View Full Version : Gundam Seed Destiny Suites
Mon, 06-20-2005, 09:30 AM
Remember those "suites" from Gundam Seed? (Image Albums)
They had names like "Kira x Strike" and had a few songs on them, as well as some dialogue and etc.
I recently discovered this: (
In other words, suite volume 6.
So I was pretty much just wondering if anyone has, or knows where to find, GSD suites 1-5.
I for one didn't even know there were suites for Destiny...
Mon, 06-20-2005, 02:37 PM
Suits 1-5 were all from GSD. Suit 6 is the start for GSD
Mon, 06-20-2005, 03:22 PM
What are these?
Mon, 06-20-2005, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by: Shinigami
Suits 1-5 were all from GSD. Suit 6 is the start for GSD
Oh I see! Thanks for clearing that up.
@PSJ: As I said they are short albums (see them as EPs) with dialogues on them, and they all cover different characters (for example there were ones for Lacus, Yzak, Kruuze etc). They all have songs on them too, usually sung by the character him/herself. For example Yzak's song was Shoot (brilliant of course).
Mon, 06-20-2005, 05:08 PM
Cool, where do i find these? Is there an english translation for the Dialog?
Mon, 06-20-2005, 08:16 PM
got it right here ( ^_^
Only Problem: no song names and HORRIBLE download speed (20 kb/s max for each one of those songs, and you can only download like a max of 2-3 at one time). Otherwise, enjoy! especially since they have all the other OSTs and singles from GS and GSD, plus some popular insert songs.
Tue, 06-21-2005, 07:21 AM
OMG now THAT brings back memories. That's the very site where I got all of them. And indeed, the speed is beyond horrible.
Tue, 06-21-2005, 08:36 AM
Is there a better site cause it won't download on most of the songs for me. What is up with that?
Tue, 06-21-2005, 04:59 PM
Since I'm bored I might as well post up a tracklist for this release so you guys will know what to expect (if you want me to do the same for vols 1-5, just ask me!)
Anyway, the image album consists of 6 tracks. They are as follows:
1. Primal Innocence
This is Shinn Asuka's image song, i.e his voice actor is singing it. His vocals are surprisingly good, a lot better than Hoshi Souchirou's (Kira's voice actor) and the song itself is typical "Gundam Seed"-style J-pop. Thumbs up.
2. Drama Track
Shinn, Lunamaria and a couple of other characters are talking. I don't understand anything. But Luna's voice is quite sexy. Also, Shinn sounds very happy i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
3. Life Goes On - TV Size
Yeah, what it sounds like.
4. Rey's Piano Solo
Remember way back when Rey played the piano? Here's his piece on MP3. Pretty.
Edit: When I think of it, it fucking owns. Damn, when it comes to piano pieces I'd take Rey's one over Nichol's easily.
5. Theme of Minerva
A pretty good track that didn't make it to any OSTs, which has several of the recognisable Destiny themes mixed up with an electric guitar.
6. Primal Innocence - Karaoke
Track 1 without the vocals.
So there you have it. Basically, random stuff together with a new song. It's worth the download if you call yourself a Seed fan.
Tue, 06-21-2005, 05:18 PM
Cool, i'll try these out sometime. They sound interesting and with Terra's last sentence there i feel that it is my duty to do so.
Tue, 06-21-2005, 05:26 PM
I really do love Rey and that piano solo is just divine. Wish he would play more.
Thanks for the links.
Fri, 06-24-2005, 01:44 AM
haha, yeah, there aren't that many sites that have all five suites in one place.
Can post the tracklist for the first five albums also Terra? That site doesn't have like half the names, and I'd love to get them. Thanks!
Sat, 06-25-2005, 09:29 AM
It's a pretty decent suite.
A good place to go to get the first 5 suites from GSeed, along with all the OST's released, Complete Best, and Symphony Seed. Download speeds are good.
Right now, Suite 6 has a 403 Forbidden error.
Sat, 06-25-2005, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by: Roko
haha, yeah, there aren't that many sites that have all five suites in one place.
Can post the tracklist for the first five albums also Terra? That site doesn't have like half the names, and I'd love to get them. Thanks!
Sure thang.
Volume 1 - Strike x Kira Yamato
01. Ima, kono shunkan ga subete (Kira's image song)
02. Torii (Dialogue)
03. Hishou (OST track)
04. Ima, kono shungan ga subete - karaoke (Kira's image song without vocals)
Volume 2 - Athrun Zala x Cagalli Yura Athha
01. Precious Rose (Cagalli's image song)
02. Athrun Zala Hen (Dialogue)
03. Sakura Iro no Kisetsu (OST track)
04. Anna ni issho datta no ni - Athrun Zala Feeling- (Piano version of the first Seed ending)
05. Precious Rose - karaoke (Cagalli's image song without vocals)
Volume 3 - Lacus Clyne x Haro
01. Mizu no Akashi (one of Lacus' songs, the better of the ones appearing in Seed)
02. Haro (Dialogue)
03. Arashi no yokan (OST track)
04. Mizu no Akashi - karaoke (guess what)
Volume 4 - Miguel Ayman x Nichol Amalfi
01. Akatsuki no kuruma (the song played many times during Seed, for example in ep 40)
02. Kruuze Tai 1 (Dialogue)
03. Namida no theme (Nichol's piano song)
04. Midori no kousen (OST track)
05. Akatsuki no kuruma - karaoke (weeee)
Volume 5 - Athrun Zala x Yzak Joule x Diakka Elthman (THIS IS THE BEST ONE!!)
01. Shoot (Yzak's image song, HELL YEAH! IT RUUULES~!)
02. Kruuze Tai 2 (Dialogue)
03. Sora no koe
04. Ginga
05. Ankoku Keiryaku
06. Shinrai no hatan
07. Kaze no ishi
08. Senkyou houkoku (all of these are OST tracks, I don't know why this one has so many)
09. Shoot - karaoke (woo)
There you go!
Sat, 06-25-2005, 09:50 AM
I can understand about three words from Torii [-_-] everything else there is beyond my knowledge of understanding. [Most of this stuff won't dowmload either...oh, well i'll keep trying. btw, this stuff is still great.]
Sat, 06-25-2005, 10:05 AM
I only bothered to listen to Yzak's dialogue, and he screams "Kuso!" a lot in it so it's good i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 06-25-2005, 03:29 PM
Thanks for the list Terra! btw, anybody know a better place to download all the op/ed singles?
Sat, 06-25-2005, 03:31 PM
here at this site (
Sat, 06-25-2005, 04:01 PM
Oh sorry, I meant the singles from GS, not GSD.
Wed, 06-29-2005, 10:25 PM
So I was pretty much just wondering if anyone has, or knows where to find, GSD suites 1-5.
I found this link where I get my GS and GSD songs, but sometimes it doesn't even want to download...
Wed, 06-29-2005, 11:00 PM
I found this link where I get my GS and GSD songs, but sometimes it doesn't even want to download...
It really depends on your sistem, cuz in mine, all of them download!
Thu, 06-30-2005, 01:18 AM
Well, Leo, that's because you have a fast internet connection...i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Whatever Leo, God bless...i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
PS: Long time no see, hey so you joined gotwoot...darling, you listen too much, lets chat in yahoo, ok? By the way, I loved the last post I saw at your journal....
Tue, 07-12-2005, 08:17 AM
Gundam Seed Destiny Suite #7, Auel x Sting, will be released July 21 by Nipponsei.
Look forward to it! I know I am. I love Masakazu Morita's (Auel) vocals.
In addition, suite #8 will be released August 24 & suite #9 September 22.
I don't know what characters those suites will contain though.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 04:45 PM ( ed1cbfd9bbe5294908574f8008ec2cbd)
Here's Vol. 7 of the Seed Suite, Auel x Sting.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 05:41 PM
Fuck I almost forgot it was the 21st, lol!
Thanks for the heads up. This will rock.
Wed, 07-20-2005, 06:53 PM
One question @shinigami(top of the page), if Suites 1-5 are from GSD, how can Suite be the start of GSD?.
Suites 1-5 are from GS and Suite 6 is from GSD.
Are this songs? What kind?
Wed, 07-20-2005, 07:05 PM
If you read the first page of this topic, all your questions will be answered.
Okay I listened through this new suite and... it's the best one yet! All of the suites so far has had one song with a karaoke version + some other not-really-worthwhile bonuses. Suite 6 was better than the Seed ones since it included more good stuff. And now comes suite 7 which is actually so good that I'd buy if it I wasn't such a cheap bastard (+ importing is hell).
Here is a tracklist:
1. Sting Oakley - Eden of Necessity
This is Sting's image song. Very good and upbeat. I like it a lot.
2. Drama Part - Yuujou no Basketball
Stellar, Auel & Sting plays basketball. It's cute. I'll write down a summary on what happens in it, using my limited japanese skillz (at the end of the review).
3. Mika Arisaka - Life Goes On TV-Size Type 2
I don't know why they keep including random TV-size versions of this song on the suites, but yeah. Skip this one.
4. Rey Za Burrel - Piano Kiseki
Hell yeah! Part 2 of Rey's piano sessions and it's even better than Omokage from #6. It's BEAUTIFUL. If you don't like this you suck and should die.
5. Toshihiko Sato - One Day
On most of the suites, the added track by Seed's music composer is just some boring piece they didn't bother to add to any of the real OSTs. This, however, is a very nice track. I vagually remember it from the show and I also recall liking it. Very emotional.
6. Auel Neider - Pale Repetition
Auel's image song. And boy is this good or what? It's a ballad type piece, and I can just imagine this playing as Auel died (even though it obviously didn't). It's definitely the most emotional of the image songs released thus far and right now I have it on repeat. Auel fans will love this.
7 & 8 are karaoke versions of Sting's & Auel's image songs.
I give this image album a 4.5/5 since I doubt it gets better than this with what they are trying to achieve (random goodies for the Seed fans). In these times when the new opening sucks and Kira's superiority is becoming quite annoying, it's great to see that the music holds the same class as it always has - which is awesome.
Get this now.
Summary of the drama part:
Auel, Sting & Stellar are bored. They talk about their latest mission or something. I assume they are on a ship because they eventually go outside and Stellar goes "UMIIII!" (the sea). Auel finds a basketball and goes "Hey, Sting? Basket?". Sting replies "Eh? Basket?". Auel teaches Sting how to play. Sting says "that's something kids do" and walks away, upon which Auel finds Sting boring. So Auel plays with Stellar instead.
The following part is really cute as Auel tries to show Stellar how to play. She doesn't understand shit and Auel runs around playing with the ball, while Stellar can't keep up at all. Sting returns and goes "What are you doing? Shoot the ball, Stellar!". Stellar replies "Shoot?" (she still doesn't understand anything). Auel runs past and scores a slam dunk, while Stellar goes "But... Stellar's ball...? i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" & Sting wonders what the hell she is doing.
Sting challenges Auel and they start playing each other. Auel tricks Sting and he goes "Feint huh?" (this sounds hilarious because you'd think they were in a mobile suit battle - that's how serious Sting sounds). Auel basically goes "you suck" & Sting follows it up with "don't underestimate me!". Some cool basketball music kicks in. They keep playing, Auel with the upper hand. Sting tries to follow Auel's movements while thinking to himself that basketball is quite different from mobile suit combat (no shit).
Sting gets the ball from Auel eventually and scores. Auel gets irritated and the game gets more intense. Auel tells Sting that what he did was against the rules (I'm assuming Sting punched Auel down while taking the ball or something). Sting goes "What rules?". Auel goes super saiyan and resumes the mega intense basketball of destinies. Auel goes "die!" (seriously it sounds like he says "Shine!" - die - but given the context it sounds wrong... still wouldn't surprise me though. but it's probably just random grunting). Auel gets the ball back and goes "Sting, you're too slow!". Auel scores! 982419241-1 to Auel! Auel wins, Sting gets pissed and punches Auel down. They both pant heavily and Auel says something like "Maybe it wasn't a kids game after all". Sting says that the game was actually quite interesting.
Auel says that he wants to play basketball when the war ends (or something like that). Sting attempts to simmer Auel down by saying "Auel, we are...". Auel interrupts him and calls Sting an idiot. Auel shrugs the whole thing off and basically implies to Sting that he should be more carefree and enjoy life. Here a beautiful OST track BGM kicks in. At this point they start talking a lot and I get lost, but basically they are discussing the war and hoping that it will end. They eventually yell to Stellar to join them and he throws the ball to her. Stellar shoots and scores upon which Sting calls it a nice shot. Stellar runs over to them and asks if they are having fun. They do. Auel then picks up the ball and says that he can beat them both 2v1. (At this point the music gets even more beautiful and you get a real feeling of peace and prosperity.) Auel, Sting & Stellar starts playing while laughing and having fun. Eventually they all get tired and sit down, panting heavily.
Stellar: Can we do this again tomorrow?
Auel: Tomorrow?
Stellar: Yes... the three of us... tomorrow...
Auel: *laughs*
Sting: I suppose... we could do that tomorrow.
And so it ends. Damn, my japanese is better than I thought. You all should be eternally grateful to me for writing that down. Shit, it was more emotional than I thought. Towards the end when they were all having fun, you couldn't help but getting a bit sad knowing that they all died not long after...
Thu, 07-21-2005, 12:37 AM
the dl wont work for me. mehhhhhh.
Fri, 07-22-2005, 07:40 PM
Damn after that drama piece and Terra's summary i got all teary eyed. It was beautiful to hear it even tho i don't understand much japanese, all i picked up was Sting's "don't underestimate me" i think that is the most reoccuring term in anime history and then i picked up Auel's "die!" i think he said that anyway sounded like he yelled "shine!" just like Terra said.
These characters has grown a whole lot on me recently especially Sting i don't know why i just love both Sting and Auel now.
I will come back with a full judgement as soon as i have listened to all of it.
Fri, 07-22-2005, 10:10 PM
Same here PSJ. They have grown a damn lot.
Stupid show focusing on Kira when they could have made Auel heavenly.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 09:43 AM
Very true, Auel was not evil yet he had to carry the role of a bad guy, same with Sting and Stellar.
To me they are more interesting than the New "main" ship. The Minerva got nothing on Neo's crew. Next SEED show should have three druggies in the lead roles and the story will be about them escaping the evil EA.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 10:49 AM
Gundam Seed 3: "Yzak the space pirate meets the druggies from EA"
Sat, 07-23-2005, 11:15 AM
The Drama was indeed something very beautiful and touching. The best one after Yzak's in suit 5 ( "WAKKATERU, KISAMA KUSO UE! ) in my opinion.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 12:12 PM
Nai, do you know of any place which has summaries of the dramas for suites 1-6? (or any of them at all)
I'm very interested in part 5's drama for obvious reasons.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 12:20 PM
Wish I did, but no.
Sat, 07-23-2005, 12:32 PM
can anyone post the earlier suits from 1-6 ?
i really wanna listen to that Yzak image song n Rey's piano solo ...
thx alot
Sat, 07-23-2005, 01:00 PM
This ( place has the suits 1-5.
Volume 6 here ( ?info_hash=69a4cc418d6ec882bbb69c1366e77c1401224ba c).
Sun, 07-24-2005, 01:57 AM
thx alot for the links ...
now i can enjoy the songs ... i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 07-24-2005, 09:47 AM
gosh, these are the tracks i've been searchign for ages.. haha, thanks.
Mon, 07-25-2005, 09:56 AM
man ... love all these tracks esp the one featuring the voices of Athurn ,Deaka n Yzak... i was laughing when Yzak was screaming all his curses to Athrun n Deaka when they bothe won on in chess n the simulation ... Poor Yzak...
Tue, 08-09-2005, 01:43 PM
Suite #8 will be released late August.
It will be entitled "Lacus Clyne x Meer Campbell" and will most likely suck, unless it includes a high quality version of Meer's disco version of Shizukana Yoru Ni i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Edit: It will indeed contain that track. Joy i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 09-24-2005, 12:15 PM
Suit CD Vol. 8 Lacus x Meer ( by Nipponsei.
Track list:
1. Quiet Night CE 73
2. Suit Mini Drama (Hisaku)
3. Life Goes on TV-Size Type3 (yet another one xD)
4. Emotion
5. Theme of Archangel
6. Quiet Night CE 73 (Original KAraoke)
7. Emotion (original karaoke)
Enjoy! And remember to seed!
Sat, 09-24-2005, 12:32 PM
nice, thanks!
EDIT: man, emotion is a hella good song!
Sun, 09-25-2005, 08:51 AM
I hope this won't be the last suit, I still have hidden dreams of a Heine one i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Edit: To break it down, this Suite consists of a very boring drama part starring Lacus & Andy. Along with that we have the obligatory shitty Life Goes On tv-size, and Theme of Archangel which is sort of "part 2" of Theme of Minerva from suite 6. That is good. The other 2 tracks are Meer's songs Emotion & Quiet Night CE 73 along with karaoke versions.
It's nice I guess.
Everytime I hear Quiet Night CE 73 I picture Heine landing with the Gouf Ignited and walking around (from ep 19). Watched that scene too many times.
Mon, 09-26-2005, 08:21 PM
Out of Quiet Night CE 73 and Emotion, Emotion is definetly the winner. Damn, I just love that song, I keep listening to it over and over. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif Thanks for the link Roko!
@Terra: A Heine one would definetly be sweet, seeing as how TMR voiced him. More TMR songs on the way! i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 10-02-2005, 01:52 PM
anyone knows when(or if) the next suit comes out?
Sat, 01-21-2006, 07:42 PM
CD Suite Vol. 9 - Athrun & Infinite Justice ( 0f322966d62ee2597d8f6dd4bca1)
Get a direct download here (
Sat, 01-21-2006, 07:57 PM
hell yea been waiting for this thanks GLS
EDIT: can someone translate the drama part? it'd be much appreciated
Sun, 01-22-2006, 11:01 AM
Oh, a new suite. Interesting. Thanks!
The song "Please" is pretty catchy. For some reason the ones performing it are Milliariariariaria's & Meyrin's voice actresses...
I am waiting for Nipponsei's release, which will hopefully contain translated song names.
Wed, 01-25-2006, 08:20 PM
Does anyone have a translation between the dialogue between meryin and athuran?
Tue, 03-28-2006, 12:57 AM
The 10th gundam seed destiny suit cd comes out on April 21st. It's titled Mobile Suit Gundam SEED DESTINY SUIT CD Vol.10 KIRA YAMATO×STRIKE FREEDOM GUNDAM.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 04:45 AM
It never ends!
*sigh* I wanted to see a Yzak X Heine suite :P
Tue, 03-28-2006, 10:43 AM
i wanted a druggie suite, but that's not going to happen in this life time.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 01:43 PM
Well at least we got Auel x Sting. That was more than I initially hoped for actually.
But still, Seed druggies > Destiny druggies.
Shani suite would be cool. His voice actor is actually a rather famous singer in Japan so it wouldn't be impossible either.
Tue, 04-04-2006, 01:27 PM
out of curiousity, you wouldn't happen to know the names of the voice actors who played the druggies in the first seed and what other roles they played, would you?
Tue, 04-04-2006, 11:01 PM
shani andras(and just like terra said, he's a famous singer)
orga sabnak(he's an actor from one of Psyke's favorite shows, kamen rider ryuki!)
clotho bruer(her voice from gundam seed did not sound like a girl O.O)
Wed, 04-05-2006, 08:08 AM
Clotho's voice actor -is- a guy, actually.
Wed, 04-05-2006, 11:07 AM
wtf really? the picture that they have of the voice actor(or actress) looks like a girl to me
Wed, 04-05-2006, 03:22 PM
Nah it's just the hair.. if you look closer you can see that it's a guy. :)
Sun, 04-23-2006, 07:07 PM
isnt the new suit out now? anyone have a link to it?
EDIT: here it is
Mon, 04-24-2006, 01:33 AM
The song sung by kira's VA is ok. The mini drama rules, it's about athrun, yzak, and dearka meeting together on the death anniversary of nicol. They talk about nicol, miguel, and rusty not being here anymore and some other stuff. The rest of the songs are some new nicol piano songs that are pretty good. This is going to be the last suit released for gundam seed destiny, overall i give this an 8/10.
Mon, 04-24-2006, 07:33 AM
Goddamnit I wish I had a translation...
Mon, 04-24-2006, 12:46 PM
which song terra?
I know where i can get one of tomorrow.
Mon, 04-24-2006, 01:21 PM
I think terra was talking about the mini drama.
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