Mon, 06-27-2005, 01:15 PM
I dont think this is a new game or anything......havent heard alot about it.......but me and a friend were just looking for something to play that was coop, so we tried it out.........
man its one of the coolest games ever i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
I've played the first time splitters game, so i was familiar with the whole "every few levels is a different era, with different enemies, different environment, different weapons, and a different sidekick" kinda scenario, but the story and everything added a much more polished feel. The characters have some fun personalities, even the ones that are only around for a specific level....
my favorite part about TS:FP though, is the whole "worm hole" concept....ive never seen an idea like this in a game before......
in most of the levels, you go through accomplishing objectives and whatnot just as most other FPS games, but usually somewhere along the way, you'll run into your "future self" in, yourself from about 5 minutes into the future, anyway. There are wormholes that create infinite loops of sorts, that allows you to see yourself. Anyway, you and your future self will work together to accomplish some task, and then go your seperate ways.
A few minutes later, you find the wormhole, go through it....then eventually find yourself back in the same room that you saw your future self, except now YOU are the future self, and you help out your "past self" with the task.
You're on a come to an open area, and a helicopter shows up to attack you. Then you see your future self carrying a rocket launcher on a train next to yours, and he tells you that he'll take care of the helicopter while you keep the guards off his back. So you have to shoot the guards while your future self shoots the helicopter, then you both continue on your way.
Later you find a wormhole, jump through it, and then you find a way to jump to the other train, and soon after that, you find a rocket launcher. You end up at an opening after that, where you'll see your past self being attacked by a helicopter. You tell your past self in the same words that you heard a minute ago that you'll take out the copter while he keeps the guards off your back, then you both continue on your way.
Eventually your character gets used to the whole wormhole concept....and even has some fun conversations with your copies. Its something you just have to try out i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
man its one of the coolest games ever i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
I've played the first time splitters game, so i was familiar with the whole "every few levels is a different era, with different enemies, different environment, different weapons, and a different sidekick" kinda scenario, but the story and everything added a much more polished feel. The characters have some fun personalities, even the ones that are only around for a specific level....
my favorite part about TS:FP though, is the whole "worm hole" concept....ive never seen an idea like this in a game before......
in most of the levels, you go through accomplishing objectives and whatnot just as most other FPS games, but usually somewhere along the way, you'll run into your "future self" in, yourself from about 5 minutes into the future, anyway. There are wormholes that create infinite loops of sorts, that allows you to see yourself. Anyway, you and your future self will work together to accomplish some task, and then go your seperate ways.
A few minutes later, you find the wormhole, go through it....then eventually find yourself back in the same room that you saw your future self, except now YOU are the future self, and you help out your "past self" with the task.
You're on a come to an open area, and a helicopter shows up to attack you. Then you see your future self carrying a rocket launcher on a train next to yours, and he tells you that he'll take care of the helicopter while you keep the guards off his back. So you have to shoot the guards while your future self shoots the helicopter, then you both continue on your way.
Later you find a wormhole, jump through it, and then you find a way to jump to the other train, and soon after that, you find a rocket launcher. You end up at an opening after that, where you'll see your past self being attacked by a helicopter. You tell your past self in the same words that you heard a minute ago that you'll take out the copter while he keeps the guards off your back, then you both continue on your way.
Eventually your character gets used to the whole wormhole concept....and even has some fun conversations with your copies. Its something you just have to try out i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif