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View Full Version : Your help is needed plz

Tue, 06-07-2005, 05:21 PM
Hi, i was wondering if you guys could help me, i am planning to do the dvd cover for episodes 101-125, cause i've searched everywhere and i couldnt find it, so, i am asking you for your favorite images (caps) from those episodes, in order to make a dvd cover, maybe 2 different, and then post it (them) here.

tnx in advance to those who help

Tue, 06-07-2005, 05:45 PM
1. if you want chapters as in manga chapters then this should be in open discussion or manga.
2. I cant help you since i dont know what your talking about yet
3. good luck.

Tue, 06-07-2005, 05:52 PM
sorry, i didnt explained correctly

chapters = episodes (in my language..... spanish).

so, i mean episodes, i want to make the dvd cover, the dvd includes episodes 101 - 125

there are covers for eps:
1- 25
and 76-100

and i want to make one for 101-125. cause i suppose the guy who made the other covers is not going to make it (as we are on episode 137 and still no news on the cover).

so, that's why i asked for help on getting images (caps) from those episodes (101-125). not 1 per episode, it can be only one very cool image that suits perfectly as a dvd cover....

Tue, 06-07-2005, 06:03 PM
not screen shot but i think if fits pretty well...


Tue, 06-14-2005, 10:56 AM
thats to late in the series, if it was 125+ the pic would be perfect, but since its not its a spoiler type cover

Tue, 06-14-2005, 12:27 PM
chaoskiddo, if he's talking about a cover for the dvd itself, then you have to realize that images in the middle are going to be cut out for the hole in the disc

Tue, 06-14-2005, 09:03 PM
i think he means a cover for the DVD jewel case, and that picture is great for those episodes

weakest anbu
Tue, 06-14-2005, 10:29 PM

No need to thank me.

Wed, 06-15-2005, 01:14 AM
I like it. It really captures the essence of those 25 episodes.

Wed, 06-15-2005, 07:01 AM
Idate should be on ALL Naruto covers EVER.

Wed, 06-15-2005, 07:40 AM
thats right, because he was such an important memorable character, infact they should give art books away with naruto dvds featuring only idate

Wed, 06-15-2005, 08:15 AM
Damn straight, I'd buy the whole stock on pre-order. Even if the amount of copies will be 2 at most.
People just don't understand the greatness of that deep, technical true ninja skillz character.

In fact, Idate & Sasame should hook up and produce the most awesome filler character ever.