View Full Version : Games which influenced your life
Mon, 05-09-2005, 11:29 AM
Ok, I've been a gamer since I was around 6, so here goes:
1) Super Mario Bros:
First game on the original NES which made the difference in my life. The feeling then was amazing, being to control something moving on the TV. It was..... magical.
2) Sonic the Hedgehog
Reason why I got the Sega Megadrive. Seeing this speed freak run through beautiful stages with fantastic graphics this was another memorable event in my life.
3) Street Fighter II
I was crazy over this game! I would pay and pay to play this game over and over again and would skip lunch so I can have more money to spend...... The turning point which made me a fighting game fanatic.
4) Final Fantasy VII
Great RPG game. Couldn't stop then and after that played FFVI and all the FF games there after.
5) King of Fighters 97
Only hard core SNK fans will know why I preferred the SNK games over the Capcom games as I played more of the KOF series.
Well, these are the games which really changed my life, without them I wouldn't be the gamer I am today. I'm sure everybody has a game which they remember was simply unforgettable perhaps changed the way you look at video gaming.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 11:37 AM
my first game ever was Super Mario Bros a verry good first impression.
and other games that i can't forget are diablo & diablo2 lod i will never forget about this game cuzz i've played them for 6 years i recently stopped. damn that game was addictive.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 11:43 AM
Not in any particular order...
Madden '93 - The first football video game I ever played. Sports games are my favorite genre of games.
Final Fantasy IV (U.S.A. Final Fantasy II) - The first RPG game that I beat. Still up there as my favorite Final Fantasy game yet. I used to hate RPG's before I played this game.
Metal Gear Solid - Such an awesome game. Great story, characters, and environment. I played the demo on and off until I got it for Christmas. Also, it was nice to see a revamped version on the GameCube last year.
Honorable mention - The D-Day stage in Medal of Honor: Frontline.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 01:29 PM
Chrono Trigger first rpg i got completly immersed in
Gaunlet i alway had to be the wizard
The Double Dragon series of games exept the 1 on the snes which sucked
Cannon Fodder pure quality
Street Fighter II first real beat 'em that wasn't side scrolling to grab my attention
Sonic The Hedghog most defining game of my life as a gamer
Tetris come on who didn't get totaly addicted to this master peice so simple yet so brilliant
and then there Dizzy
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 05-09-2005, 06:13 PM
Edit: Sorry for the double post.
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:06 PM
1) Super Mario Bros. Same reason as Psyche
2) Final Fantasy- The NES original. Best music out of all the series.
3) Megaman and Megaman X. I love that little blue robot. He's so puny but kicks so much ass. And the music for the nes games was really good.
4)Ninja gaiden- Again, the music during the cutscenes made this game unforgettable. Was the first series that didn't look kid like to challenge me. Showed me the true potential of gaming. I hate to admit it, but the X-box version is a better port than I thought could ever exist
5) Contra. I don't even know what to say this one. It's so good it hurts.
6) The Legend of Zelda. The 64 one is my favorite. It was the first time that there was a world so compelling. And the gameplay developed on that game is my favorite for any 3D game.
8) Gunstar Heroes- Being able to pound on and toss bad guys into the air and blast them to hell makes this my favorite side scrolling shooter of all times.
9) Sonic the hedgehog- That game was just beautiful to behold and fun to play.
Edit: Oh crap. I've sinned by forgetting to put super Metroid on this list. Was reminded by complicate's post about symphony of the night. That game was so incredible. You were totally absorbed into the freely exploarable world. When the world shook, you felt it and you didn't even need a rumble pack, and the subtle but everpresent music which highlighted the darkness kept you uneasy for the entire game. In a good way. And the controls were flawless.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:09 PM
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past. Possibly the first game to make me realize how amazing games really are.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:11 PM
Earthbound: Not all RPGs had to be generic medieval fantasy.
Metal Gear Solid: Games are hybridizing with film and literature, and the result is amazing.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:18 PM
Tetris for the NES. I wasted SO much time in there.
I loved megaman 2, and still use a nsf rip of Doctor Wily Castle 1 for my cell phone's ringtone. Megaman 1 had terrible scenarios and was generally impossible without cheating. Megaman 3 felt sort of cheap and cartoony compared to 2, to me. And the added mobility made it less challenging IMO. And all those contrived "slide here, just so show off that you can slide now" points .... *shudder*. That series really went downhill toward the end of it... and toward the latter half of the X series too.
Oh, then there's Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Best ... Castlevania .... Ever. Excellent play control, excellent level design, awesome bosses, a good premise, an engaging castle, incredible music, a tangible sense of character growth and a sane experience system. Sure, the dub is mediocre, but then there's a grand total of about 12 spoken lines in the whole game, so who cares. Oh yeah, and there's the replayability ... and the alternate modes. Richter mode (for the hardcore), Magician mode (for a different type of hardcore), time attacks.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 07:27 PM
1. Super Mario Bros -
This one seems like a common theme. I played it until my thumbs blistered. Then I developed calluses.
2. Street Fighter II -
This is the first fighting game which I took the time to really master, learning all the moves and different characters. I loved this game, played it way too much, although at least it was on our computer, so free for me and my friends. Because of me my brother hates Street Fighter to this day. I would continually bug him to play it and then mock him when I won (hey, I was young).
3. One Must Fall -
Another computer fighting game, but with giant fighting robots! I loved the idea even back then, before I discovered anime and mecha. I loved how when you scored a hit parts would come flying off i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif It's been years since I played it. I should find it again....
Edit: I forgot about Symphony of the Night. Yeah, that one was great. I remember my friends yelling "Jump! JUMP!" "NO! Hit him!" Good times. I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting as well.
Swallow Your Soul
Mon, 05-09-2005, 08:11 PM
Reduced to be more on topic...these I'd probably say did change my life as far as gaming was concerned...theres probably a couple more that will have changed my attitude to gaming, but these are the main ones...
Mario 1 - got me into games full time after dabbling with older stuff as a toddler...
Street Fighter 2 - was the first real game to hook me on multiplayers...
Final Fantasy VII - first FF game I played and is the main thing that got me back into 1 player gaming...the story elements etc meant it was the first game I played which was more than just a game...
Mon, 05-09-2005, 08:12 PM
xenogears, great rpg...
Mon, 05-09-2005, 08:15 PM
Ok guys, this is ostensibly a thread about games that actually influenced your life. "this game was cool" or "great game" is not an influence in your life.
Mon, 05-09-2005, 10:28 PM
but if your whole life is gaming ... :-p
Or, more to the point, if your whole life isn't, how valid is "this game changed my life".
I mean ... seriously ... everyone's life was changed by their first foray into gaming (if they then became gamers). But other than that, most games don't really fundamentally change the way you live your life. Except mmorpgs, I guess, since they're a whole lifestyle.
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 05-09-2005, 10:43 PM
For me, the games I listed set the standard for what games should be. Even though its not one of the most critical life changing events, it's still life changing (and pretty damned important).
Board of Command
Tue, 05-10-2005, 02:39 PM
FF7: this game totally changed the way I looked at video games. Prior to this I was playing crap like Doom 2, but once I was exposed to the beautiful storyline and characters of FF7 I started focusing on games based on storyline and gameplay.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 02:44 PM
Doom II is a much better game than Final Fantasy VII.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 03:25 PM
i dont think ive had a game that actually influenced my life...maybe ultima online since it brought me and my uncle closer.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 03:47 PM
A lot of games influence the way I look at things - subtly, not in a big way.
Except for Metal Gear Solid, which set down a life lesson that I still try to follow.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 05:06 PM
i dunno about you guys........but i felt that Super Mario 64 provided the most unique experience i've ever had playing a video game........
it was just so revolutionary........
Tue, 05-10-2005, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i dunno about you guys........but i felt that Super Mario 64 provided the most unique experience i've ever had playing a video game........
it was just so revolutionary........
yeah the gameplay was the best.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 05:53 PM
Bushido Blade 1 & 2. My friends and I have never spent that much time on a fighter. Just playing around with different characters and weapon combinations was a shitload of fun and I haven't found another game since that's given us that sort of experience. It's hard for me to look at the game objectively now.. it could be terrible. It was just such an excellent time for my friends and I that I cannot help but remember it fondly. A real bonding game for us... we still talk about it.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 06:28 PM
<u>Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars</u>
This game is quite possibly one of the greatest RPG's I've ever played in my life. It had a perfect story set within an already established world, gameplay was fantastic and creative (like that one guy who could lock your X, Y, or Z button), it was just pure fun. No matter how much I love FFX, IX, or VII or Chrono Trigger, none of them compare to the awesomeness of Super Mario RPG.
<u>Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time</u>
Another one of my favorites and it showed me just how much the N64 could dish out. Like SMRPG, it had a perfect story, great combat system, fantastic was just another awesome adventure to go through.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 08:12 PM
Suikoden II, Final Fantasy 4, 6, 7, 8, and Vandal Hearts series. - Kept me busy and got me into RPGs. i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
Board of Command
Tue, 05-10-2005, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Doom II is a much better game than Final Fantasy VII.
You gotta be joking.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
i dunno about you guys........but i felt that Super Mario 64 provided the most unique experience i've ever had playing a video game........
it was just so revolutionary........
Yea. Continued Cliches of a fat italian jumping on little monsters, get coins, save the princess, battle a turlte as the main boss, and befriending a shroom. Only revolutionary about it, its that it was 3d.
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Doom II is a much better game than Final Fantasy VII.
Only if you like shit.
Real revolutionary game:
FF7- first game in 3d, still a top ten rpg.
Tue, 05-10-2005, 10:13 PM
Chrno Crusade- First RPG i really played and really really got into.
Starcraft- First online game I ever played. Set the stage for current online games I play.
Ultima Online- My first MMORPG!
Tue, 05-10-2005, 10:49 PM
everquest....amazing game, i dont think i'll ever be anything other than a half-elf rouge in a game
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Yea. Continued Cliches of a fat italian jumping on little monsters, get coins, save the princess, battle a turlte as the main boss, and befriending a shroom. Only revolutionary about it, its that it was 3d.
you must not be part of the old school gamers, because then you'd know that its not the graphics that makes the game, but rather the gameplay.......poor misguided youth...... i/expressions/rolleye.gif
you call FF7 the first game in 3d??
I call FF7 "a guinea pig experiment of combining low poly 3d models into a 2d landscape"
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
you call FF7 the first game in 3d??
I call FF7 "a guinea pig experiment of combining low poly 3d models into a 2d landscape"
I think he meant that FFVII was the 1st Final Fantasy game to use polygons instead of the usual 2D sprites. And it was the first PS game to integrate moving polygons with pre-rendered backgrounds in real time. Pretty awesome back in 1997.
Board of Command
Wed, 05-11-2005, 12:51 AM
It's not just the game, the movies in it were absolutely amazing for its time. I think the movies were more revolutionary than the in game graphics itself. Even now, I can look back at the "Junon cannon vs Weapon" movie and still be amazed at the kind of graphics Square developed in 1997. It was years ahead of its time.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 01:00 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Real revolutionary game:
FF7- first game in 3d.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 02:19 AM
somic the hedgehog 1 2 and 3
they were so awesome back wen i was a little kid
Wed, 05-11-2005, 03:33 AM
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
You gotta be joking.
It was a satire post. Enjoyment is 100% subjective.
But, uh, Doom is one of the most popular and influential shooters ever, with great level design, excellent aesthetics, killer multiplay and all around professionalism coupled with a mod community that releases .wads to this day. How is insulting it supposed to be credible?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 11:55 AM
Hasn't anyone here played eternal darkness or metroid prime. Both are fantastic games that didn't receive either the sales or the attention they deserved from the mainstream public. Those are two games which have greatly influenced my views on level design and ingame story telling.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 11:59 AM
Metroid prime 2: echoes is good but its hard, havent played the first one
Wed, 05-11-2005, 02:27 PM
Echos is good but the pacing isn't nearly done as well as it was in the original. Levels were layed out in a very clear and concise fashion. In echos it was very easy to get lost. There both still great games.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 02:59 PM
@LobsterMagnet - I definately agree on the getting lost part, i hate it when u keep going around in circles
Wed, 05-11-2005, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
Yea. Continued Cliches of a fat italian jumping on little monsters, get coins, save the princess, battle a turlte as the main boss, and befriending a shroom. Only revolutionary about it, its that it was 3d.
you must not be part of the old school gamers, because then you'd know that its not the graphics that makes the game, but rather the gameplay.......poor misguided youth......
you call FF7 the first game in 3d??
I call FF7 "a guinea pig experiment of combining low poly 3d models into a 2d landscape"
If I say that FFVII was the best game, means that I'm old school or whatever you like to call it. And I didn't mean graphics idiot. When I say continued cliches of fat italian jumping on monsters, then that means the gameplay. Read my post more carefully. i/expressions/rolleye.gif
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Originally posted by: Deblas
Real revolutionary game:
FF7- first game in 3d.
Are you fucking kidding me?
No, I'm not. And stop spaming.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
No, I'm not. And stop spaming.
Shut up. 3D games predate FFVII by over a decade. Shit, there were 3D games on the SNES. Shit, Doom is fucking 3D. How am I spamming by calling you on your horribly stupid post?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Originally posted by: Deblas
No, I'm not. And stop spaming.
Shut up. 3D games predate FFVII by over a decade. Shit, there were 3D games on the SNES. Shit, Doom is fucking 3D. How am I spamming by calling you on your horribly stupid post?
because you didn't call me. You just said "are you fucking kidding me?". It really doesn't say much, does it. More like being a crybaby instead of calling me on my post. What I meant was that FFVII was the first game using 3d polygons sprites, not that it was 3d as a whole. Did doom II have 3d sprites?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
If I say that FFVII was the best game, means that I'm old school or whatever you like to call it. And I didn't mean graphics idiot. When I say continued cliches of fat italian jumping on monsters, then that means the gameplay. Read my post more carefully.'s the thing.....
a character's body weight and nationality do NOT affect the gameplay of a game....despite what your racist friends might tell you. Maybe if you actually PLAYED Mario 64, you'd realize that the gameplay of that compared to other mario games is far more inspired than the gameplay between FF7 and FF1-6.
old school means the NES era, foo
Wed, 05-11-2005, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
because you didn't call me. You just said "are you fucking kidding me?". It really doesn't say much, does it. What I meant was that FFVII was the first game using 3d polygons sprites, not that it was 3d as a whole. Did doom II have 3d sprites?
Deblas, in case we haven't established it by this point, when you and I differ on something, you're in the wrong. You're using phrases that don't even mean anything, like "3D polygon sprite" and "3D sprite". Sprites are 2D bitmaps. Something can't BE a polygon and a sprite at the same time. Doom has 2D enemy sprites and 3D polygonal environments, and if you're talking about 3D characters on 2D backgrounds (like FFVII), then FFVII was by no means the first one of its kind. Flashback used 3D characters on 2D backgrounds as well, and that's a Super Nintendo game.
Mario 64 is the best transition of a franchise from 2D to 3D ever; it narrowly beats out Metroid Prime.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Originally posted by: Deblas
because you didn't call me. You just said "are you fucking kidding me?". It really doesn't say much, does it. What I meant was that FFVII was the first game using 3d polygons sprites, not that it was 3d as a whole. Did doom II have 3d sprites?
Deblas, in case we haven't established it by this point, when you and I differ on something, you're in the wrong. You're using phrases that don't even mean anything, like "3D polygon sprite" and "3D sprite". Sprites are 2D bitmaps. Something can't BE a polygon and a sprite at the same time. Doom has 2D enemy sprites and 3D polygonal environments, and if you're talking about 3D characters on 2D backgrounds (like FFVII), then FFVII was by no means the first one of its kind. Flashback used 3D characters on 2D backgrounds as well, and that's a Super Nintendo game.
Mario 64 is the best transition of a franchise from 2D to 3D ever; it narrowly beats out Metroid Prime.
Ohh the ego. You just said everything I said but with a more nerd like gamer quality. It was wrong of me to call 3d game sprite, that I admit. But you acknowlegding that FF7 was the first to use 3d characters. which is what I meant from the start. Come on Y. Discussion won.
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
Originally posted by: Deblas
If I say that FFVII was the best game, means that I'm old school or whatever you like to call it. And I didn't mean graphics idiot. When I say continued cliches of fat italian jumping on monsters, then that means the gameplay. Read my post more carefully.'s the thing.....
a character's body weight and nationality do NOT affect the gameplay of a game....despite what your racist friends might tell you. Maybe if you actually PLAYED Mario 64, you'd realize that the gameplay of that compared to other mario games is far more inspired than the gameplay between FF7 and FF1-6.
old school means the NES era, foo
I couldn't care less of the weight and nationality of a character. Mario is just a plain fat italian. Don't put words in my mouth. And I'm not a racist. I've played mario 64 and again I will tell you. There hasn't been a change in the mario games. Its always been Mario, stomping on monsters, and same storyline of saving the same captured princess. How many times am I gonna have to tell you this.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
Ohh the ego. You just said everything I said but with a more nerd like gamer quality. It was wrong of me to call 3d game sprite, that I admit. But you acknowlegding that FF7 was the first to use 3d characters. which is what I meant from the start. Come on Y. Discussion won.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Since you're going to whine like a fucking pussy if this is all I say, here's my response: Go read my fucking post again. I said that Flashback, a SUPER NINTENDO game uses 3D character models. PC games used 3D character models half a DECADE before FFVII.
EDIT again:
For a well known example and a game that was instrumental in bringing 3D gaming into the forefront, Quake was released 8 months before the Japanese release of FFVII. There have been fully polygonal 3D games on the Super NES, Starfox being the most notable. Even the PS1 had fully 3D (characters and otherwise) games before FFVII was released.
EDIT more:
Souryusen brought up a game I should have remembered - Wild Arms, which uses 3D character models on 2D backdrops, is a PS1 RPG that predates FFVII.
So FFVII was:
Not the 1st 3D game.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D prerendered backdrops.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D backdrops for the PS1.
What a revolution in graphics. i/expressions/rolleye.gif
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
Originally posted by: Deblas
Ohh the ego. You just said everything I said but with a more nerd like gamer quality. It was wrong of me to call 3d game sprite, that I admit. But you acknowlegding that FF7 was the first to use 3d characters. which is what I meant from the start. Come on Y. Discussion won.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Since you're going to whine like a fucking pussy if this is all I say, here's my response: Go read my fucking post again. I said that Flashback, a SUPER NINTENDO game uses 3D character models. PC games used 3D character models half a DECADE before FFVII.
EDIT again:
For a well known example and a game that was instrumental in bringing 3D gaming into the forefront, Quake was released 8 months before the Japanese release of FFVII. There have been fully polygonal 3D games on the Super NES, Starfox being the most notable. Even the PS1 had fully 3D (characters and otherwise) games before FFVII was released.
EDIT more:
Souryusen brought up a game I should have remembered - Wild Arms, which uses 3D character models on 2D backdrops, is a PS1 RPG that predates FFVII.
So FFVII was:
Not the 1st 3D game.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D prerendered backdrops.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D backdrops for the PS1.
What a revolution in graphics.
And your saying that I'm whining. I'm the one who's relaxed and not cussing here. I'm gonna call you Mr. Google. Since you like to search so much. I'm getting tired of arguing with someone who thinks cussing through the internet automatically makes him a tough guy. FFVII was a revolutionary game. Great graphichs for that time, and great storyline which is my reason for loving the game. I just started to quote you cause you said Doom II was better. You wish. But you decided to make a testament out of this. i/expressions/rolleye.gif
Lets keep on going:
You know another game I really liked and think is revolutionary. Halo.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:55 PM
Deblas, just admit defeat and Y will let you go.
I promise.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
So FFVII was:
Not the 1st 3D game.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D prerendered backdrops.
Not the 1st game to use 3D characters on 2D backdrops for the PS1.
What a revolution in graphics.
You are right. FFVII wasn't the first to do any of that. But it was the first to integrate 3D characters into FMV (full motion video) seamlessly. That was the only thing they were 1st in and it was quite an achievement then.
3D characters on 2D prerendered backgrounds on the PS1 were not new at that time, I think Resident Evil was the first but I'm not too sure.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
Deblas, just admit defeat and Y will let you go.
I promise.
I won't admit defeat cause I know I'm not wrong. But I'm getting tired of fighting with a whiner. So maybe I should stop.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 07:58 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
No one buys it. FFVII is revolutionary because... it looked good, played almost exactly like FFVI, and had a decent story? Uh, none of that is revolutionary, Chief. You were wrong and you kept pressing the issue, even going so far as to stupidly misinterpret a post opposing you as being in your favor.
What's your next stunning rebuttal: posting my pic again?
(%Mut) You shouldn't argue something if you have no idea wtf you're talking about
A life lesson that Deblas still needs to learn.
EDIT again:
Originally posted by: Deblas
I won't admit defeat cause I know I'm not wrong. .
Are you fucking kidding me?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:04 PM
Hmm. I don't really remember saying that. But, you're wrong. You just got owned. Admit it. And the post above yours. Thats intended for you. But Psyke posted before me. No problem. I'll edit it.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:06 PM
You never even said that. How is that getting owned, when someone else posts something totally different from what you said with no proof?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:09 PM
Originally posted by: Y The Alien
You never even said that. How is that getting owned, when someone else posts something totally different from what you said with no proof?
i/expressions/musicnote.gif I owned you i/expressions/musicnote.gif You were wrong i/expressions/musicnote.gif FFVII's the best, and you suck i/expressions/musicnote.gif
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:11 PM
Your baiting posts are so subtle.
Deblas, you're so cute.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:14 PM
You know another good game. Halo. Alot of people say that Halo 2 isn't as good as the first one, but I see them both equally, cept that Halo 2's graphics are kick ass. What do you guys think?
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by: Deblas
You know another good game. Halo. Alot of people say that Halo 2 isn't as good as the first one, but I see them both equally, cept that Halo 2's graphics are kick ass. What do you guys think?
Ya, lets see. Halo owns Halo 2 because... it had more than half the story intended for it. Though I think that style of baiting addicts is revolutionary i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif Also Halo 2's graphics are Halo 1's + shiny. Guess it fooled some people though lol.
He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes. He who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.
I have a cool quote too that kind of relates i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif
It is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Wed, 05-11-2005, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by: Jessper
Originally posted by: Deblas
You know another good game. Halo. Alot of people say that Halo 2 isn't as good as the first one, but I see them both equally, cept that Halo 2's graphics are kick ass. What do you guys think?
Ya, lets see. Halo owns Halo 2 because... it had more than half the story intended for it. Though I think that style of baiting addicts is revolutionary Also Halo 2's graphics are Halo 1's + shiny. Guess it fooled some people though lol.
But still, If you look closely at the elites and jakals. You can see their jaws and teeth perfectly. In halo 1, it was kind of all mounted together. I guess the shine effect gave us better graphics then. i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
Thu, 05-12-2005, 12:34 AM
overall, the graphics in halo2 are just a lot better than halo's. Higher poly count models, the "shinies" (reflective effects), revamped creature design all play a part in that. Engine optimization and improvements enabled them to do a LOT of things they couldn't in the original.
Halo2 also has improved play control -- it's significantly (but not excessively IMO) faster than the original.
Moreover, the gameplay as a whole is better balanced, especially since the latest game update (recently released on xbox live). The addition of nifty tools like dual-wielding weapons, the removal of the lifebar effects and the faster recharging overshields, the recently improved balance tweaks between dualwielders and other weapons and grenades.
Not to mention the best implementation of xbox live ever, in any game on the platform.
The only thing wrong with halo2 is the single player plot is cut short. I was disappointed. But it's quite obvious that halo3 will be something around a launch title for xbox360, and will at least continue the plot if not finish it. Don't give Bungie too much credit for that though, Xenosaga (courtesy namco) came up with the idea LONG before they did. And hell, they stole it from other forms of media. They're just the first xbox game ballsy enough to say "we're definitely going to have another sequel, obviously, so we might as well keep running with the ball".
I loved the additional character depth being able to see both sides of the war, too. And the newfound ascription of actual intelligence (beyond that of a two-dimensional predator with a plasma rifle) to the Covenant races. The whole concept of the covenant social structure as a contrast to humanity's structure was at least pretty neat.
The progression from halo to halo2 is a lot like the progression from final fantasy 7 to 8 and 9. In ff7, the developers were still new to the platform. They didn't know what they could do, and didn't have the time they needed to find out So they came up with something and went with it. 8 brought with it higher poly models, more movement freedom, and more realistic cinematics (thanks in no small part to mocap technology), 9 included more graphical improvements (mostly lost in the sea of cartooniness). The developers learned how to get more out of the hardware, and bigger better things happened.
But I can't say halo2 was as revolutionary as halo. Halo created an actual space for a playable, enjoyable console FPS, opening the FPS realm to console gamers instead of leaving it in the "pc-gaming only" zone. In other words, it turned FPS'es from people tucked in their rooms hunched over a keyboard and mouse into people sitting on the couch with their buddies. That's definitely a lifestyle-changer.
Thu, 05-12-2005, 12:40 AM
Originally posted by: complich8
But I can't say halo2 was as revolutionary as halo. Halo created an actual space for a playable, enjoyable console FPS, opening the FPS realm to console gamers instead of leaving it in the "pc-gaming only" zone. In other words, it turned FPS'es from people tucked in their rooms hunched over a keyboard and mouse into people sitting on the couch with their buddies. That's definitely a lifestyle-changer.
Goldeneye did this first. Halo's innovation was being one of the first console FPS' to use LAN play, which is a huge step forward in the college market. A lot of people didn't play Quake III or UT99 online, they played them in the computer labs in their schools (during the time when most people played on 56k). Console LAN play taps into this market - the people who don't trick out their PCs but still want network play. You couldn't get truly epic 12+ player matches without LAN play, which is Halo's greatest asset (in my opinion).
Thu, 05-12-2005, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by: Deblas
I couldn't care less of the weight and nationality of a character. Mario is just a plain fat italian. Don't put words in my mouth. And I'm not a racist. I've played mario 64 and again I will tell you. There hasn't been a change in the mario games. Its always been Mario, stomping on monsters, and same storyline of saving the same captured princess. How many times am I gonna have to tell you this.
hey deblas.....i hear there's a tv series coming out thats meant to target people with ideals similiar to yours.....its called "Loonatics"
In it, they take a classic piece of work and, instead of building upon it in a new and inspiring way, they scrap it all and change everything that you've known about it. OMG ISNT THAT EXTREME???'d probably be the only person in the world who would feel that Mario 64 should have nothing to do with the mario series (maybe you wouldve prefered eye lasers)
I couldn't care less of the weight and nationality of a character. Mario is just a plain fat italian.
btw, nice contradiction
Thu, 05-12-2005, 12:55 AM
That's true. I had forgotten about goldeneye, completely.
I guess because goldeneye was just a blip on the radar to me. Nobody I knew really spent a lot of time in it, except for this one friend of mine, and he made it not fun to play because he spent so much time in it he knew every map inside and out and knew the system just entirely too well and kicked all of our asses.
In that respect though, Halo2 is revolutionary, because with Live it's SO EASY to get into a 16 player match, just about any time, with just about any rules you want, and have it fully populated by people of similar skill levels as your own.
Thu, 05-12-2005, 02:35 AM
warcraft 2
Thu, 05-12-2005, 08:52 AM
good call on goldeneye. i never did beat it but i might have lost friendships over that game. very intense multiplayer mode. no other bond game has been as good as that one. i would also have to say mario 64 and mortal combat seris
Thu, 05-12-2005, 08:53 AM
good call on goldeneye. i never did beat it but i might have lost friendships over that game. very intense multiplayer mode. no other bond game has been as good as that one. i would also have to say mario 64 and mortal combat seris
edit: double post? what the hell
Thu, 05-12-2005, 09:29 AM
golden eye was quality i was one of those ppl who knew it inside and out and kicked everyones ass i managed to complete it and unlock all the cheat modes dual RCP-90s kicked ass
beat facility on 00 agent in 55 seconds beat that i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif
i spent more time than is healthy playin this game
on the other hand i played through ff7 from start to finish without sleep althoght i didn't beat ruby weapon that time ya talkin about 80ish hours to beat ruby weapon even i can't stay awake that long
Thu, 05-12-2005, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by: The Next Hokage
on the other hand i played through ff7 from start to finish without sleep althoght i didn't beat ruby weapon that time ya talkin about 80ish hours to beat ruby weapon even i can't stay awake that long
Your one hardcore gamer lol
Thu, 05-12-2005, 10:23 AM
goldeneye was truly a classic.......anyone played perfect dark? Although not a bond game, it was made by the same company, using the same engine, and actually served as a fitting predecessor
Thu, 05-12-2005, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by: Krbadass
warcraft 2
Hehe I still have the whole collection. Such a great game.
Thu, 05-12-2005, 04:04 PM
Yea, golden eye is a classic. I hated it when they took bond out of first person in Everything or Nothing. Seemed like they messed up a tradition. Though everything else was great.
Fri, 05-13-2005, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
goldeneye was truly a classic.......anyone played perfect dark? Although not a bond game, it was made by the same company, using the same engine, and actually served as a fitting predecessor
i remember it, wasnt anything spectacular but it was good. i was also a fan of warcraft but it never really influenced my life cause i sucked at it.
Death BOO Z
Fri, 05-13-2005, 02:28 PM
1. Golden Axe.
First game, played on the computer (286), 1992 or so, kick ass game, kick ass charecter, really lame villian name (Death=adder)
Seconed game, played on the Sega (not sure which type), even moer kickass from the first, and was quite hard to finish (when i was about 7 years old)
third game, crap, run for your life.
fourth game, the holy grail of my life, to find it in a working version which wouldn't require me to drive 40 mintues, and pay about 15$ to enter the amusement park , and then buy tokens.
2. Sonic the headhog
just thinking about the music makes my blood rush.
3.Final Fight
another game i searched a few years, but this one was found, I first played it at my brothers friend's place, along with the blues brothers and Super mario 2, but none of them captured my eyes like this one.
4. Baldur's gate.
one of the best games i ever played, spent about 200 hours on it, 40 of them in a two days period.
i even got my nick from it, i still remember the ending pharses ("I Grew tired of fighting this mage, Boo will finish his eyballs once and for all, so he does not raise again, Evil, meet my sword, Sword meet EVIL!").
5. Castlevania: Circle of the moon.
I got it as a GBA room, and finished most of the stages at the maximum level, the best thing i touched the past three years.
Fri, 05-13-2005, 03:20 PM
My favorite castlevania game was symphony of the night. I'm still hoping they make another one. i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Fri, 05-13-2005, 03:26 PM
I would say FF7 since i had plenty of fun playing that and is still one of my favorite SP games, but it did get old after a while. But the one game that was nonstop fun and is still a blast to me today was quake 2. All the mods provided a shitload of variety and fun. The constant online challange factor in each made it fun all the time as well, always a new challange. I've never spent that much time on a video game since quake2.
Uchiha Barles
Sat, 05-14-2005, 04:19 AM
Circle of the moon was a great game. I really liked the new songs they introduced that weren't in symphony of the night, specially the one in the abyss stairway. The DSS system was really good. Too bad people are over 2D games, otherwise there would've been a real big deal made about circle of the moon.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 03:11 AM
Im just curious, does anyone know a good computer game out there? One that is like Diablo? Those games are like ORPG or something, where you can go online and play with other people, develop character and skills, and defeat enemies. I've played games like Pristontale, Runescape, and i think that's it. So if anyone know any games out there like these, please let me know.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 08:42 AM
Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
Im just curious, does anyone know a good computer game out there? One that is like Diablo? Those games are like ORPG or something, where you can go online and play with other people, develop character and skills, and defeat enemies. I've played games like Pristontale, Runescape, and i think that's it. So if anyone know any games out there like these, please let me know.
World of Warcraft. But as you might know, you need to pay monthly. Also, Halo for pc.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 08:24 PM
You can build up character skills and abilities in Halo?
Mon, 05-16-2005, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
You can build up character skills and abilities in Halo?
You can download a energy sword and shield.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 11:00 PM
Mon, 05-16-2005, 11:12 PM
Why? I thought we were talking about games.
Mon, 05-16-2005, 11:58 PM
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
But, Its such a great game!! i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif
Tue, 05-17-2005, 12:05 AM
Actually, I think that Halo + Halo 2 are overrated. I've barely played any first-person shooters (played Doom, Quake, Counterstrike mainly), but Halo didn't seem all that fun to me. It got quite boring easily and the multiplayer didn't improve the game much.
I admit at first that it was fun the first time, but afterwards, it just went downhill so much for me.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 02:34 AM
to each his own. Halo/Halo2 doesn't do it for everybody. Depends who you're playing with too.
for lilphatboi: You're looking for a typical dungeon crawler, eh?
I hear dungeon seige is supposed to be ok (somewhat mediocre). Also, nox, baldur's gate 2. I've seen some interesting crawlers on consoles too ... norrath, norrath 2, and dark alliance to name 3 of them.
It's a blurry line, a lot more of what would just be a typical crawl these days grows into a full blown mmorpg instead.
Tue, 05-17-2005, 07:29 AM
Sadly, Final Fantasy VIII influenced me. Not so much because of the game, but because of the graphics .. which were new and unheard of (to me), as I had never played or thought about playing an RPG before this due to the graphics of small sprites and the likes which weren't very appealing to me. Final Fantasy VIII were actual life-sized characters throughout the game, which attracted me to the whole thing.
But, because I was under the assumption all Final Fantasy games were linked, and this was VIII I opted to play other RPGs to get the feel first .. and, my first RPG was Xenogears, which was a phenomenal game. That game is golden. That RPG set the pedastal to search and play other RPGs like it. Final Fantasy VIII definitely wasn't it. But, since I had never played the highly acclaimed VII (still haven't, really) .. I enjoyed it. After playing IX and FFX, I joined the ranks of others and can see where it fell short.
// Strider. Out.
Thu, 05-19-2005, 10:57 AM
Complish8, I've played CHampions of Norrath and those are the games I'm looking for. But do you know any like that on the computeR?
Mite Gai
Mon, 05-30-2005, 12:11 AM
Sonic the Hedgehog Series: Made me a SEGA fan and a Sonic fan even if they are not properly using the license now. Also caused me to have a craving for fast-paced games.
Threads of Fate: Not sure how well known it is, but it made me a permanent Square fan forever cause it was an RPG with an entertaining story and colorful characters that was still fast-paced and caused me to get back onto the RPG scene.
Counter-Strike: Taught me that online FPS's are not nice places and that there is a limit between playing videogames for fun and making them your life.
Halo 2: Caused me to truly hate playing with little kids online.
Uchiha Barles
Mon, 05-30-2005, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by: lilphatboi88
Complish8, I've played CHampions of Norrath and those are the games I'm looking for. But do you know any like that on the computeR?
he mentioned baldur's gate which is on the computer, also try neverwinternights. I'm not sure if it's a baldur's gate spin off but it's definately an AD&D campaign.
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