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View Full Version : GSD and a relevance to Star Wars

Sun, 07-17-2005, 09:10 PM
GSD, so far, has been put forth a lot like star wars. I don't know if you guys have already heard of this before, but there's a lot of characters that are very similar between the two space operas. i may be reaching for some of these, but here they are..

first, we'll start off with an obvious one:

shinn is anakin skywalker

-both use angst to fight. a bad past shapes their present, and thus at times considered emo. through their anger, they have power, and they wield it in battle.

dullindal is senator/supreme chancellor palpatine

dullindual is manipulating something behind the scenes and you know it. he bails out shinn, gives captain gladys and athrun FAITH. also, with the EAF ranking under his control, he has a shot of starting a military dictatorship. no different from the actions that palpatine took.

kira is luke skywalker

both stories are the same. luke, a backwater civilian of Tatooine, one of the last Jedi's, makes it big. Kira, an inhabitant of Heliopolis gets inside a Gundam (one of the few coordinators blessed with seed mode) and makes it big. in their debut stories, they both come off as whiny protagonists but at the end, they have matured. luke matured from ESB to ROTJ just like how Kira matured from GSeed to GSD.

the final one, imo is really reaching, but here it is..

Neo is Darth Vader

mwu dies and Neo is born! henchmen of a mysterious person (the weird EAF director). what else is there to say? although not exactly the same as vader (not having a son or anything) mwu dies to protect the one he loves. he is 'freed' from his bonds later in GSD.

Sun, 07-17-2005, 09:30 PM
True... but old.

Sun, 07-17-2005, 09:38 PM
Never heard of this one before. Sounds rather good, the only one i disagree with is Neo-Vader. As Neo seems to get his memories back now, remember how he remembered the code to contact the bridge from the room he and Athrun was in.

Sun, 07-17-2005, 09:48 PM
Shinn: 'Breaths deeply' Kira....I am your Father...

Kira: 'Shock' No! It can't be true!

.................Does that mean that Gundams are equivalent to Lightsabers?

Sun, 07-17-2005, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by: NineTailsKitsu
Shinn: 'Breaths deeply' Kira....I am your Father...

Kira: 'Shock' No! It can't be true!

.................Does that mean that Gundams are equivalent to Lightsabers?

uh i just said that the GSD characters resemble a lot of that like Star Wars characters. but on another note, i forgot if it was Kira or Shinn but they used the beam sabers from the gundam like a lightsaber at one point and deflect a stray beam rifle shot ... >_>

Sun, 07-17-2005, 11:47 PM
although.. you may want to specify which Luke you are using.. in terms of comparison the two are similar in that their abilities are constantly developing... Luke improves to the point capable of defacing/disrupting entire fleets at the movement of his hand, quite to the point in which he is able to move planets/black holes/etc... I don't think we'll be seeing Kira develop quite as much XD

Sun, 07-17-2005, 11:56 PM
well he does have newtype ability now though