View Full Version : Naruto 105 106 ( maybe more ) won't play
Mon, 05-23-2005, 02:13 PM
All the others (so far) in the 101-125 work but 105 and 106 just makes xvid close... It's not a codec problem i think, as i've sorted that out long ago.. Anyone else who can confirm it or do you think it's just my episodes? I deleted them and downloaded those two again, still won't work.. And i just found 105 on bearshare instead.. But does anyone know anything about this? I searched the forum and found no topic similar, i'm sorry if it is i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Mon, 05-23-2005, 02:46 PM
Are you letting the batch torrent finish (100%)? If it isn't complete, then thats probably the reason why its not working. You can watch the episodes that say Complete (when you click on Details) but not the ones that are at 99% or something else. I'm assuming thats the case since you said you got 105 from bearshare and its working. My guess is that your not letting the whole torrent finish.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:49 AM
No, that's not it... When the download isn't complete Xvid turns red on the screen, but this time it makes the whole program freeze.. Also, it's 100% (the whole torrent) downloaded now, and 105, 106 and 107 doesn't work.. I've tried deleting just those three episodes and make it redownload them, still doesn't work.. The ones i fond at bearshare wasn't aone it was Anbu and Dattebayo.. I'm just wondering if those episodes are corrupted or if it's a problem on my side.. I like to watch the same type of Sub on all episodes and Aone is my favourite so i would love to have the episodes from aone..
Tue, 05-24-2005, 02:34 PM
might be your xvid version -- are you running the latest? The screen turning red and freezing sounds like an older xvid version bugging out decoding something encoded in a newer xvid version. I recently had to update mine from 1.01 to 1.03, because 1.01 was segfaulting decoding a file I was working on.
If it's crashing in a consistent place, you might try opening it in virtualdub, just to find out what the actual decoder error is.
Also, check the CRC of the file (which should be redundant when using bittorrent, but that's beside the point). Make sure you've got exactly what you're supposed to have. And maybe use gspot on it, and test render it, to make sure it's going through a logical render path and playing back with what you want it to play with.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 05:28 AM
It's not the xvid version.. I updated it a few days ago.. Nero showtime and Windows media player also freezes.
And it's the whole file i think.. Anyways, i've seen up to episode 118 now(downloaded 105, 106, 107 trough bearshare) and it's no longer a problem for me.. And i don't know what CRC and Gspot is, and i don't know how to render it.. i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif But it's no longer a problem for mei/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Sun, 06-26-2005, 02:38 PM
i have problem playing my old episodes both Naruto and Bleach..the screen freezes and then the playback restarts again...and the problem occurs at a consistent place every single time...i have updated my xvid codecs and also i have tried gspot too and there aren't any errors...everything seems to be alright....the problem only started recently ....before that everything worked fine....i have tried everything...nothing seems to work....please someone help
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