View Full Version : if i were the fat commander..
Wed, 07-20-2005, 05:22 AM
in phase 39, we were introduced to strike freedom gundam.
yes..its the gundam with the oversized golden belly button.
anyway, to showcase its power, the animators decided that a goofy white coat commander would narrate and describe just how awesome this new suit is.
so if you were the fat commander.. what would you have done when the mobile suit appears and what would you say to describe its power?
Wed, 07-20-2005, 05:45 AM
Look and Drool...then write it down on my christmas wishlist i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif..
Hmm..Attack with everything i have o.oV even though thats what he did.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 06:01 AM
gee, not like he had much to attack with... a few cannons, Igellstung (CIWS's)... thats bout it..
I would say: Let's join the Clyne Faction, they seem stronger than that Dullindal, at least Lacus might give us a better ship and higher quality troops
Wed, 07-20-2005, 10:36 AM
I would join aa then steal it
Wed, 07-20-2005, 11:05 AM
I would've had a special positron beam shield that encased my entire ship. Then, while the shield was engaged, I would go on a kamakazi run and slam into Lacus's eternal, and as everyone burned in the flames of oblivion I'd yell "Take that you damned overpowered-junkie-pilot. Hahahahaaaa!!! I killed your girlfriend!!! Yyyyeeeeeaaaahhhhh!!!" Then all would be right with the world as Kira goes back to orb heartbroken.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 11:20 AM
Iniate selfdestruct sequence in 3..2..1
Might do some dmg to SF.......perhaps?
Wed, 07-20-2005, 04:13 PM
"Oh noes, he's back! The pilot with enough lives to make a cat cry, we're doomed. Damn, this time he's packing more heat than our nuclear arsenal. Gosh, he doesn't even have to move anymore, he has a beam shield that rivals the defense Lacus' chastity belt! ... Let's send more units at him for the hell of it though, heheh."
Wed, 07-20-2005, 05:11 PM
I would call for backup and order my men to tape the fight than defleckt to the cline faction and when the war is over sell the tape for a lot of money to some one making a documentary over Strike-Freedom the coolest most powerfull mobel suit ever
Wed, 07-20-2005, 06:50 PM
Case1.- I would surrender, dude, he took down 25 Goufs and Zakus, what can 3 mere Nazca Class ship can do.
Case2.- I would realize something is weird and try to comunicate with Eternal, afterall it would be stupid that Terrorist that want war again against the Naturals would use the Eternal, ship that along the Archangel and Kusanagi Stoped it in the first place. Plus they have Freedom on their side, and they arent killing the Zaft troops, except for one or two that andy killed with no more choice, but Freedom left the cockpits intact. And after that Freedom only destroyed the ship's propulsors. Something definetely weird going on, dont u think?.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:00 PM
I would also radio the Eternal and ask for a cease-fire as soon as I saw it take down the first dozen ZAKUS and Goufs. Maybe it would save some of my mens' pride... not to mention some MS we could ambush the Pink Queen with later on.
But if I had to obey orders, I'd plead for a surrender, ask them if I could dock with Eternal to surrender over all our weapons, then boost my thrusters full throttle and ram them while self-detonating and destroy that pink travesty. Naturally I'd also tell all my men to flee if they wanted to.
I could also radio the Strike Freedom, tell them I will execute my men and order executions of civilians on PLANT for every minute until he comes out of his Gundam and surrenders. Start the massacre, let him decide. His life, or countless others' lives? Mwhaha. A true villian could never lose to such a goody-goody as Kira.
As for what I would say about the Strike Freedom.
"I STILL won't buy your model kit!!! HAIL ZEON!"
"Funnels!?! But...but...but Goddamn you're a cheap SOB. Ultimate Ascended SuperSaiyanCoordinator Newtype, give me a break!"
"It is the Deus Ex Machina, I can do naught, for I am not a girlish looking bishounen whose VA sucks the creators cocks every night."
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:06 PM
hahah actually masa, that is genius
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:08 PM
Basically I'd say "well at least that idiot is too stupid to shoot us down" and then fly away.
Tightly followed by
masamuneehs: "I STILL won't buy your model kit!!! HAIL ZEON!"
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:56 PM
id be like
Wed, 07-20-2005, 11:53 PM
Nice racial slur. (Referring to post above)
Really there isn't much you can do. Even with 3 Nazca class without the MS you have a brand new model mobile suit to deal with ontop of Gaia. Regardless of situation it looks like its time to run, and take back all the data you can on those MS's for future usage.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 12:29 AM
okay, id be like
What the hell? Are you eight or just that stupid? User is warned.
GotWoot Moderator
Thu, 07-21-2005, 06:35 AM
Don't ever reply with such a contentless post again.
GotWoot Moderator
Thu, 07-21-2005, 08:30 AM
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
guys, let us marvel in this highly developed argument and awe this highly intellectual statement made by our friend SFreedomZGMFx20a here..
Thu, 07-21-2005, 09:21 AM
"???" is the best damn answer ever..... really all he needed to do was add :i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gifpenmouthed blank gaze:: and it would have been pure comedic gold!
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