View Full Version : Phase 46 Discussion
Sat, 09-03-2005, 06:11 AM
LQ Raw
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Sat, 09-03-2005, 06:39 AM
Originally posted by: muyg
LQ Raw
here ( b3a0)
I was looking for a link, but thanks...
Sat, 09-03-2005, 07:57 AM
Hehehe nice work!i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 09-03-2005, 08:03 AM
OMG if i actually understand what they are saying i could have cried, its so ironic, MEER have been used by the chairman , and she died in the hand of her IDOL, FUCK YOU CHAIRMAN, how more evil can he be, at least in GS the bad guy doesnt use other character as the black sheep. OMG!!!!!!!
this is so sad. and please dont say episode 47 is gonna be another recap, considering the preview is all about meer and her concert. while she is already dead in 46
Sat, 09-03-2005, 08:13 AM
i really need the fansub version now, there's too much talking going on in the episode to truely understand what the hell is going on.
it would suck if 47 was a recap episode, we don't need one of those when it's so close to the end of the series.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 08:17 AM
yeh i agree, and i hope they dont make another recap in 47, but that actually will make more sense, because they kill djibril in 45, and i think its a bit to early for them (AA crew) to face ZAFT directly. so it make sense if they make a recap in 47, but it lookls like a recap !! fuck shit!!! i dont wanna recap, why dont they kill djibril in 47 and create dotn make any recap especially in the last 3 episode of the movie. but im not 100 % sure yet about 47 is a recap. and KIRA IS NOT A GOOD SHOOTER!1 he sucks at shooting
if they seriously are making 47 a recap ! FUCK FUKUDA!
Sat, 09-03-2005, 08:22 AM
Why is it called Gundam when there aren't any gundams in the episode (except for 2 seconds of Akatsuki, which feel like they were put in because there had to be a Gundam in the episode)...
And besides how did they get Akatsuki inside one of those Space Stations? Is Security that lacking? Especially after the destruction of those other space stations? Hard to believe...
Sat, 09-03-2005, 08:24 AM
Episode 47 is not a recap. Take it easy.
Edit: Actually, nevermind. I'm not sure. I haven't seen the raw, but I thought I remembered seeing a summary for ep 47 somewhere but I haven't. It might be a recap. But I doubt it, REALLY doubt it, then again I've been let down quite a fair number of times throughout the course of Destiny.
But seriously FIVE recaps. And at the end of a series... I've never heard of that before. And I doubt this will be the show to do that the first time. It will hurt it's popularity pretty bad.
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-03-2005, 08:39 AM
saiyaman is out for those who stay dedicated to one type of raw
Sat, 09-03-2005, 08:45 AM
wow download today is so fast i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sat, 09-03-2005, 09:51 AM
Update regarding next episode:
It seems that according to various sources, the episode will be about Meer's life. In order words, they will be using a dead character and develop her (even though she's DEAD) as an excuse to throw in even more flashbacks to fill out all the episodes.
God what a lame show this has turned out to be. Eps 35-50 = potentially worst Gundam ever after Wing.
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-03-2005, 11:38 AM
My thoughts on this episode:
Overall it was a good episode, it will fire up the Archangel squad (especially Athuran). Athuran is one pissed off dude, and he was an extreme bad ass in this episode. Kira wanted to get shot, he did nothing but act cool with a gun (he wasn't even cool to be honest). Meer dying sucks. I get the feeling that Athuran did have feelings for her, but as brother would a sister in a way or a real good friend. I believe Athuran needed this as well as everyone else to reafirm what they are fighting for and why they are fighting. As a result of this episode (and this is optimistic thinking), Kira and Athuran are probably not going to hold back in the finale.
Meryn looked pretty hot holding that gun.
Mwu/Neo and Ramius did a quickie, just like the old days.
Now on to Meer a little more in depth, she was a test subject for the Destiny plan, this is just a theory of mine from what I've seen throughout GSD. She fit a role that was to be hers, using her traits and abilities as a way to fit her into being Lacus. So I think the Chairman most likely tried out this Destiny crap on her first. Finally, Meer cannot spell sadly enough. If you look at the note she sends Lacus it says: I'm going to killed!" Tsk tsk tsk, someone forgot the "be" in there.
My thoughts on the upcoming episode:
IT'S A JOKE and an INSULT to the fans of GSD to have to watch even more flashbacks of this fucking show. I mean Meer is cool and all, but she's dead. So RIP, TEAR HERE AND THERE, and that should be it. I am hoping the flashbacks will consume no more than 10% of the episode. If not, I think for the final episode, Fukuda should include himself in the anime. Then, SF, IJ, Providence and Destiny all fuck him up one by one for the whole episode, ah that would be extreme pleasure! i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sat, 09-03-2005, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Update regarding next episode:
It seems that according to various sources, the episode will be about Meer's life. In order words, they will be using a dead character and develop her (even though she's DEAD) as an excuse to throw in even more flashbacks to fill out all the episodes.
God what a lame show this has turned out to be. Eps 35-50 = potentially worst Gundam ever after Wing.
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!!! WTF!!! I'M GONNA KILL FUKUDA!!! That is BS!!! What the fuck is that man thinking! He already fucked up when he put in so many recaps, and now we are fored to watch the life of some dead person! I would've minded alot less if they showed her life before she died, but why after she dies. No one cares anymore!!! If they are gonna do this for her then why not Heine damnit!!! He was much cooler than her!!! How the fuck are they gonna explain the rest of the series now?! They officially only have three eps to explain Dullinadal's intentions, who Rey really is, the final destructive weapon, have Mwu "die" again, if the Minerva will defect or be destroyed, who is gonna die, that Destiny Plan, the meteors unveiling, who is gonna die, and what ever else they decide to throw in!!! This is fucking garbage!!! I think I hear Gundam Seed III coming. How about you guys? This is great just fucking great!!! I'm really loving every second of this!!!
Sat, 09-03-2005, 12:01 PM
So much for the "no kill policy". I guess it's adjustable in I won't kill you... only if I'm in a Gundam, but if I'm not, it makes it O.K. to kill you.
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-03-2005, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by: zn|¹
So much for the "no kill policy". I guess it's adjustable in I won't kill you... only if I'm in a Gundam, but if I'm not, it makes it O.K. to kill you.
Well, I agree with you to a degree. However, keep in mind that in a MS you are at least protected from attacks compared to your own body. There really is no way of disabling a human being without inflicting some injury to the body (when guns/weapons are being used). I know there is a possibility but I'm just referring to this episode. Although, it would be funny seeing Kira and Athuran taking out people left and right with a no kill policy.
Kira: Shit, he keeps moving around, I almost shot his hand!
Athuran: Yea! Yippee! I got a guy on the foot and arm.
Kira: Shut the fuck up.
*Athuran fires off a shot at Kira and hits him in the leg*
Athuran: Oops, damn man, you startled me! *secretly grins*
Sat, 09-03-2005, 12:31 PM
Ya, but during the episode there were several times that Asuran could of just shot them (guards) in the arm or leg, considering he has the skill to do so. Nontheless, he jumps in the air and shoots a guy in the chest, I erno, 2-3 times? Now that's not staying true to your beleifs. But, it still made them cooler i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 01:13 PM
lo, the thing is , in a gundam shoot the hands and or something and the machine loses most of its combat ability, not with a human, so i guess fukuda can't make the no kill policy work over here. Just goes to show what a bunch of hypocrites Kira and Athrun are
Sat, 09-03-2005, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by: splash
lo, the thing is , in a gundam shoot the hands and or something and the machine loses most of its combat ability, not with a human, so i guess fukuda can't make the no kill policy work over here. Just goes to show what a bunch of hypocrites Kira and Athrun are
Athrun is no Hypocrite. Only Kira had that no kill policy. The only time Athrun ever made an exception was at Orb when Kira owned him. Never has Athrun had a "No Kill Policy". Kira did absolutely shit in this ep. He had a gun but shot at nothing. He only made coverfire for Athrun. I doubt that Kira could hit anything with that gun even if he was really trying. He has only held a gun twice in his life. The gundam doesn't count since it has a targeting computer. I've seen Athrun practice shooting in this series but Kira...ha! During that entire shoot out Kira was like someone who was just there. The lady who shot Meer. Kira could've takin her out but instead waited for Athrun to do it. I bet Kira was thinking "Hey. If I go out there Fukuda can't really help me so I'll probably end up dead or wounded. Better let Athrun do all of the work. Don't worry Athrun! I've got your back buddy! (Not really.)" I doubt that Kira even shot that grenade. It was most likely the one that was trained to use a gun, Meyrin.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 02:12 PM
The Kusanagi is really back!
Sat, 09-03-2005, 03:00 PM
i don't see how Kira did bad..... just because he was providing Athrun with some coverfire and basically being a decoy so Athrun could take the people out while trying to keep Lacus, Meer and Mayrin out of harm's way doesn't mean he performed badly when it came to the gun fight. Just because you may hate Kira doesn't make him worthless.
Mite Gai
Sat, 09-03-2005, 03:13 PM
And once again, Destiny manages to dispapoint its fans, big surprise. With this, Destiny has nabbed the title of Most Disappointing Anime of the Year unless its ending is the best ending ever seen in an anime (which with Destiny's track record for dissappointments currently is unlikely)..
P.S. 99% sure that next episode is a recap since all it shows are footage of Mia that was already seen and pics of Mia dressed as Lacus.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 03:51 PM
my bet is that Destiny might go up to 52 or so episodes. now i haven't seen this episode yet but last i heard kira doesn't know how to use a gun. the last time he actually picked up a gun was when he first met andy but he didn't even shoot it. he just chucked it at someone.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 03:58 PM
it was good seeing athrun doing bullet time and all this was not abad epsiode im just concerned about 47. Most liekly alotta crap is gonnab be rushed 48,49, 50 . Of oucrse alotta things wont be xplained .. Perhaps maybe a short 20 minute ova and that it. Fukuda youSUCK . 7 up yours bud.
Starting to thinks its bess just to wait till all the other 4 epsidodes are realeased instead of watching this crud one by one..
Also the last time kira held a gun was in gundam seed ep 45. IF you guys are depressed then i reccmend watching the 5 epsidoes of gundam seed. Thats what have been doing and boy am I satisfied. Who need rey when yuo got providence Who need if sf when you got the orginals. Why heck even the orginal mwu-san is alive for like 2 episodes. LEts see what else is good about seed. More screen time if yzak and deakra. AND MOST OF ALL SHINN AND LUNA MARIA DOESNT EXIST YAAAAAAAA we have winnner. Come on all lets go watch gundam seed forget destiny so much better memorable xperiences. See mwu die andklueze get toasted.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 04:13 PM
To start, I liked this episode. I don't even know what they said, but I felt like it was well planned and well executed. As for Neo showing up with Akatsuki, he was probably called by Athrun and co. before they met with Meer. It would make sense to have a Gundam escort her to safty if she was serious in her note that she was going to be killed. It is extremely unlikely that any assassin would be using anti-Gundam weaponry to try and kill her. And someone said something about horrible security, Neo was probably late because of it, if he could have it would have been better for Neo to get there before the rest of them, not when the fire-fight is over.
Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
and KIRA IS NOT A GOOD SHOOTER!1 he sucks at shooting
Why do you think he threw that gun when he and Cagalli first met Waltfeld and were attacked by Blue Cosmos. Keep in mind that he uses an Aimbot in Freedom.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Update regarding next episode:
It seems that according to various sources, the episode will be about Meer's life. In order words, they will be using a dead character and develop her (even though she's DEAD) as an excuse to throw in even more flashbacks to fill out all the episodes.
God what a lame show this has turned out to be. Eps 35-50 = potentially worst Gundam ever after Wing.
Assuming your sources are correct we need to start collecting money to send someone to Japan and "take care of" Fukuda. IT HAS ONLY BEEN FIVE EPISODES SINCE THE LAST RECAP!!! Sure we may not have seen Meer's life before, but anything detailing a dead person is RECAP. ARGH!!!
Oh, and keep in mind that Wing had some redeeming value with the Episode Zero stuff added in. It should have been in the Anime, if not for production schedules. When you are wasting time with 2 (at least) recaps in the last 10 episodes you can't blame production, you have to blame poor writing.
Originally posted by: t3hVeG
i don't see how Kira did bad..... just because he was providing Athrun with some coverfire and basically being a decoy so Athrun could take the people out while trying to keep Lacus, Meer and Mayrin out of harm's way doesn't mean he performed badly when it came to the gun fight. Just because you may hate Kira doesn't make him worthless.
Well either Kira or Meyrin hit the grenade thrown by the person that had been playing sniper and sent it back to her.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 04:35 PM
Heres the definition of Recap:
1: a summary at the end that <u>repeats</u> the substance of a longer discussion
I believe next episode will be at least 50% new stuff, although based on meers life. Honestly I believe they are going to use next episode to develop meer as a character and bring out more about Gil and his plan. She was the closest person to him, other than rey, throughout the series, so its not hard to see that this may be to show what happened before the series and what was going on in the background.
Yes Im mad that they arent going to proceed with the story, but I doubt they are going to have another clip show, which is what a recap is.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 04:49 PM
I dunno if anybody caught it, but Mwu/Neo and Ramus had a good time in AA while Kira, Athrun and the 2 girls were out.
Direct Translation:
Mwu/Neo: "Time to go take a shower, us togheter."
Ramius: "What? I really are a different person"
Mwu/Neo: "really?"
That scene cracked me up sooo bad. haha, now that i think about it, those 2 were prolly making out in the shower when athrun called for help. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Vince Flyte
Sat, 09-03-2005, 05:29 PM
The Kusanagi! (
Sat, 09-03-2005, 07:02 PM
Oh yeah, in the Saiyaman RAW during the adds in the middle of the episode there is a shot of Rey and Shinn. Can someone get a screen cap of that?
Originally posted by: Yumil
Heres the definition of Recap:
1: a summary at the end that <u>repeats</u> the substance of a longer discussion
I believe next episode will be at least 50% new stuff, although based on meers life. Honestly I believe they are going to use next episode to develop meer as a character and bring out more about Gil and his plan. She was the closest person to him, other than rey, throughout the series, so its not hard to see that this may be to show what happened before the series and what was going on in the background.
Yes Im mad that they arent going to proceed with the story, but I doubt they are going to have another clip show, which is what a recap is.
While it may not be a recap in the strictest of terms it is still looks just like a recap episode. If they use the episode like you suggest to explain the Destiny Plan, then I will forgive this, but until then.... DIE FUKUDA!!!!!!
Originally posted by: Vince Flyte
The Kusanagi! (
How do you know that isn't another Izumo class ship?
Sat, 09-03-2005, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by: Curium
Oh yeah, in the Saiyaman RAW during the adds in the middle of the episode there is a shot of Rey and Shinn. Can someone get a screen cap of that?
here ya go. this episode was pretty decent, once again athrun proves that he is a perfect gunner, kira sucked in this episode, i'm disappointed in next week's episode, my definition of a recap is "not moving along with the main storyline; random crap" so i say next episode is a freaking recap
Sat, 09-03-2005, 07:20 PM
Rey is so full of gay.
Strike Freedom
Sat, 09-03-2005, 07:26 PM
Rey isn't gay, he's just misunderstood....awwww i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sat, 09-03-2005, 07:36 PM
Athrun is very talented and took an army by himself cornering the sharpshooter all by himself along with her AK-47 grunts. Kira was not entirely useless in this episode. It's hard to tell but 3 shots went off if you play it in slow motion and Kira shot first. Meyrin and Kira both missed the first shots but they both handled well underpressure. I would have just tried to jump out of the way and pray for a miracle that it's a dud. I still think it's not as embarrassing as Shinn. He missed an immobile target at a practice range for Christ's sake and had a full night's rest while Ray didnt get any sleep at all and his eyes/handle coordination was sharp as ever.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by: t3hVeG
i don't see how Kira did bad..... just because he was providing Athrun with some coverfire and basically being a decoy so Athrun could take the people out while trying to keep Lacus, Meer and Mayrin out of harm's way doesn't mean he performed badly when it came to the gun fight. Just because you may hate Kira doesn't make him worthless.
he must have been a bad decoy considering all the people were shooting at athrun. athurn never really sneakyed up on anyone or backstabbed because they tried to shoot him and he ducks or dodges. kira seriously didnt do jack. myren coulda done just as good a job. as for the cover fire. everytime athurn killed sumone kira waasnt shooting. it was just him and the ak47 ppl shooting. of course this IS only kira's second time with a gun, so its understandable. we must thank kira's bird however. if it were not for the bird, they would not have known of the sniper. go birdie!
Sat, 09-03-2005, 09:27 PM
i don't recall seeing any ak-47's i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sat, 09-03-2005, 09:34 PM
yeah wouldnt seem like they would be using ak 47's in such a futuristic setting. But what he probably means is a random SMG or whatever kind of rifle it might be. i shouldnt really comment as i havent seen the RAW.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 09:37 PM
Tori damnit!
ugh, thats just as bad as the american dub's calling tori "birdie" (yes i know it mean's birdie, but tori sounds better)
Sat, 09-03-2005, 09:57 PM
You guys are sooooo gonna love this: I am 88.88% sure that episode 49 is another "recap". Yep, 49, not just 47. One based on Rei's life. The 11.12% left, I hope that it won't be. Also hoping that GSD goes more than 50 episodes if 47 and 49 gonna be recap.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 10:03 PM
that is so stupid, episode 49 a recap?!!?! now fukuda's just being homo
Sat, 09-03-2005, 10:42 PM
Wow, fukuda makes over 5 recaps in a series, quite sad, i think. We are already moving on to episode 47..... another recap would mean only 4 episode left, if series is 51 episode. So why don't they just take out 1 recap and make it 50 i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif... werid part i don't understand
Sat, 09-03-2005, 11:25 PM
SMG or whatever kind of rifle it might be. i shouldnt really comment as i havent seen the RAW.
You're right it is a submachine gun.
Sat, 09-03-2005, 11:41 PM
As far as I know GSD is fixed at 50 episodes and no further episodes are planned. This is stated in the flyers which came in the latest Gundam models/toys.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@chi
Rey is so full of gay.
thats the truest statement about GSD ive ever heard
Sun, 09-04-2005, 02:04 AM
GSD is moving to be the most disappointing that I could ever imagined. Not only they never explained about the so called "Seed" and it's really meanings, like when that blind guy saves Kira after that fight with Ahtrun and says he will find the way cause he has the seed (original GS), but they screwed up on almost every character. If 47 is a recap I guess will only point/laugh at Fukuda to see him never work on a Gundam series ever again.
Seriously now it's just me or they forgot about the DOM Troopers? They supposed to be with Lacus, but didn't see em on AA on the episode it launched, they not much helping as body guards... Maybe Fukuda is too worried about recaps that forgot about em.
So much shit to explain and they put so many recaps... /sigh
Anyways, about episode I just kept wishing Meer would stand still and let Lacus die. Again Lacus convinced another person with her crazy speech. And hmmm Kira sucks with a gun, he can be a god on his gundam, but outside it he really is just a kid (most like Shinn but he is a kid inside gundam also =p).
Sun, 09-04-2005, 02:05 AM
hiro ( is out
Sun, 09-04-2005, 02:27 AM
I don't think Kira is so much like a kid, as he is just someone who has never had a need to fire a gun before. At start of SEED he was just some civilian then almost all of his fighting was in MS. I can only think of two times before he has had a gun and once he threw the gun, and the other he was freaking out about being ultimate coordinator, so his not shooting well isn't that surprising. Truthfully I am more surprised he fired at all and didn;t try to deflect that grenade by chucking his gun at it.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 05:19 AM
Kira and arthrun is start gossiping bout shin, its mean theyll try to take shin to AA, which i dont like, but it may be a good idea, because shin need someone to make him more mature, i feel really sorry for meer, she died ironically in Lacus hand, Lol Ramius got laid by Neo, Neo is a pervert. i dont get it. can someone explain to me what were arthrun and kira talkking about when they were in the shopping center (while lacus and meyrin listening to music) what are they on about that time.
kira"dont get so angry arthrun"
arthrun"you do realize lacus is.".
kira"its nothing"
Kira"its ok arhtrun, lacus and I are already ....."
Kira" so there is no need for you to work hard by yourself"
OMG lacus is so cool when she was talking to meer, she was so calm and she got the charisma
Kira got no feeling he didnt cry he is just being a hippy again. and AA now got the advantage
they got the real one and the body of the fake one, now they can publish it
and if 47 is a fucking recap ill gonna kill FUKUDA
Sun, 09-04-2005, 07:09 AM
Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
and if 47 is a fucking recap ill gonna kill FUKUDA
Its not a recap, its a clip show about Meer
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:22 AM
My favorite part of this episode, after seeing the sub, was Athrun's reaction to Lacus and Kira actually wanting to walk into a trap.
Lacus: But I've always wanted to meet her.
Kira: We know it's a trap so it'll be okay, right!
Athrun: (Thinking) Damn Civis!
I mean really, does it make any kind of sense to walk into a trap with pistols and the hope of back up. It's not like they were rushed, they could've waited a minute or two more. Heck, I'd just had one of the mobile suits swoop in and snatch meer up and take her to a secure location to talk.
Point score
20 Cool points to Athrun. Ten for trying to talk the civilians out of that hair brained scheme plus another ten for taking out most of the enemies.
3 cool points to Meryin for looking cute with a gun.
10 cool points to Kira. Five for knowing enough to keep his head down, plus five more for tagging the second grenade in air.
-10 cool points from both kira and Athrun for not making sure all the enemies were dead before they dropped their guard. Heck another round or two into the head of a downed enemy is worth it considering they had two highly influential people too protect
5 cool points to the chairman for again making military officers dance to his tune like puppets.
5 cool points to lumineria for realizing that Rey is a tool.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by: Sechs
5 cool points to lumineria for realizing that Rey is a tool.
which bit was saying that lunamaria realized that rey is a tool
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by: Sechs
5 cool points to lumineria for realizing that Rey is a tool.
Thats the funniest part of this thread so far.
Can anybody tell me which song is playing in the theatre before/during the shootout...
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
Originally posted by: Curium
Oh yeah, in the Saiyaman RAW during the adds in the middle of the episode there is a shot of Rey and Shinn. Can someone get a screen cap of that?
here ya go. this episode was pretty decent, once again athrun proves that he is a perfect gunner, kira sucked in this episode, i'm disappointed in next week's episode, my definition of a recap is "not moving along with the main storyline; random crap" so i say next episode is a freaking recap
This screenshot is so fucking cool because it shows that Rey is literally in Shinn's mind.
One of few aspects that currently makes me feel like this is still a good show.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:50 AM
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:52 AM
Shut the fuck up and don't use caps you goddamn moron.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:55 AM
It was a good episode. Its been awhile since we saw a good episode with NO GUNDAMS owning one another.
Why I call it good? Well, it gave Asuran, Kira, Lacus and Meyrin a chance to relax after their devastating ordeals. I mean, even if its for a little while, its nice to see a peaceful look on their faces after being sressed for so long.
Hehe, I wonder what would happen if Cagalli was there. Instead of shopping for dresses, she would proabably be shopping for guns. By the way, does anyone besides me think Lacus taste in dresses sucks? Her battle outfits were much better, especially the cute ninja suit that seemed to have disapeeared after one episode.
Meer's death............. can I say it was touching? And the conversation between Lacus and Meer was also great, and managed to clear Meer's head of the illusion that she is Lacus. I don't know why everybody keeps flaming Kira for doing nothing, he did lay down cover fire and actually shot a grenade from the air. I think it must have been a concussion grenade. If it was a frag grenade, no way in hell that bitch Sara would have survived. And Meer's last wish was also very realistic and in a way, she redeemed herself after acting as someone else for so long: she wanted to be remembered as herself, back before this whole celebrity fever settled on her. So all in all, I forgive her for her fake stunts and for siding with Dullindal.
Damn you Fukuda, this is what you should be doing for Gundam Seed Destiny, rather than having overpowered Gundams fighting each other. This is the type of episode that made Gundam Seed special, and by far, I count this as the best episode of the Gundam Seed Destiny. Call me crazy, but I like episodes that actually have no fighting and is NOT a recap.
On the topic of episode 47 being a recap, well, no comment lah. I nearly gave up any chance of GSD having redeeming qualities and Episode 46 gave me a glimmer of hope despite being nearly at the end of the series. Maybe instead of focusing on Meer's fake life as Lacus, they 'll give some viewing for her life before all that happened.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
Originally posted by: Sechs
5 cool points to lumineria for realizing that Rey is a tool.
which bit was saying that lunamaria realized that rey is a tool
Perhaps it's just me but when she tried to talk to Shinn and Rey stepped out, I had the impression that she changed subjects. Considering his comments a few eps back about trusting the chairman without fail, I assumed that her reaction showed that she's starting to realize who his true master is.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 11:44 AM
Heya all.. im Reading in the shadows again =P
But i would agree with several people about the ammount of explaining there needs to be done for the episode, there is just too much going on to gaspe it all at once, but if we got all the information at once, then it wont be fun knowing how it happened stright away i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif So i think the End of episode 50 will be Explaing alot by reaveling small fragments about each and every person past and intentions, eg, Neo Fighting Rey, He will probably remember something from the time he fought kruze and actually defeat him since he fight him in a smiliar MS with the DRAGOON system.
remember Kruze did say "maybe Children cant surpass there parents afterall" during a fight in the old GS episodes when Mwu was fightin Kruzee in his Strike. So that might mean Neo has matured alot since then and has gained the ability to face up to this guy, even tho he is a kid, he is still a reflection of the past.
What im trying to say is in the last dying episodes all these things will be revealed during battles , flashbacks or something like that leading to the main reason why there here,And thats to stop the Chairman.
As for the recap, Meer might actually play a bigger role in the destiny plan then we thought, someone alrady mentioned that as their theroy.
About the episode.. i had no feelings for meer. It was sad to see her dead and i can understand why athran is crying because he was with her and even slept with her aswell. Kira isnt much of a fighter obviously, he make look like a noob in that episodes, but YOU all knw his skills are greater in a MS and ive seen you all say how cool he was =P
Well, regardless, recap or not, im going to watch this till the end and ill make up my mind if im satisfied with it, but lets see how this ends and save the insults for the poor guy =P
peace !
I knw my spelling and gramma sux! tell someone who cares!
Sun, 09-04-2005, 11:54 AM
Wow, the shoot out with assault rifles, pistols, and hand grenades in this episode was a lot better(and some what more violent) than the first assasination attempt on Lacus. I can't say it made perfect sense to 2 guys (Kira and Athuran) take out all the enemies with only handguns while the enemies had assault rifles and sniper rifles, but heck, this is just an anime. I'm not looking forward to next week's episode if it's only about Meer, because it seems to be an episode wasted. I'll just wait and see how it turns out.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:01 PM
You guys forgot to give credit to the bird that saved Lacus from the sniper shot. Perhaps the bird will return in the next seed series as a main character.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:03 PM
Jesus Christ. If I didn't know better, I'd think that Fukuda was detained and had someone with an actual brain direct this episode. For this, ladies and gentlemen, is easily among the best episodes produced in the whole Seed franchise.
Not only does Kira & Lacus both manage to NOT be annoying, they are also quite funny (in their own way) and Lacus actually makes sense for once. Further, this episode felt so "non-Destiny" somehow, things really flowed, no constant flashbacks, good gunfighting & suspense... and a really sad ending. Meer, while not by any means my favorite character (though she is damn sexy), is a very tragic person who hated herself so much that she wanted to become someone successful. In a sense, that's very human, except that she took it too far. She ends up being a sympathic character and thus this episode manages to once again summon the Terracosmic sadness.
Even more, I'm glad that they didn't just waste Meer's bodyguard as a character design but she turned out to have a name (Sarah rules) & also quite the coldblooded assassin. Oh hell yeah.
I must also comment on Neo for a bit. While I definitely do NOT buy the fact that "Mwu is back" , and the fact that everyone just sorta... "accepts" it... I'm glad that Neo is actually different from Mwu. Same body perhaps, but it's evident that they are two different people. For example Mwu wouldn't say that bath line as he did to Ramius. Sure, Mwu was a kidder, but he wouldn't say that I believe. That's good.
If it wasn't for the fact that next week is a recap (insane), I'd be damn pumped up now. I can't help but to compare this to Seed though. Ep 46 in Seed (actually, all of episodes 40-50 in Seed) were bloody intense beyond belief. I can't help but think of this ending as a bit "slow", and I'm a bit worried that it will end up very rushed...
Anyway, GREAT episode.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:19 PM
It was okay, but just getting meer killed wasn't really worth a whole episode. Especially if the next one is going to be some kinda flashback fest and there'll be 3 left for the finale.
...It looks like Athrun has got his killer instinct back though, sweet.
OH yah, pretty cool that you can fly around with mobile suits inside the moon city. I would think that some officials are gonna go nuts over that. And oh god, WHY are there ancient roman ruins in there? so odd
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:19 PM
you know something about neo that concerns me and im not sure if its been brought up by anyone yet. In the Episode where Strike -freedom comes back it shows Lacus looking at the computer screen of some the destiny plans or something and the profile of some guy which has NO information on it but a picture, which is black short hair guy with a scar on his face , Very much like Neo. !
What im thinking is that this Mwu guy is a imposter, but i guess lacus would of knwn, Or maybe she doesnt . ? mayb this guy is also a person working for the chairman and plans to kill the AA from the inside =P
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:31 PM
Maybe he has a cucumber up his arse!
lol.. just kidding..
Hell, since 38+ this series have been a lot of bullshit.. ok, luna and shinn, they look cute hugging and kissing, but yet.. wheres that good old feeling...
something is missing..
Fukuda, plz, die..
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:34 PM
ahh its in Episode 39 Right at the start were lacus is talking some stuff and u see the Picture of him with (DELETED) on his file, any idea who he is ? do u think that guy could resemble Mwo/Neo.. Or was he that guy leading the drop on earth with Junas 7 ?
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:43 PM
they wasted an ENTIRE episode just to kill meer!? i have no idea wth fukuda is doing these last 3 episodes. not only has the pacing stopped, it's degraded the storyline so much. it can really be seen that he's trying HARD to drag this series out to 50 episodes.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:46 PM
Well Meer IS a central character who has been around since the first episodes...
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:49 PM
i noticed couple of things:
1. Kira noticed granade(first one) before it was thrown
2. it was actualy Kira that recoiled second grande as there was 2 shots 1 from Meryn and second from Kira and second shot recoiled grande back.
As for next episode it probebly will use used scenes to tell about Meer and Chairman plans more. SO MOSTLY RECAPE.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 12:56 PM
way to fuck up the pacing of the story. not only does fukuda spend an entire episode to talk about meer, episode 47 is about the flashbacks of meer's life. SHE'S DEAD. WHO THE FUCK CARES.
one of these days, fukuda will die and i will rejoice. there is little to no salvation for this series-- one of the worst gundam series ever that i have seen.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 01:33 PM
I really liked this ep. Meer died but that was quite obvious that she should die but i didn't think it would be like this. It was interesting to see some action outside the ships/gundams for once also. Athrun showed off his bodyguard skill and that he was better at Kira at something. It was a nice touch that Meer went "sane" at the end and accepted that she was her own person.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 01:41 PM
Meer got the 'Lacus twirl' steps perfectly instead of doing a belly flop. What a way to go.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by: Death13a
i noticed couple of things:
1. Kira noticed granade(first one) before it was thrown
2. it was actualy Kira that recoiled second grande as there was 2 shots 1 from Meryn and second from Kira and second shot recoiled grande back.
As for next episode it probebly will use used scenes to tell about Meer and Chairman plans more. SO MOSTLY RECAPE.
convient how u noticed all of the kira things this episode cough cough. allow me to notice the athurn things.
1. athrun can jump about 20 feet in the air.
2. athrun has near perfect aim with a generic pistol.
3. athrun can dodge bullets.
4. athrun can can run friggin fast.
5. athrun did 90 percent of the work.
there an athrun fanboy to hush up the kira guy(sarcasm).
Sun, 09-04-2005, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
God what a lame show this has turned out to be. Eps 35-50 = potentially worst Gundam ever after Wing.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by: alukard
Meer got the 'Lacus twirl' steps perfectly instead of doing a belly flop. What a way to go.
lol i thought it was lame...who the hell twirls after he gets shot -.-
Sun, 09-04-2005, 03:25 PM
This episode has proved to me that kira and lacus are probably among the most idiotic and naive characters in the whole series despite their high and mighty appearance. And i have more respect for Athrun after this episdoe because he seems more realistic, sensible and logical. He just doesnt go doing whatever he wants to all the time and he understands situations
Sun, 09-04-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by: Kirakun
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
God what a lame show this has turned out to be. Eps 35-50 = potentially worst Gundam ever after Wing.
Yep. Main reason why I don't want a GS3.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by: splash
This episode has proved to me that kira and lacus are probably among the most idiotic and naive characters in the whole series despite their high and mighty appearance. And i have more respect for Athrun after this episdoe because he seems more realistic, sensible and logical. He just doesnt go doing whatever he wants to all the time and he understands situations
if your idea of realistic is dodging bullets easily, have better aim than any other sniper that meer's protector hired and can do moves that even a martial artist takes years to master, than you are mistaken. i do give you the sensible and logical, but that comes with his 'bodyguard' side of him.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 03:52 PM
i am not talking about abilities here, every soldier who is a main character in this show pretty much has supernatural combat abilites, despite luna and cagalli, they both suck. What i mean is his personality ( More of a attuned to reality-personality). I mean things like someone trying to trap you like that and you just walk in like a bunch of idiots just because you believe everything will turn out alright. I mean when Kira agreed with Lacus, athrun was astounded at his idiocy. That his why i believe Athrun is a more reasonable character than Kira. When i talk about someone being realistic every now and then i am talking about their attitude because honestly i dont think Athrun's abilities are anymore real than flying donkeys.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 04:06 PM
Anyone listen to the preview for episode 47? It says that the only thing that was left behind was a picture and a disc. This might be the way that the crew of AA finds out about the plans of Dullindal
Sun, 09-04-2005, 04:22 PM
Wow, people seem pretty upset about an absurb number of things.
Did anyone ever consider the moral/ethical ramifications of Lacus not showing up? Of her not trying to help a person who has specifically asked for her help?
The fact is, she should have shown up riding shotgun in Freedom's cockpit, with Justice and Akatsuki flying cover. Then again, maybe she was worried that if she turned and went immediately back the AA, her shadows might try and take her down in a population center, INSTEAD of some abandoned ruins. Lacus is not one to edanger lives she doesn't need to, and she's not dumb. She's just very moral, something some people dont give much weight. Being morally true to yourself means making hazardous choices sometimes. (IE, your breaks are out. Theres a car in front of you, a lake to your left, and a telephone pole to your right. The telephone pole or the lake is more likely to kill you, but you aren't going to hurt other people in the car in front of you either)
Personally, I liked how this episode layed down some things. There is no no killing policy. Never has been. Its a "i'd prefer not to kill you, but dont f-ing push it" policy. Also illustrated by Kira's not really caring how much damage got done to Stellar as long as he brought down her Destroy. People who complain about Kira going out of the way to take out weapons... think about it. Assuming that hitting any given point on a MS is equally difficult, and I see no reason it shoudln't be (unless you are SPECIFICALLY maneuvering certain points to avoid hits, Ala Shinn in impulse), taking out weapons instead of pilots is as simple as modifying the software that aquires targets.
I thought Athrun was great in this episode. It really illustrated the difference between his military background and Kira's nothing-but-MS combat experience. Kira was only responding to the attackers, letting himself be suppressed and forced on the defensive. Athrun on the other hand, knew that he had to take the fight to them to avoid being suppressed to the point where they were forced into the open. To those who are angry with his superhuman feats, remember these people in this episode weren't human. At least, not like anyone who is real. Remember in SEED, when Andy shielded himselm, cagali, and Kira in response to an RPG being fired? Thats the type of stuff Coordinators are capable of.
Meer will be missed. And likely, hated for taking up a good portion of the next episode. A shame.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 04:22 PM
if you notice, during the shooting scene Lacus didnt get as scared as meer did probably:
Lacus: (i need to talk to someone, i want to gossip, but i cant talk to meyrin because she is not a girl she is a tomboi)
Meer( Im so scared, Im soooooo scared)
Lacus (hey, probably i can talk with meer, because she had been taking my place since ive been away, its mean she had lived the same life as i did,(Glamorous, and Night Club life) )
Lacus: hey meer, how is it goin ?
Meer (WTF she wanna gossip ? in this situation? what a bitch)
Meer: (smiling) ohh im alrite and you?
Lacus: just straight to the point, was there any boys or man that came looking for me when i am away? but dont tell kira or arhtrun about this, there suppose to be one of my lover looking at me
Meer (OMG so those guys! is her boyfriends, and they took ma virginity OMG)
Meer: (start crying) no there werent any
Kira: RUn!!!! a grenade is coming ,(no one listening
Lacus: are you .... (BOOM lacus and meer both got grenaded )
Sun, 09-04-2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by: Millenium-Boyz
if you notice, during the shooting scene Lacus didnt get as scared as meer did probably:
Lacus: (i need to talk to someone, i want to gossip, but i cant talk to meyrin because she is not a girl she is a tomboi)
Meer( Im so scared, Im soooooo scared)
Lacus (hey, probably i can talk with meer, because she had been taking my place since ive been away, its mean she had lived the same life as i did,(Glamorous, and Night Club life) )
Lacus: hey meer, how is it goin ?
Meer (WTF she wanna gossip ? in this situation? what a bitch)
Meer: (smiling) ohh im alrite and you?
Lacus: just straight to the point, was there any boys or man that came looking for me when i am away? but dont tell kira or arhtrun about this, there suppose to be one of my lover looking at me
Meer (OMG so those guys! is her boyfriends, and they took ma virginity OMG)
Meer: (start crying) no there werent any
Kira: RUn!!!! a grenade is coming ,(no one listening
Lacus: are you .... (BOOM lacus and meer both got grenaded )
that would be the best
Sun, 09-04-2005, 05:50 PM
I thought it was a reasonable episode, aside form a few silly things namely;
- Athrun felt the need to jump... alot... also notice how they were all standing around in a group and Sarah shoots Meer, instead of pushing through the crowd Athrun just jumps over them.
- I know Lacus perscribes to the 'I'd prefer it if people didn't have to die, but I'm open to the possibility that they might not stop unless they are.' policy, but Kira seem absurdly removed from the idea of shooting a grenade so it blew up in the face of the person that threw it. Yes, she didn't die but if Athrun hadn't of shot her she probably would have been severely injured for the rest of her life.
- Sarah and her lackies seemed kind to wait the 4.5 minutes for Lacus to finish her speech before attempting to shoot her, and even IF Sarah didn't have a line of sight, the other 5 guys with rifles would have.
- Where the hell did Tori come from? and where the hell did it go? I might have missed something but I don't remember seeing it before OR after it distracted Sarah and gave off her location.
- Meer redeemed herself too quickly, while it wasn't a totally far-fetched idea, it just seemed rushed was all.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 06:20 PM
This episode was pretty good. A fully fleshed out Meer dying in the hands of her Idol. It's a shame that they have to ruin her memory by adding yet another clip show in the next episode.
I know one of the reasons recap eps exist is because they rarely do reruns in japan (or thats what i've been told), but this is ridiculous to the point of insulting the viewers' intelligence. we all know meer, who's been around since like ep 1. Unless the flashbacks are new footage, I'm officially on the 'burn fukuda' bandwagon i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
It was refreshing to see an episode without gundams, although Athrun's aim hack was kinda unrealistic lol. But cool to watch.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Tori is in phase 46 for a brief second Athrun and Kira went out to Copernicus. She is always near Kira.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by: Death13a
i noticed couple of things:
1. Kira noticed granade(first one) before it was thrown
2. it was actualy Kira that recoiled second grande as there was 2 shots 1 from Meryn and second from Kira and second shot recoiled grande back.
As for next episode it probebly will use used scenes to tell about Meer and Chairman plans more. SO MOSTLY RECAPE.
Kira fired first, then meryn...the second shot hit the grenade...guess what that was Meryni/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Kira didnt hit anything>.<
EDIT: now that I look at it frame by frame , 4 shots were fired, the next to last hit. Who knows which one fired which of the last two shots...My gif is messed up(I accidently moved a frame which causes it to look like kira fired two>.<
Sun, 09-04-2005, 09:00 PM
Guys, it might not be a recap episode. There is a possibility that real Lacus impose as Meer to get back to the Chairman. It is just my guess. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Sun, 09-04-2005, 09:24 PM
what i thought was really funny was after meer got shot, kira and athurn ran over in slowmow and pointed their guns at sarah. the funny part is kira didnt shoot, he just pointed his gun lol. watch it again, athurn shoots both shots. i didnt catch this until my friend told me.
Sun, 09-04-2005, 09:49 PM
athurn did all the killing, kira just stood around and was all like "yeah...i'm pimp!"
Mon, 09-05-2005, 12:37 AM
Originally posted by: jw81
Guys, it might not be a recap episode. There is a possibility that real Lacus impose as Meer to get back to the Chairman. It is just my guess.
The chairman will note the difference, plus Kira wouldnt allow Lacus to face such a danger.
Meer changed her mind because of Sarah's Speech plus Lacus face when people were dying around her, she understood who the real Lacus was in that moment, Meer was completely scared and Lacus wasnt, she was calm and sad because of the ppl dying. I dont think it was rushed.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 01:24 AM
wow athrun owned everyone this time, too bad for kira meer died, he could have two lacus or share it with athrun.i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
and oh why is the next episode named meer?? wtf fukuda she's dead!!! recap crap
Mon, 09-05-2005, 01:29 AM
athrun's "kusou" at the end of the episode is better than yzak's famous "kusou" i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 09-05-2005, 02:02 AM
This episode proves that Kira is useless without his MS i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif
Mon, 09-05-2005, 02:36 AM
EDIT: now that I look at it frame by frame , 4 shots were fired, the next to last hit. Who knows which one fired which of the last two shots...My gif is messed up(I accidently moved a frame which causes it to look like kira fired two>.<
Look closer. What else is moving besides the bullets?
Do this. Turn off all lights except for a light source and flick your pointer finger left and right. You can do it in a dark setting but you won't see the effect well.
Still its hilarious that Kira didnt shot Sarah even though he was one of the first to shoot. He didnt hurt anyone.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 02:56 AM
wow... they're getting to the end and their chances for redeeming SEED Destiny and bringing its popularity up just a bit.....and they blow it on this? series is just going downhill -_-
Mon, 09-05-2005, 03:15 AM
Originally posted by: zn|¹
So much for the "no kill policy". I guess it's adjustable in I won't kill you... only if I'm in a Gundam, but if I'm not, it makes it O.K. to kill you.
Kira doesn't want to kill in war, for that situation its not war, they are being assasinate and I don't see they have any choice.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 03:24 AM
I can bet my right index finger on the fact that there is NOBODY who has forgot what's happened the last 6 episodes. SO WHY IS THERE A RECAP ¤)!!¤(¤!)184918494141
Unless the japanese have some kind of common amnesia problem, or just don't give a fuck about the show
Mon, 09-05-2005, 03:45 AM
I dont think its a recap...I think its more like an episode on Meer's life.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:03 AM
i agree with heero. it's probably gonna be about Mia's life. and by explaining Mia's life, it might give us a clue as to what the Destiny plan is all about.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:21 AM
Of course it's an episode about Meer's life. But to explain it, they are going to use a lot of recaps. It will be similar to the one about Shinn's life.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:35 AM
ohh terra is scared someone in the other thread, lol
yeah we haven't forgot what happened in previous episode, and 41 or 42 is a recap right? not sure.. but anyway,
we don't need a recap now.. who cares bout meer anyway...i/expressions/devil.gif
Mite Gai
Mon, 09-05-2005, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
athrun's "kusou" at the end of the episode is better than yzak's famous "kusou"
LOL, I was expecting Terra to intercept that. And this series definitely bags my vote for the worst gundam series ever, because at least Wing was a learning experiment. They already saw all the problems from SEED and in Destiny they didn't fix anything and instead made the problems SEED had worse. If the last episode sucks as bad as I think it is going to, I am buyin a plane ticket to japan and lighting up Fukuda's house with him in it.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 11:42 AM
Having watched the episode 4 more times I suddenly realized that I overrated it because Lacus almost got shot.
I still think it was a good episode though but the spur of the moment made me think it was much better than it was, though many of my compliments still stand.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 12:54 PM
It was an ok ep, but the idea of the ambush was a bit much. So ZAFT had an opportunity to take out Lacus, Kira, and Athrun, and all they brought was a few guys with gunsand grenades? If they took out those 3 their opposition would essentually be eliminated. It would be worth pretty much any cost. Why not stash some bombs, lure them in, and then blow the whole thing up? Or gas them? Or call in the troops? Or some mobile suits? Dullandil and ZAFT should have smarter than that lame plan.
Other things, um, Athrun's shades were cool. And it was kind of interesting that Lacus told Meer that if she wanted to keep the idol-Lacus persona she could. I guess Lacus has really separated herself from her past... I was wondering if she would take over ORB at the end of the show, but now I think she will stick to the quiet life with Kira.
Strike Freedom
Mon, 09-05-2005, 01:13 PM
Well, it's already known what happens to Lacus and Kira after the series....about a month afterwards they are walking down the street talking about how the world is such a great place, there is love in the air and all that good crap. Then out of nowhere, a stampede of elephants runs through the street, running over them, slapping them around with their trunks....and there is no more kira and very sad i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Saw the subbed version. Still stick with what i said in my original post. Kira was useless. Why? I believe because he still has that good for nothing "no kill policy." Kira is in check under Lacus, I think she has brainwashed him. If you think the Chairman is bad with his Destiny plan, Lacus might already have implemented her own Destiny plan, with Kira as her test subject. I'm actually a Kira fan, and Lacus is cool.
Actually, pretty good episode, I liked it besides the stupid spelling error on Meer's card and the way Meer artistically falls to the ground after being shot. Really now, who the hell falls like that?
Kira was the one who shot the gernade, going with what I saw here.
Athuran did complete ownage.
And the next episode on Meer is pretty sad to be this far in the series... Now I'm going to give Fukuda the benefit of the doubt (a very BIG benefit) and hope that this episode as well as the one on REY has some serious purpose for this series....
Mon, 09-05-2005, 02:09 PM
so what're the ancient theater ruins doing on a moon surface city?
Mon, 09-05-2005, 02:19 PM
Aramis, well naturally this meeting harps back to when Lacus met Athrun at the abandoned theatre in the Seed series, and slightly earlier in Destiny when Athrun met Kira and Cagalli at some ruins on Earth. Why are their Romanesque ampitheatre ruins on the moon? It just goes with Fukuda's theme about acting and media and all that jazz.
I'm pretty disappointed so far in this series. I feel like Destiny was formulated with one idea in mind, but then Fukuda changed his around episode 34. Now he's just going around on tangents, and seems to really be into this whole Meer-Lacus thing. He's also left 3 episodes and we still know almost nothing about Dullindal and Talia (nothing concrete) NOTHING ABOUT REY! and we're totally in the dark on how Dullindal will try to implement his Destiny Plan. Looks like the pacing is totally gone for this series, and my only hope is that they go over the 50 episode limit to finish the series properly. At this rate it looks like episode 49 and 50 will be a bitch-ton of fighting, deaths, reprisals of old Lacus Faction speeches, Dullindal's ideals and battleship fighting.
How did the ArchAngel get clearance to land on the moon? How does ORB have a base there? The EAF just got defeated and ZAFT's moon fleet is occupying, I'd guess, THE MOON. So they just let their enemy slip in like that?
And what a crappy ambush! No MS? They were on foot for god's sake! And its not like you just had to kill Lacus, you had a great chance to wipe out almost all of ArchAngel's pilots. A sniper? A couple machine guns? Grenades? The Arabs have RPGs, Stingers, Rocket Launchers. (Or a big bomb to destroy the entire amphitheatre, just as a fall-back measure, duh!) and the most advanced Coordinator state in space comes at them with 1 easily distracted sniper and 3 or 4 guys? Pathetic.
I was glad that Athrun shot to kill.
And looks like Kira joined in on blasting that Sarah chick to death. No wait, he was a pussy and just pointed his gun...
Oh and for the whole did Kira shoot the grenade back at Sarah discussion. Look at their positions, Meryin down on one knee, Kira standing. In the clip of the grenade being shot there is one shot that misses because it is too low and the three more, all coming from very similair angles. Also, the first shot that misses is the low one, and then come the three. Meryin fires first, then Kira.
Looks to me from the angles that it was Kira's shot that knocked the nade back at Sarah. Obviously it was done so nobody could tell for sure, but I'm damn confident it was him.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 03:27 PM
Sting looks cooler in semi-transparent glasses than Athrun does.
Also, seeing Athrun wearing those reminded me on the whole Alex Dino thing. Thinking back, what the hell was the point of that? It lasted for what, 2 episodes?
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:21 PM
don't worry... Alex Dino will be back! somehow...
this ep was good i think... and really... i don't see how they can end this in a satisfactory way in 4 eps...
dammit... although a Berserk type of ending would come as a shock!
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:27 PM
Berserk type ending?
*imagines Shinn raping Lacus and slashing off Kira's limbs & eye*
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:30 PM
berserk type ending??? ummm...i dont know if a mass gang rape on lacus or cagalli (or anyone for that matter) is congruent with the tone of the show, but then again fukada does seem to write on his own whims
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:33 PM
*drools uncontrollably on the ground*
note: a sadistic kind of drool, not a hentai-loving one
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:39 PM
Well I hope you guys are prepared because threre is gonna be a Gundam Seed III Double Destiny. They don't have enough time to finish the series in 4 ep. Keep in mind that two of these are about people's lives. The last battle is gonna be so fucked. Hell I still wanna know how they get to that point of getting into a final battle. I doubt that Kira and Athrun will just go "Screw it! Dullindal got Meer killed! Lets go kill him!" then load up the Meteor's and start a shoot out at that station. I don't even see how Dullindal messes up to the point where a battle can begin. The only way I see that happening is if they exploit Meer for who she really was and I don't think they would do that.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 04:57 PM
If its the same plot then its going to be a second season, not a whole new Gundam Seed series. Where did you get that info? or was it just your understanding?
Mon, 09-05-2005, 05:05 PM
is anyone even sure that it's gonna end in episode 50? or are everyone thinking that cause Seed was that long.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 05:11 PM
This was a good episode. Few things I noticed from it.
It's downright logic that Kira can't use a gun like Athrun. Reasons already stated quite a few times in this thread. And the Kira haters are using this as a form of "I hate Kira and his stupid views, what an unrealistic character and he was so useless in this episode" when In my view, if Fukuda put Kira who in his life has never trained using a gun, all of the sudden becomes an expert marksman because he is superior and whatnot....then that would be something pretty fucked up and would surely be something worth pissing the Kira haters off. So how's that for a realistic character?
Man. Meer is FUGLY!! I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a new appearence and name.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Man. Meer is FUGLY!! I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a new appearence and name.
Deblas, when your right your right.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
This was a good episode. Few things I noticed from it.
It's downright logic that Kira can't use a gun like Athrun. Reasons already stated quite a few times in this thread. And the Kira haters are using this as a form of "I hate Kira and his stupid views, what an unrealistic character and he was so useless in this episode" when In my view, if Fukuda put Kira who in his life has never trained using a gun, all of the sudden becomes an expert marksman because he is superior and whatnot....then that would be something pretty fucked up and would surely be something worth pissing the Kira haters off. So how's that for a realistic character?
Man. Meer is FUGLY!! I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a new appearence and name.
that doesnt change that fact that he does nothing and sucks...
Mon, 09-05-2005, 05:21 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
This was a good episode. Few things I noticed from it.
It's downright logic that Kira can't use a gun like Athrun. Reasons already stated quite a few times in this thread. And the Kira haters are using this as a form of "I hate Kira and his stupid views, what an unrealistic character and he was so useless in this episode" when In my view, if Fukuda put Kira who in his life has never trained using a gun, all of the sudden becomes an expert marksman because he is superior and whatnot....then that would be something pretty fucked up and would surely be something worth pissing the Kira haters off. So how's that for a realistic character?
Man. Meer is FUGLY!! I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a new appearence and name.
Actually Kira became a very good pilot the instint he got on a gundam so its not like this kind of stuff hasnt happened...
Mon, 09-05-2005, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
Originally posted by: Deblas
This was a good episode. Few things I noticed from it.
It's downright logic that Kira can't use a gun like Athrun. Reasons already stated quite a few times in this thread. And the Kira haters are using this as a form of "I hate Kira and his stupid views, what an unrealistic character and he was so useless in this episode" when In my view, if Fukuda put Kira who in his life has never trained using a gun, all of the sudden becomes an expert marksman because he is superior and whatnot....then that would be something pretty fucked up and would surely be something worth pissing the Kira haters off. So how's that for a realistic character?
Man. Meer is FUGLY!! I wouldn't blame her if she wanted a new appearence and name.
that doesnt change that fact that he does nothing and sucks...
Okay. I can understand when you say he sucks. Many people hate him because of his attitude. But saying he does nothing is crossing the line. Sure he didn't do much in this episode cause of his no kill policy and the fact that he sucks using a hand gun. But as we all know, get him in a MS and he can do anything. Err...except kill. But that doesn't count in MS battles. Disabling is just as good.
Originally posted by: heero
Actually Kira became a very good pilot the instint he got on a gundam so its not like this kind of stuff hasnt happened...
Okay, that is a big difference. In seed they said that coordinators are born with the capability to harness skills but they also need to study or train so they can master it. They are not born knowing it. I always thought that Kira was able to control Strike so fast and easily because although he is the ultimate coordinator that gave him a big boost. He had a vast knowledge on computers and physics and math and whatever he was studying at his college.
He never trained or used a gun before or something that remotly resembles a gun. So, no knowledge of it. No skill.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Okay, that is a big difference. In seed they said that coordinators are born with the capability to harness skills but they also need to study or train so they can master it. They are not born knowing it. I always thought that Kira was able to control Strike so fast and easily because although he is the ultimate coordinator that gave him a big boost. He had a vast knowledge on computers and physics and math and whatever he was studying at his college.
He never trained or used a gun before or something that remotly resembles a gun. So, no knowledge of it. No skill.
Do you have any evidence to prove that Kira has learned anything about Gundams prior to the first episode of Seed then? I could switch one word in ur last section and apply ur logic the same way. "He never trained or used a gundam before or something that remotly resembles a gundam. So, no knowledge of it. No skill." - apparently thats not true. And about the knowledge he has about computers from college, Gundams take way more than that to comprehand.. If it was that ez, any nerd who knows a whole lot more about computers could of been a better pilot than Kira.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by: heero
Do you have any evidence to prove that Kira has learned anything about Gundams prior to the first episode of Seed then? I could switch one word in ur last section and apply ur logic the same way. "He never trained or used a gundam before or something that remotly resembles a gundam. So, no knowledge of it. No skill." - apparently thats not true. And about the knowledge he has about computers from college, Gundams take way more than that to comprehand.. If it was that ez, any nerd who knows a whole lot more about computers could of been a better pilot than Kira.
Okay, Its obvious he never knew about gundams Idiot. It was TOP SECRET. Yes. Gundams take more knowledge than just computers and science but it does apply at being able to control one. So thats where the ULTIMATE COORDINATOR HUGE BOOST COMES IN that I said in my previous post.
Does being the ultimate coordinator have to do with using a gun perfectly? Apparently not cause he sucked at using one.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Okay, Its obvious he never knew about gundams Idiot. It was TOP SECRET. Yes. Gundams take more knowledge than just computers and science but it does apply at being able to control one. So thats where the ULTIMATE COORDINATOR HUGE BOOST COMES IN that I said in my previous post.
Does being the ultimate coordinator have to do with using a gun perfectly? I don't think so cause he sucked at using one.
I thought this was an intelligent debate but apprently its not since you started name calling like a 10 year old. Anyways, so you are saying that being able to use a computer makes him able to control a gundam just cause he's the ULTIMATE COORDINATOR but doesnt help him at all in using a gun cause he has NO KNOWLEDGE of a gun watsoever? I mean come on! 10 year old kids now a days probably know the things u need to do to fire a gun. And also, for ur information, he has held a gun before so its not like its his first time, so how come I dont see any of this ULTIMATE COORDINATOR gene kicking in? Its ironic how good he is in piloting the gundam to use a gun, but when he has to use it with his own hands he has no talent at all. I mean..which one is more similar? piloting the gundam to use a gun and using a gun with his own hand...OR being able to use a computer and being able to pilot a gundam like an expert? I think the answer is clear.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 06:22 PM
i say heero hit it right on the spot
Mon, 09-05-2005, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by: heero
Originally posted by: Deblas
Okay, Its obvious he never knew about gundams Idiot. It was TOP SECRET. Yes. Gundams take more knowledge than just computers and science but it does apply at being able to control one. So thats where the ULTIMATE COORDINATOR HUGE BOOST COMES IN that I said in my previous post.
Does being the ultimate coordinator have to do with using a gun perfectly? I don't think so cause he sucked at using one.
I thought this was an intelligent debate but apprently its not since you started name calling like a 10 year old. Anyways, so you are saying that being able to use a computer makes him able to control a gundam just cause he's the ULTIMATE COORDINATOR but doesnt help him at all in using a gun cause he has NO KNOWLEDGE of a gun watsoever? I mean come on! 10 year old kids now a days probably know the things u need to do to fire a gun. And also, for ur information, he has held a gun before so its not like its his first time, so how come I dont see any of this ULTIMATE COORDINATOR gene kicking in? Its ironic how good he is in piloting the gundam to use a gun, but when he has to use it with his own hands he has no talent at all. I mean..which one is more similar? piloting the gundam to use a gun and using a gun with his own hand...OR being able to use a computer and being able to pilot a gundam like an expert? I think the answer is clear.
Thats right Fatass. JESUS CHRIST. Get it into your little head.
Whats the Irony in that? He has a targeting computer in his gundam, Its not like he's doing the aiming himself which by the way the skill to use a gun is not just pulling the trigger, its the AIMMING!!!
How many freakin times do I have to tell you that YES!!! Because he is the Ultimate Coordinator he is able to use a Gundam naturally but his Ultimate Coordinator genes don't affect him using a gun, and don't ask me why cause I don't know. Its...just...not...there. I was just giving out possible reasons why he's a genius with a gundam but not with a normal hand gun. And his no kill policy doesn't help to much either.
You know what. Lets just forget about freakin story wise and go into the minds of the guys who are actually running the show.
creator: Since Kira is the main character lets not waste anytime in putting him in the Gundam and make him learn it instantly. We'll figure something out in the future to why he was able to pilot one so fast.
**fastforward to eps.46 of GSD**
Fukuda: Since Athrun has more military training than Kira, he will be the one shooting and owning everyone. Kira will just be holding a gun and protect Lacus without even the intent to fire a shot.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by: drunkenmaster
i say heero hit it right on the spot
hehe thx
Originally posted by: Deblas
Thats right Fatass. JESUS CHRIST. Get it into your little head.
Whats the Irony in that? He has a targeting computer in his gundam, Its not like he's doing the aiming himself which by the way the skill to use a gun is not just pulling the trigger, its the AIMMING!!!
How many freakin times do I have to tell you that YES!!! Because he is the Ultimate Coordinator he is able to use a Gundam naturally but his Ultimate Coordinator genes don't affect him using a gun, and don't ask me why cause I don't know. Its...just...not...there. And his no kill policy doesn't help to much either.
You know what. Lets just forget about freakin story wise and go into the minds of the guys who are actually running the show.
creator: Since Kira is the main character lets not waste anytime in putting him in the Gundam and make him learn it instantly. We'll figure something out in the future to why he was able to pilot one so fast.
**fastforward to eps.46 of GSD**
Fukuda: Since Athrun has more military training than Kira, he will be the one shooting and owning everyone. Kira will just be holding a gun and protect Lacus without even the intent to fire a shot.
lol after all this I duno how u can still think that ur more intelligent in anyway and not to mention how imature you are starting to act. And none of what you say has any support cause you know why? You only back up ur reasons for Kira being a good pilot by simply saying that he is an Ultimate Coordinator and the fact that he knows how to use a computer. HOW CAN MASTERY OF COMPUTER BE THE SAME AS MASTERY OF GUNDAM. Those are 2 totally different things. It's even more ironic than someone saying "Oh I'm an expert driver even though this is the first time I'm driving a car cause I played Grand turismo on arcades." Also when its about using a gun, being Ultimate Coordinator doesnt help at all dispite the fact that he probably has more knowledge about a gun than a gundam. It just doesn't make any sense.
For your information, Athrun ALSO has more military traning than Kira when it comes to piloting a gundam so I dont see why Athrun has to be the one shooting and owning everyone last episode when Kira can own everyone in every other episode in a gundam.
anyways...lets just forget this since you are just too ignorant to listen to other people.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 07:12 PM
Ohh God. You're a freakin idiot.
What does the sentence "I was just giving out possible reasons why he's a genius with a gundam but not with a normal hand gun" mean to you. Do you know the reasons he can pilot a gundam without any sort of training but he can't use a normal gun? If you have any reasons I'll be glad to hear them. Since the whole thing that you've done in this whole discussion is saying "no thats not possible" without giving your OWN reasons why except that kids know how to shoot guns.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Ohh God. You're a freakin idiot.
What does the sentence "I was just giving out possible reasons why he's a genius with a gundam but not with a normal hand gun" mean to you. The proof is in the series. He can pilot a gundam without any sort of training but he can't use a normal gun without any sort of training.
Did you forget why this debate started lmao...You thought it would be crazy if Kira was an expert in using a gun in the last episode but I didnt think it would be true. You are basically saying that you are right cause that's how the story goes and anything else that could have happened would be nonsense cause the writer is absolute. We've seen all the amazing stuffs Kira has done ok? We are not gonna go "OMG HOW DOES KIRA KNOW HOW TO USE A GUN LIKE THAT"
Originally posted by: Deblas
Do you know the reasons he can pilot a gundam without any sort of training but he can't use a normal gun? If you have any reasons I'll be glad to hear them. Since the whole thing that you've done in this whole discussion is saying "no thats not possible" without giving your OWN reasons why except that kids know how to shoot guns.
LOL now you are really making urself look like an idiot. You dont even know what the hell we are debating about.
If you still duno why we are debating, here's the exact quote Im arguing against:
Originally posted by: Deblas
when In my view, if Fukuda put Kira who in his life has never trained using a gun, all of the sudden becomes an expert marksman because he is superior and whatnot....then that would be something pretty fucked up and would surely be something worth pissing the Kira haters off. So how's that for a realistic character?
Mite Gai
Mon, 09-05-2005, 08:11 PM
Guys i would just give up, I don't think either of you is going to convince the other.
Strike Freedom
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:04 PM
I agree, if you guys want to disagree and argue, create your own hate thread or something...otherwise take out ur anger in some productive sports, or board games, or video/pc games, eh? i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
*drools uncontrollably on the ground*
note: a sadistic kind of drool, not a hentai-loving one
oh man, that's just sick......
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
I agree, if you guys want to disagree and argue, create your own hate thread or something...otherwise take out ur anger in some productive sports, or board games, or video/pc games, eh?
Well I was just bored but those are still pretty good suggestions i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by: rockmanj
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
*drools uncontrollably on the ground*
note: a sadistic kind of drool, not a hentai-loving one
oh man, that's just sick......
who wouldn't drool seeing lacus suffer though, i mean really, that princess always has a smile on her face that makes me sick, i would like to see her get raped and make that stupid smile disappear
lacus: kira.... i am so sorri, shinn raped me, i have betrayed you
kira: you suck bitch(knocks her out then rapes her, then leaves and then while a murasame and gouf are fighting, the murasame disables the gouf and it lands and crushes kira)
lacus wakes up with her pussy bleeding
lacus: NOOOOO!!!(then she orders andorew to blow her up along with fukuda with the eternal)
THE END. the PERFECT ending
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:39 PM
Whoo. I needed to get out of the house for awhile and cool off. I went to see my grandparents. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
You like to laugh alot don't you. Okay, this debate is just utter shit. What we are debating about is utter shit. I gave an explanation why it was logical that Kira didn't use a gun well while you just said "Actually Kira became a very good pilot the instint he got on a gundam so its not like this kind of stuff hasnt happened... ". I mean what the hell!! Other than the fact that we ALL saw that he can't use a gun well, what kind of information am I supposed to get out from that post? That because he was able to instantly control a MS, he can use a gun perfectly when storywise he CAN'T and DOESN'T(and we have all seen it in GS and GSD). And I was going storywise at the time.
My whole post was since people have been arguing that Kira is not a realistic character, I just thought that moment gave him more of the realistic character that he lacked. So it means that you misunderstood me and started this debate.
Then along the line we both started arguing why he is able to pilot an MS so easily while he can't use a gun properly. I gave my reasons and you disagreed with them. Thats the real debate that we had. The thing is that we both don't know why he can pilot a gundam so easily and can't use something as simple as a gun. The writers just put it that way. We might agree that it makes no sense but thats the way the writers put it and we are left to speculate on the matter. So what I settled is that it's logical and illogical at the same time.
If you want to go on the defensive again and say that this goes against everything that I said before then maybe so. But I was mad and wasn't thinking straight. That's that.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:43 PM
well for once I agree with you. The whole thing we are debating about was shit. I just started it cause I was kinda bored lol
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:51 PM
*eye twitching**gritting teeth* Then I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and lighted up your day as a mean of entertainment.*eye twitching* Lets do this again another time.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 09:54 PM
no hard feelings alright? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif some frdships start with a fight i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Mon, 09-05-2005, 10:31 PM
Shut up, both of you. This is when I just want to reach through my computer and bitch slap both you fussing bakas. Seriously, how about using the Private Messaging function to do a one-on-one argument, or is it some kind of respect or acknowledgment from other GW members that you really want to feel?
Well guess what? I could care less which of you is right. I have my own theory, as does everyone else. Trying to convince others is hardly ever works, especially with the quality of some of those posts. Yeah you have a right to make yourself heard, and others on the forums have to put up with it. But the sheer number of posts and duelistic BS that you have others go through is pretty damn selfish, and from my POV, annoying as fuck.
there's my two cents, buy yourself a better chair.
Mon, 09-05-2005, 10:59 PM
lol It's funny how u jump in telling us to stop when it was over an hour ago. Are you just bored and want to start a fight? I got a suggestion. How bout u copy paste ur post to every other debate ever existed on this forum? That'll help your boredom lol
Mon, 09-05-2005, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
who wouldn't drool seeing lacus suffer though, i mean really, that princess always has a smile on her face that makes me sick, i would like to see her get raped and make that stupid smile disappear
lacus: kira.... i am so sorri, shinn raped me, i have betrayed you
kira: you suck bitch(knocks her out then rapes her, then leaves and then while a murasame and gouf are fighting, the murasame disables the gouf and it lands and crushes kira)
lacus wakes up with her pussy bleeding
lacus: NOOOOO!!!(then she orders andorew to blow her up along with fukuda with the eternal)
THE END. the PERFECT ending
Tue, 09-06-2005, 01:25 AM
I think that heero was right all the time in the debate because Deblas likes Kira, and Kira sucks.
<@Terracosmo> My opinions are facts!
Tue, 09-06-2005, 03:13 AM
Ah, I think its time for me to watch something else now.
Tue, 09-06-2005, 03:51 AM
I wouldn't be surprised that kira knew how to use a MS since he was studying under a prof. that was working for Morganrate (the company that design all of ORB's MS and the G-weapons)...I bet that all the extra project that kira assigned to in the beginning of SEED might have sumthing to do with that
Tue, 09-06-2005, 08:37 AM
Well I think we can all agree in the sense that Meer is just freakin ugly without her Lacus makeup. She's a good character... but she's one hideous bitch.
Tue, 09-06-2005, 11:56 AM
Well, at least Meer is more human than Lacus will ever be with that God attitude of being always right and full of shit. I am sorry but I don't buy that a 15 year old spoiled little girl knows the truth of the life or the way to stop war...
Tue, 09-06-2005, 01:10 PM
I just saw 46 and i got to say it was good eps, with meer dying and all. next eps title is Meer " Confront the world of nightmares Freedom" to me that means that kira is giving up the kill policy and going for the kill or lacus is dumping kira.
what are your thoughts?
Tue, 09-06-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
I just saw 46 and i got to say it was good eps, with meer dying and all. next eps title is Meer " Confront the world of nightmares Freedom" to me that means that kira is giving up the kill policy and going for the kill or lacus is dumping kira.
what are your thoughts?
LOL! I'm sorry Naruto/RNG but I believe you've missed it entirely!
"Meer" seems to be another 'character profile' episode. Sometimes these episodes have some plot development in them (especially "Stellar" and "Kira") but because Meer is dead I see it as largely a recap episode... which is terrible because of how little time is left in the series...
As for Kira dropping his no kill policy because of the words they say at the end of the episode... I don't think that's ever been more than a vague suggestion of what the night episode may cover (and who it will mostly center around)
Bottomline: Kira will not drop the no-kill policy. I'll eat my hat if he does.
Tue, 09-06-2005, 03:57 PM
I'll hold you to that eating your hat thing masamuneehs. If Kira kills one person then you have to eat your hat.
Tue, 09-06-2005, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by: Gangrel
Well, at least Meer is more human than Lacus will ever be with that God attitude of being always right and full of shit. I am sorry but I don't buy that a 15 year old spoiled little girl knows the truth of the life or the way to stop war...
Lacus isn't a know-all, the whole POINT of the Clyne faction is to prevent war, but (as is covered in so many points in the series I'm surprised you missed it) Lacus, Kira and CO. have NO IDEA what they are doing, no pre-defined plans, they just act. That's why Athrun got angry at them and said all they were doing was creating mass confusion and getting people killed by interfereing like they do.
Lacus IS confident in her ideals, however (as all people are, so you can't hold THAT against her) all she asks is that people consider WHY they do the things they do, and if they are just blindly following orders (which SEED covered as being a BAD thing) she asks that they re-think their reasons.
Lacus IS opinionated, but she has to be to be an effective leader, same as Dillundal - it's the type of person that becomes a leader because they can remain strong in their ideals and follow them through. I can see where it's possible to make the mistake that she's egotistical, but if you think thast, you probably havn't been close enough paying attention.
Note: This does NOT come from fan-boyism I'm a fan of the entire show and I like every character in it (save Neo, I hate him for sapping away the noble life of one Mwu La Flagga.)
Tue, 09-06-2005, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
I just saw 46 and i got to say it was good eps, with meer dying and all. next eps title is Meer " Confront the world of nightmares Freedom" to me that means that kira is giving up the kill policy and going for the kill or lacus is dumping kira.
what are your thoughts?
mmm maybe something worse... Lacus is tha bad guy and Kira has to kill her! or the other way around...
Strike Freedom
Tue, 09-06-2005, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
I just saw 46 and i got to say it was good eps, with meer dying and all. next eps title is Meer " Confront the world of nightmares Freedom" to me that means that kira is giving up the kill policy and going for the kill or lacus is dumping kira.
what are your thoughts?
LOL! I'm sorry Naruto/RNG but I believe you've missed it entirely!
"Meer" seems to be another 'character profile' episode. Sometimes these episodes have some plot development in them (especially "Stellar" and "Kira") but because Meer is dead I see it as largely a recap episode... which is terrible because of how little time is left in the series...
As for Kira dropping his no kill policy because of the words they say at the end of the episode... I don't think that's ever been more than a vague suggestion of what the night episode may cover (and who it will mostly center around)
Bottomline: Kira will not drop the no-kill policy. I'll eat my hat if he does.
U said it, u better stick to it doesn't matter...anywhere left in the series if he drops his no kill policy by killing someone (and I know he does i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif ) then u eat a hat. I'd prefer a video of u doing that in WMV format please =)
Tue, 09-06-2005, 09:50 PM
I think Kira will have to kill someone eventually just like he did in the last episode of Seed
Wed, 09-07-2005, 06:06 AM
Originally posted by: Kovash
Originally posted by: Gangrel
Well, at least Meer is more human than Lacus will ever be with that God attitude of being always right and full of shit. I am sorry but I don't buy that a 15 year old spoiled little girl knows the truth of the life or the way to stop war...
Lacus isn't a know-all, the whole POINT of the Clyne faction is to prevent war, but (as is covered in so many points in the series I'm surprised you missed it) Lacus, Kira and CO. have NO IDEA what they are doing, no pre-defined plans, they just act. That's why Athrun got angry at them and said all they were doing was creating mass confusion and getting people killed by interfereing like they do.
Lacus IS confident in her ideals, however (as all people are, so you can't hold THAT against her) all she asks is that people consider WHY they do the things they do, and if they are just blindly following orders (which SEED covered as being a BAD thing) she asks that they re-think their reasons.
Lacus IS opinionated, but she has to be to be an effective leader, same as Dillundal - it's the type of person that becomes a leader because they can remain strong in their ideals and follow them through. I can see where it's possible to make the mistake that she's egotistical, but if you think thast, you probably havn't been close enough paying attention.
Note: This does NOT come from fan-boyism I'm a fan of the entire show and I like every character in it (save Neo, I hate him for sapping away the noble life of one Mwu La Flagga.)
Agreed. Not that all your ppl's opinions are invalid, but I also tend to enjoy the show as a whole and like the ideological questions it brings up.
Wed, 09-07-2005, 11:49 AM
In reference to eating my hat: I am talking about killing, not some stupid manslaughter shit or forcing a guy into a corner and then he self-destructs or anything like that.
Oh and STRIKEFREEDOM don't spoil you stupid little twerpy piece of shit! (but now i have a chance to go out and buy a different hat, cuz my Buffalo Bills hat will not be touched)
Strike Freedom
Wed, 09-07-2005, 11:59 AM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
In reference to eating my hat: I am talking about killing, not some stupid manslaughter shit or forcing a guy into a corner and then he self-destructs or anything like that.
Oh and STRIKEFREEDOM don't spoil you stupid little twerpy piece of shit! (but now i have a chance to go out and buy a different hat, cuz my Buffalo Bills hat will not be touched)
LOL, Masamuneehs, I was messing around, hence the emoticon " i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif " but it was well worth your reaction....i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Wed, 09-07-2005, 04:30 PM
This show is starting to suck. While i enjoyed that Sarah character she didn't last to long. Every frame with Meer and Rey are a pain and Lacus has started to get annoying. I would bitchslap the person that was inpersonating me until they cried for an ass rape.
There is absolutly nothing intense happening, they put there life on the line for Meer who is an idiot and deserved to die. It fucking sucked. Neo/Mwu made a move on Ramiasu and it wasn't very subtle, to think he still calls himself Neo. To me it looked like he wanted to take advantage of the situation and have a good fucking since the only female around him until recently was that god so annoying retard Stellar.
Nothing more to say about this crapfest of an episode exept that we can expect even more bullshit the next episode.
Wed, 09-07-2005, 05:34 PM
I'm starting to wonder what the fuck I was smoking in my first post.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 12:22 AM
Well Terra, I'll tell you this now, it certainly was some funky-motherfucking stuff... This episode blew serious crappy smelly goat balls.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 01:45 AM
By the way - have you all noticed that real Meer picture at the end of 46?
It looks exactly like screenshot from Macross Plus, Meer=Myung?
Mr. Fukuda ripped off another show.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 02:48 AM
Except that Myung was hotter... or so I think. Been a while since I saw Macross Plus.
Edit: Man I just finished a Seed episodes 45-50 maraton. Destiny cannot begin to compare. EVER. After all these times I've seen Seed, it still gives me shivers. Truly the best show ever made. And Realize the best opening by FAR. It's so aweeeeeeeeeesome
Thu, 09-08-2005, 09:04 AM
Hmm so let me get this straight in the remaining 5 episodes of GSD first we start off with a episode that essentially recapped what we already knew about Meer and offered little plot advancement of any kind. The real purpose of this episode seemed to be allowing Fukuda to show some of the female characters in new outfits. In order to sell more of the little figures.
Kira with a guy was totally pointless as his no kill policy and apparent lack of aim showed him as utterly useless at shooting while Athrun got every kill. Although Kira MAY have shot the gernaide out of the air thats still unknown.
Now for a added episode left them with a disk and a picture. These items seem to have the soul purpose of giving us ANOTHER clip show. Why on earth did they kill off the moon base in one pointless episode only to punish us with a virtual clip show where the new footage amounted to nothing happening and then follow it up with another actual clip show. This is really turning out to be a absolutely horrible series.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by: Naruto_RNG
I just saw 46 and i got to say it was good eps, with meer dying and all. next eps title is Meer " Confront the world of nightmares Freedom" to me that means that kira is giving up the kill policy and going for the kill or lacus is dumping kira.
what are your thoughts?
If Lacus dumps kira, fukuda is so dead. Kira abandoning the no-kill-policy, ok i want to see him kill ppl like in seed.
BTW: Lacus is 18, and she doesnt know all, but a world without hope is kinda bad. U born and everything is decided, i dont like that.
Takeda Natsuke
Thu, 09-08-2005, 02:31 PM
I kinda wished Cagalli was in that episode... Not for Athrun, but I'd laugh my ass off if Cagalli punched Meer like she did to (crap his freakin name has slipped my mind. It's that son of the fat guy in orb... crap). To be honest, Lacus and Cagalli would be like good cop/bad cop. Before, Cagalli was good cop with all the "no fighting or I'll cry!" and Lacus was like "We must!". But now Cagalli seems like someone who would be like, "I'll shove my foot up your ass SO high you'd be spitting toenails out of your mouth!" and Lacus is like, "I don't want to kill anyone."
Blah blah blah....
Athrun pwns. For a while I was questioning who the main character REALLY is in GSD since they've given Shinn about 5 minutes to develop as a character and not as a fighter. I suddenly think that Athrun is the protoganist of the story now, since all the shit going on revolves around him. The story would have been so much better if Athrun was the main character, because it fits and I like the name "Gundam SEED Justice" for a title. It's more original! lol
But I do happen to like the Shinn/Luna development more. They're slowly bridging a gap b/w Luna and Rey, which is what I think is the best way to bridge a gap b/w Shinn and Rey, as well. I believe Luna will be the central role to Shinn's defection, making her a central character for the final episodes.
I sort of wish the next episode would be Gundam SEED Destiny - EDITED Episode 2 instead of taking up an episode. It's such a waste and I frankly don't see what's the point. They never did that to Flay... But then again, Flay was just a moron... yes.. moron is the word...
And once again, Yzak and Dearka have played their part and are gone. I see no reason why they would defect right now, but I have the opinion that Dearka will defect first, if it ever happens.
....Kira can't shoot for shit without an MS. He's like Luna on an MS, they just can't aim.
As my friend told me when he was watching...
"Damn.. I could have crapped a better series."
Strike Freedom
Thu, 09-08-2005, 03:45 PM
LOL, funny stuff there Natsuke, about the Cagalli and Lacus part.
I do agree with your point about Athuran being the main guy in the series. If you look back, he's probably had more screen time and an role than Kira and Shinn. If he is, then does that mean that he dies??? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif
Thu, 09-08-2005, 04:14 PM
Kira is obviously just the poster boy of Destiny since he's the most popular character. There really is no other reason, because as you guys say, Athrun is really the one being focused on all the time. Athrun was seen almost constantly in Seed too, making him the ultimate Seed lead. While I'm not a big fan of either of the 3 main chars, at least Athrun sort of develops a bit - thought it felt like he was back at square 1 during most of Destiny. (then again that applies to all characters... except maybe Yzak & Dearka).
Which also makes me think, why the fuck do people like a one-dimensional piece of shit moron like Kira?
Thu, 09-08-2005, 04:35 PM
YES! FUCK KIRA! How boring and washed-up can a character get in the span of 50 episodes? How static and immobile can his character become while he is constantly proved to be infallible and invincible by a franchise that made its name in portraying all people as humans, with human strengths and human weaknesses?
I liked Kira alot in Seed, although I sort of lost a small amount when he started spouting his babble about not killing people in wars. His role in Destiny has made me utterly hate him. However, I blame Lacus Clyne and her constant role as -I'm-Always-So-Right-&-MorallyUpstanding-&-You-Should-Listen-To-Me- woman...
Athrun is too big of a pussy in Destiny for me to really like. It is true that he has the most development, even if its mostly going back and doubting whether he should do what he is doing, but I feel like his inability to act constipates the series and parts and I can't believe how utterly useless he can be one minute and then take charge the next.
Shinn is a great character because he is human. He exudes flaws and weakness just as much as he does confidence and power. Unfortunatley I feel like the dialogue he has is constantly stilted to portray him quite narrowly, and we're too often left to interpet his questioning of his lifestyle and Dullindal (and Rey) for ourselves via his facial expressions and body language. Lets hope they don't totally abandon Shinn in these final 3 episodes...
Thu, 09-08-2005, 07:10 PM
I notice a distinct trend here;
1 - Random Persons complain about the shallow characters and plot points of Destiny.
2 - One of Three people (myself included) defend them using valid points.
3 - The people who complained completely ignore us and keep complaining, without offering ANY points.
4 - One of tghe same Three people attempt another defence (which is realy the first defence worded differently)
5- We get ignored again.
So I'll save myself a bit of bother, I suppose.
*Insert long-winded, general defence for the character of Kira, Lacus, Athrun, Shinn and Destiny as a whole.*
Note: 'I hate Lacus' is not a point of argument, neither is 'Kira cannot be beaten outside of a plotline'
Note2: I almost feel like ranting about how the 'Kira cannot be beaten outside of a plotline' is such a TERRIBLE reason for hating the show, but I guess I'll just be ignored some more.
Note3: Thanks to 'KapsLocked' - no annoyance is directed at you.
Note4: I'm not asking everyone to just start loving the show because I say it's good, but rather consider the reasons you don't like it, some of you might find them lacking. (oh god... I sound like Lacus >_< )
EDIT: I changed Anger to Annoyance, since I don't acctually get angry, just frustrated that no one seems to listen. And I added Note4.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 08:57 PM
Kira is not one dimensional. His development is stunted. The lead will always get more attention from the director & audience alike. If you want character development for Kira go back to GS and dont tell me that Kira has no character. Some people portrait him as a scene hog taking the main role away from Shinn and saying it's director's posterboy and such and i agree. The more Kira appears in GSD the more he will be resented. You know what will make people even happier? If the Archangel exits with a bang; that all the cameo characters except their favorites (like Yzak & Dearka who didnt interfere with Shinn in any way) get blown up by Minerva and her crew by the end of the show. This is what you call cameo syndrome; some enjoy seeing the story continue into the next chapter & some say it kills the story. It's true that after a while as you know someone more & more you don't really want to know more. I'm going to be go Doctor Phil on you for just a second: people feel 'married' to Kira and Cagalli and Athrun and Lacus or whoever their favorite couples were; yes, even Dearka and Yzak, however strange that may sound. Now just seeing Kira makes them puke & want to severe this & wish they have a heart attack or something bad happens. That's the only reason why i think people don't like Kira not because he's bland. Im sure after going through a war that there's no doubt left for Kira on how to prevent it so he seem to be a know-it-all and doesn't say much. Heck even Shinn seems overbearing because the one word he seem to say the most is "sure" or "die logos" or "you dont know jack" when Shinn himself is carrying his sense of "justice" with this crap and blur any sense of reality.
Of course Kira feels strange and distant because he is not the protagonist and for the reason stated earlier. I like Kira because he shed tears when he kills an enemy. Shinn exudes flaws yes; his character is full of holes. He's not even human. The only few instances were i can relate to him was when he lost his family. He kills Orb's general and was like "who's that guy?" Even if he forgot who is who im sure there are pictures of the guy whose flagship he's after. It's been only a one or two year and Shinn forgot? Poor grunt he's just a puppet for Dulindal.
Even OJ Simpson seem innocent as a lamb when he cried about his crimes in his friend's lap as his 4x4 cruises down the freeway with all of America watching this disgraceful admittance of guilt. Shinn had none of that and the only voice of reason that 'woked' this numb-skull up in his premature view of justice was Athrun's (the current pilot of IJustice) 'ghost.' Shinn goes after people left & right with no sense of reasoning of his own screaming his same blahs "you're annoying," "you don't know nothing about me," "Don't get in my way, im after Logos" or simply just "die Kira lover." Wow i can sure relate to that lord drama of dramas of adolescent testosterone infused banter. Athrun was the only character that made sense. I can't use the you know who as an example because the crowd of Shinn lovers will shred me to pieces so that im hanging onto the only other person who people dont target particularly when they're siding with Shinn.
Shinn's reasoning was like I got a bigger club than yours. Until you can prove otherwise, im better than you.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 09:25 PM
As far as the main characters of GSD basically we have them following the 3 most basic paths of developement a character can have in a sequal.
Kira in seed was the ultimate quardinator really the end all of the series from start to finish. Yes he developed a lot in GS and eventually he settled on being who he is now. His character is there as basically a way to measure new characters strengths and to please the fans. In the end he isn't a big enough character to develope as his role is already to well established to change.
Athrun is the character who people were unhappy with at the end of Gundam Seed. In the end he really ended up the same as he started. In both GS and GSD he has almost EXACTLY the same developement. from start to finish so maybe this time he will end up figuring out who he is and stop the cycle he's in.
Shinn is the new guy who essentially has to improve during the series in order for there to be one. Without a new character there is no reason for a new series as we could just go rewatch seed and be a lot happier. The downside with Shinn is he's really the unwanted hero. We already have Kira as a main good guy. Also we already have Athrun as the main good guy who can't pick a side. So this leaves Shinn to be the bad guy who eventually finds redemption. Essentially he has Athrun's role from GS but on a scale that seems so unimportant and petty compaired to having your dad be the main figure for Zaft. Essentially Shinn is the bastard child of Fllay and Athrun. His point is to be hated and quite possibly to have to die to achieve redemption. So people will hate him until the end reguardless and if he doesn't die we just end up feeling cheated.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 09:26 PM
I love this series regardless of how many recaps it had. Kira rules. I watched 46 again did u guys hear what kira said when he lost to impulse in freedom. I couldn't stop laughing. I wanted to see the face of all the kira haters at that moment, must of been priceless. lol. But does any one have a pic of dullindals final gundam. I heared it's mother of all gundams but it looks simple.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 09:33 PM
Not that I hate Kira (he's in my banner and my avatar is SF) but what he said about losing to Impulse, it just sounded like he's making an excuse so he wouldn't look so bad. I'm sure if it was Shinn who lost and he made the same excuse, you would say "TATS BULLSHIT! YOU SO LOST SO STOP TRYING TO MAKE SOME LAME EXCUSE" i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif And even if what Kira said was true, still didnt make him look any better for losing. It's like failing an exam and you say "tats cause its too hard". Even if it was true, you'd still look dumb in the eyes of others.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 09:34 PM
it would be funny if the end of the last episode was "to be continued" and then a gundam seed ova comes out. (^_^)
Thu, 09-08-2005, 09:34 PM
I do understand some might like the series as it is. But I have tryed many times to rewatch some episodes, give some consideration about some characters, but as more I watch the more I want to grab a gun and shoot Fukuda. They simply forgot about some characters and their development, like Lunamaria is a failed character for the lack of screen time, so is Talia and many others. They seem to just see what fans want like "OH FUCK! WE WANT KIRA!" and so they forget about Shinn development as a character and he's stuck on the same page of "STFU! ILL KILL U! U KILLED STELLAR! MAYU!!!"
While Seed u had much more detailed characters, much more original drama, the end didn't feel like now, that they don't know what they doing with the series. Seriously, a recap about Meer is really gonna suck, there is no intense feeling, everything is sooooo lame. Can't think that in 3 episodes it's gonna end...
Thu, 09-08-2005, 09:36 PM
Originally posted by: Gangrel
I do understand some might like the series as it is. But I have tryed many times to rewatch some episodes, give some consideration about some characters, but as more I watch the more I want to grab a gun and shoot Fukuda. They simply forgot about some characters and their development, like Lunamaria is a failed character for the lack of screen time, so is Talia and many others. They seem to just see what fans want like "OH FUCK! WE WANT KIRA!" and so they forget about Shinn development as a character and he's stuck on the same page of "STFU! ILL KILL U! U KILLED STELLAR! MAYU!!!"
While Seed u had much more detailed characters, much more original drama, the end didn't feel like now, that they don't know what they doing with the series. Seriously, a recap about Meer is really gonna suck, there is no intense feeling, everything is sooooo lame. Can't think that in 3 episodes it's gonna end...
Agree to everything u said. Lmao "STFU! ILL KILL U! U KILLED STELLAR! MAYU!!!"
Thu, 09-08-2005, 11:10 PM
Originally posted by: alukard
Kira is not one dimensional.
In Destiny, yes he is fucking one dimensional. In Seed, it can be argued.
Shinn's reasoning was like I got a bigger club than yours. Until you can prove otherwise, im better than you.
Until you can write posts that people actually can read because they aren't so fucking long and full of things people already know that you think, anyone's better than you.
Also, change your avatar. No animated ones allowed.
Thu, 09-08-2005, 11:23 PM
Avatar changed. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 09-09-2005, 04:53 AM
now, now, a recap on the formerly fugly meer cant be that bad, and by the way, wasn't there someone in GS with the last name campbell...i cant seem to remember; oh and anyone know where i can find a quality athuran or luna buddy icon?? id make it myself, but im way too lazy and busy i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif
Fri, 09-09-2005, 06:12 AM
Originally posted by: DDBen
As far as the main characters of GSD basically we have them following the 3 most basic paths of developement a character can have in a sequal.
Kira in seed was the ultimate quardinator really the end all of the series from start to finish. Yes he developed a lot in GS and eventually he settled on being who he is now. His character is there as basically a way to measure new characters strengths and to please the fans. In the end he isn't a big enough character to develope as his role is already to well established to change.
Athrun is the character who people were unhappy with at the end of Gundam Seed. In the end he really ended up the same as he started. In both GS and GSD he has almost EXACTLY the same developement. from start to finish so maybe this time he will end up figuring out who he is and stop the cycle he's in.
Shinn is the new guy who essentially has to improve during the series in order for there to be one. Without a new character there is no reason for a new series as we could just go rewatch seed and be a lot happier. The downside with Shinn is he's really the unwanted hero. We already have Kira as a main good guy. Also we already have Athrun as the main good guy who can't pick a side. So this leaves Shinn to be the bad guy who eventually finds redemption. Essentially he has Athrun's role from GS but on a scale that seems so unimportant and petty compaired to having your dad be the main figure for Zaft. Essentially Shinn is the bastard child of Fllay and Athrun. His point is to be hated and quite possibly to have to die to achieve redemption. So people will hate him until the end reguardless and if he doesn't die we just end up feeling cheated.
For once you didnt post a crap opinion...I agree which is another first...
Takeda Natsuke
Fri, 09-09-2005, 09:28 AM
I don't see what the point is on bashing and defending a character. After all, it's not like the character is suddenly going to come to life and cry over how much people hate/love him. But anyways, here's my input:
-Kira sucks. No, not because he's a freakin god modder and not because he got n00bed by Shinn. He just sucks. Five minutes of him admitting he lost to Impulse does NOT count as "character development". On a personal level, I HATE him, he who acts all-knowingly and preaches, yes, PREACHES his words like he's always right. Besides, his "wise" sayings are just too freakin obvious. "Nobody wants to fight" shit, sherlock. I liked the old Kira better, because he was human. He was manipulated, he suffered, he had human-like qualities that I personally liked. But suddenly in Destiny, he wasn't being manipulated, he sudden knew everything that was going on, he wasn't suffering, he was so freakin calm and collected it wasn't believable. The Lacus and Kira pair suddenly seems so unreal, more substance than style, they were TOO perfect. Sure, Kira IS the ultimate coordinator, but I suddenly realize that the ultimate coordinator is the ultimately overrated. Hell, I STILL think Moblie Suit Gundam W is the worst anime, but hell, even Heero was more beliveable than Kira was.
-Athrun PWNS. Ok, so he's developing the same way as in SEED. But let's look at Shinn. It's been 46 episodes and he STILL, STILLLLLLLL has not come to terms with his family's death. After TWO FREAKIN YEARS he STILL has not come to terms with it. Ok, he lost his family. One year of grieving is OKAY. Two years means you MUST MOOOOOVE OOOOOOOON YOU FREAKIN PSYCHOTIC MORON!!! I can see the Stellar thing being used for his rage, but have you realized that he only remembers Stellar before he goes SEED, but before all that and after his transformation all he thinks about is protecting Luna? That's sort of low, Shinn.
-Shinn makes the old GS Kira look like a manly man... ya freakin pansy!!!!
-Rey gets gloomier and gloomier eeeevery episode. Have you realized that he frowns more? lol
-The Archangel crew has absolutely NO CONTENTION with the Archangel crew. For one thing, I know most of the Archangel's crew names, and they've all had some sort of development. The Minerva crew has Captain Gladys, the moron Vice-Captain Arthuer, and those two repairer kids who have done JACKSH*T on the show. Meyrin is ARCHANGEL! YAY! The one crew member on Minerva I liked is now on the CREW I like!
-Neo is a perv. Welcome back, Mwu! ^_^
-Neo + Purple Uniform + "I Love GOOOOLD!" Akatsuki = A gay, gay, GAY man.
Strike Freedom
Fri, 09-09-2005, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
I don't see what the point is on bashing and defending a character. After all, it's not like the character is suddenly going to come to life and cry over how much people hate/love him. But anyways, here's my input:
-Kira sucks. No, not because he's a freakin god modder and not because he got n00bed by Shinn. He just sucks. Five minutes of him admitting he lost to Impulse does NOT count as "character development". On a personal level, I HATE him, he who acts all-knowingly and preaches, yes, PREACHES his words like he's always right. Besides, his "wise" sayings are just too freakin obvious. "Nobody wants to fight" shit, sherlock. I liked the old Kira better, because he was human. He was manipulated, he suffered, he had human-like qualities that I personally liked. But suddenly in Destiny, he wasn't being manipulated, he sudden knew everything that was going on, he wasn't suffering, he was so freakin calm and collected it wasn't believable. The Lacus and Kira pair suddenly seems so unreal, more substance than style, they were TOO perfect. Sure, Kira IS the ultimate coordinator, but I suddenly realize that the ultimate coordinator is the ultimately overrated. Hell, I STILL think Moblie Suit Gundam W is the worst anime, but hell, even Heero was more beliveable than Kira was.
-Athrun PWNS. Ok, so he's developing the same way as in SEED. But let's look at Shinn. It's been 46 episodes and he STILL, STILLLLLLLL has not come to terms with his family's death. After TWO FREAKIN YEARS he STILL has not come to terms with it. Ok, he lost his family. One year of grieving is OKAY. Two years means you MUST MOOOOOVE OOOOOOOON YOU FREAKIN PSYCHOTIC MORON!!! I can see the Stellar thing being used for his rage, but have you realized that he only remembers Stellar before he goes SEED, but before all that and after his transformation all he thinks about is protecting Luna? That's sort of low, Shinn.
-Shinn makes the old GS Kira look like a manly man... ya freakin pansy!!!!
-Rey gets gloomier and gloomier eeeevery episode. Have you realized that he frowns more? lol
-The Archangel crew has absolutely NO CONTENTION with the Archangel crew. For one thing, I know most of the Archangel's crew names, and they've all had some sort of development. The Minerva crew has Captain Gladys, the moron Vice-Captain Arthuer, and those two repairer kids who have done JACKSH*T on the show. Meyrin is ARCHANGEL! YAY! The one crew member on Minerva I liked is now on the CREW I like!
-Neo is a perv. Welcome back, Mwu! ^_^
-Neo + Purple Uniform + "I Love GOOOOLD!" Akatsuki = A gay, gay, GAY man.
Woah, woah, woah....this post goes out to all haters in general....GET A LIFE! Now, when someone makes an argument such as "I don't understand why ppl hate..." or "what's the point...." or so on and so forth, and then goes against their argument by bitching out a character, it is something called being a hypocrite. Now, don't misunderstand, I am not saying u can't bitch and moan, sure u can. Just do it without being a hypocrite. U really damage ur ethos as a writer.
Now, Takeda, I know ur partly speaking out of anger (and since ur one sided in this view it won't change anything with what I type) but I intend to rebuttal some of ur statements.
Kira is a pretty damn good pilot. Kira is a tech savvy guy. But what is this about Kira can't aim? Kira can aim. He's shown he could do it in GS with Strike and even in GSD with Strike Rouge in episode 39. so please don't come up with that HiMAT aiming crap. I'm tired of ppl who hate Kira just using this episode and interpretting it in the way it benefits their little minds. Facts are always distorted by people. So what did we see in this episode. Kira did not fire his gun to kill, maintaining his no kill policy. Kira shot a gernade after a couple of attempts (let's c someone try to do something like that, shooting a gernade is much more difficult than a human being which is by far a larger target). Kira brought up a valid point about not attacking Shinn. WATCH the episode and unless ur BLIND physically or because of ur one-sided view, u will realize that Kira was NEVER serious with SHINN. Seriously, look at the circumstances Kira was in. AA was being shot at, Cagalli was the most important person to protect at the moment. Kira was not fighting back but trying to buy time to get the AA out of danger. He sacraficed his Sword for the safety of the AA. KIRA said it himself, it is self evident in the episode and ATHURAN even said that he was surprised that Kira lost. Bottomline, Kira lost. Bottomline, Kira was not serious with Shinn. If u look at the following episodes there is proof that Kira can handle Shinn (i just wish he would be completely serious with Shinn instead of dicking around). Kira handled Shinn and Rey pretty well for that time too. So please, if you hate Kira that's fine, but don't create ur own facts as u did in ur argument.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
I don't see what the point is on bashing and defending a character
Wats the point of your looooong post if you question why you are doing it in the first place -.-
Fri, 09-09-2005, 12:26 PM
Mwu is not back yet. Neo still calls himself Neo and believes that to be his name. You could see that in ep 46 when Kira said "you're late Mwu-san" he didn't like being called Mwu. The only reason he accepts it is because he can sleep with Ramiasu and pilot Akatsuki. Neo Lorrnoke is still Neo Lorrnoke, Mwu La Fraga died when he protected the Archangel back in SEED.
Well that end my Neo-Mwu rant i guess.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 12:26 PM
god damn it!! if some of you ppl are gonna keep complaining about the show THEN DON'T WATCH IT. i'm so sick of hearing ppl say the same thing about the same characters in EVERY thread. "i hate kira." "i hate lacus." "shinn pwned kira." "i'm gonna stab fukuda." just watch the show as it is!! AHHH!!!
Strike Freedom
Fri, 09-09-2005, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by: PSJ
Mwu is not back yet. Neo still calls himself Neo and believes that to be his name. You could see that in ep 46 when Kira said "you're late Mwu-san" he didn't like being called Mwu. The only reason he accepts it is because he can sleep with Ramiasu and pilot Akatsuki. Neo Lorrnoke is still Neo Lorrnoke, Mwu La Fraga died when he protected the Archangel back in SEED.
Well that end my Neo-Mwu rant i guess.
Sweet deal man, I agree with u 100% there, shit I would do the same if I could sleep with Ramius. Neo is probably just faking these memories out of convenience, he's just pimping i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif I agree that Muw did die at the end of Seed, Neo is probably just a clone. I mean, I still have my doubts about his loyalty to AA and Orb. Another thing, what was the point of his flashback (with stella and her comrades in the car) when talking to Ramius about relaxing??? anyone catch that, it left me a bit perplexed... i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif
Fri, 09-09-2005, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by: ArcZero
"shinn pwned kira."
That's not a complaint. That's what happened i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Strike Freedom
Fri, 09-09-2005, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by: heero
Originally posted by: ArcZero
"shinn pwned kira."
That's not a complaint. That's what happened
I won't even bother with a comment like that. As far as I'm concerned, everyone pawns everyone, case closed. Shinn beat Kira, end of story. Circumstances were in his favor, he had a plan, took advantage and won. Shinn can't touch Kira now since Kira has been serious for the last couple of episodes. The conclusion of pawning....WHO CARES!
Fri, 09-09-2005, 12:46 PM
What's wrong with my comment? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif And if you wont bother with it why you replying to it? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif But I do agree with everything else you say lol
Fri, 09-09-2005, 01:02 PM
Originally posted by: ArcZero
god damn it!! if some of you ppl are gonna keep complaining about the show THEN DON'T WATCH IT. i'm so sick of hearing ppl say the same thing about the same characters in EVERY thread. "i hate kira." "i hate lacus." "shinn pwned kira." "i'm gonna stab fukuda." just watch the show as it is!! AHHH!!!
Stop complaining. The fact is that the show is getting worse by the minute, if people didn't complain something would be wrong.
Strike Freedom
Fri, 09-09-2005, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by: heero
What's wrong with my comment? And if you wont bother with it why you replying to it? But I do agree with everything else you say lol
i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif en garde, lol. Well, the reason I won't bother with it is because I have done so in prior posts, and it just keeps coming up over and over again. Like a cold that doesn't go away....sheesh...
Fri, 09-09-2005, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by: PSJ
Originally posted by: ArcZero
god damn it!! if some of you ppl are gonna keep complaining about the show THEN DON'T WATCH IT. i'm so sick of hearing ppl say the same thing about the same characters in EVERY thread. "i hate kira." "i hate lacus." "shinn pwned kira." "i'm gonna stab fukuda." just watch the show as it is!! AHHH!!!
Stop complaining. The fact is that the show is getting worse by the minute, if people didn't complain something would be wrong.
Something even we agree on how rare.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by: PSJ
Stop complaining. The fact is that the show is getting worse by the minute, if people didn't complain something would be wrong.
yes i know it's getting worse. but ppl keep bitching about the same thing on every thread. that's what i'm complaining about. now it's a different story if ppl find other things to complain about besides the fact that they hate this character or that character.
Edit: now no offense to anyone but i just wish we could talk about something else besides bashing certain characters. sure it was fun at the beginning but it's getting really old.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 05:18 PM
Character bashing will never disappear, in some cases it's just sad but other people makes valid arguments while bashing a character, the trick is to be able to seperate the 2 groups.
I have some new shit to complain about. Meer sucks and there shouldn't be a flashback episode about her, The Minerva took down the moon base in the most anit climatic battle this far and Kira hasn't changed to tone of his voice even once. Which is getting a tad bit annoying.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 05:20 PM
hehe i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif now that u mention it, i never did like that yzak fellow....a bit of a fairy it seems...
Fri, 09-09-2005, 05:25 PM
the problem, ArcZero, is that nothing is changing in the show and all the flaws and crappiness are actually being augmented and showcased more and more as the series winds down to a close. In return we've lost out on a great amount of time that could have been dedicated to the Minerva crew which I still feel was kicked aside halfway through Destiny so that they could try to boost model kit sales and reprise the same old stuff from the end of Seed.
And my feelings on characters will obviously affect my comments on each episode. But when people bitch about Kira holding a gun and just aiming it at people, giving cover fire etc. and still not actualyl shooting anyone that is valid because it is vastly different from MS combat and is "new" as its only been seen in the most recent episode.
Does anyone also feel like giving Meer the title to the next episode is a really really bad sign?
Fri, 09-09-2005, 05:31 PM
eh. they're probably just gonna make a small portion of the episode about her. so she's fugly and sings like lacus and wants to be her. not that much to tell about her.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 05:45 PM
They could tell heaps about her if the writer could write characters unfortunetly it seems that he can't.
Fri, 09-09-2005, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by: PSJ
Character bashing will never disappear, in some cases it's just sad but other people makes valid arguments while bashing a character, the trick is to be able to seperate the 2 groups.
I have some new shit to complain about. Meer sucks and there shouldn't be a flashback episode about her, The Minerva took down the moon base in the most anit climatic battle this far and Kira hasn't changed to tone of his voice even once. Which is getting a tad bit annoying.
completely true, character bashign will never disappear so if your out here trying to stop it, go home with your tail in between your legs before you lose. arczero your right that some people go overboard with the amount of character bashing they use but one member going "stop it" isnt going to make them stop. you say live with the way the show is and just watch it, well live with the way we bash characters or dont watch us.
Takeda Natsuke
Fri, 09-09-2005, 11:28 PM
Well, I sometimes look at GSD as a game of Counter-Strike. Kira has Spin Hack (he spins round and round and shoot everything), Shinn has Speed Hack (obvious), Lacus is flooding the the chatbox and is annoying, Cagalli keeps getting pissed that she keeps losing, Luna can't aim (nuff said, LOL), Rey is always that guy who's always #1 in the ranks and everyone either hates or adores, and Dullindal is admin, a very VERY controlling admin that likes to slap you every once in a while. And oh, Stellar is the one who just bunny hops. ^_^
I enjoy GSD much better that way.
OH OH! And Heine is the one everyone loves but had a bad day and was n00bed by Stellar when she was knifing and bunny hopping, lol.
And yes, I'm being a hypocrite on my last post. I apologize. Everyone's done it before, lol.
...>.> Athrun pwns you all.
Counter-Strike + Infinite Justice = PWNAGE! rattatatatatat *tries to demo the sound of a gun*
*pssht* Counter-Terrorists win.
Ike..! *poses*
Dullindal's head is the shape of a fortune cookie... hence the name Fortune, lol j/k...
...But really, just imagine a fortune cookie with the tip facing the floor.
...Ok that's ONE FUCKED UP fortune cookie but dammit it's funny when I 1st thought it.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:00 AM
Some people take an animated show too seriously...
Anyone just look at from a entertainment point-of-view?
Lately, all I see are paragraphs from people trying to argue their point.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:02 AM
Originally posted by: Strike Freedom
Kira is a pretty damn good pilot. Kira is a tech savvy guy. But what is this about Kira can't aim? Kira can aim. He's shown he could do it in GS with Strike and even in GSD with Strike Rouge in episode 39. so please don't come up with that HiMAT aiming crap. I'm tired of ppl who hate Kira just using this episode and interpretting it in the way it benefits their little minds. Facts are always distorted by people. So what did we see in this episode. Kira did not fire his gun to kill, maintaining his no kill policy. Kira shot a gernade after a couple of attempts (let's c someone try to do something like that, shooting a gernade is much more difficult than a human being which is by far a larger target). Kira brought up a valid point about not attacking Shinn. WATCH the episode and unless ur BLIND physically or because of ur one-sided view, u will realize that Kira was NEVER serious with SHINN. Seriously, look at the circumstances Kira was in. AA was being shot at, Cagalli was the most important person to protect at the moment. Kira was not fighting back but trying to buy time to get the AA out of danger. He sacraficed his Sword for the safety of the AA. KIRA said it himself, it is self evident in the episode and ATHURAN even said that he was surprised that Kira lost. Bottomline, Kira lost. Bottomline, Kira was not serious with Shinn. If u look at the following episodes there is proof that Kira can handle Shinn (i just wish he would be completely serious with Shinn instead of dicking around). Kira handled Shinn and Rey pretty well for that time too. So please, if you hate Kira that's fine, but don't create ur own facts as u did in ur argument.
u freaking call that not serious???
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:24 AM
lol nice pic. some ppl argued a while ago that he wasnt aiming for the cockpit but highly doubt that lol
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
u freaking call that not serious???
That has been discused many times. Kira was aiming to cut off Impulsces legs and NOT kill Shinn. The cockpit is quite a bit higher then where the beamsaber is reguardless of how you care to interpret the image.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:36 AM
Then there would be no reason for Shinn to depart. Remember back in Seed when Kira did the exact same manuver against Yzakt or however u spell his name. Kira had to move his saber at the last second to hit the legs instead. Kira had no intention in doing that here as you can see.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:42 AM
i highly doubt he was aiming for the cockpit. if anyone remembers, that's how he took down duel when he first used Freedom in alaska. and the question is, when Impulse seperated, did the torso go up or did the legs drop down?? because they were in the sky so it's kinda hard to tell. anyways serious or not in their first fight, kira whooped shinn's when they got their new gundams. (^_^) yes. i'm a kira fan. mostly cuz i like his hair. heheh.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by: ArcZero
i highly doubt he was aiming for the cockpit. if anyone remembers, that's how he took down duel when he first used Freedom in alaska. and the question is, when Impulse seperated, did the torso go up or did the legs drop down?? because they were in the sky so it's kinda hard to tell. anyways serious or not in their first fight, kira whooped shinn's when they got their new gundams. (^_^) yes. i'm a kira fan. mostly cuz i like his hair. heheh.
That's the fight I was talking about! the one against Duel. If you watch it again, you will see that his beam was originally going for the cockpit but at the last min he changed his mind. Did you see him do that when he fought Shinn? nope. And ya Kira might have won against Shinn the first fight but the second fight he needed Athrun's help or he would of been blasted into pieces lol.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by: ArcZero
i highly doubt he was aiming for the cockpit. if anyone remembers, that's how he took down duel when he first used Freedom in alaska. and the question is, when Impulse seperated, did the torso go up or did the legs drop down?? because they were in the sky so it's kinda hard to tell. anyways serious or not in their first fight, kira whooped shinn's when they got their new gundams. (^_^) yes. i'm a kira fan. mostly cuz i like his hair. heheh.
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frame by frame
Sat, 09-10-2005, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
frame by frame
Judging by those frames, when Shinn seperates the legs go down AND the cockpit goes up - when Kira's sabre reaches a point where i WOULD have cut Impulse, it nearly brushes the top of his legs. So obviously, Kira was aiming about mid-hip area (he cut Duel at about the knees.)
You kinda have to guesstimate, though - since the camera zooms in slightly you lose perspective in the most important frame - but as I said, judging by how close he was to the top of the legs, he would have completely missed the cockpit.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by: heero
That's the fight I was talking about! the one against Duel. If you watch it again, you will see that his beam was originally going for the cockpit but at the last min he changed his mind. Did you see him do that when he fought Shinn? nope. And ya Kira might have won against Shinn the first fight but the second fight he needed Athrun's help or he would of been blasted into pieces lol.
umm actually when i said their "first fight" i meant Freedom vs. Impulse.
Sat, 09-10-2005, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by: Takeda Natsuke
Well, I sometimes look at GSD as a game of Counter-Strike. Kira has Spin Hack (he spins round and round and shoot everything), Shinn has Speed Hack (obvious), Lacus is flooding the the chatbox and is annoying, Cagalli keeps getting pissed that she keeps losing, Luna can't aim (nuff said, LOL), Rey is always that guy who's always #1 in the ranks and everyone either hates or adores, and Dullindal is admin, a very VERY controlling admin that likes to slap you every once in a while. And oh, Stellar is the one who just bunny hops. ^_^
I enjoy GSD much better that way.
OH OH! And Heine is the one everyone loves but had a bad day and was n00bed by Stellar when she was knifing and bunny hopping, lol.
Jesus this is so fucking funny. AND TRUE. LOL!
Sat, 09-10-2005, 03:21 AM
Originally posted by: ArcZero
umm actually when i said their "first fight" i meant Freedom vs. Impulse.
er then Freedom didnt even do that. He just flew pass Shinn and cut off his arm
Sat, 09-10-2005, 05:04 AM
just watched seed.
i find nothing good in this episode -_-
Sat, 09-10-2005, 12:57 PM
The action was good. The thought behind it was abysmally poor.
If you have the opportunity to eliminate your worst enemies as the leader of the most powerful organization currently existing, would you send a few guys armed with rifles and grenades to do the work? Didn't think so.
It's also a shame that such a cool character as Sarah died so quickly. She deserved better.
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