield is coming up, C-Note goes free (like he should), and what about all those sexy hookers?? Great episode, in my book.
Tue, 03-20-2007, 02:20 PM
i was kinda surprised to see that people on here watch prison break haha.. i think im on S02E15 or 16 think its a really good show... some of the cliff hangers are alot better than recent 24 cliff hangers.
*i noted that Belick was somehow convicted of murdering the other C/O and sent to fox river in a matter of 1-2 days LOL.... it is a tv show though... any criminal case takes months and months to be done with, especially murder. i do love how the t-bag thing fell together to put bellick in jail.. im waiting for him to get what he deserves.
Tue, 03-20-2007, 03:41 PM
so i go to a buddy's house last night to watch 24. and i get there about 30 early to have some beers and hang out. then around 845 they tell me that they're watching Prison Break first, the TiVoed episode that was on last night
probably not the best episode to start on... i thought the show had some interesting aspects to it, though i imagine the actual prison breakout was much better than this season. I really liked how the black guy got away. Michael's brother seems like a douche.
suppose i need to go and watch it properly from the first season now...
Wed, 03-21-2007, 11:40 PM
Not the best of episodes but still ok. I've never really liked Michael's brother, Lincoln and wished that he would be one of the ones that get killed, as I'm sick of his constant screaming "MICHAEL!" "HEY COMPANY! I'M HERE COME AND GET ME!" "Did I say that out loud?"
Mahone seems to be getting by just, and he's nearly up. Let's see if he finally helps Michael in the end, which he probably will.
Franklin is another character I've never really liked, and wished he had an early demise, but it didn't come and seems like he'll be one of the characters that gets away from everything, or wonder for how long.
I wonder if they'll be making a season three, there are a couple of things I can think of that could happen, but I don't know if I could make it very interesting for another 22 episodes.
Wed, 03-21-2007, 11:41 PM
Season 3 confirmed:;title;0
Don't read it, might contain possible spoilers, but take my words for it.
Sun, 03-25-2007, 11:35 AM
I had a feeling something like that was going to happen, because it didn't seem like they could finish everything within the next couple of episodes. I'd doubt whatever ending they tried to use for this season, wouldn't cut it with the people who watch.
Wed, 03-28-2007, 08:49 AM
Just watched the last two aired episodes, man what amazing episodes they were. T-Bag is awesome, it's surprising how he had made it this far with only one hand. When he killed the hooker it was great, as well as that entire scene. I like Agent Kellerman finally atonening for his sins and testifying on behalf of Sara, it was also kinda cool that story he gave about his gun jamming up.
So, Franklin has a new identity and under witness protection... wonder how far that'll go. Bellick is fucked, and that fucking Puerto Rican is a disgrace, he's a pussy... fucking keep your eye on T-Bag! I hope he dies for his stupidity and Link steals his girlfriend.
Now, the best for last. Finally Scoffield grew some balls. When he stabbed T-Bag's right arm was both awesome and cruel. It was awesome seeing T-Bag crying like a little bitch and very pathetic since he couldn't pull the knife out with his fake hand.
Wed, 03-28-2007, 09:36 AM
A good episode, Sucre the idiot can't keep his eye on T-Bag, I'd be tapping that bastard to the floor, and damn can he handle some pain. He's had so much done to him, and is still alive. He chopped off, then re-attached, then taken off again, stabbed in the other hand, and he's still going. Now, he's been caught but he still isn't dead, probably wont see any more of him this season, probably make a suprise visit next one.
I hope Mahone kills Lincoln, it would be the greatest ending for the season, I just hate him so much and wished he would die. Now, it's a showdown between the two smartest guys in the show.
It's good to see Kellerman back, I don't mind this guy, he just does what needs to be done, or was ordered to, and he's quite the decorated soldier, and he went to commit suicide the pussy.
Thu, 03-29-2007, 01:59 PM
I wonder how much will Kellerman expose and if he'll manage to do it... I bet he gets silenced one way or the other before he does some real damage. Hopefully whatever he has to say it'll be enough to free Sara.
Tue, 04-03-2007, 05:28 AM
How fucked up was the season finale?
I liked everything about it, especially the way it ended. So we're back to the the show's roots, back to prison... and that Sona looks like an incredible setting for next season. Scoffield has to be scared shitless at this moment. Hopefully he, the fbi guy, and Bellick plan something together to escape, sadly T-Bag will probably not get as much love to be included in the plan, though he always finds a way... he's just as crafty as anyone in the show.
Tue, 04-03-2007, 01:15 PM
The end really got me.. i didn't see them pulling it into a third season nor had i read about one. I really liked the way kellerman went out though, thought that was cool how much his charactor evolves.. dont like him.. hate him.. despise him.. sympathize with him.. respect him.
Cant wait for the next season.. btw.... are they going to go back and fish that money out of the water?!
Tue, 04-03-2007, 01:32 PM
Yes they will, plenty of episode will pass till the audience forgets about the money... and then bam, Scoffield says "Let's go get the money and build our own little country".
Thu, 07-19-2007, 12:26 PM
They're filming ! well.. yeah i know its kind of a given.... but just now i saw the production crew for prison break here in dallas. They had all the cameras set up, did not see any of the cast :( i would go to be an on-looker/ possible extra if i didn't have to work right now. Cant wait for the next season though.
Thu, 07-19-2007, 05:04 PM
They're still filming? I hope there's no delays for the fall, because I'm dying to know what happens.
They left us at a dead end with Michael, Sucre, and T-Bag. Plus, Belleck and Mahone ending up in the same prison as Michael is something seriously unexpected. It's a shame Bill Kim didn't survive to see the next season, he was one of the best bad guys in the series.
From the looks of it, Franklyn's story has ended and doesn't look like he's coming back in the next season for any reason at all. Not only that, I've been seeing him on other series as well while I was channel surfing, which makes me believe highly that he's definitely not coming back.
Mon, 08-20-2007, 10:20 PM
The promo looks awesome.
Promo for Season 3 (
Prison Break returns on September 17 on FOX. An all new season where Michael Scolfield will try to escape from Sona. FOX just released a new promo with images from the upcoming season starting this fall. Enjoy it!
Wed, 08-22-2007, 09:13 PM
Looks great, but I can't envision Michael winning a one-on-one fight. That prison looks like hell.
Wed, 08-22-2007, 09:37 PM
How hard can it be to break out of a prison with no guards? Apparently, those people there don't want to break out for some odd reason.
Belleck seemed like he was suffering the most out of them all. Hopefully, he gets what's coming to him.
The scenario would've been better suited for Lincoln, rather than Michael.
Thu, 08-23-2007, 12:23 AM
I don't know... I sort of stopped watching mid-second season, but the third season just looks ridiculous.
I doubt I'll be watching any time soon.
Thu, 08-23-2007, 06:01 AM
I was invited to meet Robert Kneppler last week (GF's dad does work on his house) but i'm not really trying to meet any 'celebrities'
ZOMG! less than a month away?!!
I cant wait for season 3 ^^
Mon, 09-10-2007, 03:42 PM
It doesn't look too bad.
Clips of the first episode of the new season.
(Contains spoilers, click at your own risk..)
Part 1:
Part 2:
7 days until the season premiere of Prison Break.
Mon, 09-10-2007, 04:26 PM
7 days! !!! it is creeping up... it still seems to me like it is a long ways off, but wow.. next week! i had found a 15-20 minute clip of the first ep and the plot seems ok, it will be interesting to see how they come together. they didn't show t-bag at all in the clip i watched so maybe they are saving him for a little later. I saw them set up again here in dallas maybe 2 weeks ago(didn't see any actors, only the production crew w\ cameras and chairs and what not)
Tue, 09-18-2007, 04:06 PM
First episode is out if you guys didn't know, get it from your favourite places.
Tue, 09-18-2007, 04:15 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I'm liking it so far. I don't know if breaking out from the Prison is going to take the whole season, but I like the situation there. Hopefully there'll be more deathfights in the future. And Link should get in there too.
Tue, 09-18-2007, 11:37 PM
I don't know how they got Lincoln's kid, because he should've been save with the organization.
I say it's impossible to break out of that hell hole within a weeks time. Michael doesn't have blue prints of that place to help him this time and doesn't even know his surroundings. I have a feeling Michael and Mahone will be working together for this one, though. Mahone probably thinks that Michael is his only chance out of there.
I'm loving this season already.
Wed, 09-19-2007, 08:54 PM
I thought it was a great first ep! i especially liked how it ended... i'm curious about the note bellick gave michael and the guy he was fighting, who he is.
Thu, 09-20-2007, 06:53 AM
I don't know how they got Lincoln's kid, because he should've been save with the organization.
I say it's impossible to break out of that hell hole within a weeks time. Michael doesn't have blue prints of that place to help him this time and doesn't even know his surroundings. I have a feeling Michael and Mahone will be working together for this one, though. Mahone probably thinks that Michael is his only chance out of there.
I'm loving this season already.
I don't think he'll do it within a week, but I think it's doable. The main reason is that there's nothing stoping him from exploring the prison; there are no guards. Breaking out should be easy, it's avoiding the perimeter guards which should prove difficult, so I don't think him not having the blueprints it's a really big deal.
Fri, 09-21-2007, 12:33 AM
Sure, there's no guards and all, but I'm pretty sure that guy would sniff out any suspicious acts going on in his place. He'd probably try to do anything to stop him from breaking out or kill him in the process.
Fri, 09-21-2007, 01:52 AM
I'm really liking the Mahone-Scoffield team, although i thought Mahone was pretty smart himself. It seems he might be demoted to just 'muscle' or something. I think if they put their brains together, they could accomplish something. But man, does /Linc fail or what? He just seems so impotent for some reason, like he cant do anything himself.
Mon, 09-24-2007, 12:30 PM
This just in...
Prisonbreak owes me $1.50...
They are filming here in dallas again today and had a dallas police truck and one of their trailers blocking all of the meters i usually park at, i was forced into another parking lot for the day.
anyhow, cant wait for tonights ep ^^
Mon, 09-24-2007, 08:22 PM
The episode for this week seemed alright, nothing great happened.
I was hoping for another huge prison riot like they did in season 1, but it didn't happen. The issue was resolved rather quickly than expected. I didn't expect Michael to pull off something that great with some alcohol and some matches. The conversation between Sucre and his girl was rather touching, didn't think it'd end like that. I guess Mahone and Michael aren't going to work together after all.
I'm hoping something really huge happens next episode.
Tue, 09-25-2007, 12:41 PM
What I like about this season so far is that Michael is back to the way he was the first season instead of the weakass douchbag that he became in the second season. He's kicking a bit of more ass this time around.
Tue, 09-25-2007, 01:25 PM
You know... i was hoping he was going to kill that guy in the first ep. But I realise that they want to keep him the innocent charactor he's always been and not let him turn like that. I don't like the t-bag angle a whole lot either.
Tue, 10-02-2007, 10:28 PM
hmmm its getting kinda interesting.
whats in the box ?!!
Wed, 10-03-2007, 12:03 AM
I'd like to put money on the possibility that it might be either L. J. or Sarah's arm, and the reason is to make sure Lincoln gets the message that they're not fucking around.
Wed, 10-03-2007, 12:05 AM
I thought it would be obvious that Sara's head is inside, but I hope not. They surely made a huge effort to conceal Sara in the episode, which I assume it was because the actress wasn't available. So why wasn't she available? She's done with the show? Her character is being killed off? I don't know, but I surely hope it's not her... I think the show is steering us that way on purpose, but in the end it wont be her. Let's wait and see.
She just had a baby and may very well be on maternity leave. She's one of the few female presences in the show, they won't write her off.
Wed, 10-03-2007, 03:11 AM
I think it's Whistler's girlfriends head, that was my first reaction, coz I thought that they wouldn't kill off Sarah or LJ.
Wed, 10-03-2007, 03:32 AM
Well, I'm pretty sure I saw Whistler's girlfriend in the previews, so she should be alive.
Sat, 10-06-2007, 07:03 AM
Ow jezus it's sara's and L.J's hair ofcourse...
Mon, 10-08-2007, 12:10 AM
sara's foot for kicking the shoe of to break the window :P.
Tue, 10-09-2007, 12:39 AM
Episode 4: 2e5b93a469c94
About the episode:
This was a very good episode... the contents of the box are revealed, and as I thought, it's indeed Sara's head. I like of Scoffield is running circles around everyone, lying has become so natural to him. Belick being burned with hot coffee was pretty cool, and T-Bag "climbing up the ladder" as always. Mahone found a new source for his addiction and he also found a very nifty blade, Scoffield needs to get one of those. Sucre finally starts doing something, he was starting to piss me off with his whole girly act... it was pathetic.
Tue, 10-09-2007, 03:36 AM
Another nice episode, and I had no hope for this season.
Michael is an awesome character, so cunning, smart and plans so well. His tricks never cease too amaze me. People are always like "What the fuck is this guy up to?"
Sucre makes his move finally, the Sarah thing must have pushed him over to join at this point. Lincoln not telling Michael is all good now, I think if he told him while he's in prison he wouldn't really want to go through with the plan. I think he would go through with it, but Whistler wouldn't make it to them or something like that, he would just need to get LJ back.
I'm glad Mahone and T-Bag are still here, they are awesome characters. Mahone and his addiction and him starting to see the loopy guy (forgot his name) and trying to push him over the edge. What's up with T-Bag giving Mahone drugs, he probably thinks that the only way to get into what Michael is doing, is to get in good with Mahone, and that would try and make Mahone a little bit more normal.
Can't wait for next week.
Tue, 10-09-2007, 10:02 AM
I know i probably shouldn't, but i am really liking Mahone's character so far. I can't put my finger on it, but the actor is doing a good job with him.
Tue, 10-09-2007, 10:28 AM
Well that was stupid, what was the point of bringing Sara back this season if they were just going to put her head in a box?
Was it just to show that the company had nice packaging methods? Good episode otherwise.
Thu, 10-25-2007, 12:58 AM
Well, Prison Break finally returned last Monday. Very good episode. Some random Aussie came into the prison, and we've finally reached the point where Michael has to break out of prison, which should be next episode. For a moment I thought that Lincoln was going to get it on with Sofia.
Next week, there's no episode, but in 2 weeks there will be a 2 hour event and Michael is going to make his move. The previews look awesome, and as always, we should expect some kind of twist, wonder what it will be this time.
As to why Sara was killed off, here's a good interview explaining what happened; a contract dispute:
I'm still hoping it was all a ruse, even the interviews... but it was a shame she had to go down this way. I can really see the producers and the actress lying to keep the secret and mystery of the plot. But if she's indeed dead, I can't wait to see Michael lose control and go gun-ho on the Company.
Also, there seems to be a Prison Break spinoff in the making, Prison Break: Cherry Hill, this time with the lead being female. Hopefully it'll have a ton of hot lesbians, here's the news story:
Thu, 10-25-2007, 07:54 PM
It's a shame how Sarah's character had to be improvised based on the actor's life, but it's still amazing how the improvising wasn't done half-assed. It still gave everyone that huge impact.
I'm surprised how fast the break out is moving along. I didn't expect it to happen this quickly in the season. The only thing I wonder is who's actually breaking out with Michael and Whistler? I'm pretty sure Mahone is somehow not going to make the cut, seeing how he's one screw short of a cannon.
Another thing, I was wondering about is if we're ever going to see "Pad Man" anytime soon. He seemed like the brains of this whole operation somehow, and I'm curious to see what that man alone is capable of. Maybe when they get out, he'll show up and cause trouble for everyone. If anyone is lost, "Pad Man" is the guy who never spoke and always used a pad and a pen to give out orders, mainly to Bill Kim.
Thu, 11-01-2007, 02:52 PM
i like the way the season is going. Red*- i agree that the breakout is coming so soon! breakout in 5 eps..... wow. i mean, the original prison break entailed all the planning michael put into it which was pretty much the basis of the series and with this season that all has changed.
I was kinda surprised that tbag didn't rape the nun/prostitute ... very surprised. I'm very glad though that he did whack the guy who was selling the drugs to at least let us know he is up to something and not just being somebodies bitch.
Tue, 11-06-2007, 12:20 PM
Just watched the two-hour Prison Break from last night.
Very good stuff. I think Bellick is going to be added to the escape list, but man Linc has become such a pussy. He should've killed those motherfuckers and save his son. Whistler has been playing everyone, and it looks like Michael finally caught on, wonder what will happen to Sophia.
Mon, 11-12-2007, 03:27 PM
yeah... linc just let them get in the van with a gun in his hand. He should have killed them both when they got in the front ...
i'm waiting to see if mahone ends up back in sona or not and for t-bag to make his move.
Wed, 11-14-2007, 02:31 AM
I thought the episode this time around was quite impressive. The way Whistler's true colors were shown and how he planned to escape wish Operation: Bang & Burn. It was nice to see some action with the chopper coming in and taking out a whole lot of them.
The only complaint is the long breaks they keep on taking. Next episode starts in January.
Wed, 11-14-2007, 10:42 AM
Yea, thats because there isn't going to be any 24 until late next year. But, it was a good episode, and they stopped it at a fairly good point in the story.
Sat, 11-17-2007, 02:36 PM
I beg to differ, they stopped at the worst point possible. It was rather a swift kick in the balls while them giving us the finger saying "you'll never know!".
Thu, 01-10-2008, 05:20 PM
monday!~ its back!
plus, i get fox in HD w\ just an antenna... (i know, i'm a cheap ass... but i dont watch enough tv to warrant paying for cable.)
i want to see some action, even if i forgot where the story left off
Tue, 01-15-2008, 12:37 AM
Just watched last night's episode... I really liked it; here it is: aa1258938712c
Wed, 01-16-2008, 12:16 AM
It was a pretty long break, but the was episode was worth the wait.
Just when you think Sammy was going to kill Lechero, it's pretty obvious he's just going to go for Michael from the previews. He probably thinks if he kills Michael, he'll probably get the old Lechero back. Just when you think everything went perfectly well with that Chief, the only one who knew what was going on, another problem comes up.
Susan kicked ass in this episode, Belleck strangely kicked ass in this episode, and Mahone is more unstable than before he left for his court hearing.
Anyways, can't wait for the next episode.
Thu, 01-17-2008, 03:08 PM
i was kinda hoping that mahone would take up tbag on his deal to knock off sammy. one things keeps bothering me though, tbag from season 1-2 was alot more violent and sadistic but now he is more calculating.
thought the whole michael snitching was pretty lame.
Thu, 01-17-2008, 03:14 PM
i was kinda hoping that mahone would take up tbag on his deal to knock off sammy. one things keeps bothering me though, tbag from season 1-2 was alot more violent and sadistic but now he is more calculating.
thought the whole michael snitching was pretty lame.
I didn't find it lame, he was backstabbed by everyone involved... the only reason he snitched was because he wanted to get the name of the chick that killed Sarah off, and now he has it.
Mon, 01-21-2008, 04:44 AM
i was kinda hoping that mahone would take up tbag on his deal to knock off sammy. one things keeps bothering me though, tbag from season 1-2 was alot more violent and sadistic but now he is more calculating.
thought the whole michael snitching was pretty lame.
Well T-bag had a hand more in season 1 and 2. He adapted to his situation. Also i have always seen T-bag as someone that plots and calculates, ever since season 1. He just gave in to his urges more then, which blinded him sometimes.
Personally i hope Mahone gets clean and join team Scofield.
Mon, 01-21-2008, 05:36 AM
Well T-bag had a hand more in season 1 and 2. He adapted to his situation. Also i have always seen T-bag as someone that plots and calculates, ever since season 1. He just gave in to his urges more then, which blinded him sometimes.
Personally i hope Mahone gets clean and join team Scofield.
Sometimes I think that T-Bag is what Scoffield should be...
Wed, 02-06-2008, 02:47 PM
"30 seconds...Go!"
Well they are finally doing, no time for bullshit.
Wed, 02-06-2008, 08:15 PM
This show is still going? Dear God. The last thing I remember is someone's hand getting cut off, him going apeshit, something about dropping money and running in a garage, someone's son going to jail..
They had this show on a JDrama, that was surprising.
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