View Full Version : Phase 48 Discussion
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:20 AM
Here is the RAW
Nen-Raws' Phase 48 (] )
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:25 AM
Toykosho raw is out as well
HIRO is out
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:31 AM
Its the same, but u mean this one: (
One question, how is it possible the last link is the raw of phase 48 and has +800 seeders?
Im going to risk it and download it first i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
EDIT: It looks like the trackers page is Japanese i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif.
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:37 AM
Yup, u hit it on the nail, it's japanese....
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:40 AM
It looks like we r some steps behind some ppl. I WOnder since when that tracker exists, and since which Phase they are realeasing the torrents sooner than what we get.
Well, if we r lucky, next week we know where to look first i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif.
EDIT: If this tracker does release GSD episodes sooner, next week u might want to check this page first, just scrool down a little:
EDIT2: YAY, I'll have the file in 32 min.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:47 AM
Downloading. Please be good *begs*
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:59 AM
Dont Worry @Terra, It will be. IT BETTER BE !!! i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif .
EDIT; BTW, T-00h:18m:00s. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 09-17-2005, 08:00 AM
Remember in Seed? There, ep 48 was the ULTIMATE build-up episode. Everybody said farewell to their loved ones, everybody launched, and Rau revealed the Providence gundam.
Suffice to say, it's one of my favorite anime episodes of all time.
Destiny will have to outdo itself in all departments to even come close to achieving half of the feeling that Seed 48 displayed...
I wonder if the DOM troopers will die in this episode or the next
Sat, 09-17-2005, 08:06 AM
Gundam Seed 48 and 49 were amazing. I dont think they will die, but, the trios dont have luck at all.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 08:17 AM
Yeah, Seed 48-49 were magnificient. Actually, all the last 10 episodes were, but particularly the last ones.
And I'm willing to bet my Yzak fandom on the fact that the DOMs will die. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 09-17-2005, 08:26 AM
WTH, It isnt as good as it seemed, Requiem is Used againt Arzagel or something like that, ZAFT use it against a EAF Base. There are still 4 minute till the end.
CLyne Faction's Forces (
Orb's Forces (
EDIT(somenumber): AGAIN, WTF, I just watched the preview of Phase 49 and guess what?, Akatsuki not only deflects beams, but it has a mini Dragon System. Uzumi Nara Atha could had conquer Earth and PLANT if he wanted to. He had a MS 2 years more advanced than any other.
Mite Gai
Sat, 09-17-2005, 08:43 AM
They won't be, stick a fork in this series it's done (sorry, had to use it lol).
Sat, 09-17-2005, 09:07 AM
At the same time Requiem is fired, Rey tells Shinn that he is a Clone.
Mite Gai
Sat, 09-17-2005, 09:28 AM
Oh, and I saw one thing that looked really cool in the preview, Akatsuki has the DRAGOON system, watch it, its pretty cool, though this series still stinks overall. Oh, and if titling the next episode as Rey suggests anything, I am willing to bet that the next episode is at least a 1/4 Rey explanation which means even less time to stay with the main "plot." This series is gonna need more than two episodes to at least have an average ending cause right now its looking like several episodes are gonna be crammed into the last one.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 09:54 AM
Rey is gonna die in the next episode.
Edit: I haven't seen 48 yet, but y'all confirmed my fears.
Fuck this show.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 10:46 AM
@Terra, AGRRRREEEED!!!!! i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-17-2005, 11:55 AM
Well, just what I expected out of this episode: more talking! Well, so much for the hope of a decent action-packed ending. Most sequels suck anyhow....tsk i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif
Sat, 09-17-2005, 12:25 PM
I am starting to wonder how everything is gonna close in the last 2 episodes.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 01:06 PM
Hey,this episode sux.At least now we know Rey is a Rau-clone.He has to take those anti-aging pills too.Wth did Dullindal need to use Requiem on Archzarchel,i thought it was an EAF base.I think Dullindal plans to take out Orb and the Scandinavia Kingdom with Requiem next.
Since when did Lacus get so many Nazcas and Laurasias,her fleet is large,and it seems Orb has been secretly building fleets of Izumo-class vessels with Kusanagi as the flagship.That confirms my theory in my earlier posts.Archangel is in the 2nd fleet,so those Izumos are in the 1st fleet.Wow.If Orb had so much forces in reserve,you'd had thought their defenses on Earth would be impenetrable.I know Izumos can carry at least 12 MSs.Rey''s gonna die next episode,and he finally becomes like Rau,forceful and raving mad.I think he said Shinn was some kind of the 1st leader of the Destiny Plan or whatevr.I am 90% sure Luna is going to defect next episode and it seems Three Ships Allian ce fleet is gonna destroy Requiem relay stations next episode.
What's the fucking big deal with Yzak and Dearka?They're not morons,they were veterans of both wars.Are they that stupid to continue believing Dullindal's farce even after seeing his ruthless actions in firing the Requiem?
Sat, 09-17-2005, 01:07 PM
Oh,sorry for the double post,but it seems the Nen-RAW i dl has an unusual screen resolution.It's like wide screen
Sat, 09-17-2005, 01:36 PM
psh...another build up episode. i want some ACTION already. goddamnit .IF this show is really only 50 eps, then they got some major cramming. At least we know there'll actually be MS fights next episode, the dragoons on the atasuki looks pretty sic.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 02:23 PM
Destiny blows balls, I don't think it can be salvaged now.
EDIT: And its not terrible that its a build-up episode, but goddamn how are we supposed to care anymore after the lull of flashbacks, switching of main characters and cheese that Destiny has become since episode 34 or so?
I mean, if anyone was actually vested in the end of the show it would kick ass. But everyone basically knows what is going to happen already, so "building it up" really doesn't do much. They should have developed it more BEFORE this point to make people actually care!
Sat, 09-17-2005, 02:36 PM
Since when did Rey become evil? Where as Rau was the ultimate bad mfo in GS and he stands out as someone playing others' cards. Rey? He's just taking orders. In that case he would even make Mini-me, Dr evil clone, look good. I wouldn't care if he lives or die in the next episode. He has never done anything as evil as Rau who deserves to die at the end of GS. He's just Dullindal's shadow. Hope they're not going to kill one of the characters and then give them a whole episode explaining their significance in the series. Meer flash back was okay because she tied loose ends that people were expecting. Some didn't know why Lacus and Kira, the odd couple out, didn't join in on the series earlier and others thought they're just annoying because their roles were pushed back and dragged along as Shinn's & Athrun's, the misguided teenagers, progressed making them arbitrary and a hinderance to GSD's story. "Damn that pink haired girl and her virgin, over-zealous knight in shining armor makes Lucifer look like a Saint." Do her already so i can watch my collection without guilt. Granted they were plot devices too and being re-injected to GSD so fans polarize on the characters while keeping new GSD characters on their heels. As Heine was the point to which Athrun would revolve his character development around, Shinn fans needed someone to hate and so his character and plot can have a story, even if it wasn't much appreciated by everyone. In the next episode, Rey would have to play on Rau's wits to the previous chairman to up the ante if he is going to fall into that stereotype and be the ultimate bad guy. Im going to d/l it when the translation comes out or if i have bandwidth i might d/l it.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 02:55 PM
Doesn't Akatsuki just have a detachable flier, like the one justice has? Instead of a mini dragoon system...
Sat, 09-17-2005, 03:05 PM
hmmm. Maybe, the hell, they lok like dragoons. @alukard, one episode for Rey?. There have been already too many flashbacks and explanations:
Phase Edited
Phase 20 Past
Phase 29 Fates
Phase 41 Refrain
Phase 47 Meer
+The recaps in every fucking episode (first two minutes or so)
Now Phase 49 Rey? F**K U FUCKuda, 2 whole action-packed episodes NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Let me be more explicit, Kill rey in the first 3 minutes of Phase 49, i would love it if he gets killed in the Opening i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 03:21 PM
Terracosmo, in association with the anti-Fukuda organization, presents: A Terracosmic rant
Starring: Terra
Okay. I never thought that this day would come, but I actually shut down an episode of Seed. Yeah that's right, I shut it down. Terra, the legendary Seed junkie who once used to breathe, eat and ejaculate Seed (lol, that pun was unintentional) has now relinquished his title. Well, those things still hold true for the original Seed. But this isn't fucking Seed, this is an insult to all things that made the original Seed so awesome.
My venture in this episode began at the first minute. 2 minutes of constant flashbacking was what I saw. I laughed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. For the first 30 episodes I supressed my hatred towards Fukuda's newfound love for flashbacking, but this is insane. After 5 pure recap episodes we still have the same old FUCKING scenes in EVERY DAMN EPISODE.
Also, another reason to why I shut it down was that it was purely talking, and I didn't understand anything. But judging from what you guys have posted above, it doesn't exactly make me thrilled to see the sub. What? Rey is a clone? For real?
I still remember the mental pain I endured when I realized that Neo was Mwu. It had been blatantly foreshadowed since episode 1, to the point that it was "too" obvious, which is why I doubted it. To the end, I believed in the story and that it would give me a twist... and I haven't recovered from that shock yet. And now this comes. People back in episode 1 thought that Rey was a Rau clone. HOW THE HELL CAN A SHOW BE SO EASY TO PREDICT?
Again, THEY AREN'T EVEN TRYING! This is just a living cash cow, manifesting and reproducing itself in front of our eyes. I am fucking ashamed to own Destiny model kits at this point. I think to myself "why?". Why have I wasted hard earned money on two stale mechas that just stand on my shelf doing nothing? I am proud of the Duel I have, since Seed gave me so much joy. But to think I gave Fukuda & Bandai money for things they have managed to sell through this piece of shit animation they throw at us each week, well, it makes me want to go hang myself. I feel fucking fooled. It's like Fukuda looks at us, the fans, and laughs at us. He doesn't even give a shit about his own show- that's one thing the interviews have shown us. He only wants money, and he gets it. He is a disgrace to directors everywhere.
Anyway... end of rant. Next week: Yzak has dialogue! That's enough to make me a little bit happier.
Also, I have to admit that the cute cartoon in this episode which showed Djibril being owned and carried out of an office with Gil replacing him (you know what I mean) was quite funny. But it's not like that saves it.
Everybody, let's look forward to next week, an episode filled with countless flashbacks yet again (but thankfully it doesn't seem to be a recap episode).
Again, fuck this show.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 03:27 PM
y'know, the constant general assumption that simply because Phase 49 is titled "Rey", it is going to be a recap of Rey's life, etc is rather unfounded. looking at the short trailer for the episode, there doesn't seem to be much, if any, recap footage. in fact, i'd be willing to wager that the episode has the title "Rey", for the same reason that Phase 32 was titled "Stellar".
Rey is going to crack, finally emulating Rau, as he has been inching toward doing for at least ten epsidoes now. in the trailer, you can clearly see Legend fighting Strike-Freedom, as well as massive amounts of destruction within the Orb fleet... now... from this trailer, why does anyone even think it's going to be a recap? maybe you'll get exactly what you want after all, maybe these last two episodes will be some huge, epic space battle... but then again, maybe we'll get something better than that...
maybe we'll get a well-planned twist ending that is more intelligent than the standard, formulaic Gundam ending... i think that the fact that nobody's figured out how it's going to end yet shows the shining possibility that it will, in fact be a quite different ending from any previous Gundam series... and really, wouldn't that, in itself, be more impressive than another writer just following the standard Gundam formula? i think so.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 03:30 PM
lmao twist ending. Good one. Either you are really optimistic or a born comedian.
But yeah, I also think that it's gonna be an episode centered around Rey, without recaps. Make that "I'm sure it will".
We can, however, expect a lot of quick Rau shots and minor random Rey flashbacks.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 03:46 PM
well, there just isn't enough of an opposed cast of pilots/factions/etc for an ending like that of SEED, but i think it still has potential... i mean, really, i'd just be happy to see Athrun punch Gil in the face... since he's been needing to do that for the vast majority of the series.
i'm getting a feeling Rey might shoot down Impulse, kill Lunamaria, then Shin'll break down, question everything, save Kira's ass in a fight with Legend (not to upset Kira supporters, just theorizing on how the story looks to be heading), then someone'll have to take down Gil and Messiah Base... who knows.
i think there's still a slim chance. we've seen good episodes in this series so far, such as... a good portion of the first 15 episodes, then beyond there... Phase 28 was great, Phase 32, Phase 39 and Phase 43 were even pretty damn good... i think that we're forgetting just how many good episodes there have been, in favor of dwelling on how many slower-paced episodes there are... there were just as many boring episodes in SEED, if not more...
i really think that we might end up being pleasently surprised in the end... hell, for all we know, Shinn'll sacrifice himself to save humanity in the end, as Ahtrun tried to do in SEED, though Cagalli wouldn't let him... i'm just going to wait it out. i've got a good gut feeling on this one.
Vince Flyte
Sat, 09-17-2005, 03:49 PM
I'm still waiting for this episodes to be subbed but after seeing the trailer for next weeks episode I think I want to see that instead =P
More DOMs for the CLyne Faction?
Sat, 09-17-2005, 03:51 PM
Well Gunslinger I wish I could agree with you, but as much as I love the franchise, I have a hard time finding any hope at this point.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 05:56 PM
u know terra? its kind of ironic i guess but u really sound more and more like Yzak o_0 maybe its just my imagination but when I read what u said earlier i just keep seeing a pissed off Yzak in my mind.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 06:00 PM
Well, it's quite natural to like characters which you can identify yourself with.
I've been told that talking to me is the closest you can get to a real conversation with Yzak i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 09-17-2005, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by: knirfie
Doesn't Akatsuki just have a detachable flier, like the one justice has? Instead of a mini dragoon system...
It has both. (
It is like Strike, multiple mission packs. The one we have seen so far is the atmospheric flight pack. The one with the DRAGOONS is the space pack. That is acctually a good idea since DRAGOONs can't be used in atmospheric combat anyways.
I thought it was interesting that there were EAF ships with the Clyne Faction as well.
As for the Izumo Class ships, it is nice to see that somebody decided to mass-produce a major ship. The EAF built the Dominion and the Girty Lue, but mostly have stuck with their obsolete stuff, while ZAFT has mostly stuck with Nazca and whatever that other type was.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 06:20 PM
hmm never knew that it has dragoon...they are using it way too much now...
Sat, 09-17-2005, 06:25 PM
Yeah. I was seriously considering to buy Providence & Legend and have them stand next to each other as the badass dragoon mobile suits, but then all damn suits started having it. Yet another aspect of Seed destroyed!
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:00 PM
If you do decide to get one Terra only get Providence as Legend is just a cheap ripoff. Providence had more Drgoons that are more powerful. Everytime I compare Legend launching its Dragoons to Providence I see more white streaks off Providences. Legends Dragoons only shoot one beam for every Dragoon. Providence shot a folly of beams for every one Dragoon. The only thing that Legend has going for it is those beam spikes. Providence was a freakin army in its own right. Legend just disgraces its glory.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:20 PM
ya Legend is like a crap version of Providence lol
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:35 PM
I agree about Providence being cooler. It's just that I'm a Rey fanboy. Or at least I was until it was revealed that he was just a clone. But then again, I still like him.
Bottomline: if I get any it will probably be the prior.
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:53 PM
hiro fansub is out
Sat, 09-17-2005, 07:57 PM
yay, can't wait to watch this crap subbed. *downloading*
Sat, 09-17-2005, 08:19 PM
god damn that's a hella fast release considering that the episode is all talk
Sat, 09-17-2005, 08:41 PM
"...What the hell is Fukuda smoking?
Anyway, GSD 48 out.
You said it, Hiro.
I was gonna go to bed now but... fuck that.
Also, to anyone who is attempting to get this via IRC, good luck. I tried and ended up at queue position 260. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 09-17-2005, 09:26 PM
260 O.O ? i think i'll just wait another 2 hours...
Sat, 09-17-2005, 10:25 PM
I don't care to get the ep. You guys just tell me what happened.
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-17-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
I don't care to get the ep. You guys just tell me what happened.
OK, Ok, OK, like Rey is totally talking about his RAD hair. And Shinn is like "DUDE, Fo' SURE, I use the same conditioner." Then Luna bashes the door down with two male gorillas behind her. The FREAKING apes go ballistic on Shin and Rey's ass. Then the gorillas come out dressed as Rey and Shinn, even the hair man...they took their HAIR! Then, like, Kira and Athuran are getting STONED. Lacus comes in talking her righteous path shit and Kira totally BITCH slaps her across the room. Athuran starts to laugh. All of a sudden Lacus gets back up, but as soon as she does Neo/Mwu slams the door open (where Lacus happens to stand and knocks her the F*ck out) bringing in some Imported German beer. They all get wasted and the Chairman is excited about trying on a new bathing suit and thong!
Sat, 09-17-2005, 11:04 PM
lol It starts off with a bunch of recaps then the rest are long speeches. That about sums it up i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 09-17-2005, 11:15 PM
Summary of the episode: Gil wants everybody to agree to the Destiny plan. ORB naturally declines and so does some random nation called Althea. So Gil blows it up using the Requiem. Meanwhile, Rey confesses to Shinn that he is a clone - confirming what an infant could have figured out since episode 1. The rest of the episode was just nonsense.
Jesus. I don't know where to begin. I guess I'll just break this up in 2 departments.
Good stuff:
- Rey is the best Destiny character without any competition. It is regrettable that he is a clone, but he is very diverse. He might just be a "pawn", but he's intelligent and very cool to watch. He also says good things, and plays the piano. He is a character with many sides, one of few in this damn show.
- For a few seconds closer to the end, I actually felt that cool build-up that was present in the last Seed episodes. The whole "a big battle is about to begin" thing. But when compared to how that feeling was in Seed... well... then this was nothing. So I guess I must try to avoid that.
Bad stuff:
- Everything else. But seriously...
- In the middle, I laughed so hard. It was incredibly funny when Lacus spoke to Kira and Athrun this time around.
"We must stop Dullindal from creating his world of death"
I was like WTF world of death? There is absolutely nothing wrong with Gil's plans in theory. NOTHING. Of course in the long run it would "suck" but "WORLD OF DEATH?". It's so obvious that whoever pulls the dialogue out of his ass just had Lacus say that cuz it sounds "cool". I mean seriously. Am I the only one who feels absolutely zero against Gil? I mean I can understand why the Archangel wants to stop him, but I don't buy that whole "Gil is evil we must defeat him!" shit. It's like Fukuda tries to justify the anti-Gil movement but brutally fails. I still feel like the Archangel crew are morons. It was also very funny that Kira & Athrun casually agreed to what Lacus said. Like "Yeah". As if it's not even anything to care about. lol.
- I hate Lacus. Everything she does. She is the worst Seed character by far. I don't know how she managed to reach this point in my view, but she is a complete fucktard. I hate everything about her. And I especially hate when she looks determined and angry at the same time. I'm thinking of a particular mugshot which is early in this episode (and has been shown before). Some of you might know which one I mean. She looks so irritating there that I want to throw my monitor into the wall. Fucking bitch.
- It was also pretty funny that Dearka yelled "Yzak" out of nowhere in the episode.
Well I don't know what else to say. The show is screwed, but I will still watch it to the end of course. I'll just have to try and satisfy myself with the fact that Rey rules and that at least not all of Destiny sucked so incredibly much as this flashback maraton does.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 11:36 PM
Originally posted by: Gunslinger_BlaQ
y'know, the constant general assumption that simply because Phase 49 is titled "Rey", it is going to be a recap of Rey's life, etc is rather unfounded. looking at the short trailer for the episode, there doesn't seem to be much, if any, recap footage. in fact, i'd be willing to wager that the episode has the title "Rey", for the same reason that Phase 32 was titled "Stellar".
Rey is going to crack, finally emulating Rau, as he has been inching toward doing for at least ten epsidoes now. in the trailer, you can clearly see Legend fighting Strike-Freedom, as well as massive amounts of destruction within the Orb fleet... now... from this trailer, why does anyone even think it's going to be a recap? maybe you'll get exactly what you want after all, maybe these last two episodes will be some huge, epic space battle... but then again, maybe we'll get something better than that...
maybe we'll get a well-planned twist ending that is more intelligent than the standard, formulaic Gundam ending... i think that the fact that nobody's figured out how it's going to end yet shows the shining possibility that it will, in fact be a quite different ending from any previous Gundam series... and really, wouldn't that, in itself, be more impressive than another writer just following the standard Gundam formula? i think so.
We know, at least most of us know that Phase 49 wont be a recp, but the name of the episode indicates that part of it will be about Rey, we already have enough of that bullshit, it was bad enough the existence of Phase 41 being a recap, then Meer now Rey, fuck there are only 2 episodes left, there sould be more action, or some action at all. Hopefully part of next episode will be.
BTW @Terra: I didnt know Rey was a clone, i thought he was Rau's Son.
Sat, 09-17-2005, 11:51 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Summary of the episode: Gil wants everybody to agree to the Destiny plan. ORB naturally declines and so does some random nation called Althea.
That was the Atlantic Federation President wasn't it?
Introducing Dullindal and Copland in Destiny Astray (
Althea was probably just a major city in the Atlantic Federation.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 12:17 AM
I agree with everyone on this, the only thing that can redeem this is a five second cameo by fukuda, where he and lacus get evisecrated by shinn's destiny blade.
That would make me smile i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
On another note, Lacus is the evillest character on the show. I mean, wow, i knew the Clyne faction was powerful, but i really didn't expect her to pull a whole armada out of her ass! (The EA makes sense, they have all the resources.) WHen the EA was destroyed by Requiem, i was wondering who the other side would be in the ending battle,, but the lacus faction taking on the entire ZAFT military? WTF. Having some ZAFT forces (like Yzak and Dearkka) realize the chairman was a complete nutcase and defect would make more sense than that.
And really, the only one who's been manipulating the AA crew is Lacus, she's behind everything, Kira's personality being turned to that of a brick wall, those talking episodes, the sucky plot, EVERYTHING!
I wouldn't be surprised if Lacus used her armada and declare herself dictator of the universe i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif, not only is she in a position to do so, at least that would be a cool twist, since it would involve killing her. muahhaha
Sun, 09-18-2005, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
I wouldn't be surprised if Lacus used her armada and declare herself dictator of the universe , not only is she in a position to do so, at least that would be a cool twist, since it would involve killing her. muahhaha
maybe that's the big twist in the ending that i've been hearing rumors about to start a gundam seed 3rd series, that would be super kool and i would definitely watch that, kira and athrun vs lacus who is trying to take over the entire universe and had spies in orb for a long time now and takes over orb and kira has to kill lacus or it's the end of the world!!
Sun, 09-18-2005, 01:23 AM
She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 01:38 AM
ORB and Scandinavia rejected the plan, Althea was the last EAF base and not related to the other two (note, while the vice-captain of ther Minerva clearly states the requiem beam is heading towards earth, the animation we get is a base o nthe moon getting blown up - go figure).
Lauc called Gil's furute plans a 'world of death' because he kills anyone who disagrees with him, and it doesn't matter how popular he is, someone will always disagree and Gil will respond by nuking their home-town; which will spark up more resistance resulting in more home-town nukings until only Gil is left cause he's holding the trigger.
It's like how Patrik Zala was towards the end, he shot some poor guy just because he questioned an order - and he got shot right back.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 02:07 AM
er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...
Sun, 09-18-2005, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by: heero
er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...
@heero, its a metaphor.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by: alukard
She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.
Thank you so much Alukard, I've been wondering how to defend Lacus and you put the words into my mouth.
anyway, if Lacus is talking bull shit throughout the whole season, its because the Newt Brained Fukuda doesn't know how to write scripts for her. Or for anyone in GSD for that matter. Is this truly the same person who directed the fantastic Gundam Seed? Or is he having a nervous breakdown?
Another redeeming factor of the show. There's quite a nice build up of the "Good Forces" at the end. I wasn't so much shocked to see Nazca and Laurasia class cruisers from Zaft coming up to escort Eternal, but even EAF, dig this people EAF ships coming up to her.
Come on guys, she has been missing for about 10 episodes in space. She's gotta be doing something other than just investigating the Chairman. And whose to say that Andy Waldfield, who remained in space while Lacus and Kira went back to Earth, hasn't been revealing the Destiny plan to whoever who would listen? not just ZAFT but EAF as well. And since EAF are supposed to be anti-coordinators, th fact that NELSON class battlcruisers are escorting Eternal, a certified ZAFT ship finally give me some relief.
Mainly, not everyone in EAF military are anti-coordinator jerks.
Not once since Admiral Herberton of the 8th Armada have we seen a reasonable commander and soldier who doesn't simply label all coordinators as enemies. Remember he had a short but civil conversation with Kira before all hell broke loose, and nothing had to do with animosity. He merely wondered why Kira's parents made him a coordinator and that's that.
So for strange reasons, I'm happy to see NELSON class battlcruisers escorting Eternal.
On the other hand, I guess now that the Atlantic Federation is gone, ORB is the only one else the remaining EAF forces can turn to.
But remember that as soon as Andy Waldfield gave the signal only did the Nazca, Laurasia and Nelson class battlecuriser showed up. So my interpretation that those are the elements of EAF that has been listening to Lacus all along, maybe as far back as the previos war since it was the ORB faction that prevented the firing of GENESIS.
"The songstress is returning". How fitting. After months of stepping at the side, Lacus will finally do her job with her own bare hands.
Fucking Dullindal, I knew he didn't destroy Requiem because he wanted his own super weapon. Why else would he thank Djibril?
Still, chances are very slim for ORB and the remaing EAF. I only count 12 ships in this episode that will represent the Clyne faction.
2 Nazcas
2 Laurasia
2 Izumos
3 Nelsons
Total: 12 ships.
Possible reinforcements: Yzak's squad. I'm not sure if his squad means just his Nazca cruiser or he has a group of ships under him collectively called his squad.
Bloody hell, tens, maybe hundreds of Nazca's and Laurasias.
Although according to Fukuda logic, one METEOR probably means EVERYONE DIES! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!i/expressions/devil.gifi/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif i/expressions/devil.gif
All in all, a crappy episode but at least had a good build up feeling at the end.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 04:09 AM
yeah, next week will be ZAFT defending the requiem system against rampaging lacus fans from everywhere, and lose. oh and they'll kill off Rey.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 04:29 AM
well, yes, two meteor units will do a whole lot of damage, not to forget Akatsuki (with Dragoon, should be able to take out quite a few ships) and all the DOMs
Sun, 09-18-2005, 06:40 AM
Check your eyesight,that's more than 2 Izumos and they can take out a whole fleet of ships with their Lohengrins.It's pretty clear next episode is not a recap,since it's pretty much hinted that it's Clyne/Orb/Free States of Earth vs. ZAFT/anyone else on their side.Both protagonists Gundams get to finally use their METEORs and Justice gets the honr of slaying Rey and Legend.
And please,Archzarchel(or whatever it's called) is an Atlantic Federation base on the Moon.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 07:53 AM
heh , i was hoping lacus and kira to die next phase
Sun, 09-18-2005, 08:27 AM
I hope everyone dies, in one giant death episode. Then Fukuda dies. Not some pussy death, I mean he explodes. Or he chokes to death on his stupid goddamn models.
Goddamn it. I loved Seed but i cant stand this crap anymore. 1 - 34ish was awesome. I had such high hopes for SEED. But in the latter episodes, NOTHING HAPPENS. NOTHING AT ALL. Iam so sickened I cant even rant about it for long.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by: alukard
She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.
terra is still right, he said it would suck in the end, but its not a world of death. i dont see why its a world of death after reading ur post. i see a world of mental manipulation and decreased diverstiy but not a world of death. as bad as it is, it isnt death. unless u say world of "death" then i give it to u but without the quotes ur completly and utterly wrong.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 09:07 AM
Originally posted by: alukard
She's right. How is it not a world of death? I guess some people have forgotten how bad cartoon drawing of the Destiny Plan but had trouble listening to Lacus because she has more personality. Lacus's world, as it is, where everyone have their own mind, makes their own choices on how they are to be born despite their flaws, their goals and aspiration, etc etc or Dullindal world where your rights are stripped, your freedom of thought taken away, your skills, goals, and life determined at birth, and everyone is a clone of somebody before you. Yeah instead of making the ultimate coordinator you'll have ultimate 'brain-dead' coordinators good for only one thing, being a drone. Gee, can i have 50/50? Who's more evil and munipulative? Who has a former competitor's death ray and sits above the skies giving ultimatums? I don't see how Lacus is evil. Dullindal's scene with view of the stars & his posture on his throne remind you of someone from the Star Wars? I can imagine the next generation of human beings will turn out. Disposible, putty-like, and comes in a box ready-to-ship complete with user guides. Most will just be blobs that don't have much function and eventually become obsolete to his program so the Chairman will turn them back into goo and remake them as he pleases. He'll clone himself too just in case he doesnt outlive his experiment and there are any left that still have brains. It will make the EAF extended program seem insignificant.
alukard. it is not a world of death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That line makes absolutely no sense and was put in their just because lacus had to say something. If the destiny plan is anything like the society of brave new world, which i believe it is, since the whole idea is completely ripped off, then trust me, people are HAPPY and all things are centered around PEACE. It's just more a question about whether all humans really want to be happy if happiness is defined for them. Plus that kind of a society does not consist of robots who have no brains, so you can't really call them drones. It is instead a society that predestines roles for people. So basically, the people who are at the top and need to be thinking of how to run the society are intelligent free thinkers, and as you descend down the roles people get less intelligent depending on how much intelligence they need to fulfill their roles. Those at the bottom, or the worker class, might be considered drones but that doesnt mean the whole society is! Actually the idea behind it is, you genetically receive as much intelligence as you need to fulfill your certain role. This is because anything beyond what you need will only cause hindrances.
NOTE: This is just my assumption based on what Brave New World Society was like. There is no factual evidence from the anim'e . But it seems logical that this is the kind of world dullindaal has in mind
Sun, 09-18-2005, 10:15 AM
Why bother trying to explain things that happen in the show? It's all a bunch of crap anyways, just print a Fukuda picture and start practice some shooting on it...
Anyways, it's official, this show has zero chance of redemption.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 10:54 AM
Based on what has happened so far think the final episodes will have a clash of the those in power and anyone left resisting this Brave new world and maybe even explain what the chairman thinks about the Destiny Plan. He has not said much and don't give people much of a choice. I have not read it but i suppose it's not a bad world as long as i still have something on my shoulder, at least can stick out my tongue, and have a thumb to wave down people when my car breaks down and i dont know what to do.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 11:53 AM
I would guess that the world of death line refers to how Dullindal will try to destroy any and all who do not pledge their full support behind the Destiny Plan. So when she says create a world of death I think it has more to do with getting everyone to accept the plan, rather then the plan itself. If she really was referring to the plan, then I would hope that maybe she read something in the book that was found that said people who are deemed unuseful will be discarded or something like that, which I think would be a gross exageration so I am hoping the world of death is created through the forcing of the Destiny Plan upon humanity.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 12:52 PM
I was also like "WTF That's bullshit. Just STFU Lacus" when she said Gil will lead to a world of death. It's funny how Kira and the others all just go "ya.." They are all freaking hypnotized by her. And again she goes on with her weird logic: "War is bad, but we must fight." This whole story is screwwwwed. Fukuda tries to make Gil into some evil villian that has to die in the end but failes horribly in doing it.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 01:02 PM
the idea of the destiny plan is good and it can save humanity but i don't think the world is ready for it so i think dullindal 100% has the right idea
EDIT: after seeing the preview for next episode i feel that it is FINALLY going to get good and yahoo the meteors are coming back! other than the preview this episode was crap
Sun, 09-18-2005, 03:33 PM
the plan is good in theory, just like communism, but it has also has its problems. And that is the fact that those in charge who get to decide the roles are humans too. Humans crave control and are selfish. And besides what gives ordinary people the right to choose roles for others. That is why mwu raised the most important point when the AA crew were talking about the Destiny Plan, and that is, in such a world, what kind of person is dullindaal? Pretty much a god in control of everything, and if he too is a human being that possesses flaws and is not perfect, then the whole thing pretty much goes down the drain. The main issue is you cannot allow one organization, person or institution to get too powerful. The fact of the matter is that even though it is a good way of doing things, it puts the whole of humanity at dullindaal's disposal.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 03:55 PM
for me its disappointing.... suddenly the pace of the entire series is kind of slow down.... unlike seed its suppose to get more exciting!! i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif i dun remember on 48 of seed they r still talking!! if the spoilers are real, there is not much to look forward to just how it end n who will die...hopefully there is good fighting scene.
no wonder so many ex gundam fans whom i know gets so turn off.this is wat they comment" gundams are no longer special they have freaking too many of them! even bad guys!
Sun, 09-18-2005, 10:44 PM
the only thing I really look forward to in this show are the MS battles.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 10:48 PM
i'm just looking forward to the meteors now
Sun, 09-18-2005, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by: heero
er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...
Gil want's to genetically modify everybody, effectivly ending the existance of 'naturals' - though that's hardly the point.
Like SFreedom said, it was a metaphor.
To all those still questioning 'World Of Death', while Alukard's explaination was sufficiently poetic - as I mentioned before, she calls it a world of Death becuase Gil kills those who oppose him, and as far as she is concerned, there will always be opposition, meaning more and more death.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by: Kovash
Originally posted by: heero
er Patrik Zala wanted to kill all is he like Gil...
Gil want's to genetically modify everybody, effectivly ending the existance of 'naturals' - though that's hardly the point.
Like SFreedom said, it was a metaphor.
Well you are kind of stressing it a bit too much because I could also say that Gil and Lacus are similar because they both try to obtain a world of peace but with different approaches. With the same logic you could say 90% of the characters in GSD are basically the same: Kira fights to obtain peace, Shinn fights to obtain peace...etc
Sun, 09-18-2005, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by: heero
Well you are kind of stressing it a bit too much because I could also say that Gil and Lacus are similar because they both try to obtain a world of peace but with different approaches. With the same logic you could say 90% of the characters in GSD are basically the same: Kira fights to obtain peace, Shinn fights to obtain peace...etc
Read: - though that's hardly the point.
Like SFreedom said, it was a metaphor.
Sun, 09-18-2005, 11:23 PM
so you are saying that your post was useless lol WOW its a metaphor...your point? lol
Mon, 09-19-2005, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by: heero
so you are saying that your post was useless lol WOW its a metaphor...your point? lol
I was saying that while I COULD draw a similarity between Gil and Patrick to rebut you, doing so was not the intention of my initial post, and that SFreedom got my point by saying it was a metaphor.
Mon, 09-19-2005, 08:38 AM
Originally posted by: alukard
"Damn that pink haired girl and her virgin, over-zealous knight in shining armor makes Lucifer look like a Saint." Do her already so i can watch my collection without guilt. .
i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif not even sure what that means, exactly....
And also, it sounds to me that Gil's plan is some sort of genetic communism, which while kinda destined (no pun intended) to cause major problems and fail, hardly constitutes a "world of death" i mean, when you're in charge, a few eggs have to be broken to make the omlette, you know?? anyway; lacus is a raving jackass, and i hope she gets shot down (or at least take off that dumb black gi thing
Mon, 09-19-2005, 09:35 AM
I almost forgot that there will be meteors again. Goddamnit WHY? It's not like SF & IJ aren't ridiculously overpowered already.
Also, come up with something new you fucking script writing retards.
Mon, 09-19-2005, 09:37 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
I almost forgot that there will be meteors again. Goddamnit WHY? It's not like SF & IJ aren't ridiculously overpowered already.
Also, come up with something new you fucking script writing retards.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Mon, 09-19-2005, 06:38 PM
besides the fact that IJ and SF are already overpowered... what opposition is needed to release the meteors? As far as we and as well as kira and athrun know. There aren't any MS's out there that are strong enough to need the meteors. They are more than adequate to defeat Shin and Rey with just IJ and SF. But somehow, they already have the meteors lined up for this huge last battle...
I'm betting all the MS's will be destroyed by the end of GSD. Rest in peace..
Mon, 09-19-2005, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by: Sakikana23
besides the fact that IJ and SF are already overpowered... what opposition is needed to release the meteors? As far as we and as well as kira and athrun know. There aren't any MS's out there that are strong enough to need the meteors. They are more than adequate to defeat Shin and Rey with just IJ and SF. But somehow, they already have the meteors lined up for this huge last battle...
I'm betting all the MS's will be destroyed by the end of GSD. Rest in peace..
episode 49- well shinn's going to attach requirm to destiny and fly at them. then shinn will fire, the two metors will fire and it'll be a beam blast contest like in dragon ball Z where beams dont deflect each other, they just stay there pushing each other. finally cagali comes, combine's her dragoons with kira's and they become super boner dragoons, they launch at shinn who isnt used to handling more than 6 boners at one time, gets frustrated and then fires requirm at dullindal. dullindal breaks out matrix moves and we find outo he was genetically altered with super powers and can fly, live in space and shoot huge beams out of his hands. so he takes on the gundams. the episode will end with rey opening the coffee machine the wrong way and the coffee splashes on him, he accidentally sits on his cup, the shards break and go up his ass, he takes off his clothes to get the shards out and then luna comes in. shinn is tired from having to battle with 2 gundams so he retreats and finds luna picking shards out of rey's ass. shinn gives rey an atomic wedgie (rey puts his underwear on first) and rey dies.
episode 50- kira is fighting dullindal and athrun had to go to cagali's tea party. dullindal reveals that he has dragoons too that come out of his ass. he quickly shits up 12 and they all launch at kira. kira uses super seed mode and his hair becomes yellow. SF starts glowing and metor is destroyed (by kira's energy) kira then calls out "SHINNING FINGAH!!!" SF turns into shinning gundam. dullindal is all like "it cant be! that thing is the one that can change the things of the thing and make me not be able to thing! but its supposed to be burried how does he have it? oh no they burried it inside him, what a bad idea by fuduka i'll kill him for killing me!" but shinn rushe's back out to stop kira's shinning fingah attack with his own shinning fingah attack. shinn goes "i will kill dullindal because he told rey everything and i just found my girl picking shards outta his ass!" dullindal is like "damn rey moved in too fast" kira gets mad, shin gets made they both going into supersayin seed gundam mode. they're eyes become sharingans. kira uses mangekyou sharingan. shinn close's his eyes and then kills dullindal. arthurn returns and does rasnegan on everybody. the end. oh and luna marries athurn, cagali marries athurn, meryin marries athurn and lacus marries athurn. athurn goes on many "business trips" during the week. at the end we see kira's helmet floating in space, then we see him floating with a sharingan still as his eye. the clenches his fist and calls out" I'LL BE BACK IN THE SEQUEL!" THE END. really....
Tue, 09-20-2005, 09:12 PM
I have not watched the last 4 or 5 episodes. I just got back from Japan last night. (didnt watch it over there) but down there GSD is a HUGE thing alot of people are going crazy over some "Destiny Plan"? What is the destiny plan can somone explain it to me? Thanks!
Tue, 09-20-2005, 09:16 PM
O boy... Destiny plan is something Gil came up with. Basicly, you are tested, from birth, to find out what you are most suited to do. Then, you do it, forever. If you go against it, you are sought out, and eliminated. Fun world, huh?
Tue, 09-20-2005, 09:44 PM
What about everyone that is already alive? Do they test them to see what thier best ability is? And if thats true im going to feel stupid cause I practicly said what you just did.
Tue, 09-20-2005, 09:59 PM
I doubt Fukuda thought that far. Gil will die soon anyway.
Tue, 09-20-2005, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by: Wizard054
I am starting to wonder how everything is gonna close in the last 2 episodes.
so was i-_-after watchin epi 48...*sigh*
Wed, 09-21-2005, 09:28 PM
didnt you idiots read my post? GOD YOUR ASSHOLES ALL OF YOU! except for terra, he doesnt have to read my posts because i'm sure he has a better theory in his mind which will entertain us more....
umm gil will probably offer a free vacation to the earth for all surviving people. then launch the moon at the earth. and gundam seed III is born! all 50 episodes focus on the moon moving an inch closer to the earth. it ends with some idiot in a mobile suit accidentaly flying into it and exploding the moon. kira use's his whacked out SF system and builds a new moon THATS RIGHT SF CAN DO ANYTHING! gil dies of exertion while masturbating. athurn is once again the biggest pimp marrying 20 different girls.
Thu, 09-22-2005, 02:09 AM
They can't conclude everything in just 2 episodes, they just can't.
I am afraid that everything will pass by in lightspeed or will be left hanging...
Thu, 09-22-2005, 09:10 PM
next eps will pawn ^_^
Thu, 09-22-2005, 09:15 PM
wasnt happy with this esp
Fri, 09-23-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by: aznroyale
next eps will pawn ^_^
They will sell well? O.o?
They need more episode then 2 more to make this series salvagable i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Fri, 09-23-2005, 10:48 AM
next episode will pwan... OOOOOhhh.. hope it is as good as I hope..
Fri, 09-23-2005, 11:25 AM
Wow this sucked. I'm begining to understand why Blue Cosmos exists. They must have seen through the coordinators from the begining. It's clear that coordinators can acquire brain damage and mental illness easier than a natural can. Go Blue Cosmos!!! Destroy all those colonies we don't need more crazy coordinators running around.
From this moment on i am a supporter of Blue Cosmos and i detest coordinators.
What the fuck is wrong with coordinators when they hear about Dullindal's bullshit plan and just goes "hmm that sounds reasonable" and when he fires the Reqiuem they just go "well we have to win so all means are necessary" while they go "Buuuh! you fight dirty!!" when the Blue Cosmos uses it. Fuck coordinators, hypocritical bastards.
I also like how Gladys just is "meh Arthur are you stupid?" when he asks things. That bitch clearly got some kind of mental disorder, i hope her kid fell off a colony and died.
and finally HAIL DJIBRIL, THE COOLEST COMMANDER EVER!!! HAIL AUEL, THE PINNACLE OF MANLINESS. Neo was cool to before he thought his name was Mwu.
Fri, 09-23-2005, 11:38 AM
I'm not the biggest fan of coordinators right now(for most of the reasons above) and yes, they should all die for thinking the destiny plan is good.
Also, This is the best quote in this entire thead.
Originally posted by: PSJ
HAIL DJIBRIL, THE COOLEST COMMANDER EVER!!! HAIL AUEL, THE PINNACLE OF MANLINESS. Neo was cool to before he thought his name was Mwu.
Fri, 09-23-2005, 01:45 PM
Fri, 09-23-2005, 08:42 PM
Fri, 09-23-2005, 09:00 PM
shinn who was meaning to shoot athurn's dick shot luna's mouth.
Sat, 09-24-2005, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by: nhoc_kun
Shut the hell off youself.
You need to check your english skills before you post next time, that is barely understandable.
Mite Gai
Sat, 09-24-2005, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by: Marcis
They can't conclude everything in just 2 episodes, they just can't.
I am afraid that everything will pass by in lightspeed or will be left hanging...
Hanging is what I have heard.
Sat, 09-24-2005, 12:45 PM
Originally posted by: Mite Gai
Originally posted by: Marcis
They can't conclude everything in just 2 episodes, they just can't.
I am afraid that everything will pass by in lightspeed or will be left hanging...
Hanging is what I have heard.
at least they explained mwu's survival, just that makes me satisfied
Sat, 09-24-2005, 04:29 PM
Phase 48 was so boring that its Saturday and SEED-Fansubs' Release isnt ready yet, even Refrain was ready the Thursday in the afternoon of that week.
Sun, 09-25-2005, 01:51 AM
Oh, you mean this SEED-Fansubs Release? (
Sun, 09-25-2005, 05:33 AM
Yeah, that one. it took them more than a week, wow.
SEED-Fansubs - Phase 48 (
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