View Full Version : Nintendo Revolution video
Fri, 05-13-2005, 07:11 PM
Video mockup of the Revolution.
Great video. Check out the IGN article ( on it for the full story. i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Fri, 05-13-2005, 07:24 PM
LLOOOOLLLL the music that plays when the nintendo ds part is on is from final fantasy XI i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif, good video though
Fri, 05-13-2005, 09:19 PM
Its so hard to have one console and think its enough. I'm buying em both (xbox and nintendo) i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Fri, 05-13-2005, 10:42 PM
holy cow...............................
here i was thinking the new xbox was pretty sweet....but i shouldve known that the earlier systems always seem to pale in comparison to what the later ones will have to offer
so much for me not planning on buying a next gen system right when they come out i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
er....didnt catch the mock-up part....
but i still hear there's supposed to be 3d projection of some sort regardless
Sat, 05-14-2005, 12:29 AM
Wow that system looks amazing. I wonder how much its gonna cost.
Sat, 05-14-2005, 01:01 AM
I really hope that dosen't turn out to be the real revolution console. I think the whole virtual reality headset is just dumb. Can you honestly imagine yourself walking around in your living room wearing that thing, punching and kicking at invisible bad guys only you can see. Seems like a system which only exists to embarass the person who gets caught using it. Although seems like it won't be a headset system, especially after seeing this gamespot article. (
Sat, 05-14-2005, 01:43 AM
embarassed? no.....
if a good VR system comes out......EVERYONE will want one
Sat, 05-14-2005, 02:39 AM
I wouldnt be embarassed anways they would be "WOW, he owns a £200-£300 Console" lol
Sat, 05-14-2005, 04:10 AM
wtf is this?? it looks like it is dropt from outer space. possitive tho.
Sat, 05-14-2005, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
embarassed? no.....
if a good VR system comes out......EVERYONE will want one
If I remember correctly, Nintendo once made a console with VR (color red, maybe someone remembers it) that didn't sell well.
Sat, 05-14-2005, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
embarassed? no.....
if a good VR system comes out......EVERYONE will want one
If I remember correctly, Nintendo once make a console with VR (color red, maybe someone remembers it) that didn't sell well.
Virtual Boy. I only remember there being a Wario game for it. Maybe there was a Metroid title for it too... can't remember too much. I DO remember the commercials for it though. They had some wild-man lookin guy either chasing or being chased by the Virtual Boy (which had legs or something).
It was an odd bit of marketing...
Tue, 05-17-2005, 06:53 PM
The Electronics Entertainment Expo 2005 is still days away, but that hasn't stopped Microsoft from debuting its Xbox 360 console on MTV. And now Nintendo has followed suit, revealing some new, meaty details about its next-generation console, codenamed Revolution.
In a recent New York Times article, Nintendo of America's vice president of corporate affairs Perrin Kaplan describes the console as "very, very sleek." The system, which is reportedly tiny, will stand horizontally. Its height will reportedly be no more than three DVD cases stacked flatly on each other, or slightly more than an inch. That makes the console theoretically smaller than Apple's recently released Mac Mini computer.
Although Nintendo has historically selected proprietary media formats, such as the GameCube Optical Disc, for its platforms, the publisher is with Revolution opting for a more standardized medium. The new console will play standard DVD media, according to the company. Nintendo has not yet revealed if Revolution will as a result be able to play Hollywood movies on DVD, but that seems very likely at this point.
At the Game Developers' Conference in March, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said that Revolution would offer Wi-Fi online connections out of the box and would be backward compatible with GameCube, or able to play GCN software.
According to recent information, Revolution will also be able to play high-definition games and regularly go online.
Finally -- something of a no-brainer given the popularity of the Wave Bird pads -- Revolution's still-secret controller will be completely wireless. Controllers for Microsoft's Xbox 360 are also wireless. Upon hearing this news, puppies everywhere let out a collective cry.
More details to come at E3 2005. Stay tuned.
Pictures! (
Tue, 05-17-2005, 07:13 PM
The Revolution looks like my modem. Ahh, the future in the gaming industry. I can see that they finally decided to use the bigger disks. That was a flaw when GC came out.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 07:16 PM
Kirby video (
Wed, 05-18-2005, 12:03 PM
Of course nintendo didn't tell us jack shit about the revolution, sigh. Grrr I guess they decided to test the waters by revealing the prototype. Hopefully they'll beef up the specs so it has a better chance of competing with the PS3. I'm guessing that the revolution won't be as powerful as the PS3 but it will be much more beefy then the Xbox 360
Wed, 05-18-2005, 12:23 PM
Also, that Kirby video is apparently for GC, but was posted in a Revolution thread on SA for no real reason.
Wed, 05-18-2005, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
The Revolution looks like my modem. Ahh, the future in the gaming industry. I can see that they finally decided to use the bigger disks. That was a flaw when GC came out.
a flaw in what way?
Wed, 05-18-2005, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
The Revolution looks like my modem. Ahh, the future in the gaming industry. I can see that they finally decided to use the bigger disks. That was a flaw when GC came out.
a flaw in what way?
You weren't able to play dvds with it. Though you can buy a dvd for maybe 20 bucks now. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. Also, another flaw with the GC was the saving. Not only did you need a memory card every time you buy a game but, the memory cards were blocks instead of bytes. At least since it came out, more memory cards with more blocks have been released. I myself have a full 50 block, and bought a 120 block. You'd be suprised at how fast the blocks get filled. i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
Wed, 05-18-2005, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by: Some guy on another forum
"if anyone wants to buy the GC for some games, don't. wait for the revolution because it will be able to play every single nintendo game in history. i swear
i listened to the hour long press conference, and they said it can play all gc games, along with you can download all 20 years worth of nintendo history!!!!"
Totally radical or what?
Thu, 05-19-2005, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
embarassed? no.....
if a good VR system comes out......EVERYONE will want one
If I remember correctly, Nintendo once made a console with VR (color red, maybe someone remembers it) that didn't sell well.
i assure you, the reason it didn't sell well was NOT because people felt embarassed
im glad i couldn't play dvds on my gamecube. That reason alone made the system like, $100 cheaper. I've already got at least 3 other devices that can play dvds anyway, why waste the money?
besides, you're not considering the advantages to the mini disk......
1) there are smaller storage systems for the smaller disk, as well as the fact that the gamecube itself can be smaller. This is very handy for someone like me who flew alot.
2) can you say "possible handheld gamecube market"? I sure can.
Sure it might not hold as much as a dvd...but you cant call it a FLAW when it was done intentional and didnt really factor into anything significantly either way.
And where do you get this "buy a card for each game" nonsense? all i need is one of those black medium-sized cards (forgot how big they were), and i'm set.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 01:19 AM
we all know why the disc's were so litle. it is because nintendo didn't wanted to have people mod there gamecube's and burned there own cd's. they sacrificed the dvd option for that.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 09:15 AM
The whole small disk thing witht the GC was done to avoid piracy. No one's more annal about their intelectual rights then nintendo.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
embarassed? no.....
if a good VR system comes out......EVERYONE will want one
If I remember correctly, Nintendo once made a console with VR (color red, maybe someone remembers it) that didn't sell well.
i assure you, the reason it didn't sell well was NOT because people felt embarassed
im glad i couldn't play dvds on my gamecube. That reason alone made the system like, $100 cheaper. I've already got at least 3 other devices that can play dvds anyway, why waste the money?
besides, you're not considering the advantages to the mini disk......
1) there are smaller storage systems for the smaller disk, as well as the fact that the gamecube itself can be smaller. This is very handy for someone like me who flew alot.
2) can you say "possible handheld gamecube market"? I sure can.
Sure it might not hold as much as a dvd...but you cant call it a FLAW when it was done intentional and didnt really factor into anything significantly either way.
And where do you get this "buy a card for each game" nonsense? all i need is one of those black medium-sized cards (forgot how big they were), and i'm set.
1.And most important) Why are you getting so worked up about this.i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif I don't hate Nintendo. Nor I'm saying this just too bash Nintendo. You have to admit Nintendo, and other consoles, always come with flaws in them one way or another, especially xbox(controller, huge size, faulty wires) i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif. Having a system that played games and dvds was great. You didn't have to waste 250 to buy a game console, and then 250 dollars or more in buying a dvd player since thats how much it costs when they started releasing them.
2) I didn't say that the Virtual Boy didn't sell well because they were embarassed. It just, didn't sell well.
3) The other consoles also have portable gear to play if your going out. Its nothing new. Though the GC was the lightest amongst the ps2 and xbox.
4) You misunderstood, which is my fault cause I wrote what I meant wrong. I mean that, when the GC came out, every game had to be saved in a memory card, maybe(which I would like someone to clarify me on this cause I'm not sure) the GC was built so small that the hardware was limited. All I know is that you needed to save a game in a memory card every,or mostly everytime ( at least all of my GC games had to be saved with a MC). Which now brings me to the problem of the memory card and why it was a flaw. The first memory card for GC that came out only had 50 blocks. Instead of the memory card that used bytes to save the game, It used blocks to store the game data on it, meaning that every game you bought and every new file you start with a game, gets stored in a different block. I have a total of 11 games for my GC. Around the 8th or 9th game, I had to start removing files to make space for my new game. Fortunately, Nintendo came through to us releasing new memory cards with more blocks. I myself bought one with 120 blocks and theres a new one out with even more blocks but they fill pretty quickly. If your a gaming fanatic that buys a hell of alot of games for GC. Then without a doubt the blocks are gonna fill pretty quickly, meaning you have to erase old game files ( which I don't like to do much) or go out and buy another card. Then if you have an old game you want to continue but its in another memory card, then you are gonna have to constantly remove and insert the memory cards, in which at one point it gets kind of annoying.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 01:02 PM
nah Deblas the PS2 is much lighter then the NGC
Thu, 05-19-2005, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
nah Deblas the PS2 is much lighter then the NGC
no it isn't. only the new thin one is lighter.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
nah Deblas the PS2 is much lighter then the NGC
That is why I said it was the lightest one. Because of the new ps2
Thu, 05-19-2005, 02:28 PM
My NGC is heavy then a old PS2 i swear...its proberly only light because the handle makes it easier to hold
Thu, 05-19-2005, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by: Itachi_y2k5
My NGC is heavy then a old PS2 i swear...its proberly only light because the handle makes it easier to hold
My NGC is heavier than an old PS2, I swear...Its probably lighter because the handle makes it easier to hold.
Fine then man! The GC, out of the consoles that were out at the time, was the most compact and portable. Really? Do we need to be discussing about which console is lighter.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
1.And most important) Why are you getting so worked up about this. I don't hate Nintendo. Nor I'm saying this just too bash Nintendo. You have to admit Nintendo, and other consoles, always come with flaws in them one way or another, especially xbox(controller, huge size, faulty wires). Having a system that played games and dvds was great. You didn't have to waste 250 to buy a game console, and then 250 dollars or more in buying a dvd player since thats how much it costs when they started releasing them.
2) I didn't say that the Virtual Boy didn't sell well because they were embarassed. It just, didn't sell well.
3) The other consoles also have portable gear to play if your going out. Its nothing new. Though the GC was the lightest amongst the ps2 and xbox.
4) You misunderstood, which is my fault cause I wrote what I meant wrong. I mean that, when the GC came out, every game had to be saved in a memory card, maybe(which I would like someone to clarify me on this cause I'm not sure) the GC was built so small that the hardware was limited. All I know is that you needed to save a game in a memory card every,or mostly everytime ( at least all of my GC games had to be saved with a MC). Which now brings me to the problem of the memory card and why it was a flaw. The first memory card for GC that came out only had 50 blocks. Instead of the memory card that used bytes to save the game, It used blocks to store the game data on it, meaning that every game you bought and every new file you start with a game, gets stored in a different block. I have a total of 11 games for my GC. Around the 8th or 9th game, I had to start removing files to make space for my new game. Fortunately, Nintendo came through to us releasing new memory cards with more blocks. I myself bought one with 120 blocks and theres a new one out with even more blocks but they fill pretty quickly. If your a gaming fanatic that buys a hell of alot of games for GC. Then without a doubt the blocks are gonna fill pretty quickly, meaning you have to erase old game files ( which I don't like to do much) or go out and buy another card. Then if you have an old game you want to continue but its in another memory card, then you are gonna have to constantly remove and insert the memory cards, in which at one point it gets kind of annoying.
1.And most important) Don't pretend that you can tell how much/little emotion a person is putting into a post. It's just annoying when people think they can tell, cause they really can' all. I mean seriously, think about it. Imagine having a normal discussion with someone, and then suddenly the guy starts trying to settle you down as if you're getting all heated up, when all along you're just talking like you usually do. That's pretty much what you're doing whenever you jump to conclusions like that i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif
Why wouldnt you have a dvd player before the xbox came out? Geez, ive got 2 dvd-rom drives, 2 dvd players, and now an xbox and a ps2.....
Glad the extra $100 for the xbox and ps2 comes in handy in case the other 4 fail me
Sat, 05-21-2005, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
1.And most important) Why are you getting so worked up about this. I don't hate Nintendo. Nor I'm saying this just too bash Nintendo. You have to admit Nintendo, and other consoles, always come with flaws in them one way or another, especially xbox(controller, huge size, faulty wires). Having a system that played games and dvds was great. You didn't have to waste 250 to buy a game console, and then 250 dollars or more in buying a dvd player since thats how much it costs when they started releasing them.
2) I didn't say that the Virtual Boy didn't sell well because they were embarassed. It just, didn't sell well.
3) The other consoles also have portable gear to play if your going out. Its nothing new. Though the GC was the lightest amongst the ps2 and xbox.
4) You misunderstood, which is my fault cause I wrote what I meant wrong. I mean that, when the GC came out, every game had to be saved in a memory card, maybe(which I would like someone to clarify me on this cause I'm not sure) the GC was built so small that the hardware was limited. All I know is that you needed to save a game in a memory card every,or mostly everytime ( at least all of my GC games had to be saved with a MC). Which now brings me to the problem of the memory card and why it was a flaw. The first memory card for GC that came out only had 50 blocks. Instead of the memory card that used bytes to save the game, It used blocks to store the game data on it, meaning that every game you bought and every new file you start with a game, gets stored in a different block. I have a total of 11 games for my GC. Around the 8th or 9th game, I had to start removing files to make space for my new game. Fortunately, Nintendo came through to us releasing new memory cards with more blocks. I myself bought one with 120 blocks and theres a new one out with even more blocks but they fill pretty quickly. If your a gaming fanatic that buys a hell of alot of games for GC. Then without a doubt the blocks are gonna fill pretty quickly, meaning you have to erase old game files ( which I don't like to do much) or go out and buy another card. Then if you have an old game you want to continue but its in another memory card, then you are gonna have to constantly remove and insert the memory cards, in which at one point it gets kind of annoying.
1.And most important) Don't pretend that you can tell how much/little emotion a person is putting into a post. It's just annoying when people think they can tell, cause they really can' all
2.Why wouldnt you have a dvd player before the xbox came out? Geez, ive got 2 dvd-rom drives, 2 dvd players, and now an xbox and a ps2.....
Glad the extra $100 for the xbox and ps2 comes in handy in case the other 4 fail me
You seemed mad to me. But I guess you weren't so I apologize. And I don't like what you said just now. You know, By saying that why wouldn't you have a dvd player before the xbox came out, thats kind of snobby don't you think? Now that is annoying. Things cost money. And I don't have a job, I'm still in school, so its hard for me to earn money to buy a dvd among other things that go above 100 dollars, which is what the GC, Xbox, PS2, and your precious two dvd-rom drives cost. My family spend their money first on what's needed, then we go materialistic. If I had the money believe me I would have been first in line to buy those things, but I don't, nor do I have the libery to spend like you do. I didn't have a dvd when the xbox came out, the same with other people. Nor I had two dvd-rom drives. I recently bought a new computer that has a dvd rom drive.
Anyway. I've never seen that handheld GC before. But Its so cool! I want one. And I fixed your post when I qouted you. You seem to have forgotten to put a 2 in there.
Sat, 05-21-2005, 07:38 AM
snobby? my dvd-rom for my computer costed $30
which is less than the $50 markup of the xbox and ps2 consoles i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif
(actually, to watch dvds on the xbox, you need the seperate remote, which by itself is an additional $30)
i didnt forget to put a 2 in there, that second part was still in response to your first point. I just bothered to respond to points 1 and 3 of yours, thats all
btw, im not even really sure how reliable that image is.....
even if its a fake, I can still see a product like that showing up in stores within the next few years
Sat, 05-21-2005, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
btw, im not even really sure how reliable that image is.....
even if its a fake, I can still see a product like that showing up in stores within the next few years
Hell, If it's true I'll sell my GC and buy that one. Screw multiplayer.
Sun, 05-22-2005, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
btw, im not even really sure how reliable that image is.....
even if its a fake, I can still see a product like that showing up in stores within the next few years
Hell, If it's true I'll sell my GC and buy that one. Screw multiplayer.
but multiplayer is the best part of GC
Sun, 05-22-2005, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
btw, im not even really sure how reliable that image is.....
even if its a fake, I can still see a product like that showing up in stores within the next few years
Hell, If it's true I'll sell my GC and buy that one. Screw multiplayer.
but multiplayer is the best part of GC
hell yeh... do i need to mention super smash bros melee i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Sun, 05-22-2005, 07:11 PM
Originally posted by: deadlydreamx
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
btw, im not even really sure how reliable that image is.....
even if its a fake, I can still see a product like that showing up in stores within the next few years
Hell, If it's true I'll sell my GC and buy that one. Screw multiplayer.
but multiplayer is the best part of GC
hell yeh... do i need to mention super smash bros melee
Sacrifices are to be made. i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif. And I guess I could be called a Nintendo sinner for this. I don't have double dash yet!, you heard right!! I don't have double dash! i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Mon, 05-23-2005, 11:07 PM
I was a bit disappointed with double dash. Trust me you didn't miss much. Get Pikman 2 I hear that has a great coop mode. Hell I've been trying to motivate myself to go out and buy it but I'm just to damn cheap.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 01:06 AM
lobstermagnet, im guessing you've never played double dash on LAN before, have you?
You can tell the game was built with the intention of being played with 16 players.....
First of all, if there's 2 people per cart, then a single game isnt enough.....instead of 4 racers like the n64 days, you only have two....which IMO isnt as fun. Get 2 gamecubes and 8 players, and then its a different story.
Second of all, the battle mode stuff seems less interesting than they did in the n64 version. A few of the biggest dissappointments was that the turtle shells no longer stay in the playing field longer than a few seconds, and that the fields themselves lack the dimension that the n64 had as well. If you think about it though, these kind of things could prove handy to minimize latency if up to 8 gamecubes were linked together.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 01:07 AM
When are they making a new Mario Kart... I sooo kick ass in that game.
Tue, 05-24-2005, 01:13 AM
there's one coming out for DS soon, i think
they plan to use the top screen as a rear view, just like the NES days
Tue, 05-24-2005, 01:17 AM
A new one mario kart, or just double dash. Like they did with Mario 64.
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