View Full Version : Error Using Bit Torrent

Tue, 10-04-2005, 02:30 PM
I have previously downloaded all of Naruto 'til ep. 100. Now, I tried to download 126-144 and I have gotten 89% complete and now everytime I try to continue the download, this is the message that I get-

"[AonE]_Naruto_126_144" : Aborting the torrent as it was rejected by the tracker while not connected to any peers. Message from the tracker: This tracker requires support for no_peer_id tracker requests. Please update or change your client.

So I went to upgrade Bit Torrent to version 4.1.4 Then I tried it again and I get the same results. I then tried Bit Tornado, but I get to 1.3% and it just stops. (Besides the fact that with Bit Tornado it took several hours to get to 1.3% and with Bit Torrent it took maybe 5 hours to get to 89%) Someone Please help me, I can't go any longer without Naruto.

Wed, 10-05-2005, 06:26 AM
There's another thread going on with the same sort of errors.

I'm not exactly sure why this is happening, but it's apparently relatively widespread. I've asked the admin to look into it, but he probably doesn't have a whole lot of free time (being in class and working and all).