View Full Version : POKER
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:02 PM
Just wondering if any of you guys play poker? Internet or real. tips, books you have read. etc.....
I play on quite often and make a bit of money. I stick to NL Hold'em which i reckon is easily the best game.
I also go to a £10 tournament about once a week at a poker club, which has a top prize of about £1000, but Im not good enough to win it yet.
Im also trying to get through "Hold'em poker for advanced players" by Slanksy but its a bit of a struggle. Does anyone know any good tournament poker books?
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:12 PM
Poker on the internet is a waste of time. There's much less money to be made, and it's nothing like the real thing. NL Hold em' is the easiest game to play, and probably the fastest to win or lose a lot. As far as using a book goes, I think it's pointless. Just play more and develop your own strategies through experience.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:18 PM
We should get a GW poker game going.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:36 PM
we did once, but no one knew how to play haha
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by: badass
Poker on the internet is a waste of time. There's much less money to be made, and it's nothing like the real thing. NL Hold em' is the easiest game to play, and probably the fastest to win or lose a lot. As far as using a book goes, I think it's pointless. Just play more and develop your own strategies through experience.
agreed. playing the game when u're w/ actual people as opposed to just keeping track of bets online is completely different.
what i love about hold'em is that you'll never encounter the same exact scenario from before. there's always something a lil different from the last time.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 01:07 AM
I play on too, but only for practice with play money. I'm usually at the poker tables at the Taj on weekends.
I disagree Badass. No limit is much harder to play than fixed. It takes no skill at all to play fixed because who ever has the best hand wins, while in NL, you can still win the pot if you play it right. Books do help a lot, especially Doyle Brunson's. And trust me, there is a lot of money to be made on internet games, my friend makes a good grand or two a week.
Oh by the way is anyone watching the WSOP on EPSN 2? And yeah we should get a game going.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 01:12 AM
Originally posted by: Masamune
we did once, but no one knew how to play haha
It's cuz I was playing with 5 girls. Yes! I'm talking about all of you.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 04:20 AM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Originally posted by: Masamune
we did once, but no one knew how to play haha
It's cuz I was playing with 5 girls. Yes! I'm talking about all of you.
But you loved it didnt you (^.^) mutata-sama [cleaves to his arm]
Tue, 05-31-2005, 04:02 PM
Poker is a good game, and I agree with whoever said it above, the more you play the more you develop as a player.
Tue, 05-31-2005, 04:28 PM
we should change it to "texas hold'em." i just like it better, then again i have no grudge against poker i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Tue, 05-31-2005, 05:03 PM
Texas holdem is DEATH. Don't go to Casinos!!! They are bad and EVIL!!! I'm down a little over 10 grand to the Casino in about a years time.
Tue, 05-31-2005, 05:32 PM
Yes, We all love losing money don't we. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Tue, 05-31-2005, 05:37 PM
Originally posted by: Sam98034
Texas holdem is DEATH. Don't go to Casinos!!! They are bad and EVIL!!! I'm down a little over 10 grand to the Casino in about a years time.
are you a fucking moron?
Tue, 05-31-2005, 05:41 PM
how in the world could u lose that much at a poker table? no offense,oh who am i kidding a lot of offense going into this 1... <u>YOU SUCK!</u>
Tue, 05-31-2005, 08:39 PM
I'm also interested in how long did it take you to lose all that money?
Tue, 05-31-2005, 08:53 PM
and whether or not u were playing limit or no limit. and if u were playing no limit, there are cheaper ways to learn ur lessons...
Tue, 05-31-2005, 09:15 PM
still he must suck pretty bad to lose THAT MUCH.
Wed, 06-01-2005, 01:18 AM
Hehe yeah, well I'd understand if you said you lost it playing blackjack. Hehe you must get a lot of comps.
Fri, 06-03-2005, 03:56 AM
Um...I work at a restaurant so I would go after work with my tips, around 40-60 bucks . It was a 3-6 game, 6-12 kill pots. Very loose. And Lets say I came in a pot for a raise with AK and flopped top pair and bet the whole way and got sucked out on the river. 6 (pre flop) 3 (flop) 6 (turn) 12(river, raised/called). That's 27 lost right there. That's about half my buy-in just to see one hand to the river. In a Kill pot it would be 54. So yeah, got addicted to the game and played every day and never left when I was up...I'd play from 10 pm until 6:30 AM then go to school. I really got addicted. And in about one year I lost like 10 grand. I'm a much better poker player now...but who cares, I could have 10 grand in my pocket right now.
And if anyone here is trying to make money at poker...don't play a 2/4 or 3/6 game. Too much loose play and the rake is too big compared to your buy in. And don't even think about "bluffing" I've called a raise because I thought someone was holding AK. Flop was crap, I check raise, bet on turn, bet on river, AK calls and wins with ace high. This happens a lot. Don't bluff in these small limit games. It's cheap to play these games if you want to just learn how to play however. If you want to make money, go for the higher limit games and make sure you have a good bankroll. If you're going to buy in for $500 in a 10/20 game, make sure you got like 10K, so the world is not over if you lose this time. Geese don't want to talk about poker anymore, brings me bad memories.
Fri, 06-03-2005, 06:47 AM
Damn most of the NYC poker places got raided and shut down.
Tue, 06-07-2005, 05:19 AM
Raided? what for?
Tue, 06-07-2005, 07:12 PM
OK, just got back from my poker club and it was the first time I have been so completely outplayed. I tell you about the hand and I want to see how guys would have played it.
130 person tourney NL Hold em
Blinds are at 350 and 700 chips
I have about 4500 chips
Im in 1st position, i get dealt AJ
I call, everyone else folds except big blind
He raises 700, I call
Flop comes down 2,4,8 (no flush possibilities)
He checks, I check
Turn card, A - so i have top pair
He bets 1000
I re-raise all in (ok, this is where i fucked up big time), he calls. (we both have roughly the same number of chips)
He turns over fucking 2 and 4. mutherfucker has two pair.
Obviously river brings nothing so i fuck off home.
I was convinced he had A and some shitty kicker, but he played me like a fool. I mean what the fuck raising pre-flop with 2,4 offsuit???? oh well.
How would any of you guys played this hand?
Tue, 06-07-2005, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by: Kenshiro
OK, just got back from my poker club and it was the first time I have been so completely outplayed. I tell you about the hand and I want to see how guys would have played it.
130 person tourney NL Hold em
Blinds are at 350 and 700 chips
I have about 4500 chips
Im in 1st position, i get dealt AJ
I call, everyone else folds except big blind
He raises 700, I call
Flop comes down 2,4,8 (no flush possibilities)
That's where you start playing like a pussy so you don't go ALL IN.
Tue, 06-07-2005, 08:06 PM
needless to say those hands are hard to guess, but also hard to win on...
he got lucky... and more lucky u had top pair (if you didn't have anything, you wouldn't have bet so much)
Tue, 06-07-2005, 09:01 PM
AJ in first position? i'd raise from the getgo.
but assuming i didn't and we both saw the flop, i'd raise at that point anyway. if anything, that'll force him to call (or raise) and it'll tell me that he got a piece of that flop. and that way, i won't have to lose any more money.
of course, i'm assuming this person is playing pretty tight. obviously ur style of play changes depending on who u're in the pot w/.
the guy raised w/ a 2,4 preflop b/c he thought he sensed a weakness. last position always has that advantage. u calling that preflop raise prolly let him kno that u definitely had some nice high cards. yes, he did get "lucky" on the flop but that's b/c u gave him the opportunity to do so. so the question is, if u came in first to call and raising preflop, would he have folded?
Wed, 06-08-2005, 03:23 AM
Originally posted by: Honoko
AJ in first position? i'd raise from the getgo.
the guy raised w/ a 2,4 preflop b/c he thought he sensed a weakness. last position always has that advantage. u calling that preflop raise prolly let him kno that u definitely had some nice high cards. yes, he did get "lucky" on the flop but that's b/c u gave him the opportunity to do so. so the question is, if u came in first to call and raising preflop, would he have folded?
I came to the same conclusion this morning.
Im always really cautious when playing from early position, but I guess this will teach me to not be such a pussy.
I am pretty sure if I had raised pre-flop he would have not have called.
Wed, 06-08-2005, 08:24 AM
Hehe ooo that sucks getting trapped. I would've raised to 2000 and see how fast he calls or raises me. Where do you play Ken?
Wed, 06-08-2005, 06:54 PM
Poker club called Gutshot. As far as i know its one of the two legal places to play in London.
Website is if there are any londoners here who fancy a go.
Wed, 06-08-2005, 06:57 PM
Who wants to play texas hold 'em tonight. I'm down if we can get about 6 people total.
Wed, 06-08-2005, 09:28 PM
I'll play if you're still having it.
Thu, 06-09-2005, 04:14 PM
hmm maybe we should try again, i'd go in and kenshiro i'd probably do the same you did except going all in.
Thu, 06-09-2005, 06:04 PM
How do you get money from internet poker anyway? Do they send a moneyorder of some sort.
Thu, 06-09-2005, 09:49 PM
hmm...i assumed he was using something like yahoo where everything is pretty much for fun, and internet credits where theres the option to go into a paying game...
Mon, 03-27-2006, 11:58 AM
hey guys... wanna revive this poker thread and see if anyone is interested! I was thinking we could hold a poker tournament amongst ourselves and crown the GW poker champ! Anyone in?
Mon, 03-27-2006, 12:30 PM
sounds like fun, i'm in. No real money though, can't play for real money yet since i'm not 18 years of age yet...
Mon, 03-27-2006, 12:33 PM
sounds like fun, i'm in. No real money though, can't play for real money yet since i'm not 18 years of age yet...
I think in most states you have to be 21 to gamble, so I'm sure the internet sites are the same.
BTW where are you guys planning on playing?
Mon, 03-27-2006, 12:36 PM
Nah sites located in Europe have an age limit of 18 and that is also the legal gambling age in most countries in Europe if not all.
Mon, 03-27-2006, 12:39 PM
Sounds fun. I'm in. My luck is bad in card games, so I'll prob lose fast, but whatever.
Zidarri the Exile
Mon, 03-27-2006, 01:03 PM
I don't mind playing poker with my friends now and again, but it's not one of my favorite card games. I just find poker boring after a few hands.
Mon, 03-27-2006, 01:17 PM
There's alot of diffrent poker games. Poker is the type of games that i never get tired of. It is quite boring if there is no money at stake though, you just doesn't focus like you should if there is no money involved.
Mon, 03-27-2006, 01:25 PM
There's alot of diffrent poker games. Poker is the type of games that i never get tired of. It is quite boring if there is no money at stake though, you just doesn't focus like you should if there is no money involved.
That, and without money, there is no reason to fold. All the skill, if you call bluffing a skill (which I do) go straight out the window without something on the line.
Mon, 03-27-2006, 04:32 PM
i'm pro at poker we should do this.........
Mon, 03-27-2006, 11:23 PM
ok should we do this on a weekend? weeknight? I say we meet up at a certain time in GW irc... and then we'll head over to party poker (download the thing if you don't have it) and get ourselves our private GW table! woot! I completely agree with the money incentive so we will prolly play with $6 per person tournament style... Good entertainment for 6 bucks imo...
I'm not sure if everybody has the power to do it, but I know if you ask me to refer you, you get $25 extra to whatever amount you deposit... you will have to play a certain number of hands in order for that money to be accessed by you
ok right now ppl who are interested
Mon, 03-27-2006, 11:34 PM
i am in but i don't have a pay pal account... and not interesting in playing friends for money besides... PSJ said he is not 18 yet. so if you gonna play .. some members gonna have to sit it out.. are you good at poker? from what i have read most of the other aren't that good at it so it might be a little unfair.. but $6 is not that bad.
Zidarri the Exile
Tue, 03-28-2006, 05:31 AM
I was hinting at the fact that I like poker, but not enough to spend money over the net, no offense.
I am a saver. I only spend what I absolutly have to, and splurge maybe once a month, if that. Take me out, sorry boys. No cigars for me tonight.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 07:28 AM
That, and without money, there is no reason to fold. All the skill, if you call bluffing a skill (which I do) go straight out the window without something on the line.
Yea that's true, people play alot more loose since they can't lose any money playing, so luck plays a bigger part in games without money.
I would love to play that tournament thing but i can't so i'm gonna have to sit this one out.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 08:27 AM
Which types of poker do you guys play?
Do any of you know Big2, other names for it are Pusoy Dos, Chinese poker.
I usually play this game with my friends and used to play it at work, if I don't play this I play Texas Hold 'em, don't usually play anything else, I rather Pusoy Dos though.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 08:31 AM
If its for money, I only gamble with friends or on football games, so I'm out. A gotwoot game for a title or for fun I would still get in on, though. That would also allow those underage kids (lucky bastards) to play as well.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 08:43 AM
kAi, can you teach me that Chinese poker?
I would also rather play a free game, that would allow all of us to join in on the fun.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 09:06 AM
Which types of poker do you guys play?
Do any of you know Big2, other names for it are Pusoy Dos, Chinese poker.
I usually play this game with my friends and used to play it at work, if I don't play this I play Texas Hold 'em, don't usually play anything else, I rather Pusoy Dos though.
With my friends and/or family, I play Texas Hold 'em, Omaha, 7 card stud, 5 card draw, and we tried razz but got frustrated. Fucking game makes hardly any sense, best hand is the worst, yet straights don't count (I forget if flushes count or not. Probably not)? Sigh. Online I play Omaha almost exclusivly, since it gives you a little more options than Texas Hold 'em, and its harder for the table to beat you or for draws.
Tue, 03-28-2006, 09:28 AM
There's two variants to chinese poker, it's pretty simple to get.
I play like normal poker rules
Suits from lowest to highest in chinese way: diamonds, clubs, hearts, spades
Cards from Lowest to highest. 3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-J-Q-K-A-2
5 card hands from lowest to highest:straights, flushes, fullhouse, four-of-a-kind+anotherCard, straight-flush
The lowest card in the game is 3d (3 of diamonds). highest card is 2s (2 of spades).
You can play single cards, doubles, triples and 5 card hands, there is no four card hand.
You deal 13 cards to each player, preferably to have 4 players, and deal the deck, 13 each. The person with the 3d starts the game, he can play this card as a single, double, triple, or 5 card hand, it doesn't matter, it's just that this person starts off the game.
e.g. a fullhouse. 3d, 3c, 3s, 5d, 5h
If you are playing single card hands, you must play singles until everyone has passed, and the last person to put a card down has control, then this person can play any amount of card down, be it double triple or 5 card hand.
If you can't put anything higher than the last card you pass, this can also be strategy, passing and letting other people play their higher cards first.
The idea of the game is to have no cards left.
================================================== ==
Although, there is another variation of this game (generally called chinese poker) where you have your 13 cards and you need to make your 3 best hands this way
Where the _ means 1 card.
_ _ _ = lowest hand / left over cards.
_ _ _ _ _ = Second highest/biggest hand
_ _ _ _ _ = Your highest/biggest hand.
5 card hands are always bigger than any other hand. Also the difference between this game is that now the 2 is the lowest card and the ace is highest.
but say you had a pair in the second highest hand, but a triple for the 3 card lowest hand, this is not possible because it can beat your higher hand.
The highest possible hand your cards can make weather it's only a pair of 6s, it needs to be in the highest hand and then you sort out your left over cards for the other two hands.
Hope that can clear up some things, which variation did you want to learn?
Tue, 03-28-2006, 06:19 PM
hey i'm totally down if GW is willing to give some sorta internet prize... maybe the extra title of poker king / queen?
Zidarri the Exile
Tue, 03-28-2006, 07:51 PM
I only know 5 Card Stud, and Seven Card.
Wed, 03-29-2006, 10:10 AM
Some sort of GW prize would be cool.
kAi, i'd like to learn the first one, also do you play this with money and in that case, how?
How does 5 card stud work? Is it like 7 card stud but with only 2 open cards?
Wed, 03-29-2006, 10:51 AM
Some sort of GW prize would be cool.
How does 5 card stud work? Is it like 7 card stud but with only 2 open cards?
Depends on who you play with. Everyone has their own 'house rules'. My family does 1 down, 3 up, then last down. I've seen some do 1 down 4 up (this one sucks) and 2 down 3 up. You can also just play where you get all 5 cards in your hand and none face up on the table. The more you have face up, the more often betting occurs, as well.
Wed, 03-29-2006, 11:16 AM
hey i'm totally down if GW is willing to give some sorta internet prize... maybe the extra title of poker king / queen?
What about all the losers giving the winner rep instead? I'm sure we're gonna be playing more than one game so if you keep on winning you'll eventually be able to give yourself the title poker king.
Wed, 03-29-2006, 03:47 PM
kAi, i'd like to learn the first one, also do you play this with money and in that case, how?
Well, it's more of a buy in to play.
Everyone puts in say 5 chips, winner takes all.
but there is also betting by how many cards that each loser has, say.
1-3: 1 chip
4-6: 2 chip
7-9"4 chip
10-12: 5 chip
13:+: 8 chip
or somsthing similar to that.
So say
loser 1 = 2 cards left
loser 2 = 4 cards left
loser3 = 9 cards left.
the winner gets 7 chips.
Thu, 03-30-2006, 12:17 AM
the way we bet in hong kong is you set an amount (ie. 1 dollar per card) and when one person loses all his cards, you count up the cards of each losing player and credit that amount to the winner...
i win... u have 3 cards left, john has 2, sarah has 7
i get 12 dollars
as a kiddy i played with 10 cards or more is double, 12 is triple, 13 is quadruple
but as i got older ppl play like 6 cards double, 8 cards triple, 10 cards quadruple etc. and u just keep getting punished exponentially if you hold alot of cards...
just remember strategy greatly varies based on how the betting system works because defensive play is more and more important as betting increases quicker
hey i'm totally down for rep points... someone can organize? how will this work? when?
Thu, 03-30-2006, 08:37 AM
Depends on who you play with. Everyone has their own 'house rules'. My family does 1 down, 3 up, then last down. I've seen some do 1 down 4 up (this one sucks) and 2 down 3 up. You can also just play where you get all 5 cards in your hand and none face up on the table. The more you have face up, the more often betting occurs, as well.
Hmm okey. Seems like seven card stud is more interesting than 5 card stud. But aside from house rules which style is the "official" of those?
Thanks for the explaination kAi.
Tue, 04-11-2006, 06:53 AM
I just finished playing an all night tournament. So much fun, especially when you win a satelitte to a cash tournament. :)
Wed, 04-12-2006, 10:39 AM
learned a new game might be interesting to those who have never heard of it.. basically think of it as poker with 4 hole cards but no position advantage ... it is called "iron cross"
i was taught this way... basically everyone gets dealt 4 hole cards and the community cards is 5 cards positioned as such:
* o
o x x
* x
hence the name "cross".... x represents face down cards, o represents face open
ignore the *
everyone either 'drops' their cards on a countdown or holds onto them...
you drop, you don't play, you hold on you play...
here is the interesting thing.... you choose one card from the board that you like and the 2 x's that form a line with the card you liked are also yours as community cards... make best 5 card hand....
if everyone drops, then ante up again... if more than 2 ppl are in, you faceoff, if only one person is in, this part gets interesting... he takes his row of community cards and he plays against a dealer who gets the other row and is dealt four hole cards and if he wins, he wins the pot, if he loses, the pot stays and he loses NOTHING... so the game theory comes to as to having the always positive return of being the only one left in the game.
Basic betting is antes if no money in pot, antes if everyone drops, and if shorthanded, antes if a person loses to a dealer.... if 2 ppl face off then one person grabs the pot whereas the other person has to match it and keep the same amount in there
It's hard to realize but pots grow quickly... and geometrically with the more ppl that play
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