View Full Version : Star Wars: III - Revenge of the Sith
Wed, 05-18-2005, 12:35 PM
Well, My mate got me the advanced screening ticket, and I just got back from watching it.
Darth Vader v Obi-wan Kenobi = Brilliant
Yoda v Darth Sidious = Brilliant
There's some good, funny parts, especially when Yoda walks into wear Sidious is, and just takes out those two guards instantly, FUUCK!~!!!
Damn the end where Sidious tells Vader that he killed Padme, god damn VADER IS COOL!!!!
Well, he's been my favourite character from Star Wars.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 04:17 PM
I'm going in just a few hours. I've been really cynical about the whole thing for awhile but now that I'm in the last few hours the fanboy in me is coming out... I am genuinely excited.
I've already read the novelization (good story, but I felt the author did a poor job) and watched my brother play through the PS2 game. Hopefully I wont be disappointed tonight. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Wed, 05-18-2005, 05:17 PM
yeah the author did do a bad job with it but it got the general idea across and it sounds awsome i have to wait til this weekend though because i have exams all week i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Thu, 05-19-2005, 02:16 AM
Just got back from seeing it. By far the best prequel. Had a few scenes with choppy dialogue... and in the end I really didn't care what happened to Padme (she might as well have just been a prop.). I felt they did a pretty good job of portraying the bond between Anakin and Obi-Wan; Good enough that I actually cared about how their duel played out, even though I already knew what would happen.
Yoda: Pimpin', that is all you need know.
Good stuff, folks.. I needs to get to bed now. Friggin' midnight showtimes.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 06:10 AM
booked my ticket for saturday, last saturday. would have gone last night but i have a big exam tomorrow so was busy revising. looking forward to it so much, and me and a mate are watching all 5 on friday afternoon & evening in preparation.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 10:22 AM
Just got back from seeing it - clearly the best prequel. Some of the dialogue was crappy, but that's just because Lucas can't write a script. Even so, the faults were so minor and the action/story so compelling that I didn't really care about the bad things, I was enjoying myself way too much.
Fantastic overall. I love how it slots in nicely and fits perfectly with the start of ep IV.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 12:05 PM
I don't remember the start of episode IV, is that the first of the old ones?
Thu, 05-19-2005, 12:17 PM
Yeah, it is noob, I mean Krb.
I loved it, the bad parts mean nothing overall from the movie.
Swallow Your Soul
Thu, 05-19-2005, 02:41 PM
Just saw it today and it was amazing, still some of the CG bothered me a little bit (though for the most part it worked well) and the big 'noooooooooooooo' was totally cheesy, besides that it was cool, the only one of the prequels that I actually liked (though to be fair I actually liked the novelisations of the first two to a certain extent). The fights were all cool, plus there was some pretty funny bits like R2 shocking the robots hand, then it boots him over, as well as the bit with yoda and the guards.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 11:01 PM
I loved it. Best of the 3 prequels.
There was some wooden dialog but I am suprised to say that Hayden Christensen's acting wasn't the worse, it was Natalie Portman's. The CG in the movie was better than any movie I have seen, and that is saying a lot.
There are two things in the movie that I think they could have improved on, and that is the Kashyyyk battle scenes and General Grevious scenes.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 11:44 PM
Very solid film. Check my blog entry on it for a summary of my thoughts.
Fri, 05-20-2005, 10:55 AM
I thought the CG was just jaw-dropping. I mean, it was far beyond the stage of "hey, that CG looks really good"; a lot of the time it actually looked real and it was difficult to tell the difference. For example, in a few of the battle scenes that had tanks rolling around, it looked like they'd built a real vehicle. Amazing stuff.
Is it because they put real time lighting over the top of it once it's animated? I don't know much about CG and how it's produced.
Fri, 05-20-2005, 11:07 AM
i don't think you can do that. But lucas has always done a pretty decent job...
The Yoda Sideous fight in the senate auditorium WAS BEAUTIFUL...
but i think the funniest scene was R2 starting the fire...
they also should have gotten peter mayhew back for chewbacca... the new one doesn't sit right, i dunno why.
Javva the Hutt for LIFE!
Fri, 05-20-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by: Konoha Rek
i don't think you can do that. But lucas has always done a pretty decent job...
The Yoda Sideous fight in the senate auditorium WAS BEAUTIFUL...
but i think the funniest scene was R2 starting the fire...
they also should have gotten peter mayhew back for chewbacca... the new one doesn't sit right, i dunno why.
Javva the Hutt for LIFE!
Peter Mayhew DID play Chewbacca. (
Sat, 05-21-2005, 12:18 AM
Overall I thought it was the best of the prequals. Although there are all kinds of issues that really nagged me throughout. First of all WTF was George smoking when he cast Christian Hayden as Anakin? Same goes for Nadalie Portman as Padme. Either they both are really bad actors or lucus isn't very good at handling dialogue. There are just some painful scenes between the two and I can't stop but think that there must be at least hundreds of other people who are far more qualified. The animated Anikan in the clone wars animated shorts has more emotion. Hell get the kid who plays Harry Potter or even some of the forum members here could do a better job with delivering dialogue then Mr. Hayden does.
Also what was the point of even mentioning qui gon jin towards the end of the movie? I was really excited about seeing him come back for a brief final scene in his ghostly etheral form like we've seen in the original trilogy. I'm guessing that George decided to cut the scene at the last mintue, hopefully we'll see it in an unrated directors cut when the film comes to DVD. Although I most applaud lucus for practically every scene with yoda. He probably gave the best performance in the film. I really just loved the scenes where you could see his poor little heart being wretched out as the clone troopers executed order 66. I think that yoda will be up there with Gullum as one of the best performances ever given by a CGI character. Political undertones were also very nice and forboding. If anything this prequal trilogy was less about the rise of darth vader and more so the political machinations and creation of the empire. It was Papatines trilogy, since he was the one orchestrating everything behind the scenes. Although the whole thing about him kidnapping himself in the beginning of the film was just dumb no matter how you look at it.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 02:57 AM
It's not the actors. The two of them are fine actors in their own right - it's Lucas. He's too arrogant to get help with the writing of the screenplay, eps V and VI were much better because he had help. I personally thought Hayden Christensen was perfectly cast - he had the right look in relation to Jake Lloyd and Mark Hamill, and I thought he had a real evil aura about him and good screen presence.
True, Natalie Portman was kind of shit in this movie, but she can only work with the material that she's given. Other movies she's done she's given fantastic performances. It's a pity Lucas dragged her down with him.
The part with Qui-Gon Jinn at the end was to introduce the concept of talking to those close to you who have died so that it could be done with Obi-Wan in ep V. A good way to suggest that it can be done so it's not a complete shock in the later movie. Also, in the novelisation of this movie (I haven't read it) apparently Qui-Gon talks to Obi-Wan briefly, and it obviously wasn't part of the final movie cut.
I personally think Palpatine's kidnapping wasn't dumb at all, it was a clever ploy to remove himself from all possible suspicion and accusation. If anything, it was probably a trap to either kill Obi-Wan and Annakin, or allow an opportunity for Annakin to be manipulated by Palpatine. I have no idea why you think it was so dumb.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 05:31 AM
i actually liked this movie alot. before taking my seat i was sceptical and thought, well i gotta see this one anyway. but when i got up from my seat it was a diffrent story.
first of all i think this movie really made Vader the best character in all the movies, the others are either completly good or bad. in this one vader seems something in between.
As for the scenes with portman and christensen(sp?) its clearly the sucky dialog, lucas can't write a dialog between two people that love each other appearently. The first time i noticed was the first scene at the balcony between portman and christensen. it just plain sucked, who would talk like that? there were some other bits here and there that sounded really bad to. I felt that christensen was the perfect choice for anakin, he seemed so evil yet wanted to help the people he loved at all cost, and he wasnt a whiny pussy like he was in ep II. I loved the scene where Vader screams, it marks the end to anakin and the begining of vader, the transformation is complete.
One thing that bothered me tho was how easy all the jedi's was shot down, especially the council members should be able to do a little more than get suprised when they get a shot in the neck. windu went down pretty fast to, it felt a little rushed at the end when they had to close it up. ewan mcgregor did a good job in this one, he got closer to how alec guiness handled the role in the old movies.
am i the only one who reacted at the clone guys name? cody? wtf is that? i just cant take that name seriously.
all in all i think it was a great movie and it tied the lose strings up pretty good. i would like to see re-makes on the old movies for some reason, with new actors and fixed enviroments and such. i just dont like hamill as luke and carrie fisher as leia.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 10:58 AM
i cant wait to see it tonight.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 02:28 PM
Just saw it last night. Pretty good overall, except for the dialogue, which sucked (I'm still laughing at some of those parts like "Your breaking my heart, Anakin!"...Really???) Well, as said by most, those two fights were excellent with Yoda, Darth Sidious, and Anakin, Obi-wan. R2 and Yoda rock!
Sat, 05-21-2005, 02:54 PM
this movie did good acting as the main storyliner. Other movies such as "Matrix Reloaded" sucked as storyliners, soo boring, lucas did good job by encorperating action into this mainly storyline movie.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 05:56 PM
Good movie, but it was more of a collection of horrible acting.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 06:03 PM
whow i just saw it.
i wasn't planing on watching the oldskool star wars but after seeing this... i just have to watch them.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 06:17 PM
Saw it a few hours ago, and as pretty much all of you have said, its an awesome film! Best of the "new" trilogy.
All of the action/CG sequences were amazing. And the Obi/Anakin fight rocked!
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
One thing that bothered me tho was how easy all the jedi's was shot down, especially the council members should be able to do a little more than get suprised when they get a shot in the neck. windu went down pretty fast to, it felt a little rushed at the end when they had to close it up.
That part bugged me as well. Although, the scenery that each of the Jedi were in was very beautiful.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 07:29 PM
well its my turn now to tell you guys what I thought of the movie(wooo...hooo), I had written one earlier but the computer went retarded and everything screwed up.
So overall the movie the movie was fantastic(with the exception of it screwing up three(3) times when the play was going on(the video just stopped and yes there was booing), even if it felt a bit rushed(Im sure some of you guys noticed that) it was still good, but there were a couple of problems that I think George could've done better:
1. General Grevious/Dooku(Im doing Grevious first). As a whole I felt that Grevious was a waste of time(not really a waste, but it was a shame that they didnt do more with him in the movie(keep in mind that I know full well what this movie was about)). They spent so much time putting hype on him, and his four lightsaber capabilities and his magnaguards(the robot things with the electric staffs) and what happens: his droids get taken out with little to no effort, and he gets his hands chopped off in 20 secs. not much of a performance. I had hoped that they spent some more time as to actually tell the audience that he had internal organs(I know everything about GG and he was originally organic(theres a story as to why hes in that shell), but seeing as to how the movie isnt about him it didnt bother me.
with Dooku I felt that his overall appearance was very weak when it could've been one of the strongest in the movie; sure his "I sense fear in you boy hate, anger but you dont use them" line was great but there was so much noise you could barely hear it. And don't get me wrong I loved the fight but like the GG fight they could've made it longer(it originally was but they cut it out). If GL had made this movie longer(he has this thing for making all of his movies 2 hrs. and 20 mins.) we would've had more insight on these two then just 20 minutes of nothing(beautiful nothing mind you)
2. How fast it all went. While this movie was amazing, it felt so sped up. one minute Im watching Yoda and Anakin talk about his problems the next Im looking at Anakin bowing to the incredible voice changing Sidious(that was a symbolization of Sidious being in Anakins head "brainwashing him"(if you notice: once Anakin gets up he starts repeating everything Sidious says(like the line:
Sidious: I believe the Jedis next move will be to attack the Senate
now Vader: I agree, they will attack the Senate), but as always time was an issue so they had to keep the boat moving.
3. As many of you have said the way how the master/knights died was strange. Its amazing how Ki-Adi Mundi(big head guy on the snow planet who said come on) blocked 6 shots and took out 2/3 troopers and then gets shot down; While a young padawan(who was in fact Georges Son) took out 8 before he was taken out. But you have to also factor in the fact that none of them knew this was happening so yeah theres really nothing you can do about that(and also because more or less in some cases they were really close to each other so there wasn't really anthing the Jedi could do)(example: Aayla Secura(the blue one on the weird looking forest planet).
4. The scenes that were actually cut from the movie. And boy was there alot let me list some for you:
1. When Obi-wan, Mace and Yoda are on the CT transport and they are talking about Anakin, the part you didnt hear was their views on how they should deal with the Sith when they finally found him/her(they dont know who it is, so its necessary for me to state both genders). That alone showed that even if they are on the same team and follow the same code they are nothing alike.
2.Another which I thought might've worked in the final version of the film was the Qui-gon scene. When Bail Organ comes to tell Yoda that Obi-wan has returned(with Padme) maybe a minute before that we see Yoda talking to Qui-gon(through the force) about how to retain ones identity in the force(at that point in the movie Yoda becomes Qui-gons apprentice). That would've helped the people who didnt know what the hell was going on, because I saw alot of confused people after the film was over.
Anywho I thought the movie was amazing, by far one of the best(if not the best) scifi movies I've ever scene, and even though what I've written may seem like "bashing to some of you" there are thousands of others that think there are some problems with this movie.
ps: there were little easter eggs in this movie that I thought were funny as well:
1. The Millenium Falcon, well at least it was the same type of ship(it was pretty easy to spot)
2. George Lucas' daughter(she was the fat girl in the background on the right when Palps came to greet the jedi(there was also some fat hippo guy there too)
3. and last but not least George Lucas himself(when Anakin was running up the stairs to meet Palpetine in the ball room, you see two blue people at the top of the stairs at the door, the guy on the left in GL(with his daughter on the left).
Movie rocked and Im definately seeing it again(I have to after all this stuff I wrote)
Sat, 05-21-2005, 07:54 PM
I personally thought the film could have been better. They rushed the ending... some bad acting in most parts.... and didn't show Darth Vader with his red lightsaber!!
I was hoping that would be the parting shot; Vader pulling out his red lightsaber.... then credits.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 08:05 PM
grievous WAS clone wars, he was just too cool there
and the grievous kenobi fight while the ship was tilting, was also cut from the movie ( they would fight on the glass, really cool)
also sucky the teras kasi clone troopers didnt make it in the movie ( the are SOO awesome, they fight off against obi wan)
Sat, 05-21-2005, 09:23 PM
The thing that bothered me was some dialouges. For instance. When Anakin killed Windu, he at first said " what have I done", then in an instance he was like, teach me the ways of the dark side master (couldn't quote that, forgot what he said i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif). And another one was when they put the darth vader suit on him, he asked how was Padme, then some dark side force action finishing with the cheesiest line ever "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". But the scenematics were greatly done! They were awesome.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
The thing that bothered me was some dialouges. For instance. When Anakin killed Windu, he at first said " what have I done", then in an instance he was like, teach me the ways of the dark side master (couldn't quote that, forgot what he said ). And another one was when they put the darth vader suit on him, he asked how was Padme, then some dark side force action finishing with the cheesiest line ever "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". But the scenematics were greatly done! They were awesome.
Ya, thats what you get when George does all the scripts him self. lol
The scene that bothered me the most was fraken-vader when he got up the first time. It is understandable that he would get up like that the first time after getting new legs and what not but it just looked too much like frakenstien.
Overall cool movie though.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 10:50 PM
I'm not gay or anything, but I'd do Hayden Christensen after seeing that movie now.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 10:53 PM
i think the whole windu thing is reasonable, i mean he was still trembling and stuff when he bowed, he just wanted the power to save padme, for him it was like doing a (great) evil for the greater good ( or, lucas just screwed up i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif)
and yeah vader getting up, i think they shouldnt have locked his arms like that, thats what made him look like a monster going mad
Sat, 05-21-2005, 11:30 PM
I just came back from watching this movie and Episode 3 is easily the best out of the series. The Obi-Wan/Anakin and Yoda/Darth Sidious fights were just too cool! I could really feel what Obi-Wan was saying after he chopped up Anakin like that. They could have definetly made the scene in the Jedi Temple if they showed Anakin take on all the Jedi in there (hey, thats what they did in the game). The part where he took out his saber on the kids...damn, I was shocked to see that. Overall, kickass movie!
Sat, 05-21-2005, 11:44 PM
well to tell you the truth NM, that was more or less cut as well, along with a scene with Shaak Ti getting decapitated; sad I know, but at least we have GLs son taking out eight clone troopers before he gets shot down i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sat, 05-21-2005, 11:56 PM
Yeah I really enjoyed the movie, I wonder if there gonna show Qui Gon Jinn teaching Obi Wan in the Star Wars TV series in 2006?
Sun, 05-22-2005, 12:09 AM
Another part I didn't like was the fact that Obi Wan called Palpatine an 'Emporer' when he was at the Jedi Temple with Yoda, when he wasn't there for the Senate meeting. As up to that point he has always been 'Chancellor' to him, and suddenly he knows him as an 'Emporer'.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 12:18 AM
disappointed...but relieved that its the last of the star wars movies. i think i'm gonna go back and watch the empire strikes back and the other ones after this one. i guess i had such high expectations for the movie. my star wars was a little rusty too, i called padme "leah" at the beginning of the movie.
shame on me, shame-on-me...
ps: yoda is a bad ass mother fucker or a mother fucker bad yoda is
Sun, 05-22-2005, 12:20 AM
put bad in front of mother and I think you got it i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
and its not really that strange that Obi knew that Sidious is the new "emperor", its obvious that Bail Organa told them about it
Sun, 05-22-2005, 12:54 AM
Bail Organa was at the meeting late, he didn't have time to tell Obi Wan, he wasn't at the meeting yet.
Unless he found out over comlink.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 02:15 AM
Originally posted by: XwingRob
I wonder if there gonna show Qui Gon Jinn teaching Obi Wan in the Star Wars TV series in 2006?
Wait. TV series!? There's gonna be a TV series!?
Sun, 05-22-2005, 02:24 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: XwingRob
I wonder if there gonna show Qui Gon Jinn teaching Obi Wan in the Star Wars TV series in 2006?
Wait. TV series!? There's gonna be a TV series!?
Link (
Sun, 05-22-2005, 03:06 AM
Your kidding me! I heard that George Lucas said he didn't want anything to do with Star Wars once he completes episode III. Though it was kind of weird when I heard it. I didn't think he would stop his money making empire anyway. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Sun, 05-22-2005, 05:58 AM
went to see it last night, after watching all 5 other star wars. id forgotten how shit ep 1&2 are so went into ep 3 not expecting much better but was pleasantly surprised! some of the scripting and acting was a bit wooden but the fights and CG were superb. especially loved how the tracking shot of ani's and obi-wan's ships at the beginning showed you the whole battle scene in the background. that was great eye candy. and did anyone notice the millenium falcon at the beginning on the dock? thought that was very cheeky of lucas. i was so relieved that haden's acting had improved, it was so shit in ep 2 that it ruined the movie for me. sideous was superb, and his transition from chancellor to sith lord on the screen was amazing. i loved how he begged for mercy, really showing you his true colours. i was annoyed that you heard that padme had her babies successfully and you saw where they went and their names. cos if people watch all 6 in order without having seen any before the shock that luke is lea's brother, and vader their father is completely lost.
overally very enjoyable and will probably go and see it again.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 07:02 AM
i saw the movie and now i''m going to play the game but is it good.
because i don't want to download it for 2 day's and then get a shity game.
plz tell me.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 09:42 AM
check some reviews of it. gamespot is pretty good for reviews
Sun, 05-22-2005, 10:03 AM
If you watched them in order you'd know straight away.
You'd know that Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) is Luke Skywalker's Father. Well I'd think it would be, as he would be the only possible person to be called Skywalker.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Your kidding me! I heard that George Lucas said he didn't want anything to do with Star Wars once he completes episode III. Though it was kind of weird when I heard it. I didn't think he would stop his money making empire anyway.
there is gonna be a tv series, starring aayla secura ( the blue twi'lek female jedi), yes she survived somehow( maybe the clones just stunned her.....for other purposes i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif)
Sun, 05-22-2005, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Your kidding me! I heard that George Lucas said he didn't want anything to do with Star Wars once he completes episode III. Though it was kind of weird when I heard it. I didn't think he would stop his money making empire anyway.
I wasn't really suprised that there making a Star Wars TV. I mean, heck yeah, he can continue to make new games and what not for all time.
I am suprised, that George Lucas is gonna be so involved for the first season(edit: that's what I heard anyways). Since, like you said, he wasn't gonna do Star Wars anymore.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by: kAi
If you watched them in order you'd know straight away.
You'd know that Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) is Luke Skywalker's Father. Well I'd think it would be, as he would be the only possible person to be called Skywalker.
yeah i suppose you're right on second thoughts. the revelation that vadar is luke's dad and lea his sister was one of the best twists ive ever seen in movies. on rewatching the old films i see that lucas didnt actually direct 5&6, which were, in my opinion, the best of the lot. it's a shame he directed he directed 1&2 as they turned out pretty crap, but 3 was acceptable. they should have gotten Irvin Kershner to direct 1&2 (and probably 3 too) as strike back was the best by far i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 05-22-2005, 09:43 PM
Yeah, it's hard for me to choose which movie is my favourite, I've always had trouble choosing between Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi, coz they're both good, and have different things going for them.
A TV show on this would be awesome, and if the TV series goes pretty big, I would like more done for after ROTJ, with Luke, Han, Leia, and their stories afterwards, because there is some good stories, where Luke starts up a Jedi Training place, and then you got Mara Jade, and lots of other stories, if they don't do it Live Action, I would like to see this animated, it would be good I think.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 10:14 PM
well your in luck Kai, it just so happens that they are doing two tv shows:
one will take place during the clone wars and will be in CG, while the other will be live action and will take place during the time between ROTS and ANH
Sun, 05-22-2005, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by: kAi
Another part I didn't like was the fact that Obi Wan called Palpatine an 'Emporer' when he was at the Jedi Temple with Yoda, when he wasn't there for the Senate meeting. As up to that point he has always been 'Chancellor' to him, and suddenly he knows him as an 'Emporer'.
Yeah I noticed that too. It was while Obi-Wan and Yoda were at the temple that Palpatine was announcing the creation of the Empire, so there's no way Obi-Wan could have known or been told.
And Knives122, I heard it was Lucas' nephew, not his son.
Mon, 05-23-2005, 12:18 AM
R2-D2 owns in this movie. its a good movie
Mon, 05-23-2005, 06:21 AM
@ CmDr_RavEn: at the place I go to( everyone says it was his son, but it doesnt matter; son or nephew that was one of the coolest parts in the movie
Mon, 05-23-2005, 08:17 PM
I finally saw Revenge of the Sith tonight, and I've got to admit I enjoyed it. Although I have to agree with everyone who said the first part was rushed. I would start getting into a scene and bam they would cut to something else again. No one part was really long enough to stand out, felt edited to pieces. The ending battles were really the saving grave of this movie. Very nicely done and they were given the time they deserved.
I actually thought Christensen and Portman did alright in their roles. McGregor I was more disappointed in. You'd think that after his best friend betrayed him and all that the Jedi stood for Obi-wan be a LITTLE more upset. I mean, Yoda had better acting. But overall a movie worth seeing.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 09:30 AM
ahh sounds really good.. cant wait to see it =)
Tue, 05-24-2005, 01:46 PM
Catching it tomorrow night. I'm really looking forward to it. Just like many of you guys, I was vastly disappointed with ep2 (though I actually liked ep1 quite a bit). Ep2's sub-par acting and horrible dialogue really put me off beyond words, but ep3 has me very excited since I hear all these good words about it. I will probably pick up the original trilogy DVD-boxset before the movie too. Just one of those things every man should have in his shelf (next to the LOTR trilogy!)
Star Wars <3
Tue, 05-24-2005, 02:26 PM
@Terra: Don't forget the God father trilogy
I saw this on saturday and some of it was cheesy, and some of it was amazing. I really liked the fight between obi wan and anikan, very dark but very good.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 03:12 PM
i wasnt really a fan of that fight between obi wan and anakin cos they kept stumbling and hesitating on the thin rod. seeing as theyre both amazing jedi id expect them to be doing back flips and some good acrobatics, not losing their balance. the scenery was pretty cool though
Tue, 05-24-2005, 06:30 PM
anybody else think it was a bit weird that Windu could beat Palpatine but Yoda couldn't? I know that they are both masters, but then Yoda seems to be the strongest of all the jedi
Tue, 05-24-2005, 06:43 PM
yoda is force user elite
mace windu is close combat teras kasi elite, palpatine is also a force user elite, and up close force user will get beaten by close combateers ( kinda like taijutsu vs. sharingan )
but still yes yoda should have won, i mean he deflected the double lightning, but he fell way down, and dont forget hes 800+ years old, and walks around with a cane, he uses the force to move around like that when he's fighting, if it was just force on force, or an even room ( like the first room they were in ), yoda would've won
Tue, 05-24-2005, 06:53 PM
well I remember reading(I think in the book) that during that fight with sids, they were completely equal, and if yoda wanted to kill sidious then he would have to die as well(which he was prepared to do); but like you said that fall messed him up(plus he lost his robe, and we all know yoda can't fight with out his robe i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif ).
plus yoda was on the clock if you didnt notice and since "big blue guy with horns who ran out the room when the fight started" ran out of the room to go get security, he really didnt have that much time to try and kill sids(it would've taken longer)
Tue, 05-24-2005, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by: Roko
anybody else think it was a bit weird that Windu could beat Palpatine but Yoda couldn't? I know that they are both masters, but then Yoda seems to be the strongest of all the jedi
It never entered your mind that Palpatine allowed himself to be beaten?
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:12 PM
yeah yoda wouldve owned him if he still had the robe i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif,
and i dont think palpatine intentionally got defeated, sids is not even close to the lvl of close combat mastery as mace, and as you noticed mace not only BLOCKED his ultra powerfull lightning, he reflected it as wel ( btw this part of the post is not for you knivesi/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif), sids knew already he would win because of anakin, if anakin didnt show up however, mace would've ended the empire right there
edit: knives could you tell me how you did that swampy desert effect in your sig
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
and i dont think palpatine intentionally got defeated, sids is not even close to the lvl of close combat mastery as mace, and as you noticed mace not only BLOCKED his ultra powerfull lightning, he reflected it as wel ( btw this part of the post is not for you knives), sids knew already he would win because of anakin, if anakin didnt show up however, mace would've ended the empire right there
Ya, and I'm sure he really was weak and in great pain like he said just before he lit windu up and then seemed perfectly fine.
Windu was only "winning" because plapatine allowed it. The whole thing was to play on Anakin's emotions and get him to make a move rather than being uncertain the whole time.
The fight was way too fast for windu to have won too, do you think he could have pulled that off on Yoda? Yoda and palpatine seemed to be on even grounds, no?
Tue, 05-24-2005, 07:33 PM
he was in pain, his lighting showed to be 10x stronger than dooku's, and it shot back in his face, also he used alot of force, because the force shroud FELL, he couldnt maintain it ne more, because of the mass force he released on windu, BUT he dit OVERact about it, he wasnt in great pain, but he was hurting for sure, he was just pulling of an act so anakin would intervene ( spelling? ), mace WOULD eventually have won, he is more than experienced to fend of sids' force attacks, and his close combat is unmatched
Tue, 05-24-2005, 08:06 PM
"Padme......i saw him.......he killed youngins........."
noooo......not the youngins!!!
am i the only one annoyed at all the cameos that keep showing up in these first 3 movies?
im not talking about actor cameos, im talking about characters that we've known from eps 4-6, such as chewbacca. Ok seriously, why did george feel the need to put chewbacca in there? On a planet full of wookies, one of the two that saw yoda off happened to be the same wookie that we later see as part of a rogue team with han solo. I was under the impression that chewy was more of a "my home is the endless reaches of space" kinda guy anyway, he shouldn't have been involved in some big battle on his hometown.
I might as well go even further and question the whole motivation behind boba fett's part in the 2nd movie while im at it. When we see boba fett in the original 3 movies, did we think that he had a connection to the clone army? No. Do you suppose even GL intended that? Probably not. As far as I'm aware, boba fett was introduced into the series as generic bounty hunter X that served as a plot device to deliver han to the hut. I would even go so far as to say the whole ordeal with jango and boba was ONLY put into episode 2 as fanservice.....
Eh, maybe its no big deal.....but it kinda ruins the whole "the universe is a big place" kinda feel, if you ask me
Another thing that bugs me.....didnt the obi-wan vs vader fight seem alot more emotional than the rematch that took place in episode 4? Not saying that it shouldve been less emotional, but their second fight just pales in comparison, if you think about it
Tue, 05-24-2005, 08:31 PM
But the second fight was what? around 15, 20 years afterwards? Obi-wan's already an old man by then, and Anakin has had time to improve on his skills, especially since he is still young. Obi-wan's objective was to save Luke, no matter the cost, even if it meant his life. I guess you can say he developed the same bond he had with Anakin before he became Vader, with Luke. That's also a lot of time to think, and there was that little idea of Obi-wan talking to Qui-gon's spirit that was thrown in. Some advice to move on, I suppose?
But still, I understand what you're saying. The second fight just seemed to be like "well, we meet again after so long. You've grown a lot, but it's time to say byebye" while the fight in episode 3 was more like "DAMN! Why'd you turn to the dark side?!"
Tue, 05-24-2005, 08:43 PM
@Assertn: well the real reason why the wookie fight was even in this movie was b/c GL wanted to have them in there in ROTJ but he didnt have enough money so he went with the ewoks *shudders*. but they did have a point; after the empire kicked off, they forced the wookies into building it, and Han got Chewy out, and at that point Chewbacca did that whole "life debt" thing and started hanging out with Han(he was going to be in this movie too, but they decided not to put him in there). But hey, let the crazy ass old man do what he wants, they are his movies after all
Tue, 05-24-2005, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
I might as well go even further and question the whole motivation behind boba fett's part in the 2nd movie while im at it. When we see boba fett in the original 3 movies, did we think that he had a connection to the clone army? No. Do you suppose even GL intended that? Probably not. As far as I'm aware, boba fett was introduced into the series as generic bounty hunter X that served as a plot device to deliver han to the hut. I would even go so far as to say the whole ordeal with jango and boba was ONLY put into episode 2 as fanservice.....
Not to mention the fact that we now know that the stonecold badass Boba Fett once was a whiney (and fugly) kid.
We didn't fucking need that.
(even though Boba owns)
Tue, 05-24-2005, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by: Knives122
@Assertn: well the real reason why the wookie fight was even in this movie was b/c GL wanted to have them in there in ROTJ but he didnt have enough money so he went with the ewoks *shudders*. but they did have a point; after the empire kicked off, they forced the wookies into building it, and Han got Chewy out, and at that point Chewbacca did that whole "life debt" thing and started hanging out with Han(he was going to be in this movie too, but they decided not to put him in there). But hey, let the crazy ass old man do what he wants, they are his movies after all
wait, are you dissing ewoks!?! Ewoks rule! The own all with their primitive weapons!
Wed, 05-25-2005, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
he was in pain, his lighting showed to be 10x stronger than dooku's, and it shot back in his face, also he used alot of force, because the force shroud FELL, he couldnt maintain it ne more, because of the mass force he released on windu, BUT he dit OVERact about it, he wasnt in great pain, but he was hurting for sure, he was just pulling of an act so anakin would intervene ( spelling? ), mace WOULD eventually have won, he is more than experienced to fend of sids' force attacks, and his close combat is unmatched
There is no way to say one way or the other for sure but in my opinion, GL wanted us to see that it was an act and Palpatine was not ingured at all. I thought the steam comming off of him from the lightning instantly going away when palpatine wanted to get up and attack showed this along with how quickly he recovered.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 02:54 AM
I'm pretty sure that if Anakin hadn't showed up when he did, Palpatine would have died right there. It was good, because it shows that while Palpatine is very powerful, he's not invincible. I'd say the whole "I'm so weak, save me Anakin!" thing was an act, because he knew he'd save him. But everything before Anakin showed up was real.
When it comes to 1v1 lightsaber combat, Palpatine couldn't match Windu, because he's more of a force master while Windu's a swordsman. His saber flew out the window, you think he did that on purpose?
Wed, 05-25-2005, 02:55 AM
OF COURSE the black man is killed.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 03:03 AM
Of course, and screaming like a girl as well. Lucas could have had him go out like the man he was but no.
Wed, 05-25-2005, 06:30 AM
windu wasnt even meant to have a proper fight with sidious, it was only put in cos samuel L jackson said he wanted a fight of his own. it's not in the original script
Wed, 05-25-2005, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by: Roko
Originally posted by: Knives122
@Assertn: well the real reason why the wookie fight was even in this movie was b/c GL wanted to have them in there in ROTJ but he didnt have enough money so he went with the ewoks *shudders*. but they did have a point; after the empire kicked off, they forced the wookies into building it, and Han got Chewy out, and at that point Chewbacca did that whole "life debt" thing and started hanging out with Han(he was going to be in this movie too, but they decided not to put him in there). But hey, let the crazy ass old man do what he wants, they are his movies after all
wait, are you dissing ewoks!?! Ewoks rule! The own all with their primitive weapons!
yes I am saying Ewoks suck, they are the rats of the SW universe
Wed, 05-25-2005, 07:29 PM
hey, but ewoks turned the tide in the war. Without them, the shield generators would nvr have gone down. They were and are underestimated
Wed, 05-25-2005, 10:47 PM
ewoks are cool, anyone seen caravan of courage: an ewok adventure, I still got that on tape since like 15 years ago
Thu, 05-26-2005, 06:41 AM
Okay I saw the movie and damn was it good.
Shortly I'm gonna rewatch the original trilogy as well. I just remembered how much I love this shit.
Anyway about ep 3, as everyone have said there were some cheesy moments but overall they didn't matter. I'm just glad GL didn't mess up Obi-Wan's final words to Anakin.
So yeah, great stuff. Nice to see it all wrapped up.
@kAi: Is that the animated one you're talking about? If so, I saw it, have a lot of memories from seeing it as a kid.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 08:54 AM
I totally loved this movie. One of my friends maintains that Padme and Anakin should not be allowed to speak to each other ("You're so beautiful." "I'm only beautiful because I'm so in love." .....give me a break) but that doesn't even come close to ruining the awesomeness of the movie as a whole. I think they did a good job of capturing the feel and the atmosphere of the original trilogy.
And Ewoks are so cool. I used to watch the cartoon, and I think I watched the movie(s?) as well. I can't quite remember because it was so long ago, but I think there was more than one movie made....all I can remember is some family fighting alongside the Ewoks.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 09:12 AM
There were 2 Ewok movies. The first one was to save the Towani kids' (Cindel and Mace?) parents from some giant pig-monster thing. The second was the ewoks, Cindel and some old man fighting space pirates or some shit. Most notable thing about the 2nd movie was that Cindel's family got rubbed out and she finally gets off the forest moon.
Cindel's one goofy lookin' kid.
Also, Warwick Davis is pimp.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 09:58 AM
Warwick Davis FTW! That guy can do no wrong.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 01:45 PM
Since the series is now wrapped up, let's all write in what order they come quality-wise. This is mine:
V > VI > IV > III > I > II
Empire Strikes Back was just awesome all the way through, as was Return of the Jedi, but the prior had the most awesome ending out of all Star Wars movies (you all know what I mean...), also, Han Solo's clothes were great in V (he's my favorite SW character). IV is tightly behind but I see it mostly as a set-up for V & VI. III was without a shadow of doubt the best prequel part. The Phantom Menace & Attack of the Clones were both below-par, but 'Clones was by far the worst... awkward dialogue, stupid plot (which moved way too fast) and the Boba Fett butchering. At least 'Menace was fun (I kinda enjoyed Jar Jar... occasionally) and I really liked Qui-Gon. He was a very badass jedi (I liked how he didn't follow the regulations as "tight" as he was supposed to). Darth Maul was pretty memorable too despite his short amount of appearances. Double-bladed lightsaber = teh win.
Thu, 05-26-2005, 08:46 PM
Hmm... for me I think it is
VI > V > III > IV > II > I
I felt III was better than IV just because of the pure emotion in III.
I thought all of them were good movies though. But GL should have had help and someone to constructively criticize him, especially when it comes to dialogue between Padme and Anakin.
Sun, 05-29-2005, 02:02 PM
OK just got back from watching the movie... I think it was OK. I had heard people say it is an awesome movie but maybe I have tougher standards than most people...
The most cheesiest thing was Darth Vader screaming NOooooooooooooo at he end... VADER DOES NOT SCREAM "NOOOOOOOOO" OVER A GIRL, EVEN IF HE LOVES HER. THATS NOT THE VADER IN THE NEXT TRILOGY.
As for my view on the Mace vs Palpatine fight, I think that Mace would have ended up killing him if Anakin had not intervened.
The dialogue in this movie was still not to the level of the original trilogy.
It kinda seems weird to me that it takes about 20-25 years to make the first Death Star and only like 10 years to make 3/4 of another one after the first one is destroyed.
Anakin was shown to be too emotional in this one again. Vader is much more of a thinking poltictican in terms of strategy in the original trilogy, here he is shown to be too naive in following the emperor.
More to follow later from me I guess....
Sun, 05-29-2005, 04:21 PM
Well...anything about Vaders personality changing 20 years from now can be attributed to age, and because of his training of the Dark Side or what not. And the Death probably didn't take as long the second time because they already know how to make it without any setbacks or delays this time around.
Sun, 05-29-2005, 04:45 PM
I dont think thats the case... u dont start building a massive space station like the death star without having blueprints or how to make the thing charted out... even if u dont make the same mistakes as u did before there is no way that you would be stupid enough to make 18 years worth of mistakes first time around.
Sun, 05-29-2005, 05:26 PM
well the emperor did already forsee anakin and stuff, what if he for saw that the deathstar could be destroyed, and started building the second 1 along with the first 1, but with lower priorities..........
that would kinda make sence?
Mon, 05-30-2005, 04:26 AM
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
I dont think thats the case... u dont start building a massive space station like the death star without having blueprints or how to make the thing charted out... even if u dont make the same mistakes as u did before there is no way that you would be stupid enough to make 18 years worth of mistakes first time around.
The Death Star is HUGE. If they mess up somewhere and something falls apart or breaks down, it could set them back a few years maybe. Also, they could have built it 3/4 of the way, and figured out that there was a flaw and it couldn't work, so they had to start over...etc. Lots of things like that could happen, there could have been many changes to the design while they were building it. That's the most likely reason the second one didn't take so long, not many setbacks, and they already had already seen a working one, so they knew exactly how to make one. If you have a better reason that the first one took so long...I'm all ears.
Mon, 05-30-2005, 08:57 AM
Not that SW books factor much into the movies but in the Jedi Academy trilogy by Kevin Anderson it was revealed that there was a prototype, skeletal Death Star that was constructed many years before the one that was destroyed in ANH.
Mon, 05-30-2005, 11:06 AM
One of the weirdest thing in the movie to me was the R2-D2 screams early on in the movie.
Mon, 05-30-2005, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by: Sam98034
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
I dont think thats the case... u dont start building a massive space station like the death star without having blueprints or how to make the thing charted out... even if u dont make the same mistakes as u did before there is no way that you would be stupid enough to make 18 years worth of mistakes first time around.
The Death Star is HUGE. If they mess up somewhere and something falls apart or breaks down, it could set them back a few years maybe. Also, they could have built it 3/4 of the way, and figured out that there was a flaw and it couldn't work, so they had to start over...etc. Lots of things like that could happen, there could have been many changes to the design while they were building it. That's the most likely reason the second one didn't take so long, not many setbacks, and they already had already seen a working one, so they knew exactly how to make one. If you have a better reason that the first one took so long...I'm all ears.
That is NOT how engineering projects work... if you get 3/4 of a design or something and discover such a major flaw then really... well that doesnt even happen. Either the thing gets built fully and it fails cos aof a mistake no one knew about when its actually being used or you dont make mistakes like ur suggesting. Size is an important factor, but the size of the Death Star wouldn't mean that the difficulty associated in building it is proportional to its size.
Tue, 05-31-2005, 11:10 AM
i seen it on saturday, wow this movie kicked ass. it was fucking awesome. the part in the jedi temple, some lady in back says, "No don't kill the children!" and some guy next to me yells "shut the hell up lady!" it was pretty funny. after the movie was over and it said directed by george lucas everyone just kind of sat for a few seconds in awe. anakin pisses me off.
edit: btw if mace could beat darth sidious so easy does that mean he was stronger than yoda?
Tue, 05-31-2005, 11:19 AM
Well i got the feeling Mace Windu was stronger in combat then Yoda.. Yoda is the wisest and strongest in the force and Mace is the strongest in combat and lightsaber-fights..
Tue, 05-31-2005, 11:22 AM
yeah, mace shows how a jedi is supposed to be, just because he is stronger, he understands he doesnt have as much experience and wisdom.
Wed, 06-01-2005, 09:10 AM
I chanced upon this Episode III parody made by some fans. Pretty amusing, and even you don't like parodies there's at least a Jar Jar death scene in it. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Check it out, the movie's around 30 mb.
Episode 3 Parody (
Wed, 06-01-2005, 09:22 AM
Hmmm.... the download link won't work for me.
Yeah I agree Mace does seem a lot stronger then Yoda.
Wed, 06-01-2005, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by: Xollence
Hmmm.... the download link won't work for me.
Yeah I agree Mace does seem a lot stronger then Yoda.
I downloaded it from one of the mirrors.......
Wed, 06-01-2005, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by: DB_Hunter
The dialogue in this movie was still not to the level of the original trilogy.
It kinda seems weird to me that it takes about 20-25 years to make the first Death Star and only like 10 years to make 3/4 of another one after the first one is destroyed.
It's not just you.
10 years? The second Death Star is made in like less than 5 years. Lucas really botched up some of his time line to make tie-in's in the new trilogy. There is no way it takes about 18-20 years to make the first and then such little time with the second. The second was made to fix the errors in the first, namely, the vent port.
Yeah, I'm a Star Wars nerd. Well, not a camp out for 4 weeks kinda to see a movie I know will let me down nerd, but remember most of the facts from the movies and related publications nerd.
Eps III wasn't NEARLY as bad as I and II, but it still doesn't come close to the original trilogy. Unaltered mind you, Lucas screwed up the ending to VI so bad. He's a CG psycho, using it wherever and whenever now, especially when he did fine with just 'movie magic' before.
Wed, 06-01-2005, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
10 years? The second Death Star is made in like less than 5 years. Lucas really botched up some of his time line to make tie-in's in the new trilogy. There is no way it takes about 18-20 years to make the first and then such little time with the second. The second was made to fix the errors in the first, namely, the vent port..
By making a weakness, where you can fly a ship into?
Nice fix!
Wed, 06-01-2005, 01:15 PM
LOL the Episode 3 Parody is damn funny. its too short tho.
Wed, 06-01-2005, 05:40 PM
That parody is so damn brilliant.
Wed, 06-01-2005, 06:21 PM
Parody? is this off of the actual movie? or is it just some thing
edit: yeah I saw it, it was pretty funny but whats with them calling it a lost hope, thats just disrespecting it. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Wed, 06-01-2005, 08:06 PM
God I love it when fans can come together and rip the living bejesus out of a semi descent movie.
Wed, 06-01-2005, 08:17 PM
pretty funny how darth vader screams "NOOOO!"
Thu, 06-02-2005, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by: kAi
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
10 years? The second Death Star is made in like less than 5 years. Lucas really botched up some of his time line to make tie-in's in the new trilogy. There is no way it takes about 18-20 years to make the first and then such little time with the second. The second was made to fix the errors in the first, namely, the vent port..
By making a weakness, where you can fly a ship into?
Nice fix!
well of COURSE its going to have weaknesses while its still under construction
1/3 of the freaking thing was missing!
Thu, 06-02-2005, 12:22 AM
Poor sub-contractors, they never knew what hit them.
Thu, 06-02-2005, 12:46 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: kAi
Originally posted by: Ryllharu
10 years? The second Death Star is made in like less than 5 years. Lucas really botched up some of his time line to make tie-in's in the new trilogy. There is no way it takes about 18-20 years to make the first and then such little time with the second. The second was made to fix the errors in the first, namely, the vent port..
By making a weakness, where you can fly a ship into?
Nice fix!
well of COURSE its going to have weaknesses while its still under construction
1/3 of the freaking thing was missing!
Yeah, but this passage could still have been blocked, or smaller.
Sun, 06-12-2005, 08:26 AM (
heh...maddox owns.
Sat, 08-20-2005, 08:45 PM (
Sun, 08-21-2005, 04:57 AM
aw man, I read that ages, I thought I posted it on the forums...guess not, musta been another one. Heh, the best one was "He is in my behind" That one was just hilarious. Sad thing is: I know chinese, and so I know what they translated it from...
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