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Thu, 06-16-2005, 12:28 AM

This episode started really crappy, and actually got really interesting right at the end. I give it a bronze star!

I swear, Jirayia must enjoy the taste of drugs or something.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 01:05 AM
I don't think he got drugged when he was drinking Sake, I think he got drugged by that little scratch the wench made on his arm right as he shoved her away. I could be wrong though.

And ya I have to agree, it had a really terrible beginning but I have to admit this arc is progressing fairly well as an interesting arc. I am curious to see what Sakura will pull out of her ass to not get herself killed there. It would be interesting to see if Orochimaru makes Sasuke fight Sakura, that was who I was half expecting her to see instead of Kabuto anyway.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 01:57 AM
I think the frog will save em all...i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif.....and as Fuzzlepop said: "I don't think he's drug cause of the Sake, I think the scratch she made was the thing to get him druged" well that's what I think to. Jiraya looked at hes scratch while he was so called "druged". Well can't really wait to see the next episode thought...

Thu, 06-16-2005, 02:16 AM
hah, jiraiya is always drugged or drunk or somehow impaired, things would be too easy with his power.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 02:43 AM
what an incredibly useless ep....first of all, wtf is the point of having a scout if ur gonna follow 2 steps behind and make no effrot to hid urself. second, did oro have cameras setup in his little mansion anyway?. third, who the hell sends a frog down a tunell? wtf is he gonna do, hop on the guys head till he gives in? even sakura in her infinite uselesness could atleast throw some kunai.

while were on teh topic of sakura, tehre is no freaking way she can last more then 0.0285 seconds against kabuto.....much less fool him with a simple kawarimi. total shit ep.

and wtf is sasame doing back in the preview? doesnt say much for an evil villans hideout if every fucking 2nd rate wannabe ninja can prance rite in without breakign a sweat.

and yes, jiraya wasnt drugged with the sake, it was that scratch the woman made. still lame, but whatever.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 03:26 AM
OMG, this episode rocked! Not just as a filler. but for the entire Naruto series!
The animation was just incredible!
About the Sakura vs Kabuto...yeah I think she should get killed in less then 1 sec...but Kabuto couldent be fighting really seriously there...

Thu, 06-16-2005, 03:36 AM
Originally posted by: Husse
OMG, this episode rocked! Not just as a filler. but for the entire Naruto series!
The animation was just incredible!

.. You're joking right?

Thu, 06-16-2005, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by: mage

Originally posted by: Husse
OMG, this episode rocked! Not just as a filler. but for the entire Naruto series!
The animation was just incredible!

.. You're joking right?

No, why?

Thu, 06-16-2005, 06:53 AM
jiraiya must have thought he could get some info out of the women , or he is just stupid.
sakura vs kabuto was bullshit. sakura should have been dead the moment she came to attack.

visually orochimaru's castle was nicely done, but the humor music ruined the creepy mood.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by: Assassin
what an incredibly useless ep....first of all, wtf is the point of having a scout if ur gonna follow 2 steps behind and make no effrot to hid urself. second, did oro have cameras setup in his little mansion anyway?. third, who the hell sends a frog down a tunell? wtf is he gonna do, hop on the guys head till he gives in? even sakura in her infinite uselesness could atleast throw some kunai.

1: dunno.
2. yes he has but i don't remember when i saw them. but i'm sure he has them
3. he could ehmm... ehhmmmm... no.. no... no he couldn't.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 07:53 AM
I'm still expecting Arashi to show up soon, I expect him to fight rather then Kabuto in the comming eps. Only reason why Sakura lasted so long was cause Kabuto wasn't even trying. Look on her face when she saw Oro was great. Guess Oro and Kenpachi both have that killing aura around them.

weakest anbu
Thu, 06-16-2005, 09:05 AM
this episode reminds me of http://img233.echo.cx/img233/29/shi9fj.jpg

Thu, 06-16-2005, 11:05 AM
the animation was pretty sweet.....they actually did a pretty good job with this ep.
the best part was the whole thing jiraiya did with the pole i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

If anything, i'd say the crazy zooming camera angles were a little OVERUSED in this ep. It's a neat effect when that "OMG" feeling is there, but when it isnt, it just feels like a cheesy parody (anyone remember the old hermit that lived in the whale in one piece?).

Thu, 06-16-2005, 12:16 PM
watched it again. it's amazing how jiraiya's shadow keeps the same with the lights hanging from the sealing swinging back and forth

Thu, 06-16-2005, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
the animation was pretty sweet.....they actually did a pretty good job with this ep.
the best part was the whole thing jiraiya did with the pole

If anything, i'd say the crazy zooming camera angles were a little OVERUSED in this ep. It's a neat effect when that "OMG" feeling is there, but when it isnt, it just feels like a cheesy parody (anyone remember the old hermit that lived in the whale in one piece?).

That scene ruled, definitely among the funniest in the whole show.

For this episode I have the following comments:

- When Sasame had her "angsty-moment-of-the-day" and was about to cut herself, I got pissed that she didn't. Then I wanted to jump inside the episode and slit her throat for her. Unfortunately it didn't work.

And ehh... ... I don't really have any more comments, other than the prospect of Sakura being alone with Orochimaru & Kabuto is quite funny. And also it was total bs how Kabuto couldn't see that Sakura did a kawarimi. As people already said, he'd tear her apart in less than a millisecond.

Well this is shit, but I've seen worse.
Guess it's a nice bonus to actually see Orochimaru's mansion interior a bit more.
Damn, that girl that Jiraiya met was freaky.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 01:14 PM
what naruto was missing was a girl that fights with her hair.
only it wasn't done any better here

The Heretic Azazel
Thu, 06-16-2005, 01:20 PM
Did Kabuto's voice sound a little weird to anyone else?

Maybe it was because of the echo effect where he was speaking..

Thu, 06-16-2005, 02:16 PM
nope sounded like same ol` kabuto to me, but i expected naruto to summon gammabunta again (like last time he was falling in a big deep hole) what the hell was rasnaegan supposed to do.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 02:30 PM
rasengan is the answer to everything in filler eps

Thu, 06-16-2005, 02:56 PM
it wasn't a big hole..

Thu, 06-16-2005, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by: Masamune
watched it again. it's amazing how jiraiya's shadow keeps the same with the lights hanging from the sealing swinging back and forth

i was thinking the saaaame thing

and the excuse jiraiya had for not falling for sasame's sake was dumb. Not the way he found out, because I thought they did a fairly good job tying it in, instead of having the jiraiya vs bandit battle be a total waste of tiem. But the fact that he might have fallen for the sake otherwise was what bugs me.

In order for tsunade to succeed, she had to use an odorless concoction that only someone of her experience could create. Jiraiya even stated how only tsunade couldve caught him off-guard with a slipped mickey.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 04:05 PM
well thas a filler ep for ya.....completely lame ass reasons for everything.

and on the topic of lame, i was expecting to hear more about the whole "oro's father building the castle" thing. seems pretty uselless to mention it out of nowhere and never bring it up again.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by: Assassin
and on the topic of lame, i was expecting to hear more about the whole "oro's father building the castle" thing. seems pretty uselless to mention it out of nowhere and never bring it up again.
If you watch the 138 V2 from DB, you will see that there no more "oro's father building the castle".

Thu, 06-16-2005, 06:14 PM
that lady which ensared Jiraiya with her hair looked scary. Was she a puppet? And if Jiraiya wasn't so addicted to sake and women he'd quit getting drugged like that, the fool!

Thu, 06-16-2005, 07:28 PM
I liked this episodes. Hopefully the next episode is the last one in this filler arc.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 07:48 PM
Not bad filler. Let's see...

1. The animation was indeed quite good.

2. Gamakichi is cute. He does not need a purpose. And Sakura is scared of frogs, lol.

3. OK, they are NINJAS, and they couldn't think of a better way of infiltrating the hidden sound village than walking through the friggin' FRONT DOOR? In broad daylight. With no attempt at stealth, disguise, nothing. wtf?

4. Yay, Kabuto and Oro are in the filler. I thought that for sure they'd be off with Sasuke somewhere thereby avoiding any plot problems. But happily I'm mistaken, and I liked Sakura's I-am-SO-going-to-die face when Oro showed up.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 08:14 PM
my first reaction upon seeing Sakura's Kawarimi and attack was "holy crap! she actually did something!" haha, Sakura's reaction upon seeing Gamakichi was pretty funny, and yes, I agree with you Mae..ninjas walking through the front door with a scout one foot ahead of them to warn them of traps is just messed up.

For this whole time, I've always thought that Arashi was dead, because Oro wanted his body right? That means that he was part of that group that Kabuto set on each other to fight, through which only one survived, and I highly doubt that it is him, although that may be possible.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 08:14 PM
*spoiler for those who dont watch previews*

the next ep is called "kabuto's trap" and it should be interesting to see kabuto fight again, last time he was caught off guard by naruto's rasnaegan, i dont expect him to lose that easily this time (i hope not)

Thu, 06-16-2005, 08:55 PM
Wow I absolutely love how whenever Jiraiya is presented with the opportunity to do something he becomes handycapped or incapacitated. I guess it's the only way to balance out his ridiculous skill/power. If he really wanted to he could just summon gamabunta and tear down the place.

I'm really surprised that their involving both kabuto and orchimaro. It would actually be pretty cool if oro calls for sasuke and has him beat down sakura as his first training test. It would create a very nice emotional momment to have sakura get beat down by the person who she supposedly loves. Then oro can throw her out side leaving her for dead. Jiraiya comes and asks if she learned her leason and they go back to the leaf village and real story can begin once again. It would serve as a nice cataylst events to come and it would also bring the filler storyline back on track with the manga storyline.

weakest anbu
Thu, 06-16-2005, 08:57 PM
this whole fight is bullshit... kabuto whos almost or equal to kakashi and can kill 4+ anbus without a sweat vs sakura a low genin. This fight shouldnt even last more than 5 seconds.

Thu, 06-16-2005, 09:05 PM
Ah, I just remembered the thing about this episode that really got to me the most.

Splitting up.

Are you out of your fucking mind??

Oh! Three doors! Well, I, the master ninja am gonna go this way. You kids go that way so that if you happen upon Orochimaru you can INSTANTLY DIE!(which is exactly whats happening to Sakura)


But yeah, the frog was a terrible scout. I think his purpose was supposed to be trapspringer, not scout, but you don't want to tell your summoned monster that he's there to get impaled by spikes so you don't have to, so you tell him he's scouting.

And then they split up from the frog when they need his trapspringing powers the most!(which he still manages to do even by himself).

Thu, 06-16-2005, 11:51 PM
Best Filler episode ever. I forgot I was even watching a filler for a sec. That Jiraiya part with the poll was crazy giggles funny. The chick Jiraiya was talking to was crazy looking which made her look even more dangerous. Showing Kabuto and Orochimaru made the ep a lot better b/c who would have thought we would see them this early.

American Hero
Thu, 06-16-2005, 11:56 PM
I'm really not a big fan of this filler, or any for that matter, but I really enjoyed the last scene when Orochimaru appeared and put Sakura in a state of shock. I was glad to see them portray the fear that Orochimaru represents.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 01:27 AM
yeah, I liked Kabutos illusion as well.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 02:27 AM
Originally posted by: Thy

Originally posted by: Assassin
and on the topic of lame, i was expecting to hear more about the whole "oro's father building the castle" thing. seems pretty uselless to mention it out of nowhere and never bring it up again.
If you watch the 138 V2 from DB, you will see that there no more "oro's father building the castle".

unless if there's a V2.2 that i dont know about.....you're wrong
They still reference oro's father setting up the castle in the 2nd release

Fri, 06-17-2005, 06:40 AM
Now im kind of having doubts on Jiraia being a Sanin. Based on his poor decission makings and as well easily falling for that trick even though he was expecting something to happen. Now I just need to rewatch it and see what the hell just happened to him....

Fri, 06-17-2005, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by: Mae
Not bad filler. Let's see...

1. The animation was indeed quite good.

2. Gamakichi is cute. He does not need a purpose. And Sakura is scared of frogs, lol.

3. OK, they are NINJAS, and they couldn't think of a better way of infiltrating the hidden sound village than walking through the friggin' FRONT DOOR? In broad daylight. With no attempt at stealth, disguise, nothing. wtf?

4. Yay, Kabuto and Oro are in the filler. I thought that for sure they'd be off with Sasuke somewhere thereby avoiding any plot problems. But happily I'm mistaken, and I liked Sakura's I-am-SO-going-to-die face when Oro showed up.

....now only if it were true...

Fri, 06-17-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
unless if there's a V2.2 that i dont know about.....you're wrong
They still reference oro's father setting up the castle in the 2nd release
Yes, you're right... Forgive me... I was certainly not well awakened when i watch the v2... i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Fri, 06-17-2005, 12:00 PM
Yeah, you have a Sanin and two Genin... so why are they just walking into Orochimaru's place? WTF? This is more like a job for some l33t squad of super ninjas, not this pitiful crew. It's suicidal.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 12:54 PM
I must admit that for a filler arc that got so much bad feelings from this forum when it began, this one is not so bad. I was honestly more disappointed by the end of the Mission to retrieve Sasuke than by this arc (although that could also have something to do with having low expectations for this arc, high expectations for the last). In fact, I have found this arc to be surprisingly good with the exception of the humorous parts, which I find not funny at all. Saying Jiraiya is perveted is getting old, wait, it IS old... and I am also quite interested in where this arc will go.

Oh, and BTW, in the split second start of the preview for next episode it looks like Sakura, Naruto, Sasame standing around a big hole in the wall with a body in the crater. It really looks like Kabuto...

I have always liked Kabuto and would hate to see him humiliated in this filler arc by Sakura.... I can understand if Naruto beats him with some crazy overwhelming power attack... but Sakura? In an anime where they often stress the strategy and inteliigence as a vital part of fighting sheer strength seems to win out far too often. I mean, Kabuto tricked Kakashi. But now he gets tricked by Sakura? (ok, maybe that's believable since her speciality seems to be genjutsu and kawarimi stuff) If Kabuto wasn't just a fluke against Kakashi and is overly hyped up earlier in the series, he would cut down Sakura and Naruto in a heartbeat.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by: Jeff_from_MD
that lady which ensared Jiraiya with her hair looked scary. Was she a puppet? And if Jiraiya wasn't so addicted to sake and women he'd quit getting drugged like that, the fool!

If i had to pick Sake, Women and once in a while getting drugged/poisoned or no sake and women and never getting drugged it would be an easy decision. SAKE AND WOMEN!!!!!

Fri, 06-17-2005, 02:20 PM
filler is normally bad because they hold back on the action and stuff, but they arnt holding back atm and its looking good, i suprisingly liked this episode.

It'll probably all be an illusion and kabuto and orochimaru are miles away in another castle, but for now i like it =]

lets see.. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif

Fri, 06-17-2005, 02:29 PM
the look on sakuras face was quality

needs more kabuto and i agree with the guy before kabuto sounded a bit weird the first time naruto spoke sounded a bit weird too kinda like the voice guy had a cold or somthing

Fri, 06-17-2005, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by: outtawack

Originally posted by: Jeff_from_MD
that lady which ensared Jiraiya with her hair looked scary. Was she a puppet? And if Jiraiya wasn't so addicted to sake and women he'd quit getting drugged like that, the fool!

If i had to pick Sake, Women and once in a while getting drugged/poisoned or no sake and women and never getting drugged it would be an easy decision. SAKE AND WOMEN!!!!!

And that is also why you would probably get killed on your first night "investigating"...

Somehow Jiraiya just has uber tolerance to poisons... Or maybe its like in Princess Bride? Anyhow, I wonder how he never got killed by these kind of tricks when he was younger and without teh crazy frog powers.

Originally posted by: Kaka
filler is normally bad because they hold back on the action and stuff, but they arnt holding back atm and its looking good, i suprisingly liked this episode.

It'll probably all be an illusion and kabuto and orochimaru are miles away in another castle, but for now i like it =]

lets see..

God I hope not... So far the only thing making this arc seem not like filler is the fact that Orochimaru and Kabuto are there.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs

Originally posted by: outtawack

Originally posted by: Jeff_from_MD
that lady which ensared Jiraiya with her hair looked scary. Was she a puppet? And if Jiraiya wasn't so addicted to sake and women he'd quit getting drugged like that, the fool!

If i had to pick Sake, Women and once in a while getting drugged/poisoned or no sake and women and never getting drugged it would be an easy decision. SAKE AND WOMEN!!!!!

And that is also why you would probably get killed on your first night "investigating"...

Somehow Jiraiya just has uber tolerance to poisons... Or maybe its like in Princess Bride? Anyhow, I wonder how he never got killed by these kind of tricks when he was younger and without teh crazy frog powers.

That's a chance i would have to take. Who said i would be investigating anyways.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 09:29 PM
I just thought it was really stupid for Jiraiya to walk into a trap just like that.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 10:21 PM
This is off topic, but I haven't watched Naruto since 135 and I was reading back over the Neji/Chouji topic.
Have they been put back in the OP now that we know they are alive?

Fri, 06-17-2005, 10:46 PM
...instead of calling your an idiot i'll just answer and hope you dont come back, they're alive.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 10:57 PM
Originally posted by: xanbcoo
This is off topic, but I haven't watched Naruto since 135 and I was reading back over the Neji/Chouji topic.
Have they been put back in the OP now that we know they are alive?

Yea they were added to the opening along with a part dedicated to Lee.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
...instead of calling your an idiot i'll just answer and hope you dont come back, they're alive.

I think you misunderstood my question.

I was only asking because I've skipped every filler episode thusfar. The last episode I watched didn't have them featured in the OP, but only because that was the episode where it was revealed that they were in fact alive.

Thanks Aeon. Maybe I'll download an ep. just to see the additions.

Fri, 06-17-2005, 11:56 PM
my bad i assumed OP was something else.

Sat, 06-18-2005, 12:34 AM
Has noone bothered to take the time to bring up the fact Orichimaru is back in his old body in this filler arc? As opposed to the one he took over to keep himself alive because Sasuke didnt get brought to him in ttime

Sat, 06-18-2005, 12:38 AM
Haha, Chaoskiddo though some guy thought Neji and Chouji were in One Piece!

Way to misinterpret acronyms you fool!


Sat, 06-18-2005, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by: Tinks
Has noone bothered to take the time to bring up the fact Orichimaru is back in his old body in this filler arc? As opposed to the one he took over to keep himself alive because Sasuke didnt get brought to him in ttime

They brought it up in the old thread, nice work detective work. Did you ever bother to remember that he has looked like his old self in a different body? This was also brought up in the other thread.

Also, nice work chaos. =P

Sat, 06-18-2005, 06:41 AM
while he has never looked like his original self. he has done this at least once or twice now and in those occassions he has looked like that. no surprise. lookie lookie the ghetto one is back in the gotwoot forums.

Natural Cause
Sat, 06-18-2005, 06:49 AM
Im not liking these filler episodes. And altho i haven't read the entire thread, that wasn;t orochimaru.

Sat, 06-18-2005, 07:00 AM
why not? looked like him but it might be sasuke dressed up as orochimaru lol what would be funny

Natural Cause
Sat, 06-18-2005, 07:03 AM
Because oro is with sasuke, its a shadow clone, of the glass's guy, to scare sakura. It's a filler arc, it would ruin the next arc if oro was there fighting, don't you think.

Sat, 06-18-2005, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by: Natural Cause
Because oro is with sasuke, its a shadow clone, of the glass's guy, to scare sakura. It's a filler arc, it would ruin the next arc if oro was there fighting, don't you think.

I too agree with this because Oro would NOT have such light security at his actual base. This place is probably just one of his many recruiting grounds / collect jutsu research labs and Kabuto, who is quite good with genjutsu, probably conjured up the clone. I don't think it would ruin the arc for Oro to be in here... but then Sasuke would almost certainly need to be there too... and then, well i can't imagine the creator letting the anime steal his thunder like that!

Oh, and Chaoskiddo, you seem to have the lovely habit of jumping all over another person for "a mistake" and cramming your foot in your own mouth.

And Xanbcoo, this filler hasn't been all that bad. If you havent watched yet you might wait for the next 2 or 3 then, if people seem to think its worthwhile, go DL them

Sat, 06-18-2005, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by: masamuneehs
And Xanbcoo, this filler hasn't been all that bad. If you havent watched yet you might wait for the next 2 or 3 then, if people seem to think its worthwhile, go DL them

I probably will download and watch them anyway. It's just been inconvinient to DL them up until now.
I'll take your word that they're not that terrible. So far, it seems like some people's only problem has been Oro in his "old" body, which doesn't bother me at all.
Except that he has no real reason to. The only reason he had for looking like his old self before was that he did it for the Third. I remember him saying something like, "I disguised myself as my old self so you could see me as you used to" or something. So why's he gone back to the MJ look?

Sat, 06-18-2005, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by: xanbcoo
Except that he has no real reason to. The only reason he had for looking like his old self before was that he did it for the Third. I remember him saying something like, "I disguised myself as my old self so you could see me as you used to" or something. So why's he gone back to the MJ look?

Why not, when we saw him after the fight with sarutobi he was in his old form. I would assume he prefers it as it probably reminds him of him. You know, a sentimental thing.... i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif

That question is kind of like "why does Tsunade use a jutsu to look young?" They prefer that look is all.

Master Pain
Sat, 06-18-2005, 05:55 PM
Wow, why did i bother to catch up with the filler eps.

Begining of the episode, oh the angst and the drama, jeez what a load o' crap.

What's with the "infiltration techniques". Run in from the closest door shouting and yelling? Reminds me of how brits waged their war in American Revolutionary War: wearing bright red uniforms, marching on the roads in neat lines, on open daylight, singing their marching song "Shoot me, shoot me, shoot me ...." (Okay that was ripped from Scott Adams, but anyway)
And of course splitting up is the only rational choice in that situation. Etc. Etc.

Orochimaru's summer cottages defences... with all those ridiculous traps and Naruto, Sakura and Jiraya walking straight into them it was like watching that old Batman series, our heros Batman and Boy Wonder walking in and setting of every goddamn trap there is, while the bad guys are laughing their beards in somewhere else thinking they finally killed the dynamic duo.
I know that Orochimaru has some inane distrust of people and keeps throwing them in cells or stuffing them in barrels and what not, thus the lack of any human guards, but one would expect him to hone his trap laying skills after Sarutobi had breeched into his first lair.

It doesn't really come as a surprise that Sakuras grasp of reality isn't all that great, what with this whole bloddy trip to save Sasuke, but wtf?!
She all astounished to hear that Orochimaru is hanging around in the vicinity of the premises. Holy crap does she think it's called "Orochimarus hideout" to get a better tourist appeal?

In short the episode has action, speed and some attempts of humor trying to cover up the lack of brain activity during script making. Sorry didn't fall for it. Next time don't hire some homeless alky you picked up from your way to work to do filler episodes for five bucks.

The Heretic Azazel
Sat, 06-18-2005, 06:36 PM
Oro should always stay in his old form, he's so beautifully drawn.

Sun, 06-19-2005, 12:42 AM
The good thing is that now we got rid of the boring story of Sasuke and the series has got a new wave., so we must see thw new adventures of Naruto. I think that this series has a long course and will pass Inuyasha number of episodes.

The Heretic Azazel
Sun, 06-19-2005, 01:51 AM
It totally will surpass Inuyasha's 167. It's just got a continuity to it.

Sun, 06-19-2005, 06:58 AM
Sakura's gonna own them all.

Sun, 06-19-2005, 11:30 AM
Hmm... who knows?
Maybe this is where sakura shows she HAS got some powers....

Even after getting disappointed all the time, i still think there's hope for her...
I mean.. she can't stay useless forever, can she?

Oh, and Kabuto is so very awesome! Really think he's one of the coolest chars in the anime, especially since I'm sure there's much more to him than we know now...

Sun, 06-19-2005, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by: TranceCat
Sakura's gonna own them all.

God, i dunno... I mean... when was the last time she flat out beat anyone one on one? She held her own against Zaku, Dosu and Kin but had to get considerable help from a crazed Sasuke... And she couldn't even beat Ino or help much at all in the Sound-Sand War....

Sakura has been so disappointing that her development of power is way overdue. But against KAbuto? God that would just make a complete mockery of one of my favorite Naruto characters, a proven, skilled, cunning ninja. Unless Naruto pulls some heavy surprises out or Jiraiya intervenes I expect Sakura to be taking a dirt nap...

But that is just me, and I never seem to be right (probably cuz I keep rooting for the bad guys) in anime... Sakura probably will kick some serious ass... oh my poor kabuto!

American Hero
Sun, 06-19-2005, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by: ChibiYali
Even after getting disappointed all the time, i still think there's hope for her...
I mean.. she can't stay useless forever, can she?

Yes. Yes she can.

Mon, 06-20-2005, 12:16 AM
I'm holding out little hope that Sakura shows us sumthin, but this seems to be setup for a big let down. Sakura attempts to do something buts ends up being saved by Naruto.

James V
Mon, 06-20-2005, 06:06 PM
Who else here thinks that Oro's new body realy looks a lot like Sasame's nephew, the one they're trying to save?

This might be the underlying plot line of the whole filler..... showing the origin of Orochimaru's new container.

Mon, 06-20-2005, 07:52 PM
Sasame's cousin you mean....

Mon, 06-20-2005, 09:12 PM
This was surprisingly better than what I expected. As with many people here, Jiraiya's pole was just damn funny. Who the hell would actually do that, especially with all that anticipation of what the hell he was going to do with that i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
As for Sakura's small attack against Kabuto, who can blame him for not seeing a kawarimi? She was in the shadows, after all, so he couldn't have seen what she did. Still, Oro's presence freezing Sakura, that was great.

Mon, 06-20-2005, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by: James V
Who else here thinks that Oro's new body realy looks a lot like Sasame's nephew, the one they're trying to save?

This might be the underlying plot line of the whole filler..... showing the origin of Orochimaru's new container.

I'd have to re-watch this to be sure, but I seem to remember them showing Arachi, and he didn't look like the dude who Orochimaru moved into, as far as I can recall.

What I thought to be the most implausible part of this episode is Jiraiya sending Naruto and Sakura off by themselves in the middle of Oro's hideout. It's like he's handing them to Orochimaru on a silver platter. Jiraiya of all people knows how inept Naruto is, especially when it comes to being careful. This was a terrible strategy. Maybe it allowed them to search more ground more quickly, but it weakened them sufficiently so that all were caught by traps.

Edit to below: You're right complich8, I think I've just become so desensitized to bad filler storyline, that things like that don't stick out for me as much anymore. Nothing in this arc really makes logical sense. However, one of the things I do expect is for them to remain true to the characters. They've shown before that they can do a decent job of this. I think that's why character inconsistencies bother me more.

Tue, 06-21-2005, 04:12 AM
I would say .... this whole arc is pretty implausible... Naruto already knows Sasuke's really gone and there's nothing he can do about it. Sakura already should be pretty aware of the fact too. And why do they have such an easy time finding Orochimaru's hideout? Why doesn't Orochimaru have a veritable freaking army of sound jounins like he had in the invasion of Konoha (knowing that many of them probably managed to leave when the retreat was called -- those guys weren't ALL sand y'know).

Tue, 06-21-2005, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by: complich8
Why doesn't Orochimaru have a veritable freaking army of sound jounins like he had in the invasion of Konoha (knowing that many of them probably managed to leave when the retreat was called -- those guys weren't ALL sand y'know).

Just to comment on this...

I'm not certain that Oro has that many Sound jounins at all. it's a relatively new village. Also, his best troopers have all been maybe at chuunin level, with a few notable exceptions.

The Sound 4 had to use their seals to take on 2 jounin, so they sure the heck weren't jounin. Kabuto is definitely jounin, but that's why he's Oro's right-hand man. Not too sure about Kimimaru, but he was also highly favored.

Other than that, the rest of the sound ninjas were nothing special. Certainly not special enough to be considered jounin.

Tue, 06-21-2005, 09:39 AM
this whole filler arc is pretty much as crappy as can get, i lost hope when that butterfly girl came out of that quasimoto guy, and seriously come on now how can they possibly enter orichimaru's lair so easily, i would've expected atleast multiple high level traps even certain jounins couldn't discover easily, they just walked in like nothing could even possibly happen , about sakura kicking ass, I don't think so she's too useless to do anything certainly while fighting against kabuto....i really hope these filler eps will end soon because i can't stand any more of these awful piece of crap fillers they are giving us, i would rewatch that other filler arc before i would ever watch these eps again

Tue, 06-21-2005, 05:51 PM
I think i would rather rewatch the Gohan's Birthday DBZ episode, the most useless episode in the series, 100 times instead of watching these naruturds.

Tue, 06-21-2005, 10:46 PM
Originally posted by: wirm

Just to comment on this...

I'm not certain that Oro has that many Sound jounins at all. it's a relatively new village. Also, his best troopers have all been maybe at chuunin level, with a few notable exceptions.

The Sound 4 had to use their seals to take on 2 jounin, so they sure the heck weren't jounin. Kabuto is definitely jounin, but that's why he's Oro's right-hand man. Not too sure about Kimimaru, but he was also highly favored.

Other than that, the rest of the sound ninjas were nothing special. Certainly not special enough to be considered jounin.

yet, it proves orochimaru has quite an army of ninjas at his disposal. I think what complich8 was trying to say is that why doesnt he send those men around to get rid of naruto and such. When they invaded his castle all three teams met up with only one enemy. (Jiraya met that girl) all others were just traps, so where exactly are the 30+ ninjas he should have around?

Wed, 06-22-2005, 03:26 AM
wouldn't YOU like to know? i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif

I bet oro said that they could take it easy because the konoha people don't form a threat or something...
The usual understimation case again, I'd assume...

*shrugs* we'll see..
maybe it's just a decoy base, as stated before...