View Full Version : Relationship Thread
Tue, 07-19-2005, 10:37 PM
Well i think the long awaited kiss between Kira and Lacus was supposed to be in this episode because of the perfect atmosphere, situation and moment. Like cmon, after going all the way to space when the girl is going to get blown up by zaku's and goufs, you should at least get a nice kiss as a 'thank you'. Kira also had the perfect moment to kiss her. When they were glazing at each other after his little speech "Looking at you makes me so happy" was a perfect time to kiss each other or something, but noooooooooooo, kira had to ruin it by asking "where is it". Ahhh welll.... maybe we have to wait till the final battle or something just like GS.
Thats my rant for today, I only focused on kira x Lacus, but this thread is for others such as shinn, athrun, rey, etc etc...
(dunno if there was a thread like this, but i did a thorough search and didnt find anything under 'relationship, athrun, kira, lacus etc etc....)
as stated by Terracosmo:
First person who starts writing down fictional relationships based on absolutely nothing will get kicked and severely mutilated. For example "rofllolololo Yzak x Dearka cuz they are best friends and GOD FORBID SPEND TIME TOGETHER A LOT" and "lolorlfoflasokfokffasok Auel & Stellar because they are both fucked up lmao".
Tue, 07-19-2005, 10:44 PM
First person who starts writing down fictional relationships based on absolutely nothing will get kicked and severely mutilated. For example "rofllolololo Yzak x Dearka cuz they are best friends and GOD FORBID SPEND TIME TOGETHER A LOT" and "lolorlfoflasokfokffasok Auel & Stellar because they are both fucked up lmao".
Anyway, as for the relationships which are actually IN the show...
Shinn x Stellar = I don't see this as a relationship because Stellar is ehh... dead. And also she was probably too stupid (in lack of better words) to comprehend what love is.
Shinn x Lunamaria = Relationship thrown into the show just recently but perhaps had latent feelings behind it. I personally see it as a way for the both of them to find temporary emotional comfort.
Athrun x Cagalli = For fucks sakes Athrun you gave her a ring and she almost got married to Yuna and you almost died and despite all that you have the luck to meet her again so START TALKING YOU DUMBASS
Kira x Lacus = Kira sucks and can't even kiss his damn girl despite the fact that she almost died (what intense said basically)
Dearka x Milly = I'm glad it ended, they didn't match at all. Milly is a stupid bitch and Dearka is way too cool for her.
I can't think of any more right now.
Tue, 07-19-2005, 10:45 PM
by far, the cutest couple = lacus x kira
luna should KEEL shinn. NOT like him WTF?! although i like shinn, i say he should go hit it with the captain and OWN dullindal. YA
Tue, 07-19-2005, 10:46 PM
Why should Luna "keel" Shinn? You are just jealous because he gets to remove her skirt!
Tue, 07-19-2005, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
First person who starts writing down fictional relationships based on absolutely nothing will get kicked and severely mutilated. For example "rofllolololo Yzak x Dearka cuz they are best friends and GOD FORBID SPEND TIME TOGETHER A LOT" and "lolorlfoflasokfokffasok Auel & Stellar because they are both fucked up lmao".
Anyway, as for the relationships which are actually IN the show...
Shinn x Stellar = I don't see this as a relationship because Stellar is ehh... dead. And also she was probably too stupid (in lack of better words) to comprehend what love is.
Shinn x Lunamaria = Relationship thrown into the show just recently but perhaps had latent feelings behind it. I personally see it as a way for the both of them to find temporary emotional comfort.
Athrun x Cagalli = For fucks sakes Athrun you gave her a ring and she almost got married to Yuna and you almost died and despite all that you have the luck to meet her again so START TALKING YOU DUMBASS
Kira x Lacus = Kira sucks and can't even kiss his damn girl despite the fact that she almost died (what intense said basically)
Dearka x Milly = I'm glad it ended, they didn't match at all. Milly is a stupid bitch and Dearka is way too cool for her.
I can't think of any more right now.
aahhhh thank you... i frgt to put rules like those.... i might as well copy and paste your words into the first post to prevent dumbass posts like those to happen.
Tue, 07-19-2005, 10:47 PM
i think he ment kill i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Tue, 07-19-2005, 10:54 PM
o boy. luna firstr of all isnt that fine in terms of looks. her bangin body should be gotten by athrun a long time ago when she was ASKing for it.
ok, serious relationship wise, i dont see how shinn can just forget stella and then go with luna, who just had his sister "KEELED" by shinn.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 05:51 AM
dude, you're just jealous coz dearka liked milly and not yzak
lacusxkira- typical perfect couple..good role model. they promote abstinence
lacusxathrun- didn't last long, it was awkward in the first place. so glad its over
athrunxcagalli- i like it, nothing spontaneous, rather it was build up over time
kiraxfllay- twisted love..yeah least they got passion
murruexmwu- good and mature love baby..
millyxdearka- it would have been nice if the guy who gets the hard-to-get girl to get a happy ending. it pains me to see milly in GSD eds on her own. damn. should have put me in there.
yzakxthatMSVchick- probably some random chick yzak picked up to get back on dearka for hitting on milly.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Why should Luna "keel" Shinn? You are just jealous because he gets to remove her skirt!
well , i would like to see shinn and luna together ^.^V
Wed, 07-20-2005, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by: john_doe_107
yzakxthatMSVchick- probably some random chick yzak picked up to get back on dearka for hitting on milly.
Thats Shiho, and she isn't just 'some random chick.' She is the only cute female pilot who doesn't suck in GS/D.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 07:59 AM
I can imagine Kira and Lacus hugging and kissing while Andy's Gaia gets surrounded and blown up with a cock pit death this time.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by: Barumonk
Originally posted by: john_doe_107
yzakxthatMSVchick- probably some random chick yzak picked up to get back on dearka for hitting on milly.
Thats Shiho, and she isn't just 'some random chick.' She is the only cute female pilot who doesn't suck in GS/D.
Who is Shiho? Also if she doesn't suck as a pilot then will she make an appearance in the anime in the next 11episodes because I have been waiting for a cute, awsome, female piot in Gundam because I have yet to see one.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:42 AM
Shiho just happens to be a ZAFT pilot and has a thing for Yzak i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. If you've ever played Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow, she was among the playable characters in MSV (Mobile Suit Variation) Mode and you pilot her and her Gouf (I think it was the Gouf, Terra would know exactly) during the nuclear missile attack on PLANT. She was in the last ending actually, right at the beginning where Athrun was looking back at Nichol, Yzak, and Dearka. Shiho was right next to him.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:46 AM
Shiho only makes three second cameos in the series since she is a MSV character, she never actually has any lines. She is part of Yzak's squad. Just a few appearances, I missed a lot (she shows up atleast eight times throughout both GS and GSD).
Edit: Ah, and NarutoMaster is right. Shiho is also in the 1st GSD ending and the one right before the current ending (I don't know which one that is) ^^;;
Wed, 07-20-2005, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by: NarutoMaster
Shiho just happens to be a ZAFT pilot and has a thing for Yzak . If you've ever played Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow, she was among the playable characters in MSV (Mobile Suit Variation) Mode and you pilot her and her Gouf (I think it was the Gouf, Terra would know exactly) during the nuclear missile attack on PLANT. She was in the last ending actually, right at the beginning where Athrun was looking back at Nichol, Yzak, and Dearka. Shiho was right next to him.
Cool. Thanks for the info. What system is that game for, or do I have to download it cause I wanna know more about her now. GET ON TERRA AND TELL ME MORE ABOUT SHIHO NOW PLEASE!!! I think I have a wallpaper of her accually. Yes I do.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 09:15 AM
Gundam Seed: Never Ending Tomorrow is for the PS2. You can download it from here: GS: NET Download ( &ext=&op=and). The second torrent is the one you want. Though I believe NET is coming over to America soon so if you can wait, that would probably be better because that way you can play the game in English. Not that the game is hard with the language on Japanese, its just better to enjoy what the characters and all are saying (just gotta put up with the dub though >_< )
EDIT: Shiho from the previous ending.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 10:29 AM
Wow. How did I miss a character who appears so musch in the show. I think that I'll go back and find every spot that she appears in. Thanks for all the info guys.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 11:05 AM
Finally someone says who Shiho is, i was starting to think she was from another anime and someone thought she and Izak would make a good couple. After seein who she is, i think they match pretty well.
Now passing to the Kira x Lacus couple: yes, i think they need to start kissing, after Jackin Due, 2 years i think, living together on earth i tho Lacus and Kira would at least sleep together, not sex, but at least sleeping in the same bed. I was so excited, of emotion not anything else, when Kira was on the Sauna and Lacus enters after, unfortunately she entered in the Womens Sauna, shyt.
Athrun x Cagalli, good couple. Im happy they r back together. But i wonder what will happen to Meyrin.
Now, no one has asked this: What will happen now that neo/Mwu is back?. Andrew and Marrrue had something going on. (Please GOD let this not be a Spoiler).
Shinn x Lunamaria: yes they had something, or at least Lunamaria wanted to, but Athrun came and things changed or somthing happened there. Now that Shin Killed Meyring both of them were emotionally unstable and ended up together, it looks like Lunamaria didnd love her sister as much as to kill Shinn, or she loved her so much that her brain ended messed up.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 12:23 PM
I dont really mind the Shinn x Luna thing, but i feel that it was wayyy too rushed and came out of nowhere. If they had more screentime together and more development with each other, then maybe i would like it. Also, another thing that bothers me is that how Luna kisses Shinn after Shinn just shot her sister.
But i guess its better than going beserk than Fllay did, so im fine with it.
Athrun x Cagalli - I guess they still like each other. This couple is still there. Theyre trying to get back to where they were before, so im guessing they'll end up fine.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 01:17 PM
Shiho.... look like a man
and yea damn i agree,, kira needs to go SEED+newtype on lacus (in bed) >i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
hell those orphan kids get more action with lacus than kira... >__>
and Athrun,, he's just waiting for Cagalli,, I bet he's thinking... "When are you gonna stop looking like a guy and take off those pants, Cagalli" (like half-naked Cagalli in the opening vid)
Cagalli (
Wed, 07-20-2005, 01:50 PM
shinn x luna is awesome
kira x lacus is going nowhere, just around in circles
@SFreedomZGMF or whatever
i think your sig is too big
Wed, 07-20-2005, 02:17 PM
Im working on it, i better wait till i have it completed.
What are the dimension needed?
Wed, 07-20-2005, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
Cool. Thanks for the info. What system is that game for, or do I have to download it cause I wanna know more about her now. GET ON TERRA AND TELL ME MORE ABOUT SHIHO NOW PLEASE!!! I think I have a wallpaper of her accually. Yes I do.
Shiho Hahnenfuss is a Yzak fangirl who later got to join his squad. She basically spends her time trying to impress him and she does rather well. She pilots the blue custom CGUE called Deep Arms ( If you don't remember what a CGUE is, it's the first suit Rau used back in Seed.
That's pretty much all I know really.
Oh and @john doe: Fuck off i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
@Sfreedom: Max sig dimensions are 400x80.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 02:30 PM
IMHO, there was never anything between Marrue and Andy. The only thing I remember them doing together was have coffee togther.
... and what about Talia and Dullandial? Also, does anybody think there was a love triangle between Mwu, Marrue, and Natarle(whatever her name was that was AA's XO in GS)?
Wed, 07-20-2005, 06:43 PM
No, i dont think there was that love triangle.
But if u check where Andy and Marrue are having a cup of cofee together, Andy ask her to come along when they leave to PLANT in case that Orb joins the EAF. That was something.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
No, i dont think there was that love triangle.
But if u check where Andy and Marrue are having a cup of cofee together, Andy ask her to come along when they leave to PLANT in case that Orb joins the EAF. That was something.
Yeah, but it could've been something similar to something between Kira and Athrun. It could've been completely platonic.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 12:09 AM
I don't think Andy and Murre had anything going on. He invited her join "us" (us being Him, and the rest of the people going with him). But with Mwu/Neo back in the picture, it's very unlikely Murre will go for Andy at all. She's still emotionally attached to Mwu.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 12:21 AM
first of all, @ psyke: i thought of the same thing HAHA cuss gaia was gettin raped pretty badly out there and lacus x kira were takin their sweet time
second, im surprised there arent any lesbian/homo goin on. tsk tsk.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 02:49 AM
It's a traditional Gundam anime! I have a feeling that the creators are very conservative/traditional. It WOULD be funny if they added homosexuality into the picture.... imagine... if Rau was also know for bedding the young pilots he trains! Imagine how much further his infamy would go!
Thu, 07-21-2005, 03:58 AM
Andy won't go for Murrue, cuz he still keeps a picture of her wife, when she died back in GS.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 11:11 AM
Andy and Murrue wont happen because yes, they still do love their ex's.
Talia and Gil, maybe they had something before, but as of now, maybe theyre just "friends with priviledges"
Thu, 07-21-2005, 11:20 AM
oh well..guess you learn something new everyday.
guess she isn't just another random chick.
maybe he's the random guy she's after.
anyway, it would only happen in an anime
where the white haired character with the maimed face and ugly haircut gets admirers.
Thu, 07-21-2005, 12:12 PM
Huh? Yzak got rid of his scar what are you talking about?
iesu 350z
Thu, 07-21-2005, 01:16 PM
im going to be severly beaten by this but i think rey likes athrun :x
anyways!!!!!!!... in the middle of battle.. kira doesnt have enough time to stop and kiss lacus
well he does... doesnt even take 1 second.. well.. he doesnt want to cloud his thoughts..
plus wouldnt you rather see what NEW car your loaded girlfriend bought you?(since most of the time lacus packs a real powerful suit) lmao
rather than gwaking all over her i rather be doing that to the car and theEN
give her all the attention she needs afterwards..
same goes for gundams i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Thu, 07-21-2005, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by: john_doe_107
where the white haired character with the maimed face and ugly haircut gets admirers.
Scars at the right places are sexy. Also, what an ugly haircut is depends on who you ask.
Fri, 07-22-2005, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by: MrTicTac
Shiho.... look like a man
and yea damn i agree,, kira needs to go SEED+newtype on lacus (in bed) >
hell those orphan kids get more action with lacus than kira... >__>
and Athrun,, he's just waiting for Cagalli,, I bet he's thinking... "When are you gonna stop looking like a guy and take off those pants, Cagalli" (like half-naked Cagalli in the opening vid)
Cagalli (
Looks like a man? Have u seen Izak's mother?
Fri, 07-22-2005, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by: SFreedomZGMFx20a
Looks like a man? Have u seen Izak's mother?
she doesn't look like that!
yeah i agree with you on the haircut thingy.
but a scar on a face is only beautiful in anime.
i have a pretty bad scar across my nose, and i don't think i look like squall.
Fri, 07-22-2005, 04:24 PM
I would've liked to see Miriallia (?) and Deakka together, they would've been a cute couple. >_>
Luna and Shinn IMO make a nice couple too although i don't understand how they winded up together 'cause Shinn just "killed" Luna's sister.
Lacus x Kira is a bit boring atm with no developement whatsoever..
Fri, 07-22-2005, 05:46 PM
I like KiraxLacus basiclly because i like both characters but Kira is a fucking wimp when it comes to women. The only reason Frey slept with him was because she took the initiative, Kira did nothing. I waited for the kiss when he met Lacus in ep 39 to, fucking disappionting when he ruins it by asking for his new suit that powerhungry asshole. Seriously he is starting to get a bit annoying with his "i want to protect everyone, give me a badass mobile suit so no one can touch me."
AthrunxCagalli is cool to they fit together, at least they did in SEED. Athrun even kissed her a few times but now in GSD it have been really weird ever since Athrun gave her the ring. It looks like he is thinking about if he did the right thing.
ShinnxLuna was one of those sloppy BANG in your face kind of things. Totally unexpected at the time but they could workout.
DeakkaxMilly was one of those i liked without any good explanation. I think Deakka is somewhat of a ladies man, smooth talking and that charm of his. He felt so much better as a character when he was with Milly in my opinion, i guess it could work with any girl. Maybe he could hook up with Meyrin.
That's all for now.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 04:23 PM
Originally posted by: PSJ
I like KiraxLacus basiclly because i like both characters but Kira is a fucking wimp when it comes to women. The only reason Frey slept with him was because she took the initiative, Kira did nothing. I waited for the kiss when he met Lacus in ep 39 to, fucking disappionting when he ruins it by asking for his new suit that powerhungry asshole. Seriously he is starting to get a bit annoying with his "i want to protect everyone, give me a badass mobile suit so no one can touch me."
AthrunxCagalli is cool to they fit together, at least they did in SEED. Athrun even kissed her a few times but now in GSD it have been really weird ever since Athrun gave her the ring. It looks like he is thinking about if he did the right thing.
ShinnxLuna was one of those sloppy BANG in your face kind of things. Totally unexpected at the time but they could workout.
DeakkaxMilly was one of those i liked without any good explanation. I think Deakka is somewhat of a ladies man, smooth talking and that charm of his. He felt so much better as a character when he was with Milly in my opinion, i guess it could work with any girl. Maybe he could hook up with Meyrin.
That's all for now.
the comment is cool but i just feel that athrun and cagalli shouldn't be together at all. athrun is way too cool for cagalli and he deserves someone else better den that (bad-voiced, super crybaby and tomboy cagalli)
maybe if athrun likes older woman, he could take ramius? lolx =)
Tue, 07-26-2005, 02:15 AM
This is not really related to the topic, but here's an interesting tidbit about Shiho:
Apparently, Nami Tamaki (performer of Seed openings 3 & 4 as well as Destiny ending 1) was asked to voice act her - making Shiho to Nami what Miguel & Heine were to TM Revolution. But Nami declined for some reason. At least I found this quite interesting.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 07:34 AM
I would have like to see Mirriallia and Deakka together again, they looked great. Maybe Meyring and Izak will be next. It looks like there will be the oportunity in the next Phases. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Tue, 08-02-2005, 07:43 AM
why meyrinxyzak? isn't he taken by that msv chick?
yeah miriallia and dearka..kinda sweet actually
Tue, 08-02-2005, 07:43 AM
Milliariaariaariariaa has turned into such a bitch in Destiny.
She was all like "If a guy is annoying I'll just dump him" (as if she's such a great girl) & when they mentioned Dearka she's like "I dumped him" in the exact same way.
I'm guessing the shock of Tolle's death was so big for her that she's trying to hide her sadness by behaving like a moron.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 08:05 AM
she is a great girl!
you can't judge her just for what she said in the archangel you fool
bloody idiot, she was messing around with the people.
she's cheery, not a bitch.
because of the stunted character development in seed destiny, we don't really get to know how miriallia has turned out.
she moved on from tolle, if not she wouldn't have gone to dearka in the first place.
we don't want her in destiny going "tolle,tolle" do we now?
she even talked to meyrin, how great is that?
miriallia, great girl, love the hair, love the eyes, love the personality
terracosmo, super bitch, hyper moron, superificial.
end of story.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 08:11 AM
Thank you john doe for managing to calculate Milliariaraiisisasiass' entire brain capacity and way of thinking from the approximately 10 lines of dialogue she has had throughout Seed & Destiny. *applause*.
I'd like to get my hands on the hentai of her you must have seen, in order to become so big a fanboy as to just blatantly call someone you don't know (me) a "super bitch", "hyper moron", "superificial" (typo included) and "bloody idiot". i/expressions/rolleye.gif
Man, what a fucktard you are.
Then again, you like Wings of Shit...
Tue, 08-02-2005, 09:47 AM
HAHA! Greatest thing i have read in a while. Wasn't this the same guy that talked shit when you posted about your SEED dream?
It was fucking strange how she went from sweet->psycho bitch->calm in SEED. First she liked Tolle alot, you could see that. When he died she was psycho bitch for like one ep then "Oh i think i like this new guy that i tried to kill with a knife" Now she's just meh, to sucky of a character to care for.
John_Doe, i don't even like to call you by that name from now on you are known as simply Doe. If you have to attack the poster cause your argument sucks so bad don't bother to post. And learn how to fucking construct a post, it only adds to your image as a retard when you write idiotic posts and construct them like a moron.
Last but not least, we don't want to fucking know how Millaira(is that her spelling?) fuck this. We don't want to know how the bitch turned out in Destiny, she was a fucking minor character in SEED she should be nothing in Destiny. The fact that she is brought back is more idiotic than Doe are.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 10:23 AM
Terra I think he was joking.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 10:28 AM
Even if i'm not Terra i'll come out and say that it was the worst joke ever and we don't need stuff like that on the forums. There's no excuse even if he was joking, which makes him even more retarded.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 10:47 AM
Yeah. Probably.
The spelling according to HaroTori is Miriallia.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by: telemari
Terra I think he was joking.
Well I wasn't.
He's a fucktard, and should shut up and don't call people he doesn't know names.
And yes PSJ, it's the same moron.
Tue, 08-02-2005, 05:39 PM
Fuck-Doe, you don't deserve to be named John. Stop being an idiot and try being nice for once. Just because you can't say those things to people IRL there is no reason to do it on the net.
Wed, 08-03-2005, 11:15 AM
Too bad Cagalli and Kira are siblings, they looked cute in SEED. :C
Wed, 08-03-2005, 11:52 AM
The director should really get Kira into a few romps with Lacus
Shinn should juz bang Luna for all she's worth
Dearka muz come over to Clyne Faction then we'll see him bumping into Milly and see what reli happened between those two
They should also show some development between Shiho and Yzak
Athrun should just get both Cagalli and Meyrin and bed both
Finally,Neo better rekindle that love with Murrue or the series is gonna end soon...
Thu, 08-04-2005, 05:11 AM
Er actually how many times have we seen Shiho and is Yzak and her really involved?
Thu, 08-04-2005, 10:04 PM
I can see it now, Kira finally taking the initiative when you wanted him to.
*Kira manages to get onto the Eternal in the nick of time*
*Lacus joins him in the hangerbay*
Andrew: Kira! What theh ell is taking you so long!?
*Kira pulls away form Lacus for a moment*
Kira: Just gimmie a minute!
*Lacus raises an eyebrow*
Kira: Make that an hour!
*Andy is blown up and noone is left to protect the Eternal - so it blows up to*
At least Kira died happy.
Mon, 08-08-2005, 06:40 PM
sigh jeus crist shinn and luna togeather they just keep giveing me more and more reasons to hate shinn, he lost his lady and he kills (thinks anyway) lunas sister and like wutever lets make out .... i can speak no more of this i hate it deep down wear my hate gathers also this is the same place wear i put my dislike for that wierd new op song they are playing at the moment
kira and pink ho are stupid there relationship is all wutever THEY HAVE NEVER EVEN KISSED!!!!! bah go die
now Athrun and Cagalli this is good stuff there relationship is real they have had moments were you could see how they feel even if they wernt talking and every now and then they press lips as it were, the only thing im getting kinda bugged about is wutever Athrun is wearing to make all these bitches nut over him i need to get me some of that he has had more ass thrown at him then anybody in just about any anime i ever seen that shot in the op wear hes standing with all the girls those are all his, thats not fair yo lol
Sat, 08-27-2005, 10:38 PM
Well i guess thats the end of the AsuCag relationship,
now time to move on with AsuMey ?.. hopefully, im fond of AsuMey, kinda cute i guess.
Sat, 08-27-2005, 11:00 PM
God, I fucking hate the whole "put their names together so it looks cuter" thing. AsuCag, KiraLac, etc. I want to break noses when I see it.
Edit: Nevermind me, just venting.
Sun, 08-28-2005, 03:29 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
God, I fucking hate the whole "put their names together so it looks cuter" thing. AsuCag, KiraLac, etc. I want to break noses when I see it.
Edit: Nevermind me, just venting.
they seem to do that alot in forums, their forums are stupid though, i never knew such a stupid forums place existed until you posted that stupid forums site in the phase 45 discussion, there are way too many kira fanboys and kiraXlacus fans in that site and this "TheDisruptiveOne" guy sounds so retarded, god i just hate that forums....
Strike Freedom
Sun, 08-28-2005, 06:58 AM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
God, I fucking hate the whole "put their names together so it looks cuter" thing. AsuCag, KiraLac, etc. I want to break noses when I see it.
Edit: Nevermind me, just venting.
they seem to do that alot in forums, their forums are stupid though, i never knew such a stupid forums place existed until you posted that stupid forums site in the phase 45 discussion, there are way too many kira fanboys and kiraXlacus fans in that site and this "TheDisruptiveOne" guy sounds so retarded, god i just hate that forums....
Yep, there are some forums that are happy and gay. They live in a land full of flowers and sweets. They frolic and skip with each other for meer gayness (happiness is the term being used here)! So it is no wonder that in their land of perfect harmony, the news of AsuCag (shudders at the name) brings much discontent to their land.
Sun, 08-28-2005, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
God, I fucking hate the whole "put their names together so it looks cuter" thing. AsuCag, KiraLac, etc. I want to break noses when I see it.
Edit: Nevermind me, just venting.
they seem to do that alot in forums, their forums are stupid though, i never knew such a stupid forums place existed until you posted that stupid forums site in the phase 45 discussion, there are way too many kira fanboys and kiraXlacus fans in that site and this "TheDisruptiveOne" guy sounds so retarded, god i just hate that forums....
EXACTLY! That forum is horrid. I'd like to drop a bomb on every single pathetic being that frequents it.
Sun, 08-28-2005, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
God, I fucking hate the whole "put their names together so it looks cuter" thing. AsuCag, KiraLac, etc. I want to break noses when I see it.
Edit: Nevermind me, just venting.
lol... i only do that cuz im too lazy to spell out the whole name of each character.
Takeda Natsuke
Sun, 08-28-2005, 01:03 PM
I'm serious when I say this...
Kira should just screw himself. His ego is damn huge the best pairing for him is him and his mirror reflection. As for Lacus, she doesn't need one, Meer would get that job. *looks around at the drooling fanboys*
*looks at a mirror and finds himself drooling* ...I just want the ninja suit on, that's all I ask.
Anyways, Athrun and Cagalli.
Really. How can you.. count that? There are FIVE episodes left (if Fukuda doesn't FUCK up.) and Cagalli is... well.. Cagalli. Athrun is.. something. I REALLY like the Meyrin x Athrun pair, it looks so genuine. None of the other pairs were like that. Lacus and Kira in SEED were a bit like that, and so was Cagalli and Kira, BEFORE I knew they were siblings, which F*CKED EVERYTHING UP.
Shinn x Luna doesn't even seem so bad. I HATED the Shinn x Stellar thing. When Destiny started I was looking so forward to it, but FUKUDA F*CKED UP. Honestly, if it was Shinn x Luna from the START, it would be my #1 favorite, considering how good it could have turned out to be.
oh oh! Good pairing!
Lacus x Freedom
NOW she can cocky...
Sun, 08-28-2005, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
God, I fucking hate the whole "put their names together so it looks cuter" thing. AsuCag, KiraLac, etc. I want to break noses when I see it.
Edit: Nevermind me, just venting.
they seem to do that alot in forums, their forums are stupid though, i never knew such a stupid forums place existed until you posted that stupid forums site in the phase 45 discussion, there are way too many kira fanboys and kiraXlacus fans in that site and this "TheDisruptiveOne" guy sounds so retarded, god i just hate that forums....
EXACTLY! That forum is horrid. I'd like to drop a bomb on every single pathetic being that frequents it.
Very true, that forum is just scary. The worst thing is the Wing fanboys there.
All characters are pussies in their relationships. Kira hasn't even kissed Lacus and Athrun won't talk to Cagalli about theirs. Fuck it's just annoying.
Tue, 08-30-2005, 05:00 PM
Well then PSJ, i guess the winners in being open and bold about it would be Luna and Shinn
Tue, 08-30-2005, 07:26 PM
Hmmm, posting in a relationship thread might be asking for trouble, but hey, that's never stopped me.
I'd agree with Luna and Shinn being the most demonstrative of the relationships in GSD, and I actually like this couple. I think it makes Shinn more interesting, and I like that as pilots they're on more equal footing. Of course Luna isn't as good as Shinn, but it's not as if she doesn't fight as well, and she takes chances like in the moon base. I think the character of the relationship reflects Shinn's character. That guy doesn't hide any of his feelings, ever.
The Lacus and Kira thing isn't as blatant, but again I think it fits the characters who are both more closed and secretive. Especially Lacus, who had that double life thing going on (innocent princess/secret revolutionary). And they've been together for a while, so they're more used to each other. And they give us all the smiles, knowing looks, knowing what each other are thinking, little touches, etc. that you get with long-term couples. It can be a little obnoxious, in the way that really happy couples can be obnoxious. They aren't my favorite characters, but I find the badly spelled hate posts here kinda bizarre.
It was REALLY weird to read a post saying they haven't even kissed. Lacus secretly left PLANT because she wanted to be with Kira, sacrificing her previous political power and position. In GSD they've been living together for years, and you think they haven't kissed?? Unless this is a joke I missed, and then forgive me.
I dunno about Cagalli and Athrun. They seemed like a really good couple in GS, but it just seems kind of awkward in GSD. I mean, they're STILL have trouble talking to each other? but then Cagalli herself has been awkward in most of GSD, not able to handle her political power. Maybe if she straitens herself out it will end up working.
Fri, 09-02-2005, 07:07 PM
i personally like cagalli with asuran. they're an interesting couple. the prince and the princess kinda thing. and it's funny cuz it's a pretty boy with a tomboy. lol!!
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