View Full Version : The "help me" thread - gaming version
Sun, 05-15-2005, 06:45 PM
title says it all...
I've changed this thread to be a general question thread, since there are only so many "GOOD + FREE downloadable games". This thread will function like the help thread in general discussion, but the questions must be game-related. i.e. where to download a game, how to get past a part of a game you're stuck on, etc.
GotWoot Moderator
Sun, 05-15-2005, 06:58 PM
What, did you lose your bookmarks for all the torrent sites?
Board of Command
Sun, 05-15-2005, 07:03 PM
Not sure what you mean by "free". If you mean getting retail games for free, then just go to GameSpot and find all the recent titles. Then go to some torrent site and grab those games. Not hard. Only problem is that you can't play multiplayer with downloaded games.
Sun, 05-15-2005, 08:30 PM
Go to mininova. They have a wide variety of free games to download. I would suggest Fable.
Sun, 05-15-2005, 08:57 PM
example: gunbound
also i dont think i can use mininova
it asks for a credit card even though its free =/
Sun, 05-15-2005, 09:13 PM
Bastards. It used to be free.
Sun, 05-15-2005, 10:38 PM
ive been told that some online MMO called "knights" is supposed to be good
Sun, 05-15-2005, 10:43 PM
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.
loved that game until I started playing Call of Duty.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 12:45 AM ( - All the downloadable free games you need. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Mon, 05-16-2005, 09:56 AM
where can i find wofleinstein and knights?
and thx xollence i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Mon, 05-16-2005, 10:06 AM
mininova works for me :S
Mon, 05-16-2005, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
mininova works for me :S
yea. it does work.
try googleing it.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 11:14 AM
i meant it was free didnt make myself clear sorry
Mon, 05-16-2005, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by: jeffreysuk
where can i find wofleinstein and knights?
and thx xollence
did you try google.............?
Mon, 05-16-2005, 06:47 PM
heh i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Contentless post. Please post something that has some value.
GotWoot Moderator
Board of Command
Mon, 05-16-2005, 07:09 PM
I used to play Knight Online. The training gets way too tedius after you reach level 30 or so.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by: jeffreysuk
where can i find wofleinstein and knights?
and thx xollence
for Wolfenstein, just type it into google (include "enemy territory" and "download"). Remember to download the patch also before you start playing. Tell me if you need any help understanding or anything, but otherwise, have fun!
Mon, 05-16-2005, 11:51 PM
What about a game that is somewhat similar to FF Tactics? What I'm basically looking for is:
1. command a small army
2. each character can have their own jobs, levelups, skills, etc.
I checked out that link by Xollence, but I didn't manage to find one like that. Anyone know of one by any chance?
Uchiha Barles
Tue, 05-17-2005, 12:04 AM
Have you tried the tactics ogre series? I heard FFT was modeled after that. I havent' yet had the chance to get to it, but I plan to at some point. I'm not sure that the scope of the game is on the small army level though. Large party, maybe, I dunno.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 12:10 AM
I've only played the Tactics Ogre game for GBA. I can't find the English version of the SNES game (yeah, the English version was never officially released, but there are some who can translate it via ROMs). Still, this game doesn't beat FFT for me, haha. Thanks for the suggestion though i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Tue, 05-17-2005, 12:32 AM
Originally posted by: kooshi
What about a game that is somewhat similar to FF Tactics? What I'm basically looking for is:
1. command a small army
2. each character can have their own jobs, levelups, skills, etc.
I checked out that link by Xollence, but I didn't manage to find one like that. Anyone know of one by any chance?
Ya, try Front Mission 4, it is made by square too and is very similar and cool from what I have heard and seen.(my friend and I rented it and he is playing it so I havn't had a chance yet heh)
Tue, 05-17-2005, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by: kooshi
What about a game that is somewhat similar to FF Tactics? What I'm basically looking for is:
1. command a small army
2. each character can have their own jobs, levelups, skills, etc.
I checked out that link by Xollence, but I didn't manage to find one like that. Anyone know of one by any chance?
Look for a game called Der Langrisser. Each hero character commands an army of about 50 men and it's like Shining Force but with more strategy.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 07:04 PM
i cant download knight, somethings wrong with it, i dunno
Tue, 05-17-2005, 10:02 PM
I beat Front Mission 4 a long time ago. That game was so much fun, but the replay value wasn't worth it. It was somewhat easy, but otherwise difficult.
As for Der Langrisser, I have never heard of it, but Shining Force was another great game.
Still, I was kinda hoping that these games would be free, but oh well. Thanks for the suggestions i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Uchiha Barles
Wed, 05-25-2005, 09:52 PM
Has anyone played through a large part of xenogears on an emulator? my psx is broken so I can't play the disks, so I want to play the isos I have on the emulator. I'm using epsxe, the latest version, and the game keeps freezing at certain parts. I've tried using different emulators including psxeven, but that hasn't worked. It would freeze in the same spots. If anyone knows what I can do to make it work your help would be truly appreciate. I've went on long enough without this game.
Mon, 06-06-2005, 09:14 AM
yow.i just found a torrent of gta sa (xbox) here ( and i wanted to ask if someone already downloaded it and know if it is real or not i checked the size it is:1392 Mb
and the ps2 size is : 4.19 GB.
i think its fake but does anyone knows for sure??????
Mon, 06-06-2005, 11:04 AM
that 1 is fake, there is however a gta san andreas clone-carbon for pc, which is 4.3gb, dont know if its real, but downing it now
Mon, 06-06-2005, 11:55 AM
hmm DAMN WHYYYYY. ...are u sure??
i'm already at 25% so i will down it all.
Mon, 06-06-2005, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by: darkshadow
that 1 is fake, there is however a gta san andreas clone-carbon for pc, which is 4.3gb, dont know if its real, but downing it now
keep us informed and link if its real. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Tue, 06-07-2005, 04:09 AM
Originally posted by: kooshi
What about a game that is somewhat similar to FF Tactics? What I'm basically looking for is:
1. command a small army
2. each character can have their own jobs, levelups, skills, etc.
I checked out that link by Xollence, but I didn't manage to find one like that. Anyone know of one by any chance?
Disgaea. (ps2)
Definitely Disgaea.
It's like final fantasy tactics, but with better overall gameplay IMO, a wide array of skills and character classes, and a pretty neat class-changing system (which involves killing the character and cramming their soul into a new body). A great timesucker if you can lay your hands on a copy of it.
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
keep us informed and link if its real.
I just saw a real xbox version float by on torrentbytes. 2.28gb. DAGGER release. If you've got an account, you can snag it there, the message boards seem to indicate it being ok.
Tue, 06-07-2005, 04:24 AM
this is the real deal.. Grand_Theft_Auto_San_Andreas-USA-XBOXDVD-DAGGER
It's out on PirateBay..
Oh and btw, this is for you n00bs, .. Check here first before downloading your fake copys.. If it's not here, it 99% safe to say it's fake.. And here you can see if something got nuked (witch mean's that it's something wrong with it).. It's something a pirate can't live without..
Tue, 06-07-2005, 10:19 AM
also read the info on nforce forums, apparently alot of ppl have probs with the xbox release, something with regional setting
Tue, 06-07-2005, 10:32 AM
yeah PAL-ppl like me have problems or cant get it to start.. And i used the EvoX trick (thank god i still had that, not that i know what good it did to me) and then i got it to run, but it was in black and white and shitty picture.. I guess that might have been fine if i would have the other cable (but i dont)..
Well for those with PAL, we just have to wait for the PAL-release.. If i read right, it's going to be released this week..
Tue, 06-07-2005, 11:01 AM
i found the torrent but ARGH!!!!
i get a error massage: rejected by tracker - invalid passkey! Re-download the .torrent from
so i go to that site and than it sais you need to login first -.-.-.- so i register. and then it sais that you can't register with hotmail. ARGH!!!!! does someone know where to get a good torrent plz help........
Tue, 06-07-2005, 11:50 AM
try yer luck
Originally posted by: TwisT
yeah PAL-ppl like me have problems or cant get it to start.. And i used the EvoX trick (thank god i still had that, not that i know what good it did to me) and then i got it to run, but it was in black and white and shitty picture.. I guess that might have been fine if i would have the other cable (but i dont)..
Well for those with PAL, we just have to wait for the PAL-release.. If i read right, it's going to be released this week..
uhm, thats prolly because your tv doesnt support ntsc picture, i myself dont have those probs, because i play all my console via my tv tuner card in my pc i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif ( im pal also)
Tue, 06-07-2005, 12:00 PM
ARGH!!!!!! i logged in but still can't download new error: port 6882 is blacklisted can someone help?? plz??
EDIT: YAHOOOOO finally it works downin it now with 25 kb/s -.-....
Tue, 06-07-2005, 12:37 PM
pc version out
84x50mb <<---- clone release by mdeth
also pal xbox multi5 released 45x50mb
hoodlum release just, get that 1 instead:
1. Unrar
2. Burn or mount
3. Install
4. Copy the crack from HOODLUM dir on DVD to the game dir
5. Watch our intro
6. Play!
hoodlum release seems to be fully cracked
Tue, 06-07-2005, 05:50 PM
dark, can you link us? or do i have to go hunting?i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Tue, 06-07-2005, 06:53 PM
try the 3 sites i posted above, and just type something like "san" in their search, or look at their most recent torrents
Tue, 06-07-2005, 06:55 PM
any of them?
Tue, 06-07-2005, 08:17 PM
Just go to www.the and search for San Andreas..
Also for those of you that have PAL and have trubble getting Daggers release to work there is a PAL X fix for there release... Just download that and it works fine..
Wed, 06-08-2005, 02:15 PM
the dagger doesn't work for me i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif
damn i now have to download all over agean.
Thu, 06-16-2005, 08:24 AM
Teh dagger works fine for me.. at first it didn't work, but then i got that PAL X fix for the dagger-release (the one where you change the default.xbe with the one in the game-map)..
Fri, 06-17-2005, 01:11 AM
yo any UT players here?
i need some help playing ut2k4 online....since i downladed my game, it says the cdkey is invalid or already beign used. someone told me theres a patch for that, but im not sure.
is there anyway to fix the problem without having to reinstall it a 100 times trying a diff cd key each time?
Fri, 06-17-2005, 07:05 AM
Well i have played it long ago on my dad's comuter (no internet access).. I had no problem starting the game and play it OFFLINE/Single player
So where do u get that error?? When you start the game, try to play singleplayer or trying to play online??
Fri, 06-17-2005, 01:32 PM
problem was tryign to play it online...but i've managed to solve that now.
new problem this time....for the original UT, is there a way to install the v436 patch? cuz when u try to install it, it says it needs the original cd in order to get copy some info off it.
Fri, 06-17-2005, 03:36 PM
HELP i just downloaded conker live and reloaded.4,6 gb i want to burn it to a dvd but no succes because it sais that the the dvd is 4,5 gb.... can someone help me solve this problem.????( i have tryed 3 different dvd disc's but they were all the same.)
EDIT: OK i found it no need anymore. srry.
Fri, 06-24-2005, 05:31 AM
Originally posted by: Assassin
problem was tryign to play it online...but i've managed to solve that now.
new problem this time....for the original UT, is there a way to install the v436 patch? cuz when u try to install it, it says it needs the original cd in order to get copy some info off it.
you need to get the private server patch, so you can play it with peeps with the same crack, try megagames or gamecopyworld
Wed, 06-29-2005, 08:07 PM
I've never downloaded games before so is burning a game to a cd the same as burning an episode or a movie to a cd?
Wed, 06-29-2005, 08:55 PM
no..........if you download a game, 99.9% of the time its gonna be in an image format ( iso, mds, nrg, cdi, bin/cue)
with iso and bin/cue being mostly used.
an image is a image of the cd/dvd which makes the data in the image 1:1, in other words a copy that will be accepted by the games protection system, in order to burn an image, you will need a burning program, use either nero/ alcohol 120%, or cdrwin, select burn image, select your image, and presto, when its done ( and you pop you cd/dvd back in ) you'll c the games contents
you could also load up the image using a virtual cd/dvd drive, this can be done with either alcohol 120% or daemon tools
Wed, 06-29-2005, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the info. One more question. Can you use cd-r disks, or does it has to be dvd disks?
Wed, 06-29-2005, 09:56 PM
depends on the image size, if its 700-900~mb it will fit onto a 700mb cd-r ( the extra size of an image, are just info things which make the copy 1:1), if its ne larger then that you'll need a dvd
Fri, 07-01-2005, 11:53 AM
Anyone know where I can download the game, Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed?
Fri, 07-01-2005, 01:42 PM
NM, you can find Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed from Iso Hunt ( Just scroll down to the bottom and its the torrent that says "PS2 - Battle Assault 3 featuring Gundam Seed." I checked the torrent and it works so you don't have to worry about that. Hope I could help.
Fri, 07-01-2005, 02:14 PM
stos, YOU ARE GODLY!!!!! Thanks man! ^_^
Sun, 08-07-2005, 12:59 AM
hey, i dont know if anybody here uses epsxe emulator but, i've been having problems with mine, whenever i try to start up a game (right now FF9) it says "NO WGL EXTENTSION" Does anybody know how to fix this?
Sun, 08-07-2005, 11:55 AM
The problem is most likely the graphics plug-in that you are using is not compatible with your current video card. Here ( is a bunch of graphics plug-ins for ePSXe. Try them all and see which one works best (I suggest Pete's GPU to start off). Hope I could help.
Sun, 08-07-2005, 12:19 PM
thats the weird part, i'm using pete's gpu right now and my graphics card is supposed to be compatiable with it.
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420
Wed, 08-10-2005, 08:44 PM
I dont know if I should be posting this here or make another thread but I have problem accseing WOW. Both via email to check my account and in game. The aunthenticating sign just sits there and loads for minutes.
Tue, 08-16-2005, 03:48 AM
I'm quite certain you can use a laptop monitor to link up to your PS2/Xbox. So instead of playing on a TV you can just use a flat screen portable monitor. Anybody has any idea what sort of convertor is needed? I know there are special graphic cards with input ports but those are for desktops but I'm interested in connecting to a laptop insteaed. Anybody with experience with this?
Tue, 09-06-2005, 08:43 PM
uhh, could someone point me in the direction of a good CS 1.6 key generator?
Board of Command
Tue, 09-06-2005, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
uhh, could someone point me in the direction of a good CS 1.6 key generator?
If you want to play online, a keygen won't do you good.
Tue, 09-06-2005, 09:37 PM
i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif why not? my friend said he used a key gen for his.
Mon, 09-12-2005, 08:00 PM
The keygen is likely to use a key already registered.
Mon, 09-12-2005, 08:03 PM
yes, thats exactly what its been doing, necromas, my friend says when you download steam CS should already be there but on mine it just says "half life 2i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gifemo and somethign gorgon"
Sun, 09-18-2005, 10:07 PM
hey i know this is a double post but its on a completely different subject. i downloaded FFVII ultimate edition off piratebay but now it wont run.
Thu, 09-22-2005, 07:35 PM
Can anyone help me with Fahreniet?
Im stuck in the books store when your suppose to find an old book to get info out of the book store owner.
Tue, 09-27-2005, 08:02 AM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
hey i know this is a double post but its on a completely different subject. i downloaded FFVII ultimate edition off piratebay but now it wont run.
Install the XP patch if you are using Windows XP.
Tue, 09-27-2005, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by: Psyke
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
hey i know this is a double post but its on a completely different subject. i downloaded FFVII ultimate edition off piratebay but now it wont run.
Install the XP patch if you are using Windows XP.
Final Fantasy 7 on pc sucks if you have a newer gfx card cause most up todate card don't support 8bit palleted textures i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif so its always looks crap better to use a psx emulation
Tue, 09-27-2005, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
hey i know this is a double post but its on a completely different subject. i downloaded FFVII ultimate edition off piratebay but now it wont run.
Install the XP patch if you are using Windows XP.
i'd find this where? when open FFVII it always says "please insert final fantasy VII disk 1, 2 or 3.
Wed, 09-28-2005, 10:04 AM
can someone give me a working Nintendo DS emu?? plz??
i've googled some but they were crap
Wed, 09-28-2005, 11:13 AM
You're likely to be clicking on the wrong exe file from windows explorer. Try the short cut created on the desktop. If you don't have the short cut just go to the start menu and select the game from there.
Wed, 09-28-2005, 09:33 PM
when i click the desktop icon i get a blank screen (if your talking to me) and when i go from the start menu, i get the "please insert disk 1, 2 or 3" but where do i get this xp patch?
Board of Command
Wed, 09-28-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by: Turkish-S
can someone give me a working Nintendo DS emu?? plz??
i've googled some but they were crap
I don't think it's possible to emulate DS. Think about it: it uses a stylus interface. How do you emulate that? a mouse wouldn't be very good.
Thu, 09-29-2005, 09:48 AM
i was thinking the same but i heard of trusteble sources that there are emu's.. i found most of them but they don't work, or they work like shit... damn i want to play the new advance wars.. i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Fri, 09-30-2005, 02:12 AM
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
when i click the desktop icon i get a blank screen (if your talking to me) and when i go from the start menu, i get the "please insert disk 1, 2 or 3" but where do i get this xp patch?
It can be found at many places, even
Fri, 09-30-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by: Turkish-S
i was thinking the same but i heard of trusteble sources that there are emu's.. i found most of them but they don't work, or they work like shit... damn i want to play the new advance wars..
try vba...unless you have already? (wait the new advanced war for DS? VBA is advance)
Sat, 10-01-2005, 06:09 AM
This is a video from a FF X NSG (No Sphere Grid) challenge anybody got a clue where the background music is from? (
Sat, 10-01-2005, 08:57 AM
Ask on the FFX GameFAQs board. The NSG challenge was pretty much pioneered there, so the guy who made that video is probably there too. Also, that song will now drive me insane because it's on my Winamp playlist on my very old Pentium III computer in the closet and I can't hook it up to check out what it is.
Sun, 10-02-2005, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by: Psyke
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
when i click the desktop icon i get a blank screen (if your talking to me) and when i go from the start menu, i get the "please insert disk 1, 2 or 3" but where do i get this xp patch?
It can be found at many places, even
i have downloaded and installed the xp patch yet my game still gets an error screen upon startup...WTF IS GOING ON?!
Tue, 10-04-2005, 10:25 PM
Does anyone know any fun PS2 co-op games? The only co-op games I have is Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors.
Mon, 10-10-2005, 07:00 PM
Okay, so I want to import this PS2 game but they say that I need to get something to get it running on my PS2. I heard different methods like I need to buy a mod chip, slide card, or swap disc. Which one is the easiest or the one you reccommend the most? Also what is the difference between the three?
Mon, 10-10-2005, 07:31 PM
Get the disk, if you go to playasia you can buy it in a combo pack.
Mon, 10-10-2005, 07:37 PM
You mean the swap disk? How does it work?
Mon, 10-10-2005, 08:46 PM
A Swap Disk for the PS2 works pretty much like "Freeloader" for the Gamecube, it unlocks the region code and in this case makes burnt games playable. However, what is different from the Gamecube and the PS2 is the way you put in the disc. With the Gamecube, you can just put the Freeloader disk, take it out and then put in the imported game in with no problem. The PS2 however is different. Since it opens and ejects from a tray, there is no way to exchange discs without pressing the eject button and thus allow the swap disk to unlock the region code. This is where the slide card comes into play. What the slide card does is it allows you to exchange the discs manually without having to press the eject button to open the tray, thus allowing you to change the discs without allowing the unlocking process to get interupted.
The difference between using a Slide Card with Swap Disks and a Modchip is that the Slide Card/Swap Disks allow you to play the games without ever opening up the console and breaking the warranty (trust me, from what I've seen, you don't want to open up the PS2. It is pretty hard to put everything back the way it was and not screw it up). So in my opinion, I would go with the Slide Card/Swap Disk method. Although I have never done this process myself (I know all this from reading about it), it seems to be the easiet way to do it.
I used the comparison with the Freeloader disk because I used it for Naruto: GNT 3 (and I'm assuming you have either used/heard about it). My reasoning for "how it works" is a bit lackluster (doesn't really go into the deep mechanics of it), but I believe I got the jist of it. Hope I could help.
Tue, 10-11-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Okay, so I want to import this PS2 game but they say that I need to get something to get it running on my PS2. I heard different methods like I need to buy a mod chip, slide card, or swap disc. Which one is the easiest or the one you reccommend the most? Also what is the difference between the three?
i recommend modchip which is what i have, i paid somebody about $50 to install it for me and now my PS2 plays burned games and normal games, no hassle on my behalf, if you know a person somewhere working in a video game store, ask them to do it (dont try doing this yourself)
Tue, 10-11-2005, 08:04 PM
Thanks for the great info you guys. I'm gonna go and try the swap disc and slide card method.
Wed, 10-26-2005, 11:36 PM
do i need any extension to play DVD video on my PS2 ?? Thanks..
Sun, 10-30-2005, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by: Aclypze
Does anyone know any fun PS2 co-op games? The only co-op games I have is Samurai Warriors and Dynasty Warriors.
Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks are great co-op game.
Fri, 12-23-2005, 07:44 AM
Hey I'm trying to get my future brother in law a PSP game for Christmas. Can anybody recommend a good sports game?
Tue, 12-27-2005, 12:22 AM
how do i download a game save from the computer, onto my PS2 memory card?
Sat, 12-31-2005, 03:22 PM
ok i solved that problem..
Tue, 01-03-2006, 09:27 PM
Wait.... So if I buy a "FreeLoader" from playasia... I can download GC games, burn them to dvd, and play it on my GC?
Wed, 01-04-2006, 07:41 PM
@Chaoskiddo: You are going to need a USB (Flash) Drive and some kind of special software that lets the PS2 read game saves from the USB Drive. There are a few types that you can use such as Action Replay MAX ($&r=0&l=1&ProdID=211) (Amazon ( has it cheaper), Action Replay MAX Evo Edition ($&r=0&l=1&ProdID=294) (which is the same thing as Action Replay MAX but comes with its own USB drive) or Codebreaker ( Then just follow nWo 4 life ('s tutorial and you should be able to do it.
@Divinity: No, you either need a modchip or use the network transfer method. For more information on this method, refer to thebroken ( episode 3 which explains it in full detail.
Tue, 01-24-2006, 08:54 PM
anyone have experience with the emulator MAME?
im trying to play some arcade games, namely street fighter 3 third strike, but i cannot get i to work.
Fri, 02-10-2006, 03:49 AM
can anyone tell me the story to why Cloud Strife has a wing? or give me a link to why he has it
thanx in advanced
Fri, 02-10-2006, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by: Zinobi
can anyone tell me the story to why Cloud Strife has a wing? or give me a link to why he has it
thanx in advanced
what the hell are you talking about?
Seriously can you tell me, without shooting up on smack first, what the hell you mean by that question?
Does anyone know what the hell he is talking about?
Have you ever played Final Fantasy 7? Do you know which character Cloud is?
Fri, 02-10-2006, 08:53 PM
yeah i know who cloud is. But why does he have a fucking wing? (such as in KH)
Fri, 02-10-2006, 08:59 PM
From Wikipedia:
"In Kingdom Hearts, Cloud appears on the Olympus Coliseum world. He wears a claw and a cloak similar to that of Vincent Valentine and has a black demon wing growing out of his left shoulder (meant to offset Sephiroth's black angel wing growing out of his right shoulder)."
The addition for the wing can be described with a metaphorical meaning, however I think that it was just for show.
Fri, 02-10-2006, 11:13 PM
ok thanx stos, hmm thought it might have been deeper than that...
Board of Command
Sat, 02-11-2006, 12:51 AM
That's because it is. It appears you haven't heard the term "one winged angel".
Sat, 02-11-2006, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by: Xollence
Hey I'm trying to get my future brother in law a PSP game for Christmas. Can anybody recommend a good sports game?
If he's into soccer games definately get Winning Eleven for the PSP. Virtual Tennis got some good reviews too I believe.
Sat, 02-11-2006, 01:22 AM
That's Sephiroth, he has a black feathery wing. Cloud has more of a demon wing. I just don't know how he got it.
Sat, 02-11-2006, 10:10 AM
There is a whole bibical meaning of the character Sephiroth, I just didn't feel the need to explain since it is trivial to why Cloud has a demon wing. I'll give you a little paragraph from Wikipedia that gives a short overview of the Biblical Sephiroth:
"If the name "Safer Sephiroth" comes across as a strange, even nonsensical, name for a final boss, it's because the name that appears in the English version of Final Fantasy VII is not the correct name. Like Helletic Hojo (Heretic Hojo) and many other Final Fantasy names, Safer Sephiroth is an unintentional mis-romanization of the original Japanese name.
On a sidenote to Heretic Hojo's name, a heretic is a person who does not believe in God or (tries) to defy him. As in this case Hojo tries to play God by creating Sephiroth or which can also be interpreted as the creation of a God.
Safer Sephiroth as viewed at different angles.
A common rumor is that "Safer" is a misspelling of "Seraph", because of Safer Sephiroth's angelic nature. Although this rumor is disputed, Sephiroth does bear many similarities to a seraph, as seraphim are described in the Hebrew Bible as being humanoid angels with "six wings: with two he covered his face, and with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew." Safer Sephiroth can easily be seen as a seraph with an additional black wing added in place of an arm. Also, Satan was reportedly a Seraph before he fell.
However, the more likely origin of the name "Safer Sephiroth" is "Sepher Sephiroth." "Sepher" is Hebrew for "book," and "Sephiroth" is Hebrew for "Numbers," so the boss's name translates to "Numbers Book," or "Book of Numbers." It is one of the many Kabbalistic references in Final Fantasy VII. The Sepher Sephiroth is a Kabbalistic treatise concerning the evolution God from a being of inactive rest to one of active creation. It deals with the ten Sephiroth, a central concept of the Kabbalah. This may relate to the origins and purpose of Jenova or the Lifestream, and the concept of "numbers" most obviously alludes to Sephiroth's many forms and the numbers tattooed on his clones, however, the Ten Sephiroth are the divine emanations of God, and the ultimate purpose of kabbalists is to become one with God, or to attain Godhood as a part of God, reunited. Even more evidence supporting this is that in the Japanese version of the game, his name was "»üÕ¡û»Õ£í¹" (Sfa Sefirosu), which points more to "Sepher Sephiroth" than "Seraph Sephiroth".
Safer-Sephiroth is also known as the "One-Winged Angel," and "One-Winged Angel" is the name of the well-known song which accompanies the battle with Safer Sephiroth. The title is also significant to Sephiroth's character because it drives home his "fallen angel" role, simultaneously capturing both his glorious power and his twisted psyche.
To some, the name "One-Winged Angel" seems strange, as Safer-Sephiroth has a total of seven wings. However, the original Japanese name is "Gün) (katayoku no tenshi)," which means an angel with wings on one side, rather than an angel with only one wing."
Most characters and names from the Final Fantasy series are either from Bibilical or Mythological background. In realation to Sepiroth, he can be found in the Old Testament.
However, Cloud is not a character of significance in history or religion. He is just a made up character by the creators. Like I said before, the reason why Cloud has a demon wing is pretty much to offset the angel wing that Sepiroth has. There is no bibical or religious meaning to this conflict, its just an added feature to show the conflict between the two.
Sat, 02-11-2006, 06:05 PM
Or to answer the wing thing in game terms. (Even though all of stos289's stuff is totally accurate).
If you look at the body of JENOVA (the "Crisis From the Sky") as it is in the Nibelheim reactor before the whole "Shinra Mansion" incedent it looks similar to a human except it has two wings. Sephiroth was deliberatly created to be a Cetra using JENOVA's cells (even though JENOVA wasn't a Cetra, Prof's Gast and Hojo believed her to be). As such he was born as a JENOVA/human hybrid. Once he realised his nature he became able to utilise JENOVA's cells within him to form this wing. (One of JENOVA's powers is the power to change one's form, as the bosses JENOVA Birth, Life, death, Synthesis, Hojo and Sephiroth's form taken during the entirity of FF7 {For the entire game Sephiroth was encased in mako at the northern Crater, the body you see walking around is actually the headless torso of JENOVA})
*Plot Explaination, if you fully get the plot of FF7, don't bother with this, skip ahead*
All of the members of SOLDIER were people who were tested and found to have more willpower than the average person, people who would have enough will to resist the mind-controlling effects of JENOVA's cells within the human body. these people were then showered in mako and injected with JENOVA cells. This is what gave members of SOLDIER their inhuman strength. When Cloud tried out for SOLDIER he was found wanting and thus joined the ordinary military instead.
After the incedent in the Nibelheim reactor Hojo began his experiments on creating "Sephiroth clones" that is, to inject people with JENOVA's cells. Hojo did this because he knew that at the time of the Reunion, JENOVA's will would take over the "clones", causing them to come together for the reunion, leading Hojo to it. As Zack was in SOLDIER when he was injected with JENOVA's cells he was resistant to them, which is what allowed him to keep his mind and help he and Cloud escape. As Cloud had a weaker willpower the JENOVA cells turned him into a blithering idiot until after Zack was killed.
*Read from here if you skipped above*
If you notice the wing that Cloud has in KH sprouts from the same Shoulder that Cloud has his geostigma in Advent Children. The wing is Cloud manifesting HIS JENOVA cells in order to grant him more power. Notice that Cloud can fly after sprouting his wing, something that he only ever does in FF7 when Sephiroth is controlling him. Cloud never learns how to do this in the main FF7 storyline.
Sun, 02-12-2006, 06:02 AM
that make so much more sense now thanx stos and anphorus.
Mon, 02-13-2006, 12:39 PM
I had a question to all off you gameing gotwooter's. the best time i had in this forum was when we were playing Gunz and we had a clan and all that shit. I really liked it........ so my question is: is there a game that we can play with a bunch of gotwooters. It doesn't has to be free. I know that some of you play Guild wars and i want to buy the game too but only if we could start a GW clan like some of you did a long time ago...??
euhhm there is also a free game that we could play but i don't know yáll would like it.. we could play Amerika's Army......
Mon, 02-13-2006, 09:07 PM
I was going to make a seperate topic about this, but I'll post it here since you asked Turkish. The game is called Audition ( and its a Online Dance Battle Game. Now your probably thinking:
Don't judge it by its genre however because it is extremely addicting and fun. Basically, you create your own character and you face other people in "dance competitions." It is similar to Gunz where you can have group matches and indivdual matches. The "couples" dancing has to be my favorite as it requires the skill of both people to be able to rack up the big points. Through these matches, you gain experience and "den" (currency) which increase your level and allows you to buy new clothing/songs.
Anyway, the game play is fairly simple as it has a DDR background to it but provides more challenging elements. I would explain it but it would take a long time and plus there is a tutorial in the game that shows you how to play. The only bad thing I've seen so far is that it requires you to run it through Internet Explorer (Firefox and Opera won't work). Just download it and play, you'll get hooked.
Who knows, we could have a Gotwoot Dance-Off in the works...
Sat, 02-18-2006, 07:52 PM
I have some questions.
What emulators are available to download, which ones do you recommend, and where do I get them from?
When are the games for naruto coming out in the states? or in the english version.(for gamecube)
What games do you recommend for gamecube?
Any help is appreciated.
Sat, 02-18-2006, 10:48 PM
Answers in numerical order:
1) Depends on which system you want to play. Here ( is a whole list of emulators for pretty much every system out there (except for current generation). A few ones I would recommend would be ZSnes (SNES), ePSXe (PS1), Nemu64 (N64), and VisualBoy Advance (GBA).
2) According to Gamespot (, Naruto: Clash of Ninja will be released on March 7th. From what I have heard, it is just a bad copy of Naruto GNT with dubbing.
3) Depends on what type of games you like. A few games I own and would recommend are Super Smash Bros. Meele (, Tales of Symphonia (, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (, Metroid Prime ( (and its sequel), and Viewtiful Joe ( (and its sequel).
Hope I could help.
Board of Command
Sat, 02-18-2006, 11:25 PM
PS2 emulation is currently in the works, although it's still *VERY* primitive. Most games don't even work, and the ones that do work run at about 1 fps. However, recent progress has been made on FFX and FFX-2 emulation. Maybe in another year or two with computer hardware constantly improving, PS2 emulation will finally become a reality.
Sun, 03-26-2006, 10:45 PM
I think this been answered, but I dont remember where exactly. Sorry if this comes off as redundant.
I have a gamecube with a memory card with all my american games. When I put in the freeloader and swap games to, say, Naurto 4, will it erase all my game data, or will it simply just a a game slot for Naruto 4 on my memory card?
Thu, 03-20-2008, 07:32 AM
Didn't want to start a new thread for this, and this fits the topic well enough, so here goes.
I'm playing CoD4 right now, and was wondering which would give better quality/performance?
1280x1024, no FSAA.
1024x768, 2x FSAA
From what I see, the higher resolution gave a cleaner picture, but probably lowered performance a bit, but that might be just me. I have no idea what load AA has on the card. 1280x1024 has 1.667 times the pixels, so I'll assume 1.667 times the load.
Sun, 03-23-2008, 05:36 AM
It also depends on what monitor you're using and its native res. But generally it will come down to personal preference. There's a lot of factors involved.
Board of Command
Sun, 03-23-2008, 10:44 PM
Didn't want to start a new thread for this, and this fits the topic well enough, so here goes.
I'm playing CoD4 right now, and was wondering which would give better quality/performance?
1280x1024, no FSAA.
1024x768, 2x FSAA
From what I see, the higher resolution gave a cleaner picture, but probably lowered performance a bit, but that might be just me. I have no idea what load AA has on the card. 1280x1024 has 1.667 times the pixels, so I'll assume 1.667 times the load.
Wow...thread revival!
It usually depends on the game, but for CoD4, 1024x768 with 2xFSAA will have better performance. However, if you're using an LCD with 1280x1024 native resolution then anything other than the native resolution will look like crap regardless of what AA you use. I'm running it at 1680x1050 with no AA and it looks just fine. When you're running around shooting you don't really notice the jaggies. It's only when you stop and examine the screen that you see all the nasty jaggies, but then you're not really "playing" the game anymore.
Mon, 03-24-2008, 02:53 AM
Thanks for that guys.
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