View Full Version : Gundam Seed... Season 3?
Fri, 08-05-2005, 09:56 PM
Well, season 2 is coming to an end and i've been what you people thought about if fukuda made a THIRD season of Gundam Seed. So far, from what I've seen of GSD, it's been crap. the sequel to the stellar first season has really been a bust and instead, GSD should be renamed "how many ways fukuda can screw up a gundam series". so, in order to preserve the shit that's come out, i just hope fukuda quits while he's ahead.
No, i do not hope there's a third season of Gundam Seed. I'll rather wait for some new gundam to come out than watch another craptacular gundam series made by fukuda's greedy self.
Fri, 08-05-2005, 10:14 PM
hmmmm i just wish fukuda isnt the director of Gs 3 if it comes
Fri, 08-05-2005, 10:34 PM
Me too !! And it would be really nice if there was a gundam series after GSD and i hope that one will be like GS even better to watch than just looking at the mess he made to the series
Fri, 08-05-2005, 11:26 PM
I hope there isn't a Seed season 3....
Fri, 08-05-2005, 11:37 PM
i think b4 they try 2 make a GS3 I think they should make finish the astray and MSV
Sat, 08-06-2005, 12:02 AM
I suppose I'm the only one in the world who acctually LIKES Destiny - SEED was great, and Destiny (IMO) is very close to it, though it isn't finished yet so SEED remain better.
Anyway, I don't see why so many people hate the show, it's got everything SEED had, minus a few annoying characters, and a few to many Gundams, but other than that, I love it to death.
Having said that, I'd vote no 3rd series depending on how Destiny leaves off, (I personally hated the way SEED ended, and that's probably why Destiny fits so well with me).
Vince Flyte
Sat, 08-06-2005, 01:32 AM
Me want animated Astray!
Sat, 08-06-2005, 01:55 AM
It would be a sad thing if this universe isn't explored some more. Destiny has been so-so (if Shinn remains a violent peacemaker i'll be happy) and SEED was awesome (albeit the ending was rushed).
I've heard that the next Gundam is going to be a completely different universe. I guess we can only hope that the they'll revisit this universe soon.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 02:16 AM
The only way I think i could tolerate a season 3 is if the show got away from all the current characters in GSD. GSD has shown that they ran out of ways to develop the SEED characters anymore, Kira hasn't changed at all, and Cagalli and Athrun are finally getting back to where they were when SEED ended, so it would prolly be the same for GSD characters in a third season. As I don't see that happening I voted No for a third season, prolly best for gundam to make a clean break from this universe for the next season
Sat, 08-06-2005, 03:41 AM
They can never make to much SEED. From what i have heard ZZ sucks but the UC series coming after has been good so it's possible to still make a good sequal to Destiny. And please stop refer to it as seasons which it isn't, it is two diffrent -series- not seasons. Gundam SEED -series- 1 and Gundam SEED Destiny -series- 2.
If Fukuda steps away from SEED it got all the potential in the world to become something great.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 04:07 AM
I would have to wonder if they made another seed who the bad guys would be i mean lord wear do all these people keep coming from? not to mention if they do make another season we will have to have the standed death ray weapon like the one they have been showing looks like a big ass pipe how do you hide crap like that?
Sat, 08-06-2005, 04:11 AM
There can always show up new bad guys.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 04:21 AM
I've enjoyed GS/D very much, having another could work or it could fail, I'd have to vote for wait until GSD finishes before I can decide whether there should be another series.
They'll have to figure out another face mask design!
Sat, 08-06-2005, 05:07 AM
Originally posted by: kAi
having another could work or it could fail
You really think so?
Sat, 08-06-2005, 05:14 AM
I want another season.
Despite the fact that Destiny has been too much Kira orgasming, I really love this show.
I still see the new Destiny eps as the highlight of the week (along with getting drunk of course).
I want more. More. More. ALWAYS!
It might be greedy, it might not use all it's potential, but it's still the best series I've ever seen (along with Seed of course).
Sat, 08-06-2005, 05:15 AM
The only way I'd want a 3rd SEED series is if it was Astray and followed the manga faithfully.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 12:18 PM
I really liked GS but GSD is way better.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 01:05 PM
If it happens, it oughta be Kira's downfall; GS, a story of tragedy -- I want!
Sat, 08-06-2005, 01:17 PM
I'm wanting a sequal after GSD i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif because I've enjoy this series very much as Seed also.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 01:31 PM
I love Gundam, and Seed really was an excellent series. Destiny has its good aspects but really has started to fizzle and piss me off a bit after episode 31. I think they have a great setting and the Coordinator/Natural thing is an excellent concept.
But I still don't want a sequel to Destiny.
As much as I'd love to see more Gundam I don't quite trust them to do justice with another series off the Seed arc. I went into Destiny with an open mind and really enjoyed it as it first started out and got going. I liked the new characters and plot and was able to forgive the "Quick! Throw together a sequel!" feel of it, for awhile. But as the series is drawing to a close I really feel a little cheated, a little jaded and sometimes embarassed for getting on this bandwagon. I started to feel like Destiny was just a continuation for the sake of making more money, for the sake of selling more model kits, and using the Gundam name as a springboard. What I find I dislike the most is the repetitive feel to the series, the sheer predictability of it all. I'm not intrigued by Dullindal anymore, I don't give a shit about Kira and crew anymore. Well I could go on for hours about this, but I'll post some more later.
Don't get me wrong. I still love Gundam. I just don't want to see a great thing being run into the ground for greedy bastards' ambitions. I also feel like the story and characters are hitting a wall, and a fresh start with new faces would do the franchise a lot of good.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by: mage
Originally posted by: kAi
having another could work or it could fail
You really think so?
I'd have to vote for wait until GSD finishes
Never seen something put like this before? You read the whole sentence with it.
Sat, 08-06-2005, 03:44 PM
would always (ALWAYS!!) want another season!!...even though half the time i dont like what the director do to the storyline!! i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif
eg. killing off heine in a few eps.. ¬_¬
btw...hey every1... (1st post)
Sat, 08-06-2005, 04:51 PM
I think it would be better off with an OVA. A full sequel series? Nah, bad idea. They'd run out of ideas before that happened. At least let Lacus KISS Kira for once, god dammit! Throw in some gratuitous sex scenes as well, like they did for the GS Movies. Nah, just kidding. But at least finish it up with a bang!
Sun, 08-07-2005, 01:21 AM
a big NO! But an Astray anime would be nice(without Fuck-uda of course)
Sun, 08-07-2005, 02:23 PM
seed destiny is already milked for all its worth...its impossible to squeeze another story and season outa, no.(even though i would like it)
Sun, 08-07-2005, 07:17 PM
Well, how about a series that shows the events before, during and after Destiny from a different perspective, namely that of Yzak and Dearka. I imagine that they have not been sitting on their rears during this war. What battles and decisions did they face, what obstacles did they have to overcome, and what disagreements may have strained their friendship. Heck, we could even show how the characters from Astray got along while the known world plunged once more to war.
The series could change between the three stories. Yzak and his unit fighting the war and dealing with a growing suspicion that something is wrong in the upper echelons of ZAFT. Lowe and his junk guild, are busy trying to make money, while repairing the damage wrought in the war as well as provide assistants to any innocents caught in the crossfire. Mean while Gai Murakumo and the Serpent Tail do covert ops for whichever side's paying better wages at the moment, while also handling an out break of raiders and other opportunist who've decided to pray on the defenseless (But not penniless) people of the system.
Just my thoughts on a possible third season.
Actually, if there is another season of Seed, my question is who do you want directing it?
Sun, 08-07-2005, 09:13 PM
hmmm, season 3 would be fun,
Kira as a father??? giving advise to his kid('s)
but, then again, i would love to see a new 08th MS kinda thing, i loved that one.
Mon, 08-08-2005, 01:21 AM
[stuff like this has been said already on this thread. so here it is again!] As cool as some parts of GS and Destiny were, i still wouldn't want a 3rd series. Kira can't really get anymore godlier, athrun and kagalli went in a backwards circle [looking for dif. words to phrase my thoughts ><] and i don't really like any of the new characters [except Heine, and the "new", now dead -_- druggies]. Not to mention another continuation would mean even more new characters.
Mon, 08-08-2005, 07:47 AM
Voted no on 3rd series. Would be cool to see Astray side stories animated but only in the case if Fukuda stays away from their production .
Big NO on the 3rd SEED...
Mon, 08-08-2005, 12:39 PM
I guess it would be nice to have a 3rd season. I really enjoy the seed seasons. But they have to change the enemies. I'm starting to doubt there will never be peace between the coordinators and naturals.
Mon, 08-08-2005, 12:58 PM
I'll wait and see how they finish this series, if they finished it right yea maybe a 3rd one would be boring, but if not then hell yea. I loved GS/D and would like some more. but if they going to make a new one I hope they won't make a lot of recap eps.
Tue, 08-09-2005, 01:06 AM
if they have to make a 3rd season, keep the old cast as far away from it as possible. Maybe guest appearances or something of the sort. However a new story with new characters simply based in the GS universe. i mean its kind of like they have a foundation to do different stuff with a new show and they dont have to worry about that. Hence maybe they can really focus on other things like how to handle the characters eand stuff and really make a story out of it. Besides we could all do with a lot of explaining about things like SEED mode(what it REALLY is?) whos a newtype, who isnt?, the whole genetic deal, How much a diff does all this stuff make, etc. Dusn seem like destiny will get to explaining all that but new storylines could set in the same setting could look at it from a whole new angle
Thu, 08-11-2005, 05:33 PM
Fukada will probably make a series 3 if he wants to sell more model kitsi/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 08-11-2005, 09:03 PM
Originally posted by: Miro69
Well, season 2 is coming to an end and i've been what you people thought about if fukuda made a THIRD season of Gundam Seed. So far, from what I've seen of GSD, it's been crap. the sequel to the stellar first season has really been a bust and instead, GSD should be renamed "how many ways fukuda can screw up a gundam series". so, in order to preserve the shit that's come out, i just hope fukuda quits while he's ahead.
No, i do not hope there's a third season of Gundam Seed. I'll rather wait for some new gundam to come out than watch another craptacular gundam series made by fukuda's greedy self.
if you had read newtype, you should have read it long time ago that the CVs did say "after 3 years, seed seriesis finally done"
also..if you paid attention to bandai's reports....they stated that on 2007 sept there is another gundam serie coming out...not seed anymore. also, fudoka is not the director for it
Fri, 08-12-2005, 06:29 AM
Based on how popular a show is those things can always change. There is no gaurantee that they won't do another SEED series.
Sat, 08-13-2005, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by: PSJ
Based on how popular a show is those things can always change. There is no gaurantee that they won't do another SEED series.
well..seed series is definitely ending
Sat, 08-13-2005, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by: RTX-008L
Originally posted by: PSJ
Based on how popular a show is those things can always change. There is no gaurantee that they won't do another SEED series.
well..seed series is definitely ending
you never know, afterall, we don't know how japanese citizens feel about gsd, for all we know they could be writing to fukuda for another seed series
Sat, 08-13-2005, 01:09 AM
It's sad, but I really wish Kira wouldn't have survived that nuclear blast he was literally sitting on top of.
To me, that pilot showed promise, but when I saw Freedom blow up, I was sad, happy and dissapointed at the same time... sad because Kira was pretty much my favorite pilot to date and just had to grow up a bit more before surpassing Amuro himself, so seing him die was a bit of a shock. Then I was happy, because this would be pretty much the first time a main character to a series would die in Gundam, making it that much closer to what war is supposed to be like and also, giving it that feel you can only get out of anticipation for the next unexpected thing and dissapointed because deep down, I knew this was too good to be true and that he'd mirraculously survive and at worst get a scar or two out of it, but still be able to pilot his next machine...
Kira really should have just died and have his new machine assigned to someone else. The show went pretty much downwards after that.
Sat, 08-13-2005, 01:11 AM
Originally posted by: SkyReaper
It's sad, but I really wish Kira wouldn't have survived that nuclear blast he was literally sitting on top of.
Sat, 08-13-2005, 01:16 AM
When Freedom got skewered by Impulse.
Sat, 08-13-2005, 05:20 AM
Originally posted by: SkyReaper
When Freedom got skewered by Impulse.
Impluse Did nuclear blasts to freedom??
Sat, 08-13-2005, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
Originally posted by: RTX-008L
Originally posted by: PSJ
Based on how popular a show is those things can always change. There is no gaurantee that they won't do another SEED series.
well..seed series is definitely ending
you never know, afterall, we don't know how japanese citizens feel about gsd, for all we know they could be writing to fukuda for another seed series
definitely not.....cuz the original director of gundam was not happy to see seed-d
Sat, 08-13-2005, 11:44 AM
Well, when Impulse put his sword through Freedom, it breached his reactor making it go nuclear.
Fri, 08-19-2005, 02:04 AM
SEED/DESTINY follow-up rumors - taken from Gunota headlines blog (
go there for more info and links
Again take this with a grain of salt.
The following blog has a report/dialog between a customer, store owner, and a Bandai staff member during a Bakuseed (miniature electric motor car) tournament. That, of course, makes this report hearsay but still of interest as far as possible commentary on the state of Gundam at the moment goes:
The Bandai staff member commented that currently DESTINY as a series is unpopular with ratings on a downward trend (see below for that) and merchandise not selling well including Gunpla (something also mentioned at Plamoya-san's Useless Diary). The store owner adds that Bakuseed is outselling Gunpla at his store. The conversation switches to a possible sequel after the customer said "I guess no sequel then. Wanted to see one." The Bandai staff replied that they are currently exploring the idea of another SEED sequel which will again feature Kira and Athrun, concluding a SEED trilogy. The ending of DESTINY will be made so a possibility of sequel can occur. If it were to happen, they won't be doing it until after next year as time slots are all filled up for the 2006-2007 lineup. It is currently set as a trilogy, however more sequels will be made if proven popular.
Ratings are down compared to the first SEED (averaging 5.2% currently), though still better than the 90's Gundams on average. But from another perspective, things look worse when you compare it to the numbers for past MBS shows in the same timeslot (righthand column figures) as DESTINY will have to fight uphill to not wind up with the lowest average ratings.
Fri, 08-19-2005, 02:14 AM
well, at least we know Kira and Athrun won't be dying at the end of Destiny, if this is true. (secretly hopes that Shinn will)
Fri, 08-19-2005, 04:12 AM
Originally posted by: SkyReaper
Well, when Impulse put his sword through Freedom, it breached his reactor making it go nuclear.
Freedom did not go nuclear then or ever. It even clearly showed in the very next episode that Kira had hit the "Emergeny Shut Off" for the nuclear reactor. That huge explosion was the matter/anti-matter reaction when the Tannhauser (Minerva Positron Cannon) hit the ocean's surface while trying to get Archangel. You can even see when that explosion is approaching the Minerva it was facing it and the red line from the after effect of firing the Tannhauser was still there as it began to turn away from the explosion.
Fri, 08-19-2005, 04:57 PM
Wasn't Gundam SEED supposed to be a trilogy or something?
Fri, 08-19-2005, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by: Wizard054
Wasn't Gundam SEED supposed to be a trilogy or something?
There have been comments along that line, but nothing concrete. Mostly rumors.
Fri, 08-19-2005, 05:46 PM
Oh please not another 50 episodes of infallible good guys, building hopes for new ones to excel (only to get crushed by good old Team Lacus) and villains who still refuse to double-check to make sure their most threatening enemy is DEAD. Cut up that Gouf into sardine-tops! Cut that body out of the unexploded-due-to-Deus-Ex-Machina cockpit and choke the goody-two-shoes to death! And just poison Lacus's water bottle at her next concert, or rape her with a knife (7), or get way up high on a ledge overlooking where she's praying for world peace and swoop down and stick the Masamune right through her gut! Yeh!
I for one am glad to hear that ratings are down and model kits failing to produce like before! Hopefully this will make the creators and writers see that they can't just pull the same old tricks again and again If/When they go and make a 3rd series. I wonder why they're so attached to Kira and Athrun? Those characters have seemed to have stopped developing and changing as far as human personalities go. They're about as entertaining and unpredictable as mud.
Fri, 08-19-2005, 07:16 PM
The only reason I'm not buying the models as quickly as I did with SEED is that I don't need a dozen different ZAKUs. One for each wizard would be the most I would want. Just about half the 1/100 scale models they have released so far are ZAKUs. Then add in the 1/144. That is just too many.
Fri, 08-19-2005, 11:09 PM
i would like to see Gundam Seed that would be set before Kira at heliopolis as Mwu main charater (when he became well known) of EAF or from Zaft point of view.
Mon, 08-22-2005, 09:28 AM
semms like im the only perv in this thread so i believe as they did fromm seed to seed destiny they emphasized the boobs much more and the lady nakedness so if for the third series they put more tits in i say it shall pwn
Mon, 08-22-2005, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by: Curium
Originally posted by: SkyReaper
Well, when Impulse put his sword through Freedom, it breached his reactor making it go nuclear.
Freedom did not go nuclear then or ever. It even clearly showed in the very next episode that Kira had hit the "Emergeny Shut Off" for the nuclear reactor. That huge explosion was the matter/anti-matter reaction when the Tannhauser (Minerva Positron Cannon) hit the ocean's surface while trying to get Archangel. You can even see when that explosion is approaching the Minerva it was facing it and the red line from the after effect of firing the Tannhauser was still there as it began to turn away from the explosion.
My bad. Sorry for the confusion. Missed that emergency shut off part and was pretty sure it was Freedom that made th nasty explosion. ^_^;
Vince Flyte
Tue, 08-23-2005, 04:31 AM
I say animate the Astray series but what do I know?
Tue, 08-23-2005, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by: Vince Flyte
I say animate the Astray series but what do I know?
I second that nomination!!
Tue, 08-23-2005, 06:00 PM
And please....PLEAASE get rid of the recap episodes, they serve no purpose other than to guarantee that the last ten episodes is nothing but a rush job. Really, who ever came up with that idea has to be shot and buried in a pit somewhere.
GS fans aren't so stupid that they can't remember what happened eight episodes ago!
Wed, 08-24-2005, 09:46 PM
Not talking about anyone here since I don't know you guys, but I know a few exceptions to that... ^_^;
Wed, 08-24-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by: DeathscytheVII
And please....PLEAASE get rid of the recap episodes, they serve no purpose other than to guarantee that the last ten episodes is nothing but a rush job. Really, who ever came up with that idea has to be shot and buried in a pit somewhere.
GS fans aren't so stupid that they can't remember what happened eight episodes ago!
but then since japan doesn't have reruns japanese citizens might want to see recaps like if they missed the episode or if they want to see a kool part in an episode that they liked
Thu, 08-25-2005, 07:05 AM
No reruns? @_@
I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing... ^_^;
Thu, 08-25-2005, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by: SkyReaper
No reruns? @_@
I wonder if that's a good thing or a bad thing... ^_^;it depends on what you define as re-runs
showing the same episode twice a week has it's advantages and disadvantages
but showing the entire show again after 6 months or so also has it's pros and cons
Thu, 08-25-2005, 03:47 PM
I vote for the second choice, i hate it when you tune in to see your favorite show and it's the same episode you saw a week ago.
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