View Full Version : burning FF7 on dvd issues..

Fri, 10-07-2005, 05:48 PM
I saw no rules about questions like these, nor could i find the answer on google..

I wanna burn FF7 on dvd for PERSONAL use, NOT profit.(would you wanna watch the bahamut or sephiroth/cloud battle on a 65" tv?)

I sent the file to my friend and he burned it the way he normally would for his music videos he plays in his car. Only problem was, he got no sound. He played the file on his computer nad had no sound. I had him install the codec for AC3 audio and it worked. So he burned another copy and STILL no sound. He uses Nero 6 i belive. What else is he doing wrong? his other videos burned well with sound no problem. Also whats the best settings he should use for video? i tried the dvd on my dvd player, still got no sound, but it was looking all pixelated.. Can someone help?

Sat, 10-08-2005, 05:52 AM
Try askinghere (http://forums.gotwoot.net/messageview.cfm?catid=11&threadid=13694&STARTPAGE= 36&enterthread=y). u mite get a faster answer

Sat, 10-08-2005, 08:37 AM
Nero probably doesn't know what to do with the AC3 track, so it just ignores it. Least, that's my guess.

Your friend will probably have to change his method of dvd authoring somewhat to get it to work. I think there was a thread about the process of authoring an ac3 dvd recently, in this very category of this very forum. But I can't be buggered to find it right now, so you might want to poke around and read through the other threads in Anime Support and Other Support...

Tue, 10-25-2005, 01:32 PM
Go to your favorite IRC search engine and search for a Doc called "Hoomgars" I cant recall the exact name but its for DVD ripping and I read it about a week ago and it has a lot of stuff about AC3 and all that good stuff, I am sure it will solve your problems!